Asmongold Beats FFXIV - A Realm Reborn 2.0 | DAY 7

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what did did we beat his ass we beat his dick right off bro god damn god damn we bought probably popped off gentlemen i have to say it's been an adventure the past week and today the adventure reaches its first apex today the adventure reaches level 50. today we take our solo adventure and we go into a group and we begin the race today will be it gentlemen today we raid today we hit level 50. today we work towards unlocking the dark knight today we claim destiny today we do camp west wind [Music] we do what must be done gentlemen let's [ __ ] do it here we go all present then let us begin we have received the details of the impending operation in what promises to be the largest single counter offensive in the realms troubled history the alliance will strike at every imperial stronghold standing upon arresian soil god damn as might be expected the operation will be complex but you need not commit to its intricacies to memory define our instructions you will receive at each staging point yeah why is everybody listening to the predator yeah when did this happen when did we decide this to begin uh let us review the distribution of our forces uh to the west the maelstrom of lisa lomisa and the immortal flames of udallah and the order of the twin hour and god okay it's one two and three all right i got it let us examine the locations of the imperial strongholds near uh lisa lamisa we have the castrum occidents situated in the eastern vilbin castromerum which lies to the south and east and emits the fertano sea uh near dalaw we have the castromeritarium in the north and the coastal outpost and cape west wind which connects castromeritonium to the mainland by means magitek transporter and then we have gridania over the catcher morons which one god damn this shit's complicated the forthcoming operation will see allied forces assault each other on the aforementioned locations with the ultimate objective to destroying the empire's new weapon housed with castromerianum the first shall see us eliminate one of the black wolves most trusted lieutenants wristing oh that's the guy with the [ __ ] arms yeah i know who that is okay then our intelligence the perfectist dude to visit the imperial outpost that cape oh [ __ ] at cape west bend west wind for an inspection oh [ __ ] all right when he arrives we'll dispatch an elite ventura unit to eliminate him uh as well we would have you lead this assault once meritorion's defenses have been compromised the operation will underwear its fourth and final face where we beat the [ __ ] out of the last base right we will see the immortal flames there to the stronghold and suppress the remnants of the enemy garrison allowing asthma gold's units to pass unopposed to the praetorium where they will locate and destroy the ultima weapon oh [ __ ] [Music] damn by this feat shall the operation be deemed a success oh i can do that the battle for the future realm is here together let us show the black wolf the power of the united aurisia yay i cannot stress this enough but be careful may you walk in the light of jesus sounds good i can do that baby oh allied communications officer okay here we go you are welcome asman gold bald of the scions as communications officer it fails to me to issue you your orders and provide guidance on forthcoming missions your first mission is to infiltrate the imperial outpost at cape west wind and eliminate prefectus rehab uh all participating units are now in position and awaiting your arrival please proceed to the staging point and report to lieutenant albert here we go albert flame lieutenant oh [ __ ] there's a cutscene we've so you're asmin gold bald the fearless adventurer who's led the assault we've been expecting you our maelstrom friends report the rihadin has departed castro mccaden's ebeligo what the [ __ ] is that a bell going and sure enough a convoy of imperial airships landed here just now the likelihood is high that our target was aboard one of those vessels i've dispatched scouts to verify his presence before we strike okay okay command all units requesting status report this is anti-lion one target has not been cited this is anti-lion two likewise target has not been cited and two iron three we've got nothing for you this is either lion four nothing to report of as of wait disregard that previous message target cited i say again target cited understood hold your position righty here we go attention all units this is captain albert cotter the first step of operation arkon begins with us should we falter hear all hope of victory will be lost there's no small burden and i noble i believe in all of you so believe in yourselves act together and we will blaze a path for our brothers and sisters of the alliance to follow we will create multiple diversions and disperse the enemy garrison that should give your people enough chance to breach their defenses uh go now aspen goal then bring us rahatin's head may ralgar grant you strength that's my uh that's my patron god all right boys here we go commence divisionary maneuvers okay let's go over there um oh [ __ ] wait this is oh this is camp west wind here oh wow okay all right um so things seem to be fine here i'll just try to run away from that guy try to avoid as many of them as possible while other people are fighting them this seems fine to me okay destination no problem it's gonna be no problem gus easy easy easy it's an eight-man party full party oh [ __ ] there he is what's up [ __ ] what's up [ __ ] it would appear that we have unexpected guests now where have i seen you before ah but of course the man who failed the mighty titan is this the elk slayer i see the commotion is without naught but a diversion allow me to hazard a guess by eliminating me you hope to undermine the garrison at the oceans a bold strategy to be sure but have you the strength to see it to fruition liebus none of you are a match for him send word to tell them the lumisians are coming at once my lord oh [ __ ] 15 years ago have come and gone since lord baldstar have set foot in euresia yet his ambition for the realm burns as strong as it ever did know what it feels an adventurer the desire to deliver the people from their suffering the lands he conquered will all be set with problems poverty starvation lawlessness and strife my homeland was no exception had my lord not reached out and claimed it for the empire it would eventually have destroyed itself but under his sage leadership my people enjoyed such peace and stability that we have never known and now he only desires to self-same the same for people of this realm under his rule aurezia would be free from the shackles of what binded the shackles of false faith this guy doesn't seem that bad actually he's not that bad there would be no feeble leaders to misguide the masses no elks to bleed the realm dry true peace would reign and the people would be free to live their lives without fear of persecution or oppression should you know doubt that the truth of my words i bid you to look upon me i am no son of garl mauld yet lord von baldstar saw fit to raise me to a station of great honor he measures a man not by his birth but by his worth such as the sense of justice and by the grace of his excellency i am where i was born to be upon the field of battle he has given me a noble cause to fight for and worthy adversaries to smite oh [ __ ] i am not want to bear steer needlessly but if you are deaf to reason in the name of lord von baldstar i the guy do swear to strike you down [ __ ] okay all right here we go all right [Music] okay facing away from the raid dude he's getting destroyed what the [ __ ] [Music] look at that who's getting this oh my god what the [ __ ] look at that oh my god this is crazy [Music] okay aoe in these guys down but we're killing them holy [ __ ] that's right i'll strike you wait what spreading magitek missiles what the [ __ ] are those what gas pant what forgive me i have failed you lord von baldstar what now what people are saying it was a debate but other people are saying it was hard i saw the the [ __ ] picture of all the different phases i was like this is gonna be crazy like how are you gonna how's anybody gonna beat this wow great let's go real [ __ ] real [ __ ] clever guys very clever white gasp the magic transporter asmongold are you there what news ever had and fallen yeah we beat the [ __ ] out of him man with his deed we have sown the seeds to our ultimate victory oh she did the little emo that's great the fading of the light pressages to an end to the empire's tyranny rihanna is no more let me explain the next phase of operation arkham archimonde commence hurrah what's now what now it seems you've done it again aspen gold i'd raise the tanker to you but i'm afraid no time to savor the victory there's still a small matter of infiltrating castromeritonum and destroying the ultima weapon i know for you there is no risk for the prematurely pre-naturally get through uh now stop feeling sorry for yourself and make your way back to your the immortal flames encampment the communications officer will issue you your orders i'll be waiting for you with the main host okay easy that's an easy let's go wait oh [ __ ] abria look howden your minion comes bringing the light alas the gate of void already stands open soon darkness shall fall and consume all and you shall bow down before the one true god yeah it's thaladry there he is what the [ __ ] we have to kill him too [Music] there he is oh [ __ ] he's reading a memo the perfectist slain regrettably so my lord and by the hand of the elk slayer if the centurion who survived the attack is to be believed [ __ ] [ __ ] brah where's men when he