Asmongold Fights FFXIV's HARDEST EXTREME BOSS: King Thordan

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let's go let's go let's go perfect yes yes let's go this is it boys res so i have to go to revenant's toll and this is for thor dawn extreme a lot of people have told me this is the hardest extreme fight minimum item level echo off loot master on here we go [Music] oh god all righty guys let's talk about this so um what i'm thinking about doing is uh we'll go in and uh i'm gonna be honest i don't know anything about this fight all right i'm getting ready to pull let's go guys [Music] okay [Music] all right just white just wipe it sorry i'm trying to role play as a dark knight and uh it's working let's do this again all right i have tank stance up [Music] okay [Music] he's hitting me for half health already holy [ __ ] okay avoid out of that that's easy good job avoid that great job keep it up okay the dragon's eye what does this do um strengthened by a power of the dragon's eye that's probably not a big deal dragon's gaze probably should turn away from that yeah that's what usually that's a universal mechanic that is a lot that is a lot of [ __ ] damage boys okay lightning storm i'm assuming we spread out for this yeah okay for that we are spread out that's simple dragon's rage you probably all stand in this okay facing away all right perfect keep it up guys we're doing amazing easy easy easy [Music] all right all right dom tank swap tank swap tank slot that's fine tank slot that's good that's good that's it's actually really good timing we did this on purpose okay good all right i'll pick this one up okay let's get on this one okay wait what the hell what all right that was not that was not going according to plan mike what do we have to do with the towers we stand in the towers okay that's simple i'll stand in one then next time at least one person per tower that's easy that's the easiest mechanic i've ever heard in my whole life let's go perfect easiest easy in my life good job all right now let's get ready and do this right i'll get this tower here i guess okay oh people are already in all of them we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine burn down the boss burn down boss burn down boss long dick on boss long dick on boss long dick on boss come on come on we can do this we got him we got him that was really good really good attempts [Music] all right taking rest taking right taking rest taking rest take a rest okay i'll pick this one up it's okay it's okay it's okay as soon as i get a heal i'll pick it up taunting this one tiny this one there we go holy [ __ ] um damage taking myself and all nearby allies is reduced okay so they need to be spread out i'm assuming that's how it works well he's not taking any damage either how the [ __ ] i'm trying to figure this out okay keep it up guys keep it up we're still recovering we are actually recovering guys keep it up just nobody die use your potions if you need to how [Music] how do we beat that that's a tank buster oh really are you sure man i thought oh nom i think i should do i can just use i just use reprisal i'll be fine that's okay don't worry about it it'll be fine i got him i got him here we go here we go we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him there it is there it is we're doing great we're doing really really well i know that there are some people that might want to laugh at us right now let it be known that that was nothing this is an easy gg this isn't easy gg there we go nice job finish them let's go boys we're almost got him we've almost [ __ ] got him it's a good amount of damage on me i'll probably die to the next one by the way i'm gonna try to i'm gonna try to chain a potion into the uh into uh the other ability i have uh i don't know if this is magic damage or not i don't know why i hit that that was a mistake okay [Music] good we did it we did it we did it come on next prepare thyselves um okay uh i don't know really what that did but nobody's dead so it's fine okay we gotta make sure we don't get knocked out there okay uh comet circle are these [ __ ] okay good um uh this is really really bad like i i feel like this is this is really really i i i feel like i feel like this might be a wife i think this could be so white that went really well up until when it didn't good job excellent skill continue we do not lose we do not lose anything not even the webcam oh wait [ __ ] [Music] i'm just gonna let jesus take the wheel he crashed guys we've done very very well okay i know that many of you guys how many nights are in the round table it's like 12 or 9 right and we're on the third night yeah we're halfway done massive damage guys everybody is alive everybody's still alive we're still all alive it's okay [Music] i'll get this one [Music] it's okay he'll die before he doesn't wait what [Music] good job good job okay [Music] it's a lot of damage all right we have to get in get in here this is the knockback yeah we have to get in for that after that one we get in good job great job guys keep it up kill these kill these comment circles there we go there we go there we go there we go nice job we're killing it boys we're doing it we're doing it keep it up we have to kill them so all right this is what i think the strategy is so basically we have to kill the comments before they come down see here we go avoid everything don't be in these get back in get back in now get back in now get back in now get lizard girl back up try to kill as many as we can try to kill as many as we can good job okay [ __ ] i can't see anything we keep losing people man all right middle then spread middle then spread [Music] then back in after this and back in then back in good job get white night out after this after this get him up after this this is really really good this is our best attempt okay it's my fault i didn't know i was gonna i thought it was out of