Are You Being Served Mrs Slocombe Expects 5 1360p H 264 AAC

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Mrs Slocum’s pussy.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/WireSpy 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
member I'm a the man this morning would you mind clearing away quickly I have a very important meeting at half past eight it's twenty to nine now yes I know I can't think what's keeping them they're not usually this late yeah well it's symptomatic of the copy to die in it on me nobody touch me pride in their work ream knocked off come on Ethel well I'm glad to see that the older generation set such a good example by coming in early yeah well I like to get out of bed before mrs. arm awakes she don't look our best first thing in the morning come to figure it's you don't look short last figure well I've got the table set up for the conference okay thank you mr. Harmon yeah you sure you got the right date oh yes yes quite sure huh well perhaps they got hung up in a blizzard it's awful weather out there yes but you didn't get held up really is too bad of them I shall get very cross in a minute I can tell I can see the angry floods rising up above your collapse I shall demand an explanation yeah going you do that give it a good and strong I will I'm not gonna stand here like a lemon while they amble in one by one the Legion of the Lord now you were due here at 8:30 it is now a quarter tonight I would like an explanation as to why I have two inches of snow on my hat we've been stood standing outside in the snow for 20 minutes because some stupid twit didn't tell security we was coming in oh dear I'm afraid that was my fault yeah they're angry flush is disappearing below your collar just like somebody's just told your plugger hot coffee for everyone mr. Harlan Rock no I can't feel any of my extremities and it's unusual for me well you might helping me with my gloves Neely all right mr. Granger come here you know it's ten degrees below it's not much warmer a bath now where is mrs. Slocombe no doubt with a meeting as important as this she's got a couple of tennis records strict on her feet and she's machine or skis along the frozen Thames at this very moment laughs any sense you're still being better than an heiress Kip well Oh coffee for everybody Oh mr. Rumbold a card my momma my teeth won't stop chattering well put them in your pocket come along mrs. Logan what are you pointing at mrs. Logan well I need a van under illah but the wind blew it away mr. Slocum mr. Rumbold I'd like to know why you're late I'm a oh boy Marnie would you mind clearing away quickly I have a very important meeting at half past eight it's 20 to nine now this I know I can't think what's keeping him they're not usually this late yeah well it shoot the Madigan de Kaap you to die in it and we nobody touch any pride in their work we're not come on Ethel well I'm glad to see that the older generation set such a good example by coming in early yeah well I like to get out of bed before mrs. arm awakes she don't look her best first thing in the morning come to think of it she don't look shocked laughing well I've got the table set up for the conference sir thank you mr. Harmon yeah you sure you got the right date oh yes yes quite sure uh-huh well practical hung up in a blizzard it's awful weather out there yes but you didn't get held up really is too bad of them I shall get that across in a minute I can tell I can see the angry flush rising out above your collar title demand an explanation yeah can you do that give it a good and strong I will I'm not gonna stand here like a lemon while they amble in one by one I mean the Legion of the Lord now you were due here at 8:30 it is now a quarter tonight I would like an explanation as to why I have two inches of snow on my hat we've been stopped standing outside in the snow for 20 minutes because some stupid twit didn't tell security we was coming in oh yeah I'm afraid that was my fault yeah they're angry flush is disappearing below your collar just like somebody's just pulled your plug ah hot coffee for everyone mr. Harlan Roy yeah no I can't feel any of my extremities it's unusual will you my helping me with my gloves all right mr. Granger yeah come here you know it's 10 degrees below it's not much warmer a bath now where is mrs. Slocombe no doubt with a meeting as important as this she's got a couple of tennis rackets strapped on her feet and she's machine or skis along the frozen Thames at this very moment laughs any sense you'll still be embedded in a nice camp well Oh coffee for everybody Oh mr. Rumbold in a car my mama my teeth will stop chattering well put them in your pocket come along mrs. Logan what are you pointing at mrs. Logan well I did have an umbrella but the wind blew it away mrs. Slocombe mr. Rumbold I'd like to know why you're late well the central heating broke down an tonightly havin an old my in front of it poor little thing its tail had been hanging out of its basket all night long it was frozen solid come here mrs. Urkel oh thank you oh no I don't think I can face it