ALEXANDER! Asmongold First RAID of FFXIV: Heavensward

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what is this wait what the hell is what the hell is happening right now i'm worried what what is this atlantis this technology this looks like the alexander boss it looks like him i bet that's [ __ ] him dude that's gotta [ __ ] be him holy [ __ ] alexander was from atlantis what the [ __ ] yeah it's a bit of a problem isn't it of all the things they could have picked to play with that's not a tour you bloody fools it's a primal wait how's that a primo it's a robot wait oh that's a really big [ __ ] robot what is this dude so where is the oh it's right there holy [ __ ] so we're gonna have to go in there is that right that's crazy see i was wondering like how the whole like alexander thing even happened so i guess this is what it's gonna be there it is holy [ __ ] uh the only a trouble is it's locked and it doesn't seem to have a key for want of a better idea wedge is listening into the illuminati link pearl communications in hopes that they'll be mentioning the trick to opening it so in other words wedge is in the bohemian grove right now yeah we've got to find alex jones and he'll be able to help us and uh show us what we need to know who's that girl quite the conundrum you have there it's the girl i bet it's a [ __ ] girl yep it's your lucky day i'll crack the code assuming that we can come to a little arrangement worst girl nah this girl is like she's like one of the girls that posts on twitter every day that she's sad and she she starts and only fans never posts anything on it because she's insecure but she starts it you the big one see the pipes on the hatch they ought to have a valve up with a hand wheel imagine it's a clock try turning it to the right oh a little bit curious about this but we'll find out okay here we go okay we did it oh we got in that was easy come come things aren't as bad as that we found a way inside the machine we just have to learn about it as we go it's only a massive mammoth after all stopping it should be as simple as destroying its core if we send suitably intrepid team of surveyors i don't see why we can't trace the powers the machine's power back to the source via the struts and piping and i'd know just the man to lead the party what say you aspen gold i'ma pop the [ __ ] off how about that how big is your [ __ ] ass mom uh ask your mom oh there it is fist of the father alexander ray you see what i'm saying what is this yeah it's impossible for me to know what to do it's like it'll be one thing if everybody says yes everybody says no but usually it's like always super divided and it's impossible to like really have a uh an understanding of what's going on okay let's go [Music] ask party yeah i guess that's probably the best idea oh so these do damage to you dude this place is awesome holy [ __ ] faust okay um let's just pull them see what happens okay this is probably not a boss but we'll find out okay [Music] dude we're popping off on him holy [ __ ] it's a dps check oh man i hope we make it yeah jesus man that would be awful if we didn't make the dps check on the old content okay i need to use this rip and tear thing more often i'm so lazy with that okay there we go turn the music up the music's already very loud i think the music should be fine okay that wasn't too bad at all god damn what the [ __ ] i saw this in the ultimate fight holy [ __ ] oh my god all right all right all right okay guys uh let me explain this i know a lot of people haven't been here before so let me just go ahead and tell you what you need to do okay so um he is the oppressor uh which means that we have to we we have to resist him as much as we can and i will attack him and uh get behind him and attack him while uh while he while you guys um so basic all right all right let me start over okay um all right we're gonna pull them and i'm gonna turn them around and we're gonna kill them all right let's go i'm ready dude this music what the [ __ ] okay this guy's getting [ __ ] destroyed holy [ __ ] wow okay now what does he do you zoom out here yeah this is the normal mode version so it shouldn't really be super hard what the [ __ ] is this guy gonna do okay he does some random attack doesn't really do that much damage though okay after he dies what happens this guy's getting [ __ ] wrecked 16 what the [ __ ] oh what no no no no i got him i got him it's fine it's fine we got him okay this one's dead nice we've got a bonus boy and this is the dps check i'm assuming easy ass [ __ ] dude wow all right we're gonna do the next one with midnight level wait what's this oh i just got an overwatch loot box i hope i get the road hog skin expertly done adventurer what do you want what have we here uplanders are unwise to come for most of all oh no not in all of gordius it's the [ __ ] illuminati isn't it what the [ __ ] i [ __ ] knew it i [ __ ] knew it it is the actual illuminati okay as i live and breathe quick thinks all thoughts master of the