A Grand FINALE! Asmongold Says Goodbye to FFXIV: Heavensward (3.3 Ending Reaction)

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oh [ __ ] oh my god bro they're going crazy we must hope forsake thy vengeance and be at peace i have a feeling this isn't going to work no you can't die like this i won't let you oh my god look at how are you saving him wait what [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what's up pleasure to see you again my friend i take it you received our invitation yes i did when the true brothers of the faith seized control of the vault i feared the worst yet in adversity were we blessed with the promise of peace between man and dragon through vadof near's timely rescue of an innocent child needless to say we could guess let such an opportunity pass us by which is why i set about making formal arrangements for a peace conference between our peoples damn but i confess that is not the only reason i would be glad to have you there why not given nidhogg's implacable opposition to the peace it is possible that he and his followers may attempt to disrupt proceedings in which event your presence would be a comfort to all in attendance we got beat is that we gotta beat eye dog again we beat his ass that's all it takes we got a bull we have to blow him up with you better not i swear to god if you die it does nothing it does nothing lucia cautioned me against giving vince to my passions lest my wounds reopen the people are ready my friend this conference must go ahead all right let's [ __ ] do it now my expectations for the conference nigh dog is going to crash the party and he going to [ __ ] cause a bunch of [ __ ] i knew you would understand i'm worried that night dog is going to kill emrick that's what i think is going to happen i think one more thing what a drink we should make time for one once the conference is concluded i mean yeah he's dead by my record yeah he's dead long overdue he's 100 percent dead the horde commander said he would come as my goal i doubt this one will die lucia died i i don't think she's going to die his faith is infectious this is not oh man dude he's done bro oh my god he's going to get rolled up and smoked i'm so sad forgive me i'm rambling you must be tired of your journey go rest i'll not keep you okay let's talk to artorias oh my god i'm so [ __ ] nervous how much has changed since we fought alongside each other in the vault if you had told me that we would be soon hosting a peace conference i would have thought you a naive fool or a doctorial if i may some of the convictors are refusing to stand down the majority are willing to do so but a small party have instead pledged to engage any dravidians bound for falcon's nest fury take me would they would defy certain mx command if they dare attack mondolphia we must needs hasten to their encampment they should be far more reluctant to oppose us we're a lord of house four tim's present i must ask will you look after emmanuel while i'm away yes all i ask is keep an eye on him until i return exhausting though that may be i like artorial a lot wait i said his name uh right then the first four of those barracks has been converted into a tavern for the duration of the conference why don't you go have something to eat go ahead as we will that will join you ain't on i don't think they're gonna kill emanuel i don't think it'll happen i highly doubt it welcome welcome find yourself an empty seat and i'll be with you in a moment okay thanks cutie this is like cold out in it here a mug on the house let's get some color back in them cheeks all right i'll crash delicious i said no diet soda it'll be a bit longer than usual we've got a lot of hungry folk to feed what with the conference and all yeah so many people were caused to celebrate to think there could be peace in our time after all them years of fighting when i heard about the conference i knew i had to come i knew oh god my husband he he died right he died fighting the dragons you see and here we are about to break bread [Music] you all know what's going on here the [ __ ] you all right [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] sleep sleep sleep and leads i knew it this was never your fight [Music] you dumb [ __ ] my son they they told me he walks in hello nice halls him and the rest of his unit maybe oh man maybe they're going to kill emeric i see the worm that killed my brother in my dreams every night and i will not rest until he lies broken at my feet him and every last one of his accursed kin oh my god dude whether we like it or not man and dragon will come together at falcon's nest and all will be forgiven forgiven and forgotten no i will not let that happen oh yeah good now we can have more people die you crazy dumb [ __ ] they will remember the true face of the enemy i will show it to them and we will rise up against them once more are you crazy hey hey this is no time for napping yeah do you have your wits about you good come with me we have a crisis on our hands [ __ ] this crazy [ __ ] hear me brothers and sisters do not be fooled by the honeyed words of the dravarnian shooter the peace they promise is but a prelude to slaughter remember your husbands and wives never returned from war your children torn apart by fang and claw all your loved ones show no mercy too bad we killed the dragons too does not your heart cry out for vengeance your blood boil at the injustice oh oh my god you there don't just stand around go ping do something man stop her yeah true yes yes my lord of course nice haha nice see see here the true nature of the high get her again with lies and deception they lead us to our doom and dare we raise our voices in descent death is our reward yeah time to finish the quest get the next arrow this is the choice they have given us brothers and sisters death by dragonsfang or death by noblemen's command death to all we hold dear yeah to be at a war