Asmongold Learns Why FFXIV: Heavensward is SO DAMN GOOD!

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we've been goofing around for a while the goofing around time is over and today we go onward to something new to something different today we go onward to heaven's word back that [ __ ] into a corner that's right imagine lying to us we will have the truth from you girl god i don't know i think rauban might be my new my new favorite character matt it's so hard to decide it's not looking good uh is that my dog there's no way that's nigh dog is it there is no greater calling for a knight than to save the life of his fellow man i swear to you on the sigil of our house that i shall do this and make you proud that's why we don't call him horse fart anymore who's this guy oh no to taru what's happened i've been looking all over for you there's been word from older oh [ __ ] it's about her grace the sultana oh [ __ ] what happened oh they don't know that's right it seems you're required elsewhere leave the mana cutter with okay we'll see that she's air worthy and suitably equipped to slice through those winds slice i like that you know the emphasis on the slice what up boys there he is thank you for coming there he is all right no thanks are necessary general i trust your recuperation continues the pace why is it that they can do all this other crazy stuff you can make like a whole robot you have the ultimate weapon but they can't make this due to mechanical arm true yeah i cannot complain thanks to and higher administrations i've regained much of the strength i lost during my imprisonment that's nice i gather you have made progress in the search for her grace yes sultana aye some good fortune at last a few days passed julla informed us that a sizable shipment of alchemical supplies had been delivered to the palace okay what what the [ __ ] this is the poison with papashan's assistance i set out to ascertain the source and nature of the shipment my inquiries led me to frondale's front history okay there i learned that an order had been placed he's the only good one designed to sustain patients trapped in death like slumber an invention of the former head alchemist apparently what the [ __ ] okay a death-like slumber this cannot be a coincidence this is exactly what happened to her learn some way to do ellis claims hi yup her grace is likely somewhere within the palace a bed but alive before making any attempt to extricate the sultana however it seemed prudent to learn what manner of substance was used to induce her torture yeah to that end i made inquiries as to the whereabouts of the one most like to have administered it the lady in waiting merial yeah we shall find our cat's poor in the silver bazaar all right let's go over there then i pity the bastard that stands in our word true come my friend um yeah there she is what oh you are mariel the sultana's former lady in waiting uh-oh i know no one of that name pray excuse me we're gonna kill her we going to kill her dude i want this redditor to just uncage man just uncaged what are you doing yep general alden uh-huh there it [ __ ] is dude yeah ramon ain't putting up with that [ __ ] man he put him in that goddamn [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah dude yeah that's right you better be afraid back that [ __ ] into a corner that's right imagine lying to us we will have the truth from you girl god damn i don't know i think ralban might be my new my new favorite character man it's so hard to decide mayhap would be better coming from me thank god all right we kill him right now we kill little dorito we get rid of him the wawa fell we we [ __ ] we we kill him and we put an end to this right now we we end we end his legacy get the axe out raubon get the action you'd best talk fast get the axe out right now man kill him as you know telegi's carter no reclamation bill was no more than a facade a means to get his grubby little hands on that elegant monstrosity omega yep we heard about that when he learned of nanamo's intention to abdicate however he was forced to amend his plans suddenly assassination seemed the most promising way to further his ambition right okay i am told telegi had discovered a maid in whose veins ran the blood of house thorne a new more pliable puppet to sit in the throne oh [ __ ] opera of course but few could have contested her claim so this is bro this is some game of thrones [ __ ] what the [ __ ] and what of nanamo yeah exactly that's what i want to know oh i have no desire to harm her grace could profit me little to destabilize our government thus did i employ young marielle here to administer a potent sleeping potion in place of a poison oh man so he calls her out right there in front of everybody look at her face dude look at her face wow you should know general that your dear friend il bird was fully aware of my plan oh i had him lie about the assassination as a means to prime your rage against teleg we weren't entirely sure how you would react but things went rather better than expected well why didn't you just kill them yourselves you just yeah like a politics who gives a [ __ ] he's smiling stomp on him rabbon you conniving little worm you heard your claws in the crystal braves before their first recruited sword to serve [ __ ] kill him please [ __ ] kill him dude yes dude but of course when a new game begins it is only prudent to have a piece on the board ill bird was mine damn so ill bird got bought out a significant proportion of the braves initial endowment was also mine with such large sums moving about it was a rather trifling matter to disguise my own contribution he had a super pac are you kidding me dude is the redder even hearing this he's so mad i secured his services with a promise to support his cause once my authority had been solidified yeah i swear the man thinks of naught but prizing alamigo from the grasp of the empire i'm gonna be honest like lowerito is such a savage i actually like him which brings you just make it up to the present yeah both you and the sultana are alive we have one corpse and one fugitive and preparations have been made to restore your good name shall we cry quits and start again with a blank ledger hmm if the next scene is not ralba and killing lolorito i'm going to be so mad the hells we will do you honestly expect me to forgive and forget after all you've done you're guilty of high treason let's go come on stay your blade master you yourself are not innocent or have you forgotten your own crime in executing telegi without trial what do you mean trial [ __ ] that though you acted out of loyalty to the sultana such deeds are in violation of both the word and spirit of the law well he's speaking a different language i come about yeah like as i said you know what my first thing i would do i would be like every single lava fell out every single one like have like a height thing how like a door this is what they do have a door that's like three feet tall and be like if you could fit through this door you get the [ __ ] out of here what's this this potion will wake the sultana from her slumber consider it a gesture of conciliation what the [ __ ] you will find her grace resting comfortably within her private chambers should you doubt my word i shall willingly accompany you to the palace as your hostage i like not your motives lolorito but you saved the sultana's life and for that you have my gratitude yeah in the one way that would make him more powerful that caused other people to die that didn't need to and put the city into battle and war like why am i not pissed why is my character not mad about this like didn't all of my [ __ ] guys didn't didn't all of my guys get [ __ ] smashed because of this [ __ ] like why am i not the one chopping up wall burrito rauban alden you are hereby reinstated as general of the immortal flames the citizens of older shall once more be united under nanimo ul namo and together