Asmongold Post-Heavensward Experience | Final Fantasy XIV

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so now what happens oh so lahar and have fallen he's on the moon that's the first thing i thought how the [ __ ] is he on the moon this is the guy that showed up in uh in milfina's room and now it falls to me to deal with the consequences heidellin's champion has grown too strong his might encroaches upon the realm of god that is that there's never been a true or true that's ever been true so true equilibrium must needs be restored the time has come for you and yours to join the fray who the [ __ ] is this warrior of darkness what what how to get on the moon in the wake of the archbishop's fall the nation of ishgard trembled the faith of her people shaken to its very core okay for a thousand years had they fought and died certain of the justice of their cause only to be told that their holy war was born of the sins of their forefathers yeah it's about right that's what happened though those brave men and women the stripped of their righteousness but to despair to deny the truth and decry its speakers true and what then for those whom they defamed but to hope on to have faith in a brighter tomorrow yeah i guess they'd be pretty upset about it the archbishop turned into a god and got killed might live together in harmony then as distant as the very stars in the heavens yet while we dare to hope deep within his lair the enemy lay gathering his strength wait what is this this isn't my dog is it nidhogg now [ __ ] your eyes and the body of the azure dragoon prizes oh my god every hour of the hero's triumph oh my god not him but why is he upside down man is he just chilling that's death oh no he's not we sort the solace of peace the great worm craved the misery of war nor was he alone in his misbegotten desire wait is the other is his brother gonna help him juras velgar or whatever the [ __ ] he was just resisting yeah all right we we gotta listen we're gonna take care of this situation okay so we've gotta go talk to oh i think they're in the middle right because they said this is the dragon that i um uh did i talk to at the beginning that needed me to kill ravana where is it there it is thou art ever welcomed here a friend of your sail oh but this one i do not know it's a little [ __ ] boy pray forgive us for the son of man should visit of indole fear may i present to you lucia first commander of temple knights of ishgard and our trusted friend wow for one thousand years man and dragon have been locked in in a cycle of bloodshed and sorrow to our shame we we long believe that york can to be the architects of this war but now that we know the truth that king thordan and his knights 12 did willfully betray and murder the great worm rasgoski shattering peace between our peoples for one thousand years our leaders conspired to conceal this truth a truth that at least was last laid bare by the warrior of light the azer dragoon and yasail alas a deception so intricately what cannot be undone in a moment but our people labor to accept the truth after an eternity of war who would dare to dream that peace could be at last with our grasp yet dream as we must as yesele once did and we must make that dream a reality as she could not we humbly beseech you even dolphir join hands with us in friendship once more before the eyes of my people in ishgard wait they're gonna have the dragon come to ishgard i don't feel like this is gonna end very well for the dragon a most unexpected invitation i've heard your request night however i cannot give you my answer i cannot yet give you my answer well why not this matter concern is my sire he needs to be consulted moreover the gnath grow bold as they did before and i would not leave my people at the mercy of the swarm uh then we will wait for thousands of years at war we shall not give up on peace for wanted patience huh fear not night they'll show up my answer before thy lifetime you'll have it within your lifetime okay that's great thank god all right well yeah now all the problems are solved so soon my humble thanks i shall bear your words to my lord forthwith until we meet again okay that's good uh if you have no further need of our services we shall continue on to show in and we open we hope to welcome a scholar who has agreed to aid us in a search for our missing comrades oh that's good that's awesome we'll see who this scholar is hopefully we're going to be able to get milfina back best waifu really alrighty boys alrighty boys [ __ ] yeah dude we're replacing them that's good all right where is it i'm terribly terribly sorry to have kept you all waiting you need not apologize we arrived but a moment ago ourselves very funny very funny pray allow me to introduce crowl who has recently come from the charlie and motherland isn't she generously offered to assist us isn't she supposed to say trick or treat like look at this she looks like a five-year-old and on a halloween costume what the [ __ ] is this supposed to be oh please think nothing of it a trip to aorzia was long overdue yeah i bet it was you must be the warrior of light that's true yes you certainly do look the part i do a pleasure to meet you at last sir sir i like that and who is that i spy but young alpha no levier himself oh boy i dare say someone's grown in ill more too in my absence okay those lifts in your boots we um miss kryl and i met at the studio years ago i shall forever be indebted to her for her sage guidance okay cool yeah dude i feel like they make people like alphanod by making fun of him constantly and then people just feel bad for him that's all there is to it there was no small task keeping him out of trouble believe you me yeah the youngest ever to enter the studio him and his sister 11 year old prodigies wow suffice it to say social graces were not among his list of talents striding up to his seniors on his first day head held high what was it he said again oh no is it alpha not trying to [ __ ] flex on people oh no god it's kids so you get so embarrassed look at him i haven't finished yet would you care to attempt a more dexterous deflection okay you know what she's actually not that bad if she's making fun of him it's okay yeah she's pretty cool i like her um mayhap we should save this delightful conversation for a more fitting occasion when pressing matters do not demand our undivided attention it would seem that way yes a bit much but better i can tell you've been putting your skills to use here in aorzia okay henceforth i trust you will dazzle me with your eloquence at the first time of asking all right we'll see what happens there are they flirting with each other what the [ __ ] yeah she's like she didn't know what the hell is going on right on to more pressing matters finding min philia and the other missing scion yeah that's what i was waiting on i gather you have new information to share with us a new approach actually recounted the tale of your escape and it gave me an idea okay simply put assuming thank left some manner of trail when you whisked him away as is almost always the case with teleportation magics i am confident i can find and follow it well great yeah that makes it way easier then what are you waiting for yeah exactly [Music] the wherewithal to do it the fact is my abilities aren't quite up to the task not in themselves anyway okay if i had master matoya's crystal eye on the other hand well i could just teleport over there and get that [ __ ] that'd be easy yeah that'd be easy i'll just go get it in person [Music] oh [Music] oh is that trouble i smell or did you forget to wipe your boots on the way in damn forgive us master matoya we will be sure to wipe them on the way out and may i say how glad i am that age has not yet deprived you of your senses damn damn ever so quick witty don't we to the detriment of your manners well out of it then what do you want i think the relationship with your slaughter and like latoya is like one of the best in the game it's great i am kryl of the students of baldessian i hope you will excuse our unannounced business yeah she's great [Music] valdessian you say oh yes the old coot set up shop on the isle of val didn't he regrettably our orders headquarters and the isle itself were obliterated by a magic of immense power i have the blessing of light to thank for my own preservation okay so the the entire aisle got blown the [ __ ] up i forgot how that happened i i remember but i forgot i forgot that i remember you