Why Asymmetric Roads Will Destroy Your Traffic in Cities Skylines!

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you know what that is that has cleared this up things are moving in this is clear they're sort of coming down here and sometimes stopping because there's so much going on oh my goodness but the rest of this is like a disaster zone ah [Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me before here we are in new zealand our heavily modded city skyline series thank you very much for joining me so we're going to do some expansion today i really want to get up as close to 100 000 as we can but also i've got a lot of tips that you've all been sending in in the comments which i would like to dive in and do as well we're going to do some traffic fixing lots of little things to tweak our city to make it even better we're starting off over here where in the last episode we dealt with the shortage of paper by putting in we have over here crescent woods production which is making all of this paper for us over here and hopefully coming over here yeah we are getting an excess of paper now which is great still a bit of a shortage but there's some right there so i'm sure they'll get that in a moment the other thing we're having a slight problem with was plain timber so one very quick fix over here and let's just make this zone uh it's got plenty room i think is to add a couple of these engineer wood plant which is going to help make our plane timber for us we'll just line those up there like that that'll be fine there we go plain timber and we should have storage over here for that so metals glass plastics that's where all my plastic's gone it's all over here plain timber there we go uh excellent so hopefully that will just help with that that is one little fix um also let's have a look around here we built this train station here it is this one here and i was asking for your names for this station and for this area and the top voted name from aditya chandrayaan was bentley because it looks like oh it's very similar to the uh carbon bentley on the front there so this is going to be let's put that in the beginning the bentley so it's bentley with t in the middle multi-platform train station i like that we're also going to name a zone that as well so let me just quickly pop this this is going to be a big zone this is going to come all the way down the front all the way around here there we go so in a minute it's garnet park it's going to be bentley park there we go fantastic name okay then moving on down to our t ranchella station people are saying put some more crossing in so people can get in yeah they can cross over at this little corner plots here where you've got the crossing but then if they're coming out of the park or anywhere else um there's nowhere to cross so what i'm gonna do is if i move that up to the middle like so then i want to change that node here we go we'll select that one to a crossing and to be honest that'll probably be it i don't think i need to put lights on that i think we'll be fine that one is almost in the middle actually geology is in the middle so let's grab that there we go and we'll change that to crossing very good and i'd imagine there's one around here as well yeah and then hopefully people will start using these crossings when they come out of the park and want to go over that is the idea there we go look coming over here already using the crossings excellent that is what i want to see this thing is so busy it is nuts 2000 it was 2000 last episode now it's heading up towards three thousand if i remember we'll come and check that in the end and then like these bus lines here oh this is so many people wanting i'm gonna have to go through another time and and check all the buses all the green lines the other one that's coming along here yeah we'll i'll adjust those another time but anyway that's that now we need to do a couple of little spots of traffic fixing that's 77 and i think i'll be honest we can do better than that 76 percent is dropping so one of the areas over here actually this this was a problem it's gone down a bit but there was something i wanted to fix here so um this roundabout is literally one lane all the way around this thing and it's got trees uh in the middle of it which is a little bit odd so that was probably me at some point we'll take those out i'd like to upgrade those um that's one you two lane i think that'll be enough there we go and we'll pop this on again so control shift left click okay so that's all the stuff so now we're gonna get dedicated lanes going off you can't see all the arrows everywhere no crossings there we go so that would just hopefully speed that up a bit and then when they came up here um they were sort of doing some weird haukey borky stuff up here let's grab this one yeah that one i'm going to say no lane changing it's very close and this was causing a problem look you can see them sort of slowing down for actually i'll say for no reason there's people crossing over um so i'm going to change this one and take out that crossing there because we've got this one here do you know what actually i'm taking out that one there as well because we've got a crossing here and a crossing here they just need to keep going i might just delete that piece of road there and add this back in again uh no priority yeah and hopefully not mess everything around i knew something was turned off yeah still getting that teeny tiny thing in the middle is that going to be an issue or are we just going to be able to deal with that let's take this one here yeah the nodes are getting so close to each other i think we need something in there otherwise it's just going to be weird isn't it um make the end straight that gives a bit more space let's do the same on that one make the end straight and i wanted just to make this a bit longer to give them a little bit more space in here like that that to me makes a little bit more sense and then we'll just put our dedicated turning lanes back in again and back in again yeah hopefully that's okay they're giving way they're supposed to be just going but they've all stopped why are you stopping is this guy causing you problems he's gone there we go he got a bit confused and i bet this one's got a bit confused oh that was close all right we'll see how that goes but it's sort of causing issues along here and around there also also also i want no lane switching there when you come through this node pick your lane and then just go for it and the same here as well and i much prefer that yeah these are doing that thing again where they're stopping and they don't need to which is again probably because these nodes are too close together can i stop them doing that by doing that and then they just keep going there look you can see them lane changing and i am wondering as well do you know what i'm gonna do something else could it such a busy junction we're gonna say no crossing there this road is so long down there if we just pop a little traffic light