with the dragons forever wow what a good thing to hold dear [ __ ] on your choices noblemen you will take no more from me no more no more where's that get another arrow nice oh she didn't fall down my man what have you done nice dude i only did as you ordered my lord yep thank god good call what do you can't explain i gave no such order i did not i i never meant for anyone to you idiot just explain it to him she's trying to cause her [ __ ] excuse like everybody killed because she's like trying to [ __ ] call like call everybody the war to like kill the dragons during a peace talk like no that's not okay upon circumstances we cannot leave falcon's nest asthma gold we do have my report to work commander in my stead yeah i'll do that get up emmanuel and you're going with them i was not at oh that's okay [Music] man [ __ ] you dude what a [ __ ] dick i was so worried oh that says how to say his name no no what have they done to you i know what what happened is that you my lord you you seem rather flustered what happened to him well they beat him what in the seven hells happened to you what the [ __ ] my apologies some few of the guests expressed their wishes hey canada thanks for five subs i appreciate it i implored them to stay it would seem they took issue with my request it seems that way yeah god's forgive me if i had only been more careful with my words [Music] he's dead calm yourself the boy will live but it's imperative we get him inside and into the care of a kai ruling without delay wait did they give thalid right a [ __ ] a pants bulge i swear to god so close why does it all have to fall to pieces because they're pissed off don't they want to live in peace don't they want to be happy we all want the same thing and still still it falls to pieces it seems that way tell me what what was i supposed to do someone anyone tell me what was i supposed to do nothing you did everything right you did it right stop looking to others you make your choice and you live with the consequences oh and what would you know about consequences oh oh you always know just what oh just what to do your every deed is greeted with a round of applause uh oh ah it's not looking good [Laughter] got him you know nothing about me i have fought tooth and nail for the people i hold dear damn you knew that [ __ ] was coming everything in my power to save them and i have failed learn to live with it i have jesus my man all right oh oh edmonds here oh [ __ ] regardless of his intent the result is undeniable he's furthered the cause of the misguided few who cannot let go of the past in an instant the delicate peace that we're poised to forge is once more beyond us i fear we are not without options yet we are not without options at our last meeting a proposal was tabled the other members of the eurysian alliance for joint military exercises to strengthen the ties between our nations and needless to test our readies to met with a common threat i had thought to delay these exercises until after the peace conference but mayhap a grand melee may just be the thing to lift our beleaguered spirits very well you may count on my support uh for what little it is worth however i have a request i would have my son emmanuel and take part in the great his dad's gonna make it hey boy apple about to get his ass bait by his deeds he's brought shame upon ishgard and so by his deeds i would have him bring our nation on her as my as your wish my lord if that is his desire then it shall be so during the grand melee some of your gear will be glamored the attributes and abilities will be unaffected i'm being transmogged without consent they're transmocking me without consent this is disgusting brave men and women of the eorzean alliance let the grand melee begin let's do what we need to do is pop off all right so forward all right okay i'll just pick everything up right okay uh i don't know how any of this works oh it's this one here okay all right so we go over here we kill this one right this is with above no problem okay now i'm killing this one nice that's an easy gg right there i guess yeah it might have stopped because it was just like okay we're doing it too fast it's supposed to be the grand melee not the quick melee all right next one i think this should be it yep because we get 10 points for this right [Music] easy easy [Music] what the [ __ ] cyclops everybody on their guard yeah all forces fall back what this mob's like over 40. [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ah okay okay makes sense right continue the melee i'll deal with them all right that's odd you heard the man back to it okay all forces form a line on asman gold now he only got one arm how's he gonna jesus god damn dude holy [ __ ] dude rabbi [ __ ] oh my god wait he's a boss now [Music] oh corporal will not lie i was hoping it would come to this so then shall we dance damn it all all right let's go i'm ready oh [ __ ] dude that's so [ __ ] funny dude sir emerick just got eated away by raubon helmet on yeah i know all right let's do it [Music] jesus dude this guy's getting [ __ ] destroyed okay wasn't he good yeah i know he's over geared we'll see does he do anything else i don't really think he does immortal flame what does this do um i am the bull of amigo yeah we'll see about that what does this do should i let it go shall i let it go see what happens here we go am i gonna about to one shot get one shot i'm gonna pop it a thousand damage or sorry ten thousand damage damn that is crazy okay that yeah that is a lot that wouldn't really kill somebody though i'm pretty sure it wouldn't it just does a good amount of damage okay we got his ass take your victory you've earned it did did he win then we we let's settle down with this we emanuel okay look let's settle down with this whole wii business victory is ours ishgard ishgard wow yay yay wow a truly magnificent display sir night well doubtless less