Are You Being Served Strong Stuff, This Insurance 7

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there are we are madam one disco fever dancing skirt and one pair of fluorescent tights oh and I wonder if I could interest you in a pair of these with bronze every pair has a different note if you lose your partner in the dark all you've got to do is shake it about and you'll find you find it in your ear that'll do miss Brahms are you being saved madam no not at the moment I'm looking for a dressing gown for my husband look mr. Goldberg are you free I'm sorry captain Pico I'm just stretching the polar for this customer may I help you better know mr. Lucas I have not called you forward now get back to your counter seven numbers I'm free I'm free this media requires a dressing gown for her what it madam had in my well is our wedding anniversary broke spree is mr. Logan it should be there Kevin we got a my senior up to assist mr. Humphreys the sound freeze wishes for your assistance he may have it do you wish for my assistance miss Robin I think would be invaluable mr. Luthor then you may have it miss robberies room this is our full range men how tall is a lucky gentleman oh is about your size he's not all that lucky than is it links you could have in mind yes we have knee-high thigh high an eye I know I like them round my ankle I suspect your husband does they look very nice I'm never quite sure what men like no it is a bit of a puzzle sometimes speaking as a man which do you think this is a rather nice one we also have some fun slogans matter which you can have embroidered on the back of any short notice thank you these are very popular with honeymoon couple the super have I did it my way anything you can do I can do better here's my husband well we've got just the one for him and we miss rappin we have little things mean a lot if you don't mind I'll think about it most certainly better just let me know when you've finished I think I'd rather decided hope you don't mind well I certainly oh you don't be too long the price may go up on Wednesday oh I hate people like that wastin my time I know we was having over such a nice Cossack till she come in I don't know about these though I don't think we'll sell many I mean what so persons gonna fire them well possibly someone was going to a dance tonight of the social club and wishes to create a stir you don't mean usually not the knife to web friends to rely upon you must go friends omits take that chair away I'm sorry captain peacock when the order to put that chair there was given me by our authority to rumble no not mr. Rumbold and I do not have to tell you to whom it was mr. harm and I will not have you speaking to me like that in front of the staff too late now they word the last time I'm instructing you to tell me who ordered you to put that chair there you'll get not let you stop are you is really not that you start by me to say when we come into power I will be the one will ask the questions and you better get some good answers ready captain hiccup not when I am at mana see mr. out that gives Mr Hammond I shall report this incident and do the matter myself captain pick up have you got bad you did that deliberately why writer I was a witness he tried to assassinate the founder of the story I can't apologize enough sir no I did was for you you only eight you asked me nicely and I would have told you these kind of pranks are very dangerous pick up yes I think a very severe reprimand sir Oh Bret regards nothing that no quite right an assassination attempt deserves a sec perhaps we should take away a privilege sir it's a very good idea yes sir remove his flour about time he was lead floured certainly sir one more mr. unrolled I must protest I paid for this flour out of my own pocket as I do every morning Captain peacock although you pay for the fly yourself it is a privilege for you to wear it on the floor I am therefore removing that privilege that's simple you've all done very well hey excuse me sir you came down here to tell them about the health scheme Health Scheme the one we worked out in the office sir shall I tell them are the latest developments oh yes you'd better I'll make message oh and we should get on my legs gone to sleep what was that mrs. snow comes tingling knickers never discos I feel they're very fond of them well now that it's out I bought a pair I use it as a burglar alarm whoo I'll shake it about it I can't hear anything neither can I do you think somebody broke in when I wasn't lovely turn to the subject of this meeting yes grace brothers have worked out a pension Borowski which will give you all a lump sum on return the amount will vary according to your age now but I can give you some examples mr. Rumbold I hope you're not going to divulge our ages in public I wouldn't be so indiscreet mrs. Slocombe but of course the younger ones will fare best now mr. Lucas and Miss Brahms will qualify the full of full amount of three thousand pounds the mr. humphreys 2100 Captain peacock is the next youngest and will receive one thousand seven hundred and mrs. Slocombe is next Oh where's her finger that oh mrs. Slocombe I wonder how much you're gonna get well there's not all that much difference between Captain peacock and myself age-wise yes captain peacock 1700 