too possessed the echo wait really oh [ __ ] [Music] well yes of course i do of course what the [ __ ] our order is devoted to uncovering the mysteries of heidelin and interpreting her will particularly through the study of her gift to us what the [ __ ] it was of these studies that i met and subsequently befriended min philia oh she and i have rather a lot in common see this is like in real life where people um talk to god uh except this one it's like it's supposed to be real right i had no idea you weren't supposed to not that i wanted to deceive you you understand but precautions had to be taken makes sense absolutely yes yes that's all well and good but you still haven't told me why you're here yeah i was wondering about that too the students of baldessian are gone and there is not i can do to change that okay but the science of the seventh dawn can yet be restored and my dear friend found you have in your possession an ancient crystal of light one you call your crystal eye i believe i can oh yeah my abilities and locate one of the missing scions and there i was thinking you might want to make use of my years of experience oh wait here okay well we're just gonna get the crystal that's great how long did i ponder the nature of this crystal and its familiar radiance but never did i suspect it was a crystal of light what the [ __ ] was a crystal of wine on the cusp of an umbral calamity souls blessed with the power of the echo invariably appear okay to aid these her chosen warriors heidelin bequeaths to each a slither of her strength in the form of a crystal of light but as her strength wanes so too does the potency of her gifts this crystal born of an earlier era is infused with a power far greater than those of this age okay so it's a dragon ball i could travel the length and breadth of the land and not find a crystal even a fraction is pure damn this value is beyond measure as are the risks inherent in its use what the [ __ ] what happens if you use it no two manifestations of the echo are alike i for example can converse with beings of every shape and size accepting beasts contrary to what others would have you believe language has nothing to do with it of course rather i am sensitive to the whispers of the soul their intent their very essence even the traces of which served to guide the elementals to yishtolam far-fetched though it may sound i believe that with your crystal eye i may be able to pick up where they left off and follow the remaining trail to thank rid that is if i have your permission so the crystal is basically like a gps that's fine all right great i can understand that so we just click on the crystal and it does what we want then let us begin oh [ __ ] [Music] from the black shroud the trail continues to the north and west towards a mountain the foot of some arm well i just teleport over there we go again it's easy but he was not deposited within the rock i think what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the hunters of tail feather know those lands well i say we begin our search there yeah okay let's go over there so we gotta go find him wow well that was [ __ ] easy my apologies for our late arrival i thought it was we thought it was wise to question as many hunters as we could okay uh many of the camp have made inaccessible locations ideal for hunting game not so receiving visitors nevertheless our time proved well spent there have been countless sightings of exceptionally capable kyrie and hunter who who of whom no one is familiar though none chance to see a man's face his height and build matched anchorage description so does his fighting prowess he came to tell further in search for garments fit for a man of refinement which seems rather curious description for one of his kind uh you're implying that thing could send a vat to the market instead why would he not go himself if you recall you yourself emerged from the life spring naked as name day it's a scene that i will never forget you're gonna draw that one too after not is that right uh is it now oh i mean i was playing this caesar i was a simple statement of fact it stands the reason that dangrid found himself in the same predicament uh alph and i would very much like to continue to search for thancred okay uh what are we waiting for if all we know thank her could be awaiting us from off the math we go see them right away great hunters we welcome him once more to loth ask vath what do you seek this day now we seek a man a man of whom that you were told that certain dealings okay uh how curious hunter is tired of godly sport and pursue mortal prey no he's not prey but a friend long missing uh good he's a friend of the bath as well one of whom that we have traded with many times true and there was certain it was this man there is no doubt the flesh clothed skins came to us in salma lost and weak he offered meat and hides in trade in exchange we tended to his wounds he brought us so much flesh so skilled the hunter he was much flesh when he asked for garments we were able to provide them where is he now gone to lotha gnath when he heard the one mind that summoned a god once more ravana's returned oh my god bin dolphier did say kanath have grown as before but what could thank grit hope by trying to accomplish this by himself honored elder we thank you for your help we must uh awkward paid this kindness before we depart though we miss hating sin to our comrade side go great hunters let's take an athlete him as a sacrifice what is this here who else could be sancrid it could be fancred we must [ __ ] okay he's trying to 1v1 yeah it's it's not good wait what the [ __ ] wait what what the f what is this oh my god oh [ __ ] he broke the shield it's like yeah it's the guy in the trailer on the moon who the [ __ ] is that yeah let's jump down see who this is just like some alter ego [ __ ] i don't know what the hell the [ __ ] this is okay what the [ __ ] why don't we kill him wait oh this is like a clone of me okay this day we reclaim the reigns of history this day we rid ourselves of the aseans forever great that's good fools playing at heroes all of you is this how you believe you can save your world i i mean like yeah if we kill them all we can and we will asian you shall see [Music] or perhaps you will not oh [ __ ] so this is supposed to be like my character i think you're gonna have four people on a party he had the same attack that thordan did well that's good does that mean he's on our side you are the warrior of light the savior of aorzia ah yeah it's a wonder you didn't come sooner but with the primal and all lost a step have we what what the [ __ ] he gonna be talking [ __ ] is that right is he sitting here talking [ __ ] to me have care the ether moves strangely around him yeah i see that what the [ __ ] it would seem we share a common enemy may happier tell us who you are shall we show them uh yeah wait what the wow ugh [Music] do i get to fight him oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] god damn there it is dude there it is dude the choreography is good for this holy [ __ ] [Music] this is [ __ ] badass keep fighting this is good okay now what not very sporting of you to interrupt so be it who the [ __ ] is this guy though like i don't even understand yeah like what is my character doing that's a good point yeah what is my character doing mark well our faces warrior of light for we are the warriors of darkness walkers of a different path and we shall meet again i think this is so dumb like what do you mean warriors of darkness what the [ __ ] it's foreshadowing yeah i don't even understand it at all it's like they're the evil versions of us of darkness really yeah it's cringe looks like a badass dude oh my god are you all right and he just dude he's squared up with them he lost an eye damn so between the two of them they only got one eye now oh [ __ ] pleasantries can wait i'd rather not be here when the nath arrive it would seem that way yes you're not supposed to understand now i it's fine that's fine i just it seems very weird to me like what it seems to me is that the aseans are like trying to create like basically a clone that's like going to defeat you or something like that like that that's the best of what i can expect and i have no [ __ ] idea really okay that's just what i'm guessing to say our reunion was not at all as i pictured it yeah waiting until the last instant to join the fray tis plain you have not lost your appetite for the dramatic it seems that