illuminati just shoot him what are you waiting on pop a cap in his ass just don't hit the cat gobbies are backstrapped with boom dust uplander shoots everybody goes kaboom oh they got me oh they [ __ ] knew it was gonna happen uplander ear catches tongue flaps of master enigma codex for plans making is gone illuminati already undertaking alexander ultimate that's not good foolish gobby secrets are kept silent tongue flaps never traded with outsiders has quick things not ordered so many times master forgive noise making of empty head gobby did not think please gabby we'll take any punishment just not the worst one now wait this is great why is up under shooting his gobbies boom dustin's not harm uplanders blood upland her blood for fallen gobbykin wait she just killed all of them i think now would be a good time to leave i would agree let us away what is enigma codex treasure you wouldn't understand jesus christ emo sad girl oh my god yes young one my treasure dude she's so like yeah emo sad girl like let's be honest okay so now what we have to fight the next boss that was not dude that was not that bad at all damn damn what the [ __ ] so we gotta go all the way through there so what was my health before it was like 38k or something like that and now what is it i lost 100 item levels i lost 100 eye levels guys this is such [ __ ] i'll get the big boy okay got it dude this place is so cool holy [ __ ] yeah i like this place a lot all right here we go and we'll pull these there we go this is great i knew it yeah he died he didn't really die though he just uh he went down for a minute or two that's all yeah he's good he's fine guys don't worry about it okay that went pretty well now what what is this oh oh oh okay i'll get the uh i guess i'll get two big boys yeah i'll pick up the two big boys give me a second he just finished heaven toward msu um i only finished the um i only finished the the part where it plays like the cinematic uh the credits and [ __ ] like now i need to do like the uh the higher level uh the higher level content yeah i'm doing the msq the best part yeah that's apparently people say it's really good what is this oh this is a cinematic is [Music] okay all right so um [Music] okay uh we're gonna kill the ads and if there's a boss that spawns we're gonna kill the boss too okay let's do it guys oh there's only two this is easy oh my god what a joke can i get on that oh i can okay uh let me see i'll get on this guy here there we go okay we should be fine here make sure we do some damage so i guess this this is some sort of um [Music] uh trying to think of like what it really even is it's like a trash gauntlet or something okay hitting them i don't know what that was doing i hit the wrong button okay let's get on this guy here dude i feel like my class plays so much better now like i have so much more control and everything it's great okay we'll kill this guy here [Music] dude this guy's not [ __ ] around he's doing big dick damage okay they're killing them and then they can get on this guy after this okay avoiding that nice [ __ ] yeah okay next killing that one there okay let me get on this [ __ ] ass right here i'll get on a big boy i'll get on the big boy there we go dropping damage right there got it got it got it all right there we go definitely is down killing the low health ones nice that's a bomb that's a bomb we kill the bomb uh do i or not okay we don't we don't we don't kill the ball okay thinking that's up okay i'm gonna put my cooldowns up there oh no it's fine it's fine it's fine we're good okay they're gonna kill that one first and then we kill mine that's a bomb that's a bomb that's a bomb that's a bomb that's bob that's a bomb okay [Music] okay all right that's okay that's fine okay so it does proximity damage and those things are used to move the bombs over the other areas of the room okay that makes sense picking these up too there we go okay correct yeah i get it i get i get it okay picking these up too got it doing damage big dick damage guys always big dicks always big dick damage okay that one's dead and we'll go ahead and kill these here good [ __ ] yeah dude perfect nice and that should like do basically zero [ __ ] damage to me right oh it's oh it's not drop off damage okay so you just have to pull people away with it okay i got it all right we've got the next set over here there we go yeah i get it now all right that won't hit me [Music] okay hitting knees okay big aoes big dick aoes massive dicks of aoes okay trying to hit all of them as much as i can there we go there's the bomb too okay does hitting the bomb make it explode faster does hitting the bomb making split faster no no okay okay i'll i'll get the big boy i'll get the big boy let me handle big boy there we go okay popping cds surviving and not dying surviving and not dying nice that was [ __ ] close holy [ __ ] i don't even know if i avoided that actually okay they're doing really really well so far nobody's died as far as i know either this is actually very