Alien Rock Park Causes City To Collapse in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in the city of new zealand and before we get stuck into the main thrust of today's episode we're over here on our as yet unnamed prison island i will go through and get some names that will sort that out before the end of the episode and just a little change and i didn't really like the way i've set this up before with my cargo what is this thing called here simple barge harbour right here next to the ferries they were blocking each other in so i moved over to this side here it's got nice access in and out no problem at all we've got some one way in and out access there to our main shipping lanes for the ferries and the cargo barge harbors whatever they're called and it's working really well we've got oodles of tea is being brought over here and delivered which is fantastic i've just been keeping an eye on what buildings that we get here i'm going to keep both of those that one i think is already kept just some normal industry type buildings there we go just to give a bit of a look to that area and yeah and i put some of these stacks of these in the corner as well to look cool so that is what we've done also last episode if you missed it we set up this teeny tiny little forestry area over here which is working really really well it's providing everything we need to our factories which are helping us to earn if you watch the last episode oh without a paper uh it's helping us to earn a hundred thousand a week which is just nuts and i'm loving the way this side of the city looks i just think it's coming along we're going around filling in some of the gaps as we need different types of things but today we're going to be turning our attention to the alien rock that's floating here and for those who've been following along every time now that we say the rock it gets moved over here to what is going to be our rock park and we are going to sort of you know tie that in with our rock concert which is under here that's one of the dlc's a while ago i think we have our festival area that we want to pop in and we have a couple of a couple of supporting buildings as well increases ticket sales and increases advertising campaign by 20 and then we've got a fan zone park you can put somewhere else but this building here needs a reasonable amount of space because it will expand uh we are gonna buy this square there we go now that we've got to the point where we can do that which means we add a little bit of extra road network in here and i'm thinking we're going to continue down here with our monorail that would just seem like a good idea so if we grab this monorail road let's turn that off there and see if we can upgrade this without any issues yeah there we go so we're going to bring that down to there and then i'm going to continue this where are we actually going to put this park i mean you've got excellent access here you've got the rail that comes down the side but i want the monorail to be used i'm thinking here on the beach front would be you know come into this little bay here and i mean this little spot here i think is crying out for this to be added in so yeah let's continue this road down here i'm going to use this one and we're going to sort of follow our nose but leave some space so i'm going to want a station in here somewhere as well let's just continue that to the edge yeah so that'll eventually come through over here yeah not quite sure how far that's going to go but we'll see and then if we have a look at the size of our festival area okay so it's that sort of size so right on the beach here this would be a perfect spot so let's just remove all these trees there we go that's where it's going to go so we're going to want sort of a little road coming down here we're going to want a stop right in there let's have the stop over here where it's straight that bit there would be good so let's grab our monorail never remember which one that is this one here monorail station with road wait let me delete thank you very much i'm gonna pop that right there line it up excellent and then we'll just line that up there cool so that's gonna be leading to this and then we're gonna have a little road coming off of here i'm wondering whether what road should we use let's just use this one or a one-way road with grass and i want this sort of coming it's going to have some sort of car park here as well so if we go like that and then we're going to just sort of curve into there how's that going to look off the side of there and it's going to give us a little bit of extra space as well i think that's quite good if you come in here and you're seeing your your band and you've got the backdrop of the water and looking out onto the city as well i think that is a really nice little spot there excellent but then we're going to want some parking for this as well i was thinking about putting park in there but i'm thinking let's unpause the game again i'm just popping some parking in here maybe coming off of this road yeah let's do that so if we go uh car park i'm gonna use the car park road no i think it must be under parking there we go that came with the bridges and piers update um actually i'm gonna use way road with no parking actually i'm going to do that first to get into it so that'll be this one with double parking no with no parking yes because i want them to use the car park yep i know you've got no water relax and if i go in and out there is that going to be too much traffic around this area i guess we'll find out and then if we go up so how am i going to do this i want a reasonable sized car park here so i'm thinking of going up there up there but then also in the middle if i could line this up would be good it's not going to let me all right we'll do it like this and then we'll eyeball