FFXIV - Part 113 - Into Endwalker!

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i'm fine with it downstairs is open what did you turn it into i was really curious [Music] it's a sex cauldron of course it's a sex cauldron what else what else did i expect other than a sex cauldron i you think there'd be more but it's a sex cauldron this is how we're starting the day everybody is this the end walker bath house shut up and jump in i ain't getting in there that is just this is just a herpes petri dish that's all this is it's nothing more than a herpes petri dish [Music] yeah i i'm not going in there at all this is where the respectables sit yeah this is the respectable house i like this uh i don't have my oh because i can't use the launcher i don't have my chat bubbles on which is probably for the best a full bath house well remember remember this is the warm-up we are going to be crashing ishgard remember that when that ishgard housing place is open that is going to be our next party so i need you guys practicing because we are crashing the ishgard housing area big time all right we'll have djs the whole thing it's going to be good it's gonna be good what the [ __ ] we played fallout we got pods going oh we have a bar okay oh is that from the near i've never seen that one that's for the near adam oh zel's gone fully embraced it happy so fully embraced it i'm looking forward to seeing you on saturday though on friday or whenever it's coming now both mayhaps hey crusher's coming get hype upstairs is still locked okay upstairs is still locked all right i'm going to the saucer i need my catwalk jackpot before end walker set me on the right path game that's all i want in my life is lion coming i don't know i don't know if lion's coming or not i have no idea i hope so i hope to see as many of you as possible while you can i just want to smash you all to pieces in the uh vr escape room it is to play though yeah we can do an air force one [Music] new glam we will get a new glam let's see what the gear is like in end walker and we'll start fishing out our new glam for them you're gonna be doing uh end walker msq and covering the race world first at the same time yes yes that is exactly what i'm doing so i'll be streaming uh i'll be streaming in the mornings and then i'll be casting in the afternoons it's good dudes because i can expose all the wow audience to uh the glory oh god my mouth sensitivity's wrong oh my mouse sensitivity is definitely wrong okay this is a 498 unquestionably dude there's nothing worse than bad mouse sensitivity it's the worst [Music] get out of here i have to focus on air force one otherwise i'm gonna look like an idiot [Music] okay slow and steady wins this race otherwise i'm to screw it up oh if i move too fast oh god this is awkward okay it's fine it's fine we're gaming oh god [Music] we're fine [Music] we're fine yeah this is working well god's leaving the wheel to adjust my mouse sensitivity isn't working oh i don't have the razor i don't installed [ __ ] god [Music] i got overconfident mouse sensitivity can i do it within windows i can right mouse settings cursor speed down there we go there we go let's just go with that let's just go with that all right let's get our cockpot and then we're off to end walker yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean the odds of slice being next they're ridiculously small no no way i tried i did try my best that's the sad thing i did try my best [Music] i definitely remember how to play black mage i haven't played black page in a while either all right come on okay [Music] not terrible [Music] fourth place is all right the mount still eludes us i promised we would get that mount before end walker but that is not meant to be [Music] that is not meant to be [Music] yeah we were only a million off [Music] so pretty close all things considered pretty close [Music] just fishing yeah but that's what farmed i don't want to farm all right bog check if sally won't be eating a hamburger with you i i know i know i know i enjoy it i know i have emma told me about what's going on patrick so i fully understand dude i fully understand we got close we got close consider guys spent nearly a full mill on stuff all right give me a win oh this is a good start yes [Music] okay okay [Music] come on come on yeah dude [Laughter] all right come on give me the 10. give me the 10. [Music] [ __ ] you man [ __ ] you dude you're the worst right give me my fashion report give me my fashion report give me a 72. [Music] uh wrong way give me a 72 i'm not bad man we will get a new glam yeah let's see what the first few items then what could give us so we can get a look-see 72 to beat i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming okay [Music] oh it's closed already oh it's tuesday it's not monday oh pissa yeah it's tuesday yeah [ __ ] i can't do it uh it's tuesday i'm thinking about it it's monday because you didn't stream yesterday but oh well right it's not uh it's not sliced right uh do this to restore your cooldowns oh [ __ ] i am missing a bar slash slash hot bar are you trolling me now copy share hashtag for blm 4 that didn't work [Music] oh i didn't put a hashtag in okay okay that's it [Music] hashtag four [Music] hotbar copy share requires a valid hotbar number [Music] i can just copy and paste that that should have worked yeah it didn't work copy paste it [Music] i need help how do you copy and paste someone's text message [Music] do i need an add-on for that or what do you alt click it or shift click it or something [Music] drag select ah [Music] perfect hey [Music] clap clap clap clap super thank you [Music] i didn't even notice they were missing uh that would have been bad i didn't even notice they were gone but it's fine it's because of a 1080p screen bro i've got back it's leap of faith absolutely not and walker here we come all right let's get a mail [Music] i do no control so you don't have to select the message 1080p feels so bad 1080p currently yeah you should play bluemage for a bit just to see how utterly broken it is i mean yeah okay i've just put end walker on standby that's no problem i don't think anybody mine [Music] all right here we go fun daniel can i remember everybody's voice it's going to take you a while to get the voices back it's been a while it's been a hot minute hit me with that jazz let's go good dudes that smooth jazz indicates it's end walker time lyra laggy testicle freak sauce pansy baggins and haley thank you all for the results my friends here we go oh everyone's here nice the next ship to sail wait wait wait wait egg check we might not cap otherwise [Music] floor do you have some time to talk [Music] uh-huh i would like to gather everyone in dawn's respite so together assess the situation in which we find ourselves we need a table dude we have a table [Music] let's take stock of the fact shall we the crisis at hand began through the sudden appearance of ominous towers in a multitude of locations throughout the world we have since learned that said structures were brought to be by an organization known as the telophary as lofer's stated purpose is to recreate the final days of eons past an apocalyptic event that would result in the destruction of all we hold dear already have these towers of theirs been the cause of untold suffering countless innocents kidnapped and imprisoned their faith perverted for primal summonings unless we could find a way to deal with the corruptive aura surrounding the spires we can't even get close enough to rescue anyone i shielded with the blessing of light seem able to resist the temper at least oh of course oh god i just thought about 4 dollar and our boy in the wheelchair f the real end walker [Music] it's after what happened to aaron valdenfordola we need to be very very careful how he proceeds while these threats close the home are a paramount concern we mustn't lose sight of the situation in garlewold as you know that's a lotharaia under the leadership of fan daniel and one other delightful fellow xenos yay galves the crown prince of our dear friend to date he's reclaimed his old body murdered emperor of paris and plunged galemald into an even deeper pit of chaos the capital has probably seen the worst of it for a good while there it saw the bloodiest fighting in the war of succession that has since changed and in troubling ways [Music] i during our reconnaissance the air was not once rent by the barking of cannons or the cries of discord it was an eerie fog of silence which did blanket that ruined city the inhabitants appeared to have been tempered and with an area word spoken did they labor to transform the palace into a soaring edifice born of nightmares so all of gala mold is pretty much tempered pretty almost hmm [Music] hmm [Music] if they were indeed made thralls seems safe to assume that these events too were orchestrated by the telophary an army of primals is awful enough but in light of recent developments i fear it's only the prelude to an even greater catastrophe nice one ish it's going to get way worse by the way classic ish this is nothing we need to devise means to counter this threat and quickly before our allies are overwhelmed we will find a way in charlie and i'm sure of it oh we're going to charlie yes master fosho's comments regarding the final days we're curious to say the least the forum knows more than it's letting on sorry to interrupt i just received word from mrs kreil she says the arrangements for your visit have been finalized [Music] your tensor limbs brought the next [ __ ] bound for charlie and on arrival present yourselves as associates of the students of baldessian code to assist with the orders restoration [Music] the arrangements may be settled but what of your thoughts they must race the prospect of returning home after so long yeah alpha no not levier i am eager to see it of course of course we should set off at once [Music] ryan i'll tell you it's a dog's never smoke you need at least one person hurts to wave and cry and have a pint on your journey a toast my friends [Music] we're going straight to charlie and awesome [Music] yeah the music is so hype [Music] it's a limp so let's go home it's the land i call home [Music] yeah i'll get way laid by the erp is on the way uh can we go where are you tattoo are you up on the sky thing [Music] arcadis guilt uh the servers were down it was ff14 maintenance so we have just died you not missed a thing oh pretty hey everyone everyone's here which is good because i've already paid for the tickets and the fee is not refundable the ship for charlotte should be pulling in support soon follow me i'll have your luggage nearby yeah i'm not a sprout anymore man no sprouters everyone looks like they're going on the holidays man yeah you lose the sprite icon when you finish shadow bringers are voice acted mayhaps they've almost finished loading our cargo we should be ready to depart right on schedule also i'm told excellent tis nice to have a smooth beginning to one's journey at the very least it's funny master luis suarez came here on a ship very much like this one [Music] and now years later the street urchin he befriended that day is bound for his mentor's homeland with his mentors grandchildren no less disowned remember i it is upon reflection that every twist of times river and fate's whims are brought into sharp relief [Music] thou hast matured much in the intervening years were thou not caught attempting to relieve master luisa of his purse scanned moments after he made landfall upon this dock [Music] oh really now that's a tale i'd like to hear [Music] will this be your first visit to charlie and sir estinian [Music] i uh merely meant it as a professional courtesy don't say he's called tommy or something call me tommy i'd rather you dispense with the sirs especially in private company i'll be forced to respond in kind little lord alpha no you've made your point estinian painfully well better that's [ __ ] trolling [Music] are you right tataru you seem positively distraught [Music] distraught me don't be silly i think it's lovely that they get to see them oh she's sad sataru we're trying to thwart the schemes of an army hell spent on destroying the world again and once again i have to stay behind and worry that this is the last time i'll get to see my friends come with us i'll hold you to that oh good you're still here harry boulder hurry cool tony what brings you all this way we're to assist the maelstrom and the cobbles with a lunar primal operation so we thought we'd see you off before heading to the tower they should have brought the two ladies wish you all a safe journey and promise that they'll look after things here until you return [Music] we will too of course all right we your fellow signs of the seventh dawn will do our part to ensure the end of the world won't happen on our watch oh b team you're a scion you are sure all aboard for charlie get a little scion badge it's time then we must delay no longer we will contact you the moment we learn all to value wish us luck [Music] have a safe journey and please please be careful this is ominous i'm getting shadow breakers vibes this is