Are You Being Served Happy Returns 1978 Special

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enter phony travel to staff as requested 8:30 precisely excellent excellent tell them all to come in I can't tell them to come in on me arm subservient if I tell him to come in I feel fracture protocol I have a blue-collar worker and day is white-collar workers they're a blue-collar worker can ask a white-collar worker on the other hand a white-collar worker can tell a blue-collar worker but if they do have to do it benefiting night she avoids got 25 what I've never liked however you do it mr. Harmon please arrange for them to come in here we've got greater pleasure why you mob here I hope you don't mind if you bring in our coffee and biscuits urn yeah but I suppose it's all right I was a junior mr. Prentice sat in this chair I said we would never have rent of it yes we all have it great respect for mr. Prentice in any case don't drop the crumbs all over the floor now I'm fine if you don't them they don't about happy it's what crumbs do when you've just done it don't bother with that now mr. Humphries ah today is a red-letter day in the grace brothers calendar all day as he are mr. Grace's birthday and you know the tradition on his way after the boardroom young mr. gray stops on every floor as the lift gates open every department carols forth its birthday greetings by singing happy birthday to you this makes young mr. Grace very happy any questions yes mr. humphreys mr. Rumbold man I was on my knees under your desk I couldn't help noticing something that indicated to me that you must have got dressed in a terrible hurry what was that only a keen eye would notice it mother was it don't keep us in suspense wish I didn't mentioned it now well what is it you've got our socks on dentists would never report on socks that's what nobody's going to notice my old socks Jupiter does they're young mr. grace intend to continue the other will honored tradition oh yes yes you will all be getting our birthday bonus so what it boils down to is that we've been called in at 8:30 to get a two-bob bit and hear the amazing news that you've got on socks on I'm not unaware the sarcastic note in your voice captain peacock but while we're on the subject of dress murder your birthday pom-pom dahlias haven't arrived yet sir what side make the arrangements personally hmm that's probably why I haven't arrived what is it I sent mr. Lucas to the florist and told you to put them on the account you exceeded your authority their peak apart in the circumstances I shall overlook it good heavens he's due here at any minute we'd better take our positions I've got the flowers get big off Oh quick gentlemen put them in your buttonholes ladies make your own arrangements Lucas are you out of your mind these are supposed to be pom-poms and these are decorative well it was either that or lilies I bought in view of mr. graces age lilies might not be very tactful if I might make the suggestion look here short back and sides thanks for doing a trick no no no is to hover that makes it look even worse at least mine won't fall out Jan be ending me knicker elastic well I certainly don't intend to accommodate man in that fashion flowers are very sensitive you know it might wilt if it found the end stuck in your navel if I might suggest a solution would it be preferable from mr. Grace's point of view if when he arrives we stand in front of the lifts holding them proudly in our hands I should give him something to remember for downing cloth where you can hear a charm yes remember today's the customary free luncheon so we must all be in the canteen no later than two minutes past 1:00 when young mr. grace will of course be serving us all personally well I hope he's quicker than he was last year and the term I got it my op thought was gold box party doesn't go on as long as it did last year I mean I miss me last bell I seem to remember I gave you a lift home yes it's why I don't want to miss me last bath every man on earth can drive steer change gear and he's still got two hands left oh well I can't stay too late the man next door is popping in every half hour to keep an eye on my laughter up past 11 his wife won't let him out party starts at 8:00 as usual which gives us time to have the last dress rehearsal of our birthday show at 5:30 quickies coming up mmm don't we start on to sing happy birthday to you have you got it yeah man the suspense is killing it's stuck never mind carry on your answer well it's not very often in 81 year old men start stuck in the lick with a 19 year old secretary course I'm alright shut the doors Oh mr. Rumbold yes sir my secretary has just seen something she's never expected to say oh really sir yes you got our top side yeah oh yeah I've written them nicely oh thank you I came top at schooling joined-up handwriting what's your best that I got an o-level in collecting dinner money snow cats in peacock we're put mr. terms up at this yeah I don't want to sit next to mr. lupus I know he pinches my bottom that's it next to mr. Lu Oh does the canteen looks spotless yes the Flies are all confused they're flying around whatever way they are waste any money do they there's a last year's flowers the note you know that the year before work how'd you know