way my appetite for the dramatic have you forgotten the circumstances of our party the heroic last stand the tunnel filling with light and then had i known you intended to use forbidden magics to deliver me to some god's forsaken wilderness yeah i would have thanked you in advance thank red oh he's flirting with my girlfriend though which is a little bit [ __ ] up but that's okay so you might have warned that i would emerge from the live stream in the altogether what the [ __ ] why didn't we get a picture like this for your slaughter what the [ __ ] eventually i managed to fashion knives from some obsidian i found and set about hunting for meat and hides okay given that i'm not all that skilled in leather working it's probably for the best that i met the vat before i was reunited with you so you were the fleshling clothed in skins of whom the storyteller spoke yeah it was anchoring holy [ __ ] a description which fit me as ill as the skins themselves happily i was able to trade with the vath for garments better becoming a man of refinement yeah this guy's got actually a pretty good [ __ ] transmog it seems like uh yeah i wouldn't expect a bunch of bugs to have a set this good from them i learned of revival yeah he's doing real well and of the great warrior who had once laid him low and thence did you conclude that were you to track the primals movements it would surely bring you into contact with the scions once more it seemed a reasonable assumption i could think of no one else with your enthusiasm for slaying beastman gods until now that is i can see that yeah oh yes the self-proclaimed yeah how does that work darkness it is only fitting that they stand in opposition to the warrior of light i suppose how convenient i glimpsed the leaders past if only for a moment they were confronting a man in black and asean okay makes sense if these warriors are capable of doing battle with aseans and primals both they must be possessed of powerful protection protection not unlike the echo but they were talking to an asean in the cinematics so maybe they're on the same side and it's a false flag yeah how the [ __ ] is that supposed to make sense man i don't understand it at all uh speculation will avail us not there's far too much that we don't know for the president we need to concentrate on what we do know namely lord nirvana is no more vendofier must be informed the news baby render her more receptive to sir emerick's invitation since we've seen to have affairs here well in hand i shall take my leave simply being in the vicinity of this colony is giving me a stinking headache if you had needed me i'll be with master matoya i beg her assistance with the search for milfina wait a minute milfina is missing i thought she escaped with has been gold i shall explain on the road much has happened in your absence oh [Music] i had not thought i i had not thought to see the again so soon mortal uh if thou seek us tonight know that she has laws departed for ishgard now my thanks bendolf it was not for her why we came we bring good news for you and yours lord ravana who has been summoned by the gnath has again been laid low truly once more immortals have succeeded where my own kind did fail you have our deepest thanks where we would take that credit the gods fell by another's hand another revelation upon revelation regardless it is cause for celebration the gnath will have no choice but to withdraw yeaded and deleted uh but to another matter i have tidings for thee as well let it be known that i volpir shall journey on to ishgard on behalf of my people we are honored to receive your answer and we will convey your words to our allies without delay okay [Music] wow it's happening you sail would be that you were here to see it is he simping again she did like what do you mean yeah he yeah dude i i don't really like it's i was sad that she died but it felt like it was like so unnecessary even as the scion celebrated the return of a long-lost friend honorable men plotted to deprive them of another what oh [ __ ] he's gonna try and do it he's gonna pull some [ __ ] honorable men to whom sir emmerich was no hero but a scheming patricide honorable men who would feign wash the pathing stones of foundation with the tyrant's blood honorable men whose knife in the dark was the spark which set the city aflame and who sang as it burned no man no i i no no no bro no bro like he's got to be like we're nah bro uh uh ah no no no no no no no fs no f's boys i don't want to see it i don't want to hear it there's no f's at all dude how did they stab him he's got armor on how'd the knife go through the middle how'd he do the how how how that worked man he wearing full chain mail how they put the [ __ ] armor like what kind of armor is that you have returned this is and at least the fates are kind greeting surrender it believes me inform you and vandolph here has accepted ceramics invitation she has these are glad tidings indeed however would be that the lord commander we're here to he's otherwise engaged sleeping off a knife to the gun wait sleeping or will he live oh [Music] the the surgeons tell me that he will make a full recovery but lord edmund and lord artorias uh have not uh are not on hand whenever the assassin struck would he not be so fortunate for a mercy they subdued and fiend before he could land the killing blow the attack was just the beginning though not long after buildings all around the city including several of ours burst into flame bastards caught us completely by surprise we've been dousing the fires but everyone put out there's two more that start up casualties are mountain especially in broome this plane fires were started by the assassins conspirators until they were rounded up here there will be no end to this will you help us find them i will let's go i do like the story for this i find it interesting but i i want to know more about like the warrior of darkness thing i think that's really really cool uh that's what i want to know more about like more than anything vault priest okay here we go what is this here so it's a guy all right i see that that's nice come my brothers and sisters there is food and shelter enough for all the in the basilica damn bad guy looks old as [ __ ] how old is blessing piapani father uh ragged refugee yo true man i confess we're not uh we're not sure if we should have come uh there are so many unbelievable tales to these days about the archbishops or emeric and the dravidians uh trust your heart brother and pay no heed to the lies of lesser men they seek only to lead you astray true do you require sucker as well sir oh it is the church after all so the temple's knights have begun their investigation at last good this madness has gone on for far too long would it be that i could do something to aid you in your search but i have a duty to these poor souls farewell and may the fury guide your steps okay so now what so they're taking in refugees to the church that's interesting okay so let's go back over and turn this into thank red i just like i'm so worried about saying his name now like i know it sounds stupid but i get genuinely like worried if there's a character that i like i want to say their name right but if i say their name right then they might die well i say to taru's name right oh i say it's tarou's name right every single time like you can never be too certain wait did we get his ass oh [ __ ] wait is this the guy bro i think that actually might be the guy science will avail you not sir i don't think it's the same guy i'm pretty sure it's not no asthma i was just about to summon you as you can see we've detained a suspect we found this man loitering near the remains of his stricken buildings according to eyewitnesses he was also present when the fires broke out we wish to have words and he did not so we insisted let me go damn it you've got the wrong man am i under arrest sir am i under arrest my but your wreak of oil and those burns on your hands an occupational hazard i suppose but tell me does arson pay well damn am i being detained sir yeah dude that red just [ __ ] coming in hard i'm a victim you imbecile look at me ah that you are after a fashion you should know that your pious patron has already spun his delightful yarn about how his pet mom girl slipped the leash and set about burning half the city to the ground not for a noble of him i grant you but then these highborn types really do show loyalty to their pets in fact he called you rabid and begged us to