faced the enemy fleeing as even their commander yielded up his last breath if they should prove they questioned his right i cannot speak for them my lord damn darth vader's pissed beg pardons my lord but there's more the maelstrom has laid siege to castrum oxidants uh likewise the crimson fleet moves to blockade castro marnum okay says get the [ __ ] out we're gonna kill this guy so this is their answer that's right [ __ ] that's right [ __ ] very well we shall crush them as we crush the elk ons uh go forth and show them the futility of their resistance yes my word okay here we go okay let's see here sion bald your deeds this day are an inspiration to us all with the death of this operation archon has entered its second phase even as we speak the a maelstrom moves to blockade cast from oscillating from castromeritonium and from the far east in the black shroud the order of the twin adder advances upon castrum orients the staging point of the mission lies in the cat the shadow of castromeritonium and authority northern thalawan which is where you must go all right let's go there here we go boys here we go level 50 job quest i'm not ready for the job quest yet once i get to level 50 i'm going to do it but i'm not ready for it yet we're into the belly of the beast this is the end game all right let's go cracked fist [Music] ah private ball yours is the most welcome presence here at camp blue frog logistically spoken uh speaking uh we are already on mount castro maritonium at the moment's notice so us our troops are here in body their minds are anywhere but the garrison's mood is dark so daunting is the prospect of joining what may be the bloodiest battle in history but with the heroes such as you walking among them we may rekindle the dwindling embers within their souls how many times is he going to salute me and so i ask you this make your way to cerulean processing plant and report to general rauban once you've arrived in godspeed private bald our troops are counting on you okay let's go 150k yeah dude i'm so close to being level 50 boys like it's about to happen i'm gonna get my my job quest done i am so ready for this man like you guys have no idea oh wow what the [ __ ] is that or it's a boss okay yeah i get crap from the boss that's good okay where's the boss [ __ ] yeah all right here we go guys let's do it nice huge damage let's kill him yeah this thing's got a lot of help got him and one more he's dead easy okay eight thousand [ __ ] okay we're just gonna do the side quest okay let's get this one out of the way and i should be done after i turn in the next one this little cube thing is interesting i guess that's like a mound or something okay and now all i have to do these quests are really simple by the way all right so we turned that in and now i'm done right okay i turn this in and okay great so i just turned both of these in now i'm level 50. all right boys are you ready alrighty gentlemen it's been a long road it's been a long time we finally made it we're finally level 50. there it is boys there it [ __ ] is we got him i i knew it was gonna happen man i i knew it was gonna [ __ ] happen and now i guess i should go back over to um what's the quest here is this who i think it is yes it [ __ ] is alrighty guys let's go back over to curious george it's time i need to change up all my uis yeah it's for tank swap yeah i get it [Music] cure ninth holy [ __ ] curious george has received an urgent distress call asmingle there's much we should discuss but now is not the time you surely recall my mention of the harmful bloodthirsty creature terrorizing the small folk we've just refused word received word that the selfsame monster has been sighted near wineport what's more according to the zoo managed to escape the car and as the creature appeared to be more man than beast if that's true then our quarry could be far from more dangerous than any wild animal we must find a way to stop it i must find a way this is my chance to prove the people of wineport nay the world that my tribe and my art have been wrongly judged perhaps then my ancestors will deal me worthy and even my brother would too i bet the monster's his brother uh there's time to lose we must arrive at the hamlet before any of the villagers fall prey to the beasts let us leave it once here we go see what happens okay oh wow dude dude okay who is it oh [ __ ] this is it wait oh [ __ ] dude these are danger raptors [ __ ] moisture captain oh how to quit you oh we're ready all right let's do it what must we do thank the gods for your presence wine port is in your debt once more it's george fell creatures bear down upon the village and hordes as drawn to the great hairy beast you must stop them as the gold you fend off these creatures all right i can do that i will see to the beast this battle is mine to fight all right curious george let's go okay avoiding all these casts okay so i should use this buff here right okay and then oh yeah i see so it tells me how long the buff is trying to get an idea of like how this works okay got it wait how did this one go up again uh since storm's eye oh mithril tempest also extends it i see that's crazy okay and this does not extend storm's eye so for aoe i'm gonna always have that buff up basically that's an easy who was it who was it who would be it's the monster it's the beast run for your lives who is it oh my god stop these people are not your enemy the enemy lies within it's another warrior you're stronger than us take control of the beast do not let it consume you i was right bro i was [ __ ] right okay brother there it is okay look what you're doing you're destroying all that i work to restore the fate of our people rest in our hands brother your weakness would cost us everything oh [ __ ] like not those people i will not our ancestors have chosen me to lead our people to glory and no one will stop me he's roided out yeah exactly wait oh [ __ ] no one no one no one damn it was i who unlocked the secrets of the chronicles it was i who trained you in their ways and it was i oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we've gotta kill curio no man who defeated my tribe's greatest warrior i am the master now i am that's return to me what's rightfully mine give me the armor wait [ __ ] that oh [ __ ] i shall tear it from your bloody corpse well i gotta kill curious george i thought that was my boy what happened what the [ __ ] is this this is awful i don't want to kill curious george he's a good boy he didn't do nothing wrong just a nice guy caught up in the wrong things that's all okay moving back into that good big damage boys huge [ __ ] damage okay i've got my buff up for probably as long as this fight's gonna take this is easy i can't move oh there we go okay i'm out [Music] all right dude curious george is getting [ __ ] destroyed oh my god look at this dude [ __ ] you curious george suck a dick and their fury begin to rage and manifest before your eyes well [ __ ] that who cares i'll give a [ __ ] about that i'm killing george man get the [ __ ] out of here curious george you cheating ass [ __ ] you must stop me yeah i'm gonna stop you for sure you're gonna give me your [ __ ] weapon too give me that [ __ ] [ __ ] you george wait he's actually i i failed okay loot him loot him loot his stuff looted stuff now i failed you i failed my people i failed my ancestors i failed my own kin oh no i found out long ago what had become of my brother but i did everything that i could to deny it i thought as if i could only prove myself stronger than he was the people would see his madness as a product of a weak mind that they would believe that the problem lay in him and not our tribe yet all the while my own soul was growing weaker and weaker the inner beast had taken hold and it would not let go it drove me as it drove my ancestors the keeper of the armor and my brother damn our tribe had lost sight of who we were and seeking ever more strength we allowed ourselves to fall victim to that which we had scorned in others was weakness instead of learning to harden our wills with resolve we steeled them with anger and therein lay our folly like a bonfire anger burns hot and bright but when the fuel that feeds it is spent all that remains is ash by accepting anger as our guide we left our wills at the mercy of the inner beast but not you your will is more akin to the lava which courses through the mountains of my homeland it burns as strong may stronger than any bonfire when it cools then it becomes hard and firm unbreakable this quality allowed you to keep your inner beast at bay true very true my people were once as you are now asthma gold and i believe that is why my ancestors chose to speak to you they sensed true strength within you true strength that could rightly represent the people in our art had i realized that myself none of this needed to happen well what's happened what's done is done and i begin and i have to have hope of restoring my people's name i'ma start over from the beginning oh at least his brother's not dead and this time i won't do it alone damn it may take time but together my brother and i will restore our village to its former glory and when we have i shall remember asmongold my friend and fellow warrior and how he saved me from myself and my dream might become reality [Music] wow boys at long last the warriors journey has been completed at long last curious george has been redeemed and at long last a young asman gold bald ascends to the hall of champions among the other future warriors look at that oh wow damn dude damn welcome back as we will despite all it transpired to captain wein point would entrust his village's defenses to me i know not what to say it's been a long road but thanks to you i ever discovered what has