The Warrior of Darkness BIG Reveal! Asmongold vs FFXIV Patch 3.4

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summon garuda wait [ __ ] wait i know you still walking i see what a nasty little thought man asthma gold you know what must be done will you face the lord of crags once more solo i don't think i can solo the boss you can't i'm going to try it no no no [Music] far better to die they reason for when death there is life how does he know how do you know lion ass [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] cheating on us hate you suck good we gonna kill him killing the warrior of light on the other hand that would soon plunge eorzia into chaos i sense you will offer more than mere target practice unlike your sister oh my god what a [ __ ] damn what is this is this horary boulder or is this the bad guy the warriors of darkness oh [ __ ] wait they're looking down there and are they gonna get nidhogg's eyes oh [ __ ] man are you kidding me [Music] what is this thank you blainers nay you need not remain there we shall rendezvous at the usual place always proceeding as expected then there's nothing to concern us aside from one overly curious mouse oh [ __ ] [Music] is it right again wait he's going to one shot this way wait this that's got to be alice right that's his uh that's his sister him again it is of no moment they will play their part and we will play ours what the [ __ ] why are they not showing her whole body as if we would expect that it would be anybody different it's obviously her right i mean come on why are you so damn perceptive it's not perceptive and dusted grey myths give way to azer skies man and dragon rise above voices joined in song but beneath shroud bows beneath the scope of light shadow stirs that's why i was worried about them throwing the eyes down there man okay let's see here we'll talk to the four attempts tonight master bald master bald you come in a most excellent time sir i'm rick deborah ward speaker of the house of awards lord commander of the temple knights and this count of houseboro cordially invites master bald to dine with him at his estate i'd be glad to accept i would be glad i am going to be a good person i shall send word of your acceptance to borah manor at once whenever you're ready pray report to the astrological uh they will have someone escort you the rest of the way okay we're gonna put on the code guys chill out oh my god wait and so i'm count dripula now holy [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah dude dude i'm gonna look good in this cinematic look at this god damn wait it's a dinner date there's only the two of us you know what this is completely manly there's nothing wrong with this at all this is just two uh two established esteemed gentleman succeeding i must say your spirit and celebrating their victories from the arid reports which fill my days absolutely if you don't kiss emmerich you're homophobic the lords and commons agree on very little but not a soul in either house begrudges your order this offer of patronage yep for all you have done and will do we thank you shut up yeah true may i ask a personal question oh god here it comes now that the dust has settled what will you do not as a scion i mean but what do you want for yourself to crush my enemies to see them driven before me to hear the lamentations of their women lord commander what the hell is going on now i didn't even get to answer yeah we got a cockback urgent message for the warrior of light i was instructed to defend farc master thank thankroad returned to the manor a short time ago bearing an injured maiden of course and mistress tataru are tending to her wounds but they like not her chances they have requested the warrior of light's immediate presence you must go to them my friend and i shall go with you [ __ ] yeah dude i think emmerich emmerich is that if you were to pick one dude to be like your boy imrick would probably it would be emrick or raubon like one or the other every ending marks a new beginning okay damn i'm so glad i wore my coat for this i look so much better i look like a guy from tragedy and sacrifice we rise to greet a new dawn as did he who's that who's he not low lorito uh well we're gonna kill him soon yeah a little bit be drawn onto another battlefield another cause as if by fate oh not looking good all right let's do it let's be honest there she is i knew it i [ __ ] knew it was her it had to be her is that it's a it's a twin there's two of these [ __ ] alfie knows twin sister yup she ran a foul of the warriors of darkness we're gonna kill them i had been tracking them since the ceremony at falcon's nest little did i know i was not the only one so she was tracking them too evidently she had learned of their activities and attempted to shadow them on her own poorly oh i rescued her in the 12s wood and together we fled north but though i made every effort to cover our tracks they caught up with us on the ish guardian border and in the ensuing struggle elysee took an arrow to the shoulder at least it wasn't to the knee after we had made goodar escape that i realized it was poisoned are we really going to kill her they really going to kill ourselves i mean like look if they got to get rid of her like she's basically just like girl alphano right she doesn't really have like at the in in a realm reborn there was like a part of a story for her but if they're gonna have to kill her look man it is what it is like i'm fine with that because people that crank her as i'm adam at her are kind of weird in my opinion so if we get her out of the story i'll be totally [ __ ] fine with it uh oh thank you for coming so quickly and you sir emeric you're welcome think nothing of it how is she we have done all we can for now although the immediate danger has passed the poison yet lingers in her blood oh [ __ ] we came to aosia together hoping to bring salvation to the realm our grandfather gave his life to protect oh my god dude like whenever i first saw him he made me so mad like i hated him so much but when confronted with the bitter realities of its politics and its petty power mongers she was driven to anger and to doubt true until she met her grandfather again she refused to become embroiled in what she termed aorzia's squabbles and distance herself from the scions see i always thought that was stupid i didn't like that at all i thought it was weird like why would why would you get rid of and leave the scions though she remained hopeful of a brighter future she would walk her own path would that have not been so perilous yeah she shouldn't have done that she should have done what y'all told her to do for all our differences she's as dedicated as any scion to the salvation of aorzia but more than that she's my sister i'm gonna be honest the only way that i can tell the two of these apart is the little hair braid they've got because one's blue and the other one's red the blue one is alphanod and the red one is the girl that's it i have i like they look the exact same motoio is right to be reunited with her only to lose her forever gods even to speak the words they're identical twins yeah your lips and lashes i'm not looking that closely okay take heart master alfino she will be attended by our most skilled kairugens kairugen what the [ __ ] does that even mean bear mistress levaya to the infirmary at once a prize captain white cape of the situation and inform him that she is to be treated as my personal charge damn dude sir america's a pimp oh my god alphano is the warrior of light is he with you don't go there is something i must say okay what does she want oh boy i don't want to have her die though like i i i you know what i don't want to have her die yeah that would be too sad the warriors of darkness are in league with the asians slaughtering the primals is but the first step in their plan oh [ __ ] what what do you expect for xelphatol to bring about garuda's summoning and to kill her wait what so we have to steal a world boss you must you must stop them okay let's do that that's fine with me yeah we gotta steal world boss they're spawn camping garuda that no problem with furries but it's weird being a furry is weird [Music] yeah you want to be a furry that's fine with me this is a fur this is a furry this is a furry acceptance zone but this is also an acceptance that furries can accept themselves and still be weird zone also so keep that in mind oh [ __ ] damn we're going to war all right let's do it um where's my there it is okay oh i can only pull one pack maybe uh damn these guys are dying fast damn yeah we busting out of here all right let's go [Music] okay okay good and let me pull these here perfect all right and i'll hit these damn do i do some bro i do some crazy [ __ ] damage now okay here's the boss easy easy easy boss easiest boss in the game even okay wait wow he is the easiest boss in the game this guy's getting [ __ ] destroyed holy [ __ ] look at my damage oh my god i'm like i'm insane holy [ __ ] yeah dude i'm just popping off from death on high we ran from above what the hell oh [ __ ] we gotta kill adds too okay ads are dead all right oh there's a third one floating turret okay maybe we actually have to kill other things too besides him perfect literally insane popping off