Are You Being Served Forward Mr Grainger 4

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it's the show Spitzer door bringing them back that's right so you bring her back I'll give you the name of a chiropodist hey Lucas I should be in my chair mr. Humphries if you require me try mr. Granger you're gonna have 40 wings yes dream about the great trouser sale of 1938 so anyway I said look mother you'll come and start with me for a week and perhaps my dad will have come to his senses she will she arrived the first thing she does is complain about the sleeping arrangements you mean she didn't like the city she took exception to my canopy bed the chica fix the lace alone cost a hundred pound she wouldn't put her teeth in the cut glass goblet and to cap everything as soon as you tell about and put a curler since she insisted I'm sitting behind the curtains looking at the neighbor and I bet they all thought it was you I shall share my confidences with you if you're going to mock me I had some very strange phone calls too heavy breathing and a wrong number that's more than you usually get especially on a choose menswear yes t no miss sewing basket is in the pianist told it it's going to sell about nummy pajamas now if pajamas are in me teddy bear well it ships up the back can't find a teddy bear now it's in my canopy bed peeping over the sheets oh listen if you're going to put the stew in the oven for goodness sake take me slippers out yes of course I shall be a good boy that's a funny place to keep your pajamas and inside a teddy bear where'd you keep you inside my basil brush no mr. Rumbold Captain peacock isn't here yet yes I'll ask him to wait morning oh god 10 o'clock appointment with mr. Romberg oh yes yes he's expecting you but he's been delayed in the board room apparently young mr. grace has fallen asleep now waited for him to wake up to adjourn the board meeting no you're new here aren't you well I used to work on young mr. Grace's personal stuff but after his last heart attack well his doctor decided on a change oh you seem awfully young to be a captain thank you hello do you think I am Oh what 55 what they didn't make my father a ship's captain until he was 60 I was in the army I'm considerably younger than that oh you look much younger and besides I like your moustache it's very David Niven it is it has been mentioned you keep hold a shunt hello my interrupting anything another thing I'm just waiting to see mr. Rambo how on the carbon oh yeah suddenly got what year falling that has nothing to do with you and I'll put that down and go about your business you have no jurisdiction over me I am manual and maintenance you cannot tell me to get out of this office there is only one person what could tell me to get out of this office and until that person tells me get out of this office Hindi's office hi Shasta mr. Harmon get out yeah he's chatting up your bird know what peacock thank you for dropping in slice it don't know no I shall keep it and this is a fiery meeting what sir f ye o for your ears only now peacock peacock yes to put it in a nutshell I'm going oh congratulations and then goodbye Hammond's barbershop is there anything in it will you let me finish my sentence I'm going for one month on a sales and managerial seminar to Swansea and the reason for the board meeting was to decide who should take over here which is why I sent for you yeah well I shall of course I endeavor to give every satisfaction there are you taking your secretary with you no I'm leaving her here ah well she'll be able to show me where everything is why should you show you what everything is well when I take over the reins but you're not taking over the reins peacock all my standing here bother I sent for you to tell you that mr. Grainger is taking over mr. Grainger upset you are of course the natural heir to the throne so to speak and you will ultimately take over in 10 15 or 20 years time I must rush home and tell mrs. peacock just for one month with booty Grainger here it'll qualify for a higher pension and there's absolutely nothing to do I know that because I've done it all together the point is it will appear as if he's being promoted over your head which of course is not the case isn't it you know you and I know the truth but we can't tell anyone else oh I understand it well he's a very dear personal friend of mine so it'll be something for him to look back on in his declining years may I have the pleasure of telling a matter no I'm afraid you can't ever give the whole show away you know I will tell him and you will look suitably surprised speaking personally I never have any trouble in getting up in the morning my puss is just like an alarm clock every morning at 6:15 it drops his clockwork Mouse on my pillow a nickel not until I've rounded up another game under the bed mrs. Slocombe miss Brahms I'm free every moment captain peacock come along miss Brown mr. Humphries mr. Lucas are you free yes we're free captain key oh yes we are yes we are we are we are free mr. have some juice mind you five minutes ago we wouldn't have been free would we mr. Humphrey not to be famous but we are free now aren't you in two minutes I will be free why not mr. Lucas because he's my coffee break anybody's coffee break until I say sir must be frightening to have so much parliament it mr. ah let's hope he uses it for good know what I have to say consensual excluding him mr. Grainger there's not here well where is he oh he got asleep is he of course he's not to say did you mr. no Dede is not he's carrying out an investigation we thought we had a bit of wood worm and he's