it with the move it mods we'll grab that grab that i've got proper triana key off so i don't know why all these things are appearing in the middle there we go excellent let's just remove all of those very good and then i think that's okay we just want to flatten this out as well i think would be a good idea so let's go like that h to that size there we go excellent i think all lined up with each other yeah that's good then we just flatten this piece of land on the end here so we're going to grab this brush size brush strength just go out enough that we can then use the soften terrain quick pass down there that fits in nicely right let me just fill these in okay there we go got it all filled in now of course we want to move the rock over here this is going to have to be a bit of a centerpiece and let's grab that i'm just wondering where that could go so we could have the floating rock there so as you come into the area i mean that's going to be visible for miles around isn't it you're really going to want to come and see that the unbelievable floating rock and i think this little spot here is the perfect place for that and then as we go along we can start adding in all of our other little rocks and let's do it straight down so i don't want that one that one and that one there we go and that's what we've got so far and we can build on that so every time we need to move a rock this is where they're gonna go and our rock garden for our rock concert is gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger right let me just put some water in for these lovely people there we go excellent i'm just wondering about a little bit of decoration down here so we've obviously right by the beach we've got the nice little palm trees aesthetic going on so let's find those in my list here we go yep palm trees we're going to use the prop line tool mentioning the mods i'm using because i do get people quite often saying oh what's the mod that does that unfortunately if you're on console or something like that the steam workshop is not available to you that's why dlcs are so good sometimes you get people complaining about dlcs or you can get the same thing free on the workshop what if the workshop isn't available to you then you can't get the same thing free on the workshop so like the bridges and piers that added some fantastic stuff for everybody um whatever device you were on i'm just wondering about grabbing some of these let's go trees and grab some of those copy that just gonna fill this bit in a bit here and just this bit in a little bit here and i sort of want to leave this free coming down to the beach so let's grab that and just remove these trees so we've got this beach access down here which i think is nice i know they're complaining about electricity we'll get to that okay good that's looking good um i think also what we just need around there is a fence we're just going to go for a nature reserve fence amusement park just want a small wooden fence foster friends farm fence that will be perfect [Music] there we go just so they're not crashing into the trees when they're parking excellent good good good and then we want to make it nice and easy for people to get from here to over here so let's just add some walking paths in i'm thinking let's go for a gravel path and we're going to grab that and i'm going to bring it sort of in from the end here let's just sort of follow that round to there there we go so you can walk across i don't really want to put a path along the beach we'll just sort of go with the aesthetic of the beach that we've got there so they can get off the monorail they can walk up there follow that down get into this area yeah i think that's looking okay so let's expand these houses down to over here and i've sort of curved this road around a bit sharply here so i'm just thinking do i want to sort of rebuild this or shall we now let's stick with what we've got let's stick with what we've got let's take this road here i'm thinking this sort of car park is going to give us a natural barrier and you know what i'm going to stop this road here because then it does go down into the park area anyway doesn't it into the beach area anyway i should say um let's remove that as we've not got that anymore alien rock park will return don't worry this is going to come all the way up to there and then we're going to have another area here so all of this is going to be alien rock park and we're going to put some other things over here as well that people are going to want to come and see and let's just check when our next concert is so eleven seven at 21.06 we're so well it's a year away from now we're gonna put the price up as well oh that's the security budget go on let's put it up we can afford it and we're going to put these up to max because always seems that the higher they are the more likely people are going to come over here and see it and then we're going to change the color to red what else have we got add campaign increases the popularity of all bands by one per month that's gonna nine thousand a week i mean we are wearing a hundred we're not earning a hundred thousand a week we're making a hundred thousand a week but then we're spending a heck of a lot we could probably do that to be honest let's put all this in and see how we go premium studio uh will increase the chances of a successful concert 12 000 wow so we want to level this thing up we want to go from level one to level two to level three let's see let's see if we can do that and then this is going to be called alien rock park again there we go excellent so hopefully electricity will start to uh branch across here once we fill in so that's going to be all down here like that yeah and then along here is high density yeah that's going to go right up to there we have a little see we've got some