Are You Being Served Cold Comfort 2

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boy me shammies gone stiff cold have to keep bringing the eyes in the socket damn easy it's been turned off haven't you heard there's a fuel crisis typical they would choose a coldest morning of the year something the brisk this morning ladies what happened the heating in here it's been turned off by older whose silly idea was that it was mine but Joey said this is one of the day they've been allowed heating grace brothers fuel stock to practically nil there was a boardroom level discussion and it was agreed to make this further sacrifice in the interests of eating them out eyes were making a general announcement as sooner the rest of the staff I happen oh it's the mass changer take my body believe my jewels good morning mr. Humphrey I withdraw the offer very useful for giving out the code whatever has happened to the central heating in here my ballpoint will never function in this way oh this is like an igloo with it I think it's warmer outside morning mrs. Logan's mushrooms cook one minute late you're lucky to have me at all captain peacock I had to Psalm it will see out before morning mr. Angel good morning mr. Granger oh is the rudest man I have a clock tower um morning mr. Granger oh good morning mr. Humphries I'm so sorry that I'm late Academy God but my pipes were absolutely frozen solid whenever - Granger nice hot cup of tea Oh soon get them working mr. Lucas not here I see is just coming oh look it's Sonia Heaney I'm sorry I'm late captain peacock don't tell me you skated here mr. Lucas no no I went skating last night with a girlfriend as she got thin blood what is that to do with your being late well I had to stay the night whether to keep a circulation going a bit taters in here this morning in it well you didn't concern yourself with the heat mr. Lucas mr. Rumbold is going to make an announcement about that in a few moments oh well we've got nothing to worry about that have we the sheer excitement of an announcement by mr. Rumbold is sending the blood pounding through my temples already that's not excitement that's a hangover everyone here finally yes I gather round mr. Rumbold wishes to address you departmental staff only not cleaners ooh package huh mr. Grainger will you join us oh yes it is very Park yes yes I had put my long Underpants on this morning me he's ready to receive my joining us mr. Gregor oh yes is it yeah I tell you but I have to keep this wool in my ears otherwise the wax goes hard the wax flowing muscle perhaps you could just keep it out while I make my announcement hmm I do know the natural fuel resources of the world are in jeopardy that's about ten miles north of Mecca I used to go dancing they listened to this wisdom it took 70 million years for nature to build these resources of colon oil in the space of seventy short years man has ravished them typical of men the fact is we cannot get enough true stocks of world oil have never been in such a low ebb the situation never more desperate we should never have pulled out of series quite now where was I desperate oh yes world oil has never been at such a low ebb but and either as grace bothers cooks sauce now is law hunter dog we can to combat this critical crisis does not mean flirt to go down the mine mr. Humphries present it has been decided at boardroom level that the central heating of grace brothers will be turned off for one additional day per week starting with today couldn't we wait until the summer I know that you're all behind me to help pull this country through these are dark days but I feel sure the end of the tunnel cannot be far away before long I'm certain we shall burst forth into the light again oh when I hear words like that it makes me proud to be British thank you mr. Slocum but can't we just have a little electric fire beyond the count no certainly not electric heaters are absolutely forbidden or can we keep our coats on then no no no no no really and you must remember after all it's the same for all of us hmm so carry on and good luck gene I wish I'll put on sticker knickers the small nail no you young girls today don't wear enough clothes and how would you know I keep warm with this he the commandos used to wear them during the war you would do well to do the same what string knickers well I think it's ridiculous expecting us to fit a customer with a bra in this weather I remember as mr. Rumbold says it is the same for all of us right yellow and green must be the earth that it switches off oh all right then here we go coffee mr. rubble having trouble with your electric fire or you fire one fire that's fire it's no fun I'm just taking the plug off to make sure that no one can use it by accident never mind mr. Rumbold I won't mention the special privileges of the managerial classes while the poor old workers are out there freezing their knees on not it how would you like to invest in a bottle scotch I fell off the back of a lorry certainly not oh all right in well I'll just have to tell him out there you don't need it coz you've got your fire to keep you warm mr. Marsh yes how much I think you'll find these imitation rabbit skin gloves to your liking sir I'd better run on imitation rabbit yeah so just like the real thing aren't they mr. Lucas we don't put two pairs the same drawer together Thank You mr. Lucas oh I better take one and second is Captain peacock are you free the moment yet could I have a word desert in it uh