put you down that's balance he's the one he told me to keep oh my god oh my god bro that was the e that was so easy he told me to keep it up wow even a sinner such as me could find salvation in the furies work he said uh i left it behind and tried to with all my heart says my prayers every day is like a good man but then he came to me he came to me and there you have it hilda would you be so kind to escort our friend over to the congregation hi so long as you don't mind he's limp whenever he gets there uh-oh okay now what on behalf of the holy see of ishgard i thank you all the men you apprehended are being apprehended i'm sorry interrogated as we speak though he fell silent upon realizing that we had not turned in his master you played yourself uh he will soon tell us what he knows one way or another but until we identify the ones who ordered the fire set our work is far from finished that's true between the various conservative and religious factions in ishgard yeah i dare say there's no shortage of parties who would like to see the status quo preserved do any likely suspects spring to mind who is it far too many to count damn damn bro like what's that in like three cut scenes this guy's already back at it to be honest like i never really knew how to say his name so that's why he's safe time is of the essence lest we forget these men would sooner put their own city to the torch and see it change true we gotta put them in jail our enemies learn that we have apprehended their arsonist there is no telling how they will react you know what they should do is like for the arsonist they should get up to the top of that little tower and just throw them off you know like public execution style just that way everybody else sees what's going to happen if you start playing games oh [ __ ] look an armed mob has seized control of the vault he's out of commission for like two days [ __ ] gets caught on fire uh [ __ ] vault gets taken over like man are you kidding me what and now we know tell us what happened sir spare no detail damn yo [ __ ] that knife wound man we were directing refugees into the basilica as you ordered when all of a sudden men brandishing weapons were all around us it happened so fast my lord we had no time to respond what the [ __ ] they've taken the refugees hostage and barricaded themselves inside the vault okay and they sent you to deliver their demands it seems that way they the true brothers of the faith demand that a conclave to select the next archbishop be held forthwith furthermore they they declare that you lord commander are guilty of patricide and high treason and that you must surrender yourself at once to receive of the fury's judgment so we've got ourselves a scarlet crusade you know what we do we throw them off the top of the tower problem solved what the [ __ ] man did i honestly think that executing said emmerich would change anything that the truth will somehow die with him well we gotta kill them yeah these fundamentalists rage against the passing of the old ways unable to accept there can be no going back given the fanciful nature of their demands a peaceful resolution does not seem likely if the hostages are to be rescued it will be by force i fear it seems that way yes thank you count dripula agreed lucia take a contingent of knights and establish a perimeter outside the entrance oh [ __ ] they're playing the music all right all right let's go at once lord commander damn when word spreads of the situation the friends and family of the hostages may try to take matters into their own hands i will not give these militants more targets it seems that way yeah [ __ ] them [Music] i shall lead the assault on the vault master alfono can i count on the support of the science god damn yo god damn man this guy like dude he didn't even give a [ __ ] we are in your dent i feel like almost all the characters like even the arc bishop right is kind of was kind of a chat uh i mean like he was [ __ ] like the estheticians were [ __ ] with them and then after that he was like finally like you know at the very end he literally disenchants one of them and then he was gonna make his son who he wasn't even supposed to [ __ ] have he was gonna put that guy in charge at the end of it just say uh yeah it is what it is it's gonna make you in charge right like and look at the uh sir emeric is a [ __ ] chad uh estenian is a chad like bro this whole city is just full of big dick energy this is great yeah he was literally a god king i shall join you as well lord commander yeah and this guy look at that uh oh oh [ __ ] your assistance is most welcome lord arturo to arms then friends time is against us that's kind of a big deal dude that he's willing to go off and do that even after his brother died man that's a that that's a lot more impactful where's emilian uh he's at home he's trying to look up uh look up uh he's trying to subscribe to as many girls as he can on only fans now because he heard that they're shutting it down and he's gonna subscribe to as many of them as possible man before they uh stop [ __ ] making content dude like he's trying to buy feet picks yeah exactly that's what he's doing he's not he's at the erp house yeah exactly yeah it's a big deal that like yeah the count count drippy isn't opposing it at all that's crazy ward artorias you were to take you are a brave man and true and none would dare question your honor if you chose to not risk your wife in this endeavor are you sure that you want to join us yeah i feel like i don't want him to come because what if he dies like that's like two of the like that means that the four temps line the bloodline would be dependent on a manual [Music] you know like that's oh that's not looking good i'm no stranger to the battlefield ceramic my arm will not falter my shield will not break let's not talk about shields breaking okay how long is my witness i will bring these fanatics to justice well said my friends follow me as goes light as goes darkness alrighty boys all right boy let's do it okay so would seem our presence goes unnoticed come uh we must secure the entrance hot saving hostages takes precedence over uh actually i have aoe abilities so yeah actually let's just speak of aoe abilities let's go ahead and uh okay you can't kill the refugees all right uh i was just testing bro that's [ __ ] up okay so we can can we save him are you injured uh you must hurry the others were taken elsewhere by sir simon sir simiard this is indeed the work of the archbishop's former servant on your guard they sounded the alarm oh [ __ ] okay all right let me get over there down with you jesus okay all right let's go yeah that's actually really cool that they added that in yeah i think certain emeric is one of the coolest ones the thing is like i originally didn't really know what to think about him but whenever he put the redditor in his place that's whenever i was like you know what this guy's pretty cool i like him oh another one here i didn't even see that one okay that one's dead good there they are let none escape where they are oh [ __ ] okay all right let's go kill these guys i really like having plunge i i feel like plunge has made playing a dark knight way more fun for me i i like it way more it's [ __ ] amazing why is the moaning yeah what is the [ __ ] moaning man it kind of comes out of nowhere you know what i mean it's part of the building i know i've never like all the the the um the vocabulary in here is something i'm not really oh [ __ ] i'm not really used to sir simeone art lay down your arms and release the hostages and you will be shown mercy i give you my word the word of a heretic and a kinslayer i would soon rather trust a dragon activate the knights we shall show the hostages the same mercy he showed the archbishop that's [ __ ] up so they're gonna just kill the hostages oh my god that's sad war crimes hey unlike you sir america i'm a man of honor which is why i'm killing the hostages obviously um by my hand you shall receive the furious judgment yeah i mean that's that's the most honorable thing to do i mean you just kill the hostages obviously i mean you didn't know that so it is a trial then arturo asthma gold leave us and save the hostages i will deal with sir simeryard wait he's gonna 1v1 him right after he just got stabbed he better not die or how long read nursing judgment rise up the righteous and cast down the wicked [ __ ] then let's see who's the fury favors wait who's going to win sir eric is still wounded