we shall usher in a new age of prosperity bro this is no bro uh-uh nope what's the catch the catch is you have to deal with this guy forever because here's the reality is like a person like that is gonna [ __ ] you again like if they [ __ ] you once they're gonna [ __ ] you again a hundred percent slap a [ __ ] that's good enough yeah that's good enough all right that yeah that's good enough look at her walking behind well like she just got sent to the principal's office they caught her text on her phone again be [ __ ] furious no way wow no way she's gonna actually come back to life no way the parrot's alive no way oh oh my god she's like what the [ __ ] happened oh my god i was having the longest dream yeah i bet i [ __ ] bet it is time to wake up your grace another day begins in thunderland and the sun blazes bright upon the sand she's gonna ask what happened to your arm isn't she gonna be like yo bro what happened to your arm her grace is awoken damn the palace physician assures me she's none the worse for her slumber wow damn if her grace will soon resume her plans to place the government of older into the hands of its citizens yeah i'm sure lolorito is gonna want that her grace's compassion is a shining beacon to us all but what our city truly thrives upon is competition tis in the struggle against our rivals that opportunities are seized and fortunes made and with the empire on the offensive once more now would hardly seem the time to turn our system of government upon its head i hate to say it but he's right are you privy to new intelligence my lord my lord you should be calling him you lion ass sack of [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] how are you really gonna call him my lord you little [ __ ] cuck with your bar mitzvah tie on are you kidding me i would hardly call it new remind me what was the name of that enormous imperial warship which met its end in mordona wait i have it the angriest that's the one that mid mid guard summers are destroyed have been hard at work on another such vessel well just i thought the dragon was gonna come back so we just have the dragon go get it again my lords and lady i move that it is time to repair the damage caused by telegi adeleji and prepare our great nation to repel the empire once more wait what is this george bush [ __ ] set up some false flag [ __ ] to send us into a war to to maintain power we already had this happen and we've got to deal with it with lowerito again yeah exactly that's the exact face i'm making decided to disband the crystal braves thank god closing the subreddit the subreddit is closed thank [ __ ] god he's not even a mod anymore bro he's deleting that as for those who sided with the traitor ill bird they shall be hunted down and held to account for their crime kill them it is my earnest hope that they will surrender themselves peaceably when the time comes though i think it's unlikely great that makes it easier oh my all conquering crystal braves the model army meant to pave the way for a single unified grand company of aorzia that's so high an ideal should be brought so low yeah well i mean like it was dumb so of course it didn't work out uh will you join me asthma gold they were there at the company inception it's only present for you to be there it's at its end yes i i bro i actually have a song for this surprise [ __ ] [Music] surprise [ __ ] commander you're alive as we go too i knew you'd scrape through my splendid crystal braves i have wronged you all of you my promises of glory and salvation have brought you not by blood and betrayal could not hear us complain it was a slight messier than expected but we're still fighting for the freedom of all just like we swore ain't that right mates not anymore [ __ ] not anymore [ __ ] you humble me i'm truly blessed to have such steadfast comrades it's with the most profound regret that i must enough of that commander i know what your mind is saying i'll have none of it what we agreed we could take off our uniforms and strip our ranks won't be any less of a compass what are you kidding me about the crystal braves the crystal braves may be finished oh okay all right the idea is why the company found out bind us together on you yep all right good there we go it's [ __ ] gone boys it's [ __ ] gone after all it's happening i don't know what to say [Music] what's he mad for what you mad for dude he's gonna oh he's gonna crawl [Music] i'm smiling i'm like yeah cry [ __ ] so what they just renamed the subreddit what the brave crystals now like what is this well it got merged i guess yeah they got merged you're right about that uh while we're organizing various channels of communication i would ask that you call upon master garwin to the manufacturer i will join you in ishgard as soon as i'm able to finally we get to talk to sid and now we're going to be able to fly over there yeah it's been quite a while since we've been talking to this guy and he's building a ship in order for us to pierce the veil and fight nydog in his own realm i cannot wait to kill my dog man okay so wait oh here we go all right i wasn't paying attention all right sid asmin gold old friend the cutters are ready whenever you are uh you have our thanks come warrior of white the dread worm awaits oh [ __ ] dude you had money true there's my ship oh [ __ ] that's not looking uh is that an idol there's no way that's nigh dog is it i thought he's gonna be bigger what oh [ __ ] wait damn well that damn that makes it easier what the [ __ ] why didn't he fly um [Music] i'm gonna destroy this [ __ ] i'm gonna destroy his ass man okay i'll turn yeah i'll turn up the sound after this don't worry should have used that before it hit me why don't we just land on that very uh you know conveniently prepared uh flight path there or flight landing pad it sounds like a good idea all right here we go i make sure i get everything good and yeah i'll turn up the music a little bit okay okay guys let's [ __ ] do this [Music] damn there's no mobs in oh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] there's some that's a [ __ ] dragon airy why verno okay uh oh these things have like no health dude they're like no health bro i'm actually gonna just keep pulling should i keep pulling i'm gonna keep pulling see guys i understand what i'm doing like it's i'm only becoming more powerful just keep that in mind dude i can do so much aoe damage this is crazy what the [ __ ] there's like five off gcd abilities that i can do just for aoe oh my god this is nuts the hero bro he's fine like y'all act like i'm just what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] randa and let's see i'm gonna wait just for a second to get a little bit more mana actually why the [ __ ] am i waiting let's go just full boss okay there we go all right big dick damage boys massive big dick damage okay electric uh i'll just make sure i'm not standing in front of this maybe i don't know what this is but we'll find out okay it's some sort of a little circle so that means it'll probably do another circle that will make people have to move out of it so as soon as we see people moving away from him that means that probably he's casting the ability to have people move away from summons the heavens fury who's that oh it's just circles on the ground i can handle that oh i got hit never mind electrocution what is this uh i didn't do anything yeah we're fine okay oh it pushes us back so we have to move in this guy isn't moving in uh he got zapped okay it's not really ideal but it doesn't really seem like it does that much damage for it to really matter and if he breathes on other people man i really am just doing that for the healer uh so he feels like he's got something to do and uh that way it just makes it easier for him to not get bored you know because you don't want to have that happen you're afraid to heal or without dps no that's impossible yeah that would not happen ever i don't know why