good okay now they kill this guy okay i'll move this guy over a little bit perfect and now we kill this thing good okay um all right let's pick up uh pick up that guy there and then we'll pick up one of these okay i guess actually you know what i should probably pick this up yeah let me just pick that up right now since that's the one that i had before [Music] i didn't even see that thing spawn it spawned right on top of the other one i didn't even notice that okay [Music] there we go there we go okay i'm getting pretty low i'm getting pretty low but i'm not getting low enough i can't get got boys i can't get got [Music] okay just popping cds doing what i need to do i think we need to kill this guy first nice he's almost [ __ ] dead there he is he's done nice okay and i'll just always pick up the big boys i think that's the best idea damn god damn oh pepsi man who's pepsi man uplander is amazing uplander is stronger than 10 gobbies that's not really a compliment ah there you are old friend i was beginning to wonder if i'd ever find you biggs account left something to be desired so i thought it'd be best to see the interior with my own eyes that's good dude that's good i don't think i'll need the loot because i already have all the tombstone gear a treasure hunter through and through tell me what exactly do you hope to find here ever heard of the enigma codex it's a book of ideas written some hundred years past the life's work and one of the greatest technologists uh to ever draw breath within its pages are found in myriad wonders from designs of machinima uh they could ceaselessly uh they could operate ceaselessly for centuries to novel ways of culturing cheese even a fragment of the book could bring a king's ransom but the most remarkable of all plans for a walking city are the plans for a walking citadel it was to be a beacon of logic and reason for all the world oh the redditor's gonna like that uh a walking sedan seven hells we're standing in there aren't we the illuminati's primal took form of that idea but i sense that none of this is news to you you've read it then from the enigma codex oh she's read it yes she has the design uh catered to every needful thing from worn beds to crops of grain its occupants would never have to leave in all in a fortress of on feet impenetrable and ready to move at a moment's notice so great they had a they invented a mobile home wow rednecks have had that forever it's not even a big deal yeah who gives a [ __ ] a trailer park all good the citadel was meant to bear the most brilliant scholars and art fishers of all age to the four corners of the world so they might set about unraveling the mysteries of creation and this utopia this shining seat of irradiation is to be called alexander and what exactly would the illuminati do with all this knowledge they would use it to take control most likely create a world ruled by a few chosen scholars unless i'm mistaken that's why the illuminati exists uh that is true uh bloody fanatics take a perfectly good idea and make it an object of faith what could possibly go wrong well i can well imagine how people spent decades carrying their homes on their backs might crave a home that could carry them oh how such a place could seem like such a utopia but we're not talking about a machine here we're talking about a primal and primals will be the death of us all i trust you'll be ready whenever things come to a hand asming gold oh yes i am okay utopia is happy place where there is junk aplenty round rocks is happy what is very happy place of [Music] mildy wherever he is [Music] wow edgy oh my god [Applause] oh my she is the worst i hate her what's up [ __ ] bro this just makes me want to play duke nukem like this music makes me want to play duke nukem from the 90s like fire up windows 95 put the floppy disk in and just go to work you know what i mean that's the way i feel about it it's good it's very good armor the father [Music] okay here we go item always been synced to 170. all right now where are we going to go dude this place is really cool yeah i really like this area i think this place is just [ __ ] badass it's crazy to see like how much of a difference the quality of like this area is versus the previous ones you know in terms of like the around reborn rates and [ __ ] like this is really really good oh we got the anger dick boys all right let's kill this guy okay [Music] oh is this is this all still part of the free trial i'm not sure is it dude that is [ __ ] insane oh my [Music] this is that song they played in the video earlier on reddit what the [ __ ] let me guess this is pepsi man okay all right so all right okay guys uh um okay give me a minute guys okay uh i'd like to let you know that you do not want to go in the electricity area so this guy is uh i've been drinking pepsi for my whole life i have prepared and trained 30 years for this fight i'm not afraid of it let's go [Music] let's go big dick on him big dick on pepsi man big dick on pepsi man let's do it there we go