really ominous usually they don't give a [ __ ] about the send-off [Music] i don't like it are they gonna kill saturday you venture forth unto the unknown a fate beyond the horizon that cannot be divided the future undefined and in flux in uncertain times not but the simplest words of wisdom will suffice is that in itself that which lives is destined to die love leads to loss every beginning has an end treasure every moment every step of your descent [Music] why oh no [Music] rupture and there in the depths where souls and stars rest find your truth is this some still a part of him in honor it's not elegance [Music] june [Music] here [Music] feel [Music] thing hello [Music] the day has barely dawned my fellow earlier riser though we're hardly alone in that envious of those still sleeping soundly no doubt gonna have bad necks call out to you you say hmm i've heard nothing myself in any case i dare say the sea air will do you good why not join the others on deck charlie and should be coming into view at any moment this is such a distinct difference in the start of shadowbringers this is really ominous like shadowbringers threw you into hell straight away [Music] this feels like we're walking into the bit below hell to the cold dark and i'd rather be in the fire if i'm being honest [Music] hello mommy my voice yet reaches you i am glad here feel think why are you not showing us the face oh and thus do we meet face to face at last hello my warrior of light guided by the crystal please don't boob a mommy i beg of your chat why now heidelin i can trust your words no longer why now [Music] after use adjournment first i believe you have your answer i like a little asian style mask you have gained an understanding of what i truly am what [Music] zodiac was created to forestall the apocalypse which threatened the ancient world and i was brought forth to bind him true true yet seven times now those who would orchestrate a return to that bygone era i've rejoined a shard to the god i had sundered [Music] the greater his strength grows the swifter does mine own diminish the power to draw your mind into the rift betwixt is no longer mine to wield okay [Music] this music's making me want to cry already sorely i dare not leave these words unsaid [Music] even bereft of my guidance you and your companions have accepted the burden of this star's troubled past a conjunction has begun to form an intertwining of your time and mine wheels shudder and turn conflict looms monumental which will decide the fate of this world and all life upon it when you truly understand what is at stake and your journey has prepared you to surmount the insurmountable [Music] then shall i honor the promise made in another time another age [Music] cast your peepers to the four folks charlie's just over yonder one sec island can we just get the view i will not keep you further your traveler's heart must yearn to behold this unfamiliar land [Music] we shall meet again and soon [Music] we've actually given a farm to highland now a promise made fulfill the promise oh what a fine morning oh still a bit stiff though and a good morning to you too taking a look at the island already yeah no then let's go let's go can we say something hide loom is here ah the sleepers have arisen there she is good old charlie oh i see it home home at last well maybe not in father's eyes but we'll manage on our own if we must i hope we get a really cool scene of yish ripping the [ __ ] you do know the council apart i'm not alone in this don't you yeah indeed it is as syrustinian say forget not the comrades who boarded this ship at your side i pray [Music] thank you my friends we are ever grateful for your steadfast support upon arrival we will be disembarking into the heart of charlie and proper there is no greater concentration of wisdom in all the world i am confident that somewhere within that center of knowledge and learning we will find the answers we seek is it gonna be a dirtier secret than uh ishgard wherever there's money there's dirty secrets money and power baby well my theory at the end of shadow bringers it's kind of coming back to me a little bit now but my theory was that charlie and does know how the world ends and they've known for a long time there was a certain amount of overconfidence in papa papa levier is like this is not how this ends like they know they know they may even know like the date the solitary island nation of the northern seas we came where under the watchful gaze of thaliak patron deity of scholars academics hold all manner of knowledge and secrets he's laughing once they deigned to accept foreign students into a distant colony maintained in the dravanian hinterlands how swiftly they abandoned it once the first guardian boots at hostile foot on alamegan soil [Music] so averse to the prosecution of war these men of wisdom your would-be allies he's a sark he get isn't he you would be allies you would be allies i thought they'd never let us off the ship what's next then entry applications [Music] we've got to collect some sheep or something deny us we have to earn some rep dude hasn't charlie in orbit severed relations with foreign powers those of us without direct ties myself included may be refused outright [Music] is true that as a nation charlene only forms trade agreements with a select few neutral countries but from a practical standpoint an island cannot afford to be overly strict with its borders especially not at that island's people are wholly devoted to the accumulation of knowledge if one submits the proper paperwork with satisfactory evidence of identity and intent then foreigners may be granted entry we've really gotta go through passport control may i've just done this like four times in the last two weeks quite so let us be absolutely clear on these points before we proceed have we got our covet [ __ ] proof on our phones the immigration officer will ask for your affiliation and your purpose of visit considering charlie's views on intervention i strongly suggest we avoid any mention of the scions is this going to be a test crown has laid the groundwork for us to act as associates of the students of baldessian and our ostensible reason for being here is to aid in their order's restoration [Music] [Music] it might expedite our progress should an actual student be seen at the head of our little group would you mind leading the way of course the immigration officers were this way as i recall shall we sure this is gonna be an actual test i wonder if i can fail it and then somebody has to put a rubber glove up my ass oh [ __ ] it's a lalafell ruined greetings we've just arrived and are eager to make our way into the city would you be so kind as to process our entry applications [Music] certainly i see by your mark you are an archon i am graham here of the students of baldassian [Music] my associates here will provide additional support oh oh oh very good [ __ ] detailing your group and its scheduled arrival for today okay she's fine she's fine and it seems some few of your companions are also archons if you step forward we can process those applications first ishtala rule floor inspector are you going to do them all see how it glows that list is etherically linked with a citizen registry kept in the main repository [Music] i've confirmed your status as archons and amended your travel records accordingly welcome home [ __ ] customs never this quick now who do we have here they're going to get rumbled disowned baby alfano levier nope and alize no [Music] your applications have also been approved having said that [Music] the streets are abuzz with talk of how house levier's lord disowned his young progeny [Music] oh sad such and while such personal circumstances constitute no reason to deny you entry i urge you to avoid exacerbating your present situation times are quite troubled enough already [Music] we shall keep that in mind [Music] these last two are not charlie natives but you will find their credentials are in order an application was made in advance [Music] hmm name and occupation floor inspector kicker of ass champion of aussie uh i am uh artisan i have zero crafting trust indeed your profile describes you as an adventurer but one also trained in the rather more constructive pursuits of procurement and production you may enter i pass and you sir my name formerly of the order of the night's dragoon in ishgard formally at least and what pray tell is your profession now budgets kryl if you'll allow me crawl hype i don't know those little legs anywhere my associate is a mercenary hide for his strength at arms surely you are aware of the dangers we often face on our forays into the wilderness mistress baldessian if you insist on sponsoring his entry then so be it but while i appreciate that desperate times call for desperate measures i find your choice of company concerning be advised that even a single misstep may have severe repercussions for your organization i have every confidence in my chosen company dear and trusted comrades that they are but i thank you for your concern croyle it is good to see you likewise long voyage notwithstanding you will seem none the worse for wear there is much to discuss but this is hardly the place let's be on our way shall we i haven't looked to my tail list in a while i don't know if chris could discord at me because it's on my office pc it's all the desktop i think [Music] welcome friends to charlie ah you look at you i should hope my welcome includes a generous salary well i had to say something sir taciturn kryl is still in the s2 category [Music] [ __ ] off as ah jesus christ scared me to death you actually came here what [Music] i didn't think we could do one friend walker what's up team i am also here for no reason i come from the darkness it's regis worldly and walker [Music] with a bunch of chickens [Music] ah thanks everybody it's not lying yeah [Music] well oh you sat in someone's face yeah of course you are we are here our final well it's not our final but at least for now our final little journey [Music] the new mark's qualcomm indeed the qualcomm indeed let's get going team let's get going wonderful awesome people i'm glad i've spotted your ship coming into port the officers are born bureaucrats and sticklers for detail in any case you may relax and take a moment to get your land legs back all right new mark new weapon unlucky welcome to end walker it is it is time was a really interesting introduction to end walker guys i had thought the lodge directly into an explanation of what i've learned and how we might proceed but this is florida stinion's first time in charlie and for the rest of you a homecoming was long overdue you must have places you wish to visit and people you're dying to see therefore i propose we postpone our agenda so you'll have all have sufficient time to recover from your journey get your bearings in the city once you've settled in we can reconvene at the baldesian annex how does that sound this is a fine suggestion we may not be welcome at the love of your estate as such but i should like to know those around the neighborhood all the same [Music] their mother's still here right i am equally untethered as it were there's no particular place that my kin call home still i would not pass up the opportunity to re-equate myself with the city [Music] likewise a quick tour of our old horns might even yield some useful gossip [Music] the annex was west of the etherite plaza wasn't it i shall join you there or not yes we'll see you there i'll sniff a clean dick i'm fine with it chris i've disabled bits why is that happening i've literally disabled them i do have places i would be remiss if not fought with while i leave [Music] what's the view estinian my service is a guide are yours for the asking that won't be necessary until we reconvene i prefer to wander as the wind takes me searching hither and dealer for darkness not significally nick i'm fine with it but i could oh [Music] well raha would you like to join us then you've been gone for quite a while this would be perfect way to refresh those dusty old memories of yours fix it chris [Music] of course if you'll have me come floor charlene awaits [Music] oh my god agatha thank you so much for the 10 subs brother thank you thank you so much man that is awesome enjoy those emails everybody lurker squad represent thanks man after you my friend i am more than content to follow your lead half a year passed by quick can't wait to go on this journey again watching you preach heart [Music] chris edna thank you very much dennis thank you so much jarrett curtis thank you roger bamboo i've worked it worked it got disabled disabled these nuts ah busted samumi thank you so much for the prime man thank you all thank you for being here while i'm over in hamburg thank you all dudes keeping by your side in order to proceed with the escort quest you can leave graham t behind by entering a different area using ethernet or by putting too much distance between you two you can also speak with karate and select the option to part ways if you wish to have graha couple you again return and speak with him at the original location while graham