you would even think that uh the fact is like whenever i start doing damage whenever i really need to do damage i just completely pop off and there's no uh there's no way to even compete against the damage that i do oh we jump down here i want though [Music] oh wow [Music] damn dude there we go and i guess we could probably just keep yeah let's just keep going might as well just keep going why not okay i'll pull these guys too there we go pull more oh yeah yeah i will i will i will just pull everything here i think this is a really good place to stop okay all righty and there we go getting out of that getting out of all these there we go uh you know what uh yeah i'll even i'll pop a healer or sorry i'll pop a cool down for the healer right i want to help the guy out and so yeah we'll pop a cool down for him i'm a nice guy what can i say yeah listen healers adjust i didn't even take damage guys yeah i hardly even took any damage y'all are crazy okay there we go and there we go perfect all right let's keep going [Music] it's a berserk dragon is it i didn't really notice that okay here we go all right popping cds maximum [ __ ] damage you should be dpsing oh i'm doing my best man yeah i am dpsing i'm doing as much as i can okay let's pull this one too there we go okay charging over to him and kind of interrupt this i barely [ __ ] killed that one holy [ __ ] okay i gotta save my cds for the next one there yeah we're gonna keep all the rest of it okay where's the next [ __ ] boy there he is there's the next [ __ ] boy all right big dick damage on this guy massive dick damage on this guy easy easy easy god dude this group must love me so he does more damage whenever he has more stacks that's crazy okay what the [ __ ] is this one is this lesser airy dragon oh [ __ ] thinking wow it's more memorable characters um [Music] i don't know i think it just depends like i think my final fantasy is like wow definitely does have memorable characters tonight their characters are much more stylized like these look more like people than like the wow kid oh wow oh wow damn okay oh that made it easier what the hell is this oh more dragons okay uh let's see do we get anything special here oh wow okay uh all right let's stay focused here and i think that we're about to fight night dog i'm pretty sure dude these things get destroyed oh my god downward burn is right [Music] i'm using feeble the worm with the eye you strike whenever he can [Music] he i don't know does he like it [ __ ] yeah we're gonna kill him thank god all right let's go i have been wait dude i've been waiting to kill my dog for so long man the dragon's eye is limiting my dog's strength it's been a long time night dog you've caused us trouble for thousands of years and you know what your reign of terror is over [Music] turn him away from the raid my own eye against me surprise [ __ ] we came ready for your ass look at that he's always gonna try and breathe fire on me like that even [ __ ] matters dude okay that seems pretty easy um okay these fireballs are gonna do something concerning they still stand there oh they just shoot things at people okay that's pretty simple what's he gonna do here dude he's going down fast like what the [ __ ] oh my god this is easy dude wow wow and this is what people had trouble with for a thousand years this stupid-ass worm get the [ __ ] out of here oh my god okay doing a little bit of damage i'm gonna go ahead and just pop some cds here i might as well okay he's gonna doing he's doing the red [ __ ] again there we go easy [ __ ] game boys easy [ __ ] game you know [Music] look at that look at that perfect look at that perfect avoid just like always man see you later [ __ ] succumb to the might of a great worm wait where's he going such a thing of a power i use the shield connection okay uh let's go ahead and get that then oh [ __ ] they've got the piano this is like the sephiroth theme i'm worried okay ryan wreath okay we obviously have to interrupt this okay got it oh oh we got getting the shield getting the shield up jan ass getting a jam ass getting the shield [Applause] [Music] this is the same as baphomet [Music] oh [ __ ] he is [ __ ] pissed man he is absolutely furious get the [ __ ] out of here dude get the [ __ ] out of here wow you did wait [Music] kill him oh finish them bro finish them come on [Music] damn bro this guy's 1v1 in the dragon holy [ __ ] dude uh that was used my own eye against me time has done nothing to delude your kinds depravity i've not forgotten the dragoon my essence claimed thee once and i shall do so again wait yo is he talking about his family no one this ends here oh [ __ ] oh my god bro what the [ __ ] [Music] jesus christ [Music] oh my god [Music] look at that [ __ ] wait does this guy just not take fall damage he's [ __ ] red oh my god he got the other eye you gifted my people a thousand years of suffering now i gift you an eternity in darkness jesus christ man this guy is a [ __ ] savage literally stat 1v1 is a dragon flies up in the air carves his eye out of his own head while the dragon is flying in the air and kills him and somehow takes no fall damage i'm like what the [ __ ] oh am i gonna get another crystal oh because he died he wasn't in combat anymore so he didn't take that he he could only go down to one half oh no way all right all right there it is you love to see it the crack rock champion has completed another another trial damn dude dude that uh you shale was not gonna be happy about this what the [ __ ] is this wait who's this is this a stenyan they are ours lord haldrath no the eyes of nidhogg i the worm lies broken and my father is avenged with the wellspring of his vitality thus denied him ned hawks should not linger long in this world true this is a thousand years ago so oh his father was thor dan oh well then wait how did he get okay just watch it all right fine by behold the terrible price we have paid my sire is dead so many brother knights slain [ __ ] dude we traded our honor for the strength which now courses in our veins and still we are forced to make such sacrifice but not in vain my lord chris felger is the only great worm left in dravania and he dares not leave his lair wait so they they killed nydog before what with nidhogg's eyes in your possession who now can challenge the might of ishgard ascend the throne and take your rightful place as the ruler of our people all right yeah [ __ ] them dude nay my friend i must forsake the mantle of king though nidhogg be defeated his wormling horde yet darkens the skies with wings beyond counting as one who partook of ratatoska's strength it shall be my penance to bear a knight's arms until death grants me leave to retire damn when that day comes no prince shall perish but a hell's bound hunter of dragons wait so he feels bad about killing uh the rattacoster was the sister of uh of nigh dogs but lord halderath what then shall become of the royal line true think of your people my lord without a king oh who will the common man turn to in his hour of need how will he find his way without your benevolent hand to guide him this is count dripula this is like count drippy was great great great great great great great great grand [ __ ] grand [ __ ] father right yeah this is from back in the day i thank you so flavian and sir silvertree for dispelling my remaining doubts with men of such wisdom and compassion in service to the realm displaying that ishgard has no need of a king well thank god it's not ruled by any sort of crazy religious zealots now i mean you know but if you must bow to the demands of tradition you need to look no further than yourselves for one worthy to wear the crown oh [ __ ] so he's he's a prince going his own way oh wow very well my brother knights my loyal friends on these shoulders shall i bear the weight of my father's sins with this lance shall i repay the debt accrued through our misdeeds damn that's crazy what the [ __ ] yeah he feels