been lost so many years ago i will see you to my brother's wounds and once he as well we will embark on the path of the warrior again engraving the lessons that we have learned in our souls never to be forgotten curiously the moment that i did about myself to this my soul crystal began to shimmer anew i see yours too grows stronger than ever it seems that my ancestors have once bestowed their knowledge upon you this this is my power why this is power that i've only read about in tomes nay a power that is entirely behind my comprehension to think that i once doubted your resolve no you have truly conquered your inner beast and become a truer warrior than i could ever hope to be all right all right boys there wait oh [ __ ] yes dude this concludes the warrior quest for final fantasy around reborn in order to take the next series of quests you must first meet the following requirements you have to complete the quest before dawn once you've done so the next warrior request will be available from curious george oh well [ __ ] yeah so all i have to do is complete the rest of the main story all right all right all right here we go guys here we go let me put on the chess piece [ __ ] yes dude this is just dude i'm playing now i'm playing the [ __ ] game now i'm playing the [ __ ] game our hero returns very true i trust that your visit has done much to lift the spirits of our garrison on the on the eve of our greatest battle yet time is of the essence let us commence the briefing at once oh we get to see my character in the cutscene right show my character in the cutscene yes [Music] yes dude look at that look at that oh my god i look so good oh my god i look so [ __ ] good dude okay brothers and sisters of the alliance i would share with you glad tidings doubtless spurned upon the news of the siege of castromerians the maelstrom has struck a double blow castro macedons and castromeritonium are now under blockade phase two of operation archon is a success [Music] all right reports tell us that the guardians offered fierce resistance but that the admiral yielded to them not one limb [Music] with asean's metronome and orients us suppressed the third phase may begin in earnest ever as we speak the twin net or the 29er moves to block the railway leading hither as i said hitler um from castrum century and that can mean but one thing the hour is to strike at the heart of the garlean invasion force castromeritonium the giant the den of the black wolf all right let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go my fellow origins i am milfina mistress of the scions of the seventh dawn there exist a myriad barriers that divide us those of race nation language and creed to name a few such barriers serve to isolate us from our neighbors yet they also serve to define who we are short of them there will be little to distinguish one from another and the rich variety of our wives would give little way to sterile orthodoxy [Music] these barriers can never truly be broken down of course not so long as there is liberty in the world but they can be transcended verily we do so now and coming together for this grand endeavor to fight side by side in defense of our shared home oh [ __ ] [Music] before me stands the adventure or asthma gold bald you all know him as the man who will lead the task unit uh task with destroying the ultimate weapon okay i can do that it's easy i'll be easy we the scions know a different asthma gold however we know him as a dear friend who is endured untold hardship on our behalf a true hero who has ever blazed a path for us to follow and why do i tell you this i tell you friends because it is time for us to blaze a path for him our objectives to rick such havoc outside the walls of maritime has to afford as we go to this comrades the time that they need to disable the magnetic field generator within with the path thus clear we may finally turn our minds to the true goal of the operation the destruction of the ultimate weapon all troops prepare for battle bro i'm gonna [ __ ] destroy this thing i'm gonna beat the [ __ ] dude look how much better i worked than everybody else i fear i can't accompany you this time the inevitable task of facilitating communications between our forces have been entrusted to the ironworks you see know though that i will be praying for your safe return yes i've heard that many times [Music] see that you come back to us friend may the crystal bless you and keep you and keep you yes we will suffer the black wolf to prowl our lands no more let us teach the hunter what it is to be hunted forward comrades for auresia [Music] yeah show my character in the cutscene again i can't go now asmingle then bring us one step closer to the dawn [Music] all right all right let's go it's time casper maritonium is now oh [ __ ] bro there's no obama i'm literally i'm gonna go and i'm gonna be styling on a man we're bringing in a full assault full party all right holy [ __ ] it's shat rat city and wide except we can get into it in this game thank god okay all right they're not letting me out i can't get out always because people are still in the cutscenes i'm assuming okay um oh they want to go to these i don't know where i'm going bro you guys want to see some big big big damage watch this watch this okay am i going to come out of this and we're all dead uh i don't know what i'm supposed to do here i'm just going to kind of uh i'm just going to play the game okay oh they're turning the things off i see okay all right big damage here let's go guys huge damage oh i might just do that [ __ ] this huge numbers massive look at it four thousand four hundreds man i'm hitting four hundreds bro four hundreds bro guys i'm hitting four hundreds got it now what oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] well that's no big deal it's it's literally one guy there's eight of us there's one guy it's gonna be easy it's no problem all right let's kill him where's he at okay i'm gonna pull this guy tawning huge damage wait he's getting destroyed holy [ __ ] dude i'm actually dude i'm popping off look at this damage i've become a yeah i'm a dps and a tank at the same time i'm gonna get aggro on all these mobs see that look at that dude we'll get that easy dude e [ __ ] z i didn't know any better i swear you had a personal grudge against magitek armor i'm probably doing top damage right now what's up sid thanks dance i had tank stance on oh what can i say i can't bear to let you have all the fun don't worry bigs and wedge about everything in hand truth be told i think they like uh i think they like having the work of three men wedge isn't exactly pleased to be left behind though he made quite sure to be uh that i knew it i must say our recent struggles have done wonders for the lad spirit now what wedge is a walla fell so it doesn't really matter given the size of this place i suspected there might be armor uh armor or three to be had and here we are uh it's not as bad as i thought if i had half marcus talent for mending things i would be able to get this thing working again listen asthma gold we intercepted imperial communication indicating the ultimate weapon is indeed being housed within the praetorium okay okay we also learned that the field for which protects the compound is powered by no fewer than three generator towers if you're to deactivate the field you need to locate and disable them all that's easy i'm gonna help you to do just that see that shoot it leads to a waste disposal okay so we're gonna go in there to go into a toilet that's amazing great somewhere nearby there will be cerulean facilities supplying the field to the closest of three towers oh so we just okay bri find a place and break things okay me warrior me do that go on ahead osman gold i'll be along as soon as i finish my repairs yeah me warrior it's easy all right let's go guys and jump into the disposal shoot okay here we go all right so this is my first is my first actual like real real raid thing what's this oh [ __ ] what's going on here what was this fall guys the [ __ ] this looks like a fall guys map let's go it's an eight-man dungeon yeah it's the first thing i thought of whenever i saw it okay pulling this guy this guy's actually getting destroyed by the way the gang is [ __ ] smashed i don't know if i'm going the right way or not but i'm just running with these guys because it seems like they know what they're doing okay this guy's dying wait no what the [ __ ] why is he not dying 700 dude i'm doing so much [ __ ] damage it's crazy all right doing up up there good was that a thousand there's no way that was a thousand damage i don't believe it okay i'm gonna try and throw axes come on wait what are they doing what the [ __ ] are they doing okay let's go i'm down for that let's do it got him look at that damage dude we got five thousands dude half of all the damage that just got dealt was me probably more dude this guy's going crazy i'm gonna use my speed boost too okay they're pulling these mobs as well oh my god what the [ __ ] is he doing dude i don't even know what the [ __ ] i'm supposed to do here uh i'm just i'm i'm just chilling right now this is going great got him dude so we deactivated that thing and now we've completed that you do not have any explosives can i get on my mount i can't okay oh i bet it's right in there yeah yeah that's what it's gotta be it's gotta be right in there oh i wonder what happens if we run through one of these i guess we'll find out pretty soon cause i'll probably [ __ ] it up all right picking these guys up dude these things are getting destroyed i'm actually really surprised like how much this increased my damage i wish i had known this ahead of time dude okay now what we have to break down the shield for as fast as