okay avoiding [Music] okay guess i'll put that down too might as well dude he does big right damage holy [ __ ] he's only at 86 percent okay um i don't know what this does oh it spreads out okay um that's easy to avoid okay so you just move out whenever you get that whenever the cast goes off it does more okay i'm gonna go ahead and just demo shot him there that way he does less damage to the raid come on big dick on pepsi man [ __ ] he went back in the can wait what it's mister hands [ __ ] i watched this in high school i know how this ends he almost killed me wait what the [ __ ] let's get him to the middle let's get him in the middle of the room [Music] okay i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine yeah i'm fine it's okay i won't die okay all right i'll uh spread these out over here okay long dick on pepsi man let's do it guys we can do this proud of you guys keep up the hard work we go good job dom let's do it massive [ __ ] dicks what is this oh he went back in the can again okay um get out of that i think okay um oh we have to kill the lube kill the lube kill the loop good good job guys keep it up okay killing that one nice job excellent skill keep it up get white knight back up if we can we got it boys we got it we got it there it is say it is uh magnetic okay all right getting i'm getting in getting back in getting back in i don't know how that happened magnets i don't know how magnets work yeah i don't know how they work bro okay let's get back on him okay more lube kill the lube kill the loop [Music] good job [Music] oh maybe wait maybe so we're not supposed to get too close and if we get too close it pushes each other back because of different uh different things is that it okay where is it at no okay oh okay let's do it long dicks boys long dicks there we go okay he's doing big damage here come on perfect the voids as always come on beat his ass beat his ass take him down to zero let's kill him [Music] okay slice what does this do oh it's that thing that's right okay cascade is it cascade or ascade okay i don't know what that does at all um okay i don't know what that did so i'm not gonna worry about it blunt resistance is down oh this is the tank swap mechanic okay uh i'll just pop cds then it's no big deal okay moving out of that okay we're doing really well guys oh it grips everybody together i see nice we are popping off guys let's keep it up okay i've got them up for the uh the aoe damage [Music] come on we got this boys we got this big dick damage you guys can do this stay spread out you get gripped back together that's what it is it's the opposite eat his dick i can tank him the whole time don't [ __ ] taunt off me [Music] i can beat oh [ __ ] okay come on [Music] long dick on pepsi man long dicks come on let's do it take him out yes there it is boys there it is mars get back in the can [ __ ] get back in the can [ __ ] thousands the hell is this what are they doing oh [ __ ] we got mr bigglesworth oh my god we got mr little cat oh there he is gabi found it good knowing's a missing piece or are with illuminati gabi did well indeed holy [ __ ] look at the little cat this is how you treat those who please you yeah i mean obviously now the realm is in chaos broken machine with too many parts but illuminati plan needs one thing missing piece to bring the world sorry to bring the new world order um give world harmony make world perfect and what about those who don't fit your vision of perfection how many must die for your utopia don't you see you some of the god damn prime a little devourer of the aether of every land that you visit until heidwin and everything on it is dead inside fortress of illuminati chosen will live on if inferior on outside die for progress so be it this is the cost of seeking for knowing hell's take you in your damned seeking why are we not killing them right now wise uplanders find happiness in illuminati rule unwise uplanders utopia does not need thank god they have that cat do we get to kill the cat so it's obey or die then ah the whole gun concept is grotesque all right i propose a withdraw for the time being i don't know what will happen if we breach the core but i do know that we'll be better equipped to deal with it if we're well rested and ready for anything makes sense now what double message clearly should all be well enough oh bro she's got a [ __ ] second plan we're gonna have to kill her so numerically if i compare this to coils like coils min eye level like nothing else like that coils is harder uh was much harder than this was comparatively in terms of like how long it would take in order to kill the bosses however um this this is probably going to be very different on coils of savage no savages corals isn't savage corals is like in between probably savage and extreme difficulty like harder than extreme but easier than savage and corals actually has its own oh what the [ __ ] it is coils is savage oh that wasn't that hard at all what wait what the [ __ ] is this i feel like it is who