Are You Being Served Fire Practice 4

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rumble tell don't add you in nearly we're gonna make fire practice I see sir I'll tell the staff oh no no you mustn't do that we want to see how they how they behave in an emergency yeah you just stand by and take notes farewell sir when will this occur and not going to tell you why'd you just keep on your toes let allow rather for the looki fullness and time mr. Henry and the store is about to open you're not supposed to be on the floor I'm sorry captain peacock but you might a twig that none of the ladies and gentlemen dummies is wearing wigs due to an oversight from display what I am going to rectify they'll be quick or in a dent I quit if you poke your nose in in the first place don't procrastinate I should look that up any faint very polite I should probably come back and call you a very long word we need to it I would call it you yet I guess that I may come back and call you a twit I don't know right til next Daisy excuse me gents that's a bicycle bill Oh was it a good one Kiko Good Morning Joe you seem very short of staff today where is everybody yeah my drawers had gummy runners I was just easing them for him I know it sounds strange but I assure you it was perfectly in this yes bah bah coffee table ooh that is the store opening builder how are they yes sir boss are you expecting a thousand you no of course not we're the ladies no I I gave them permission to pop down to the Wiggy sales a wedgy what's that golf no no no sir shoes it's a no than a sort of them chunky platform shoe their popularity is waning hence the sale and that sir is the lift them to me I think I'm getting dirty girl do you think now cut the Frankenstein reject it's time you're behind your counters if you think you can make it I'm sorry ladies it's really out of the question for you to wear those during working hours I absolutely agree so they're totally unsuitable I don't know what you're making all the fuss about about mine for a week darling it was a kiss so I bringing them estas yeah what were you Kojak don't take it off it's my grandmother to a tee hey Arthur there's your jacket and if the sleeves are too long don't worry they'll ride up with whether they were too short no in that case I'll ride down with West need to say you haven't been out all week oh I've been out I mean I always come home alone then I mean it's the birds they just don't want to know well have you been looking but last night it was a Latin American dance class over the coop did you get your dippy general women there look like Hannah Miranda much I can remember come out Carmen Miranda she was quite a trip not come around too then come on Miranda now anyway then I went to the garden of ala disco no I don't know you can stand all those flashing light no no they got rid of all them now it's all ultraviolet do you know the last time I stood under ultraviolet light it showed up all my jockey shorts know where to look Thank You everybody else did they showed up my to cap T yeah oh just about to kiss this bird on the neck when somebody show it Dracula lives and she shot off through the fire and it's all the same there and interested in the pop groups anyway and after them a dressed up as women you can make some terrible mistake hey well then I went to the pally what it should have been all right there have you been there lately all the fellas stand around the wall like this and all the birds got the handbags in the middle of the floor and they're dancing holding hands going round in a circle you can't separate them I'll end your handbag you can join him another still staying with me she's got love I just they hadn't got very much let mr. Lucas yes mr. freeze he didn't upset anybody at the garden of valor disco what is it are you being served.the Emmy wishes to speak to chief man I am the chief man how's our race huh hello little mouse good morning yeah yeah yes thank you thank you thank you what's going on I've worked it all out when he was in the desert he put this Arab bird in the club and now he's getting his comeuppance yeah peacock it's the emir of city then daddy Darby's I shouldn't what's going on I'm a varied user the sign they're giving is that to ward off the evil I don't haven't surely I haven't got evil eye huh no harder you have evil a year scarf a miserable oh very well how's that it's my grandmother to a tee again I think you better let me deal with this is he having been in the desert I'm used to the ways of the east Sally Sally don't everyone hello Zanna may the the Sun never cease to shine upon your children your children's children and your children's children's children the Burma shams are phallic word fart phallic eachother moo-hyun and I've had the consolation he say are you mad I'm only 25 Finley honey honey honey these are some of amis wives he wishes them to wear trousers in the hurry trousers in the quarry I'd find that very confusing how many wives does he wish to trouser 72 and three on Fridays who just think about it 72 wives why only three on Friday perhaps of Roman Catholics please tell his Eminence that I'm sure we can clothe these flowers of the desert in foliage worthy of their beauty we are all your slaves this is our unworthy mr. Grainger I'm the Lully mr. Lucas and I'm the humble mr. Humphreys me wishes his wives to look like a European women can you show us models well I think we don't have models here but I can show you two typical European women mrs. Slocombe miss Brahms forward please Salam no salami if so had in a bassoon had an iron had he say what crime had the committee to be punished with these terrible things on their feet the torture is self-imposed we will talk business mr. Greene's a very wise man that jointiy creepy mrs. circus miss Brahms forward and on first show our sample of Charles mr. Gregor circles would you mind him off set before I got down here I'll get mr. Grainger oh they think it