possible well i know i know i'm just gonna do what i can okay oh [ __ ] there's a boss okay so where's the boss oh he's right there okay i see him all right let's kill this thing in just a second it's the easiest boss of my life [Music] let's go popping big cds massive damage boys massive [ __ ] damage wait that's almost a thousand damage holy [ __ ] dude i'm going crazy i'm unstoppable picking all those mobs up picking all these mobs up there we go nice [ __ ] nice picking all these up too look at that damage dude look at that [ __ ] damage holy [ __ ] oh my god i am actually a god right now jesus 5k axe man now what okay we broke through good oh it's sid with the match deck armor all right there i am here it is let's go i don't have the patience to take the long way around i see you disable the first generation that leaves us with two you go on ahead asthma and gold i'll bring up the rear okay sid go ahead and do that let's raise some help all righty boys let's do it it's time stand back i'm gonna blast open the bulkhead okay what's going through here what is all this what what are we is this guy gonna wipe us like what the [ __ ] is going on this is there's something wrong here holy [ __ ] there's a lot of mobs here i'm just like i this is insane we're actually just popping off so now what do we do i guess we're probably waiting like this person seems to know what they're doing i have no idea what we're doing okay let's pull all these all of these mobs boys let's go easy easy easy just picking everything up this is oh did i win [Music] [ __ ] yeah fine work asming gold stand clear i have a mind to lose some fireworks they're earning all power to canyons [Music] okay damn okay and then oh [ __ ] well well well if it isn't the trader himself and with his meddlesome friend for company who's he talking to oh she just walks away the [ __ ] this is a white power ranger yes obviously you go on ahead ask me gold i need to get the bottom of something okay sounds good i'll go i'll go on and i'll do what i need to do so let me guess we're just gonna keep pulling more and more mobs right yeah what a surprise i would never expected that okay this is a big boy we gotta kill him okay aoean these guys down good nice now what oh no way no way no no no way dude no way okay thank god i was so worried there wait what the hell's he doing he's jumping down wait what the hell how's he so fast oh he has sprint okay pulling these okay picking the rest of this up damn that was fast he's a pro tank he's done this before i see that okay sid it's me are you all right yes there's this all crap that you're up against you don't stand a chance with conventional weapons if you're going to need something bigger to bring it down a mortar a cannon anything hold on asming gold i'm on my way okay now what do we have a cannon that's [ __ ] convenient wow uh great you're doing fine yeah i feel like i kind of am i mean there's nothing else roy i have to do oh [ __ ] oh it fell down and knocked down the last generator fools you were just resolved to die here you might as well have done so without making a mess of the place i can't wait to kill her man i'm so excited to kill her i see that garland is not with you more pity i hope to slam myself but never mind the traitor is for now i've looked so forward to this meeting asmingold bald yes i know much more about you about your strength and about your hidden talents i would sample them firsthand and you will indulge me okay no that's okay i'll do that that's fine oh [ __ ] okay let's do it yeah i'm [ __ ] ready dude i am so [ __ ] ready they pulled oh they pulled her oh [ __ ] all right all right let's go she's got a lot of health man he's not taking any damage there's obviously something we have to do let me click on this the order is moving to magic mitchell in the place okay good um we have to kill these guys first good yeah this is a real [ __ ] show guys but it's okay we're doing what needs to be done okay killing these guys and if i kill them i might as well while we wait to kill the other ones okay yeah this is fine there's the colossus down oh damn dude she's getting [ __ ] destroyed oh my god okay picking this one up got it and getting this okay i've got my buff up now nice how much damage is she taking she's taking like no damage at all okay so there's something else that we need to do okay so let's use this one here i'm assuming they know how this is done and i don't [Music] yeah yeah apparently we have to use the uh we have to use the other stuff to kill her perfect so i'll just keep pulling the other mobs in or killing these other mobs that seems like the better idea [Music] so she's already at fifth a little a little bit below 50 health we could kill her on our own let's be honest guys the missile's killer yeah that's clearly what it is right you see the message oh [ __ ] wait she's killing the missiles though this seems like a bad idea can i taunt her i'm trying i taunted her it didn't work okay so magic loader is damaged oh she just took more damage too okay we'll kill this guy right now got him nice dude hydrohorn thank you very much to the gifted subs i appreciate it man thank you all right so this guy's almost dead right now and there you go all right he's dead perfect so now what we have to watch out for that cast i guess what are we doing now she's almost dead i see [Music] oh we have to fight a 1v1 okay my word was quite taken with you in the power to be possessed the echo naturally i could not help but wonder whom this prince among men might be oh we discovered that you're another adventurer no better than the multitude [Music] yet in spite of this the masses hold you as their champion and shower honors upon your head it defies all reason how is it that you could be such a thorn in our side whether you appear you wreak havoc and awake you're in so rithladen one of our very finest well i will not speculate uh truth be told i couldn't care less how you've done these things what matters to me is the fact that you have done them if you're allowed to continue this will eventually deprive me of all that i've toiled for all that is mine by right my minions my comrades and even lord gaius well you cannot have him his dreams and not his dreams and ambitions his body and soul they are mine do you hear me all mine i lost everything once before i will not suffer it to happen again i cannot wait to kill her man i will kill you adventurer only your death can bring me peace all right let's go okay let's do it oh she's getting [ __ ] wrecked god damn she's getting destroyed oh my god [ __ ] yeah dude i'm not even going to need to rebuff yeah we're avenging the salad more damage here there we go 600 damage okay haloing all this guy there we go nice okay huge damage here huge [ __ ] damage nice dude she's skiing she's getting deleted dude oh my god okay die [ __ ] yes dude it's not happening all over again i cannot bear it don't take him away from me my lord gaius thank god we killed her that's what you get [ __ ] that's what you get [ __ ] step on her neck another pool fool who craved giants affection above above all else may her soul no rest it's a miracle no harm has come to you my friend one of which i will happily give thanks one and the wonder's not in there truthfully now did you really mean the sin of assault craft crashing into the generator tower if you did you're a bloody wire and if you didn't well you're too modest whichever you are perhaps managed to open no away over to the predatorium the only problem is that we can't reach it on foot so we need to take the enterprise i left her at the saturn processing plant so let's regroup there this is it asthma gold the final confrontation awaits all right all right all right all right let's go i knew you wouldn't let a sound soldier with the predatory i'm stripped of its defenses the way to the ultimate weapon lies near the time has come for the final phase of operation arkhan all right let's do it the enterprise is at your disposal whenever you're ready to head to platorium and you need to only say the word okay with the magitek field now out of commission the path to the ultimate weapon lies open while the immortal flames sweep castromeritonum and suppress the remnants of the enemy garrison you and your comrades must fight your way to the innermost section of the praetorium there to locate and destroy the ultimate weapon sid's airship the enterprise will bear you to the stage of the final confrontation here we are it's time oh [ __ ] the praetorium alrighty guys alrighty [Music] here we go so i feel like us trying to defeat the ultimate weapon is going to be pretty hard to do so here we are the ultimate weapon will almost certainly be housed in the depths of the complex this is it my friend boy who's the girl behind me what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] where the girl what's the girl here for oh wow okay so oh i see okay let's go around this way we'll pull all these mobs pull him pulling knees i think this is where we have to go to kill all these mobs [Music] okay this is going pretty well it's going very well actually it's going very well it's going very good ignore mobs well then they can do that like i'm just killing the mobs because i'm the tank and that's what tanks do okay now i'm charging the magitek terminal activate the lift yes now what okay okay pull these guys here just pull him too pulling all these easiest game of my life dude easiest game of my life tagging this guy too got it perfect look at that guys look at that amazing dps absolutely insane now we'll click this one match deck terminal imperial identification key is required uh oh okay all right cool we got it so now we have to go this way in here all right okay picking up all the