demands down here so that's going to work out perfectly that's going to go to there and we could also just expand this bit it couldn't be along the back here so let's do that yeah that will stop there got all the zoning in yep so let's just fill that one in as well so i'm just wondering whether this little part here actually what have we got so this zone goes all the way down here whether we could start to just transition this little zone here so i'm going to take this back a bit yeah let's change my mind on this so i'm going to d-zone the houses that are up here there we go we're going to put some high density i'm just going to put a couple of offices we're going to remove some of these smaller buildings yeah so we've got some offices there which do tend to block the sounds between what's going to be a noisy area so this is going to be a zone like this it's a little zone let's make sure we're not overlapping anything it's going to cause any problems so sunset heights is going to have let's have a look over here this is the one so is this going to be tourism or is it going to be leisure so they're going to be active 24 7 noise pollution attracts tourists yeah we're going to do a tourist in here because this is sort of a touristy type thing and we can also do it in this one as well but i think again let's unpause that over here we're going to sort of transition to some smaller touristy type buildings along the back there but then we're going to put some other stuff in here to attract people along why we while we think of that let's make sure our monorail line kind of continue all the way along here it's hard to see but there is one in there so i'm going to drag that stop to over here which then means we need to add a stop on that side and a stop on that side and stop yep that's it on both sides so now they can get down here and everybody's happy fantastic and then these are going to start building in as well so what else could we do oh yeah water well we're thinking of that let's add some water pipes in so what else can we do to attract people to come up here and go to our concerts and where's that water pipe there it is let's continue this one down the road there there we go excellent well definitely some services along here are gonna help but i'm thinking police services of some description would be good because obviously there's gonna be a lot of people at a concert having lots of fun so i think we're gonna squeeze in a police station and i want it sort of in this area with good access maybe right there would be good i'm also thinking again about our paths i want a path from let's see here to there there we go so they can walk around there and get in they can come through round the back here would be good there please come on you can do it there we go excellent i'll just use the movement mod to straighten that out and zoop and there we go so they can walk across here come out the other side i'm just going to put some giveaway oh that's one way in one way out isn't it there we go give way there give away if you're coming out the car parks there we go so people can come along here that's fine and then we've got there's a police station that's a firehouse that is not what i wanted there let's try that again here we go this is the one is that gonna fit in yep that's fine that's exactly what we want in there excellent and still no electricity how far along is that oh it's so close okay well let's put some other buildings in here how about something park like to attract some people over here would that be too big that could be quite nice we could fit in there the paradox plaza that's what it's called isn't it yeah there we go hopefully that will jump across electricity it will so this is all ready to go when we get to oh it's changed it's now august 8th 2106. maybe that's because the electricity kicked in so yep a year to go so i'll soon fly past there we go see all the color in the water and everything excellent so people can have access to that i feel like i want to just put this path down to here as well there we go more access more access let's pretty up this little bit here so you'll get off the monorail station and you want to see something nice and pretty [Music] and of course we've got to have rocks in here because it is alien rock park isn't it so there we go that's fantastic there we go talking of which um let us add in here a little something else we could add some water uh attractions couldn't we so we got to our parks again we've got here our floating cafe which i think would be fantastic that does need road access and where should we have that come out we could have that coming off of this little road here why not let's get a small one new road and we'll go with the one with the trees and i'm hoping if i just sort of bump that up to the end there oh is that all right it's a one-way road okay we'll use this one then which is two white let's turn our pop and tree anarchy there we go and that should yeah that'll go right there like that and then what we'll do we'll just move that with the movement mods a tiny touch let's see which way do you want that facing that is almost taken up the whole of the middle of that section do you know what i prefer it if it was over here sort of like that yeah that'd be better and then we could sort of move this road around here bend that round a bit move it shake it there we go excellent that's good let's move some of these trees out of the way very cool give them some water as well are you happy you're happy you got some water you must be yeah there we go excellent you come out here enjoy the floating cafe what else could we add around this side maybe just added a little tiny garden over here with a car part this is the tropical garden and then i'm thinking right by the car parks down here we could just add a little