yeah i know i'm doing great okay hot blasphemous i mean this just is less what the hell oh it probably knocks us farther up in the air the higher health it is i'm assuming something like that he doesn't know he's dead it's fine yeah we're totally okay what do you guys mean y'all are making me scared like every single time you guys say [ __ ] like that i start getting worried but no this is totally [ __ ] fine all right let's go oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] look at this dungeon oh my god [Music] look at that dude yeah yeah some dungeons are purely for story yeah i guess so it's a siege boo boo boo okay got him there we go perfect i should try the hard dungeon on mid-eye level they're not extremely hard but they're worthwhile yeah i'm sure that they're probably more challenging than uh than the normal modes absolutely i just think like giving like uh players a little bit of max level content and stuff like that would be kind of cool for uh for dungeon content maybe they'll do that in walker but we'll just have to find out i think that like honestly they know what they're doing like it seems like the final fantasy devs like they have a vision for the game they know what they're doing to a pretty decent extent and it makes me like not worry as much about like the game i'm like it's it's fine all right imposing gate do i open the door yes i'm going to open the door of course i'm going to open it why would i not i don't need to loot anything it's not important all right let's go do we actually go up oh we do final fantasy is not perfect of course it's not it's got a ton of problems but that's okay the thing is to me is like i i understand that like no game is going to be perfect but i only care really if the developers are willing to make changes that's what matters yeah that's yeah nothing's perfect exactly okay good okay give me one second let me kill both of these perfect all right let's go for the next boss all day he is all right let's go let's kill him it's time [Music] perfect he's a final fantasy let me know if you need help i'm good man i'm totally good i'm enjoying the game a lot as i said before i played it a lot off stream too but yeah that's the only thing i'm not really a big fan of is the animation locking everything else besides that is totally good to me uh i'm pretty much happy yeah watch him fly backwards at some point nah it's not gonna happen totally [ __ ] fine okay he's almost dead got him dude got him dude all right boys class boss wait what the [ __ ] what is this area [Music] wow make tomatoes taste yeah make tomatoes taste like chicken nuggets if they want to see chicken nuggets then okay all right now what's this the horn bill i hate these [ __ ] birds man i hate these stupid [ __ ] birds because a path uh not path of except the [ __ ] my thinking palace of the dead yeah palace of the dead was a uh really big eye opener with these [ __ ] birds they were complete pieces of [ __ ] i hated them so much oh is that the boss up there holy [ __ ] goddamn dude here we go oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's a big boy don't kill it too fast all right i won't kill it too fast i'll just auto attack the second half of the fact second half of the fight let's do it first rule of the lawsuit is you don't talk about the lawsuit i thought you were supposed to make twit longers about it every day yeah that's what uh that's what lsf wanted me to do or wanted not me to do but wanted people to do whenever they uh they were getting accused of stuff they were like well he's not talking about it that means he's guilty it was very common oh i won something great now i can waste another space for inventory he's got a lot of health i don't think we need to worry about killing him too fast this music is [ __ ] badass this isn't palace of the dead too [Music] damn dude okay hawks [Music] so i don't know how that works i guess those are oh birdie boys i see the birdie boys fly around okay good we're doing great so far guys summon garuda wait no way [ __ ] well what's she gonna do we can't even attack her that's no big deal who didn't even do anything wow okay great oh [ __ ] i got two items now i didn't want either one of them great and let's see here greed is scared of you i'm not surprised okay he's hawking he's hawking all right let me get inside of this there we go perfect and that's a dead ass [ __ ] that's a dead ass [ __ ] get out of here i don't want to look at you i don't want to think about you get the [ __ ] out of here wow [Music] yay [Music] don't forget the pet the cat girl healer [Music] i'm getting i'm getting out of here i'm getting i'm just i'm getting out of here it's a boy that wasn't that wasn't a guy no it wasn't thank the gods what happened uh i don't know i just [ __ ] did the boss and then he died is god we got him it was not accountable to see the ritual twitter sorry it wasn't that capable then garuda is no longer a threat and whatever the aseans and the warriors of darkness were planning has come to naught problem solved boys well well what do we have here you'd better not have killed a primal without us is this who i think it is [Music] oh my god what do you want what do you want you yeah you like yeah alphanaut yo bro lay down in the law this guy just [ __ ] up your sister wait i know you still walking i see oh no what a nasty little thought man slap a [ __ ] man what is your game come on leading us alone you know what that happens fools could step in and claim our prize very true no no let's not make hasty accusations by the look of things the ritual was proceeding as planned what do you mean we arrived at the appointed hour towards they who erd true yeah they we got here early it is hopeless we cannot face them all yeah we can i'm the main character of the story do mine ears deceive a boy so that's the way of it twins you had me worried for a moment there you have to kill her man you have to [ __ ] kill her come on i'll happily make it quicker for you if you just stand still god damn what a [ __ ] well why not enough jerumel we wouldn't want to upset the man in white with any unnecessary bloodshed now would we oh the assistant yeah i want to kill her let's kill her you've been awfully busy since we were kind enough to spare your lives what do you mean i would have beat your ass what the [ __ ] are you talking about what the hell you were idly consorting with the asians you mean seven hells what could you possibly hope to achieve yeah this is what i'm wondering about too how does this work should i explain it to you very well consider it a reward of sorts for beating us here all right here we go tale of heidelin and zodiac i take it of the great sundering and the reflections it created uh yeah across ten and three they were divided reflections of the source each possessed of shards of light and dark just so one of those reflections the one nearest to the source is our home and we were the heroes blessed with her light but not all worlds hold light and dark in equal measure in ours the power of light was greater by far right so the aseans who once threatened our home were no match and they fell before us one after another until none were left victory we thought awesome great and then came the light a flood of pure blinding radiance annihilating shadow and color and life itself how long it will consume our world leaving not in its wake but blank perfection what the [ __ ] that that cannot be do you honestly expect us to believe such a story yeah how the hell is this supposed to work believe what you like but it has happened before on a world far removed yeah the 13th which was swallowed by the dark and transformed into what you call the void this is what that stupid-ass kid was talking about unchallenged light would condemn us to a similar fate and so we joined hands with our former enemies and with their aid came here to the source okay for there is but one way to restore the balance and save our home diader what's that calamitous destruction with the power to break down the barriers between planes and see our worlds rejoined what the [ __ ] you would doom our world to save your own what would even become of us of you well we'd die and then they wouldn't it's pretty simple right i i think it makes sense enough i tired of talking you know our cause you know what is at stake we are prepared to do whatever it takes what the [ __ ] this is awkward if the resort you would say say it otherwise be gone you have no friends here yeah this is just awkward okay can i make a guess i think that guy is uber danger that's why he paused and tried to stop the girl from shooting alphanote and that's also why he was talking with the same asean and that's why he knew about the world and void i'm not sure i'm not going to read chat because i don't want to be have it clarified in any way shape or form but that is what i believe i think he's uber to enter and that's why he stayed behind to wait all things considered we should be grateful for having survived that encounter do you think ours could be true to save their world they must bring ruin to ours whatever the reasons they must be stopped to sacrifice the loss it ends here more importantly i would like to see if my sister's condition has improved you may take a