wow i kind of feel bad for him it's like he didn't even do it well i guess he kind of did it i kind of did it to your first dragoon no i don't think so because they all have the same armor what cruel jest has fate played upon us have we seized this desperate victory only to lose a king we can but act as our lord has been we few who remain must divide between us the rulership of ishgard and her people who's this not i my oath was to lord halderath and he alone if he is not to be king then i would hang up my shield as well that guy's armor's [ __ ] bad ass yeah look at his name brawny knight the forgotten night it's the yeah it's the name of the end will you abandon us too sir i would wash my hands of blood and betrayal and take up an honest trade damn i hope i shall serve isle sharp and steel it all makes sense now it's the war for the end this reminds me of like quests and like uh vanilla wow like stop this album quest lines that's so cool we four then yep photon highlander deer and air and zuma so it's the same guys from now four houses to rule all of ishgard what could go wrong what of the throne we keep it empty until the day a king rises once more we must assume the role of stewards oh [ __ ] so it's like gondor we shall shape our nation anew with a history of our own making damn and let the truth of this dark day die here upon the battlefield [ __ ] dude so that's how it happened he's like what the [ __ ] dude what hail is you friend are you wounded uh no um i just had a weird [ __ ] thing that happened you have borne witness to history to the culmination of the first battle with nidhogg but how we get his eyes back if we got his eyes the legend of ishgard's founding tells that our ancestors were led to the land of kurthus by the valiant king thorden okay in the midst of their journey they came to a wide chasm where they were set upon by a great worm nidhogg a furious battle then ensued with thought and leading the van okay though the brave king was slain defending his people his son haldrath the first azure dragoon fought on undaunted oh [ __ ] so this guy's the azure dragoon now wait why is it that you know what i find is kind of ironic though is like this guy has every single different type of color armor except azer it was black and now it's red and with a mighty thrust of his lance he gouged out nidhogg's eye forcing the wicked creature into retreat we had two eyes thus did this eldritch all become a sacred treasure of ishgard lending its power to every knight deemed worthy to bear the title of azir dragoon so is he he's not um i guess i just keep asking questions let me just let me just finish the cutscene let's ask if it right housing tail is it not wood that i could still believe it but your vision which we must accept as immutable truth is no room for doubt save on one point what point is that if haldruth took both of nidhogg's eyes then how came this eye to be lodged in the worms skull he took harass velgar's eye because there's no story of harass velgar losing his eye well i i don't want this it's nasty beneath every answer we unearth another question that's just nasty oh my god but why would he give him the eye oh [ __ ] damn yo that place is [ __ ] badass so it was a fierce battle but one i knew we would win your fame is well deserved full proud am i to have fought at your side jesus dude what a [ __ ] is it easy with your swiftness to ishgard to inform the lord commander of our triumph yeah but but we must first have words with reis felger there are parts of this tale that the worm has kept from us and i would nowhere for yeah exactly what the [ __ ] happened there i bet i'm going to give him his eye back and let me get on the new mounts uh mount guide mana cutter there it that is look at that i look like i'm on a boat man it's like it's an air boat all right so we've got to go talk to uh oh god talk to talk to shiva here yeah let's go we gotta go talk to shiva it was you would it not the furious screams of the dragon carried afar oh yeah we're so mean you have slain nigh dog what more could you desire from this place will you not allow harass velgar to mourn the death of his cannon peace no bro i gotta play the cr here look yeah i gotta saw i i was gonna play a song for him bro like what do you mean you're talking about asparagus your sanctimonious judgment ice [Music] god come here mr dragon dude all right where's he at where's the stupid-ass [ __ ] at uh-oh as i said i think that like all things considered it makes sense why she'd want to have sex with this dragon i think this is the most attractive one i i'm not saying like this is like it's theoretical yeah this is theoretical and peyton and pertinent mortals ever seeking to bury old wrongs under neu oh he's not happy dude he's not happy you mean the moment i prized your eye from his head that's what i thought that's what i thought bro i'm like what she's like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] twitseem has discovered my secret hey unto the blinded nye dog did i yield one half of my strength damn there it is [Music] why whoa we might want that so he just jointed there's no like like shouldn't we talk and it's over what the [ __ ] oh wow oh so ny dog got his ass beat before too oh my god [Music] what happened bro bye [ __ ] look at my eyes boy where's wait look at his eye how are you looking at him where's your eyes bro undone by covetous mortals they take radicosker's eyes and glut her appetite their appetites upon her essence oh he's pissed yeah what the [ __ ] happened to this she's slain and what madness hath on made our peaceful accord yeah did i not warn thee brood brother they have been untrustworthy creatures these short-lived ellison what the [ __ ] he got no eyes oh look at his face [Music] but whenever you were enchanted with your mortal maid thy folly has cost radicosker her life and me my own eyes so bro harass velgar was simping out for some random girl while his brother got his eyes carved out oh my god even now not even about his brother's eyes not even about her eyes like he's he's still simply even now was that blindness uh that didn't invite disaster into our land surrender the eye to me and let me be thy penance so he's like bro you should give me your eye because you [ __ ] up and like you know it i know it everybody knows that i want your eyes on my bra this guy let's just sit down and talk this over okay they bested me once but i was reckless i shall need but a single eye to inflict enduring torment upon these traitors and every child of their line jesus christ so for a second though i thought that nydog was like summoned like a primal and that's how they had killed him before and he came back but now that i see the yeah that's the first thing i thought of yield yai strength to me oh my god what a mistake bro what a mistake you should have gave them both eyes oh that [ __ ] got carved the [ __ ] out [Music] so harass velgar was the enabler of this of this [ __ ] it wasn't even knight like night dog was pissed off but he enabled it the whole time oh my god and we just gave him his eye back why we could have killed him right there can't kill him right there they killed his sister yeah yeah sure it was yours your strength that sustained nidhogg all these years yup would that heldrath had dealt the worm a killing blow uh-huh should have done it when my brood brother did appear before me bloody and blinded his life was all but spent he demanded half of my vigor so he may exact his revenge upon the mortals who had wronged us and so you acquiesced you surrendered your eye to nidhogg knowing full well the suffering he would inflict oh she's gonna break up with them oh my gosh she's gonna break up with the dragon oh no even now blaming other people man the peace my beloved so dearly desired have been shattered by her own kin because you're doing it dude their treachery claims my brood sister's life my brood brothers reason thinking i