mobs there we go guys uh do you want to keep pulling or did we just kill this one pack i'm assuming we just killed the one pack because nobody's running ahead of me okay got it look at me dude it's so crazy how good my gear is man i've been thinking about it it's actually crazy like i've had the biggest come up like of all time like i'm actually just like a god with all the best gear now and it happened out of nowhere okay all right now they're running ahead of me okay they i think they they're they're tired of being nice okay we're breaking through here oh i can't jump off damn this guy knows what he's doing oh [ __ ] there's two of the other big boys here all right we'll kill them alrighty and i think this is the right direction i'm pretty sure it is and yeah we'll just kill all these i'm just going to stand in this it probably doesn't even do any damage who gives a [ __ ] got it nice magitek transported use magic transporter okay oh there's a lot of these holy [ __ ] okay pulling all this there we go okay let's go in through here you obtain an imperial identification key let me in wait oh that actually was i was just running at the door uh okay great oh [ __ ] sid my boy you're late there's always something i meant to tell you yet the time never seemed right it concerns your father whatever and in the winter year of these years midas came to a porous power with his mentor with the meteor he told me that he wanted nothing more than to wash his hands of the whole sword business but he did not wash his hands of it he helmed the project until the day it killed him come on now sid you must know that he did not have the luxury of choice by the time he realized his error it was too late meteor had already uh had him completely enthralled shortly before his transformation may have sensing something was a miss your father confided in me all the reguets of his life most of them concerning you early on in your career he realized that while you had a talent for advising armaments he would never it would never fulfill you long before that you knew you were on mind he saw that you would be far happier you ain't using your knowledge for peaceful purposes and the thought touched him he was a changed man for it though he could not let it show he blew holes in this place just so you could say this to me what is it that you want gaius i want you at my side sid take up your father's mantle and become the empire's lead engineer it is your destiny my father had a change of heart you said so yourself besides i have long known my destiny and i assure you it is not with the empire a pity and what if you adventurer will you not consider making a common cause with me yeah sure why not that's fine with me yeah that's yeah all right i'll join the empire sure why not that's cool yeah why not no then yeah i can expect no answer than this so be it it was your strength that made me pro uh pro for my hand in friendship and it's your strength it makes me pro for now my blade save as an ally you are too dangerous to let remain it's a it's an elite one because he's blue oh [ __ ] okay let's do it he just turns around he doesn't even look at us dude he doesn't even look at us runs it or stay it makes no matter you cannot escape the past kaios wait damn it [Music] okay this is an easy boss i already know it i haven't done it before but i know it's an easy boss let's go wait i should wait for everybody else okay let's go okay wait dude he's getting destroyed he's getting [ __ ] destroyed look at this damage bro what the [ __ ] melting yeah i know this is awesome mark to match that colossus getting his dick destroyed get the [ __ ] out of here god damn god damn that was easy dude you were the highest dps i know that yeah i know that knowing guy as he is headed for the ultimate weapon if we find him so too soon will we find our quarry all right with these instruments we can monitor every nook and cranny in the cast i room it's time to divide our forces pray go on and give chase i'll give your movements from here and give you guide and guide you through the complex okay good we'll stand compact via cell phone be careful all right yes i'm gonna nokia cell phone it's fine he was infinite has a high dps boost joke's on you i don't know what oh and fury oh activate the lift yes let's go oh [ __ ] [Music] damn dude [Music] all right now what oh we're gonna go in here dude we're gonna go in here throw my little axe pulling this one right here look at that got his ass cement bulkhead wait guys kill this [Music] it's invulnerable we can't kill it guys change the plans wait oh [ __ ] we got another big boy here okay all right big boy deleted nice uh where's the other oh there they are okay apparently we have to kill all these guys maybe that'll let us break through huge numbers i'm unstoppable got it let's click on the thing activate the click on the thing would you look at this i just found the unit just for you asthma gold i'll give the identification difference terminal you can use that to activate it all right identification key reader okay we're breaking in we're going to destroy this thing oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah dude i'm gonna get i want that one i want that one i'm gonna go into that one i'm going that one yeah nice [Music] so how does this work oh up what up [ __ ] who is it ah there she is i suppose you recognize her old friend maggie wasn't they might have shifter here from century yeah because it's got the little thing on the side uh considering all she's been through it's wonder she's still operational tough old girl that's right dude that's right dude now that you're suitably armed you can blast through the bulkhead uh the external walkway will take you back there all right let's do it see what happens here where's all the rest of the boys follow it do you come down the way down all the way lower level okay i'll follow the rest of the team sounds good damn dude all right now what oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] get the [ __ ] out of here what holy [ __ ] this is this is great let's keep doing this the power yeah i know this is awesome oh so red means it's targetable okay i got it oh my god okay we go down in here [ __ ] yeah i'm gonna kill this guy nice okay oh i have to kill this too okay so ground targeting mode wait i'm a ground i'm ground targeting okay boom that was all me that was all me gentlemen let's keep it up such devastation i see that now we click on this thing don't we okay magitek lift see how this goes and then oh i've still got the mobs [ __ ] yeah kodo ultimate arm wait what the [ __ ] okay i guess i'll just kill these holy [ __ ] what is this dude okay so we have to actually kill these these are hard to kill wait this person's name is twitchy cat girl holy [ __ ] okay let's go massive damage here boys massive damage got it okay we have to watch out for these these are like the uh these like the bosses we have to deal with okay that one should be dead now oh there's another one holy [ __ ] oh this just hard got him [Music] cement blast door i wonder if we if we use our blast on the blast door it'll be okay yeah we got it nice ui yeah that other frame is just kind of in the middle randomly i don't know how that happened okay the bulkhead is composed of a special ally extremely tough ordinary fire won't leave a mark i'm afraid what do you mean i just reduced its health to zero you need to divert all power to magic and i did so memorably once before as you may recall the armors chorus is like to expire from the strain but there's no help if you want it to press on now listen well press buzz the control fizz then okay don't mind the warning lights sounds good god damn god damn but we blew that [ __ ] the [ __ ] up oh no it died our special robot died we'll repair it later on at the store it's not a big deal you're natural with this all right the way it's clear so it's just you and your own two feet now so be careful okay i will be very careful why is it sub mode uh i don't know why it's in sub mode now but probably because chat was being obnoxious now i prefer not to have it in sub mode but sometimes my mods think that it's better for it to be in sub mode because they don't have to [ __ ] deal with timing out a million people they're back seating yep uh you've been leaving a fine mess in your wake adventure oh it's uh it's this stupid [ __ ] who cares oh god oh who's this dumbass is someone there yeah it's a dumbass [ __ ] is there what the hell is this garland old friends how it warms the heart to hear your voice again after all these years nero is that you you sound well it would seem the savage land agrees with you the highest ranking tribunalist in the 14th it was you all this time tell me garland how long do you intend to keep all the glory for yourself what you've lost me don't play the fool with me ever since the academy i've been condemned to live in your shadow by all objective measure i was the more talented of the two of us yet since the fact caught now it's besieged by your privileged birth you were admired as young prodigy simply because your father was the great midas then garland when you defected i was sure that my star would finally rise but by disappearing you required the status of a legend your reputed genius for gaining credence merely didn't dent your absence instead of cursing you for a twitter people actually came to think of it as more fondly to just say you are still the young prodigy of magitek damn this guy's pissed he got cucked out by meanwhile i've been made to feel second rate i who have continued to serve our nation faithfully wherever i fail to excel why is to be expected to be exceeded all reasonable expectations people proclaim that i walk in the footsteps of the mighty sid