tier is accompanying you next try speaking with kryl okay zephyr whisperings oh my god it's full of dimmy it's salad jesus christ thank you thank you everybody thank you so much thank you set and let us be on our way our first stop abusing the enough will be the last stand it's a cafe of the west side of the harbour cryla is now also accompanying you lead your two companions to the last stand and speak of cry out destinate location okay while you are accompanied you may encounter conversation points along the way which offer additional topics of discussion enter the glowing area and speak with your quest companies to initiate these bonus conversations enjoy exploring your surroundings together wow farmer i could hug you would i would thank you [Music] fast pass awkward thank you very much as well thank you so much barman that's huge dude thank you [Music] okay uh i gotta test the sister a level five hype train oh look bonus stuff thank you all [Music] my dear it's good i don't mind i want to drink in charlene [Music] see a while zoe doing her shopping [Music] all the unusual wares coming and going at all hours i expected the assistance of an intrepid adventurer would be highly appreciated i see no reason why you couldn't undertake any tasks which pique your interest you have been cleared by the immigration officials after all i look forward to the day your name is celebrating charlie in the same way as an aosia [Music] this place is called the peristyle that is your first stop for cargo unloaded at the docks the finally usual sesties for daily living and other imports vitals of running an island nation but also supplies that further charlie's pursuit of knowledge namely large quantities of books specimens samples sort of these stacks certainly seems to keep the attendance busy cool is that um i assume that is the bonus conversation jarvan thank you for the tent as well bomber again what workers work oh my god wonderboy thank you all okay yappers thanks guys i kind of like this system as well okay they're getting overwhelmed stop it let's let's keep going can i cut do a run with them yes i can okay excellent [Music] the giant statue i missed it as a student of baldessian i was usually quartered on the isle of wild but i would gaze upon the scholar's wise features every time i return by ship to the city cool [Music] the path leading out towards the sea is known as the thaliak stower so named for the statue of the scholar which stands at its end as you know the charlie people prized the accumulation of wisdom above all else thus when thaliak was chosen as our patron deity it was more a matter of pragmatism than belief and alignment of principles as it were may have honored him with a rather impressive sculpture yes but our faith is not so restricted of that say the ashgardians individual charlene's can and do worship the divinities of their choosing cool it is beautiful what in the [ __ ] man gumsy malkinson lb a phallus voice switch garrett all of you unreal thank you [Music] thank you all for me and the team [Music] utterly incredible thank you let's get a pint shall we [Music] and here we are at the last stand i may have mentioned this before but although our research into nutrition and food preparation is quite extensive the alfred charlie tends to regard seasoning and flavor with a certain indifference uh how can i put this the foodism it's blunt as encapsulated by infamous archon loaf the prevailing sentiment towards cuisine is dietary value first and taste a distant second there was one pupil at the stadium however who could stomach the school's insipid meals no longer so he quit his lessons and poured all his savings into building a proper eatery and so the last stand came to be it is as the name implies the sole dedicated outpost of fine dining in charlene the one and only bastion of the culinary arts in the isle of otherwise mediocre fair i seem to recall that burger being hailed as one of the more impressive items on the menu not that i ever had the pleasure of eating one myself because you were a typical charlie when it came to cheap and convenient raha but surely tatarois has taught you how to appreciate a well-prepared dish we should all stop in when time permits sample the cafes delights quality burger shall we press on the stairs to the side of the cafe will take us up to the etherite plaza a quality burger what is happening i can't even read the names [Music] it's unreal barca maker the generosity guys is overwhelming thank you thank you oh my god [Music] thank you every single last one of me farmer again jackie and noster wow we are and walking aren't we we are and walking thank you everybody those who got gifted make sure you join in it's uh the best way of showing that let's tag it okay you turn it into a fight now [Music] an unusual shape isn't it it looks like a hearthstone uh where's the dodgers at we got dodgers for days again roger dodgers where's my dodgers at and how how is it even remotely possible you're dodging jesus christ the dodgers i swear to god my reign team would be made she's [ __ ] thousands of you oh my god you guys have skills beyond any other in your dodging you are unreal your dodging is something else absolutely unreal i've gotta talk about wow later you're gonna set me up for a fall hit me just soak it here for sure i assure you however it's a perfectly functioning etherite remember to tune yourself i have now been the diligent tour guide i am i should make mention of the confluence oh a research facility located on this very plaza it's much fancy discoveries of the recent charlene stands at the forefront of teleportation technology it deciphering the underlying principles of elegant eaterize and allowed us to understand and reconstruct what was essentially a lost art justinian and after we go to our next destination our path leads northeast to the agora charlotte's largest marketplace this is reminds me of the bernie crusade oh what's this one over here it's still going [Music] i can't thank you know if it starts to sound fake but it's really not you guys are incredible [Music] such a pleasure especially with all the disruption of traveling so much recently thank you all men speaking of eaterites those teleportation fees add up very after a while which is why i tend to rely on the far cheaper ferry services i was pleasantly surprised when mr tara will follow me at the science of reimbursement what [Music] where do i claim back on my etherite travel but i find old habits hard to break where do i get that back where do i put my receipts right where do i put my receipts quest rewards i mean they don't come from tataru [Music] it's still going no subs there'll be no dodgers left at the end of this crazy crazy [Music] that and i'd rather not be bothered filling out the necessary paperwork [Music] check discord says chris oh god is it going to be bad did i do it do i go [ __ ] up [Music] should be able to re-enable alerts [Music] after this ridiculous wave i'm not risking back he goes up into that after this madness after the madness that's the entrance to the confluence i have no doubt that expertise will prove useful at some point so i suggest you remember the way here well thank you very much chris okay there's definitely darkness inside there there's some sort of darkness and horror i mean this place looks happy it's a place of learning a place of good things [Music] right welcome to agora where you can find wares made in charlene as well as a wide selection of imported goods they also used to sell questionable prototypes from the various research institutes that i but i think that practice has thankfully died out for the most part otherwise you could have no better place to stock up for your next big adventure am i overselling it on a more serious note the next stop at our tour is one which has particular relevance to our ultimate purpose here we must head back to the etherite plaza follow the path north and climb up the stairs that imposing building at the very top okay my walking past miniaturized i don't think so good now we're good we're good we're good everyone's looking at me like a madman through the window [Music] i can't even take it in raven really raven with 50. wow man drow zoe thank you for the 20. i can't wait to see you on saturday raven [Music] can't wait man thank you so much i'll buy i'll buy you a beer pvp me and laser tag i will i will i will pvp with a laser tag for sure as long as you join me for an escape room uh escape room play [Music] the water features these little decorative features are typical of charlie and architecture aside from the research wing our headquarters on the isle of fall were rather simple and rustic by comparison [Music] this is the nymph nymphaem nymphium an area dedicated to the blessing of water charlie's water represents more than life-sustaining liquid there's a reminder of the great flood which precipitated the birth of our nation as well as a symbol of the knowledge which flows from thalia's divine newer this is the reason you see an abundance of fountains throughout the city a propensity for utilizing water as a definitive feature in our architecture sweet [Applause] [Music] this music is fantastic so good [Music] it's just it's grand but it's not obnoxious it's not epic it's just really solid it's a shame it's uh the old foggy whoa this place is actually huge [Music] i'll leave the weather on for now hey [Music] jakey grand structure before you is the roster the name refers to the original public platform erected here upon which a forum of elected representatives would deliver orientations a debate policy like amara although the stage has since evolved into council chambers the nature of the forum and the duties of its members remain largely unchanged am i boring you raha you seem rather distracted my apologies from here one could see the entire city spread out below the vista put me in mind of my arrival in the first those who had gathered at the crystal tower asked me how they might go about building a new home naturally my answers were all inspired by my knowledge of the finest settlement i could think of the great city of charlie and bit by bit those few buildings grew into a town a community the crystarium i can almost see its echo i see feel free to go up here whenever you wish i don't think the counselors would object to you simply enjoying the view such members should be treasured for now however the tour must go on our spectacle sightseeing concludes with the fittingly named journey's end walk down the stairs to the east and continue straight ahead [Music] okay offwards we go team [Music] graha is a really interesting character because he's got that young body but he's got so much wisdom under his belt he's still a rookie though he's a rookie scion i still have him cleaning out my desk of one huh he's best boy he's not a puppy scion bit of respect everybody walla do russia iron fan windy every single one of you during that ridiculous hype train and mr lingfie thank you all thank you that's that means a lot man thank you we've arrived at journey's end history tells us that there were those who put ashore with archon nuni built their first homes in the present day it serves as the residential district for the most important officials in the oldest charlene families you'll see that one mansion is clearly larger than its neighbors that estate belongs to our friends from house levio all things considered we should probably keep our distance for the time being and with that we bring our little charlie and tour to a close i hope it has proven to be an entertaining enlightening experience but shall we head directly for the baldesian annex you remember the way don't you raha let me think we head down towards the harbour across the bridge to our right then follow the path below the earth right wrong [ __ ] you follow the red [ __ ] arrow stupid [ __ ] you me correct after you floor [Applause] this is house levior is it la dee da when you don't exactly realize just how wealthy the la view family is and i assume it's just him and uh him and mum that live here right oh we're going in here at some point aren't we oh opens oh hello [Music] i already hate the livio family you have to stand there all day in case somebody walks through the door unannounced quite madame this is the estates of house levier if you do not have an appointment i'm afraid i must ask you to leave [Music] [ __ ] you out the way bosh face investigation where's mama any mama mommy you can see it from the boat yeah i'm not even surprised oh they've been got burgers gamers people walking past me with burgers it's my honor and pleasure both to serve lady i'm alliance there's no more beautiful more kind-hearted person in the and realm happy to attend to her every need thanks where's the bathroom oh my god what's up bro [Music] right i've gotta be honest the idea of living somewhere like this with like staff like this actually makes me want a bomb hardcore oh no chairs no hot tub [Music] nah oh what's that tower ubersoft ubersoft [Music] oh it's just a lamp okay can we mount no no all right i'm not getting any sense of that seedy underbelly let's