think it's now fits the indignation uh fits of any nation will move me to remorse nah but we should have moved you to the graveyard before we gave you your [ __ ] eye back go mortals take your unruly passions and leave this place your presence here spell with nothing but misery oh he gonna fly away now look at her face she's so sad ah what the [ __ ] is going on now it was my life's goal to slay nidhogg but i find there is little joy to be had in its accomplishment well yeah it's a five-man boss didn't even drop any good woo but you have rid the world of a hate-filled creature and ended a bloody war in so doing she trying to be a a [ __ ] snarky little [ __ ] i lost my family to nidhoggs flames and was with fury in my heart that i took up the lawns every blow i struck i struck in the name of vengeance good we were not so different he and i yeah except you won and he didn't i will not judge you for your deeds i have not the right too many innocents have perished in the name of my greater good wow for the first time damn she's actually not hating on the guy yet even with all that has passed the tale is incomplete how's it incomplete we are short a great worm's eye of the pair which haldruth took from nidhogg only one oh one i bear what then became of the other i can't think of why why did nidhogg who had taken such pains to prolong the dragon song war suddenly decide to hurl his entire army against the walls of ishgard well it's in ishgard maybe it's the uh the city walls were empowered by the eye and they were using it as a power source that's my best guess law commander aye the deed is done nidhogg is slain what but yeah bro i uh yeah the thousand year war it's over at takara it's fine yeah all right it's the order yeah it's done in the city a battle with whom where what what at once lord commander oh my god i'll return okay all right let's go cheese fighting has broken out in the city lord emmerich was sparse with the particulars but it seems some commoners threw open the gates to a force of heretics okay wait i gave no order to attack are we to mark the end of the dragon song war by spilling the blood of our own mayhap praiseworker was right about us it will be yeah let us away warrior of light the people must be safe from themselves damn wait i would join you is this a joke what there has been enough violence i will appeal to my people in the city and make them see reason okay all right yeah why not yeah try it out sounds good to me come then lady ice hot let us write the final chapter in this damnable war all right let's go oh [ __ ] yeah might as well yeah just get her oh oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [Music] this guy's cool i like him a small army of heretics has invaded the city of eminence well it's a good thing we're sitting around and doing nothing but there is no cause for concern the sizable contingent of our soldiers is already in place to repel the dravanian assault and the intruders will soon find themselves outnumbered and outmatched okay well then why are we running back like it's a big deal our plans proceed to pace then what the [ __ ] wait what what he's gonna oh wait what's this [Music] okay oh no it's gonna be the other guys isn't it it's gonna be the guy in the throne behind him is it the metaphor the yep is at hand yep you could tell with the uh the the having the throne behind him it's the the the the metaphor the symbolism blah blah we beat his ass before we will do it again excellent all shall soon be in alignment how we [ __ ] know that he smiled if they're not looking at each other it is time for the bringer of light to die all right all right you wanna [ __ ] you wanna you're gonna you're about to catch these hands man like this bro this guy's gonna be pissed he's mad he's mad because we beat his ass oh now he's gonna smile oh wow what the [ __ ] is this oh [ __ ] he's here too wait did he just wink at the girl he's like what up girl no okay all right yeah horchata yeah see i i remember this time oh [ __ ] yeah okay wait what's this here comrades sheath your swords there is no need for further bloodshed uh risky move my lady okay she's come oh wow hear me brothers and sisters the war is ended nidhogg is no normal [ __ ] them they're like wait what i thought that was our boy what happened to our boy like how we [ __ ] cause i killed their ass i it is so this adventurer and the azure dragoon laid the great worm low that's right that's right they're like what the [ __ ] oh my god the endless cycle of violence between man and dragon was born of our forefathers treachery oh [ __ ] she's gonna tell everybody you have followed me bled with me to bring this truth to light that we might all know peace well you guys are upset cause she's yelling all right of course she's yelling she's upset she thought uh like a [ __ ] one day ago that she was a reincarnation of shiva and she was in love with the dragon all right and then she turns out that's like that's not the case like she's got some problems all right but nidhogg is dead nidhogg is dead my friends he who bore such hatred towards ishgard is dead damn that's right let his hatred die with him i say let us sheath our swords and go in peace all right that sounds good yeah great have we lost ah yeah no my friend far from it yeah at long last the peace for which we have so desperately fought is within our grasp and i for one would not forsake it peace yeah surprise they're like what the [ __ ] oh okay damn false flag averted seize the witch let none escape uh-oh [Music] providing aid and sucker to the wounded should be our first concern true if the heretics mean to observe the peace then it would be folly not to do the same yeah actually true my god holy [ __ ] that was rather too close for comfort to would seem the calm is returning to the streets my mind i'd ever clambers with a thousand questions you just return to ishcard at the oddest of company my friend okay all right yeah i want to find out what the [ __ ] is going on now i'm i'm upset nidhogg dig the heretics pacified father and sir aramaic must know of this immediately let us break the news to them together i will bring sir aramaic to four times manor count drippy yeah we've got to go talk to count dripula and uh let everybody know what we did surprise i knew armor praise helloni you are safe how lonely my safety was never in doubt father for i had the azure dragoon and the warrior of light by my side that's true we bring the most wonderful tidings okay great the infamous lady iceheart here in ishgard this is most unexpected uh oh i don't know if he likes that i don't know if he likes that she has done much to quell the violence the inquisition may not approve but we are glad of her presence oh damn and with the great worms demise even our nation's more reactionary elements will have scant grounds to press for her immediate impeachment wait so she's living here now what if the truth revealed to us by trace welder that the origins of the dragon song war a core tennis of ish guardian faith are quite unlike those depicted in the scriptures oh that shit's fake anyway everybody knows that that men and dragons once lived together in harmony and that it was man's treachery which shattered the peace and plunged our peoples into war yeah something like that the same scripture also describes the origins of the high houses where it exposed as false the legitimacy of our rule will be called into question if both high born and lowborn can trace their ancestry to thordan and his knights 12. yeah but a single sip of dragon's blood is required to confirm their lineage if the holy see knew of this and chose to remain silent their crimes are grievous indeed regardless this state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue well yeah uh they made that [ __ ] up there yeah exactly sir emmerich you cannot mean to raise this matter with the archbishop wait he's gonna that sounds like a mistake man pray