and bloody garland oh he's pissed nero i don't know what to say yeah it sounds like a personal problem man don't worry about it it matters not what i achieve your existence has rendered mine worthless even warren baldstar has sought fit to offer you a place to decide and this in spite of your betrayal did he extend you some offer to me the man who has remained loyal to him for all these years why no he did not long have i endured this injustice but no more it's gonna defect lord balsar in the wits of activating the fully powered ultimate weapon is my magnum opus the creation that will win me the recognition that i am due i will not let anyone interfere nero what are you he's being a simp that's what he's doing he's being a [ __ ] simp i thought he was gonna defect ever since you first stepped putting this belighted land i've watched you every move that you've made every step that you've taken every step you take every move you make uh as you felled elks a fuel a feet made possible for the echo a particular power that shields you from their corrupting influence there's a little wonder why my lord has taken an interest in you as i as i have truth be told is my desire to harness your power for the use in the ultimate weapon what the [ __ ] is this oh it's a oh [ __ ] damn should i succeed ward baldstar will surely take notice besides this garland's achievements will be his child's play all right it's hammer time come adventurer and yield to me the secrets of your power oh dude there it is dude i'm ready [Music] got what what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] was that the limit break already to open up god damn i should probably move them away from the rest of the raid i'll just tank them here i can't move them okay easy pulling him in the middle we're doing very well so far [Music] good job guys i'm proud of you we're doing amazing we can't be stopped i like garland low but first i need to find you this guy's getting [ __ ] wrecked it's not even hard what a stupid-ass [ __ ] i'm not suffering another shadow man no wonder the emperor never liked them this guy's a [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here we got him boys it's okay he's a [ __ ] that's right kick him in the dick oh charges nothing kick him into dick now get over there get get him now what the ultimate weapon is activated and it brims with the power of the icons nothing can withstand its might okay are you all right yeah dude that guy was a [ __ ] what if nero fled damn it wait how did he fled he was right there where'd he go and surprise the blackout the instruments just detected a massive power surge guys it's certain to be there we have no time to waste okay so they've empowered the thing where derived from the alliance short ago it seems like the order of the twin adder has completed its blockade of castrum century oh great the flower girls managed to do something powerful that's good uh all that's left is to destroy the ultimate weapon all right i should warn you the chamber that which houses the uh target appears to be saturated with aetheric energies there's bound to be heavy interference radiation if we lose contract you must go on just don't do anything i wouldn't do all right okay sid before he be on all right boys [Music] all right boys oh [ __ ] is this oh is this it look for the lifts control panel yes we found it okay let's do it i'm ready oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] so in the story it's just me by myself 1v1 again he's a [ __ ] that's right i will yeah it's about right is this who i think oh [ __ ] oh i didn't say anything new york is unity is forged of falsehoods its city-states are built under seat and its faith is an instrument of descent i'll have it go down that i would have been on the emperor yeah i i would have yeah i i i i would have gone to the the empire tribes often summon guards to fight in their stairs true though your comrades only rarely respond in kind true which is strange is it not that's a very good point sacrificing lives for no reason are there 12 otherwise engaged i was given to understand they were your protectors yeah truly believe them your guardians why do you not repeat the trip that served you so well in carter gods are no different from those of the beasts oh sons everyone except like this and you will see how eorzea's faith is bleeding the land dry damn nor is this unknown to your masters which prompts the question why do they cling to these false deities what drives even men of learning even the great louis suarez to grovel it's a good point yeah that's a very good point your masters lack the strength to do otherwise true god damn god damn knowing he went super saiyan man only a man this guy's great all right let's go i'm take your ready but none among you has the power to stop me jesus this guy's [ __ ] bad ass man [Music] how long was this elevator right here okay [Music] are we ready let's do it okay focusing big damage this guy's got a lot of health guys he's got a whole lot of health this one's actually kind of hard okay impressive now it's my turn wait what's he doing he didn't do anything okay [Music] i pulled aggro i pulled aggro because i'm a god of damage i pulled aggro because of my god of damage makes sense honestly look at that [ __ ] 30 dude i'm doing so much [ __ ] damage i'm unstoppable i can't get got massive damage okay i know this right over here is a threat meter [Music] get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here that's right i have not thought to be so hard-pressed yeah that's right stupid-ass [ __ ] your strength is most impressive such power befits a ruler yet you lack the resolve to put it to proper use a waste yeah right so it's the guy that had to interrupt the fight with a cutscene yeah right yeah right why just walk on a walk aways right there get him oh [ __ ] go get him we gotta get him ported to kuma over to our entry okay they're all here right yeah they're all here yeah open the door was he riding it where is he oh [ __ ] [Music] there he is [Music] okay what are you gonna do i want this as a mount what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he's getting in it he's getting in mecca godzilla oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right bear witness to the true power of the ultimate weapon okay let's do it i'm ready seems like it's gonna be pretty hard to beat this thing you know how many yeah how many elevators do we have this is crazy but what the [ __ ] it's fine it is what it is right okay they're all ready let's go hit the wrong button okay now what we're not doing any damage guys we're not doing any [ __ ] damage what do we do [Music] this is not guys this really is not going very well i think this is i think we should have got our own mech suit man this is uh oh no no we're making progress we're making progress we're actually doing it okay good there we go there we go there we go back on him let's do it huge damage on this guy that's nothing it doesn't matter massive numbers boys massive [ __ ] numbers the biggest of big dicks damn this thing's easy can i stun it no big surprise you can't stun the ultimate weapon yeah i would have never guessed that okay wait what the [ __ ] what's the bird what we got the attack bird [ __ ] okay it should be fine though it should be fine should be fine should be fine even if we have that bird come out it's not a big deal it's not the end of the world i'm waiting if there's gonna be anything else happening man okay easy now what oh it's tight wait titans what the [ __ ] titans coming oh [ __ ] titans coming in with the chair oh no he's almost dead dude we almost killed it what the [ __ ] he is spitting him out i see that so the last one has got to be the uh what's the other one we killed i forgot what his name was he actually forgot what his name was we'll figure it out okay nice oh yeah efrid that's right yeah how are you doing this we [ __ ] got him i don't know good question [Music] no it is the blessing of light that confounds you what the [ __ ] is this it's star dread it's sound oh [ __ ] your foe acts under the protection of the crystal he bears true that's called the plot device this is what empowers him yeah why am i going like this beyond mortal limits true if you are to prevail the hammer of darkness must needs be brought to bear upon the shield of light okay and so it shall for the ultimate weapon is host to a power of which you are as yet ignorant what's that speak plainly asian the heart of sabik it is the weapon's core an enigma whose surface even the vaunted scholars of ancient alec failed to scratch crazy the magic within we gotta beat his dick out again bro we're going to the top of the empire state building okay oh that makes sense because it's the ultimate weapon yeah yeah yeah bro that's of power course the ultimate weapon lies within its now beating heart okay what have you done what are you doing no more than was necessary for my god to be reborn wait what the [ __ ] what oh [ __ ] the world shall tremble unleash what the [ __ ] just like evaporating the spaceships god damn god damn bro what the [ __ ] it blew everything up [Laughter] such devastation this was not my intention surprise [ __ ] oh hydelene it seems the task of keeping your champion alive has exhausted what strength you had left uh-huh your enemy's shield is broken the rest i leave to you how's he fly we will speak later well now what but first i must deal with you the question of who is mightier remain wait it broke the crystal so i don't have crackhead strength anymore let us find the answer together oh [ __ ] okay all right let's go [Music] i beat the [ __ ] out of this dude man i i'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of this dude you know what i do