that well that's the one you used to stir your tea with when you couldn't find your pencil those lift girls or switching tables with us again this is the one with the one key lane now who's got something about to sue me I'm sorry I can't help you so I cut the cheese biscuits guaranteed indestructible cool not to mention the cheese you can tell us mr. Gracie's birthday look how nicely they've decorated the edge what do you mean decorate to the edge those are mice teeth marks there's no canteen trap oh it's disgusting you know we ought to complain we can't just free I'll tell you what we'll do we'll all right our initials on it if we get it next year will complain then yeah hey this has already got some initials on the back ear look there's a heart with an arrow through it saying mrs. Slocombe loves Captain peacock that was back in 1964 Christmas party cheese it is oh how sad the passing of the years then young fresh and tasty now old tough livery and rejected cheese has an age to well either my dogs ladies and gentlemen be upstanding young with degrees whose birthday what it is today which is why you is having the free no sister grace will now hand out the traditional birthday bonus yah 1893 mr. gray senior first presented a silver Florin to each Grateful member of his staff and the custom has continued to this very day pass them down those in those days a florid was our floor in these days of inflation it would probably be worth about 10 pounds but young mr. grace doesn't want to break with tradition hello mr. graceful my old secrets for what you are about to receive may you be truly grateful sure is it you mean for what we are about to receive may we be truly grateful now now for what you are about to receive we are lunching at the Savoy happy dear suggestion these are great yes well we don't say grace before the other suggestion is do good form today yes I don't think I'm on the great palate gruel this is a very movie occasion it was after the last loft of grace brothers girl I lost a giant graceful now as usual trouble helping to move to the arc member walty Bowl may I say I truly humbly grateful I had mr. Grayson now congratulate you sir on getting some of it in the place judgment that mr. grace one help serve the traditional gently tickle as froze fermentis 1962 Buttle by British railway and brought up with the job lot when they went over to diesel I love a third prefer the diesel we don't do it drum which grateful now removed well this is time banning I've not been able to have this bottle I put it back in the cellar I'll try again next year see you all at the party yes well I'm sure we can't have more fun than we've already had so yeah goodbye you've all done very well I'm so sorry sir or what if the noise oh now the waste the expense you wanna go give me a glass before it's all gone enter Oh customers all gone to some oh yes Oh mr. Humphrey said you'll be ready to start real food in a couple of minutes oh by the way I've got your Humpty Dumpty outfit yeah what are the other departments doing well I've sussed out what they're doing on the other floors haberdasheries doing button combos the account department are doing Indian love lyrics and bathroom fittings and do an excerpt Sangam of the wind as a PRT resistance young mr. grace had booked a professional cabaret to entertain us after we done had it open right now if you not have put this hope you already just I'll get you all ready for your Haitians you seen hurry up that's nice I learnt it remains mr. Rumbold rap on these here ah good luck with the Cabaret tonight coming up I hope mr. Humphries is right about this idea you know doing this all a ballet thing with so little time to rehearse seems to me Robert adventurous now he's in his element playing the big producer or control avoid if you go to young stage for the dance of the toys teddy bear first teddy bear toy mr. Thames are you in there of course I'm in here well you've got your head down sideways I'm looking through the ear he's a personal to the mouth I know but when I look through the bow I can't hear through the year I will find some way of getting in touch with you here then not over here that's right now little boy blue mr. Lucas it's half past six I must check all these costumes Stannis mr. Lucas why has little boy blue got a plastic maqam because little boy Blues tights are too tight and his smoke is too short in fact little boy blue is seriously contemplated on handing in his own I should be the judge of that let me have a look you've done that before now where's it'll go lattice age fall mrs. sim come what are you doing dressed as little girl Alice Age Thor you're supposed to be Miss Muffet well I couldn't get into the Miss Muffet costume what makes you think you got into little Alice need for well it's only supposed to be make-believe hmm we're going to have to stretch our imaginations up now where's Miss Muffet this spiders driving me bonkers what's wrong - sit down miss Browns Miss Muffet sits on a tuffet is about that big I'm mostly on anything that big in this skirt I've got a 12 inch puff in soft furnishings coffee they've been in the novelty Department I need a second opinion our little boy blues tights come on show Miss Brown I didn't see anything out of place these tights there's no