I've been feeling a bit queasy these past few morning's queasy nothing serious I oh come on we've asked Adan now we are here to discuss a suggestion made by young mr. Grace at a senior sales management meeting the Captain peacock you were there and perhaps you would like to summarize the points raised I could have done that last night before we all went home that's why I thought of that but I didn't want to delay anybody due to the weather condition yes we saw you sneaking out early hoping no one would notice as I recall it young mr. grace has been reading a paper about sales psychology and he's now very keen to take advantage of the herd instinct of our customers well I haven't had any heard from my counter lately if any is that a customer is more liable to to buy something if he sees another customer doing the same thing you mean like the Freak our tree one of the gang starts the bidding to get the other mugs to join in but that's not quite how it was put what if nobody starts when they just don't stand there looking one of the assistants who is free pretends to be a customer and says complimentary things about the goods like I said one of the gang starts a pigeon assistants should employ such phrases as I wish I could afford that and by Jove that's good value for money or I must have one of those before they're all snapped up I've Satya and listen to some Duff things in my time but this is a ductus thing I've ever sat here and listened nevertheless young mr. grace is very keen on the idea so we're going to give it a try and that's what we've all had to come in early for yes well we did think it would be as well to dream up some more encouraging phrases so let's all put our thinking caps on I've left the gas on I don't think you've quite grasped the idea I'm missing one idea it's likely a dream again sir don't do that send him home to turn the gas off come along I'm sure we can think of dozens of phrases let's go along the line we'll have one from Miss Brahms start at 8:00 oh well it'll warm up the kitchen perhaps - what does that prefer mr. Grainger he's still on about the gasps damn there's none left that's very good miss Brahms Dan was none left is it that gives the assistant a chance to produce another one whatever they are mrs. Slocombe hey I've got one for mrs. Slocombe fancy them make him one of those in my size you have much more of that mr. Lucas now that's very good mrs. Slocombe yes you see gives you here urgency in case the stock should run up Captain peacock how thoughtful of grace brothers to leave the doors open so that we the customers can actually get in to buy things take your point peacock mr. Hopkins ah-choo fancy grace brothers being able to do them at that price a full range of sizes and all those lovely colors they're washable and durable and that they never wear out excellent excellent what is it I don't know but if you've got one hour mr. Lewis look at that poor handsome young assistant I bet he's fair worn out with getting up early and standing in the frozen snow I bet he hasn't had a proper breakfast except for a cup of coffee and a miserable paper cup we must all buy something from him so he could afford a proper lunch then he'll have the strength to struggle own fall exhausted into bed and get up early in the morning and start the old process all over again I'll see you in my office at 10 o'clock anyway the upshot was that I took Jose to the vet and it confirmed it so since then I've kept her in a bus if that the radiator value taught me to careful come here next to you doesn't it that's what mrs. absolutely said when you sake bench well I was sure that I went to the clinic again yesterday how I said it could be any day now it doesn't show that's why she's off her food practice because it's the first time well that does make a difference of course mmm it's a pity that with what you haven't been so careful and all know that I've got over the first shock I'm quite looking forward you say you don't know the father is well yes and no I suspect that you'd have no matter de you see I came back from the pub after a few too many and I didn't shut the door properly I see he lives with that woman in the next town is ginger isn't tea no no wonder that one he had the operation - yeah his Burmese it lives one teen it spends all day long crouched in the ruble at home either there or in the fitting room they couldn't help overhearing your conversation which is Slocombe how we write you think the congratulations are in order thank you well of course it wasn't intended that these things happening the best of families are you hoping for a boy or a girl half and half happens in the best of family I can find good homes for six but anyone whom that'll have to be drowned in a bucket it's all about I think we must face the fact that we may have got hold of the wrong end of the stick you're probably right captain peacock why does she had me worried for a minute she had me worried too especially when she mentioned the one that was ginger having the operation I must go home at once we've got a Burmese next door a Burmese cat no a Burmese