moment for yourself as you wish i will be at the congregation okay let's do that yeah how are you feeling oh he got he's winded because he had to walk up the stairs well enough brother thanks to the kindness of our hosts when they told me you had departed for xelphatol i found that i could rest the outcome seemed a mere formality as did your safe return thank you my friend of course i take it your mission was a success yeah yeah yeah yeah i could have beat all of them by the way as if we needed any further confirmation that they are in league with the aseans but to save another world i think not yeah [ __ ] them you were following these people alisay why during my travels i had often enjoyed tales of the scions and their exploits but after a time i began to hear whispers of a gifted and their to for unknown band of adventurers oh [ __ ] adventurers who had supposedly sworn to travel the realm slaying primals in the scion stead that makes sense they're gonna take our tr they're taking our jobs forgive me but if these warriors of darkness mean to bring about another calamity to what end do they hunt primals yeah that's a good point to prompt an escalation to deepen the beast tribes feelings of helplessness and despair and thereby drive them to summon ever more powerful gods okay and lest we forget these events do not occur in isolation their patron deities being slain left and right yeah of man's victory over nidhogg must surely have sown panic in the minds of the beastmen it is no wonder they wish to defend themselves yeah we got to blow them up we cannot let that happen uh yeah seems like a bad time should come as no surprise but ali zay and i have uncovered evidence that the aseans have been manipulating certain parties to ensure that a constant stream of crystals flows into the hands of the beast tribes what a surprise what a little [ __ ] surprise yep if we sever these supply lines we should at least be able to slow the escalation i think we should let them summon whichever boss they want that sounds great and i shall journey and learn what we can of the exiles source let us consult with oriandra then given his dedication to the study of primal beings i should be surprised if he could not tell us something of value yeah let's talk to him okay allow me to accompany you brother and before you think to respond know that i am not the girl i once was i shall not be a burden you have my word of course you're not the girl that you once was you got a new voice actor but ali you you are more than welcome after all it was you who set us up on this path okay all right let's go oh how cute wait a minute i'm afraid i can't allow you to leave just yet oh what not until you try on the new outfit i prepared for you oh god what is this let's see it oh they're gonna give the girl a new owl god what's this my apologies for keeping you waiting oh damn god oh god [Music] man tataru bro wow dripped out modest and appropriate what do you mean modest are you kidding me i'm gonna be honest this one is a downgrade is he's the redditor she's the 4channer uh she's the one that uh this girl no she goes on pinterest yeah yeah that's more like it yeah she's on pinterest uh fair enough let's depart the waking sands then and see if uber danger can be of assistance yeah i bet i want to talk to uber danger right now uber danger apologies for calling upon you unannounced well he does have the thing on his face though hmm maybe not i still i don't know i think it's gotta be him it's just [ __ ] gotta be him uh master offend what would the scholar see fit to grant me a knowledge of thy coming what bringeth thee and dying here these days yeah i don't know this is sus you're right uh warrior of darkness have returned pray allow us to explain [Music] okay here we go i too have heard tales in the recent days the primal beings rising up only to be cast down by forces unknown so they're basically getting spawned they're being farmed for loot alas uh as thou just observed this this is served to spur the beast tribes to pursue their goals with redoubt redoubled fervor now we have two objectives at this time to identify and remove the source of the beast tribe's crystals and to take direct action to prevent any further summoning rituals from reaching completion the second is easier said than done of course while we were fortunate enough to learn of the exhaust planets before they came to fruition i should be surprised if the warriors of darkness and the essence did not have similar designs everywhere of which we do not have any knowledge that were thou worth wise to come hither for this very day that i received tithing's most troubling from across the strait of marathor uh i'm goro stireth and the whispers are that the lord of crags neareth his return mere rumors mark thou but in the light of thy own discoveries thou cannot afford to turn a deaf ear to their claims so we're going to have to kill titan again who must ascertain the truth of this matter for ourselves let's consult the maelstrom forces stationed at camp overlook okay let's do that the ward of crack no thank you for your council uber danger pray inform us did you learn anything else i shall no you won't you lie an ass [ __ ] if i'm a brother uber danger is there anything else that you'd like to say alice if not then never mind i only ask because you are rather normally rather more verbose [Music] nothing to add very well before we depart i wish to make a request so worries of darkness spoke upon how the ardor had the power to break down the barriers between planes that our worlds would be rejoined i would ask that you research this for us before being nowhere near as well read as you i'm sure you wouldn't uh you wouldn't know where to begin that said i heard the tale of a promising tome the garan oracles mayap you could start there oh by the leaf the death stare man the [ __ ] death stare damn well fancy just that whenever my kobold problems look like they're coming to a head the signs of the seventh dawn turn up itching to pitch in what a brilliant time it is right then let's get to it uh so our friendly neighbor anuga margu have uh got much more aggressive as of late just as you've said matter of fact our scouts have spotted one sniffing around the storage just now looking to make off with an armful of crystals i'll be damned if i let that happen lend a hand and help us sense the camp for the little bugger would you all right let's do that all right i got him now okay we found him don't worry about it we're good please don't hurt me i only wish to talk yes yes just talk like yeah i only come in peace only to talk to say to talk so please please don't hurt me huzzah we've got him fine work scions uh so little one you thought you'd sneak into my camp did you wanting to steal me crystals were you no no i came here to talk to ask for help but whenever your soldiers saw me they drew their weapons and shouted no one is going to hurt you all right not while we are here i promise the patriarchy uh the patriarch is going to summon a great father again and you have to stop him beat him fight him stop him oh [ __ ] parents said he didn't want it along with many others but the patriarch wouldn't listen he was so angry fuming raging angry and he said if he didn't have the iron in their hearts it would serve as the as coke for his furnace probably coal right but whatever uh and then the guards took my parents and the others away and i haven't seen them since i didn't want to believe but i heard tales of foquet fashion from the bones of beastmen which worshippers used in their rituals hoping to summon the more powerful incarnations of their gods by the 12 that is that's sickening yeah so they're actually using like human sacrifices commander and vice maelstrom command that titan is summoning his impermanent intimate it should the worst come to worst will require their support time being of the essence we will attempt to infiltrate the kobold stronghold secure their crystals and free the prisoners so we have to do titan extreme extreme is that what it is anon means soon as one yes sir oh [ __ ] are they really gonna try to bring this [ __ ] ass back again quickly quads briskly swiftly quickly i will not suffer any further delays oh [ __ ] this is a second order these guys are serious the hell is this oh lay down your arms and surrender we have your crystals there will be no summoning this day oh overdwellers here but how did you where are my parents patriarch where are they oh they're alive right well our father coke for the furnace you monster how could you what the [ __ ] bro this just got real oh my god we are but servants of the lord of crags we are his that he may drink our blood and partake of our flesh that he may draw upon the strength of his children to defend them from the tyranny of the overdwellers no alisay not yet i said i'd come for you and i did i'm here i'm here i'm here say something please please this is [ __ ] up this is sad [ __ ] oh no wake up wake up wake up oh my god what is this titan ultimate i see that what the [ __ ] [Music] i am so confused right now smash them oh my god oh no i'm here i'm here i'm here he doesn't even care wait really he's gonna beat the little baby oh my god what the hell is he doing we must away what about titan