consider what you are proposing if the holy see chose to conceal the truth for centuries what reason would they have to reveal it now because uh if they don't we're going to kill them at best you will be branded a heretic and clapton irons would just kill them too then at least the archbishop will have shown his true colors my friends this war will never truly be at an end until the truth is made known damn what a [ __ ] chad oh my god you must see what lies on the horizon if it is not when ruled by fear of a common enemy we were united true but now we have none during the war the highborn needed men to lead and the lowborn men to follow not anymore it is but a matter of time before the old order is called into question so why don't we just tell them that the dragon's still alive and we got to watch out every day like man it all could be here oh bro like you're not paying attention man he could be over here any second that's fake news we'll share the truth with her followers and the holy see will be powerless to stop it spreading oh yeah it's true the disenfranchised will rise up united and blood will flow in the streets once more yeah oh a divided ishgard will not survive tread carefully lord commander so he's in a [ __ ] dude he's gonna confront the archbishop i don't know about that one my lady is it wise to let him go no it's not i sympathize with the lord commander's desire for reform but to approach the archbishop in this manner bespeaks an idealism to which i did not think sir emmerich prone yeah it sounds like you though he comports himself as a realist he has long dreamt of reform towards that idealism which first drew me to him that which made me swear an oath to serve damn we must not think of ways to hinder his cause but rather ways to aid it even should the holy see cry heresy if the lord commander does not return from the vault at the appointed hour i mean to go and fetch him oh [ __ ] civil war round two have care my lady your words border on treason surprise should they reach the wrong ears you will be declared an enemy of ishgard good that is a risk i am willing to take lest you forget my lord i am not born of this land my loyalty is to the lord commander alone but i speak only of what may come to pass if the rumors regarding his heritage are to be believed we have no what to fear uh yeah i think there's something to fear yeah i can't drip you on knows what's going on lies and slander true forgive me what rumors are these why by the way like isn't it kind of awkward that like estenian is just standing around in like this very obviously like this very well manicured very well-kept victorian era uh you know chateau here and the reason why his armor is red by the way is because it's covered in [ __ ] blood that sir emmerich is the archbishop's bastard son oh [ __ ] okay senior clergy are not permitted to marry and sire children but even the holiest among us are not immune to temptation it seems that way i labor to believe it sir emmerich is truly the archbishop's son that's crazy he has never been publicly acknowledged as such but the rumors have plagued him since childhood [ __ ] that he rose to his current position despite being despised as a bastard and accused of profiting from his father's influence it speaks the quality of his character wow it is my hope that on this occasion the burden of his birth will work in his favor should our worst fears be realized the archbishop will not be so quick to execute his own flesh and blood affording us time to mount a rescue bastard or trueborn he is our nation's best hope if the holy see dares to threaten him i shall lead the charge against the vault myself god damn god damn here here the future of ishgard rests on sir america's shoulders i too will do mine utmost to aid his cause yeah you good boy too it's all right wash your phone be reasonable i like how he doesn't say that about standing he's like yeah of course he's gonna do it but yeah you know slow down bro punches go ahead be reasonable okay what dad a knight lives to serve father to aid those in need the people need sir emmerich more than ever and we may be his only hope true there is no greater calling for a knight than to save the life of his fellow man i swear to you on the sigil of our house that i shall do this and make you proud wow that's why we don't call them fart anymore yes romantic reckless fools the lot of you so be it make your preparations oh my god so what oh i thank you all for your support yeah you're welcome damn it's time for a revolution but how would he carry out this bold endeavor even with an army of knights at our back so direct assault on the vault seems unlikely to succeed uh you are correct master alpha node not even the assembled house might have house four attempts and the temple knights would be sufficient with the support of another party however we met yet stand a chance you speak of one of the other high houses precisely the opposite i speak of the revolutionaries rumored to reside in the what so we're gonna we're gonna [ __ ] join forces with antifa uh very wise aspen gold we shall hurry to the forgotten knight the tairu may have knowledge on the revolutionaries wait yeah tataru would actually be useful here i hate to say that i really really really hate to say that but tataru would actually be useful you're not serious we're ceramic thinking anyway the way you two talk about them i would have believed anyway i heard rumors of the people what you're looking for but i doubt they'll be of much use the only thing that i can say with certainty is they're led by someone by the name of the mongrel uh a interesting moniker if i've ever heard of one but mayhap it may make the individual in question easier to find come let us make inquiries below okay all right uh let's go over here and uh we'll go meet the uh the mongrel which is apparently the person that they're talking about she must be around here somewhere i take it you've had no luck either nope oh no has she been running from a fearsome mouse i'm sorry i forget i said anything oh [ __ ] wait down there isn't that tataru those men are chasing her quickly has been gold after them oh [ __ ] we have to save to taru you know i have sprint i can just use friend i'll be fine oh no oh where do you think you're going missy oh [ __ ] what the hell are they doing i'm sorry i didn't mean to offend what did i get are they gonna kill her what's going on here yeah you little [ __ ] was it you boy piss off what the [ __ ] hold on i've seen them around they're in and out the house for thomps manor all the time surprise yeah oh i see skulking about it your highborn masters bid in eh bloodhounds hoping to catch a whiff of heresy is that it bro this guy looks like he sells weed to middle schoolers you are quite mistaken i assure you we came here to help and if you know what's good for you you will let us pass oh [ __ ] listen to the pups yapping come here boy i'll give you cause to yelp oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] leave threatening women and children to our betters we don't have the knack what the [ __ ] who's that hilda [Music] all right all righty okay lay a finger on the blue blood's pups and you're like to lose their hand you're like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude and often i get called on by glorious heroes like yourself so tell me what have i done to deserve you uh we need you to help us uh uh cause a revolution okay let's see here oh [ __ ] fire and blood what is this while you're on your way to kill nidhogg you stumbled on some dirty secrets that the holy see has been hiding for centuries apparently yeah hey what are they all about what the [ __ ] yeah what's going on the high houses and what makes a nobleman so bleeding noble they trace their blood back to king thorden and his knights 12 the founders of ishgard of course right but our friends here reckon we're all descended from the heroes of eld highborn