this can't get [ __ ] wait where'd he oh there he is he's about to say thought he disappeared all right let's go okay he's already going down like a [ __ ] let's be honest it's already going down like a [ __ ] this is no problem boys massive [ __ ] damage easy does it work the same way i don't know if it does or not dude this is crazy i'm i'm destroying him he's already half he's already oh my god what is that what does that do uh i just cool down okay okay killing these got it okay getting back on boss okay we got the shield up again got the shield up again boys we're doing just fine there we go tank purge where does tank purge i didn't do [ __ ] where'd he go wait ultima oh we have to kill him before he casts it we got him no no no no get [ __ ] get [ __ ] get [ __ ] pay me the subjects of a weak ruler must needs look to a higher power for providence and their dependence comes at a cost to the realm true the misguided elevate the frail and afraid unless a man of power rests control the cycle will never be broken [Music] you who have the strength to rule damn damn wait what the it's dead now right it blows up blow up mecca godzilla uh don't we do we die here i mean i don't know it seems like oh it just okay it just despawned with this okay all right all right valid red damn pathetic you boasted of unrival power you were entrusted with the ultimate weapon apparently not ultimate magic apparently not you got your ass beat and still you failed so much for the glory of man true wait just he just ports out oh never mind oh now we got to beat his ass all right the growing imbalance afflicting the planet must be redressed okay if it is permitted to worsen the very laws of existence i'll be this [ __ ] happy and physical will be warped beyond all recognition yes so whatever know you the root of this corruption heideln how could that be the corruption that's my that's my drug deal like a parasite she must be burned no if the planet is to recover no that's my drug she gives me all my but that's where i get my crack from god will ensure her complete excision yeah yet to pave the way for the master's return a chaotic confluence of untold proportions must needs be brought about and that will necessitate the presence of the primals i needless to say both you and your scion accomplices cannot be suffered to interfere in this endeavor oh [ __ ] you will not leave this place alive all right all right i didn't know this was gonna happen okay i'm ready dude okay let's [ __ ] do it i didn't even know this [ __ ] was going to happen there is a little purpley boy yeah well what the [ __ ] how's he not gonna be back like that dude what the [ __ ] oh dude he's oh he's getting destroyed wait what the [ __ ] oh he's getting deleted i'm gonna stun his ass i can't okay nevermind don't work okay what a [ __ ] what a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude what a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude oh my god this is it what a joke dude what a [ __ ] joke wow salad red what a [ __ ] oh leveled up man what a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] oh [ __ ] a is the [ __ ] give me some more crack rocks for that one huh i get a freebie what i thought we just what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what what is this some like goku thing do i like cast the kamehameha on it if thou wouldst pierce the shadows make thee a blade of light i'm so glad i have a good transmog for the cinematic man i'm using the power of oh [ __ ] [Music] damn wait what the [ __ ] what what what i thought we killed him wha uh what the [ __ ] what is this an out-of-body experience so all we had to do is give him just a little bit of taste of the crap rock and now suddenly suddenly now he sees the truth [Music] what is this what is it is this captain planet [Music] oh my god [Applause] [Music] just got evaporated he got deleted damn brah [Music] [Music] did we beat his ass did we beat his [ __ ] ass we beat it we beat his dick right off bro all right so now what what do we do now leave duty okay so we just we we beat the guy right we just beat the [ __ ] the demon gg guys he's dead we beat him thank god thank god for that thank god for that what no it's not another it's gotta be like sid or somebody right wait is it maggie oh bro like that's the same one because it's got the thing on the side all right it survived somehow you know how no i don't either because it said it was going to die that was not what i expected at all just stupid ass old get the [ __ ] out of here and so my conquest ends sid damn damn in smoke and ashes wow [ __ ] dude [ __ ] dude here feel think okay now what the emperor was right all warrior of light beloved son yes the darkness hath fled before the unclosed brilliance of thy spirit ah yeah yeah yeah yet it lingereth still beyond the sight of men [Music] dark one we gotta kill i could kill the dark one that'd be easy yet for the present yeah i kill i'll kill hamilton with thee at its heart [Music] from sparkling moat shall it swell to glorious sun and all the world shall bask in its walls wouldn't it be awkward if i was like a dark knight though because wouldn't that like from the warrior of light and i'm also a dark knight like i don't know how that works [Music] damn dude damn oh he beat the [ __ ] out of that place my lady all twin ida units have fallen back to the outer perimeter i forgot they were even here i forgot they were even here man why when the fight did they get here dude oh my god general admiral all hands accounted for [Music] he's still in there oh it's me it's gotta be me sid has there been no word well they said the cell phone didn't work nothing nothing at all then how they know how does she know i'm still in there damnation shut up he's going to make it i know he is is this the first time she ever talked i don't even know what her voice sounds like eda is right we must have faith okay all right we have the cat girl here it's okay sid can they not be evacuated aboard the enterprise no there's a plot device that will prevent that from occurring that adventurer and the scions are as the warriors of light reborn true we cannot abandon them to their foreign i wholeheartedly agree but flying into the midst of that would only add to the fireworks there must be something we can do true please mother heideln please light his way through the darkness okay i'll survive it's okay what does that mean there what oh oh [ __ ] that's me shouldn't they get out of the way the fire though yes yes dude [Music] yes the hero returns [Music] no [Music] oh my god welcome home this is why we have him we didn't need to do this this he caused us so much trouble man what the [ __ ] is this place oh my god you almost got us killed at one time remember now now we both know that was your fault thank the 12 we're safe wait mind your horns there man may have when you mind no way no way the crystal that bound thankful is no more what do you mean like that even if we could we know that he is not alone confounded basians their god may be unknown to us but their zeal is unquestionable yeah suffice it to say it would be folly to assume does this mean i can do this nevertheless soon okay no no look he's literally got it tattooed on his neck what about that paint over it how did this happen how did this how did this happen for now we must savor what peace we have won all the scions do i don't you see grandfather our first step towards realizing the dream for which you gave your life okay now what oh [ __ ] now we get to look out over the horizon at the world that we've saved dude this guy's so much cooler than the other two the dreadnought [Music] along with our champion have delivered us from darkness wow let their shared victories serve to remind us of our shared history okay and let their bravery in the face of adversity inspire future generations doubt not the realm will need bravery in the days to come old rifts threaten to divide us within our walls while hordes of beastmen claw at our gates and though the black wolf be slain the rest of the pack remains sounds like more quests we fear so long as we stand as one true so long as the scions stand for peace so long as our champion stands fast i'm fastest exists no adversity over which we may not jointly prevail yes no longer can we turn a blind eye to the suffering of our allies no nation stands alone if one should fall so shall we all aorzia is our shared home for any one of us to know peace so too i thought the empire was right yeah this is some [ __ ] just as we yeah that was right let's be honest so too shall our grand companies be joined henceforth to strive not only for the good of mere nations but for the good of all the realm damn change will not come overnight yet i foresee a day not so very far from now when the lines that divide our lands fade is that like five quests it has been but five short years since the battle of carton five years since the advent of the seventh umbral era i don't know what that is no victory however sweet can wash away our bitter sorrows no triumph can reclaim those we lost yet do not presume you honor them by dwelling on the past it was not the past they fought for that's cool how they have the this whole thing while they played the looking to the future the things there watch the now is the time for us to rise as one bearing all of aorzia on our shoulders damn five years ago ayorzia bore witness to the end of the sixth astral era oh that was the new patch the seventh umbrella draws to a close yet we come together not to glory in its end but to mark a new beginning that's the expansion yeah that's the expansion they're talking about don't watch it okay i got it [Music] wait why should we pull out the gun man i was getting a little bit nervous