being here though what the [ __ ] was he he's gonna try to solo him oh you [ __ ] car buffalo on the face yeah asthma gold you know what must be done will you face the lord of crags once more yes solo i don't think i can solo the boss you can't like there's no way dude i'm gonna try it okay how do i do it yeah i'm gonna try it right now okay let's see here uh the navel hard alrighty there's no way i can do this man all right focusing it has to be on hard mode no it'll be okay guys i got it it'll be fine ready [ __ ] there he is i'm ready we can beat him it's going to be no problem okay i'm gonna get my food buff here all righty um using food buff one using food buff two okay i've got 38 000 health let's see what i can do here all right i'm making sure i've got all the right gear on let's go okay okay i'm beating him i'm beating him i'm beating him holy [ __ ] i'm actually beating him oh my god holy [ __ ] dude this is so good i'm killing it okay now we get ready for this alrighty no problem no problem okay i'll put this down right here moving out of that perfect good i'll put this down too might as well for a little bit more damage okay big damage here blood splitter 6 000 crit not even a big deal it's a joke bro this is a joke [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah dude there we go okay got him though it should be fine yeah it'll be fine i'm not worried about it yeah i've got it guys it'll be totally okay like i'm on full health here i can't get god okay we'll just stay right in the middle here like i'm not even gonna have to move i don't even take damage from these attacks i'm a literal god [Music] okay moving out of that there we go he's 60 boys 60 [ __ ] percent [Music] okay we'll do a little bit of damage here too more blood spillers got him nice wait what the hell wait it went away what the [ __ ] it went away how the nice dude all right all right all right let's go let's go let's go all right big damage here big [ __ ] damage here what am i no [ __ ] way this is happening to me okay all right now what um uh okay okay let's go i'm almost out of health i'm almost out of hell i can't i how do i heal how do i heal what do i do what do i do what do i do okay getting out of that there we go there we go there we go i need a heel i need a [ __ ] heel i'm gonna [ __ ] die i'm going to [ __ ] die no no [Music] [Applause] [Music] focus okay getting out of that okay the only thing i can't do is die i can do anything else i just cannot die right now okay moving out of here [ __ ] okay you got that good okay we're doing big damage here we're doing actually big damage here potion potion potion potion potion come on [ __ ] is it 36 i'm in 100 focus mode [Applause] okay good moving out of that come on there better not be in a rage for this fight man like that's what i'm worried about like if there's an enrage to this fight i'm [ __ ] dead no no no i'm not [ __ ] dead i'm [ __ ] i'm winning this hundred percent i'm winning this hundred percent wait why am i not doing more damage damage down why is it down [ __ ] i just i can't get killed okay come on please [ __ ] do the pass there we go good i'm just gonna stand in one of these who cares it doesn't matter it's only 2 000 damage let me try to drop salted earth ahead of time maybe that'll help he's 23 actually we're destroying him right now he's he's getting [ __ ] destroyed here we go come on man come on man there we go okay popping cds you see my potion as well another super potion nice he's at 11 guys we're doing absolutely insane [Music] good 10 okay we're gonna do as soon as he becomes active i'm gonna double hit it i'm gonna hit him with the carbon spit and the blood spiller okay [Music] now i hit the wrong button oh my god i hit the wrong button i do okay [Applause] big damage here okay is doing this [Music] yeah i do actually have that i'm dumb i forgot about what my my abilities were that i had all right this is the only attack i have to avoid i think i'm gonna die i'm gonna mess this up no i won't i'm gonna get it come on all right this is where i do big damage [Music] now now now now yes dude yes dude [Music] that is how it's [ __ ] done right there boys i knew it 1v1 titan like it wasn't even a big deal and i even got a rock poke boy carried [Music] all right all right let's go let's go carrie yeah sure echo with carried by all right i'm getting the [ __ ] out of here just a little bit ah there he is did i not tell you that he would return safe and sound the deed is done then titan is no more that's true titan has been needed and deleted good there has been enough tragedy this day [Music] i kind of feel bad about little gubu he's been like that since he regained consciousness we believe he can hear us but he has made no attempt to respond he almost certainly in stock shot but we cannot discount the possibility that he's succumbed to the primal's influence should that prove to be the case he must be put to death like any other thrall such as the alliance's policy yes [Music] you have the right of it but we must not rush to conclusions after all we once feared that you sales followers were beyond reason and many cents have laid down their arms and accepted this guard's piece but we can watch wait and pray damn damn i feel i feel bad like like bro that went zero to 60 too by the way like that was zero to 60. that was like oh yeah this cute little thing and then we're gonna help him find his parents and then you go over there and his parents are dead because they're being sacrificed to summon a god you know it's like [ __ ] man [Music] who goes there who is it it's your boy oh it's you forgive me for strain from the camp he hasn't been feeling too welcome to say the least i thought a change of scenery might do him good but alas damn it's so quiet out here the stars spread out before us beckoning across time and space dawn may banish even the darkest night how bitterly beautiful those words [ __ ] man i should be stronger for all my experiences yet my heart aches more than ever i do feel bad for gabu i never understood why grandfather gave his life that day i thought that if i came here i would find the answers i needed but when i finally laid eyes on the land he sacrificed everything to save saw firsthand the bickering the pettiness true i was disappointed i was angry i could not fathom how these people were more deserving of his love than his family than me but when grandfather revealed the whole truth of the calamity to us i finally understood and i resolved there and then to continue his legacy in my own way that was in the coils we did that my travels have been enlightening but i cannot say that i have enjoyed them i have lost count of the many petty crises that i was helpless to resolve and of the people whose actions i could not understand yeah exactly people always got problems they were others of course good people people with whom i felt a kinship whose lives i could not save just like goobar i found myself asking what it was all for why try if i was doomed to fail in the end but then i recalled grandfather's words to my father years ago before he left charlie and behind forever what do you say to ignore the plight of those one might conceivably save is not wisdom it is indolence we must all protect that which we hold most dear in the manner of our own choosing okay that's that's a nice quote we have to try do we not uh gabu is not doing something to try and another to do there were times of darkness when i faltered when i was afraid but then i thought of my brother of uriah of you oh pray forgive me this conversation has been rather one-sided hasn't it mayhap you could recount some of your adventures in ishgard um traveled far and wide with two companions astinian and yaseo who are very under some unique circumstances i had the pleasure to fight sir emmerich yeah let's do the pokemon one yeah leave her brother out of it [ __ ] that kid dude they must have been at each other's throats from dawn till dusk that's true i dare say you managed to keep the peace though merely being in the presence of the warrior of light is surely enough to shame anyone into behaving true the hopes and dreams of so many rest on your shoulders warrior of light as long as the sun rises we can but carry on for the sake of those we hold dear there he is what are we gonna do with gabu though like i i feel like yeah what the hell do we do with him oh [ __ ] man oh my god dude he does cover his [ __ ] face that's uber thou cling to the tainted gifts of the mother yes dude i [ __ ] knew it man every tool has its purpose even this no way i've got to be right well what is it the seeds sown in villbrand have been plucked from the earth and left to wither alas titans demise sufficed not to drive the kobolds to deepest desperation it seems that way like look he even talks like a man what did the man in white have to say yeah they are cecian now bro to proceed as he did first set forth or no ellipse yeah yeah a little bit so we're proceeded as we as he did first set forth okay well that's easy for him to say is that his bloody world on the brink of destruction is it true be thou well reminded that with an end to ishgard's unrest naught now remaineth to preoccupy the science thoughts and thus may they devote their every energy