listening to see if they're too into his look the first crunchy will leap into action get him over here mr. Humphries mr. Granger are you free mr. Lucas has been telling us about the woodworm in your drawers I have to answer that I'm doing away for one month on the sales and management conference are you sir really good gracious me what is the problem during my absence someone will have to take over my management function in the office and there has been board meetings mine to decide on who should be my temporary successor good gracious how exciting I wonder who it can be don't pretend you don't know it's bound to be you as a matter of fact it is not Captain peacock what it is in fact mr. earnest Granger no no I wasn't to sleep over there congratulations on what not being a steam going to be the manager is just said sir what me the manager I must say it comes as a complete surprise well I think there's everything get all your things together pop into the office and I'll put you into the picture yes of course let me be the first to congratulate you Alistair Thank You Stephen well go to the foot of our stairs transformation everyone knows it should have been you oh no you have to have one foot in the grave before your movie lease mrs. Slocombe you're eligible if I was in that office you wouldn't be out here for five minutes no I know you'd have me inside there for a quick chat in a couple yeah now come on off you go and don't forget your spare teeth will you take over while I'm away please mr. Humphries be a pleasure mr. Grainger and would you be kind enough to telephone mrs. Grainger break the news to her well you can do that yourself you got a phone in your office oh yes cool I've got an office every night yes yes hey I can't quite get you straight mr. Grainger you won't need that's in there Oh No would you care to use if I like moving a great honor mr. Grainger just think of the thousands of inside legs are there stuff as see you later it's very exciting isn't it glass of water for Captain peacock I did not require a glass of water but I do it's been a great shock to me you know I thought you'd get anything that was going in that outfit especially that new sector you know if it was me I'd be tearing my hair out well that shouldn't take you long thin bit at the back is where the pillar rubs blessed is growing lush and rampant seem strange that mr. Granger has been promoted over my head but there is a reason why come you all up a guess my lips are sealed we don't need to guess he wasn't up to the job and he's trying to cover it up oh yes you men are all alike mr. Slocum was just the same do you know every morning at 9:30 prompt it went out of the house with his briefcase and his Road umbrella and he didn't even have a job I found him in the park fade in the dock what do you said you when you questioned him it didn't say anything it just went hello can I have a word with there mr. rubb oh please but he's not here mr. grace and mr. Granger took over before before lunch oh yes yes so he did I never met me no well I'll speak to him then oh he's still in the chief accountants office mr. Patel doing what asking for eyes he's got the right idea then yes the first task Pierce Nix he's already done there getting used to work in my office yes I am mr. grace hey how many times have I told you not to walk across the sales floor when the store is open I'm sorry captain peacock but we've run out of helium into cellar do with it well if I filled a balloon with it I could have floated across the floor because across the floor I have to go wines and spirits and on the ground floor this happened to be the executive drinks trolley and was ordered by the new departmental ed mr. Ernest Granger who's already snapped your funds for not delivering you before lunch so if you'll excuse me a throw down oh I heard that I do hope mr. Granger doesn't get into trouble for ordering that well perhaps he's your older celebration party oh it's quite an order just one of the perks of his position captain peacock I wonder if I could have your permission to leave the floor shortly I wish to ask mr. Granger for some time off me roots need doing I meant to mention that to you certainly mrs. Slocombe but after me I too have one or two things at home to feed my attention and I may have to leave early of course is the Chelsea Fulham replated Isaac I must say it's useful to have a friend in the camp I've always found that to be the key well perhaps mr. Humphries and I could do ask for a temporary rise Wawa well on account of the fact there's only two of us on that can't they're doing all the extra work yes that's true but on the other hand you are sharing mr. Granger's commission and therefore it could be said that you're better off no Commission we've only had two customers all day I guess well I mean all the same there are two of us pretending and luggages oh we're doing the work of three yes but I don't think we ought to take advantage of mr. Granger's good nature menswear no mr. Granger how are you it's mr. Humphries you know we do miss Shipp yes of course I'm Captain peacock would you go in be good I told him I wanted to see him after lunch where I don't drive me and get that turtle jerky oh well how much longer mr. Granger make it short see you ladies it's Captain peacock oh wait when you wear it oh yeah sure I have an appointment with him all right singing me mr. Grainger will see you now haha Steven uh-huh how bean Cavey since this morning I haven't changed very much don't stand on the sill underneath Steven oops sit down Thank You Alastair hey do you smoke yes indeed have a cigarette