was a man the the summer worsted yeah once almost it coming up it you see close weave it keeps up the sand they've been tested at Margate excuse me asking but do they get a lot of that sort of well he say he buy one pair for head wife sir mr. Granger well what size kept a peacock oh yes the size a hot size and don't know is he mrs. Slocombe forward these will give start stop hurry up to determine what we done wrong in my country we are all believers it's not permitted that women touch women man may touch man but woman may not touch woman where did they say they came from may man touch woman of course oh well that's all right then then they kill him hardly worth a commission is it there oh there no way to take the measurements he may take the measurement I'm not even a believer ankle had origin who wake the rig is local issue locking my foot to your dolly only loser other than what it how to say waiting you may take measurement but you may not touch woman I see you man if I have a word with my friend to follow us feet turn round dear Luffy touch your toes man Lily hug them mm-hmm I must remember that one any minute now is gonna get his head chopped off fish lady be sure hungry just say the magic word shut Sicily 1818 saundra seven aren't we forgetting something what's that captain pick up we need the inside leg don't see inside leg do you mind if I have a word with my friend false move they'll turn him into an Enoch will you excuse us a minute come free hmm on your mark mr. Lucas get set Eilis go and Lee 58 our 58:29 in charge mr. Barry everything huh ice reckoning yeah winner we bargain one goat one trouser queen we do not take goats very good good give very good milk coming at you in the canteen for your complexion no God no go how does he get beautiful rug all handmade good for floor will we have our own rugs one Rock one trouser very good deal sorry no can do maybe suggest yeah will a be a little funny I should not get nothing from her any offers wife to the old one I can't I can't leave my ear now I can't believe his eyes it could be a cell phone it's not a stop please stop we cannot exchange wife for trousers she very good give much pleasure I vote Lee chipping the tank win and keep it in the recreation room yeah I've got some curtains that color fifteen peacock aren't you thank you for the stop to this we're all in good time mrs. hunter I know I'm sorry we must have money I don't we see we we cannot trade girl for trousers you traded this girl for that girl and also give us the old one with a face like a lemon Captain peacock what is he saying he's improving the offer mrs. Slocombe you know I'm sorry as I said we must have money I'd alpha loose I'm sorry limited oh stop stop stop please that one of these a hundred pound notes would be sufficient never mind the - where's my season ticket huh he was the killed somebody on the tailgate case Nucky come and everybody else mr. peacock help us with the tail I'm sorry the customers confessed Oh gather round everybody mr. Romberg would like a word well I hope this isn't going to take long mrs. X will be and I are going to the ice rink tonight I didn't know you could skate mrs. Slocombe well we haven't tried yet but we thought that if we fell down somebody's bound to pick us up I hope we're not delayed I got a friend dancing in Swan Lake oh yeah what's his name it's a she I go every night you know when she's not looking at Finch a feather out of a tail for the keepers a memento of your affection no I'm Reese stuffing a cushion attention mr. Humphreys yes I was paying attention captain beef I've got no afraid mr. Lucas was paying attention as well weren't you mr. knows who I was I was mr. outrageous I was being a judge in his I was hanging on to mr. Rumbold every word I haven't spoken yet that's why I'm hanging on well now the practice fire drill this morning was a complete shambles we can't let another day go by without doing something about it to which end we're holding an emergency refresher course captain peacock is our Far expert and he will take it thank you sir now the exits are the main staircase and the two fire stairs at the back now I'm no accountant may the lift be used in the event of anybody being overcome by fumes it is essential to understand the use of the fireman's lift just a minute you just said we couldn't use the lift these drums the fireman's lift is a method of carrying an unconscious person speaking of the unconscious where's mr. Granger mr. Grainger are you free for a fire yes I'm free what sighs attention mr. Grainger now the farmers lifted I understand it is something like this now mr. helpless would you mind being unconscious yes have I been overcome by fumes or smoke no addition of both right let me get in the mood okay thank you very much I think that's at school you know in a play I was Lady Hamilton and I fainted when I heard the dreaded news from Waterloo mr. heartless Nelson wasn't at Waterloo no but him otherwise she'd missed the Train can we get on with it I can't bear the sight of night standing at the door with the tin opener in his mouth the kitchen are you ready to selfless and to overcome to reply oh yeah well then come on your daughter's nothing what you do is this you lie down beside of the victim you grasp the right wrist in the right hand and then you roll over like so I'll be saying so captain beetle you're making a right nor suffer day I thought he was doing rather well we show you how we used to do it when I was in York generate fire service if you like with him you make sure your ass don't you let me finish mr. Harmon I was about to show them the lift from the prone position yes but I I think we should all have a go at that ah mrs. Slocombe you can be the victim I'm not getting down on the Mecca floor ah miss bronze get me a chair now what who shall we have to rescue her mr. Lucas how would you like to rescue mrs. Slocombe he's an order yes and obviously remember to relax and let