cares right we'll try out the harder modes and then decide from that i felt like coils was harder than a lot of the um i don't know i'd have to really think about that yeah wait we're going directly into the boss all right so we're going to go in we're going to attack uh the right leg all right i think we're ready to pull so let's go [Music] okay [Music] this doesn't really seem like it's too bad okay what is this music holy [ __ ] okay we gotta pick up those balls so there we go all right i can always get one too i got a bra i got it i didn't realize that was my job this is easy look at it we're just blowing it up what the [ __ ] is going on wait okay let's kill this guy it's no problem no problem i got it okay it's fine okay it's me and swedish fish what could go wrong okay this guy's gonna die really really fast there we go what the [ __ ] okay it's a bit of a it's oh okay all right let me get these let me get these got em got him got him good okay and i'll pick up all balls okay like just trust me i will be a ball magnet okay let's kill it oh [ __ ] okay it's doing something um okay probably needs to get into that okay now we go on left leg okay and probably have to kill these is that right okay laser diffusion alrighty makes piece of [ __ ] okay let's kill it it's all right guys i can handle this this is fine this is just like shah of fear and uh terrace of the endless spring and wow okay let's pull this one up there we go i don't know what this thing does okay good let me take this one take this one i'm taking this one taking this one [ __ ] i think i messed that one up okay let's beat his legs off good job guys keep it up we're killing it all righty and i'll save my cds for whenever i have to go over to that earth thing again yes see i'll probably have carbon carbon attack thing uh in just a second there it is there it is there it is long deck damage long dick damage [Music] got him dude look at that damage man tank stance oh why didn't you guys tell me yeah why didn't you guys tell me what were you thinking not telling me to go tank stance man that's you i can't believe y'all would mess me up like that that's crazy man [ __ ] you guys damn okay getting out of that okay give me this one i got it i got it i got it okay yeah i can always tank those it's fine um do we have a red mage because if we don't i feel like we might be having a bad time right now he's casting discord this is not good this is not good okay go ahead and pop this hit both of those remember i am the ball magnet i am the ball magnet i am the ball magnet where's my potions oh okay there we go i'll use the potion wait 200 health [ __ ] okay i'll try to get all three of these got him come on we can do this me and you sea lion me and you sea lion let's go me and you bro this is me and you let's go [Music] this is the easiest fight in the game i'm dead okay all right guys i want to go ahead and talk about this so what we do um we go in we do the same thing except we don't we don't die okay there we go there we go massive dicks massive damage easy easy easy easy easy okay a new bass you want to go okay okay all right just let me i i can do it i can do it it's fine i can do it there we go we just get him right there nice okay all right killing him let's see what do i have for cds here basically nothing okay i can i guess lunge for a little bit more damage basically about it [Music] okay this guy's almost a dead ass there we go nice okay and let me see if i can get over the ball i got i got i gotta go got him nice okay healing myself with essence train actually i i just i invent my own names for the abilities okay it doesn't really matter what they what they're supposed to be called yeah i i just come up with my own names for him tank stance shut up i got it on stop i i got on listen i make enough mistakes on my own for you all to be debating me into thinking that i'm doing other ones okay like let's be honest i got you bro i got you i got you i got you i got you yeah let me try to get those yeah those are pretty important for us to get oh this guy's gonna go down so fast oh he's going he's going down like a little bit okay there we go look at that damage look at that massive big dick damage jesus look at that dude oh my god what a joke [Music] okay i'll pick that one up make sure i get that for now there we go okay let's get back over to him dude we're doing so much [ __ ] better now this is crazy good job guys yeah really really good job okay we're about to break his leg off nice let's get back on his ass [Music] okay massive [ __ ] damage i'm gonna build this up i'm not gonna use any more mana in case i get uh thrown over again come on remember to avoid the uh orange circles on the ground whenever they spawn it's really bad if we get hit by those what is this give some [ __ ] because i thought dude i just got bomb going in dude i can't give a [ __ ] about that all right let's go [Music] okay did i get in that i don't know if i did or not [Music] okay judgment nine what does this do excuses