I can't offer you a drink because it said it's not allowed for a junior staff now what can I do feel well it's really very trivial Ernest but um there is a slight domestic crisis on so if it's all the same to you I'll be leaving about an hour early tonight add our hurry oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no do I take you to refusing my request it isn't just me Stephen I have to think of the whole of Drake's brother ashbey's times are very hard Gustafsson which give me yes it costs are going up and margins [ __ ] gone awesome Willem no I I'd like to help if I could steam reverie knock hey Noel will carry on with a good workout too there we have a great appreciation of you here at grace brother Steven yes mr. green drew put that cigarette out before you go on the floor you get the charm often no I I suddenly remember that it wasn't this Tuesday next Tuesday no actually I don't need it until mr. Rumbold comes back excuse me captain peacock may I go in now with pleasure mrs. Larry Papa is coming out to see you this afternoon mr. Granger good afternoon mr. Humber I'll do mr. Granger hey what's it like at the top then eh may I see both your sales books please the sales book mr. Rumbold never asked to see our sales book I am NOT mr. Rumble your sales books please Ernest may I have a word in your she'll like your no go back to your counter don't you order me back to my counter whether you go back to your counter or go upstairs for your cards is entirely up to you mr. Slocum I'll go back to my cup he hasn't heard the last of this down on your usual total mr. Humvees without your support mr. Granger it's only to be expected it is mr. Lucas tell daddy Missy figures not clear and writing bad must do better I'm sorry mr. Granger shall I take a hundred lines mr. Lucas you might be cheeky to me when I was over there but you will not be cheeky to me when I'm standing here you wouldn't think that moving from there to there could change events you know I was in the Navy for a week or two one night I went to shore wearing the captain's cap you should have heard the commotion that call did it did it fool anybody money would have done if I'd have been wearing the trousers just look him oh yes mr. Granger I wonder could I have an hour off in the morning for a hairdressing appointment and my roots need retouching I'm sorry mrs. Slocombe but not in the firm's time well it grows in the firm's time the answer is no mr. Slocum half an hour no no nope nope nope nope ha well when am I gonna get it done than your silly old goat you will have plenty of time next week this is smokin you're discharged discharged yes and the rest of you had better be on the time tomorrow morning oh there will be a few more vacancies wanna miss your slogan I'm surprised at you bein early considering your been fired I only came in early because I want a word with young mr. Griese I sees frighten you to coming in early for a change no ridiculous I have to get up early otherwise the sparrows peck at me Girl Talk anyone can ask me why I'm early alright why are you early I'm been to bed yet sign the book oh I'm glad to see that you're just on time how this morning good morning mrs. anyway can I take your coat mr. Grainger and may I compliment you on your executive Ola you may miss you sir I'll cook me won't do you any good will you keep your outdoor shoes on mr. Grainger or would you having a crawl off and find your Paris Lee good boy Ernest time I grabbed a quick cup of coffee abetters you're late in spite of my warning you are late so q I shall make an adverse report on you in your record now you all of you started very badly with me yesterday and you better pull your socks up today or the screen be super flying understand yes like boots is arriving late the the main water tank burst flooding the whole building so they called off the seminar now I've returned to resume my normal duties carry on everybody what about me Oh carry on is normal behind the counter now come on blow I been a fool I turned my back on my lifelong friend Paulo meant my hair you know passes sugar I did mean it for the best you know I would do SEC you mrs. Slocombe you know that and I wouldn't have made a report on you Stephen not after all our years of companionship I'm not being sent to Coventry Emma Coffee is bad for the heart anyway especially an MP broken heart a constant we all agree he must be Totalus but that feel so sorry sorry there are no laughs something dreadful hatched him on the way downstairs and none of us will have had the chance to say we're sorry well perhaps you have something enough I know I I'll have to make it up to it you'll have a job making that Hatter coat with a fur collar II paid for that out of his holiday money you know roots do Nate doing apologize if we have nothing to apologize for he started it we all say that we forgive him but that we're all prepared to let bygones be bygones Dada coachable I just don't grind and there's been another change of plan it seems they found a hotel in Edinburgh so that reconvening the seminar there so it's a fall as you were with mr. Granger in charge you're late you're five minutes late all of you and solid mr. Granger we were talking to mr. Romberg screen I don't want any excuses I want to see you in my office right away once and right away well don't go look so miserable I was going to offer you a treat
Channel: Kris
Views: 1,270,779
Rating: 4.6884842 out of 5
Keywords: Are, You, Being, Served, Forward, Mr, Grainger
Id: LVtLnvfPB-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2012
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