crossing in the middle um do we have a node in here we've got a node there that's almost in between these two isn't it so if we grab that one turn that into a crossing and then i'm going to add thank you very much a traffic light to that and i think that'll be okay i'm pretty sure that will just it'll only change when there's people waiting to cross i like these people here yeah let's just keep an eye on it for a second yeah so it's not that long and there's not that many people here the only problem is well i just want to stop them doing porky walking lane switching across there and just stay in your lane like you did before so that means then we haven't got these crossings here and i'm going to remove this one here because you can cross over there so i think the time we've done all of that so these side streets are okay that's just going to keep this all going and already this is clear this is clear this one coming down here is clear so the only place now we've got a little bit of an issue is this bit up here and i'll be honest again you've got questions crossings crossings everywhere i mean i could come back and put some crossings over the top you know like a crossing over the top there but you can just walk down to here to cross over and you've got these two which aren't too far away to cross over let's give you dedicated lanes you've got dedicated lanes already i think that's going to be okay for that little section yeah but this is this is a mess that i've have yeah i saw this last episode and i was going to fix it last episode and then it just disappeared and i think i've got too many junctions coming in and out in this area so they're all coming down and it's just too much let's maybe start with this one here so we've got one lane coming out of this so yeah look they're going straight over left and right they're all over the place so let me oh yeah i've just remembered something i did which was stupid in the last episode look this is one way coming out and i forced people to turn up that well i forced them to have a lane to turn up there when they don't need it that was my fault and i did it this side as well there we go i forgot this was only one way in and out um so what i'm gonna say is if you're coming out of here i don't want you to cut across i just want you to go i mean just going right would be ideal where would you then turn around you'd probably go up this one here instead which is pretty busy yeah i just don't want people crossing over that's the problem let's just give these some asymmetrical roads first of all um so i was in the right one anyway wasn't is this an asymmetrical with trees yes yeah there we go it's gonna change the whole thing yeah that's fine and then i'm just wondering actually whether if i turn off straight on and just have it left and right that actually might work okay so let's just turn this around so there's nobody coming out here they're all coming in let's just see where they're all trying to go if we grab this tool grab this road they're trying to go everywhere so let's turn off pedestrians there we go so they're coming up this way and then basically just turning left and some were going straight on so we could change the end of that to be two lanes going up there like so yeah and i think we're gonna do this one i have the two lanes coming down so we've got a dedicated on and the dedicated well right if you're coming from this way then this one here i'm going to do the same and we're going to change the way those dedicated lanes are going to like that there we go they're moving in these are coming down so again i'm thinking this one here but going actually this one here is going to be four so it's gonna have two at either end and i think as well i'm gonna stop these going over so it's left and right and that's it and then up here you've got some more dedicated lanes and then all of these are going straight over and there's a heck of a lot of people doing that we have the dedicated lanes here you've got left and right now which is good little spreading out excellent um this could do with being a four because of all the stuff that's going on this could do with its own dedicated left and right going out which is good and then we'll do that we've got dedicated lanes on the main road and dedicated lanes here give them a second to work out what's going on and they'll be fine this little short one here we're gonna make a four again because there's so much going on and i'm gonna do dedicated lanes there oh all to say quick super t [Music] tell you what you know oh so much fixing need to drink some more yorkshire tea i'll do that one there excellent so don't forget if you want the roads that i've got you need to get the vanilla plus plus pack just search for that on the workshop yeah this has got so busy around here and our roads just aren't up to it um and then also traffic managers you can see here traffic man you've got the test version or you can just use the version that's on the workshop uh either wall will be good i want this one here um yeah i'm going to do two lanes that way on that bit but two lanes the other way on this bit so i've got dedicated right and straight on it gives that nice little transition in the middle um i'm gonna do that way around so you've got straight on and right this one here is gonna be a four like so you're dedicated all over the place there this one's back to this one i'm going to put another node in the middle and i'm going to pop a node there excellent and we'll just put that as a middle there we go and then we'll get this one here now we can have the dedicated this side and that side it's not doing the transition for us but it's not doing it because i've got it set on middle bend there we go that's what i want excellent this going out here yeah definitely that in fact that could be a four because we've got nope this one these lanes and those lanes and all sorts of lanes going on uh let's give that dedicated lanes dedicated lanes we've got that already and this one here i think again a four yeah that's okay this is not too busy yeah that's gonna be a four as well because we've got the car park and that's gonna be busier that's gonna be a four because of lots of stuff going on so that one these are all okay it's just basically then getting people moving out onto the main road here and not having to stop all the time and i am wondering whether we only got this car park off of this road here which isn't going to help see they're just going to sit there forever because this is so busy but i don't want to put traffic lights we've got one two three roads all coming out within close but proximity i am wondering whether to put this just as a one-way in if we go one with trees yeah so if we go back to that that way and then if we do dedicated lanes on this that's not at all this one so now we're going to get left right and straight on you know with less people coming down there that means these might just get look these will get in and out a bit quicker and would you sort