she pulled out a [ __ ] gun oh they said it they said the name wow [Music] amazing they said the name [Music] is that dragon holy [ __ ] i can skip this right why do they have the alphabet here meteor survivors wait what what's this the original players oh wow so it shows all of the original players right here that's crazy that says people that played the original game that is badass they were the true heroes true now what oh okay so we had a little bit of a party everybody's happy it's good now what go into the next level right okay we're just chilling oh no oh no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'm having a withdrawal yeah wait it's it's another dealer is this the corrupted meth crystal oh no what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what is it what the [ __ ] it can't be did you hear that there's no time to spare where is it coming from what the [ __ ] happened to tidings chaos and carnage well that sounds like it's not good it is an abomination a primal a primeless awakening oh another whack-a-mole all right let's go get them let's let's get rid of them i i'm ready who was it was this the beginning of oblivion oh this is better not be the guy is this this is the [ __ ] guy isn't it it's the [ __ ] guy i knew it was the [ __ ] guy it had to have been a [ __ ] guy [ __ ] it's another one wait what bahuman stirs wait i thought we put him in jail what the [ __ ] oh no oh [ __ ] this is a super illuminati [ __ ] man with each next passing moment we draw closer to the reckoning the [ __ ] are they gonna do now [Music] to the one true god who is it it's a zodiac the [ __ ] is that is he the is he the evil crystal maybe that's it maybe he's the evil and thus did dawn break on a realm reborn well that sounds like bro that sounds bad like but where is there is light there is always shadow yeah about to say now what oh [ __ ] yeah okay oh they're all clapping for me yeah yeah i know i know guys i know i know i know i know yep hi welcome back warrior of white we all prayed for us yes i i know yeah have you said your farewells to the scions uh-huh okay enter the solar and there she has alphanot you're gonna have to leave the room okay all right let's talk to milfina see what she has to say wait all right uh that's crazy look uh he he actually leaves that's all right uh the archives have conducted for women or any investigation on the origin of the roar that run out during the celebration their findings strongly suggest that a new primal has appeared the roy generated a distinctive wave pattern in the ether a pattern observed only once before in history five years ago to be precise i strike to think that mere coincidence but we cannot discount that possibility yet i just need to say no more a great sacrifice we have delivered a razia from the threat posed by the empire and the primals to thereby secure peace but we cannot allow the realm to be plunged into chaos once more you have given your all for the cause risking life and limb on i know not now how many occasions yet the struggle continues we need you now no less than before please can do to stand with us and together we shall safeguard the future of the realm of this very star i've only got 4 000 experience for this 4 000 experience for saving the realm and a fantasia potion yeah i'm not going to do that or at all okay that's it's like a that's like a race change or like a uh a gender change or an appearance change it's like all of them flying wait flying unlocked you can now fly with mounting kawarthas and mordon oh wow to take flight simply jump while mounted really damn holy [ __ ] look at all these mounts oh my god wow wow it's a new mount wait i have a new mount use the key you can now summon wait what oh wow i can i can oh [ __ ] wow that's my second mount boys holy [ __ ] wow how high can i go your mouth can find no higher yeah right oh [ __ ] look at them all [ __ ] dude that's crazy wow it's low ceilings yeah i'm sure the other ones will have higher ceilings i'm assuming right that's crazy man okay so what's it like flying around now so can i just fly over these things oh wait what the [ __ ] damn so i just fly right the [ __ ] over this wait what's this here oh this is where camp west wind was damn turn to mount music i've already heard the music for this one it's different music okay let me just turn it on then oh dude so i can just fly all it's so cool to actually see this because now i actually have an idea of like what the world really looks like because before it was like so fragmented wow [Music] [ __ ] wild dude oh dude so can i fly all the way over to this place here [Music] i think i can't yes i can holy [ __ ] wow that's odawa oh yeah this is my house this is where i live holy [ __ ] i see i understand now okay i have to do that at some point i'll do that later who gives a [ __ ] dude this is bad ass man steps of mauled dude look at my gear now my gear is [ __ ] good like my gear is so [ __ ] good guys this is crazy here we go luin an iron clad a knight iron quad and shadow forged armor a mammoth sword and hell's born steed it's clear now our wars for voting have proved most unfortunately precedent proceeding bill lord would stick to the council of elders a ghostly knight atop his baleful seed is as i feared the rumors bear the most inauspicious resemblance to the references in ancient scriptures despiting odin the dark divinity it is my suspicion that the dark horsemen of rumor is indeed owed and furthermore that this malevolent presence is a primal and yet before the gods quiver takes action that would seek the council of one first and holy writings make for cory mill and talk to brother the guy let's talk to the guy so let's see how this works adventurer thank you for coming we seek the darth vader and you must made privy at the plan before the game is afoot as you know odin's hunts in this forest we would banish him from the shroud yet in actual fact he has fallen before countless adventurers already by all rights the primal should plague us no more there is no answer in my words okay we gotta kill his ass okay let's cue this full party it's invincible holy [ __ ] this guy's awesome oh my god [Music] let's go [Music] let me out blow me out i'm ready to beat odin this guy's trying to steal my [ __ ] aggro i'm popping cds see that's why i [ __ ] did it that's why i did on this mode first okay all right now it's on me good santel all right that's apparently an ability i have to move out if i'm assuming holy [ __ ] that's a lot of damage holy [ __ ] okay staying focused guys staying focused everything's fine okay let's move back in [Music] everything is fine guys everything is completely fine that's the big damage right there it should be okay though i'll survive [Music] okay avoiding avoiding okay i've got to keep up my bucks we're doing very well here we're doing very well actually okay this is the is this the big attack okay so that's the one i need that my cdf for okay now i've all right i've learned that so i don't have something up for the next one should be okay though i don't need anything er jar what the [ __ ] is urger okay it just says ray damage it's not a big deal okay it's this one again i should be fine yeah nice okay he's already half health it's already half health okay avoiding how the [ __ ] do i get out of that i think i got hit by that i'm pretty sure i did okay we're doing really well guys we're doing really really well apparently they have to kill those mobs what am i dead okay they're fine they're fine they're fine they can kill it i think i can accept res okay okay apparently i got that while i was in the res okay this guy's already almost dead holy [ __ ] [Music] jesus christ okay i'm trying to get out i'm trying to build aggro back up on him hopefully he doesn't kill this guy that's the big tank attack [Music] nice yeah we're actually doing quite well right now though we're doing quite well [Music] okay avoiding all that there we go [Music] i don't want to be in front of them i do not want to be in front of them okay this guy's way harder than the other ones man this guy's way [ __ ] harder than the other ones i don't know why i put that on i'm not even tanking [Music] okay apparently we have to spread these out okay seem kind of obvious okay killing this what is he doing wait what is he doing uh uh shin's ass two kids the [ __ ] is this [Music] uh [Music] do we beat it holy [ __ ] [Music] wow [ __ ] yeah dude so what's this item level 50 who the [ __ ] would want that this is about why would anybody want this i want this i need the cha i need that i need that i need it [Music] ah that was easy dude that was emo the [ __ ] z dude but yeah guys uh either way thank you all very much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you thank you thank you guys i will be back online on tuesday uh tomorrow i have to do a number of other real life things and so boys today we finished all the around reborn main story quests and now we get into the raids now we get to have the fun time boys now we get to have fun thank you guys all very much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it and until next time boys i want to run some ads and i'm going to call today and until next time boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 528,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, asmongold plays final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv day 7, final fantasy day 7, asmongold final fantasy day 7, ffxiv ending reaction, ffxiv ending, final fantasy xiv ending, a realm reborn ending, ff14, ending reaction
Id: ranl8F3aYQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 38sec (8078 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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