to thwarting thee and thine oh i foresee only greater difficulties ahead oh foresee are you sure you don't welcome them i'm starting to think you might hold a candle for your old friends after all i [ __ ] knew it pray do not mistake mine intent i but look upon the path which lieth before us with due trepidation bro i'm [ __ ] is he should still be of like mind pray consider then another course for the power to invoke the ardor belong if not unto the aseans alone is he a double agent or a triple agent or a quadruple agent like i know and strike down thine enemy the so-called hero who would see thy home lost to light do but this and our woods at a single stroke disrupt the all-too-delicate balance of this realm plunging her straightways into chaos [ __ ] you do realize what you're suggesting yes to ignore the plight of those one might conceivably save is not wisdom it is indolence the words of my teacher and a creed i hold close to my heart oh [ __ ] he said the thing very well draw him out we'll make it quick it shall be done is he gonna try to like i think it's gonna be what good a creed one cannot uphold what hurts soothed what lives saved oh hapless fool what hast thou wrought by thine own hands yeah why are you cheating on us you little piece of [ __ ] my friends i shall not now beg your forgiveness what the [ __ ] dude full deeply though it painteth me to walk it i shall not stray from my chosen path as moon breeder remains steadfast so too shall i what the [ __ ] is going on man like uh this is such what the [ __ ] all right all right let's go he's still not talking now let me guess it's time to leave isn't it how is he are we gonna have to kill him brother commander bioden something tells me that you're not solely here out of concern for his welfare but to answer your question there's been no change he will not speak or eat i'm not even sure if he slept if he did it seems none the better for it he just shuffles about with the same expression on his face you will look after him won't you commander and treat him with every kindness oh i think it's gonna be kobold stew tonight he's still in there i know it beneath the anguish and disparity still fighting with all his heart i'm so sorry gabu i truly am you should have never been made to and i know that i cannot possibly understand mayhap there's some nothing i can do or say the pain the anger the helplessness [Music] hold fast the memories of better times remember them as they were and when it hurts so much your heart feels fit to burst let it burst let it burst and fill up again with your love for them and never ever forget i will remember them and you out he says something i want to say thank you oh wow damn damn man have faith sister your words have reached him in time he will recover and for those who orchestrated these events we made to answer for their crimes yes exactly speaking of that let's go talk to uber danger no is she gonna tell us a thousand times over a there will be a reckoning true let's [ __ ] some [ __ ] up son of a [ __ ] i've heard the glad tidings of ogamagoo my friends by the grace of the 12 your most valid efforts the people of lisa massa may rest easy i want to speak with another matter one which way of levy weight heavy on my lady's mind as thou did request i sought out the juron article so we can better understand the aims of the warriors of darkness through their copious use of allegory defieth any single interpretation the oracles paint the most disturbing picture one of worlds parallel to our own apart yet linked reduced to ruin with every umbo calamity so there are other servers seven times they have succeeded then 10 of the three only six worlds remain all right as always lady ma uh milfina speak unto thee and for what becometh of these reflections whenever they are the source and are rejoined frail flesh undone and umbral fires each soul surrendereth through her call to flow into the endless sea there to endure as one and none then if the warriors of darkness succeed everyone in the world will die in essence yes the verses speak at the renunciation of the flesh and the subsequent return to the life stream however this fate may yet be preferable the alternative [Music] for if the first were to fall transcendent light in the matter of the words darkness described it would give way unto a void wherein none may know either life or death oh like so self-honest uh far better to die today reason for in death there is life the essence of a soul which returned it to the source may be born anew saved such is at least their belief i surmise how does he know how do you know lioness [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] cheating on us hate you suck if that's true then gods no no one should have to make that choice yeah i'm so tired to this [ __ ] man before we speak further on this subject i wanted to share with another recent discovery do it seem that several sizeable shipments of crystals have been delivered into the hands of certain alamegan parties alamegan strange would you believe this be a work of samish guardian smugglers that supplied the beast tribes no it's probably alberto uh the individuals who took the receipt of the shipments are refugees belonging to a group devoted to the cause of al-amigan liberation it may also interest you to know that their ish guardian suppliers appear to be none other than the remnants of elaine morales network of spies remember she was the second in command surely you just and yet it's not surprising for after leadership and hunted by the alliance i can well imagine such villains desperate enough to conspire with the essence knowing that he assuming they even know or care who their new employers are all of which is irrelevant forgive me we would seek out the resistance group which delivered the crystals without the way will you come with me to little al amigo i bet alberto is going to be involved in this [ __ ] because the reason why is that of course like to see what they have for themselves firsthand may you ever walk in the light of the crystal shut up [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] brothers and sisters twenty years ago alamigo our home was claimed by the garlian empire son of a [ __ ] in our haste to overthrow the king of ruin we turned a blind eye to our foes in the north with our glorious revolution we but laid a path for a new tyrant to succeed the old and when confronted with our failure we fled why are they all wearing bondage not a day goes by that i do not think of those we left behind think of them and feel ashamed and i know each and every one of you feels the same we abandoned them flesh and blood to labor till their backs gave in and their breath gave out building the twisted steel ramparts which now mar our wants majestic mountains damn this guy's playing them they're brave and true to fight and die for their country or worse to be conscripted and sent off to rob another poor bastard of his home damn only we can free our brothers and sisters from the empire's tyranny my friends only we have the courage to stand and fight hell yeah that's right they have enslaved us and they have murdered us but no more blood demands blood and the guardians shall pay for every drop they have spilt upon our land good let's let's kill uh everybody let's kill him and then we'll kill the garland soon and together we shall see the alamegan standard raised over the mountains of gear arbania once more man [ __ ] you [ __ ] shut up it does sound pretty good who scoops like johnny bravo power befitting their pride not at all ominous that yeah exactly wait is that who's that how's she gonna see here how is she gonna see if she got a mask on how is she gonna see if she got him out how's he gonna how's that gonna happen i could ask you the same thing yeah exactly hi well this is quite the surprise shut up stupid if you see what i see if you feel as if might i suggest we continue this conversation in more agreeable surroundings i think she got hotter yeah i think they made her hotter for sure guys what do you think yeah definitely 100 yeah i know words cannot express how glad i am to see you both alive and well uh and you i thought was pretty obvious you and asmingle would be fine uh crystal braves never had a realistic chance of capturing any of the scions divided as they were and distrusted by the better part of arizia yeah exactly alphanaut that's because your secret little fan club suck dick if you truly believe that forgive me what exactly have you been doing all this time crystal braves repaying a favor after the banker we had no choice but it's full of doll we would uh we would not have been able to do so without the aid of some old friends from the resistance that's right they smuggled us out of the city and sheltered us and little alamigo all the great risk of themselves obviously we couldn't let that go unacknowledged so we offered to help them out with their operations for a while and while we learned the science exoneration that will redo had severed all ties with the crystal braves and general rauban had been reinstated resolved to make contact but after long since discarding our cell phones as a preliminary measure other options were rather limited to make matters more complicated we were embroiled in a delicate