filled up a little bit man i don't i don't ever run out of uh or have full mana okay sea lion's got that one okay everybody's got one oh let me get that one dominic oh [ __ ] okay it's hard to see those at the beginning this is a much easier pull yeah we should be able to kill him here no problem okay i'll put this as well on the ground there we go nice balls balls of steel balls of steel got him got him good job dom okay getting back on his ass there we go and i think we're all good yep everything's fine dead wait i'm not dead nobody's dead we're fine we're actually killing it yeah this is going really well y'all are baiting me into thinking i'm doing it wrong i'm not okay there we go let's take a look at that one okay see if maybe i can get into that one yeah i thought between he'll be too close to dom that would [ __ ] us up nice take it home boys let's go damn damn dude that's so badass savage time uh uh [Music] you know i mean like let me let me leave that answer the quest let me turn the question i have turned the question yeah i gotta turn the question what the hell is this gordidian not oh the gordian knot impossible to unravel so this is the heart of the machine huh i knew i should have brought a bigger hammer not that i'll be needing it of course isn't that right midi yes okay so we're going to use a big hammer we want to give her uh the biggest of hammers hello oh it's gonna get shut down right oh i was about to say we're not gonna blow that [ __ ] up the tank gordian gear looks cool really [Music] it's another ball inside of the bow [Music] look what we gonna look at oh no oh no kishoko greater our knowings of bookcases that have unwise than quick things believed perhaps quick things judged too quickly perhaps illuminati should study upsiders true uh is that before is it before either of god be good do not fail illuminati have no use for failing gobbies pashoco end of gobby's long wanderings is close what the [ __ ] team rocket's blasting off again something isn't right something isn't right at all the way quick things spoke you think he had just won he didn't seem too bothered that's for sure do you think he might have planned for us stopping alexander's core what was it the chief said again about the illuminati finding what they needed to complete their plan something along the lines of a missing piece i thought and what of quick thanks honor guard the two adults who were ever at his side why aren't they here the illuminati must surely know that we're coming what could be possibly more important than protecting their leader why would they need to protect their leader if you just sat there like a dumb [ __ ] and you didn't even try to shoot him while he was standing there by himself huh how about that yeah yeah you don't think they sent him a daily shower do you while our backs were turned like ah that would be come on oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] metal armor well shoot a really big bullet pashoco giant loses power uplanders succeed never mind then did illuminati come is ildi shyer safe how does uplander know yes many illuminati come to take stocks of gobby flock chaos was great but suddenly illuminati go and take only junk not worse jingle and shine they came barging in ready to start a war and then they ran off with a bunch of junk hold on a minute where were they last seen uh near shortstop round rocks come on the hell are they doing one thief unconscious we found him working near the edge of town not far from your treasure round rocks oh wow we got his ass okay all right what's this a fragment of the codex of all places in the realm oh and no that was a special treasure only a fragment of the original so the crystal must be the illuminati's missing piece that must be it okay we got it it's the shungite yeah exactly it's the shungite we may have stopped the primal in taking their prize but our foes are not about to admit defeat they'll be backing out for blood like is not yeah but we've got you asthma gold then we'll be ready for the onslaught whenever it comes might i suggest that you make mary until then i will make mary dude i am so [ __ ] happy about this man like we got so much progress we did so much [ __ ] today we got all of heaven's word done and now we are beginning the rest of the msu and we're going to be moving over to stormwood but i want to make sure that i do the [ __ ] raids man and until next time boys and until next time boys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 331,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, asmongold FFXIV, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, asmongold first raid, asmongold ffxiv raid, raid, ffxiv ending reaction, asmongold heavensward, Heavensward, ffxiv heavensward, ffxiv: heavensward, pepsi man, alexander, ffxiv alexander, asmongold alexander
Id: JT5aZeqiym4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 58sec (2938 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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