Are You Being Served_ A Bliss Girl 6.5

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hello mr. Rumbold join mr. Harmon what are you doing I'm glad you asked me that I'm running these two up and down this carpet shooting the fact that there is a motor in here which causing a vacuum and that sucked up the dust off of the coffee goes down that pipe into a bag is what is known as you bring up the dust due to the fact that uber was the first in the market now if goblin have been the first in the market I've been gobbling up the DAP I nearly meant why are you doing it's not the cleaners machine it is the worst fog we've had since 1953 they phoned up and say there wasn't coming I'm beginning to wonder if anyone's coming would it only to on the ground floor mr. Ackroyd's walking about with a candle stuck on his head so they know where to go to get a bill signed we have the fog get in there I'm silly Burke left the side door oh I'm very careless I don't know why but rumor has it he's a bull deaded person with one or two other outstanding feature enter the demon king how do some idiot left the side-door over and fill the place with fog you will a culprit describe and do mr. Harmon who should be done in the basement well very well but first I'm going to the press department to procure for myself a canary which I will put in a cage and lower to see if the atmosphere down there is suitable for my respiratory organs come on r2d2 well at least you're here on time peacock congratulations quite by chance I was cuffing myself to death at the bus stop when a vintage rolls-royce drew up and inside was none other than young mr. grace without winding down to the window he mouthed the words would you like a lift I so suppose he wanted the fog getting into his car he didn't I travelled eight rounds on the running board well report to me when the others do arrive I have an important announcement to make mr. Lucas what are you doing you bet that's charming isn't it first time I've been early in three weeks and that's a welcome out yet you sure they haven't popped on the way from behind it I couldn't get over last night because of the fog so I spent the night in the camping departments unfortunately the Zippy stuck here get out of this thing remember they're the stored open Lucas I've just lost us a sale now whether you're close they're still in the chance go get them on and get a dressing gown out of stock Oh blimey it's gonna be one day isn't it so come ooh what about this my pussy's been got Oh as the mid-ground pills CicLAvia ha ha I haven't during the war you know 14:18 did you bring out one of your witty days I'm going on never leave the streets like that no nice Ferris Tower Bridge the buses are running so I got into me gear I went down to the bottom of the garden wave bye-bye to me mother and jumped in the canal I'll turn right at the sluice and come in with the tide that wouid have a track are with a boy at Battersea why right uneventful trip till I got picked up by the river police on their a stick yes full stop apparently I was giving a very strange reading so they hold me in peeled me suit off show me to the sergeant who took one look at me and said we don't keep tiddlers and threw me back I've just put new batteries in your stress indicator I'm worn out already yes you must be getting very excited recently you naughty boy release a secretary man yes well let's see if your equipments working properly are you ready for the test yes should be fashion try again oh you all right I'm all right lucky they're only my reading love you asked me to get mr. Rumbold well he's on the line you're looking very pretty this morning oh thank you very much sir how about dinner tonight oh thank you very much sir do you want my wife as well are you going on the back up I said do you want my wife you'd do anything to get on in this food they have got a slight problem sir the perfume display from the Bliss people has arrived but the Bliss girl who is supposed to serve find the counter hasn't well they're usually Shinto oh right sir what should I do somebody else the best people are paying us 50 pounds a day we don't want to lose that you sent for me oh yes sir unplug my charger will you we don't want to waste if tricity will it be anything else sir yes anyway we both came out of the pictures you see and we got into her sports car and she's sitting there brushing a long blonde hair in the driving mirror you know the way they do and she turns men sit down shall I drop you home you refused of course no no should behave to sell quite well in the cinema when she reached over to get a chocolate and I had the Box on me laughs that was when she was looking for the one with the Art Center was it yes she wasn't best pleased when she had to make do with the marzipan anyway we get outside the front door and she said she looked at me coy like no no she said duh are you going to invite me in for coffee and did you know I got a crack in mokona sure anyway she won't we'll have to say good night here then and she flowers round me neck and she grappled with me like Mick McManus you never told me you've been up with Mick McManus you're going to mock me I shall not let you be privy to my confidences so if any man she presses a button and the seek flew back and there I was about to be washed away on a tidal wave of passion and my mother banged on the bonnet with a rolling pin and gave it a minute to get out or make an honest man of me menswear shove it down about there that's it for it there we are they're presenting the Blitz pawn shop don't you like it it has to go over there you and you take the counter rap double stand Faust Captain peacock you do not tell my men to take that card away they are under my jurisprudence if you tell me to take that card away and I tell them to take the car away I'm gonna take that counter away mr. Harmon very well mr. Harbor well please take that counted away huh you you can't just up midok put that counter tap this