operation at the time leaving me with little choice but to entrust a letter to a courier i gather from your puzzled expressions however that you never received it uh yeah i don't know we thought this might happen while the masks were happy to let refugees spread the word within the community they're pretty strict about communicating with outsiders oh and we also heard a rumor that the griffin doesn't want us meddling in his affairs because he doesn't want to get found out that's why he doesn't want to get [ __ ] found out the griffin mistrust of science and seventh dawn yeah because he they know who he is he's a [ __ ] he's a piece of [ __ ] he's alberto curious uh it's well known that we are no friends to garland old one would think the man that we saw beseeching all the sunday to join his cause would welcome our support as you should say the man that you saw was in fact the griffin but an impersonator and the talented rabble rouser to boot it would not surprise me if he were responsible for the majority of these public appearances as you may have gathered the griffin is an extremely cautious and distrusting man who has made every effort to conceal his identity even whenever we participated in a raid under his direct command we were not permitted to approach him it's hard to know what to make of it all the secrecy the impersonators the masks true what it's not for making you all wear one and mine only covers half my face it's completely different no it's not anyway whenever we heard uh i heard the griffin was due to give a speech we thought that it might be a good opportunity to get some better sense of the man behind the uh better since the man uh and now if you had the whole of it but tell me what prompted you to take an interest in the griffin i forgot even why summoning you're not serious oh yeah that's right the resistance were never such a uh would never entertain such a ridiculous plan but the griffin oh he is a man of an enigma i cannot say with any confidence what he may or may not do what i can say however is that the speech that we heard today was not the first to make a reference to power capable of defeating the empire damascus made such claims of late i confess i had assumed to be a mere bluster but in the context of the shipments of which you spoke it is not impossible to say that they are alluding to a primal whatever it is we'll find out together and if anyone tries to stop us they'll answer to me oh yeah sure if as you suspect the griffin is indeed plotting to summon the primal we must need to obtain confirmation while there's still time to act to that end i propose that we question is double my plan is as follows you and alphania will pose as adventurers fallen on hard times inspired by his words to take up arms for a noble cause ita and i as members of the resistance will recount tales of your past achievements testify to your usefulness into struggles ahead with our enthusiastic assurances still ringing in his ears he will decide to welcome you in person and we will arrange a meeting it seems simple enough let us be off okay let's kill him oh no no we don't kill him yet my thanks comrades you're welcome you must be the esteemed adventurers of whom i've heard so much i understand you have taken an interest in our cause absolutely yes we 100 do we care about your problems a great interest you might say what a lion ass [ __ ] your words have certainly made quite an impression on my friend and i the resistance has long and some would say wisely avoided open engagements with the guardians but you and yours seem confident against the world in arms true why is that i can only assume you have good reason to be so bold why one might even think you are planning to summon a primal bro oh my god what are you doing you're gonna scare him away that would do much to explain the sizeable shipment of crystals you recently received from your smuggler friends whom irish guardian allies have since detained lest you wonder oh [ __ ] oh my what yeah i'd like to hear more about the griffin the real griffin your performance earlier didn't fool us oh [ __ ] ah the famous science of the seventh dawn i should have known better than to think i could conceal the truth from you lot it is it is him isn't it it's got to be here i am not the queen but i speak with his voice and it was at his bs that we procured those crystals okay the false griffin you are wrong however if you think that we procured them to summon a primal then why we use them to reach an accord with the amalgam in exchange for crystals to summon their god they will aid us in the fight for ala megan liberation so you did but you're not the one doing it it's still happening though it's the same thing have you gone completely mad when people find out you help the lizardmen summon a freak they'll turn on the resistance al amigo will never be free yeah idiot this isn't a fairy tale girl we don't have the luxury to play at being honorable heroes yeah but nobody wants to [ __ ] with that [ __ ] it's because the likes of you wouldn't sully your saintly hands the al amigos been under the yoke for the past 20 years but the griffin won't stand for it and neither will we we're ready to do whatever it takes i think he is the real griffin and he's saying he's the fake griffin what proof do you have of this arrangement with the emoji well aside from a lack of crystals none but the basement have a great big pile of the things if you're fancy looking okay you might want to hurry though he'll not be long before they summon their god jesus christ are you [ __ ] kidding me man search our camp if you don't believe me we have note to hide we gotta get this guy make him take off his [ __ ] mask man if there is a cash to be found either and i will find it yeah sure i am are you perchance the warrior of light yep i i thought so you should know that a great many who have joined us did so because you've saved them because you showed them that one brave man can make a difference yeah you saved me too once helped a friend over inquiry mill make some medicine i needed but that was a lifetime ago to be honest i completely [ __ ] forgot i totally forgot for my brother it's my fault i thank you you gave us hope where there was none courage and strength when all was lost we shall not squander your gift okay yeah i'm a little bit confused too exactly bro his armor is so cool man like he has such badass armor i know that look eder and i do not like it you cannot seriously be contemplating taking up arms with that band of cut throats true i i just idiot if the griffin and his men have their way it is only a matter of time before the situation in alamigo comes to a head this doesn't seem like a big problem your homeland's future teeters on a knife edge and any reckless action however small could have irrevocable consequences okay well we're [ __ ] you mustn't lose sight of that either when the time comes we must all make our choices but we must do so in full possession of the facts now let us away there is work to be done uh uh i swear to god man if i got a bd for it i'm gonna do what i need to do man i'm gonna just go in there beat his [ __ ] ass it's not gonna be a big deal so we have to defeat them with facts and logic we have to epically own them so they go forth in accordance with the griffin's plan the players gather to assume their marks on the stage wreath and flame here long before the curtain shall rise in a drama of which i am author god's forgive me shall long be long last be performed not else remaineth save to stand at the ready and pray that the chance is seized for never shall we know it's like again man okay boys i'mma beat his dick off what's going on over here oh no they're stealing our boss kill what the [ __ ] uh the saviors of aorzia slow as ever you son of a [ __ ] because he'd been cheating he'd been reading even playing off our screens will you never learn oh my god you know you're right mayhap it is time for a change of attack killing primals tormenting beastmen hastening the birth of a new god it's a little bit much isn't it and frankly we don't have the leisure to do it good we gonna kill him killing the warrior of light on the other hand that would soon plunge aorzia into chaos one life for one world a fair exchange wouldn't you agree we're going to kill him just kill him just kill his ass real quick lest you forget you've more than one opponent true kill him man kill him kill him though dread well no man let me let me get in there let me get in there carbuncle defend me good job use oh i thought it was gonna i sense you will offer more than mere target practice unlike your sister oh my god what a [ __ ] damn yeah she's actually not really that useful yeah she's not that great how about let him get that cast off did i not tell you alfano i am not the girl i once was are we about to get an anime sequence my brother was always the clever one while my talents lay elsewhere is she about to kill is she about to kill the ass what the [ __ ] is going on she gonna read him a story oh oh [ __ ] all right let's go as aorzia's blade of light once stood by my side now i shall stand at his and defend this realm with all my might [ __ ] yeah let's finish this let's do it i'm ready yeah we can beat the ass it's not a big deal