something something again if we use that road because i know it's going to attach to that if you go down to there that's a bit weird it's changed the end of this okay let us do this then and line this up oh there we go and we'll just move that down a bit into the water a little bit too far let's go back a bit that'll do that'll be fine and then on the end here we can add this restaurant here okay i'm going to place it down then we'll use the move it mods that's not too big there we go and it gives us access to that road there let's give them some water pipes yeah i think that's okay coming off of there excellent already got people coming down here for our restaurant and they could you could even hide the boats come and sit out here enjoy your meal and listen to the rock concert in the background that would just be fantastic wouldn't it oh and everything's building up around here lots of touristy stuff to come and see nice so we've got a lot going on in this area we've got the rock park which is only going to get fuller with rocks as time goes on we've got lots of things to visit and we've got all this touristy buildings at the back here so now it's just a waiting game we've got less than well less than six months to go until we can see this concert so i'm going to fast forward until 8th of the 8th and we shall be back and see if we can upgrade this so to level 2 oh we need 6 concerts with a band popularity at least seven oh my goodness this is gonna take a while right we're almost there let's have a look what businesses we've got 212 out of 300 already the popularity is up to 62. i think we only need to get to 70 at least so you know at some point one of these will be 70 i'm sure by the time we've had our six concerts but yeah i'm gonna just set this let's set this a little bit a little bit darker so by the time it gets to there we go look the sun is setting on a fantastic concert when it was seven days away which in this game like flies past in seconds let's zoom in for a look at this concert it's gonna start any second underneath the huge alien rock where's the band they're gonna suddenly appear out of nowhere aren't they here we go yeah they're on excellent let's have a look oh it's darth punk are they the warm up the dark punk's the warm-up band absolutely love it screenshot cool there we go everybody's enjoying themselves nice and then if you look let's stand in the crowd here wave your arms up in the air like you just don't care and there is the giant alien rock that is above the concert fantastic okay so let's check out the stats that we've got so 62 popularity which is fine almost and we've got 250 nearly 300 guests i don't know how much money this is making for us um i'm not entirely sure ticket price is about 50 times 257 you do the maths but yeah we've got a long way to go before we can get to upgrade this so maybe this is something we'll need to leave running in the background and uh yeah when we can upgrade it well keep going up in the air because of the rock behind me yeah and when we can upgrade it we will and there we go just over a month later they finished their epic concert which is absolutely fantastic plus 17 popularity change and we earned 13 grand that's not too bad and now they've gone up to 80. so there we go we have hit one of the conditions that we need now we just need to have at six concerts uh we've got two next year i'm assuming it's going to be two a year from now on so with another four uh five concerts to go you're looking at least three years aren't you yes so yeah maybe i will just run through this and we'll see what we can get i'm interested i want to get this up oh that's popularity too for three we need 18 concerts no okay we'll just let that run its course i think [Music] [Music] okay here we are in our downtown industry area i've had to put in another solar updraft tower to keep up with our expansion and our electrical needs and look what i found here yes it is a rock collection which is now going to go into our rock garden park area there we go is that all of them yep let's go let's zoom out all the way over here into alien rock park oh dear okay we're gonna have to sort of move these a few at a time have we got a concert going on at the moment we have excellent i think this oh hang on let's try that again there we go i want to turn them around a bit so what we're going to do is put them back over here and we're going to turn on prop and tree anarchy so i think that should help yeah there we go so none of them disappear we'll put those ones there what are we up to at the moment so i should have a quick look uh we are lilly leroux is playing not too bad on the visitors plenty of popularity and we are two out of six i think this will be three out of six concerts so we are getting there fantastic let me just give these rocks a home in our rock park and i'm going for the pretty random placement of these rocks here i'm expecting the more weeks whoa the more we expand and fill this map can't grab it there we go got it the more rocks are going to end up in here the more random let's try that again come on select there we go and yeah the more random this area is going to look which is good that's what we want alien rock park good for bouldering and coming to watch a concert fantastic yeah so i learned a lesson i left my city running and i never do that ever i never just leave it running and leave the room so i thought i'd go and have a long leisurely lunch leave it running and just see whether we could get this thing upgraded came back to a huge trash problem absolutely everywhere and there was a bit of a traffic back up over here whether it's cleared up so these guys weren't able to send out the trash to get rid of it uh which meant nobody has to send their trash in so yeah a bit of an issue but it has meant that now plenty of