talk to the locals real quick oh i my mother never took mother told me never to talk to strangers so i'm ignoring you see [Music] friends and i gather here from time to time to discuss what we've been reading recently it's truly helped us broaden our intellectual horizons today we're discussing every pokemon what do you think number 484 was you'll never guess what geek get out of the way [Music] it is it's a full nerd see where's the net cafe they're bout of the sickest land in charleon right there's no way all these nerds that have the sickest land pies [Music] it's park here no way did you know that you googled that [ __ ] there is no [ __ ] way you totally googled it absolute googlers do you see that stylish shiny new house there it's mine i'd say i was looking to stack the plot for it but no i really do deserve it meta [Music] would you have charlie in housing i mean the irish guardian was probably gonna look a bit similar to this [Applause] information's everything that's why i'm here chatting with anyone i can find do you think i was slacking [Music] no [Music] give prp you'd love it would you have it here would you have your house if you could ah can't break it to another house hold on i'm needed one sec dudes there's somebody signaling boxing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right there's a lot of stress here there's a lot of stress that the show's not going to work i'm like give me a camera and a mic and somebody's gameplay and i'm good i'm golden give me a camera and a mic and someone's game play and we're solid [Music] up back in the etherite plaza charlene is full of educational research institutions but there are still professors who prefer to establish their own private practices not that i ever attended the exclusive schools they run in those residences perhaps the twitter could tell you more about them oh exclusive schools within schools of course of course you have a camera you might you can make your own gameplay i could literally i could do i could do some coverage from here man now i see the wealth of olivia family do you understand why i'll throw such a title bright in a realm reborn i i do i mean i understood it there and then i mean there's no it wasn't hard to uh to pick up on that that's all i'm surprised he was still so uh grimaced about buying that sword remember the tattoo as the joyous look on raja's faces undoubtedly for you this is the baldesian annex if you could see up the hill you'll arrive at the doorsteps off phenomenon but i think they explored enough one day no don't tell me something really intriguing and then be like well that's the good way we could take you there another time no way dude it's called phenomenal it's called the void crystal inside with you then you just shadow bringers me hardcore i'm back but i brought florin raja with me i see you're right about the ship then hello graham it's nice to see you again and it's a pleasure to finally meet you floor i've heard many a tale of your exploits [Music] allow me to introduce oj administration officer for the students of baldessian he oversees the day-to-day business of the annex you may recall meeting his cousin ej [Music] oh eureka yeah yeah eureka was really good [Music] uh yes eureka i've read the initial reports quite a shock to hear what's become of the isle do you take care if you have the opportunity to rejoin the expedition i will i promise you oj i'll be there [Music] this place is like a second home for the students the isle of vaals served as our main headquarters of course but we offered occasions to visit charlie they knew i was a skipper i would skip i got called out for me to skip her straight away wanted to make use of the city's research facilities attend conferences or procure supplies from distant shores and the annex here was built to provide lodgings for our members while we engaged in such activities [Music] ever since our former headquarters along with the isle itself vanished yeah are we going to get more detail on that the annex has served as our base of operations and yet it feels so empty and somebody lost to us our organization is a shell of its former self oh that's eureka [ __ ] [Music] well it's on me i guess piss on me i guess yeah you bothered to do eureka mike let's talk about bossier i know all about bossier the day will come when we will see the students rise again but first we must ensure the teller for rightful through the door to the left there is a main hall we can discuss our options moving forward [Music] once everyone arrives that is you probably have time to rest before our discussions begin in earnest off to bed oh so i gained lodgings here i'm gonna stay in the i'm gonna stage student halls pass pass i've had private quarters prepared for you in the android so please feel free to make yourself a home ah the nap rooms perfect for an afternoon dose [Music] oh i didn't mean to give you the wrong impression the chambers are quite well appointed far more than some cheap roadside in you may be assured it was simply that we were often so busy with research or exhausted from journeys abroad that we would slip into the android just to steal a few winks and as they became known among the students as nap rooms even if many such naps might last well into the following morning [ __ ] students when sleeping during the day say their word and i'll be happy to show you into the chamber hopefully the others will be too long coming i'll wait for you all in the main hall [Music] dude i slept all the time during the day when i was a student i've got two hours between lectures time to crush a nap me [Music] [Music] supposed to go sit in the library dude like ander andy are you coming on saturday or what because alex wants to see you and we're in germany and you are german that's one plus one plus one plus one equals victory under i'm sending you a message now in case you're not here where are you under and uh fly me down oh okay well check it vape is it might only be like 30 quid or something it cost me 50 quid the flight here for me was 50 quid so check i'm in germany yes i'm in hamburg right now it was 53 pounds free to fly here you get those prices here in australia probably not man probably not what in germany i am covering the race to world first uh with echo the wild race the world first so it's gonna be good gonna be a lot of shows i'm doing 300 from northern sweden so weird it's gonna be an hour to get here i i should fly you out okay sure anybody else want a plane ticket any issues [Music] anybody else yes as you can see i am enjoying my fritz limo hmm it's uh it's juicy fritz limo recommend it get me out there get me out there it was literally 50 quid to get here and this this place i'm in is 40 euros a night i think [Music] not too bad all things considered [Music] oh there's no fomo we'll we'll see you later in the year if you can't come fritz limo refreshing feeling refreshed and alert our colleagues should be wandering in soon so i suggest we fight we stay here and wait for him to join us all right okay let's set the scene we've done the city exploration let's get even more ominous shall we [Music] pray forgive me i was delayed what would you have been up to it's fine morianji we're all here now [Music] god i don't trust him down to business then don't trust him at all [Music] come what may we must prevent the telophary's plans from coming to fruition at present i see two paths for gathering the information which may aid us in achieving that goal [Music] the first involves an investigation into the change which has come over charlie not to mention the recent inscrutable behavior of the forum as most of you know the 99 members of the forum are elected from the general populace this alone guarantees a plethora of opinion with regards to foreign policy [Music] the bibliotheques for example are a group of conservatives which would have charlie and focus on recording history the conservatives are really uninvolved in the making of it [ __ ] and at the other extreme we have advocates for proactive diplomacy and direct intervention my grandfather galif was one such member as was archon luis [Music] yet despite our diverse factions and philosophies the recent vote to deny ayorzia's request for assistance was unanimous even more concerning was the fact that many cited other more pressing duties as justification for their recalcitrance good word oh i can't wait to cast ff language i had those same undertones it was as if having stared on blinking into the face of impending doom it simply turned away to pursue something more important but what could that possibly be [Music] a mystery indeed and one which i ask for your help to solve our future may depend on it i've got to give a speech later i can't be trolling as for our second potential path it concerns a request made directly to the students of baldessian [Music] our organization was founded primarily to study strange and unexplained phenomena the world over with the x-files and ruins arcane disturbances and so forth compared to our more isolationist charlie and colleagues we have strong connections overseas namely with scholars and academics who share our passion for the unknown [Music] the request in question comes from one such acquaintance nadhana an alchemist residing in distant fafnir her missive describes the sudden appearance of a tower and the subsequent summoning of what i can only assume is a lunar primal titan again in response to this threat the sartrap of raj at han the individual who governs the city-state has instructed the alchemists to find a means to deal with the spire [Music] the artisans of that land are heirs to an ancient tradition one rather unlike that of their uldan counterparts lalas it is possible nay probable that they have gleaned truths unattainable by ales yeah or her far eastern allies they do in fact appear to have a strategy in mind though it will require further research to that end they have requested an introduction to a capable warrior shielded by the blessing of light that's me i kill him assuming we divide our forces to pursue both of crows lines of inquiry and having you join the group heading to thavenaire would seem the obvious choice i go but the investigation in charlene is of vital importance as well oh i got a choice i think to the thavenarian one given that the fate of the world may hinge on the results of oh it's like shadowbringers it gets a shoes yes it is quite the quandary [Music] though it is a great imposition and an altogether too common one our efforts would be more likely to succeed were you to lead the charge on both fronts [Music] i kill you are indeed our champion as to which task to tackle first we will defer to your decision let us next decide how everyone else might best be assigned who cares as for myself i shall continue what i've begun in charlene i should also like to steal the services of an archon or two [Music] and thereby gain access to a greater range of reading material i will help with that allow me to offer my assistance i have some small amount of experience in the field of research [Music] i'll go what i'll say goes alize and i would also like to help if you would have us what you are going to stay here and google anything to understand even a fraction of what our father and the forum might be thinking of course the more the merrier right the rest of us will make the journey to favner ah thoughts objections any interest at all justinian i passed through thavenir on my way to infiltrate the empire and though i'm not qualified to give a guided tour i did gain a sense of where things lie [Music] i'll be happy to have you along then so for this group it will be you me and urian that's actually a solid combo that's actually a 10 out of 10 team [Music] give me a moment afterwards and i'll supply you with all the details of nadana's request [Music] consider this hall our rendezvous point once our respective tasks are complete may our investigations prove fruitful [Music] nodders big nodders uh okay um [Music] hmm choices choices all we got is new chest armor sweet okay uh first things first [Music] the dark hempen coat of casting that sounds like poor people armor [Music] [Music] hold on hold on hold on [Music] it's not yellow enough pass it's not even remotely yellow enough it's just got a yellow bib on it for me drooling that's a hard pass i assume it's not better than what i already have because i'm geared to the [ __ ] teeth nice what was the weapon of interest [Music] the horse chestnut rod [Music] not bad wait [Music] you can die weapons oh that's kind of sick that is actually a really cool weapon that's not bad at all it's no moogle stuff but it's good i think i want to do charlie in first there's something wrong here and something stinks in denmark and i think i'll find out before we go and take in another zone that's my thinking on it and a settling change has come over charlie but together we will define the underlying cause for the forum's callousness as i mentioned before however questioning the councils directly is a fruitless endeavor they seem to have already come to a consensus as to what how little they are willing to