than pleased i am quite sure the grand companies are honored to have been bested by such valiant warriors like myself the honor was ours your grace well that made for a refreshing change congratulations on your victory by the way yeah of course we were gonna win i'm the main character i for my part i'm merely glad you did not strain anything in the process of single-handedly winning the battle for them yeah it's okay what's going on nah what the hell is going what the [ __ ] tears butter scratch i assure you and i will not suffer you to worry over me he's got he's pregnant more important concerns still as your stolen never tires are telling me we can but face them head on one at a time one day at a time has been philia would have done oh damn yeah [Music] sad [Music] first sound that was easy dude we won that no problem falls balls i have forgotten what it feels like to be so alive not since leaving the blood sands if i had the privilege not since the bull of all amigo hung up his swords back then the outcome might have been different but i do not begrudge you you're your victory i know how far you've come how much you've endured our fight only confirmed it now we shall have to do this again one day whenever time allows i shall look forward to it now go go to the ash guardians and celebrate your victory you've earned it my lord oh honourable my boy shouldn't you be in bed oh look at that thank you for your concern my lord but i have largely recovered from my ordeal and i have not but several scars to show for it which i have been told some women may find appealing wait are you telling me that he's going to be stealing emmanuel's girlfriends too i even hit his man's servant is going to be stealing his girlfriends too oh my god man the fury herself ushers us into a new era say emmerich the time is now all right here we go that it is reconvene the conference and summon vadofia to falcon's nest we will make peace with reis velga's brood and hasten this bloody war to its end oh boy oh boy all right here we go oh boy all right here we go all right predictions are um sir emmerich and artorias die at least one of them die by nigh dog who attacks during the event that's what it has to be [Music] or by the protesters i don't know about the protesters maybe not it's hard to say because they didn't really talk about it a whole lot but i think that's what's going to happen [Music] she appointed hour approaches somebody's dying here she begged lee to watch the proceedings i saw no reason not to grant it you dumb [ __ ] here we go look the white dragon ah how long it has been since our peoples met thus children of thought even by our reckoning vidofnia daughter of resvelga we give thanks for your visit and bid you welcome to falcon's nest they spoke to us of a paradise lost of bonds of brotherhood which they yearn to see restored absolutely brothers and sisters yay who stand as witness hearken to me since the days of eld when the bonds betwixt man and dragon were sundered by our hand our peoples have known only war bloodshed without end losses beyond counting and still we fought and still we fought you did what you had to do yeah yeah idiot some wounds do not heal the dead cannot be returned to us yeah that's right you hear that but we the living can yet choose another course here and now we can lay down this burden this hatred this vengeance betwixt our peoples yoneth a divine [Music] knowing this doth thy heart yet yearn for peace son of thorden look now on the legacy he's saying that in general a dream of peace inscribed in stone for generations to come that's good [ __ ] yeah the dragon's face yeah actual pog chip you're [Music] right as they were so long ago happy [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] your bow what [Music] it's [ __ ] nigh dog it's nigh dog doing that [ __ ] no dude no dude no dude he gonna turn into a dragon man [Music] how do you jump right there of dravania i've now grown so forgetful that thou wouldst forsake keth and kin and consult with the spawn of florida the felons dare contemplate peace oh [ __ ] all of you the final chorus is nigh and all will be held to account all will bathe in the flames of retribution [Music] for none shall escape my wrath none shall escape my revenge seven else [ __ ] here we go i [ __ ] knew it i [ __ ] yep there he is there he is he got both eyes now a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] hells take that worm while he lives we'll never know peace true destiny destiny hog death to nidhogg true [Music] what are they sad about we knew this was going to happen [Music] oh [Music] oh boy he says oh [ __ ] dude [Music] all our sins for all our scars the future for which we had long yearned was at last within our grasp thank god but it would be bought at a heavy price oh sure for in those twilight hours did nidhogg cry out for vengeance and his brethren raised their voices for the final chorus of the dragon song war [Music] we're going to beat his ass memoirs have counted four times heavensward the gears have changed the matter of that poor dragoon yeah he got [ __ ] over you have discovered something a means to save him yes we have let us not jump to conclusions shall we i'll [ __ ] you assess the facts presented then make an educated analysis as you were taught oh downvoted again [Music] pray cast your mind back to the moment of justinian's transformation do you recall how you described it to us uh he turned into a dragon when he appeared at falcon's nest the worm's eyes were fused to his mail so maybe the connect maybe he's be he's losing more of himself with that only his armor had been corrupted snaking forth from the army yeah i described dark red [ __ ] which entangled his very being his ether has been all but smothered by that [ __ ] dude that's so stupid then he is lost to us forever nah bro of course not stupid what did i just say about jumping to conclusions