that it's my fault good job good job keep it up get on the big dick in the middle got it now everybody on this one everybody on this one come on long dicks big damage we can do this live kill it come on come on yes yes okay all right all right let's go let's go here we go here we go everybody back up everybody back up should we back up what is this okay okay oh just push back just yeah keep walking against it keep walking it's good job good job good job hold off until hold off until lb3 hold off until lb3 we're still in the game we are still in the game let's go we might not even need to do it do not give up [Music] get me up keep me topped let's go guys stay on the boss stay on the boss let's do this right okay she's in a big damage remember hit the lb it's a wild charge mechanic so that means that we need to have uh people in front of him you saw what happened to horchafon you don't want to have that happen nice nice we got it we i don't think we're going to meet the timer guys [Music] i thought we didn't make it good nobody nobody said nobody's nobody see that that's how easy it is that's how [ __ ] easy it is that's how [ __ ] easy it is you know how easy it is it's that easy it's actually that easy good job kill these ads kill these ads get get on the big one get on the big one kill that last one if you need to get on now we get on the big one get lizard up get lizard up dom i'm going to leave it up to you if you want to use the limit breaker for this one or not i'll leave it up to you this is an easy gg here it's up to you yes come on there it is everybody topped shield maybe yeah we need a shield we need everything we can after this we should be fine eat food yep eat food put a shield up there we go yes let's go let's go let's go let's go i'm getting them over here come on boys let's do this remember to soak that attack soak that attack there we go come on i will never die [Music] get ready all right big damage on thordan guys remember big damage on thor dan if you can there we go there we go good job good job good job yep get on that great job i'm gonna i'm gonna w i'm gonna w on that [ __ ] it went away okay good i i clicked the wrong button good job back on thor damn this is a new record ancient cargo it's just aoe damage it's just aoe damage dragon's eye he does more damage now that's nothing like i'm glad he's doing more damage it's too easy [Music] okay nice of the round again get ready for the next mechanic get ready for the next mechanic [Music] i might need another cooldown after this turn away turn away turn away just avoid just avoid just avoid this is an easy avoid this is a very very easy avoid guys get a new bass back up get anubis back up [Music] again okay let's do it let's do it [Music] camera right here for now all right [Music] focus guys get that group soak out in just a minute there you go good job get in for that now he's gonna big dick on me there we go uh we did it right before we didn't do it right that time uh we're at 63 60 uh sorry 33 batting average there uh not too good but it's also not too bad all right it's time long dicks long dicks on this boss remember the faster the boss dies the faster he doesn't do any damage if you want the damage to slow down kill him now let's get this let's get this first mechanic down we have to make sure we get this first mechanic down this time watch it and let's get it right okay 60 health remember pump the [ __ ] damage on this boss now if you've got time to damage the boss do it okay i'm actually going to reprise on this one too oh that's a big dick on me turning good job good job good job i'll take him to the next side whenever he goes to it if there's another eye out there i'll take him to it that way we'll have to turn away from one direction ancient quargo good job keep it up [Music] okay it's more damage on me i don't really have a big cd for the next one i'll try to i'll try to double cd i don't know if it's magic damage or not okay i'm waiting to see where he is okay turn away what the [ __ ] how did that go on me [Music] i'm so confused oh that's a lot that's a lot of damage just play it out play it out play it out play it out we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine everything's fine everything's fine just recover as best you can get serna get serna back up get started back up [Music] lightning spread out idmo shouted him [Music] move out with that dragono there we go good job keep it up a new bass a new vest did you do it [ __ ] okay guys listen we've we've learned every mechanic we've learned every single thing that we can do wrong now the only thing that we need to figure out is how to do it right great job boys great job keep it up get evelyn back up get everyone back up do not let everyone die get away perfect yes yes let's go [Music] this is it boys res me face away [Music] good job [Music] good job good job [Music] okay okay that was really good until it wasn't go down got him i got him get him over as fast as we can you guys got it you guys got it there it is dom's got it again i'm getting [ __ ] crushed keep it up keep dom up keep dom up as much as you can [Music] keep him up keep him up keep him up just get get people rest res people as much as we can touch the wall i didn't touch wall we're fine we're fine that's big heels on dom big heels on dom you should be fine oh that's a lot come on 14 just recover just recover right now just [ __ ] recover [Music] taking res all right great to reposition them reposition them dom you're going to tank from now on i'll just taunt whenever you die okay he's a little bit to the side get everybody back up [Music] okay good job guys good job keep those rez's out keep those resins out i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it it's fine it's fine everything's fine [Music] everything's fine just keep it up keep it up come on man [Music] come on man hit him with the woman break [Music] we're