bus conductor my wife's very fond a rhubarb no I'm sorry mrs. Slocombe but I cannot acquiesce to your request but suppose she has them all alone when I'm not there well can't you would employ an au pair girl or better still a no / girl I don't think that's very funny mr. Rumbold how would you like to be in a basket jammed up against the radiator in an empty flat having kittens it would be a catastrophe and I take it that you refuse me permission to give my facilities for the confinement I'm afraid there's no possibility men okay look at me keep the mission DDL looks like he just made a lot of bad joke no if he was that there might be a different story if he was having one it could reach for the pickle jar alone as far as I'm concerned three mrs. Holcomb was bronzed after the move as you'll see that uh one or two customers about it so I think it's a good idea to put mr. Greece's idea to operation go and get your coat on Scrubs I'm not wearing out my coaching the firm's time if they want me to pretend to be a customer they'll have to supply the gear quite wrecked Miss France oh very well then go into the stockroom and choose yourself something mr. Grainger I'll free yet I think I'm free on time stop as far as I know mr. Grainger are you doing some time free captain be quiet whether mr. Lucas is free or not if you'd be so kind mr. Lucas this question may come as a complete surprise as a matter of fact I am free to stir up of course mr. Lucas's free captain feedback good Captain peacock yes miss rude aye I am NOT free you can spin the pinion hey Peter from You mr. Grainger if you're free shall I take over from you mr. humphreys well that depends on Captain peacock look I am just suggesting could we try out mr. Greece's idea Oh what do you mean about one of us pretending to be a customer and conning the mugs mr. Lucas and grace brothers we do not call of the mugs well I'm game for anything that's how you got so far as nib is rubbery notice I leave you to decide it'll be the customer oh well to be fair I think we ought to take it in turn yes oh and um you don't have to weigh your own clothes no to something out of the stock room the jet stock room is dumpin excuse me ladies miss Browns ready I just called her miss bronze yeah Ms Brown you are supposed to be buying not silly haiya pellets and customers Oh Oh get your glasses off if the customers admired anything show enthusiasm posture hmm just walk about and look normal I'll show you Nick that lot darling but if you're nice to me I'll say nothing about it mr. grace can be kartli blast to wander around the store and admire the goods in Georgia first do you think Sandra I don't know is that the sort of thing mark likes well you can never tell when they're in the civil service color is very attractive I can't make up my mind mrs. Slocombe her ladyship is interested in purchasing a bra and rather likes the look of those who have on display yes big is for Nancy faction if you ask me beats me on they cannot come out for such a low price because our profit margin is little small I like him I think they're dead sexy but discretely sir oh yes yes I'll definitely take his mind off the polio I'll have to pay if you wouldn't no witty this lady was first the cash or account mister neither if that sort of woman likes them I certainly don't not exactly an unqualified success your ladyship I will be accepted No well in that case you'd like to be yes I need some gloves but I can't quite make up my mind nice what's nice sir whatever he thinks is nice I see sir I think it's nicer I'll be with you in a moment sir now gloves there we are now this is a lovely pair there's six pounds 25 did chief I'll have them I'll have a pair as well I'm afraid this is the only pair we had when I was here first sister dice boat first I'm jeanna be sorry sir this gentleman was our first I must make him have them dan I beam with each shop in the town to try and get a pair of gloves like that and now I've been built at the boat let him have them now you worried at first you must have a little I am sisters hissed and of lightly deserves and consideration well he's not getting any won't those gloves I'll shut the see awful if this is the way you treat your customers I wouldn't Dima buying a pair of doves here I did too well didn't I when I get my teeth into a roll there's no holding made danger I suggest you get back behind your counter here what was a stick for always playful sympathy my boy res mr. humphreys getting changed the facial mutilated I recognized the war Oh glad you did that I was running out of oxygen what is the reason for this masquerade I just want you to look like an average man in the street oh hey these are nice they would go lovely with this to anything say mr. Lucas we haven't got a customer yet mr. Humphreys just walk about and look normal for character were under Stanford so far this experiment has not been a rip-roaring success so I suggest you stick to one simple theme and what would that be try um oh dear I wish I could afford that okay I presume in I'm looking for a cashmere sweater please cashmere sweaters