divulge which is why i began scaring charlie's archive of historical records for any hint of a connection to the final days suffice it to say that progress has been slow there are only so many dusty pages one can skim in a day now that i have this band of willing reinforcements the search should proceed all the swifter let's just reconvene outside the pneumonian shall we let's go to the phenomenon right exit the annex to the right you'll find the archives on the western edge of the woods oh man let's go to the phenomenon oh that i'm actually really excited for this combo 3. every time we've gone on a road trip with a stinion it has been always a winner and these two together is just a clown show so it should be good oh i do have an announcement i am not on uk time i am on germany time which means the stream will be starting an hour earlier from tomorrow i didn't want to do it today because we would start again walker not that i knew there was maintenance anyway well the stream will be an hour earlier going forward [Music] yeah it's about 8 a.m 8 a.m euro time that's an australian yay okay yeah it is like 7 30 a.m uk time i'm aware of that but otherwise we just don't stream enough hours they're booking appointments and stuff in for me for like 2 p.m onwards so if we start at like 9 30 we just don't really get enough time [Music] it's okay because the first hour i'll be doing slice anyway so you're not missing any end walker you're good you're good yeah very true for the first hour i'm [ __ ] potting and whatever it works for me keep it keep as normal thanks no worries no worries i know it only could be some but it's just the case i'm gonna be on german time for the next two weeks ish because there's no way this raid goes 15 days there's just no [ __ ] chance [Music] i'm gonna go back i'm just exploring all right let's talk to the achievement got it i got it i got it i got it i got it there you go did it [Music] i'm so excited to see what's in all these buildings because this feels like um armor but you know drier [Music] my directions are easy enough to follow i hope in any case you stand now before the doors of newman on charlene's grandest collection of books and tomes sick this building is actually only in the entrance one of many at that the archives pneumonia extend deep beneath the surface like the roots of a tree the vast halls of the great google library pale in comparison to neumann's endless maze of subterranean chambers any systems of charlene is free to enter peru's shelves well most of its shelves all the icons are afforded access to certain restricted vaults now dispatches tolerance to investigate those oh that's where in the cutscene raha must have been [Music] and he discovered something in the books amongst the dusty tomes meanwhile alize and alfono will help you continue my search for the stacks open to the general public your status presents more of a problem you see you are scum a non-citizen an immigrant you're only permitted to browse the first floor here at the entrance and buy from our waffle stand even so there should be a number of books which touch upon charlie in history a foreign policy your task will be to find and study the relevant publications i promise you a working knowledge of those subjects will make it far easier to spot the sort of clues we're looking for let's just be about it shall we i've told the others to meet us at the stone benches over there once they found some promising tops happy reading oh god i mean is there no search function even 90s libraries had a search function [Music] oh wow oh god i can almost smell this [Music] place what was the name of the place in game of thrones that had the big um i had the big statue of the world in the middle of it remember [Music] the citadel yeah it's just called the citadel wasn't it gives me that vibe to it [Music] you're looking for a specific volume only archon so you check out forbidden tomes but there's anything else you require simply say the word a brightly colour this is a kid's book the story of charlene oh okay reading voice time long long ago on an island in the northern sea there lived a rogued in man by the name of a ziki boy was a student of astrology and he defined that a flood of terrifying proportions would soon sweep over the lands of eorzea so it was that he built a gigantic ship assembled a crew and set sail for the imperiled realm the flood arrived as foretold and to the horror the strangely churning waters drove the people towards the ocean it was there however that as his crew hauled them aboard his ark but the danger had not passed a towering wave approach threatening to smash the vessel to pieces with only moments to spare as he wove a mighty spell of teleportation and shifted the entire ship to safety atop appalachia's spine refugees from the surrounding regions huddled there alongside them but it was not long before disputes over the dwindling supply of food led to violence and bloodshed saddened by the sight as he gathered to him his crew and his grateful passengers and abandoned the ark to those reddened peaks they journeyed to the coast where they built a new ship let's quit the guild and made a new one intent upon returning to the northern seas they landed on the beach of an island and settled upon that very spot that settlement prospered and grew and in no time it became the city of charlene we live in to this day ozzy founded charlien well would you look at that what a champion the red covered book roads of old the colony many years ago on the banks of the thaliak and the dravanian hinterlands a charlie and colony once thrived this settlement was originally established as a mere outpost to study the ethereal sea in the year 1311 of the sixth astral era [Music] scholars dispatched to eurozia found the facilities wanting and their demands encouraged a gradual expansion in structures and services as rumours spread of a growing community of academics the area was further inundated with ayorzian students hoping to share the renowned wisdom of the charlene's 50 years later the forum passed a motion to recognize what had become a flourishing town as an official charlie and colony a awesome residents took to calling the colony itself charlie which led to no small amount of confusion when discussions turned to the subjects of the motherland in response some charlie inhabitants if pressed for a name would simply say if nvidia can do it then so can we following the great exodus however goblins and treasure hunters claimed for themselves a corner of the abandoned colony and gave it yet another name idle shire the following chapter is going to some uh go on to introduce the most prominent features of eyelashes the book does not appear to contain additional information cool [Music] ah there are many tomes who's worse nvidia or intel intel every single [ __ ] time the time won't tone this is because of how excited people were to come to charlene right they really really pushed out the uh the back to the backdrop during the chaos of the sixth umbral calamity archon ozzy founder of charlie bought witness to the madness and savagery of men brought to the brink of despair upon raising a settlement on an island in the northern empty he instructed his people thus renounce the ways of war and pursue enlightenment through knowledge and reason the challenges took to heart the words of their savior and thenceforth served as stewards of wisdom upon a foundation of accumulated learning they built a homeland unlike any other a nation born from the strength of minds rather than strength of arms with knowledge of economics came shrewd trading with knowledge of agriculture came bountiful crops engineering brought wells and sewers ending squabbles over water wealth of expertise could be bartered for wealth and coin and the more their wisdom spread throughout the world the more mankind as a whole would thrive and so it was that no matter the trials and tribulations of the age the citizens of charleon would live by their founders teachings for the sake of a better tomorrow for the sake of a brighter star they would eschew the tools of war and with knowledge deliver the world kind of understandable perspective as to why they didn't get involved man [Music] my beloved seekers of knowledge have you ever put learning before your health and neglected to feed and rest your body as you should i too once engaged in such foolish practices but one night engrossed in philosophical study i had an epiphany for all the world's mysteries that drive us to reckless abandon we have so very few years of life in which to achieve our goals thus i now share with you this mantra just eat it will provide food while you continue to work and i am forever now 20 summers young the number itself is unimportant you could be 19 or 23 or 40 whatever age you are ubereats will deliver let that be the age you aspire to remain through mindful healthy living you will extend the time available to spend upon your chosen research another day another moon another summer to crash the greater truths you pursue in the pages that follow we will explore the secrets of the menus the physical condition from a biological ethereological and arcane viewpoint beautiful hashtag ad we got blasted by ubereatsads every time we tried to look at twitch the blue covered book the history of the blue mage mayhaps holy [ __ ] jesus christ [Music] holy [ __ ] tag wow god damn dude that is a [ __ ] gut punch thank you so much tag zapic weldenvarden v daniel scorrigan vernon fixer and mr lord azure germany hype indeed although it's dead at the moment everyone's downstairs i mean thank you so much tag it's those hundred of you who have sub enjoy enjoy dodgers dodgers unite man have you ever gazed at the skies above and contemplated the mysteries contained therein i speak not of shifting cloud patterns but of the vastness beyond of the sun and of the twinkling tapestry of the night some think the dome above us to be a finite space flat earthers charlie no dude yeah amongst the leading thinkers of our age one scholars depiction of a boundless sea of stars has firmly taken alas this heavenly sea remains an unreachable unknowable destination there are a few indeed who can explain in satisfactory detail why our own stars believe to revolve around the sun it was the technologies of al ag rays b where i ship them you came closest to understanding the laws which govern that starry abyss it was they who launched dalamud and sought to expand beyond our earthbound existence having read of their ancient ambitions i wonder has your interest in this field of study waxed or waned what if i were to tell you that the eternal constellations were arranged differently in the distant past that their positions continue to shift almost imperceptibly but measurably as we journey into the future would it shock you to learn that the stars drift further and further apart and may indeed do so forever are you eager to learn more then deposit fifty dollars here to find out the truth number six will shock you that's definitely felt like the setup for some sort of money grabbing scheme didn't it [Music] [ __ ] elegance acero thank you very much for the prime selenium thank you as well for the three months side by side thank you the voice of a growing city here we go in the years which followed the founding of charlie and civic policy and other matters of import were decided at the ecclesia a public forum at which every citizen was eligible to speak as the city's population grew [Music] this format became increasingly impractical the larger number of participants gave rise to ever longer debates resulting in significant delays of vital resolutions oh politics hypers various measures were introduced in an attempt to curtail protracted discussions but in the year 201 of the sixth astral era it was ultimately decreed that charlien would transition to a new form of governance the nation would now be led by a body of 99 members citizens chosen from amongst their peers by means of gerrymandering thus was the forum as we know it today conceived and created okay [Music] yeah we're going to draw the lines man we're going to draw the lines and make it work dammit xenos good c good c good c [Music] the crazy 99 yeah they were absolute maniacs through and through the most obnoxious 99 people they could find who voted who selected the 99 is my question i want to know that answer [Music] hey what up team sorry were you waiting long i wanted to make sure i had borrowed at least a few promising volumes after the kryol should be along shortly i was delayed in a similar fashion as far as i could see no titles in the archon stacks mentioned the final days specifically so i have no choice but to start with the tangent tangentially relevant tomes if they're even that at present the plan is to skim through as quickly as we dare to share our discoveries as we make them it would be nice to invite everyone to the estate plenty of comfortable places to read and a ready supply of hot tea oh i was always quite fond of reading outside but it's not about the little pleasures is it you miss your home sadala say no man no sadala say no no no no