if we don't move quickly he'll shoot and fall well he'll get it wait oh it's going down wait a second oh [ __ ] okay um do i go this way or that do i go up or down maybe i go up this way i'm gonna start i'm gonna die okay all right focus focus focus focus guys focus down i go down all right i see now no i already tried to go the other way it didn't work okay where are the oh there they are okay let's go around we'll go around here and we'll kill them it's not a big deal i think this is the way to go but i'm not sure uh it's already ruined you can't uh okay it's right here yeah it's right here we killed these guys right here yeah it's no problem man y'all were telling me all kinds of crazy [ __ ] like i knew what i was doing boys we're fine yeah y'all are going crazy for no reason i'm okay okay there we go one hostages is uh is rescued okay did we get it bonds oh there we go okay i didn't click on the bonds i just clicked on the hostage nap is so bad on this one no i'll figure it out it's okay yep it's totally fine guys i'll get it done okay all right let's use these here and we're gonna save them he's at 31 he's at 30 all right we're gonna go up there now we're going up there as fast as we can okay uh i'm very nervous right now we're not gonna lose him okay death to heretics nice nice nice okay all right there we go wait he's still taking damage okay all right i gotta pop everything i'm popping everything okay we're saving his ass this is not happening not today [Music] got him [Music] tank stance doesn't matter i will put it on okay is he recovering oh thank god he's recovered oh my god i was so worried where is he where is he yeah what the [ __ ] is this oh this is the best part of the dungeon what the hell why wait what come no closer wasn't that my wasn't this my idea they stole my idea man these guys are disgusting who the [ __ ] would steal my idea they took my [ __ ] yo what the [ __ ] uh come no closer okay okay you have nowhere to run release the girl and surrender just kill him who cares about the girl she's not even a cat girl the blasphemer who throws white the gates to our enemy who breaks bread with him and calls him brother ungodly swine i would sooner die than surrender to you that can be arranged okay sure that's fine godly to spill the blood of an innocent child to burn the homes of your brothers tell me priest is that godly good question do not speak to me of godliness heathen your father's blood is on your hands as is hers he's gonna drop her isn't he no no your face is the dragon gonna capture hahaha yes i guessed it i [ __ ] knew it man i [ __ ] knew it holy [ __ ] bye holy [ __ ] no [ __ ] way wow the deafness you know how i knew that right if everybody in the city hated the uh hated the dragons there would have to be like a moment where everybody sees the dragons actually tangibly doing something to save them yeah it's good writing see in my opinion i think that you can predict good writing yeah you should be able to predict good writing you should be able to predict it and then appreciate it even then to know what's going to happen and make that make knowing it even better i chose an inopportune moment oh my god not at all pray forgive us this most unworthy reception we are honored to have you with us and right glad of your aid yeah i would say so fortune delivered the child unto me i had but to receive her damn wow thank you for saving me yeah for real thou art welcome child damn so i guess now they're gonna like the dragons a whole lot more [Music] oh my god [Music] dude i'm so satisfied i'm so satisfied i was like oh man i bet that shit's gonna happen [Music] wow yeah what about the priest never did i think to be indebted to so unexpected a savior but full glad am i to be so damn friend of iselle warrior of warriors i had hoped to meet with thee she talking to me or him oh [ __ ] uh to me i bear a message from my sire oh [ __ ] what does he want from grace builder returning to our lands nidhogg's shade did sing unto his brood and they for skies unknown did then take wind oh my god we gotta deal with the [ __ ] knit hog again we gotta beat mid-hog again man i'ma tell you dude but we're gonna pop out both his eyes and i'm gonna put them in like a uh a garbage disposal that sounds [ __ ] up but we gotta do what we gotta do i've had enough of nithogg in his [ __ ] problems man this thou must know for your fates are inextricably bound yeah i can see that what a bestinian is he truly lost to us yeah what about that such matters are beyond my kin i bet bear my father's words take from them what thou wilt okay makes sense all right got it damn dude damn flying away dude she just saved that guy too or that girl too but what about the priest man we gotta do something a great white dragon swooped down from the heavens to rescue an innocent child it seems that way a most unexpected turn of events but not an unwelcome one the people will not soon forget this day yet how will they choose to remember it sir emmerich and will these events serve to bring man and dragon closer together or drive a deeper wedge between brothers i think that people would think this is a positive yeah i think this is an overall positive after a thousand years the world these men once knew is changing and without gentle swiftness throat though their actions are misguided their sentiments are only to be expected true true you may be sure that others okay yeah i know i share your desire for a lasting peace with the giovanni's i do but i would not see it built on the bones of our countrymen nor on our own i see much of horseify you oh man and i could not bear to mourn the passing of another son lord edmund wow damn damn bro oh it's getting brighter outside a moment as been gold i wish the word yup she's going to finally confess her love to me it's about time tell me does stankridge seem quite well to you uh he got on well enough with hilda well i have no doubt his charm time in the wilderness did not deprive him of his charm but that is neither here nor there what concerns me is his etheric flow which i fear has been irreparably disputed sorry disrupted as a result i strongly suspect his ability to manipulate ether has been compromised simply put thank rid may no longer be able to wield magics it would do much to explain why he chose to remain in the wilderness instead of seeking us out who would rather be compelled to solely rely on traditional means of travel significantly prolonging his journey and whenever he learned that the nearby beast tribe was making preparations to summon a primal it may have been more sensible to wait but uh it makes sense yeah but this is still a little more in speculation until i have proof praise speak no word of it right then i should be on my way uh krill may have charmed master matoya for now but who can say how long that will last damn [Music] okay so he's there he's chilling we were afraid you might have left yeah what up i'm here we all need i don't like that guy he looks like the other guy he looks like a [ __ ] a shield my lord oh it's the same oh no it's the same one fit for a true knight an expression of our gratitude to you and yours long overdue damn nice i so i got horchafon shield or not his shield but like another version of it but there is something else i would discuss au part okay something which cannot leave this room no i won't tell anybody right guys we'll soon step down as head of our house oh wow count dripula is retiring the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude ceremony was not the only one to fall under suspicion following the death of the archbishop yeah there are some who believe my father complicit in a coup d'etat damn okay thus he intends to renounce his title to absolve our house of suspicion and secure the support of our peers wow he dripped his last drop i see that surely there must be another way to convince houses dorinder and zamail we are just just telling that to him alas he will not budge wow ever since i was a child i knew that i would one day succeed my father the thought of it filled me with pride yet once i learned the day was at hand my heart was filled with naught but dread i like how emanuel is just sitting there in the corner you know he's like okay like he's he's just such a little [ __ ] like it's all about his older brother who's like way cooler than he is emmanuel is just a [ __ ] who gives a [ __ ] about emmanuel that's the truth man our legacy is built upon the lies of our forefathers damn in