Are You Being Served Shedding the Load 6

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I must be something in there keep on trying right now my vertical has lost this long I've treated it better I'll get my other machine I missed grace mr. grates can I sit down stop another pair of tights well I mean I'll just call these on my desk and I dunno well that's incredible I'd never seen that happen before rich encouraging it is mr. grace hello Thank You mr. Rambo excuse me mr. grace here are the final figures for the month I'm afraid they're much worse than I feared but I would point out that they are commensurate with the general trend in the trade I put it down to uneasiness in the Middle East the weakening dollar plus the fact that Carter has not come to expectations it's Carter embedding Jimmy Carter he's running the USA oh yes you mean the under buy of the sportswear and accessible well if he doesn't come out to scratch you you don't have to tell him he's got the girl he's quicker stuff any better yes sir but I'm sure there's some very good reason is when I was in the fish trade we always used to say that um when the fish was bad the head went rotten furs in charge of it to her who's in charge ions are headaches lately so anyway this time I promise my mother faithfully I'd give it up altogether it's not an easy decision to make miss rambling no torture mr. Lucas anyway Ben Hur was on the television so I thought well that'll take my mind off it for four or five hours well it's just wrong twelve o'clock I couldn't contain myself any longer so I took my boxing gloves so he lost the battle than onion precisely my hand fitted straight into the sweet jar do you know within five minutes had scoffed a lot thank you so much madam anyway I was so upset that mrs. axle became with me to the police station well I couldn't have got a word out Jake must have been awful for you oh it was well mrs. axle they could see the state I was in so she went straight up to the sergeant at the desk and she said have any of your constables reported having seen this lady's [ __ ] no but he took my name and found out where I lived and they all promised that keep an eye out everybody comes your way yeah I wanna shove it down about there that's lovely yeah okay we're happy mr. Harmon I'm getting rather tired of telling you not to appear on the floor when the store is open in that case why don't you give up is that mr. Harmon yes mrs. Slocombe it's a new point of self model for ironclad Odori it is rip proof snag proof and run truth guaranteed against a raga hockey or a scramble into bramble the only times that will stand up against the ultimate test a good going-over with steel wool I've never seen anything said act in all my born days take it away mr. hammer mr. coffee display all right how about this if mrs. Slocombe does not like a display she is entitled as head of a department to diffuse it and I must say that I deplore the psyche of female figures without knickers oh you've changed your tune since the Christmas party I don't recall anything untoward happening at the Christmas party oh let's go doing the belly dance on the tabletop III didn't see that that's because you were doing an impersonation of the man in the iron mask with a wastepaper basket over your head I'll tell you the well by the way it's work by random timing mechanism so check it oh yeah I'll send my senior assistant back for the other bit Kongo you come oh well sugar I wonder if you buy I'm staying behind after we clear Oh certainly captain peacock we want to discuss falling figures you too Miss Brahms my figure has it fallen Captain peacock is referring to the trade we're doing no more specifically the trade we're not doing captain tikka I'm free at the moment mr. Humphrey shall I come over to you for you to sign my chit so will you come over here you have my permission to come over here I've just done six pairs of y-fronts on account would you mind authenticating them no certainly it's good to see mr. Humphries that you haven't lost your sales technique not when it comes to I France did you say Mr Rumble this morning's of that smile of yours should take you a long way in life coming from You captain peacock that is indeed a compliment you always look so Stern and forbidding I thought you didn't like me don't know so if I give that impression it's very hard to be close to people during working hours by the way can you work can you stay behind tonight I know Captain peacock no no my mother's some my mother's rap machines gone faulty and I promised I'd there you have to have it finished it's a very big rug I don't suppose a day and make anything about penetrating eye you won't be long on that phone mr. Brisbane old no Captain peacock no I'm sorry but I'm going to be late well due to circumstances beyond my control no love choir practice is Thursday night I'm at work but you don't have to do your rug tonight why don't you get on with your Battle of Hastings tapestry for the church oh and while you're at it vicar thought that King errol's chainmail skirt ought to