no no no no no no no no no um it's it's been difficult after our arrival we managed to speak with one of the family servants and ask how things were it seems our dear father has instructed the staff that even if alpha no and i would return to charlie we were not allowed to cross the [Music] a threshold measure indeed i hope that our efforts to understand his position and that of the forum will perhaps lead to a reconciliation you'll amend this rift one day i'm certain of it and what have you graha have you been to visit your family or did they not live here in the city well my situation is also somewhat complicated i was raised in charlie and yes but i was born rather further away [Music] in the southern reaches of ilzebad in fact for generations my people have dwelt in corvus the coastal region opposites the island of thaavna the alligans founded a city in that fertile land and by ship brought in the subjugated tribes of the makote to serve as labours of course the massive earthquakes of the fourth umbral calamity brought an end to the empire's reign and when the fifth calamity froze the seas solid many of the tribes still living in carvos braved the journey back to eurozia my ancestors however chose to remain that they might prevent the remnants of elegant technology from being misused isn't corvus under garland room [Music] for the past 50 years yes some semblance of local culture remains as is the case for most imperial provinces but galamald renamed the region locus omonas when i was a boy a nearby town came under the jurisdiction of an illustrious imperial family the nobles of house dernis [Music] house darn has demonstrated a singular interest in elegant civilization and so my tribe was forced to consider a plan of action for some time already voices have been raised in favor of abandoning our ancient customs after all the elegant eye no longer passed to our eldest children as reliable as it once did fear of discovery eventually tipped the scales and the decision was made to bury our ties to the knowledge and traditions of alec as the last child born with the alagan eye i was given over to the custody of friends and the students of baldesian who had been registered as a charlie and citizen i never even considered forgive me it was an unkind question even thank red was taken in by on luis why was he not stories of adopted wives and rescued orphans are more common among charles than you might think yet regardless of our origins we are all provided with an equal opportunity to learn and with sufficient prosperous prosperity we outsiders can even earn the vaunted title of arkhan it's exactly why i love i have such love for this country and why i wish it to remain a nation of which its citizens can be proud here here another good reason to get to the bottom of the forum's stubbornness aside from the trifling matter of our impending doom excuse us while we tried to make some headway into these books for more companies should be arriving any moment now we know you can't read [Music] okay checkers what else do i know of corvos precious little i'm afraid i've not returned since master gala first brought me here i can't tell you the cavosi rebels still seem to slip the yolk of their imperial masters though the fighting is far less fierce than it once was oh and they have carpets flying carpets like you've seen him wow legends are quite extraordinary [Music] there are others better suited to pouring over old history books so i thought i'd try my luck with more recent events if i could find anything to better inform you the forum's baffling behavior okay yeah galoff is kyle's dad yes sir i'm getting to grips with the names grandfather grandfather okay there's always a ton of new names we've returned with our selections although i must say the pickings are quite slim indeed mrs kreil has already flicked through every history book devoted to disasters and more than a few which barely made mention of them as such we were looking to research papers on the umbral calamities as well as articles written by prominent forum members perhaps their knowledge of the final days comes from an unexpected source speaking of which i'd ask you a few questions related to the final days i'm the only one who didn't witness the events of armor up first hand i fear i may be overlooking critical details huh i was there if you had done eureka oh come on these are the same people who raged at me when i was like oh we should go try out this eureka place and you flew into a blind unfettered rage eureka sucks it's the worst sucks don't go to eureka mike it's the worst place in the world it does suck though you also said buzzy sucks it doesn't it doesn't my thanks now where to begin first things first what kind of phenomena did the ancients encounter as the final days grew nigh uh primals when rival power was someone from the ether the worst kind of phenomena you could imagine such a guy a jail free card oh the worst it's really really bad [Music] uh it was both of these though right um no i got it wrong [ __ ] off alfie fat checking me fat checkers nerd [ __ ] nerd man you're a nerd alfie um i believe heidel and zodiac were summoned after the final days had arrived you dumb [ __ ] quite deliberately in fact if we're speaking of phenomena caused by the final days the chaos of creation magics run rampant is what first comes to mind fear and despair manifested in terrible tangible fashion meteors raining from the sky fire erupting from the ground indescribable abominations prowling the streets that's what i was talking about with the primals that i wasn't wrong i wasn't talking about highland and zodiac i tell you all about them right i could tell you about the council of the twelve and how they got involved and then they went back 50 and 50 again i really do did pay attention not technically primals all right all right all right that more or less aligns with my understanding following the arts of creation had survived until the present day we might have had something substantial to analyze to the best of our knowledge however these techniques were not preserved or passed on which tell us why is that the closest known magic is that of the summoning rituals from promulgated by the aseans what's that house of note which held at the approach of the final days the entire star was engulfed by disaster all at once they say it began with a key a keening sound from the land itself alfredo tell him just run the dungeon man it's that one yes ah yes the amorous spoke of it didn't they we never did hear this sound ourselves of course thrust as we were in the midst the madness it seems that each and every one of the catastrophes was preceded by this ominous noise eventually it resounded all across the star and not even amara was spared so the ground was crying out you say to be considered the harbinger of doom must have been quite distinctive and probably quite loud oh we're going to hear that sound at some point and i'm going to [ __ ] my pants oh they're definitely going to play that sound us yeah oh yeah that's coming at some point i wonder if it's gonna be like an air raid siren what if we got a oh no it's gonna be emma doing a scottish accent i'll have to speak with one of newman's mammoths and ask if any of the books which make mention of such a sound i am yes i'm in hamburg right now i did a little mini tour of the place this morning if you want to see it uh last but not least would you describe how the ancients sought to quell this unprecedented calamity what definitive action did they take is someone zodiac [Music] nodders yes the lid of a serving is his heart so many gave themselves his sacrifice to bring him into being yes 75 percent of the population actually it was 50 for zodiac another 50 for heidel i think i think that's right it was 35 tall though we don't know exactly how zodiac brought salvation to the star only that he by his godlike will wrong wait wait wait it was 50 to someone's zodiac wasn't the other 50 for heidel in what did they try to do yeah what was the other 50 for zodiac again what was that for 50 for rebirth to revitalize the planet that was it yeah revitalize the planet that's the one nailed it i knew that we do not know exactly how zodiac brought salvation to the star only that by his god-like will with the laws of nature sat right 50 cent in the 50 so 25 oh come on you guys could do percentages 75 come on who's got 66. get out you're not welcome you're not welcome get out once the balance was redressed the ancients offered up a further sacrifice to heal the rabbits of final days lives sprouted in you and it was these fledgling souls they intended to render into zodiac a trade that would have allowed them to resurrect the shades of loved ones absorbed by the primal that's the asean plan or might have had vernette and her fellows not manifest manifested their opposition in the form of heideling thank you both of you for the detailed review they're only doing this because you need to know this going forward are we gonna have to sacrifice maybe like half the planet [Music] oh no oh that's a bit early of a gamba but maybe maybe we've had emmett selk doing some voice over work that creeps me out we've had the touching goodbye to taru and now we're remembering exactly how the final days came about i wonder if heidling will ask us for the sacrifice the power as she says she's weakened she can no longer move us to where we need to be is heidling gonna ask for the sacrifice because i'll [ __ ] do it i'll [ __ ] do it i'll [ __ ] the la la's are first the la-la's are first you're on and then them stupid hairy ones they can go hrothgar they're they're on they're on next with all that fresh in mind it does make me wonder what the telophary truly mean where they speak of bringing back the final days i wonder i do want to cry i wonder what they could possibly mean i do wonder we've seen what they're doing with these towers of theirs it's forcing people to summon primals a kind of catalyst are they attempting to mirror the conditions caused by unstable creation magics or are they simply using the final days as a figure of speech a convenient metaphor for the scale of destruction they plan to unleash this is all just pointless conjecture at this stage let us return our attention to the forum shall we i feel like we're at the bowling alley and the pins just came down and then they went up and now it's time to roll the ball now it's time to roll the ball i feel like the pins just came down there they are in a nice neat little row oh that's true yeah no one plays lalafella hrothgar so that would only constitute like five percent needed of 50. i think we have to throw the cats in there and that should in fact if we could probably save the la lazaroth guard and just throw the cats in there that's a good 90 we should keep an eye out if he's taller it's this time we began studying these research papers [Music] i don't want to sacrifice yish but it's a percentages game [Music] what do you want me to do get rid of 90 of every other race just to save ish yeah maybe [Music] i'm the last am i well my extended search of the arc on stacks produced one or two possibly useful books so i wouldn't get your hopes up if you recall erianj learned of the source's reflections from the garen oracles for its potential to cause panic and confusion that tone was deemed apocrypha and sealed away in the great gooble library it's even less likely that knowledge of the unsundered world not to mention the horrors of the final days would be left sitting on a shelf for any curious scholar to find it stands to reason then that my colleagues be they are cons or counselors should perforce to be largely ignorant on the subjects so there's an extra library somewhere in charlie and that should be easy to find yeah when you confronted master fashion with knowledge of the telophary and their machinations he scoffed at the suggestion that they posed a threat he seemed adamant that the forum would know if the final days were truly upon us showing supports the conclusion that whatever privileged wisdom is guiding the forum's behavior is being kept secret from the rest of the nation [Applause] [Music] not i mean to excuse myself from reading duty whether they could take measure the final days or no these books could yet hold something of value you weren't thinking of leaving will you there's plenty of work for everyone i mean i mean no no no no no i want to stay and read i would hate to just miss out on the reading and have it explained to me later that would be terrible you labor for what feels like an age as you stole his research assistant oh my god [Music] oh dear you look exhausted but what about your studies were you able to find any books on the subjects i mentioned that the day was well spent should you wish to read them again and mama at the reference desk will point you in the right direction for the moment though i suggest you take a well-deserved rest it might be occupied with our research for quite some time okay i go to bed you guys do the work that's a square deal i'm trying to hit me brain [Music] ready for a t-bait floor i know i am honestly my neck and shoulders