yishtola clearly stated all but smothered damn double down voted man he's down he's into minus two right now and after listening to yishtola's observations i became more certain of my suspicion that the something else i'd sensed was in fact the trace of a different will submerged in the sea of nidhogg's rage oh so he's still in there trying to battle with nidhogg can we not rest him from nidhogg's grasp then tear the eyes from the armor yeah that seems like a good idea we know not if that would serve to separate worm's soul from man's none have ever attempted such a feat well wouldn't has this ever even happened before though like i mean what do you mean like how do we know this is uncharted territory should it offer even the faintest hope of success then by the gods i shall be the first to try damn you know what that's crazy by all means hold fast to your hope but be mindful of the dangers [ __ ] that [ __ ] bruh shut up even should you succeed in excising the eyes from the dragoon's mail we have no way of knowing if your friend's soul would survive so violent a separation yeah and that is to say nothing of the possibility that his would-be savior might become nidhogg's next host no man you just put the eyes in two different places should the opportunity present itself i will tear those foul orbs from austinian's armor and trust in the resilience of his soul even at the risk of mine own see now he's sounding like justinian now he's sounding like a goddamn pimp all right let's go wait i just realized creel is cosplaying as a cat girl she's like a carbuncle more of oh friends deliverance than their foe was defeated but will history come in their fielded or condemned this is my favorite character i dude i think that medgar summer is so [ __ ] cool like he's like 100 the coolest character yeah i i just i think he's so badass like he's so enigmatic and just like [ __ ] just cool man the conference held at falcon's nest was to be a celebration of the reconciliation twixt man and dragon well that didn't happen did it it kind of did though the lingering shade of nidhogg clad in the flesh of the azir dragoon did mark the occasion by spilling the blood of his own kind disgusting a timely atrocity to remind the children of ishgard that the dragon song war was far from over but it pretty much is though because like everybody like wouldn't the other fear gave way to fury the call to arms rang out anew let's hear it death to nidhogg death to nedhawk exactly exactly death to nidhogg i will speak plain now that nidhogg is possessed of both of his eyes no mortal force we can muster will repel him that being the case we must needs recruit an ally of equal strength harris felgar you speak of grace velga what's this [Music] did it work oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] everything changed that's a big boy that's a big boy he got both eyes too [Music] you dare summon me again mortals great race felger it is not likely that we beg this audience pray hearken to our words for they concern the future of man and dragon both okay let's hear it greetings bres velga i am emmerich de burrell acting ruler of the nation of ishgard i am come before you to parley on behalf of my people to part away thinkest thou purpose unclear to me though art come to beg my aid in the battle against the shade of my brood brother [Music] damn my beloved shiva once did build a bridge twix man and dragon a bridge which treacherous forefat which your treacherous forefathers saw fit to tear down as though now uh as that well knowest uh thinkus now nidhogg was alone and despairing at the murder of our brood sister thank us down my own soul did not cry out for vengeance know then that upon the curse of day my heart did wither in my breast and thy kind became unto me the harbingers of despair that didn't work we understand that in your despair at man's betrayal you seek only the refuge of solitude but despite your protestations of spent faith do you not still nurture the smallest flame of hope well obviously he does that's why he helped uh [ __ ] you sail spare me this idol solistery uh even if i were the mode of truth in your reasoning whatever uh would you have me slay my own sibling to save a city of mortals should we suffer ties of blood to bind our hands then nay if the crime is one of unconscionable evil we must need to condemn it even should the transgressor be our closest king true yeah and don't forget the fact that he just stat but he just stabbed your daughter jurassic velgar valgardla what about that man oh [ __ ] we just summoned a cheat code heed me my child the servants of heidel and envisioned a different outcome they intend salvation for not only ishgard but for the doomed dragon slayer as well believe us now the shade of nidhogg to be returned it is not merely a manifestation of its v is it not merely a manifestation of his vengeance the shadow cast by by thy brood brothers rage i would not command thee but ponder well thy course lest it lead into greater remorse i shall await thee in the ruins wherein ratakoskar once dwelled he dwelled in words of my children oh [ __ ] we got a trial all right damn so we just got so we literally had to call his dad we gotta call his dad like damn okay now what imperius wavern my broodmates and i will bury you to the place of your trial make preparations okay sorkai all right oh [ __ ] oh shhhh damn [Music] oh my god dude that's [ __ ] awesome it's like a boss gauntlet it seems like it kind of is i guess we'll find out all right here we go let's beat some ass let's do what we need to do boys damn this place looks cool oh my god a cloud gardener who are we fighting against guard oh it's a rock it's not a that's not a gardener that's a rock bro okay there we go let's kill both of these and yeah as i said this is all part of the free trial as i said before which is still so [ __ ] insane to me man like all of this is