accepting this title am i not perpetuating this injustice why should i become the next count uh be uh why not a knight lives to serve that's a good way to say it yeah i like that true you sound just like him hi i suspect that is what horseshifon would have said to aid those in need damn when you look on that shield i trust you will remember his words and should i once more find my resolve wavering i ask that you show me the way wow you were a brother to horseshoe will you be a brother to me as well dude this guy is awesome yeah this guy dude this guy's great i again i just where's the manual yeah where's the manual horchata five subs thanks man appreciate it thank you there's much to be done for father and for sir emmerich and for ishgard yeah okay okay oh you're all right fine i guess i'll go do whatever you want me to what a [ __ ] [ __ ] what's he doing oh another girl didn't respond to his dm [Music] yeah that's what it was he even said please respond and she still ignored him all right i think we share the same blood treats excuse us what a [ __ ] those were the days of promises and violence yes of tentative first steps into an uncertain real good a future shaped by the choices we made in ways we could never have foreseen born of good and evil of light and darkness and shepherded by our hand from the memoirs of count edmond the four temps heavens wore it as goes light so goes darkness right so now what [Music] oh no man this is the proof the garen oracles a profiler uh it's a truth long forgotten a tale of the beginning and of the path that we've been set upon [Music] i think we might have to kill him our fates were ordained long ago archon the guardians are no exception nor the triad you know what's much what must be done i'm so upset right now like i don't know what to think about this this is just making me very uncomfortable wait what is this out was that alpha not i think it was i'm pretty sure it [ __ ] was who's this shredder okay what's this wait no way papamayo everyone has their orders wait what the hell is going on the mask will attack as soon as all units are in position the imperials won't know what hit them so they're both alive i fear it will be bloody by ralgar it better be face reveal no i think this is fine actually we cannot stay here forever you know we have other responsibilities i know full well what my responsibilities are i never mean i i mean to fulfill them every everyone okay so why do they wear the masks because i don't know if that's like ever explained like why do they what is the point of wearing the masks are they blind or like what it will explain later okay all right i didn't know that i wasn't sure ah thank good and creel what brings the two of you here uh crayola and i have been looking for how we might track down milfina uh and we might have just found the answer oh [ __ ] yeah as well while you were free fleeing odalan uh and milfina you said that heideland spoke to her shortly before you parted ways yes well assuming that's true i see no reason to suspect that it is not it seems reasonable to conclude that heidel and commanded her to remain behind that is to say the mother crystal directly interceded to guide milfina admittedly this is all quite hypothetical but i propose that such intervention however subtle must surely leave some residual trace a lingering disturbance in the ether or ripple or if you will in order to establish the existence of such riplets however we require sustainable suitable data fortunately i know where such data can be found the battleground where asthma gold felt the ultimate weapon and the sight of my personal ignominity uh it was there that heidwin interfered to shield him from the magic that i invoked oh that's whenever he was uh possessed by la brea that's right uh krill and i will infiltrate the cast drum and analyze the ather therein the two of you alone i have proven a knack for subterfuge and i am confident that there will be sufficient nooks and crannies in which i can hide krill while the patrols pass besides if you and asmingle come along who will see gilfina's grand homecoming true now you put it like that very well i will trust in your plan all right [Music] yeah that's that's all he he's just a big dumb dumbo the guardians are so dumb man they're so dumb like the only guy who's cool in the garlands is the emperor the emperor's badass well done sir and with that i believe we are ready to proceed it's so [ __ ] funny because i saw the guy and i was thinking in my head oh that looks like bank grid guys yeah but he dead though i i didn't even realize that what you're let us be about our business then oh [ __ ] troll may not be so credulous he's got two eyes now why must you be so disappointingly brusque you're not as tall as men philia described you know i don't think you've favored me with so much as a single compliment since we set out look how much of a chad this guy is like he's he's he's rude to the girl and she actually wants she wants his attention like she's going out of her way in order to like solicit a compliment from this guy tell me did your time in the wilderness that you of all your charm were you holding it in reserve for your beloved what this is neither the time nor the place what the hell well call me old-fashioned but when i'm risking life and limb infiltrating an imperial castrum i like to be sure of my comrades motivations wait what is he is he trying to get it on with with nilfina don't you cut the cutscene that's what blizzard would do see now where alfino gets it okay thank god see like if this was a blizzard cut scene it would cut right there and we'd find out the other half of it six months from now in a day to mind cutscene or from an excerpt in a book look at his eyes i know he's got two different color eyes i know that you know that everybody knows that because you see it on the screen is dear to me it is true but not in the way you think why not fifteen years passed when she was still but a child there was an incident at a parade a gubu broke free of its fetters and ran amok through the streets of ulda had i been more attentive i could have prevented it but i was distracted and her father was killed wait damn so wait so you're telling me thank rid's like 40 something probably because like 15 years ago all right so if she was a kid then so thank her it's got to be at least he's like 30 he's 32. so you're telling me it's not over then damn all right thank you guys this really makes me feel a whole lot better yeah thank you this is yeah thank you guys i feared she would never recover but in the years that followed she showed herself to be more resilient than i had ever imagined and when she learned of her gift she did not flinch from the responsibility damn but sought to guide others on the path more shot to guide others instead of doing anything herself because she [ __ ] useless she touched the hearts of all around her mind louis every science in those dark days following the calamity she was our guiding light our hope for a brighter look future that's apparently that's like patch 1.0 it's what people are saying in chat like bro i don't know what the [ __ ] she had so many dreams and i would give anything to make them come true no he's not the thing is he's not a simp though because he didn't start he didn't start simping for her it's like a dad yeah he's like a dad that's the thing like you're not sipping for your daughter whenever you buy her a birthday present okay my apologies i thought they were the same age you see she means the world to you i did not mean to pick up old scars yeah creel why don't you turn down the [ __ ] aggro you little lalafell [ __ ] [ __ ] you no harm done your kmart outfit but fair is fair my lady what is menphilia to you yeah she like this is she wearing a [ __ ] outfit like like she just bought that on like november 3rd from the clearance aisle from all the other costumes that nobody wanted to buy for halloween she looks like she's about to say trick-or-treat you mean you don't know only my dearest friend wait what our dearest friend when i finally emerged from my torpo i learned that nary a day had passed without her asking after me she never gave up hope damn that's crazy that's a nice girl and neither will i damn then from infilia's sake let us pray that these vestiges of heidelin's intervention will lead us to her okay yeah let's go get her let's go get her all right boys let's do it okay thank great and creel counted us a short while ago it