are going to calcify if i don't stretch my legs and walk around for a bit you know the last stand down in the harbor don't you come and meet me near the outside tables and i'll treat you to their coffee it's quite good i don't drink coffee [Music] i'm not even lying i don't even drink coffee irl or otherwise what [Music] i don't think i attacked scholars harbour how how how honey [Music] uh no i don't i was closest it's the main ether i guess i don't drink coffee no oh i tell you a true story alex was flying out after me from the uk and the production team has several members of the uk on it they asked alex to bring an emergency shipment of tea i think he's brought something like 2 000 tea bags for them because they were so desperate for tea bags alex had to fly from london to here to deliver tea to the production team everyone needs their tea brits i know i don't drink tea either i only stick to fritz limo fritz limo for all your refreshing needs [Music] i don't really drink warm drinks now fritz limo sponsored no it's just what we have in fact i need a drink before we carry on let me go let's get a drink hold on let's get a drink and my fritz limo is now so warm it's painful let's go grab a drink hold on [Music] uh where did i put this ah there we go all right let's go again join me hold on i've got to put my mask on i will be a good boy we'll be a really good buy and we'll take our bottle so we don't make a mess right i'll have to take the stairs because i think you guys will cut out if i take the lift and i don't want that to happen but last when we were in here this morning there was some there was a german lady screaming so i'm sure it's fine i need to go up i need to go to the echo world hope we go is alex still in there checking he is hi al hi mate all right oh you got mine you're downloading final fantasy good man good man i need a drink hey dr how's it going now i need to choose the appropriate fruit i could smell food righteous oh we can get lunch what are we getting chicken veg rice what is that it's like a chicken cushion mushroom curry veggie burgers [Music] huh veggie right what are we getting water yes precious water i'll have some lunch when i finish the stream hopefully there'll be some food left let's go check out the boys real quick shall we casting room looking top looks good production boys working hard yeah hi team oh hi hello hello how's it going yeah not bad gamers gaming wild roger wild roger browns dude so we'll be in here in the next little while all right let's head back we have water it's a bit of a journey to get a drink isn't it let's go all the way back downstairs sounds like they're having fun in there see when i say i'm getting a drink we're back yeah it's all good i'm back did we f at the last minute two nights two places at once it's a hell of a journey to get a drink man since the stairs what did we not even did you not get to go downstairs i swear they were chasing did you not even see the lads or when i came down why are they sitting in a basement i'm not i'm on the ground floor but um i have a like a private soundproof booth just at the end all right that's fine that's fine [Music] it's sweet down there though i'm not sure what that food is but i'm going to eat it later it looks tasty i'm hungry now the ground floor this place is i'll show you really quick where we are arcadia hamburg i'm at somewhere called arcadia hamburg but it's arcadia straight up without the a so it's our acadia this is where i am arcadia hamburg esport and gaming hotel it's enormous it's got seven floors this is the outside area that's the bar where i showed you guys before this is the outside area for barbecues this is this is my room this is what i have which is perfectly fine for me doxxed i literally invited you guys here on saturday if you are can get out to hamburg on saturday come down because they're going to be hosting it and i showed off they've got like vr escape rooms vr laser tag they've got flight simulators they've got um racing chairs they've got all these uh lan areas it's pretty sweet that is not my room at all they have a gym they have a cinema and yeah as the in the middle here is the ports with just like hdmi ports and stuff and 99 of what happens at the cinema is people buck it out and watch anime that's it they book this out and just watch anime and they say it's pretty much fully booked all the time with people just watching anime based totally based uh but it's sick yeah they've got oh that's true there's a pink pog and pool room i want to mess around in later uh but this is yeah arcadia this is where we're playing at right now oh yes but i'll just i've changed everything to english stop oh they've got a picture of scrappy up there oh well yeah it's sweet it's uh it's the biggest biggest venue i've ever seen i wasn't in this picture what kind of bullshitter is this ugh maximum bullshittery maximum bullshittery yeah what a scam what a scam how rude taking pictures before i get here since moving every website is in german and i can't read it yet i know ff streamers divided for the world of warcraft race the world first surprisingly no no no i'm telling it says so look no no no no look i'm talented look see says so my badge there's no denying it anymore there's no denying it my badge says so all right [Music] i'm a town the wild card is oh i missed it i missed it that is so she wrote that yourself i didn't i swear to you this is also holds my morning's covet test it's really useful look so every morning i have to do a colby test and i have to put my test in here to prove my coping goodness so it's a two-for-one it's my badge of my copic proof i'm all good man there it is you wrote that i didn't i did it i swear to you i didn't pregnant yeah i'm pregnant oh cold water what's your town yesterday i had to shoot an advert where i had to uh walk out of a lift door casually not that easy to pull that off not easy to pull it off as busy as ever i see not very charlie and that no other gourmet cafe has sprung up to compete for customers actually this crowd gives me an idea before we place an order why don't we ask a few questions and gauge the moods of the city i'm interested to hear what the average citizen has to say about the telophary we might even learn something new worth a try don't you think i'll say he's now a company oh so we do this thing again okay [Music] huh it's nice this because it was always weird that they teleport where they're going i actually don't mind that what what is it can a man know a giant more with a private respite if you're lucky to share a table then i respectfully request that you look elsewhere you misunderstood sir they're simply wondering if you know of the telophary these enemies of peace have promised to an end of all behold dear and wait you're the house lover you're a girl aren't you and this woman with you is obviously a foreigner i'd urge you a disowned for lp outsiders indulge their barbaric whims and here you are giving true to the rumor i'll thank you leave me b i've know what to say to the likes of you well i must apologize it was foolish of me to expect an odds of civility from one so enlightened come flow [ __ ] off okay nice guy [Music] hildwa yes i don't believe i've had the pleasure pray excuse the interruption but we were hoping you might share your thoughts on the telophara in their unconscionable plants my goodness if it isn't the young miss levier my apologies because i work in the offices of the forum and if word reached master fashion or that i was helping you i see sorry to have bothered you dick on dick on welcome madam what can i offer you today why is that mistress alice i see there my word how long has it been far too long dickon [Music] meet dick on the owner of the last stand i used to frequent his cafe on occasion in between lessons at the studio that seems like an age ago now i remember hearing that you and master alpha know it set sail for yours year but then you never came back lately there's been gossip about your father disowning the perry is everything all right at home yes nopers it's complicated i hadn't expected complete strangers to be so familiar with our situation quite so quickly everyone has an opinion it seems well it is house level year no matter how discreet master fortune or may have been news on your family's doings never stays secret for long things being what they are what brings you back to the city now of all times [Music] we have questions and only charlie and has the answers tell me mr dickon have you heard anything about apocalypse called the final days [Music] what like the end of the world nothing like that i'm afraid and that's what you're here to find information on this apocalypse yes whatever we can learn unfortunately your patrons appear to be unwilling to speak with me [Music] i wish there was more i could do to help [Music] hmm but maybe there is you're a visitor to charlene aren't you the few will know your face we should be able to pass you off as a server with none the wiser oh no we just finished preparing a few orders strike up some friendly convos while you're setting down the food you might just get the answers you're looking for i'm not paying you what's a bad idea i hate to ask but what do you think that's the spirit now pay attention now i'll explain where each of these dishes needs to go the tea set is for the chatty group sitting by the water's edge the omelette is one of our regulars a highlander by the name of gizla she's sitting outside the table with a friend of us but i know he should see him a cozy gentleman he ordered the oven bait lobster got it you're not sure just ask i'll explain again [Music] i'm gonna get this all right place the correct dish where it needs to go do i need to pick up the dishes i'm really hungry now spelt that food i'm so hungry i've got a rehearsal soon though right see is for the chatty group oh my tea set lovely thank you oh that is the chai group i thought i was picking it up it's a lot for who i'm sorry i've never heard of any of them in our final days my friends and i somewhat informed when it comes to current events now if you want to hear about the ritual arcade practice of the six astral era common or esoteric they'll be happy to talk your ear off [Music] this is the omelette oh finally two four six eight let's dig in no time to waste it's a bad song what that's a lot for i yes i remember seeing their name in the latest gazette after some grand claim about the end of days same old senseless warmongering where will these fools grow tired of spilling each other's blood best day out of it i say the forum made the right choice and i fully support our decision to remain [Music] uh neutral should give the lobster and not urbane bouncer at last the oven baked lobster is mine you have no idea how long i've scrimped and saved and suffered to afford this heavenly dish final days this is the first i've heard of it although that would explain why my friend has been rushed off his feet it must be a busy time to be a gleaner what's a gleaner looking into the future oh you don't know what cleaner is uh collectors of a sort travel the world procuring things that we haven't got here in charlotte priceless books and usual live specimens and so forth so named for those folk who trail after the reapers in the fields picking up every grain which was missed i by all accounts gleaning is the most meticulous and demanding profession these telophary make good on their audacious threats that many uncataloged rarities could be lost forever why else would the gleaners be buzzing about such a frenzy [Music] are they making an ark [Music] that's what ozzy did that's what i founded charlie [Music] hmm watch the arb and you'll see what i mean they're cutting loads in from the docks all day it's never been the septic before not like this [Music] huh oh oh oh mayhaps charlene has struck at a cord with fun daniel and the rest of yours used to be sacrificed and charlie and will be spared so they're bringing everything here [Music] oh gamber i'm full of theories right now i'm full of theories i have ethereal i have a theory can't gamble on it no no no no no any trouble with the customers be able to get anyone talking [Music] interesting they seem unaware of the final days aside from whatever vague news the gazettes are printing even dickon had nothing to offer and he's the best source of gossip in the city but the forum does have secret knowledge that they've done an impressive job ensuring no one whispers it in the wrong in gear case thank you for playing the part so well here that cup of coffee i promised i don't want it any water but let's enjoy our drinks somewhere else shall we maybe behind the peristyle away from the gossips and their wagon tongues i've got a lot of theories of where this is going i need more clues i need more more more are they going to shadow bringers me and blue ball me for like four or five days before we even get a sniff of info even at whifters so i don't have the annex smile police smile fiesta gamba let go it's not enough to gamble on you [Music] yes this should do nicely out of the wind and out of sight oh my god i got a gun