be lowered about four inches well he steadies those sort of thing no no that's not where he got the arrow No no it was in his hat no what if you put it there leave it it'll just look silly five coffees and free teeth which is weights the teachers to one of the froth on top that's on account of the fact that else he cleans out the tea on on the Wednesday and she's a bit lavish with the detergent why isn't the coffee frothy well miss Wodonga does that and she uses vim by the way did free water biscuits each hey all sake that's right could they're made with real water no the Americans look by our biscuits no I didn't know that mr. Ted's why is that they say that they have more than the acceptable number of mouse hairs is they love them through a microscope you know any Finnish people he's not serious is it hey no there's all sorts of rubbish and bacteria in all the food we'd fortunately we can't see it yet you ought to look at a piece of gold or cheese through a microscope all that green stuff it is full of big bugs with lung Livia don't I've got some in the pantry my mother's alone in the house I make it visitor from outer space came unit ate our food they probably died well if it's all that team of that froth on it they wouldn't stop here anyway we're doing you know that an artist's impression of an extraterrestrial being oh it was our aboard great big pink thing it was with nowhere big googly eyes and sticky-out ears sorry to keep you waiting all right miss Rumble sir we've saved all the water biscuits for you my favorites thank ya uh I've got a favorite biscuit but I can't remember the name of it I know it's got something to do with Friday that's well after that a standing piece of information can we get on yes I'm ready well it's common knowledge that sales are seriously down and drastic measures have to be taken mr. Rumbold has had a meeting with youngster grace and he will now inform us of the result that's well I'm afraid it's more serious than we thought every economy has been carefully considered many of them will be put into effect but I'm afraid we can't avoid the one we all fear the most staff reductions this department cannot escape and I'm afraid somebody will have to go which I deeply regret is it's no exaggeration to say this is the saddest day of my life may actually be the first to say goodbye to you sir I'm on behalf of those may I thank you on behalf of all of us for all the little kindness of you showing us and I know that I speak for every one of us when we wish you every best of luck in finding yourself a new job which of course at your age will be no easy task mr. Lucas have you gone mad redundancies don't apply to executives at my level Oh in that case may I say how sorry I am so he's one of us was gonna get a tin tack I mean it does not apply to middle management admire well there has been a further meeting about that Vanessa ah I must say that he definitely does apply to middle management at your level may I be the first to say goodbye to you sir sit down where are we going to go we march as well no the worse well for some time young mr. Grace has wanted to introduce worker participation into old major policy decisions he would therefore like you the workers to decide which one of you is going to go but Oliver oh where does he work every biscuit as I said here breaking my badge will remember it boss and you it had something to do with Friday Friday night is my BOB night haven't you been listening we've got to cut down we had to do the Wardrobe we'll only about five inches nice to share mine with mrs. tips you haven't been listening if you have it the department's running at a loss and one of us he's going to get the set oh who is he last in first out I say well I was last in I may not be the first to say goodbye say thank you for all them little kindness ease which I'm sure you intended to do and would have done if you'd ever got round to doing them you're full of old-world charm today aren't you what would have I ever done to you nothing because the only time I let you take me out Masha ret add a new battery in her torch see why we need a ladies Department at all well I am the opinion that those who are nearest to retirement should leave now and not drag it out don't forget your handbag mrs. snow right very k-car so it's all coming out now is he ladies and gentlemen please please sit down as he Slocum let us preserve the niceties yeah I put in mind of the year 1912 when that gallant Explorer the late captain Scott was trapped in the frozen wastes of the Antarctic in a tent with a handful of companions the blizzard was blowing fiercely outside the temperature was 45 degrees below and the dwindling food supplies were obviously insufficient to allow them all to survive no one knew the situation better than the brave captain Oates one night he got up from his sleeping bag and said very casually just get outside for a while he never came back he had made the decision to sacrifice himself in order to save his cool his companions if that happened a day that have all eaten captain Scott