mr. Lucas exactly would that be pure cashmere sir or cashmere wool a pure cashmere piece look the customers looking for a pure cashmere sweater and what color sir a big baby yeah there were 30 pounds just feel how soft they are excuse me I couldn't help overhearing how much did you say you're 35 Oh say aren't thing surprise just a thing for this weather I wish I could afford that salty oh yeah how much are those our sook squares so these are 10 pounds each sir they are pure silk of course I wish I could afford that I'll take that as well oh I see a lot of those hats ah now these are these are 16 pounds each of course they are pure the law Oh Baloo I wish I could afford that I'll take that as well Oh will it be anything further sir I know that'll do nicely cool that is one cashmere sweater one silk scarf and one hat that is 56 pounds and the same for my friend yeah the bigot out what else is money for I'm rich I live alone perhaps you might come up to my place and have a green who I don't think I could afford words in your life you're not the last one to sign in mr. Lucas don't worry it won't happen again who's not here this is slugger and what did you expect look Vicky is not letting her bring her monkey in what's about to give birth she's probably out to stop at home we made it quite clear that she would be dismissed she would absent for such a trivial reason serves her right for meddling about the Burmese bus conductors I'll put him right in the coffee break no no she'll probably try and do a cold it's and smuggling it inside a volte doors you cannot come in here with that animal did you see that it's just given birth to a ballpoint I was a boy then now that we've concluded the practical jokes Giorgio come to the desert you really acting there we thank him you oh well I didn't just do it for that only my can't bear to be separated from him to sleep together you know and it's a turn lightness she deserves every comfort but why have you brought him here because I've smuggled the expectant mother into the goods entrance mr. Hartman's bring in a row have you got it Gus well where is it their drug party there's no chion-in so get rid of it are you not frightening her at a time like this well I mean it's over that will turn the tackle for making into a Manx where you going with that mr. Harlan to the goods lift I'm taking it to the boys in the basement I don't quit cavity before you go it's coffee that case I'll have a quick cup of coffee a very nice coffee never is oh yeah well it's bound up with sentiment well I I hear that my idea was not a great success nonsense oh no no the idea was excellent it tech just wasn't executed very well no it's not planting time already there's NSO that's opening town oh good good I just thought I'd come down and give you all a few tips on salesmanship which will be an honor sir yes all right place is different visit I used to serve you know fish mostly must be difficult taking their inside leg mr. grace it's all you can get these days now I want you all to just pretend that I'm just one of you Thank You mr. grace where the customers then sometimes one has to wait don't get a very boring it I'm allowed to smoke if you're one of us no yeah I don't think much of this job yeah Oh big leader down in a hatbox I think she started oh no don't leave the floor mr. grace is with us but it's very important mr. grace is waiting for the first arrival so am i take Hector to her she needs him at a time like this I mean was he the father 14:10 good morning madam good morning can I help you ass trousers yes I said Li this way ila I'll get our senior assistant to attempt user mr. grace are you free I'm free the customer would like some trousers oh yes good morning sell it what size para 34 oh yes what about the inside leg I've no idea I'm very use my tape mr. piece that's quite all right I've got one of my own Thank You mr. humphreys fact I did all my early trading with one just like that not a bit more spring in it I say should he be working at his age and I shall work until I drop he's dropped I I could still do it you see bully for you mr. grace excuse me sir I should come over here if I we will never make it as far oh good lord an OTT for me therefore my au pair Helga so far she's got two boys in the girl oh I'm not so sure about that they look after I nice to me well I'll tell you something else there's a lot more to come yes oh yes have you got any anesthetic I don't need an anesthetic I need to pick you it isn't for you it's for Mike you sir am I to understand that you have deliberately disobeyed instructions and brought that animal into grace brothers no Captain peacock then what is it your fitting room night pyjama keys I see miracles will never cease mrs. Slocombe your pyjama case is just giving birth to six kittens Emma said that absolutely you
Channel: Kris
Views: 1,288,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Are, You, Being, Served, Mrs, Slocombe, Expects, 5, 1360p, H, 264, AAC
Id: SrRTRxiWUx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2012
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