uh what year are we now 21-11 good grief we've had easily more than six although i can't see exactly in total how many so we can now upgrade there we go to the next size fantastic would it let me upgrade again eight out of 18. oh there we go that's how many we've had all together we've had eight so we're not going to get to 18 we've had a sold out concert we've got bombed banned popularity trying to roll those words into one of a hundred which is great so we're well over the 85 so we probably don't need to spend this much money and we're losing because of all the trash and we've lost a little bit of population but yeah so what we're going to do to try and help them is of course we do have our other options so if we go to over here so we have our media broadcast building which increases the effectiveness of active advertisement campaigns by 20 and we are doing the ad campaigns so now we can hold 500 and we want to get that as many people in as possible uh how big is that building that is quite large it's got a bit of a noise uh area of effect but it's also got a huge happiness area of effect and i think this area down here would be great they're all complaining about the trash at the moment but once this is all sorted i'm going to get rid of this but i think this area around here would be the perfect place what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab this road with trees all right we're going to upgrade this so this sort of went off a bit of a skew because of the pillars and stuff there which is fine i don't mind that and then i want this road to come out of here at 90 degrees like that could we hook into here somewhere got plenty of space got that part i don't want to go any closer yeah should be okay that doesn't seem 100 straight to me so let's try that again yeah there we go a little bit of space down the side there and then we're going to pop up against this here it is our media building and let's just see what the air of effect is going to cover a lot of this island so all these people down here that are not particularly happy not any parks and things going on yeah low entertainment value hopefully because they live right by your processing and all of that you know so i don't blame them let's pop that in there and i'm hoping that sort of happiness park area of effect there we go that's definitely increased down there which is fantastic and i think that just looks perfect ignore all the trash that looks perfect behind us super busy train station right by the path you can walk over the top come by the highway and see it yeah and all of that sort of good stuff uh let us put in some water pipes for these lovely people there we go and the electricity now goes across there so i don't think we need this across here anymore so it jumps across there jumps across there jumps around there yep that's fine so let's get rid of these there we go clears up a bit of land excellent accent x what it was jumping across there somewhere okay we'll connect these two up here i'll tell you what we'll do yeah i want you to leave that as it is let's just connect that up with this over here if it'll let me okay there we go we've got it hooked up that's fine good good good and then the other building that we're gonna use is the music club so increase the ticket sales of all concerts by 10 and again that's got a noise and the happiness benefit around it and i'm thinking over here would be good we could find a little spot we could squeeze this into and i'm looking at this area here if we could just pop that down the side there how big is it yeah we'd have to sort of monkey with that path a little bit let's pop that in and to me that is perfect for this area although we've got a load of houses here haven't we i didn't think of that uh how wide is that area of effect let's use the move it so it's going to go over some of these down here but i've got to be honest overall i just think they'll be fine and then we'll just pop that path back in here there we go so the path now comes here crossing over there and back around here to connect to all of this excellent so this has expanded the land out here a little bit so we just need to work on that let's grab this tool here there we go make that a little bit bigger and we're just going to smoothly smooth that out a bit and then a quick wipe across there just to finish that off yep and that looks good so excellent so hopefully now we're going to definitely 100 percent fill this up every time when is the next one third shift and the third 21 12 so a couple of months to go let's see what happens well how is it going in the city let us take a look we're up to 44 000 population which is what i think we had anyway we're in the year 2112 and we've got 2.3 million and things are growing the trash problem it's been taken care of pretty much i've had to throw a few more uh trash collection services down to try and deal with the extra but yeah we're getting back to what we were before which is fantastic this alien rock garden rock concert garden whatever we're going to call it has taken us to the brink of death in our city and back again but i think we are finally getting there so i'm looking forward to seeing this do its final upgrade at some point in the future but for now i think that's as far as we're gonna get so if you enjoyed this episode please leave a like and uh be sure to subscribe as well so you don't miss out on any more new zealand and city skylines coming your way very soon have a fantastic day i will see you soon take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 138,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines megalopolis, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, Metro Hub
Id: E_gOaIiucPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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