and lowborn alike and so sir emmerich lord commander of the temple knights has gone to ask the archbishop if he wouldn't mind letting everyone know oh yeah sir emmerich you idiot we cannot stand idly by and allow sir emrick to do this ishgard has need of him damn dude sir america's a pimp oh my god i can see that willing to risk your neck for someone else even when his troubles ain't yours but what's this got to do with me if sir emmerich is imprisoned in the vault we will need all the help we can muster to breach their defenses and rescue him yeah no doubt what in the health what the [ __ ] dude oh my god what the [ __ ] is going on ah the unmistakable scent of heresy [Music] it's finally time to kill the church i've waited on this for a long time let's go and what do we have here the honored guests of house 4 tom consorting with the queen of rats that's right oh plotting insurrection i shouldn't wonder that won't do what a bro this guy he now he thinks he owns the place yeah he's wearing lipstick is won't to fester spread it must be burnt out air the infection takes hold this guy is about to get heated and deleted i'm gonna tell you guys that right now i reckon sir i'd be happy to wield the irons himself well so happens thank you yes pull a [ __ ] gun on him and shoot him in the head yes all right oh [Music] such simple creatures rats certain to attack when let us step outside milady in here your toys could hurt someone oh man dude what a pretentious little [ __ ] oh man oh we're gonna kill his ass dude let's go [Music] let's go all right all right big cities big cities let's go there we go there we go massive [ __ ] dicks massive [ __ ] damage huge [ __ ] numbers i don't even know what buttons i'm hitting dude i don't even know what buttons i'm using i'm using all of them at the same time there it is he's going to die so [ __ ] fast one button andy no to be fair i hit every cooldown i had okay i think i did pretty well there i wasn't amazing but it was okay i always hit in the wrong [ __ ] buttons oh chai johns those are healers let me kill him okay i'm a tank i don't need to move out of circles okay that's for losers okay interrupting the cast there we go okay magitek let's go and just kill this guy too might as well there we go and fire two that's not happening you're getting fired okay killing this guy perfect so damn all these guys are just dead i'm just gonna stun that cast that way i don't have to worry about it there's no end to them oh yeah there is we just keep killing him it's easy okay um let's go over here killing him hitting all these guys there we go we're using a big dick damage massive [ __ ] big big damage actually yeah these guys are getting [ __ ] destroyed disgusting okay i don't know like are we supposed to lose this i feel like we've got a lot of mobs we gotta fight here yeah i don't know what the [ __ ] this is oh it's a [ __ ] ass i [ __ ] knew it okay let's go over there kill this guy and all right that guy's dead we got another [ __ ] healer on us man uh no wonder we were having trouble what the [ __ ] okay this guy should be dead here right yeah he's dead perfect okay and we'll get on the next set of them actually i'm just gonna get on the boss man [ __ ] this [ __ ] this i'm not gonna let i'm not gonna let oh oh there's fire on the ground he shouldn't be standing in fire on the ground bro you really think i saved all my cooldowns i've been doing my cooldowns for days i've been saving my cooldowns for days okay like this is not going to be a big deal at all use this as well stand in the fire dps higher that's [ __ ] right well he said this mongrel [ __ ] oh my god i'm gonna put a bill up between your eyes wait oh wow hello knee guide my sword yeah right okay wait is orchard killing him too isn't this this could make a put him in kind of a bad position you know help me kill this guy too there we go and we'll go ahead and hit that one all right that guy's dead okay i've got to get more used to using that charge i'm not really used to using it because i've done so many things that are uh that are uh below that we just kill him until he's dead we'll kill him [Music] there's no denying your gifts a well-deserved reputation indeed yes she's gonna kill him right lucky bastard oh my god nate is we who are he's got them hops had we fought on it was but a matter of time before our conflict claimed the life of an innocent bystander oh you [ __ ] sir gruner announced that the lord commander had been imprisoned under suspicion of heresy and that the heavens ward had been granted full authority in his dead the church is taking over the heavens ward now commands the temple knights [ __ ] those still loyal to sir emmerich answer to me alas that amounts to about half her number why would they not all be loyal to him do you think they're gonna trust this [ __ ] guy this old this old crusty ass bastard the other half who opposed his promotion to lord commander have gathered at the vault has ordered past horse [ __ ] bolstering the game i'm sorry thanks for the five-tier suit ups i didn't know any better i'd say you were expected yeah they yeah exactly we're about to pop off i take it you're in charge around here hilda and yes the young master was just persuading me to join his lost cause convincing little beggar and me actual elephant man your passion move me jesus that and the fact that we're sick of living off the leavings of our betters if you ever mind to change things around here then weave a mind to join you damn okay we got antifa on our side [ __ ] yeah let's go let's go burn down to walmart let's do it then it's decided to the vault the arc bishop must be held to account and the lord commander granted his liberty [Music] all right oh [ __ ] yo what up boys all right it's time [Music] the others were in position master asthma goal that was send award once you and your party have entered sir america's attempt to bring the truth to the dragonsong war to white has ended in failure imprisoned by the arc bishop under suspension of heresy he now languishes in the goal underneath of all yet all is not lost but lucia has hatched a bold plan to see justice done while her party-free ceremony from captivity you were to lead a party into the highest levels of the vault and seize thordan the uh uh the [ __ ] seventh uh though the knights of the heavens ward will attempt to borrow your passage you must press on for the future of ishgard hangs in your balance [Music] oh [ __ ] there they is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and there we is all righty boys let's go to work let's do what needs to be done this dungeon looks [ __ ] cool wait what the what the hell is going on oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this okay okay let's just pop everything right now big [ __ ] cds of course you're gonna see these nuts massive [ __ ] damage look at that that's how it's done okay apparently we have to go this way oh we're ascending to church itself oh [ __ ] [Music] damn i kind of like how the mobs aggro to you because it's something that like hasn't really happened before in like any dungeon as far as i know it makes it more interesting whenever you have like different types of mechanics you know what i mean i like that okay all right sir adele oh [Music] okay wait where's the boss wait where's his where does health go what the [ __ ] what wait what the hell's oh oh oh [ __ ] okay all right let's focus all right big dick damage guys let's do it dude i didn't expect that holy shield bash oh oh it's a face okay it's a cone attack all right and bro she's going crazy yo sarna you have moved the [ __ ] away bro okay uh okay how does this work i'll just stay away from the circles i guess and i just kite over to her all right got it okay yeah we're about to what's up dude how you doing all right dude i'm chill we're about to [ __ ] kill this boss we're destroying the church okay and now we have shield bash again i'll