mrs. Slocombe 700 mr. Goldberg 21 pounds 52 providing a glass at the end of the week well not grace brothers are paying for this scheme providing of course who passed the medical examination which would be in two weeks time may I say this is a very generous gesture on your part I knew you'd say something pop this like that on the other hand if you don't pass the medical examination you will have to pay for the scheme your cell phone of course not take part in his talk mr. Randall May one enquire who will be the examining doctor Oh mr. Gray's his personal physician who's not only highly regarded as a diagnostician but who also happens to be homeopathic there's something to look forward to just cabbage not become a vegetarian I intend to get a clean bill of health at the medical examination and too much meat gives you blood pressure if you get through all that cabbage you'll have more pressure than you can handle some huh that you are what you eat just how long have you been eating sour grapes and ugly fruit as long as you've been eating sheeps brains and pigs ain't no no no no no argument can bring on acid indigestion and we all want to be fit for that mythical yes you're quite right captain people just think when I'm 65 I shall get three thousand quid if I'm lucky there'll be enough to buy a wheelchair a pair of crutches in it amazing how these youngster think once you're over 60 you only fit for the scrapping well I'm over 60 and I still keep going not for so long I was at my best when I was 25 I took this yoga class after two weeks Acker put my ankles behind my head and walked round on my hands I remember thinking that'll come in useful one day did it well when you're standing at the bust hot like that you soon get to the front of the queue what if you need grace brothers before you're 65 to get a refund so you think you're leaving with boobs but with any luck I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life in this dump yes you might be going to be hearing wedding bells Oh is she thinking of taking digs near the church now some people do ask girls to matter them it's not all men we're only after a quick fumble by the fire exit that's where you take her everything you say is full of innuendo and double entendre you've been watching mastermind again I suggest that we need an intensive course to get as fit as we possibly can for that medical yeah and I intend to get up early every morning and go jockey and with a bit of luck forget mrs. Goldberg at it as well I should do one finger to tell him if I what we need is to go to a gymnasium with an instruction of a proper course that could be expensive I mean some of those courses cost about 60 pounds yeah and as I'm only getting twenty one pound fifty two pence I'll be on the dead duck dancers a bit what's that gonna do with it what I want a friend who's a dancer they'd probably give us a class for next to nothing okay what sort of dancing does he do what makes you think it's not him my friends are Lady Bunny dancer I don't to be a ballet dancer you're not going to be but they do some marvelous exercises that's what gives them is the big muscle yeah I did ballet once this that keep fit to music and you have to put your leg up on the bar oh ah mrs. Logan's already trained for that how much would your Photoshop oh now that I'm a daddy door a favor once knew and asked what I showed her something that altered her whole life what was that let me put it this way she cannot get to the front of a bus Keo quick Oh straight through there take the fourth door on the right a gentleman and a bedding Department have already got their clothes off and don't waiting for you who is that that's the doctor what's doing the examining when's your turn next week it's doesn't leave as much time I doing this she's only a Pathak oh man or I miss I've got a practice bar in place I'll put a piano over there a mr. Gillespie from the music department it's gonna fly for it ah thank you hurry up class WeVideo half an hour I can't bend down to do off my shoes yes but you don't have to get someone to help you aren't you mr. Lucas I am the fairy queen and now I must retire I would away but no one's pulled my wife not fooling about mr. Luke come and do up my shoes come on mrs. Slocombe they're ready do say a word mr. Lucas I wasn't gonna say anything mrs. Slocombe I had something else on my mind actually I was just thinking it's about time Arsenal got a couple of new food banks dynomite you still wouldn't have enough to blow yourself I'm passionate Plus you I'm still convinced that we should have worn track suits as well it would have cost another eight pounds young mr. grace was reluctant to go to those lengths unless I am reluctant to go to these legs are we all gathered yes exactly mr. Humphrey oh you look divine so yeah I adore your perfume oh I uh know your aftershave oh it's all coming back you were in spa me it seems like only yesterday Oh if the principals are finished can the chorus join in take your place at the bar so Lucas this is not your bar that is your bar what's the difference this one is for management only I've been thrown out a better bars on this right everybody in fifth position what's that I know what the fifth position is I thought you might like this right everybody follow me and