room for anything to be out of place I take that Mac off now where's the tin soldier Captain peacock oh that is nice may I ask why mr. Lucas is wearing a plastic Rick point taken promise mr. Harmon he'll run off coming up compliments from the display department Oh would you care to get mounted Captain peacock you know I'm not at all comfortable look can you walk oh okay you chopped not without any versatile consequences mr. Harmon this is not good enough but display went to a lot of trouble with an animal pull the reins if you don't fancy that there's only one other thing Florrick bring up the alternative transport come on survivin accounted my tin soldier running around on a sheep dung we lose all sense of reality it's only one other alternative in a toy department there's a stick with a horse's head and all glory I'll step up to bring it up with you see dick will tell you where it is in the meantime practice with that there you know look absolutely splendid mr. Lucas I suppose there is a very good reason why little boy blue is wearing a plastic Mac that is mr. Rambo to the piano now we'll go from where little girl Alice age 4 wakes up into the cup that's how they trap typical services you know I'll smack your legs in a minute now let me mean let me remind you of the plot she you're a four year old little girl and you're fast asleep and along comes the fairy Prince played by me what have I got to lose as I've seen the fairy Prince comes along and scatters fairy dust don't feel mr. harm the fairy oh yeah hey RW hmm that's magic mr. Perlman don't breathe it in otherwise you get silicosis yeah then as I say now you're all toys scattered around the nursery casually you see let's go home be casual about the nursery not as casual as that mr. Lucas Captain peacock you got to Lowell law yes it like this hopefully and Teddy's sit with their arms stretched straight out I said tell you seven our arms stretched straight out Gold mr. Tex hey anybody mr. humphreys kid could I have a moment what is it mr. Graham better so it's when I sit down my egg rises up my face almost disappears but we all know it's you but I can't see the planner hang on a minute you are hard-boiled on you now then we'll take it from the fairy princess coming on music I'm not in my coming on position yet I'll just a minute just a minute just a minute what is it we're all toys in the nursery right right we don't wake up until you sprinkle the fairy dust over little a this age foria who then wakes up winds us all up right correct mr. Loomis how come the egg is already awake to play the entrance music for the fairy queen fairy Prince because the egg is not a toy I don't want to be difficult but you keep eggs in the kitchen not in the nursery he's quite right yeah well the noise from the refrigerator kept him awake so he came into the nursery to play the piano how did the egg get down off the fridge without breaking because the housemaid dropped a tea towel on the floor and being hard boiled it bounced does that satisfy you I hope it does cause the Bloods rushing to my eggs can we proceed wait music mr. Humphries are you short-sighted or something why who you been past night cot twice and I'm still waiting for the fairy dust I've got to work up to it music shares your knife we're going to shave with your mouth now we'll take it from the waking up music looking the other whip like a fairy Prince in a minute he's going to turn to a frog to keep himself out of mischief you wind a hole the toy soldier toy first hang on hang on where's his Keith we have to match him that he's got a key whoa circum he's not a 27 bus that's right lovely now show surprise and music enjoy got a very strong spring as he does he have to run down here he runs down where every spring runs down right to slope now all the rest of the toys teddy next lovely line him up and Teddy Springs tonight I think he's asleep I can hear him snoring through the air Oh give him a show your magic dust mr. Tibbs are you free now then little boy blue look at do I have to wind everybody up it's gonna take forever that's because you know what's going to happen but to the audience it's magic - sure surprise mr. Lucas your clockwork not drunk music if he's gonna muck about I'm not playing go over to Miss Muffet and wind her up that's right find away show skies oh now Little Miss Muffet dances with little boy blue music now you joined up that's very not happy we all join together for the last chorus heavens of commissionaire the professional cadres arrived there on their way up oh you won't think so when you see what they're doing they're all the same as us not exactly the same mush no all do the valley of the toys will have to do what we did last year we've only got a couple of minutes where the first turn mr. Lucas you're forgetting the fairy dust it's my show he'll be smooth sailing cos I'm turning myself in my talk to my wife time my tails step out who if baby coffee the skis in right Hoshi when will the baby make day maybe to make Christmas you I dead Oh you
Channel: Kris
Views: 779,623
Rating: 4.7456021 out of 5
Keywords: Are, You, Being, Served, Happy, Returns, 1978, Special360p, 264, AAC
Id: lMhjU1ErxdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2012
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