seemed that their foreign fruit they asked the rendezvous with them and you'll slaughter and it'll be shire but they will share their findings let's go let's get her my apologies i see that on the last to arrive what news do you have for us well as we postulated wow uh there were indeed what appeared to be the remnants of an unexplained disturbance in the ether at the same to the ultimate at the scene of the ultimate weapons destruction a ripple with the odd the presiding pattern though faint the waveforms bore strong resemblance to those observed following the destruction of the isle of all which i believe heidelen shielded me from with the blessing of light to confirm our findings we paid a visit to shield aqueducts they were there we detected the same waveform but orders magnitudes larger as one would expect a more recent disturbance heidon there is no other explanation but there's more when i studied the site where yoshida used flow it appeared that not two but three beings had been affected yet unlike yeshua and thank grid there were nose trails there were no trails to follow our unknown third party was simply there and then not there what if what if because obviously the flow changes you what if it makes milfina's boobs bigger yeah definitely that's what it's going to be or smaller stop um now i recall your visions of vast crystal floating in a sea of aether uh though this is too uh but a theory studies gifted subjects uh suggest that whenever communing with heidelin we briefly leave our bodies behind so let us consider the facts one heidel interceded two a third being was caught in your slaughter's flow and vanished without a trace and three haiduan may have had the capacity to summon the consciousness of gifted individuals to her side you are implying i take it to heido and guided milfina into a compass of my magic that she would might summon her body and soul into the ethereal sea in which means we must need to continue our search there for a blessing to do so already exists i speak of the anti-tower a charlene construct conceived to provide scholars a vantage point over the ethereal sea i do not know where the entrance lies i only ask that we uh ask its last custodian a contrary old crone for another blessing refused to join the exodus master motoya was the keeper of the ante tower i had no idea then our course is clear we must petition her aid once again that's good i like her yeah that's fine uh what a surprise well then what secrets have you come to extract from me this time uh though it pains me to admit it your words strike close to the mark we humbly ask that you grant us entry to the ante tower so that we might use it to seek a friend who we believe has been transported to the ethereal sea and who told you that i could do such a thing i wonder [Music] oh the tower was abandoned uh to its magical keepers 15 years ago they have run of the place now it was no deterrent to you then by all means is that all i felt sure that you would seek to dissuade us from our course given your role as custodian roll hardly the forum foisted the role onto me during the exodus every entrance of the anti-tower was sealed save one [Applause] my role consists of making sure that no one with the ill intent sneaks through it such was the forum's final order to me well i can remove the awards right now will you be going or not we will master montoya we will do whatever it takes to find milfina we'll see damn asmingold can go take the magiclist rogue if you to she wait so she just called him out right there because remember that's what they said before that they couldn't sense his magic yashada said that but she didn't want to say anything about it and she's just bringing it up right there she [ __ ] did it yeah he's of no use to me the rest of you will stay and work and i'll hear no argument those are my terms and i should be delighted to accompany you lead the way has been gold thank god no your etheric flow has been compromised do not deny it to venture into an environment so thick with ether so close to the ethereal sea would be the risk further impairment or worse [Music] but milfina could be in there waiting for us and you could die and for what if she is be if she's waiting beyond asthma and gold will find her trust in him have faith damn it all bring her back to us i will do that anti-chamber is now accessible what the [ __ ] wow so it's under this is the anti-tower and it's upside down get it you get guys you get it okay let's go all right so i've never been here obviously and i dude this place is really cool i like that you can see like everything out in the distance and all that that's cool what's this oh can i jump off damn dude i wish you could jump off there remember in shadowlands the first thing that i did was try to kill my character like i have off gcd [Music] it's gallywix what the hell the finest [ __ ] okay all right big dick let's do it boys it's like i'm spamming this dude there we go okay got it big dick damage boys um what does this do maybe i stand in it uh let's see odious crow oh i see it's like a he's singing oh my god he's mr froggy boy oh mr froggy boy get your ass beat by the way okay there we go good i feel like uh i feel like this boss isn't that hard oh we got four gozos um wait what the hell what the heck why i get turned into a frog man why you put me in the frog mode there we go all right we're good what's in the loop let me see what this is try on oh that actually looks kind of good i like that that was badass that's good dude do a barrel roll man wait what is this [Music] wow and the reason why i like the steel series mice is because they're very simple [Music] ziggy [Music] oh [ __ ] three two buckle my shoe let's go okay okay where hard sleep is sealed off what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] dude i guess i killed this yeah i guess i want to kill that okay oh yeah yeah oh we gotta kill all three of them i see and then they aoe at the end i get it yeah i get it okay i'm gonna pull them out i'm pulling them out for you get on in here there you go good that's an interesting mechanic okay careful aim what does that do oh they gotta go through it don't you need to take that through another rock yeah yeah you gotta get behind the rock so it absorbs it gyrating glare uh glare seems like something you turn away from oh i was supposed to want to cite that i'm dumb i love this area man i think this place is so cool it reminds me a lot of return to karazhan when did this come out 2015. so this looks that's crazy so return to karazhan came out after this wow all right let's go through here really makes you think it sure does oh my god [Music] what the [ __ ] dude all right let's pull these oh they've got the original final fantasy ones look at that look at that dude wow that's cool that's real yeah those are the original little black mages and [ __ ] dude it's been so long i don't even remember like did the black mage is the only one that i really remember if i see it i remember that my okay yeah this is what where mine's toil [Music] this place is really cool oh [ __ ] okay give me a second there we go ecg it's weird because all about inner release on warriors [Music] caliper brancia [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] what is this oh my god why are those here good question man i got no [ __ ] idea okay um well i think i know what we're gonna do i think we pull all of them when we alien down okay oh i don't have salted earth though that's too bad okay we'll just kill i think these oh wow okay great those are all dead damn this is the easiest boss of my life what the [ __ ] are they gonna combine each other or some kind of [ __ ] [Music] dude i don't know what's it's something about the music dude playing that music whenever a giant [ __ ] baby doll comes out it's just so funny to me knockout what does that do um doesn't do anything all right cool brace um oh it's the same as ravana okay now what once again he's gonna do anything else that's it damn that's easy dude doll house oh that's like a strip club here in austin i'm pretty sure okay let's pull these here there we go [Music] all right perfect honestly i hate this oh it doesn't matter just kill it it's completely fine [Music] the dollhouse here in austin really well how do you know yeah i don't know i think i i feel like i heard something about that on the radio this is so easy it just like slams down over and over and over okay got him got him [Music] oh boys what's