get ready to go over that okay try to avoid this one okay what the [ __ ] dude okay how was that all right we're good nice nine percent popping off okay obviously this is some sort of like probably uh positional attack no it's yeah we got him dude yeah true just as search hamburg said yeah that's what i thought [ __ ] wait he just let him go dude let his [ __ ] ass go dude that's insane all right let's go back over to here bubble hurt yeah he actually bubble hurt the white man that's exactly it oh damn [Music] i like the uh the scale of this you know like the dungeons really [ __ ] big et cetera i think that's so badass all right let's see here wait what though what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my god look at this big boy look at these big boys dude i feel like i'm in dark souls too man uh what's what's it called drangleic castle uh is that what it is like that's what what what i i remember is the name yeah anorwando yeah i feel like it's more like drangle castle not an orlando but i could see another sure all right i'm gonna take the elevator alright here we go oh [ __ ] [Music] damn [Music] wow okay [Music] scarlet monastery vibes very very true extremely true i kind of want to download a dps uh meter so i can see like how much i'm doing but i feel like it'll kind of like take my focus [Music] a white knight in a black knight do it i don't really care though that's the thing it's like it's not that big of a deal these aren't even knights these are horses it's a white horse and a black horse what the hell is going on here it's not tos it's not to us i've seen a million people streaming it uh they're not going to ban me for it it's just not going to happen and if they ever told me not to i just wouldn't do it you know it's just that simple like even with blizzard right there's been like a lot of drama over the years especially recently but like uh whenever blizzard's actually like tried to have a dialogue with me i've been more than open and willing to do that okay let's go i'll cut you to pieces okay okay just get [ __ ] destroyed holy [ __ ] i'm just i always assume he'll summon ads so that's why i don't really pop any of my like big aoe cds here okay and he's gonna turn into a dragon too isn't he yeah he [ __ ] is or some sort of like [ __ ] empowerment okay holy [ __ ] okay oh i got an item nice i'm gonna save that for whenever he moves away dude i love this dungeon man this is so cool man okay it reminds me so much of dark souls i love it this might be my new favorite dungeon i'm gonna be honest this is so cool okay it really does yeah i love it faith i'm moving i'm assuming we have to move out of that okay going back over to him getting inside of that okay going back to the same position there we go alrighty he's kidding he's getting his ass feet though to be fair looks like there's no real ads oh um let's see i guess not no okay 20 i feel like this doesn't necessarily seem like what we'd expect to see instead of a church you know what i mean my mage got hit oh it's fine doesn't matter oh we kill him anyway doesn't make a difference [Music] okay charge back over to him i'll keep him faced away that way it doesn't [ __ ] with the group there it is i had you i guess not time is on our side oh my god okay okay and both of those suck so we're just gonna skip that all right here we go spear lift [Music] okay let me pull these real quick and then i'll look around bro this is some [ __ ] this is some hard dark souls vibes oh my god look at this man i love it i [ __ ] love it dude oh wow [Music] there he is dude there he [ __ ] is i'm not sure actually i don't know okay sir cherbert oh this guy oh man all right let's [ __ ] do it boys okay [Music] i don't know when i should use my cds or anything so i'm just gonna go ahead and just hold off for now um all right move out of that this guy seems like he's going down pretty fast come forth my pretties uh we have to watch out for them they're gonna walk across yeah i thought so okay alter pyre is this thing seems like it's not wait where's he at [Music] okay what the [ __ ] um we need to kill these probably i'm assuming we have to kill these before they uh do some sort of explosion maybe we only have to kill a handful of them i'm not sure yet we'll find out okay [Music] and these things just make it harder try and hit that one too maximize damage got it and then there's the last one there [Music] okay oh the ma the mobs don't even help him okay cool i'm just popping cd here he's he's actually doing a lot of damage for a dungeon boss man this is a lot holy [ __ ] okay this doesn't do a whole lot all right that's easy to avoid okay there we go okay pretty easy so far i guess they have to spread out for that chain to break the chain sickness must be purged let's go ahead and demo shot in there make it easier okay i'll actually pass this to give myself a little more healing too he's another cool down too i'm taking a pretty good amount of damage now yeah it is a lot like payne smith you're right i never thought about that yeah sickness must be purged there it is there it is boys damn how can this be yeah you got your ass beat how about that uh oh hold back oh it's the ship what the [ __ ] what oh no no way he's not gonna get away is he are you kidding me so we got we got sir emeric out at least that's good father please oh it is his death oh my god he called it out too late my friend why must you do this father nidhogg is fallen there is no need for further deception now is the time to renounce the lies which led us down this path to start anew okay and tear down the very pillars of our society our history our values everything we have built over a thousand years a fool to the last damn i make sense though what he said we're getting over we're gonna run his ass down it's gwen look out jesus move out of the way oh what go awaits no way i did not learn his name to have him die why didn't you move oh no you you are unharmed forgive me i could not bear the thought of love oh my god [Music] [ __ ] man no do not look at me sir oh my god a smile better suits a hero that's what he said at the beginning oh my god oh [ __ ] man oh no [Music] [ __ ] dude that's the first time anybody's ever bled in the game isn't it oh my god [ __ ] man [ __ ] dude [Music] oh my god i don't know what to say the others are gathered at four temps manner wow [Music] oh my we gotta tell his dad yeah that's sad yeah that's [ __ ] up man that is just [ __ ] up he sacrificed himself to protect you yeah don't please count drippy was not happy a knight lives to serve to protect to sacrifice there is no greater calling leave me to mourn and give chase for my son and for the nation he loved go damn [Music] his sacrifice shall not be forgotten [Music] that's awful man [Music] wow [ __ ] dude [ __ ] dude like that's like i could not stand there in silence when all others had forsaken us lord horchophon took us in our beacon of hope in a world of darkness it is utmost to raise our spirit so that we might face our troubles with courage with conviction so that we might face them as knights [Music] oh dude using the story ever since the last expansion dude like that's so sad oh my god dude i'm gonna call i'm gonna call it for here okay i think this is a very good place to pause like dude today has been nuts it has been unreal like i god damn man [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 516,173
Rating: 4.9369774 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, ff14, asmongold ff14, asmongold heavensward, Heavensward, wow ffxiv, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, ff 14, ffxiv heavensward, the vault reaction, a smile better suits a hero, ffxiv good, ff14 good, heavensward reaction, asmongold hilda, asmon
Id: Sh7WIMahhT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 39sec (5859 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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