oh just look at that are you all applauding for we're applauding for you mr. Ted sacrificing yourself for our jobs don't be silly I'm going to spend a penny so on second thoughts do it puts behind the story of lone John Silver who left the room for a while that when he came back they headed in the back spot well what did that mean that lots of parrots wave tell you you've had your gypsy well how are we going to decide oh you could not over here in your conversation due to the fact that I've been listening to every word and if I may say so as a fully paid out Union man who I am very experienced that such matters and when we wish to make a momentous decision like getting rid of the government we olds a secret ballot very good idea let's all write down who we think should go yeah is madness Pat and I think you should also write down the reasons for your choice that will help me when I explain to God mr. grace oh good me brother Oh when you've cast your votes put your votes in here and I'll be the stakeholder and suppose we want to vote you out you can't cook on the stakeholder no man have your votes please we're pretty difficult decision for me to make but I have such a a warm personal regard for every one of you he's a pity man got Robbie day here isn't it you know to give us a state of the parties like they do at the election oh yes last time when he said he thought that Billy Ricky was going the other way I nearly cut myself shoot bro now let's see what we've got you keep the score I would go there now the first name suggested for redundancy is mr. Lucas reason he was the last in so he should be the first out I wonder who wrote that one against mr. Lucas ah mrs. Slocombe reason because she's a crabby old car right that is written in blue pencil well against mrs. Slocombe and five to go and this brought a reason non-cooperation at the Christmas party mr. Tibbs reason past it would you savage posted without fridge certainly not mr. Thames that has minutes left in you yeah well let's press on shall we Oh Captain peacock reason he is disrespectful to mr. Rumbold behind his back for instance he holds a plate to each side of his head saying the words guess who signed your devoted servant to dick lupus is this true it's a figment of mr. Lucas's diseased imagination alright then sources well a lot ago oh this one just says don't know signed mr. Humphries still sitting on the fence in mr. Humphries it's that way you can see what's growing in both garden my calculations is a draw mr. Humphries failed to score which is unusual for you mr. Humphries be the most interesting experiment in worker participation although totally inconclusive oh not at all no my report to young mr. grace will simply say that we reached a unanimous don't know but one thing has emerged from this fakes clearly most popular person in the department is mr. Humphries nobody wanted to see the back of him that's unusual for me yes Oh talk about economic cuts this is ridiculous fancy cutting our stocking allowance well let's don't look too bad now it was a good idea of your staining them like this the look better when I put the seams in what you talking about we used to do it during the war you draw a line up the back with an eyebrow pencil the sand on that shirt and front seat keep still I can't bear crooked scenes oh yeah move what are you up to I'm just putting the finishing touch on Miss blondes with an eyebrow pencil she must have long eyebrows she's the cat's mother alright in a cat's mother must have long either they cut our clothing allowance and we're not wearing aero gear stuffing I got such low lights in the accounting part but I can't see do we did you patent where's everybody gone in menswear hello Vernon RG bar G and Rambo Joseph they always got their shirts issued free I never thought it was fair no I see you managed to hold on to your shirts then not entirely Oh Mia it's been so Dave about this children machine ah oh sorry mr. grated economy drive I'm surprised you didn't cut it into four well we tried to we we couldn't get in a pencil sharpener no Captain peacock I see you managed to hold on to your star shirt yes but I suffered defeat in in some other directions for instance I've had to submit to a Japanese hacker chief no it looks quite nice well only superficially there's no body or stiffness in the material it can't stand out to the least vibration has been very one see mr. Tibbs not since he heard that mr. pengelley from garden furniture had got the sack because his hair is going gray it makes the years drop away they assured me it was quite undetectable Hey whoopee it won't be if he took the price tag off come here you sir upstairs yes I left mr. Rumbold on the phone too young mr. grace we shall be hitting something quite soon attention everybody it was very important announcement amazing who are you I began mr. Tibbs good heavens well it's as I feared young mr. grace feels of this department could well be run with one less counter assistant well that can't apply to the ladies there's only two of us to start with well it is felt