all the free trial i think that the the best thing about the game is the fact that it's playable single player uh it's basically a single player game with like multiplayer elements to it where it matters every mmo and i think a lot of mmos recently have shown this that like mmos shouldn't be any one thing besides fun right and it's even fulfilling i think mmos more so should be enjoyable and meaningful wait what the [Music] thank god i've wanted to kill him for a long time it's over mogden all right let's get his ass suck a dick mog then suck a dick then i didn't blood weapon i'm an idiot there it is there it is okay we've got pot munchers watch out for them okay what do they do uh this is probably some sort of like uh empowerment thing i guess i'll just kill this got him yeah these things die so [ __ ] fast it's great palma holy what the hell does this do is this a heel well it would be but they're all [ __ ] dead so it doesn't matter what an easy game dude okay oh they're playing the [ __ ] song dude oh my god they're playing the [ __ ] song kill them in order listen to the song this song tells you what order to kill them in you you got me with that the first time okay i'll grant you that you definitely got me with that the first time it's not happening again got him okay let's see here how do i uh oh [Music] what the [ __ ] oh wow [Music] okay here we go oh dude this is the mount from [ __ ] uh the golden boxes in the uh the palace of the damned okay here we go yeah i'm trying to memorize all of the mounts i will figure it out soon [Music] okay easy boss so far is he gonna do anything burning bright okay what does that do doesn't do anything all right gg wait what the [ __ ] where he be at oh we gotta go over here okay now what oh [Music] that's cool yeah i like that i wish there are more of these yeah i get in the puddle why would i get in the puddle yeah it's all the way over there [ __ ] that yeah it did zero damage i understand this quite well i wiped many times there how it literally like it has an arrow showing you where to go it's not that hard is it i don't know man yeah i'm pretty sure i can handle it it'll be okay okay good there we go nice okay now what alrighty perfect okay it was never supposed to be hard probably not no i would assume not only mentors wipe here yeah i guess that makes sense yeah it doesn't seem that hard to me either okay good yeah tank privilege it's nice but i guess like they're in a good position too because like since i've got really good gear i can help them oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] damn damn all right so these guys should die really [ __ ] fast and then we can go and maybe fight the uh the last boss who's supposed to be harassed by wait it's harassed valgar's last boss oh what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yep here it is spare thee no clemency neither must i oh it's so badass [Music] damn [Music] damn that was [ __ ] cool oh my god what could that do look at that dude [Music] oh [ __ ] okay all right here's what i think we do so we just go in and we kill him like i think that's the solution we go in uh he's a you know we get him to low health and then after he's low enough he dies let's pop off okay all right big damage boys let's go dude he's going he's at 85 percent man this guy's a joke where's he at okay i'm assuming i get out of this okay that's easy all right where'd he be at yeah that's easy that's no problem okay yeah it's like you see him [ __ ] do something you got a bunch of statues well you think this is my first video game that i've ever been in i've never played a video game before i promise you i have diamond storm this probably doesn't do anything okay wait what the oh i thought we'd be able to walk on it now yeah never mind man this guy went down like a [ __ ] he went down like a [ __ ] okay so now what is he gonna do it again yeah here we go all right i have to go this way there we go all right i'll just throw i'll throw some sticks at him oh he's invulnerable all right never mind okay there's like one ad here okay let's fight him there we go this is actually pretty cool yeah this is badass okay we got it rich died here i'm sorry to hear that man i really am that's crazy okay spell and claw what spelling card are you doing you haven't been doing anything he's just dying got him there it is boys here it is boy look at that get him out of here dude [Music] damn surprise [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] where's he going i'm gonna say thank you in advance for the commendations i think that's the smartest way of handling it mentor training yeah [Music] classic mentor move i'm bringing it back man i'm gonna normalize it [Music] even bereft of an eye my brother brother was a fearsome foe indeed but having tested thy strength firsthand i do begin to see how this did bring him low heidelin shows us their servants well very well i shall trust in the seed of man one last time by thy deeds shall the flickering hope that lingereth yet within my heart be kindle the new or extinguish forever all right i'm like what what the [ __ ] [Music] all right let's go no pressure yeah no pressure guys oh [ __ ] oh there they are all right we gotta fight nidhogg now let us fight his allies then and together banish my brood brother's vengeful shade on my oath the wrath that was once nidhogg shall meet its end [Music] damn damn let's [ __ ] go i swear on the memory of my beloved shiva on the soul of lost you sail oh man damn damn death to nidhogg it would seem our final reckoning with the dread worm is at hand all right i only wish we had some inkling as to when he means to strike probably right now he's already attacking what okay um all right i i must return to my city without delay then we shall lend you our wings let us meet with knit hall going to feel the battle and together bring an end to this wrathful song yes dude yes dude