it's not even gonna be funny okay pick up all these guys look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] dude look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm gonna pop off on him real hard popping up on real hard wait what's this oh he take he's not taking damage i see how it is okay let's kill the mage right now devout of darkness get the [ __ ] out of here we'll kill this guy next look at this damage dude look at this [ __ ] damage you shall fall soon enough got him got him got him bro they're getting destroyed holy [ __ ] okay the mage too wait where's where's uber danger we gotta kill him actually you know what i'm a tank i can deal with this damage yep i'm fine what's this here oh it doesn't matter okay yeah i'll be fine wait they got rez wait what what the [ __ ] is going on what hey okay getting out of that okay we'll kill the ranger here okay i'll heal myself a little bit too nice bro this shit's hard okay we'll kill the knight now defeat the warriors of darkness call upon the power of the echo wait what the bro how do they have this many limit breaks no more games what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] this is horseshit it ends now we lost this is [ __ ] what the chains they got despawn was it who i think it is you snake you would betray us as well oh [ __ ] he that holdeth fast under his convictions shall never count betrayal amongst his crimes though all the world may call him villain my path is unchanged my creed sacrosanct this i believe with all my heart they hear him talking don't y'all know that's uber danger but say warrior of darkness and speak true what does thou believe that rendering up the souls of thy world in service to the rejoining will grant it salvation uh oh by the twelve or rianji he [ __ ] called them out dude yup oh [ __ ] that the brightest light might shine duty did compel me to walk in darkest shade what you sweet fool i was almost willing to believe you had turned against us yeah i expect a full explanation when this is over for now may i assume you have turned your cloak for the last time probably not thou mayest my lady dude he's hot dude no wonder moon burrito was about him yeah he was good what's he gonna do might i leave okay so we gonna fight him let's go even odds then no matter we'll crush a lot of you in one fell swoop yeah i don't think so stupid understood talking to me we only have one chance we got we got to kill him this time okay into my blade that i might strike before the mage casts his spell but just interrupt like just say interrupt i cannot do it alone but together together we can defeat them okay let's do it let's warm up oh [ __ ] make ready they come [Music] are we gonna actually oh we are we are we're gonna actually fight him channel aether into alice's boy yo [ __ ] that [ __ ] i'm going in [ __ ] that [ __ ] i'll pop it off all right let's kill everybody yo i listen to that [ __ ] [ __ ] dude i'm popping up i'm doing what i need to do okay i can't kill him can i alright we gotta knock this guy out first okay [Music] okay we'll do big damage on him kill this guy no problem he's dead and now i can hit him right yep oh my god dude that guy got [ __ ] destroyed wow heated and deleted you see i had him for [ __ ] 13 000 oh my god what's up [ __ ] where you got the chains now that's right absolutely [ __ ] destroyed get the [ __ ] out of here give me your ether wait why oh all right all right how do i do it interacting [Music] nice okay come on you're gonna [ __ ] die today it's over it's over i won't lose you just did [ __ ] okay there we go i'm empowering her attack there it is dude that's it we've got him [Music] no not like this damn finish them off what are you doing finish them off oh she's pregnant alize are you hurt what yeah i know i touch dizzy but otherwise fine is she actually 16 i don't even know i thought y'all were just trolling about that she is and there you have it our friend is too stubborn to die surprise [ __ ] we are far from finished well kill him man oh have you never considered how we came to this world probably a telepathic how much is it to transfer okay crystals you mean like the asians that's right just so as the aseans flee under the rift twix planes with crystals of darkness so did these warriors come hither with crystals of light uh-huh eloquent as always i like the aseans we too are beyond death you cannot defeat that which is eternal what but we did we beat like three of them we we killed like three of them what are you talking about wait yeah wait a minute [ __ ] settle down such methods as the aseans employ require the renunciation of the flesh you you would have had to what at long last you see to save our world we gave our lives damn oh danger doesn't give a [ __ ] he was just adventurous trying to make our way and our job here he doesn't care never aspired to be warriors of light but word of our deeds spread and soon people were calling us heroes they placed their hopes and dreams on our shoulders and bid us fight for all that was good and right we fought and we fought and we fought until there was no one left to fight we won and now our world is being erased from existence that's too bad that's too bad you're not gonna come here talk [ __ ] cause a bunch of trouble here ah especially not you [ __ ] we did everything right everything that was asked of us and still still it came to this you of all people should understand we cannot we will not falter we brought our world to the brink of destruction and now we must save it nope you're gonna die you gonna die [Music] i don't have any sympathy for them at all they're nasty ass [ __ ] i've died before albert i'm not afraid to die again i don't like him just kill him right now [Music] [Music] yeah i don't like no matter how many times we fall we must arise and carry on the fight for those we left behind that's what you think [Music] oh they've got all the same crystals i do oh wow it's like captain planet yeah look at that i seen this before [Music] what's wrong to have known the depth of sorrow and embrace the highest sacrifice nonetheless master louis guide my hand i pray you as fate's thread spineth upon this most capricious spindle quickly thou must needs invoke the power of thy crystal yeah exactly let's go he says uh that it almost we almost couldn't get god but we gotta watch out so we don't that's what he meant to say [Music] did we just [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] what is this place uh it's just it's a star it's a wall login screen yeah such pain [Music] oh here we go oh my dear children [Music] it can't be yeah for real mother heideln hearken unto your children's plea from two worlds do we gather and from two worlds do we offer a bounty of light in this desperate hour we do beseech your intercession we beg an audience with the word of the mother with your chosen min failure oh [ __ ] [Music] wait how would he know how does he even know would he know that your cries were not unheard no you're sacrificing i don't know told them i forgot though many are lost there are those we can yet save who i can yet save [Music] oh my god me there she is holy [ __ ] [Music] blessed children of the first the light of your world has grown blinding in its radiance but it is not yet absolute i will hire me to your world and there take unto myself the light which riseth even now to drown it as darkness once did drown another oh yeah the world the void now you gain to answer our prayers i will suffer this fast no longer he's mad stupid you're in the shadow realm [ __ ] you can't do as the aseans must serve as instruments of zodiac's will so too must others carry out the will of heideling damn but for the boon this guy's stunned she has grown strong enough to set me free that i might serve as her emissary did we get milfino your suffering your sacrifice your supplications she has heard all we will not let the first fall to light that's nice they get to save their world okay thank you uri for bringing everyone here it fills my heart with joy to look upon the faces of my friends once more wait so she's not like i'm so confused i thought that she man that's confusing brah like i kind of expected it to be like you know how gandalf came back in the two towers as gandalf the white spoilers by the way and he said gandalf that's what they used to call me and he didn't really remember who he used to be in the same way i thought that's kind of what happened with milfina here but i guess not in taking you on to her bosom i knew that heidelne had bequeathed to you a sliver of her grace granting you strength long sword yeah she's not useless anymore is what he's saying and in treating with the aseans i learned of a star like unto our own a doomed world of fallen heroes in whom i glimpsed ourselves the first and that's why he decided to help the kid in the warring triad in the warring triad that's what it's got to be because think about that remember so long did i search for a means to save this world concluding at the last that the answer lay in the power of blessed crystals and thus did i labor to set light against dark okay yet i knew from the beginning that this salvation would not come without sacrifice for the instrument of the first's deliverance would of necessity be required