well it's rather personal miss Brahms has just been and it's frozen over the ladies it's solid CP but what exactly do expect me to do about it well I I thought I'd ask you if um if we could use the gents it's rather urgent it's Delilah I'll have a word with there mr. Grainger you must go through the right channels unit are you free mr. Grainger yes yes I'm going freak it's like a delicate situation as there isn't it appears he's asking Granger Oh facts he telling Granger I want you to go yes I understand you have some people of course I shall have to consult my colleague mr. bears mr. Lucas I'm fee Oh we'll be sending for dr. Kissinger in a minute mr. Gradin he's telling them all now my card you used the one in the bargain basement so the public one on the sports flow no no no you know those are out about the top I think Captain peacock in view of the apparent urgency of the emergency that we could allow ladies to have access to our facilities agree I agree mr. Grainger mr. Lucas yes and may I say what a triumph for democracy I will convey your unanimous decision to the party concern well huh they've agreed there you are miss Brahms I don't want to go now why are you doing I'm warming my hands in the Kashmir it was so cold last night I had to iron the sheets before I got into bed concert of these power cuts make me wish I was married so here let's what about a cup of under-the-counter cocoa tea oh yeah we don't let peacock see well if he complains you won't get one he's one of us same pin seat he's not one we want to get a fire a Rambo he ain't one of you either the fire rumbles got a fire that does it what are you going to do cover for me you're wanted in the fitting room mr. Liu here I just go to the fitting room mr. humphreys mesh what are you doing little comfort for the troupe sir you're not allowed on this floor and after 9:30 nice hot cup of cocoa captain leave the ball I'll leave one rounder back for you I didn't hear that I said only where my congratulations on where you're bearing up under these Arctic conditions thank you getting picked off I hope you're not too cold with prams no I bought a pair of earmuffs I trust you I trust you're not contemplating wearing them in the department I already a this is well who do you allow that well I don't see how I can complain considering I wearing these a pair of mr. Granger's long job together they're from mr. Granger's Department apparently they shrank in the wash and were returned as a complaint not surprised then I said to ask you to remove them captain pickle wild horses wouldn't drag them up pretty picture indeed regulations required that you wear stockings or tights ah but it doesn't say I can't wear anything over them anyway nobody can see moving on behind the counter I'm afraid I must insist I see then I shall have to go over your head you won't find it easy in there mrs. Slocombe yes mr. Humphries it's engaged in the moment Granger's adjusting his thermal plan going sorry iceberg just a moment vente mr. Rummel I'm so sorry to disturb you but Captain peacock asked me to remove these so I said I'd ask you well you appear to have got them halfway down already where exactly are they stuck they're not stuck I just want to know and how you feel about them well to be perfectly frank they don't do anything for me they're not supposed to do anything they're supposed to be keeping me warm I see and are they yes then what's the problem do you mind if I don't take them off I would prefer it always glad to be of assistance I wonder what the problem was hold the fort with you I just wanna get a plug for this electric blanket have a nice coffee break mr. Granger yes but it's justice cold in the canteen no I don't think my thermal pad is working at all here let me warm it up for you where did you get it makes a lovely hand warmer where did you get it well mr. Lucas did a foray to the electrical department he's done is proud may I mm-hmm we'll be silly it's only me now then you better take my hot water bottle just for the time being it'll take the chill off your kidneys you shall go to the ball are you free myself it free Captain peacock good we mustn't give you customer waiting the iron no sir I fix the electric blanket no but listen you did a hundred I think you're very wise madam to buy two pairs of the woolly ones it can get very chilly up the Cairngorms can indeed thank you so much for your help well you've had a long coffee break up until I didn't have a coffee break I was too busy to out and wines and spirits for your old duck be a bolster well is it have any ask bottles apt to get old one it's on your account a whole bottle I'm gonna take a discreet nip out of a whole bottle of brandy and then two miniature tape or a chop of the in something yes pass me one of those dummy perfume bottles no no but that one at the top with a spray on now put it there mrs. Slocombe it's free if you want to go are you mean term turn I'd like to note some trousers piece one moment thank you but um please where's mr. Lucas excuse me sir he's round the bend Captain peacock Oh circulations coming back again so Lucas wake up you have a customer how about where yes hello Kearney come over here what's a pair of trousers not shirts and ties right yes hang on where's my shoes come on I'm just I'm just traveling Kenneth Eagle he won't be run sir it's a very busy day here at Lucas your customer yeah ah ah can I help you sir yes P is either I'd like a pair of trousers we got tape over here