oh my god [Music] we're going to war boys let's do it what's this oh [ __ ] oh my god bro they're going crazy wow they're just fighting against these dragons doing whatever the [ __ ] yeah it's an actual war just throwing them around oh that's the attack that twin tonya does damn i feel like the dragon's like how are you just gonna 1v1 a dragon man shouldn't they just stay in the air and breathe fire on them until the lord commander returns it's yeah it seems like a good idea yeah just breathe fire on oh we must hold oh my god dude they're going crazy yeah the dragons are dumb man damn she could fight wait where's where's the manual yeah where's the manual man [Music] i was thinking about that yeah what the [ __ ] he's yeah he's hiding at home man he's just trying to he's sitting inside oh my god oh my [ __ ] god they're getting [ __ ] destroyed where are the dragoons uh yeah good question actually yeah very good question they're getting overwhelmed oh my god they're just getting eaten up like nothing bro holy [ __ ] holy sh reinforcements by the fury that one is the size of nidhogg oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there it is [Music] damn [Music] damn dude load commander yes surprise oh my god [Music] superhero landing true i'm so glad i've got this badass armor on oh my god and there he is very [ __ ] is holy [ __ ] [Music] oh wow oh [ __ ] they're just looking at each other staring each other down where are you standing with these vermin brother abandon this war shade the suffering of thou soweth service no end the traitors progeny have warned of their forefathers betrayal and seek now to make amends with our kind never shall our grief be as sponged or our laws forgotten but reconciliation may yet halt the spread of this plague of enmity forsake thy vengeance and be at peace i have a feeling this isn't gonna work [Music] yeah what soft-headed ramblings are these the dalians with that vile maid hath robbed thee of thy wits uh mayhap or coin perfume hath made me forget the stench of our brood brothers lifeblood oh [ __ ] now stare speaketh of my beloved [Music] so the flames of rage may yet be kindled i feared thy heart's fire had long since gone out but waste not thy fury on words brother thou shalt have need of it in battle oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] oh wow it's a one it's a dragon 1v1 yup [Music] jesus [Music] jesus dude uh oh fuss rudolph yeah [Music] oh [ __ ] it's gonna knock that whole thing down god wait what the hell what the [ __ ] [Music] oh my god [Music] wait did is he dead like what the [ __ ] happened [Music] oh no he's good oh [ __ ] oh they're going at it god damn [Applause] [Music] oh my god oh my [ __ ] god what is going on here did he bite him oh no oh [ __ ] nidhogg is not [ __ ] around god damn oh my god thou art we caress felgar a slytherin worm who fawneth on the vermin who should rightly be his prey for a thousand years have i fought without ceased and thou thought that you could beat me that's a good point yeah that is that's kind of a good point glory not in this victory shade the battle is not yet won my power and my hope i have entrusted to another what the [ __ ] is it emirate oh it's me oh [ __ ] that's a fool that would trust a mortal with your strength apparently yeah oh [ __ ] i know thee towards thou who did intrude upon my lair and best the half of me but now i am whole and not incarnation shall deny me from my vengeance [Music] turn the music up i'm pretty sure it should be at a high vault oh [ __ ] he is they he is [Music] all right let's beat him [Music] damn he's not playing games [Music] all right boys let's do it death to nidhogg let's beat him [Music] already 95 dude we're gonna beat his ass it'll be no problem look at that dude okay obviously we have to get out of that now what's he gonna do hot wings oh [ __ ] okay pretty easy to avoid that alrighty now what that's a lot of [ __ ] damage dude from a quest mob god damn he's spicy i know he's not playing games look at this [ __ ] damage okay okay well okay getting out of that damn [ __ ] okay all right let's get back on him no problem no problem boys we just kill him all right and poppy cds as much as i can doing whatever i can to beat him that's a night oh yeah he just despawned there that's how fast he is oh [ __ ] okay pulling this and pulling this got him all right and we should be fine here we'll just pull both of these i'll pop a cd too uh might as well be careful looks like somebody got the other aggro too all right good i don't know where the other mob is but i'm pretty sure i have tank stance on right yeah i do okay the shadow dragons wouldn't they know nidhogg's a shade though i don't know how it works the party walks away yeah he's fine he's just chilling man i'm not worried about him yeah maybe he just does that on his own one of the dragons says no aggro table that's the way it seems to me this one just does a whole lot of damage but it's almost dead so it's fine okay let's kill this one next there we go all right i guess i can just put that on him since it won't really matter about the other one okay good and we'll just keep killing this guy no big deal got his ass massive damage massive dicks yup we got all the boys in here got em dude oh [ __ ] [Music] wait what though what [Music] champions of man hearken to my fury the [ __ ] it's astinian holy [ __ ] oh my god look at that dude he looks [ __ ] awesome alan this is probably like a solo tank soak thing right yeah okay i'll pop a cd for the next one that's what seems like probably a good idea okay nice girl okay that's a pretty easy avoid right there no problem so if this is the same as like uh on corn on baphomet it does more damage every time he casts it okay where's he at spreading no problem there super easy okay now what now we get to the very edge easy too [Music] oh oh okay we're good all right we get back on him dude we