is Logan Captain peacock I do not respond to any man's finger I used to have an outlet said that maintenance this is lip it is my understood prerogative as floorwalker to summon any of my subordinates if I wish to give them my instructions now will you please accede to my request in a world no no no it is inside in it you can feel the danger bound this is no I so count to five and if you have not complied the nice make an adverse entry in my book two of them she gets sent off one two three four four now fine mrs. Slocombe truculent and impertinence Captain peacock I may have been succulent but I was certainly not impertinent have already entered impertinent in my book oh well in that case let me get this clear you wiggled your finger at mrs. Slocombe I did not wiggle it sir I did that and mrs. local took exception color what sort of exception did you take dare you pick a house to a perfectly civil question I was merely illustrating the gesture that mrs. Slocombe made to me gestured with fingers yes I got that that and were there any witnesses to this sign well we only saw my distance for all I know she might only use one finger mr. humphreys did you see her raising two fingers oh yes matter of fact I thought she was doing it to me she often does what as an inflammatory sighs now to save two seats for the canteen so Captain peacock might have misinterpreted this gesture there's other any other complaints concerning mrs. Slocombe the next complaint I have against her is that she may not noise I objected to what sort of noise yes that is an objectionable noise why did you do this mrs. Slocombe well is we didn't finger got right up my nose peacock you didn't tell me that you must give me all the facts now let's start again you put your finger up mrs. Lee positive to slot in is--all then logically she would put up two fingers to protect her those from you're probing digit this in turn mr. Humphries misinterpreted as a request for him to save her two seats in the canteen I don't know anything else written down your book that you'd like me to clarify oh well that's it there's no more to be said rather waste of time really yes indeed sir when am I going to get my counter back oh not for a week a young mr. Grace has done a deal with bliss perfume so I'm afraid we'll just have to grin and bear it I find the two very rarely go together but we do have a problem because the Bliss girl hasn't arrived so I'm afraid you and Miss Brahms will have to handle a bliss merchandise I'm not sacrificing my commission to sell cheap scent and I am unanimous in this the counter has to be mad was only two of us the three today why don't worry then do it Thank You magical but logical the question is which one - what a pow I have to tested if I'm going to sell it so man that secret rendezvous it would be easy to other secret rendezvous there everybody have know you'd been there lady in the [ __ ] bit more trampling lady yeah much that gave divorce oh I don't like that oh but we'll cancel that out Palmas ah Butch Cassidy ooh doggy smell awful and they all get together you know my old headmaster give a fortune to smell me now he'd say on you told you go to mr. Humphries mixed oh yeah girl some boys know just fine and just good her words can't become we don't a call from him certainly mr. Ted ah Stephen are you free at the moment mr. Ted and may I remind you that first names are used early in the canteen or after and before the Bell I see that kiss I don't what to talk to blimey that was a short word tag me up that gloves roll mr. Lucas but it is tidy it isn't now he got told you off today the tide roll as well ah mr. Lucas I'm glad to see you usefully employed in tidying the drawers thank you sir the tide row is also in a terrible mess I suggest you tidied up mr. Tibbs instead of standing there twiddling your thumbs and not to leave my hums I'm in charge of this counter and if I want my drawers untidy I should have attack now let me get this clear there's been yet another fracker on the floor one thing I want to get straight right away did Captain peacock put his finger up your nerves no thought she did well then what caused you to lose your temper he was sticking his nose into my business ha noses do come into it I thought so was always a common factor you know this whole dispute is caused by the perfume counter and what's perfume associated with noses but it's caught it's because mr. Humphreys is on the perfume counter and unable to exercise his tidy influence understood taps counter it's got nothing to do with tightness mr. Rumbold it's because mr. Humphreys isn't with us and we're undermanned and that's upset mr. Ted doesn't like that would be raised eyebrows in the trade if we were found out that I'd been alone in the Jets with the junior yes I I do take his point don't you pick up absolutely sir but I didn't take mr. humphreys away I would never allow mr. Thames to have less than two assistant salesmen you're quite right peacock I was wrong it's obviously causing bad feeling and I shall rectify it immediately as it yes Lasker mr. history tan no no you will take his place I will take his place that's what I said I must protest no it's not a matter for discussion I've made a decision I'm not taking over a senior salesman 79 the men's counter quite correct you are taking over mr. Humphreys position as assistant salesman under mr. Tibbs I'll show you the ropes you better sign for your tape and chalk this gets into the floor Walker's Gazette you'll be ruined let me get one thing straight mr. Lucas will still be under me will he not of course good we'll try it on in the fitting room it said just behind that curtain there T goober mr. Fitz so it is true then you have been demoted I wouldn't be surprised to see a puppy crying over there in the spot where you used to stand it's all over the bill yeah I just couldn't believe it not captive feed cop reduced to the ranks do Harlem excuse me are you senior enough to Stryper these sweaters