Lucas my tape yes yes I suppose I suppose the gentleman can come and stick his leg up on the counter and I could do it no I suppose I could don't worry sir he'll be with you in a minute Lucas yeah I just dropped my tape measures I'll just take your inside LexA look at your feet my feet captain Pete yes mr. Lucas ah yes well it's it's a new line you see sir continental novelty foot warmers they look like gloves quite right it's their dual purpose you see we're designed especially because of the crisis in the Middle East I don't quite see what gloves have got to do with them at least yes well it-it-it it's quite quite quite simple really do you because the oil shortage we're using more coal to make electricity and we need the electricity to boil higher electric kettles to make the art water for our water bottles to keep our feet more and you wear these novelty foot warmers you don't need a hot water bottle a few people thereby saving electricity and saving the fuel our country so desperately needs well if it's going to help the economy I'll take a path make it two paths done it was nothing Captain peacock try this one now and it has a feeling of spring about it has rather tried by Jove I needed that don't think this hides too much of my face do definitely not I'm not too sure perhaps you could show me some others a certainly madam this Oh most exotic and we all say one pair of trousers had two pairs of warmers and if your wife's don't fit we can always give you another size warmers that is not wife thank you very much idiot this shows right out of Wooley comforters what did you do in the iron have museun I've been using my electric blanket oh no mr. Granger's thermal pad what about it which under the iron but where's the iron under the hair where's the Hat on the counter are you free mr. Granger yes I'm free happy god how long have we been displaying electrical equipment and the cardinal rules again are you free mr. Humphries I'm afraid I am Miss Granger mr. Lucas is free too Thank You mr. Lucas I'm sure that you of all people can tell us how an iron came to be in the sock cabinet well that said you knew sales gimmick Captain peacock keep your toes as long as toast well what is that thermal glass of water for mr. Granger something a very serious nature Zirin I do wish you'd wait for me to say come in before you come in Captain peacock I'm sorry sir but I would not go to have a look at these all discovered by me the gentleman's outfitting I would suggest the lost property Department would be more appropriate no sir these are not lost but I would draw your attention to the fact that they are all heating devices it's hardly a startling revelation is now hot in here isn't it that's all captain peacock I am NOT a busy perhaps that if I explained it step by step it might perhaps help to clear the air I wouldn't bank on it Oh say the been in there for 10 minutes there's nobody to attend to their customers but there aren't any customers that's neither here nor there there's no way to run a store well we could always give them a hand I'm not measuring a mountain for a pair of trousers unless it was Steve McQueen their gaming grace brothers true that contrary to my instructions all these heating appliances have been used behind my back under my very nose doesn't seem possible does it suffer and I'm here to say that mr. Lucas recurred this equipment well I wasn't only thinking of myself there was mr. Humphries and mr. Grainger to consider you are party to this mr. Grainger me look certainly knock he thought I took his thermal pad just to breathe on it I'm appalled then what you going to do about it sir can you smell something in here if you'd all like to lead nod I'd like a few moments to think you dope this is odd coming over the same time sure I came off a lot of body heat must be his meticulous I think we must congratulate mr. Lucas on his timely action well I think we should congratulate mr. Rumbold on his explanation of how he put the electric fire in the drawer so that nobody could use it then accidentally switched it on by kicking his foot against the wall switch it's the most extraordinary chain of events I think in the circumstances we should close the department of the day due to the extreme cold yeah it's Isola I shall notify mr. grace of my decision how's your chat I think you will sound very well working in these cold conditions don't you good news we've had good news we're going home I've just got the heating turned on again but I thought there was no fuel left ah well you see I happen to own the Wharfside coke company how very fortunate is mr. but I thought your men were all on strike mr. grace oh yes yes that I've set the men and had the warehouse chopped up I that should keep their boilers going through that's the way to treat the workers mr. graves carry on you've all done very well I think in the circumstances we can overlook the illicit use of heating appliances back to your places everyone actually I have a confession to make I took the liberty of having a little nip of something to keep me warm reminder to drop myself Betty be my guest Stephen its secreted in the perfume display genius your mouth has there are no customers around this will put the roses back in your cheeks you
Channel: Kris
Views: 1,358,664
Rating: 4.6949353 out of 5
Keywords: Are, You, Being, Served, Cold, Comfort
Id: yznpy_YSYLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2012
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