again we're about to be harassed aren't we oh god are you gonna die oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] me is the the hearty one-on-one with the piano when our father disowned us i couldn't believe what i was hearing it wasn't until much later that his words began to sink in that i began to feel the weight of what it meant do you remember when the decision was made to come to charlie graham said that the forum was determined to keep us in the dark and that father's venomous performance was part of that strategy to keep us at arm's length perhaps it was father argued with grandfather on many occasions but never with such dismissive contempt and when he demanded what justifies the sacrifices we make in war i honestly didn't know what to say neither did alpha know i know but never for one moment did i believe we had made the wrong choice so all i could do was fume silently it was only afterwards that i realized how childish i had been how being stubborn and self-righteous must run in the family [Music] if i could have just mustered a civil response then things might have turned out differently building an ark oh not an ark but they're storing everything underground aren't they they must be ferrying goods to labyrinthos well charlie will be the ark a vast complex beneath the island charlie is famous for archiving knowledge from around the world that knowledge is not preserved exclusively in dusty tomes and desiccated samples our living library comprised of all manner of flora and fauna is housed and studied within that underground facility still that did seem to be an unusually large shipment right when i lived here it was rare to even see such cargo transported by boat hmm wait didn't you hear something in the last stand about the gleaners coming and going more than usual i did well i think they're the ones we saw manning those boats and gleaners answer to the forum they expect the rest of the world to burn if the appearance of the telophary prompted this sudden burst of activity then labyrinthos may hold a clue as to what the forum is planning are we going in no let's go read more books yeah we should probably pass on that idea go read some more books [Music] [Music] level 90 baby we have capped we have capped we have done it we have capped mayhaps cabbage we're there we're large and we're in charge besides a level i have two holes on the go but they're not high enough for this so no big deal gg there we are [Music] elemental gauge expanded what's the tough one [Music] oh there it is well under the effect of astral fire three or humble eyes three and three umbral hearts swapping to the opposite element will allow you to execute paradox that new spell [Music] paradox deals on expected damage with a potency of 500 uh refreshes the duration of astral fire and five percent chance of grams firestarter firestar effect there's fire through augustine yeah if you do it with while you've got ice spell is cast immediately requires no monitor cost and refreshes duration of bumble eyes [Music] okay [Music] why can't i drag it out oh it's a passive [Music] ah it changes the spell okay that makes more sense let's look at why i pass it by the cast and stuff but it changes my spell sweet okay uh what was that other trade we've got aspect mastery five adds a paradox marker to your elemental gauge the marker is made active after reaching astral fire three then swapping to the opposite element conversely the marker can also be made active after reaching umbralized three and gaining three umbral hearts then swapping to the opposite elements blizzard and fire become paradox when the paradox marker is made active okay does that mean we get rid of blizzard three [Music] no you keep blizzard three and we keep freeze as well [Music] yes i'm aware of the time okay so i think i need one more binding for blizzard then what if you can make a macro can you do like a slash cast paradox oh wolf i mean is uh well fire changed the paradox oh it's a blizzard at all when paradox is active [Music] because that would be nice yes okay that makes more sense as to how that would work okay cool all right let's go into the labyrinth we should tell the others what we've learned about the cleaners going ahead to newman i'll join in a moment master dickon will want his cups back i will try out later because i imagine because we've just started i won't be able to use paradox until like a late dungeon or something probably many many hours in the open world we get to piss about with it but for the most part we're not going to be able to touch it we've adjusted charlie and we've left with cats already if i get some time outside of stream uh depending on my cast i might try get my ultimate soon i could just pay for a boost that wouldn't be a problem right [Music] skipper i've got my oh to be fair i got my um i got my arcanist to uh level 32 so we could start the scholar quest line so i could actually do some healing [ __ ] about floor been for a walk it clears your head have you not exactly we did some impromptu investigating and turned up information on the gleaners wonder if this will be a dungeon why would there be enemies in there it makes sense the leaders take their requests directly from institutions and bureaucrats but as you say they ultimately answer to the forum a sudden and significant increase in gleaner traffic and in cargo it certainly gives the impression of an overarching plan being put into motion let's see what theory we could build from the facts as you tell observed earlier newman's archives appear to contain no information concerning the final days coupled with what flora and alase learned at the last stand we can be reasonably sure that most charlenes know nothing of that particular period of asian history yet my father and his colleagues are not only familiar with the final days we're also somehow certain that the destruction being perpetrated by the telophary is wholly unlike these apocalyptic events however the forum claims to be so occupied by a duty of such pressing importance that they saw fit to unanimously deny aussie's request for aid now the gleaners official agents of the states have been mobilized in an unprecedented scale uh i did not think it a stretch to conclude that the gleaner's recent activities are in service to the forum's secret events in which case our next course of action seems obvious we visit labyrinthus and assess the situation for ourselves and if we're lucky the gleaners will be far more receptive to our questions let's go yeah i kill him i kill my boxes i'm glad you approve you won't be disappointed i promise as for myself there are a few more subjects i should like to research i may join you later but we'll feel free to leave behind your borrowed books and be on your way i'll see to the each's return to its proper place that'd be a great help thank you raha [Music] all right [Music] let's head down the stairs over there and i'll show you where the entrance is is this a donga i know i'm not boosting anyway you don't need to worry about that [Music] i know like like i have weird daytimes right so and my family's not here so like today i have rehearsal in about 10 minutes i have to get rehearsal ready i'm doing the opening show for the race world first but then i'm free all all night i believe i think i'm free from like four o'clock onwards so we could come and do some old stuff then somebody save ed walker for the mainstream ready labrinthos is not too far from here but you may find the path of the disorienting uh the race well first as far as i know unless it's changed let me check because i might be full of [ __ ] uh i don't want to be echo casters it should be at 3 30 today euro time so i have to do a speech i think sorry is it like an hour and a half ish i need to go put pants on i can't open the show with my godfather t-shirt and my shorts on i'll take the lead so stay close yeah i'll be on the echo esports channel i believe [Music] go faster [Music] this is the race to world first you're watching it live oh what the [ __ ] [Music] what the hell yeah [Music] where's my events tab there is i should oh i started the events table i almost guarantee they've not changed the dungeon format for uh [Music] up here [Music] i didn't skip dialogue she said something like let's go faster or something like that [Music] rostra not far now okay i have that wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'll jay no i'm the slow one this makes no sense here we are through this door and down the stairs you did remember to attune to the shard back there didn't you it'll make your life much easier if you need to come back in a hurry otherwise you should keep moving okay [Music] this feels like we're being naughty there's no guards though [Music] i'm the last to arrive i see we're all here now yes i've taken the liberty of security permission for our group's descent right everyone's lifted down we go oh we've got permission we're fine we're totally fine to be here [Music] deep beneath the scholar city shines a false sun within a fabricated sky wow in any age exist those who consider the floor an extension of their bookshelves and this vaults architects surely belonged to that special breed is this a different zone but of the city start a new one if no room remains then make more rooms a simple solution at first and then bit by bit a profound transformation they built a city under charlie for storage knowledge buried beneath knowledge a growing creeping labyrinth from which that's crazy what a great idea so [Music] not what you expected i must admit the artifice is very convincing [Music] but i assure you that we are beneath charlie itself the breeze you feel the flowing waters you hear all created by the hand of man [Music] the island is volcanic you see and once upon a time this great hollow must have been a reservoir for magma and it just went away it was discovered some 400 years ago at which point it was repurposed as a storage facility for scrolls and samples and such renovations have continued with nigh on no interruption to this day with a lower level still undergoing expansion you're still digging [Music] right aren't those people gleaners i judging by their dress they are said to work alone as a rule but would seem that rule is being enthusiastically broken today [Music] it may be as you suspected but they are engaged in a task apart from the norm let's spread out and get some answers then [Music] oh poor little crow's little legs oh not again throw wide the gates no no did you call to me just now no how old i must be a bit dizzy from the descent [Music] i'll be fine i'm sure let's get to work shall we [Music] worst liar i know absolute worst liar i cannot believe they one of the zones is just an entire city under charlie and charlie and two wow how big is this area holy [ __ ] that is so cool [Music] they gave it a yeah it's huge they gave it a fake sky [Music] this is a big storage locker you can mount here oh yeah have we got um i'm wait wait wait wait wait [Music] get our ether it's better during the day well we will test it right i need to go for rehearsals um i'm gonna be on i'm gonna be opening the race to world first in about an hour and a half i think in about an hour and a half i will be opening the uh echoes race to world first it's gonna be awesome uh but after that i think i'm pretty free so i'll probably come stream again after i've had dinner with the boys and whatnot unless there's something i need to do uh but i'll let you know but it should be good and do some leveling and stuff i won't do ed walker's story until mainstream all right i promise you that i won't do that to them yeah it'll be all loving stuff like that so don't worry you won't miss any end walker or anything along those lines it'll be fine so be good uh who's on uh i mean really yeah it'd be really cool if you guys could come and see the opening and it should be in about an hour and a half i think unless it gets cancelled which they were talking about yesterday because they're still setting up audio and whatnot uh and doing all that kind of stuff oh looks like um they're not streaming uh it will be at echo esports which isn't live now so it will be i think it's echo underscore esports yeah thank you boy you'll start i will tweet out yes i will tweet you out uh who can we host i can go say hi to manny that's fine she's just died soviet womble approved yeah let's go say hi to annie that's fine all right dudes i'll see you hopefully some of you in an hour and a half i hope i don't [ __ ] up this speech hopefully i don't completely wreck this speech that i have to do assuming i have to do one we'll see otherwise there's gonna be a lot of
Channel: Preach Gaming VODs
Views: 9,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, preach gaming, preach ffxiv, final fantasy online, heavensward, ffxiv heavensward, ffxiv preach, ffxiv sprout, ffxiv streamer, ffxiv new player, mike preach wow, mike preach ffxiv, preach endwalker
Id: AjQ09uPgkFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 46sec (10366 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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