oh that's a swanky pen for a junior I am NOT a junior now get about your business you want to be carefully we come down the stockroom we always t-bag new boys what you doing Steve continue to address me as Captain peacock and I would have thought that it was obvious you know man of your poor intelligence that I am holding a sweater oh yeah mr. Tibbs would never stand for that excuse me now he likes it like this you see facedown fall that side over there like that bend the arm down there fold that one in like that Bend that arm down the other nobody like that knee oh you've got it easy you'll soon learn couple of weeks or soon get the hang of it so not be here in a couple of weeks well that's up to mr. Rumbold isn't it I mean he goes like that new jump you know I felt really sorry for you in there I mean I thought to myself he made you look about that big and the might have water come down I thought after all those glorious years in the pay Corps the Royal Army Service gone whatever it is I mean you have to accept that sort of humiliation lying down but I mean still good book what else can you do it your time of life coming even if you resign and go to the labor exchange what's going to happen yes I can see it all now there you are in the queue you get up to the counter you put in your cart and the voices login vehicle what are we going to do with you what are your qualifications we don't have no job so nobody standard around or get snooty all day you bus conductor Monday next week Lucas tidy the handkerchief draw what is tidy why trash blimey she's got a right when he named she should be so lucky four o'clock another drops old Miss Brahms while you're at it bring me another corset the size forty multi-hole jumbo expanders the last time I saw something like that it was being used to restrain King Kong you ever seen what she's got in there excuse me no okay me quite a start I wonder if it would help me when I'm just standing in for someone at the moment but I'll do my bed well I'm not very happy with these stockings what seems to be the complete well they ran as soon as I put them on news I think I do the same well what are you going to do about it at the moment I'm riveted to the spot but I think the least you could do is to give me another pair oh yes of course as a matter of fact I'll give you another there we are and if these should run don't hesitate to bring them back and show them to me I could start a whole new way of life that's very very sweet of you not at all how could I resist such a lovely smile you're a very charming young man and quite sure you're going to go a long way do you know the last time anyone said that to me I was standing in a white surplice singing All Things Bright and Beautiful miss aggressive these days and there isn't that the truth the only one I'm looking they don't have much choice - why'd you say that I've got the very Hat that'll go with those lovely eyes not many people come wear hats you've got a hat face hang on a minute oh I love it I love it um it's dr. Zhivago it's Garbo it's orient-express it's reduced I like it I'll have it it's all on my husband's accountant anyway Oh in that case why don't you treat yourself to a coat I don't suppose you'll be able to afford it but let's just sleep it off yes the feel of it does something for me oh yes I find her the same 3,000 pounds you'd have a heart attack well fortunately it is black have you got a long mirror well I'm afraid it's engaged at the moment would you mind trying you don't it that I can stand back and look as you can see it's got a lovely high color very odd Couture deep pockets a nice full back note as well and of course with high heels you get that lovely verbs what you think you're doing madam was practically decided to treat this with her but it's did Saxon town Leno and Anna in a commission not if items are sweeter to have something else you're not good afternoon madam leafy self nectar that was bronzed bring the Fox which one the three thousand Nicola I am the senior sins lady I'm so sorry I wasn't here to help you okay that's quack arrived I've been very well looked after yes no how about this madam why don't you try this on before you make up your night what do you mind trying it on it gives me a better idea well certainly madam give me and Miss Brown Oh drat the linings gone come here you see this is a casual rough round style very easy to get all enough what do you think you don't like a cross between Nelson and Basle brush I'm not really sure about the color can I am rather sold on the black get me that one the one at the end that's what happens when you buy cheap now this one is suitable for almost any occasion it's purge alum and it's a thousand pound cheaper than the one he's wearing suitable for daily wear or a Night at the Opera I remember Groucho Marx wearing it that really is rather nice would you mind modeling it for me that's certainly madam ignore the shoes could I see yours again it's so difficult to decide it's very distracting saying those trousers and that hair hang on things I love you don't here's my card charge it and sink grind good afternoon good afternoon drat everybody young mr. Grayson I thought the movie can be denoted I see a purely a temporary murder sir been scribbling off the walls again that's you Willis cartoons that was 15 years ago I thought he's got your new year's deadly weapon who is that the new girlfriend bliss oh no no that's not the brisket she couldn't get here because of the fog said very attractive substitute boyfriend not alone I've got a table at Romano's with caviar and a step up dinner and cat Jordan Lee you want a dish Mandy my mother's only got cottage pie you
Channel: Kris
Views: 892,801
Rating: 4.7052841 out of 5
Keywords: Season (Quotation Subject), Girl (Quotation Subject), television show, MPEG-4 Part 14 (File Format)
Id: 6_fiJjaJhek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2012
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