to journey this feather there to remain mayhap forever [Music] oh so he's talking about the warriors of darkness you orchestrated all of this not to save her but to send her away yeah we're gonna yeah it's you see everybody thinks uber danger is really smart because he uses the uh the shakespeare words right but the redditor can see through this he can see through this he he knows what's going on one life for one world such was the bargain and you the coin so it were not mine to spend have we not walked together in the light of the crystal and at her bidding born witness to the joys and sorrows of this land each and every one of you knows my heart if this be the price i must pay i pay gladly okay that sucks but it is what it is [Music] you would go alone then oh man yeah i guess that sucks for [ __ ] thala dread because you know like what happened like i bet he's going to be pissed off at uber danger my dearest banquet you who have ever watched over me i am truly grateful for all you have done on my behalf damn as would my father be damn your kindness your compassion your love these are your gifts to me and our gifts to them forming a bond which transcends time and space [Music] sometimes i forget you are not the child i once knew make me proud damn damn wow [Music] long have i watched you from heidel inside watched as you nurtured and kept safe the light of the dawn yeah we do what we can whoa the dark recesses of the world hide untold secrets oh is that his staff thus do i entrust to you tube sumati yeah i pray you keep to the path that you may never have need of it yeah that was louis swa's staff and it was broken remember it was behind her we just got a legendary artifact damn he always mad dude he's mad about everything it's like calm down the power of our crystals is all but spent perhaps if there is not else to be done yeah i don't know [Music] well i don't know either well i don't know anything oh i'm not sure what we should do now [Music] now what hear me servants of heidelin if you would have us place our trust in you then i would ask a favor what is it take us with you take us home damn [Music] are they gonna get disenchanted we were blind to the truth once so i tell you this as one falls to another like dark it doesn't matter what matters is how you choose to use them that's why i'm a dark knight you don't need to tell me that i know that i did the quest you made our choice and you see what came with it so please forge a different path seize a better fate damn [Music] damn they did they did i never liked them strange feeling so many times have i watched you depart my heart yeah i never liked them i'm glad they're dead and ever did you return to me in triumph it's like the girl about like bragging about how she was like killing uh alphanod's sister alice yeah what a [ __ ] man what a [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm glad they're [ __ ] dead i'm sad that we had to save their world man [ __ ] all them uh-uh someday when i have found a way to free this star from her sorrow i promise you i shall repay the favor oh thank you [Music] damn damn [Music] oh it's her mom adopted mom thank you to me for everything oh [ __ ] damn that's sad that's [ __ ] sad that's sad i cannot help but wonder what awaits those wayward souls if they gave their wives in order to travel the source and returning to the first would they not mayhap that was their wish damn holy [ __ ] wow you understood 20 of what happened i understood the whole thing i i did i just don't like them i think that they're [ __ ] like besides of like what they're doing they're still [ __ ] like it is this is besides you know all this other [ __ ] they're still [ __ ] you know what i know it everybody knows it welcome home as well i trust your journey it was uneventful while awaiting your arrival i took the opportunity to contact yeshuata and creole and briefed them on all that's occurred they requested to return to the rising stones at the earliest convenience now that our lost friends have been found it would seem that we should meet discuss the future back in the solar it's been too long since we were all together like this yay not since not since afternoon breeder yeah that was bad much has changed since then we ourselves most of all though not all who were lost could be gathered here today we may take comfort in the knowledge that those who are not are carrying on the fight yeah that's right orion and we trust you to carry on your investigation of the aseans as before oh so they just they wanted to continue to continue being a double agent says no regardless of my known desires i am undeserving of your trust having so villainously deceived you all man shut up you did what we need you did what you needed to do bro it's fine that's fine it's fine don't worry about it man oh no i'll hear no more of that would be disrespectful of menphilia's wishes yeah shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] shut up shakespeare get back to work we might protect this star and understand the truth which hides at our heart yeah mayhap i can handle the former but i think you far better suited to the latter no no i guess not yep yep very well then out of love for my lady minfilia and moon breeder both this shall be my solemn charge damn so this guy's gonna have to work with the aseans so he's a spy i pappalimo and i should probably return to thunderland to keep an eye on the resistance yeah still the matter of the griffin and the amalga not to mention the new imperial viceroy that little lot must be worthy of our attention right what do you what are you acting weird for what the [ __ ] yeah that's what i was thinking bro that's exactly what i was thinking yeah that's a good question you know i have no great love for organizations and formalities true what's this what's this that being said this new approach you propose is totally objectionable and we've always got him to keep us from bickering oh she's going her own way upon that point we see eye to eye a woman going her own way if it please imagine they think of me as but another comrade in arms ah well then alfie i for my part shall see to the paperwork and the finances with my characteristic great yeah get back to doing the accounting work for us to taru and we mustn't forget you what now for the warrior of light a new adventure what else yep there it is boom ready to [ __ ] [ __ ] up indeed okay path behind us with fraught with hardship and the path before us will be no less unforgiving but a new dawn shall break over the realm and i see before me the faces of those who will deliver it that's right dude that's right [Music] oh look at that dude what is this [Music] that's the real one [Music] well done brother you may resume normal duties and rejoin the others the coming battle should be our greatest yet and i intend to stand with you all on that glorious day [ __ ] dude true believers are so readily led i have given them everything they desired all which they have prayed i doubt that you can say the same for your pawns get what you wanted then was it all worth it in the end there were some unexpected developments but they were ultimately to our advantage uh be it the host of surf lighter dark a world bereft of equilibrium is but avoiding waiting and a void is of no use to my master uh i shall follow her emissary with great interest as for the pawns of whom you sow pity they have delivered to me on a gift which i'd now bestow upon you it's an ice cream i told y'all that was a mistake i said that's a mistake i said don't i said don't throw him out like that because somebody's gonna get him i said hundred percent somebody's gonna catch him so like they're gonna go down there they're gonna get it why i did i not did i not say that i did say that i said this is a mistake many were the candidates considered but by your deeds you have proven yourself most deserving amanda boundless rage and bottomless despair and who's b uh breast beats a heart of thirst for vengeance only you are fit to wield these eyes for wheel or for woe are they for wheel wow [Music] damn damn what's this so is here all along who the [ __ ] is this oh no not nero are you kidding me no dude no oh just you wait my petty uh you and i are gonna have so much fun i'm so glad they didn't put his laugh in the game oh my god my my petty i pretty did i say petty i say pretty yeah whatever it is okay i got the wind-up moon burrito thank god the anatomically accurate representation of moon burrito was secretly crafted by none other than uber danger immediately following the untimely passing of his beloved companion what he did with it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 392,577
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, asmongold FFXIV, asmongold ff14, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv ending reaction, ffxiv ending, final fantasy xiv ending, ff14, ffxiv reaction, ffxiv end, asmongold heavensward, Heavensward, ffxiv heavensward, heavensward ending, heavensward ending reaction, heavensward 3.4, ffxiv 3.4, warrior of darkness, ffxiv warrior of darkness
Id: MwC9BLC_r1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 58sec (6478 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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