play and go man haha and keep your legs quite beautifully turned out and down to the floor and watch those rolling ankles very nice one and two and three and four and five and six and seven eight any goods any good right now we're going to try something a little more ambitious it's very simple it just just keep it lightened gay I'll do the lightly laybourn darling do you remember that step we did in Swan Lake oh right you well let's improvise on that then you turn up still have you darling not lately what who have we got today staff from the ladies and gentleman's Department can you get the million and they can undress behind there as usual I'm afraid the dressing gowns haven't come back from the laundry yet I'm getting that way I'll see what's happened come in please regulars where's the doctor she'll be back in a jiffy there's a cupboard there take your clothes off oh I'll go first / you're supposed to put your clothes in the cover not yourself I can't undress in the open I can do that in front of mrs. Goldberg Angela until we were married 25 years what did she say she said isn't it funny what things you see when you haven't got a gun shy no kind of sweet we're shy come along mr. Lucas get on with it when I was in the Army we had to strip off from the barracks all the time that's but that's where the expression came from barrack naked my brother goes to one of those nudist colonies nobody's allowed to wear a stitch it set the chef and he wears a metal apron when he's chopping parsley right now just take all your clothes and put them in the cupboard already now some hangers I shop in it come along now everything anything who's the trees with magic Quadra okay who say I'm nuts get behind it I'm not doing any further until you turn and face the other way I'm not turning to face the other way back in a minute where's she go he's gone to get us some hangers the alarms working chilly for the time here I wish that nurse would hurry up with the dressing gowns well if you're embarrassed we'll we'll talk about something totally unconnected with our present situation yeah sooner the better this is Goldberg he's cooking a hot pot for supper tonight it's very interesting yes well I mentioned it because I promised to buy the vegetables in the food department what you getting frozen sprouts to our attend is this where we see the doctor yes that you've not here yet I'm sure if there are not supposed to be two sexes in the same room at once why not there was two sexes in the room before we coming why are you all acting behind that screen because we've got no clothes on it's not often we get you to disadvantage Captain peacock disadvantage she hasn't look behind the screen yet shall we have a peek well we're not likely to get another opportunity do you already know where's Laura oh we're all talk when you got your trousers on but now you lose in your bottle Captain peacock I have less to lose and most of you but I don't think we should stand here and be insulted I quite agree this Chabris right squad left turn left wheel double here's the medical report for the ladies and gents Department sir they'll all be up in a moment to know the results oh and mr. Harmon will be there as well what's he want well he's got the report on your office furniture you wanted to insure it and you do have some lovely antiques here don't you sir what do you mean antiques they were all new when I first came here is everybody here okay line up you daughter Celia all of it would you mind waiting out here mr. Grayson see you in a moment or two shut up pull your skirt down well no how did you get on mister Mr Gove oh well the doctor shook her head a lot she nodded at me they never tell you nothing do they she said I was in very good shape for a man of 70 well that should have made you happy it didn't I'm 63 I think she's got something wrong with her teeth all the time she was examining me she was going well you've got nothing to worry about friends here's the golfer bubba me The Lost Tribe harmony I serve with the report you requested yeah covered that'll be our medical reports listen we shall do no such thing mr. Lucas now on the other hand if we should over here well that's another better a car for Miss spectacles you read it yes now this is the oldest the bail fabric this shortly that'll be you mr. Gowda bus I want to hear at the top see very good condition they are dry rot in the lake and the knobs going to fall off exactly big beasts well that must be you miss bras and it's certainly will be you outwardly in very good condition unfortunately it's got a screw loose the knockers aren't genuine that brings me to this one here Oh the big chest yeah once used for a lot of soldiers there was a lot of odd famous found in the drawers but once removed you could plainly see the ravages of time oh and there's rising damp in the bond we come to the proof outwardly in very good condition a bit older than it looks a bit saggy in the middle probably worth hanging on to if you're prepared to leverage stuff you
Channel: Kris
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Keywords: Are You Being Served Strong Stuff, This Insurance 7 2360p H 264 AAC
Id: -Id_Y2AY700
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2012
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