your body go from the look of it she already asked him put a finger on me if is going to be cheeky do you want rescuing or not I just don't want any of your little mrs. Lucas are you ready Becky right go I'll put the chair back meeting that's right I think one thing's pretty clear from that I hope not jogo got the principle of the thing now mr. Harmon perhaps you'd like to take the next point oh thank you sir one out in actual fire our biggest enemy is smoke but we must not panic now I would like you to assume that the whole building is full of smoke and we cannot see the exits what do we do oh my mother tell her to put my mints on a low lay we get on that Anthony's on the floor and place our noses to the floor where you will find some breathable air everybody does Phil no way I can keep breathing as you late for the exits la me still smell that good there can be no question my getting down there now well in your case mr. Grainger get yourself a snorkel News outsider so gentle I do now see we remember the rudiments of birthday oh we can't out straight my back carry mrs. Slocombe and I shall strain my wrist but in your ear in the event of the victim being overcome by smoke there is a favorite method of bringing embrowned mouth-to-mouth resuscitation alias a kiss of life kissing that's it I'm going on the minute don't be too hasty now practice on the ladies but we certainly don't practice on the man I can't go on uh uh uh I mean I can't work under these conditions I'm not getting paid for this you know I mean I'm just getting ordinary overtime it yeah well it's his soaping I mean did you think I want to go around kissing this look I'll go now safe now I don't even kiss him I'm sure you mustn't take this personally it's just that we British have a natural resistance to kissing each other unless somebody scores a goal and then it's every man for himself just let me finish what I was saying we've always got Merlin we battle she's the one order farmer practice on that sounds good for you you are to join the fire brigade myrtle is a rubberized simulated lady what the farmer practice the kiss of life on youth took your clothes downtown you're gonna pick up that's typical isn't it it has to be a woman they can't have a man it's sexual discrimination you try getting 45 burly firemen to kiss effects enemy of Steve McClean now the object is to blow down here and you get enough wind and air to expand the lungs therefore bring it body life again or bringing life back into the body which ever way you blows down it now with going correctly this will be indicated by the built-in mechanism I will now give you a demonstration say very difficult are you actually who's the first time I've seen that happen I hope nobody thinks that I'm going to blow into that thing after 45 firemen anybody who uses a dummy will be issued with disposable hygienic lips these if there's a fire only a grab for kiss mrs. sloop I am going welcome please I'm sure mr. Lucas will apologize for that unnecessary remark Lucas I'm fine the boys are buffoon roll out the baboon with them lips peacock you first yeah very well sir you aren't lighting her up I'm not surprised he couldn't like me up either in the stockroom last Christmas you two going yet come on peacock puts him up up into it I'm doing my best sir that's what you said in the stockroom Oh well that didn't happen in the staff room get interesting though the same thing happens to mrs. Granger when she eats meringue no wonder she's banned from all the tea room well I think in the circumstances we'd better leave this and go on to the escape oh pretty good check well now here we have the mock-up of the emergency escape kit now in the event of all the passages becoming impossible they'll smoke we simply lowered this out the window and slide Darla's suit you don't realize how dangerous a fiery so you've got one of your own do you I'm going to have a private fire alarm fitted on my flat Oh lovely I'll keep it on the sideboard behind my Paddington Bear oh I don't need a fire alarm and the first sign of smoke my bosom rushes into the garden sits on the concrete tortoise in the middle of the goldfish bowl well Sunday I burnt me Yorkshire it was there for a whole week we returned to the matter in hand and familiarize ourselves with the escape apparatus yes oh well now all we do here is to jump into the chute now to slow down our descent you simply spread out your legs yes well we're all going to have a go at this I'm sure it's not as frightening as it looks and then after each person has been through he or she may go her bags me go first climb every mountain oh you get quite a nice view from up here are they better than the one we're getting from down here you see Evel Knievel your abacus Yocum Slocum in a death-defying diver maybe she's a little too you don't dive Donnie you sliver down it feet first didn't you just sit on the edge love all right I think at this point we should all turn the other way I'm quite agree I can't stand the sight of accidents are you ready yes yes I expect they're just testing it carry on mrs. Slocombe your feet nope without the claws on the mid-face he's supposed to come out hey how do we get her out well we're not go rabid you know use yourself edit down there a quick bite and the rabbit comes out the other end oh cool kind of a pop hands up gonna volunteer to pop in there and bake ease yourself in his bottom wait you like your tan severe your chicken mother Carrie Wow Wow good have a solo this hey listen listen what are you lot doing here get downstairs quick we're gonna file in the peace of God what about College is tangled up in this thing oh forget it come on now what are you waiting for oh it's the chief himself you
Channel: Kris
Views: 1,016,494
Rating: 4.6942492 out of 5
Keywords: Are, You, Being, Served, Fire, Practice
Id: l6FcuGYxtTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2012
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