this oh [ __ ] what's this what's this here what's this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh this could be melfina she sounds different it's an out-of-body experience through time and space she sounds way different [Music] is this milfina that's like we are the word of the mother we who were once called menphilia i thought so that's what i thought i guess it i got it right so she got mine controlled by a crystal and now this is crazy dupont thinking she actually does seem thicker now like look at that look at those legs dude damn much time has passed for thee since the bloody banquet yeah since since i hearkened to her word i think that they nerfed their boobs i swear i swear to god like as somebody who's paid attention to this the entire time throughout the entire story i think that they got nerfed oh my god what is this why they do this to me man it's the gown yeah yeah it's gotta be that you're right mother heidelin guided me towards ishtola and phangrid that i might be swept up in their flow and delivered under the ethereal sea what the [ __ ] they're adrift and alone her voice silent once more i prayed for those we have lost for those we can yet save to her i would make an offering an offering what the hell what the [ __ ] you mean did she offer herself to get the rest of them back we speak now with one voice one will one word unto thee we bequeath the most precious of gifts the truth which lieth at the heart of this world holy [ __ ] dude thus do we beseech thee once more here feel think what the [ __ ] is going on man what is going on bro like we can fly [Music] did once dwell as one oh my god look at this i'm flying around with oh what the [ __ ] dude but the darkness coveted power and the balance was broken thus was i forced to banish him unto the distant heavens to forever remain apart a moon bound [Music] that's why it's the warrior of darkness is zodiac is on the moon and that's where he is that's what it's got that's what it's got to be in sundering the star did we cry out and the barriers twixed planes chance to falter across ten and three were we then divided okay reflections of the source each possessed of a shard all right zodiac longeth to be made whole for his restoration for his resurrection his servants labor without cease wait so he's actually sauron and and the aestheticians are literally nazgul they can't be killed [Music] and they're immortal so it's literally that's literally what it is kind of yeah kind kind of is pretty good to tear down the barriers which surround the source what the [ __ ] is the source thus do they rejoice in their arda in your calamities for each marks are rejoining oh okay so that's what each so they're trying to bring on a calamity it's like a so it's a doomsday cult i i see [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] seven times have they succeeded yeah several comments exactly has the darkness grown stronger seven times have i failed this is such a huge plot arc to not have to replace the voice actor for hide one like they put all this work into that they just could have replaced the voice actor they had to do all this so every time he gets more powerful cannot be suffered to continue this this is my final what the hell the crystal's power is all perspective with what remains i will return you to the shore of the ethereal sea what the [ __ ] this is gonna be a lot to explain blessed children go forth and seek seek yeah exactly oh my what she got disenchanted well did she really get disenchanted or is this like a bro oh we got all right sit down sit down boys thank the twelve i gotta tell y'all a little bit of story did you find her did you find menphilia [Music] i like how that takes two cut scenes and a fade to black in order to explain everything i'm not sure i understand yeah nor am i crying so this is exactly what happened to muradin or sorry uh magni bronzebeard is magne was the king of iron forge but i mean really what the [ __ ] did he do basically nothing uh he just sat there and did nothing and blizzard was like all right we're gonna have to do something with this situation with this magnet situation so they literally turned him into a crystal effectively right a diamond and now he is the voice of azeroth so wow did the exact same thing they took a character that had great importance and know it he had he had simultaneously great and also no importance and they turned it into being a voice of some you know large entity as unbelievable as it sounds i see no reason to doubt her the words tale no one was more sensitive to the will of heideln than men philia and if heidelin has grown so weak that she can barely make herself heard it is not hard to see why min philia having joined with her might struggle to maintain her own form maybe we should side with zodiac then he seems pretty cool yeah i mean he lives on the moon does his own thing they got cool outfits like i mean he like he's got like he's not like he's not having this problem this trouble like this is matt why why are we playing on the losing side boys can't we faction swap this this is uh what's the option to do there what why would she need to maintain her own form are you saying are you saying she's gone no she probably just disenchanted until you go to item restoration probably that's probably effectively what this is she's not gone but she needs to be brought back into form wait what but that cannot be not now not after all we have accomplished we were meant to wash her in the dawn's light together no way she did dude no way is she dead no way she actually threw herself on the fire to fuel your dawn's light boy you'll just have to usher it in on your own damn must you be so ungentle damn she actually going to be tell me about the scions boy oh she's gonna be nice to feel bad for him like oh come on the the the signs of the seventh dawn lay before ayorzie's salvation wow that's great whenever the realm is threatened beat by primal asian guardian or any other we take up arms in her defense that all in aeozia may live to see a brighter tomorrow it's so upsetting to me because there's literally three illuminatis in this game there's the actual illuminati which is really just some stupid-ass goblins right there's the aesthetians who are the effect of illuminati and there's also the scions of the good guy illuminati there are too many illuminatis and that's very noble of you but in chasing after these lofty goals of yours you seem to have lost sight of some basic truths what's that to win a war you must be willing to do whatever it takes to fight to kill and if necessary to die but man grandma's savage holy [ __ ] the path you've chosen is paved with the dead walk it with your eyes open or not at all wow okay schwarz is so mad i know the truth of which you speak and have from the first yep if the asians will go to any length to resurrect their god then we must needs be as committed to our cause to unmask them and their schemes and to crush them both utterly that's what we gotta do yeah we just gotta beat them that's easy we just kill them we we put them in an ice cube and then we blow it up like we've done that with like two or three of them it's been easy come there is much to be done yes of course yeah damn right we gotta warm the [ __ ] up did she curtsy oh my god fine cred wait damn he just walks away oh my god i guess he's upset no this is all wrong what the [ __ ] damn down voted again this was a few who get to choose how and when and for what they die for not that you need reminding i suppose but that boy for all the suffering he's known he still claims the notion that there's some cosmic justice and reality that we're saved and condemned and there isn't damn man actual redditor she's not coming back is she [Music] she did what she thought was best i know that to give all for her beliefs was was ever her way so will we as we must what greater calling could it be than to stand against the dark as the defenders of the light and yet where does it end the sacrifice the loss is this the wrong time to give me a a magic frog a magic frog minion like it seems like it's kind of like a heavy moment you know like but it's never a wrong time for a magic frog [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
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Id: l4fREXg4tTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 18sec (5838 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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