so [ __ ] close we are so [ __ ] close we just keep going and we keep pushing here we go let's pull it again uh let's see everybody's ready make sure you have your food buff up let's go we've got one more time until we have to reset it again let's go again i'm pulling [Music] okay get out of that let's try to get this right guys seven years later yeah i know i know we're doing our best okay this this boss is taking us longer than any boss has ever taken this is a new record as far as i know right yeah i think it is yeah i would say so [Music] okay [Applause] keep it up guys we're doing great okay good we got the diva up there [Music] okay pump the damage guys pump the damage remember we want to do as much damage as we possibly can to him in this phase it makes it way easier for us to do the other phases like even like one or two percent like you guys see how big one or two percent is in that last phase it's massive okay here we go all right let's move out good job and now we move back in and now we damage him good job [Music] okay [Music] good job oh the amount of damage that we deal to him reduces the amount of damage that he uh that he deals with his spin whenever he's about to die uh that's how it works right i i just learned that okay i thought we were just doing it for fun it's i mean it seemed like a good idea to do damage to him right so i'm like ah you know might as well do this [Music] okay here we go [Music] big damage on me there we go doesn't matter good uh dom's dead it's fine uh let me just pick this one up uh i don't have my cool down here so uh dom just saw it off okay you're good yeah make sure to keep thumb up as much as we can let's try to recover from this okay this is not the end of the world it's not the big deal at all [Music] okay just keep everybody topped good job okay i'm gonna just i'm gonna i'm gonna triple up on cooldowns here just keep us like really really good good job finish these ads finish these ads boys let's go [Music] should be able to push them if i have to if i have to eat one more of these i'm probably dead by the way so i'm gonna need like massive [ __ ] heels wow [Music] okay [Music] good job let's get the knock back here we go good and now we have the ads i was [ __ ] close that was way too [ __ ] close good job all right build your resources let's kill it [Music] okay okay we're gonna take a little bit extra damage here okay i wish i could do like my own uh cool down but i can't unfortunately all right don't die guys just don't die it's easy okay we're fine okay big big damage [Music] okay remember we do as much damage as we can here just in this fight as fast as we can okay there we go good job guys great job keep it up remember face away face away good now we're going to reposition remember maximum damage maximum uptime ancient quargarno good dragon's eye okay it's right there [ __ ] i thought i had sprung up i didn't okay good yeah he's right in position perfect [Music] okay let's reposition this [Music] good he's not right in position for the eye be paying attention to that okay dragon's eye again reposition i'm gonna move him good just get white knight back up it's fine everything is totally okay guys play this like you want to win it there we go good job remember let's get out with that debuff this time just get get evelyn back up just get everyone back up it's not a big deal [Music] okay i use my potion there to stay alive okay dragon's eye again stay focused it's not over [Music] good he's already in position do it again get people back up do not give up do not surrender dragon skates again i can't see anything okay just move out of that there we go good job let's go ancient quargar i'm gonna demo shot that one healing myself as much as i can big cd right there i'm in the grave i'm in the grave there we go nice keep it up dragon's eye repositioning him [Music] okay all right we'll reposition after this focus gentlemen focus [Music] get them down [Music] i'm probably gonna have to use the cooldown very soon here regardless i'm just gonna use this right now i have to just use whatever i can to survive okay i'm full get him down four percent four percent it's not over until he's at one uh actually zero is it zero percent it's not number twenty zero percent [Music] okay take it home take it home let's go come on boys we can do this [Music] he's invulnerability move away kill sir zephan kill sir zephan [ __ ] just kill him just kill him it's fine just kill him it's fine don't worry about it just kill him kill him don pick it up dom pick it up finish it finish it finish it come on you killed him stay alive everyone do do whatever you can everyone rest somebody if you can't dom use your death safe point six point six point four point three point two point yes [Music] yes oh my [ __ ] god wow holy [ __ ] [Music] oh uh i'm gonna go ahead and uh i'm just gonna pass on everything like as soon as we figured out that knockback mechanic though like we killed it i it was just that knockback mechanic was just [ __ ] deleting us dude i wasn't even sure if we were gonna beat this honestly i really wasn't and that was our last pull by the way until we would have had to reset that was our last pull holy [ __ ] really good job guys really really really [ __ ] good job so until next time boys so until next time boys please [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 420,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, asmongold FFXIV, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, asmongold ffxiv raid, king thordan, thordan extreme, king thordan extreme, asmongold extreme, king thordan extreme ffxiv, asmongold king thordan, ffxiv hardest, final fantasy 14 hardest, ff14 hardest, thordan ex, king thordan ex
Id: 5kdu8hhtzSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 35sec (2195 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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