the ladies department could well be run by one person or the gentleman's by - well then always going to get that shop well ha mr. grace is most anxious that everyone should have a fair chance and should be allowed to state his case to that end on Saturday afternoon he will join us and he will look into every aspect of everyone's talent and capabilities and on that basis he will design so till Saturday afternoon when the axe will fall you shaved your moustache Fe to get a good job as Harry cecum what have you got there making a pork down in packing and there's heavy bets on who's going to do stay it because stretch me off the list because it's been decided after all that management a tri-level a stage that's messed up yards because I got you down as 50 to 100 Oh peacock non-runner par the other set Slocum experienced mayor despite wait and could stay to field even money favorite bronze silly last time out was at the Christmas party hello the food brandy five to one Ted's logging a tooth rope and wind age and weight goes against this runner 50 to one Lucas young stallion enjoys his oats but never party the filling Norway's a good finisher most Nancy the lifts go ten to one what about me I got you down as a good each-way bet some kid ah when I'm just don't withhold it may be the right shims nebulous now there's a the the first question that we have to decide is whether miss Brahms or mrs. Slocombe should go a choker purchase jobs I have to say a few words on behalf of Miss Brahms carry on mr. Lucas right thank you well he'll accuse me stand up when you address mr. Griese I'm sorry your honor me please your lordship when I go into a lady's shop and he's very nice to see a nice pretty girl behind the counter especially if she's got long sexy legs of bitchin how can you see her legs if she's behind the counter you can stow the dips in out the room thank you very much a logic and now I suggest that miss Brahms a mrs. Slocombe show us their legs and all that we can assess their merits welcome hundred one to get the set and I say away from this is Chopin I cannot have her subject to this unseemly exhibition my legs are not unseemly shut up I'm on your side then I go into a ladies shop to buy a pair of tights I am NOT interested in looking at girls and I can see a nice motherly figure we're with an understanding smart and what may I ask are you doing going into lady shops buying tights I don't know but if I did that's what I'd like to see your motherly pickup and understanding smile the question we have to decide mr. grace is this do we prefer someone with a lot of experience and a little older or someone with long sexy legs well I prepare somebody with a lot of experience and obviously I don't know about that but my legs are sexier than mrs. Slocombe and stop influencing mr. grace to light often influence before you decide so we should examine the bed I don't want to see there a sensitive eye if I might just read an extract mr. Tubbs record and be upstanding mr. dibbs mr. Tubbs has been with this firm over 40 years he was at 12 years of classroom fittings received 76 citations for selling complete marbleized bathroom Suites a 1968 received long service pen and pencil set that was a memorable day mrs. Tibbs got drunk captain in the tres brothers bones team secretary embrace brothers darts Club tireless worker for grace brothers benevolent fund for distressed salesperson 1976 after 40 years devoted service was honored by yourselves the tea party in the boardroom he said flatly boring mud you know I've heard there's been a long glittering career from now on it could be nothing more than an antique laments I realize I must step aside make room for a younger man to climb to the dizzy heights which I have occupied for so long how stupid of me to try to look younger whose own inverse I'd hoped to save up to take mrs. taps for a last holiday to a birthplace in Wales for old times sake to better realize now I'd probably shalt be able to afford it so farewell my friends my counter and my life okay let me say I'm young I'm the youngest I'll go hold out if you go because I'm going and I'm not having any argument one of these days I'll be his age mr. grace I resign and I am unanimous in that I'm going to call Rick come back mister tips now let's get one thing absolutely clear no one is allowed to resign I shall decide who's going to go oh that kids may we help you I'm free Oh God first off you know I've always wanted to do that I enjoyed that Lundy what about the economy cuts Oh they've been canceled I'm introducing a three-day week what for the store oh no no no for me boring in my office supposing something comes up wonder in the country we'll send him somebody with long sexy legs and lots of experience I think he'd do much better with an understanding smile you
Channel: Kris
Views: 2,198,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Are, You, Being, Served, Shedding, the, Load, 4360p, 264, AAC
Id: eQ_GU8UzAzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2012
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