get back [ __ ] on him no problem all right my pop cd pop cd okay i'm dead good tank swap good job dom okay i thought he was gonna do the cast okay back on him back on i'm back on i'm back on him back arm no big deal it is what it is [Music] i'm just gonna move out with that actually all the way okay boy bunny got hit by that it's not the end of the world though okay moving on to this moving out with that okay perfect avoids guys we don't want to have any [ __ ] mistakes we just stay on them and do what we need to do let's see how much damage it's gonna do jesus dude look at that [ __ ] damage oh my god should i stand in this no okay it doesn't work that way yeah never mind it's at 43 we're able to beat him this is it good what the [ __ ] that has doomed me but if i make my end you shall burn upon my pyre oh [ __ ] [Music] jesus god [ __ ] damn all right now we've all got to get in on i'm there i'm there i'm there yeah he's going into god mode now jesus good pop my cds again um that seems like a are we supposed to stand next to that i have assumed probably not i got i don't know i don't really know let's see here whatever i stand on it nothing okay uh probably just move away from the uh the giant fireballs i think it seems like kind of a good idea looks like they're getting red yeah um okay good didn't really do a whole lot of damage we can recover from that it's not a big deal all right good okay apparently i have aggro again that's fine go ahead and just pick him back up nice got him again got his ass again [Music] good and now we have to group up again probably whenever it does a cast right maybe not okay he's doing a lot of [ __ ] damage all right i'm just gonna pop a cd right now man okay white knight is dead probably should res him okay repositioning got him no problem boys no [ __ ] problem 13 let's beat his ass it's a lot of damage ooh that's a lot of [ __ ] damage that's a lot of [ __ ] oh that's a lot of [ __ ] damage it's a lot of [ __ ] damage there it is come on come on come on come on let's kill him let's kill him don't [ __ ] die boys let's not [ __ ] die stay alive oh we're bringing it oh my god see why i'm bringing in the dragon attack holy [ __ ] got him nice nice get wrecked there he is uh [Music] yep you're done nidhogg you're finished i will not allow it i am of the first brood i am vengeance shut up [ __ ] get out of here thou shall die by my hand get the [ __ ] yeah right yeah right what do you mean definitely wait what this is not your handworm oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on oh my god i would ask one last favor of you warrior of light finish me now while i have the beast subdued oh my god this guy's [ __ ] savage are we really gonna kill him yeah pull the [ __ ] eyes off of him get him out of there you waste your time kill me it is the only way ending nidhogg will be my final guilty oh my god no you can't die like this i won't let you oh my god look at how often are you saving them wait what [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait we got him oh [ __ ] we got dude i thought they were like saying don't worry about it it's the only way you have to let him die [ __ ] yeah [Music] oh my god undone by mortal will [Music] oh my god wow [Music] so he's still alive the eyes cast them into the abyss [Music] is that really the right decision [Music] i mean they gotta land somewhere right you eat it get him out of there why not destroy him yeah i know what if he flies back out [Music] yeah i don't know about that what just throw them into the abyss oh my god throw them on opposite yeah shouldn't once or like throw one over there throw it over here like if you throw one off we hold on to the other one ah that's steady on my ill-fated friend oh my god i want them ready to receive him yeah at once lord commander damn [Music] allow me to do this much at least oh [ __ ] oh [Music] dude i thought he was i was so worried he was dead man but i guess like i was like oh maybe probably not right because like after like nidhogg's spirit went up and i didn't see him do that so it's like it probably didn't happen but [ __ ] the horde of since the fall of their master and scattered to the winds you have my gratitude resvelga your deeds this day have saved a great many lives then our alliance has sure served its purpose thou this wield the power i granted thee well it was thine own skill and not mine i that earned the victory i wish thy companion a swift recovery fare you will children of man wow damn yeah we got a free eye yeah why don't we give him like one of like nidhogg's eyes or something like that i don't know like the battle is one yeah i mean we can at least do something for him no more for a stinion now than bear him home well yeah even as race falcon did the rest we must trust to the hands of the healers and the grace of the gods he's not going to die now i'd be so stupid if he died after we did all this he's good oh my god oh we get to see him there we are oh no oh [ __ ] oh there he is oh wow cecil muelling boy it grates my ears damn forgive me when i saw you awaken i could not it was such a relief we feared you might never wake up yeah for real now now estinian if master alfano thought any less of you you would still be near hog's play thing or dead true subs quite how you managed to persuade reyswagar to aid in his brew brothers downfall i cannot imagine but for glad am i that you did yet again you have achieved the impossible i for my part owe you an apology when last we met i did willingly loose an arrow at your heart can you forgive me of course yeah he's not going to give a [ __ ] there is not to forgive hammerick yeah you've been acted in defense of ishgard as it's your duty yeah duh it's fine it's just what it is were you any less single minded about it i would not follow you into battle we'll trust you at my back yeah see besides i had come to the self-same conclusion that