Asmongold Reacts to The New FFXIV Job Actions Trailer | Endwalker

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this is it all right boys here we go [Music] cool [Music] jesus what the [ __ ] all right dragoon that's cool god damn [Music] god i like that one a lot holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i like the way that weapon looked or the way that attack looks yeah that's actually really nice if i play dps this is probably what i'll play [Music] okay dude these guys jump around a lot holy [ __ ] oh it shoots the eyes too [Music] oh [ __ ] yeah that does look really cool warrior okay this is uh my first class [Music] oh that's the whirling attack all night [Music] boys i think we might have to holy [ __ ] this is awesome what the [ __ ] that's cool i like that one a lot and he has red eyes i'm assuming that's inner inner release or inner fury or something like that right no way that's [ __ ] cool that's [ __ ] that that's badass i like that a lot all right [Music] okay that one's really cool the the flowers and everything okay the jump back i see that what oh that's just [ __ ] yeah i know what that is god damn i always thought red mage like aesthetically was really cool melee combo right there the jump back is one of the coolest things that red mage can do i really like the jump back that's so badass [Music] okay [Music] he's just buffing up a butterfly [Music] who gives a [ __ ] [Music] yeah who cares [Music] fast boy all right all right here we go [Music] okay that's about the same as it is now okay [Music] you know i like how i i like how he's not like super fast with the the swings of the weapon because you think about like how heavy a sword like that would be it's like way more realistic with like how [ __ ] slow when he's just like boom he just hits it right it's weighted yeah it feels [ __ ] good the weight feels good exactly it's like you ever had like you know it's like a vanilla wow you have a 3.8 speed weapon and you walk up to somebody and just go and like the fact that it's slow makes it feel better this is awesome i don't know what that is yet i don't have that one there's another one oh i don't have oh yeah you get another uh another guy i forgot about that god damn okay that is cool [Music] i like dark knight dark knight's awesome i think that's like pretty much uh i that's that's pretty much about what dark knight used to be i mean i don't think there hasn't really been a lot of changes have there yeah i mean it seems about like what it is [Music] okay [Music] [Music] the fuss there's something to phoenix jesus christ what is this a rave class holy [ __ ] god damn wait there's a wait you summoned the bow ties look at that bro this is a bra this is a girl class man this is a girl crass hundred percent well i'm not gonna hear a sailor moon yeah let's get back to the warriors oh man what's this okay all right [Music] that's cool damn okay okay that's cool the grip right like damn yo this is like what the [ __ ] this looks really cool oh that wait what the [ __ ] dude my century doesn't look like that my teeth what is this bro my sentry is like a little drone it's like this little [ __ ] drone that you fly over your neighbor's pool and spy on your neighbors it's a level 80. oh man i didn't even know that i have a little shitty one oh my god that's cool yeah i like that gun breaker i know i've never played this before so this is just like me seeing a lot of the stuff that i've just seen on my home that's cool that's i'm gonna be honest i think the gun breaker is like the it's like the dumbest premise for a class like how do you have a gun and it's a sword at the same time and it's a tank like how does that make any [ __ ] sense like what do you mean bro how does that make any sense what dude it's like i get that it's magic maybe it's just all magic yeah listen i i get final fantasy it's hard it's hard for me to get behind it okay it's very fantasy i'll say that it certainly is okay okay okay little shield right there that one's cool nice okay okay you know maybe it's not that bad like i think the best thing about that is the sound like listen to the sound that it makes listen to the sound man that was cool there it is the sounds have to be fulfilling all right bard [Music] what does bard do okay that's cool that looks cool the little globs on them and everything all righty all right cool damn [Music] okay that's [ __ ] cool i really like that one like the [ __ ] red arrow and [ __ ] that's so badass yeah that that's actually cool power shot whatever it is i don't know what it's called [Music] okay what's this [Music] what's this [Music] you know i think what they should do for astrologian is to make it more realistic with astrology they should just make all of its abilities do nothing [Music] yeah just like a lot of sparkles and nothing happens i remember whenever i said that astrology uh uh a straw i gotta have to check on my mom um whenever i said astrology wasn't real people thought that i was talking about astronomy and they thought that like they're like what do you mean it's not real haven't you gone outside didn't you see the moon the moon it's right there how do you think it's not real you can see it okay [Music] so you can buff the minions that's nice he didn't blow up he couldn't even blow up gravel or there shouldn't do a damn thing okay samurai i thought about playing this too he's gonna beat the [ __ ] out of the cat that's cool okay okay the chippity chop i like that the flippity flop i like that the pippity pops i like that all right good this is cool this is yeah no tigers were hurt in the uh the filming of this [Music] you know the funny thing about this is that i can guarantee you if blizzard put something else out like this and it had people using like a like an animal like this as a target dummy i guarantee you there would be people complaining and they would probably change it that's the funniest [ __ ] thing about it yeah they would probably [ __ ] change this [ __ ] [Music] okay okay that's cute [Music] i never played white mage before he's like this is all i need to know about white mage it's out by some beautiful [ __ ] meadow with a a [ __ ] unicorn pegasus like what the [ __ ] is this like let's get back to like the you know the core of a mountain or like the top of a of a mountaintop where you're fighting against the dragon what the [ __ ] is this just jesus all right all right that's cool i mean as a healer really that is cool that is cool i like that [Music] this is actually pretty cool that this section is actually good i'll be honest like this is actually this is really this is good i'm not saying i'm gonna play it okay i'm just saying it's good just saying it looks good [Music] okay that's really [ __ ] cool okay okay okay yep [Music] i'm thinking about it so i've never really been like a huge fan of the ninjas that was cool okay i'll be honest that was pretty [ __ ] cool the ninja [ __ ] was badass alright i am expecting black mage to be [ __ ] badass i am fully expecting black mage to just completely blow [ __ ] up [Music] that's [ __ ] cool that is really [ __ ] cool [Music] see i like black mage because i like the idea of having to stand and cast because i feel like it adds like that extra skill cap that you have to know what you can stand in and what you can't stand in because like obviously you're not going to move out of the abilities right you just stand in the abilities that won't kill you yeah if they don't one-shot you you stand to them it is what it is [Music] i think it's like it's much different than many of the other classes i like that i think it's cool [Music] that one's kind of dumb that's badass though that's cool okay stretch the same one as before damn he can cast it that fast what the [ __ ] i like that it looks like an aoe ability or something that's cool [Music] i feel like the last one that they do is always the coolest one all right sage what's he gonna heal a broccoli what the hell is that what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] kind of thing even is that what the hell okay okay okay i feel like this does look cool wow i feel like there's something about the way this class plays and just like the way that it looks it it's so like it's like it's very iconic final fantasy to me like yeah it's like okay this is exactly what i if i was thinking final fantasy this is exactly what i would expect to see that's [ __ ] cool oh my god a lot plays like this freak yeah i don't think i ever want to play healer to be honest i don't know if i ever want to play here in uh final fantasy okay okay okay cool alrighty that's nice i just never really gave a [ __ ] about monk i'm gonna be honest i'm just like yes whatever it's like what's the mom dude gives a [ __ ] about a [ __ ] mom dude all right let's see summoner can he summon he ain't summoning [ __ ] now he's just got a rabbit yeah it's a carbuncle what oh [ __ ] someone vomit oh wow okay um yeah never mind is that the ankh horn god damn that is what the [ __ ] okay so summoners are now ultima weapons that's really really [ __ ] badass so basically what i'm assuming here is like you guys can't see the bar because it's covered up on my cam but like each of there's like three different rubies and like one the red one is like titan uh like the probably the red one is e for it the orange one's titan and then the green one's garuda right yeah yeah yeah i heard about this because i saw a picture of it here but this is really cool to see this is badass so we can also summon i'm gonna swing you can also summon e for it too right the other abilities are badass like they look cool okay all right let's see let's see if he's gonna summon e for here that's cool that that's it that's lit yeah that is lit let's be honest he has a melee ability i didn't know that oh what the [ __ ] oh my god that's so cool what the [ __ ] so we can even summon like the greater primals too you can summon bahamut and the uh yeah someone's literally swamped yeah there you go reaper okay this is the new one cool okay okay okay nice oh my god he's actually summoning the grim reaper what the [ __ ] it has a disengageability too so that's [ __ ] insane okay like i love this this reminds me a little bit of like a uh like bdo warrior it has like the same type of like animations with like the re the red swings and [ __ ] like that it reminds me a lot of that it's really really cool man and so um edgy farmer exactly reaper it shares the same armor with dragoon right so if i want to get ready to have a reaper i should just get dragoon armor okay i guess i'll probably have to do that before the expansion comes out that's cool these are these are badass okay these are absolutely [ __ ] badass i love this holy [ __ ] okay all right mcconnell mcconnell i know you're sitting in queue i know you're sitting in queue doing [ __ ] nothing uh so i i i like to say this is um uh this is what you have to look forward to uh it's it's gonna be great you're gonna really like it a lot and it's gonna be super fun okay so just just watch this part and you'll be able to see what you've been missing out on also uh our data center which is like our server has been now removed from the congested status which means you can now play the game is it that cool huh that's way cooler than crusader strike and you know it uh-huh way cooler than hammer of the righteous look at that literally summoning the holy light uh-huh look at that the blades of justice look at remember whenever what was that ability that like uh wow had where it was like that was like blade of justice and it's like this little bro this is like a [ __ ] a a a 15 foot dildo of justice yeah look at this look at that holy [ __ ] holy all right all right if that's that reminded me of the uh oh what was it there was an ability like that in yeah it was it was like that in super mario rpg was it like the sword boss that would do that the giant sword that would go on you uh yeah there's a lot of them and that's so [ __ ] badass dude like let's look at it one more time maybe try to convince him again look at this wow look at that and the sounds that it makes and then this one right here dude [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 538,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, ff14, endwalker, ffxiv endwalker, endwalker job actions, ffxiv job actions, final fantasy xiv job actions, ffxiv reaction, endwalker reaction, asmongold FFXIV, asmongold ff14, endwalker job reaction, endwalker job action trailer, endwalker skills, endwalker actions, endwalker abilities, endwalker trailer, final fantasy 14 all classes, job actions
Id: VDmmN_9cNGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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