i would have to perish for nidhogg to be stopped so let us dispense with the hand-wringing i have heard enough muelling for one day damn oh yeah the tendrils of nidhogg's foul presence bound up every fiber of my being usurping my senses but i yet retained some trace of awareness what the [ __ ] that's scary controlled by a dragon like that the worm's mind was as a vast and tumultuous see endlessly its black waters churned his grief and despair at ratatoskr's murder never calming never receding driven by this surging current came wave upon wave of unrelenting rancor what they're saying that he's mad as [ __ ] he was pissed it was the very image of my own heart there i saw the dark reflection of the hatred i felt after nidhogg snew my family when no path remains safe vengeance against dragon kind damn neither one of us had a choice but i was blessed with something nidhogg was not comrades and teachers to console and admonish me had i not had them to gain say my obsession it would surely have consumed me as nidhogs did him and we would have been in all respects alike that's a good point it makes me very uneasy how much justinian looks like griffith though his shade is banished his spirit scattered upon the sea of clouds i feel no joy at his passing where once i craved vengeance i now crave rest yeah i [ __ ] bet lord commander my hunt is at an end i would lay down the mantle of azir dragoon wow damn what that what the hell is he gonna do now my friend he has tied himself with too many words it seems that way i doubt not that he will make a full recovery but he must be allowed some few days of quiet makes sense [ __ ] okay well i was he gonna do just chill now he's just gonna chill now i too must see my path to its end sleep well my friend oh yeah emmerich was going gonna step down yeah i forgot about that forgot all about that he's sleeping no he's not dead guys he's not that he's just he's [ __ ] passed out and this is it the ceremony following the battle with nidhogg on the steps of faith sir emery called an assembly that he might make his final proclamation as acting head of state oh [ __ ] it was there with one decree that the thousand-year rule of the archbishops was ended paving the way for a new republic wow damn the governance of ishgard would now be placed in the hands of high and low-born alike their ranks represented by the newly founded house of lords and house of commons wait don't they have that in england church was separated from state the foundation for change had been carefully laid oh my god and the reforms proposed by ishgard's new government passed into law without incident damn his duty done emmerich de barrell gladly stepped down from the archbishop's days only to be raised unto the highest seat in the house damn still a pimp damn wow though he strove at first to refuse this honor the unexpectedly strident voice of the count de doran dare left him little choice but to accept wow [Music] so what are they gonna do with the throne they just haven't said that so it was that the winds of gentle revolution came to stir damn and there's the dragons too oh my god prominent among the many honored guests at sir emmerich's investiture were the ambassadors of dragonkind a fitting symbol of ishgard's newfound peace damn damn dude emmerich is a badass oh my god who's next of adolf here uh the one that trained emmerich in battle the people looked on in awe through the heavens on dragon back and by their cheers did they hail him an azure dragoon for a new age oh [ __ ] so he's the new one oh wow [Music] oh [ __ ] there he is he's still got his uh his pole arm though yeah what happened with respond thus were the notes of the dragon song re-written wow the din of war giving way to a rising litany of peace and hope wow yay yay [Music] [Music] that looks really good man like just the scenery looks [ __ ] insane [Music] god damn [Music] oh it's him right into memoirs yeah [Music] [Music] down there and back again yeah [Music] heavensward yeah [Music] damn he did it [Music] wow i said it was fun thanks for five stops he done so now what the hell is this going to do yeah if he's not going to be the azer dragoon what the hell is he going to do he left it behind but he still had his weapon so how does that work god damn god damn man oh my god wow the story has been really good like it actually has been i think one thing that's a big difference here is that like the post heaven toward content is like actually like real it's like the around reborn stuff was just like yeah we've got a um there's a a barrel that we gotta get and okay yeah that's the patch we got the barrel cool all right that's that's it right but like this is this is it yeah i know i know there's more of it yeah apparently we still have more of heaven's word to do i didn't realize that but yes we still have even more of heaven's ward to do and we will be doing that more i uh i've really enjoyed this a lot i think this has been very fun i've liked the game a whole lot i think the story is quite good i'm actually very excited to see what's going to happen like straight up i am very very [ __ ] excited to see what's going to happen thank you guys all so much for watching today i really [ __ ] appreciate it i will be back online tomorrow morning and we will continue the quest and until next time boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 531,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv ending reaction, ffxiv ending, final fantasy xiv ending, ff14, ffxiv reaction, ffxiv end, ZackRawrr, final fantasy 14, asmongold heavensward, Heavensward, ff 14, ffxiv heavensward, heavensward reaction, heavensward ending, heavensward ending reaction, heavensward 3.3 reaction, heavensward 3.3
Id: So5-TD4WVBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 38sec (5318 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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