of see how it goes um i'm gonna do the same little trick again because it's so busy with pedestrians no crossing there they're all there because there's like crossing everywhere else there's like crossing over here there's so much crossing you can go there cross over there and that might just help to get this cleared up a bit so maybe let's just keep an eye on this for a minute or two and just see i mean they could just be continuing to be red because it's busy but let's just see if it doesn't queue up so much [Music] yeah you know what that is not too bad um this one here is not queuing up as far back as it was these roads aren't red anymore which is fine this one round here is still pretty busy i'm reckoning what i might do on this one is make this oh yeah look yeah we've only got one lane coming out there while it has an easy fix for this so we're gonna make this a four lane one there we go so now we've got dedicated lanes for each direction so we'll do that there and that there and now i've done that these should actually go out a lot quicker once these guys have worked out that the roads have changed hello mcfly hello anybody home we don't need that crossing there do we they can come up and go over yeah i'm gonna do the same thing again here all right look you took too long dexter you're gone let's grab that one and say no crossing there no crossing there and no crossing there they can cross here if they need if they want to cross this bit they can go up and round there we go look they're off there we go look this has all gone down now it's not backing up let's just take another overhead view yeah that little air is a bit i mean this is all gonna still be a little bit busy but it's not blocked coming in and out of them up to 80 percent oh excellent right there were another couple of little spots that i wanted to tweak is this one okay now i saw it got a bit busy yeah that's fine so let's take a look at those as well oh yes here we are back at our old industry area and yeah it is getting pretty busy here and we're getting a few little backups here and there which i think i can fix uh we have put our tray line over the top we did that quite a few episodes ago i don't want you to change lanes there or there actually we haven't got anywhere where they can change lanes we've got too many nodes hang on a sec let's just do something here we are going to this tool gonna remove that node so we've got these two nodes this one is very close to that one everyone's like freaking out oh the nodes have gone what do i do you've got nodes there and node there what i'm gonna say actually is over here i'm going to delete that you can pick your lane there that's where i'd normally prefer you to do it but not there and not there so if they know when they're coming down here whether they're going to go straight on or right so choose here then just queue up and go um [Music] so the turning right's okay they're going straight on so again let's just check i haven't put anything in there no so they could pick either of those and then they can choose whether to go straight on again or left and most are choosing left um and what have we got we've got so that's in and out so we can say no there because when they come out they can pick a lane and do what they want to do there's traffic lights here isn't there yeah i'm going to go for something a bit drastic so i'm going to make them come down to the roundabout and go in here everybody comes in this way and if they leave it's out this way and out this way and they have to turn right and then they can come down to the roundabout and come back if they wish to go somewhere else and it might just keep all of that moving i could probably also then add this back in to also go out and go right um so we're gonna do that i'm gonna pick this road and we're just going to pause or we make these changes so which way around is that going uh yeah that's going up um yeah i'm going to no i'm going to delete that and i'm going to just draw it in and connect it if you could not be deleting that would be nice connect to the node that'll be even better try that again there we go so that can connect to there and go out as well and then i'm pretty sure i don't want them turning left so right would be good and i know we've got two lanes coming out but i think that'll be fine so we're gonna do that and that yep that's good so now we need to redo these because you can't go down it we do these because you can't turn in off the main road uh so that's straight on so this is all just going to be straight on straight on straight on then they're going to come around here and in here uh this is two lanes i'm gonna change that to three lanes we've got the space excellent so that's gonna come down here and then we've got a lane for each one which is good just to make sure ping yeah and ping and ping and yeah well i've come back to those so then they can come down here they can come and they can turn around am i going to want them to cross over no so i'm going to say no crossing over it's literally straight on for everybody and i'm hoping what we're going to see then is we've still got traffic light so i don't want that let's just turn that off so we're gonna ah okay time traffic lights you are going so stop and remove and stop and remove and we haven't got any others let's just make sure there's no hawkey bulky lane switching so that one no because you can go down okay so it's that that will keep the main drag going it will hopefully as you can see get picked as another trust there's more traffic lights hopefully we'll keep people going i'm just wondering whether one lane coming out would be better um but then this isn't so busy coming along here so two lanes at least they can come out and yeah not the best lane mathematics so what we want to make sure now is that these can get round without being blocked by other people so this is one way isn't it this road yeah so this is one way in and then we've got this way out so i'm wondering whether just to remove that roundabout so all of these would then come along here and use this one or go up here this does all connect doesn't it yeah onto the highway and stuff this way i'm gonna do a test i'm just gonna delete this road so really you don't need around about here now but we're gonna do it and these are gonna just go straight on uh let's just change that so it's straight on there we go and these like don't know what to do with themselves because that's not they're coming up here and they go like nope can't go down there which means these are going to keep there another traffic light there there is it just put normal traffic lights in it did by mistake it was my fault all right let us just keep an eye on this straight bit down here to see if everybody's moving okay and whether this has made a good difference [Music] yeah i mean you know what that is that has cleared this up things are moving in this is clear i mean they're sort of coming down here and sometimes stopping because there's so much going on oh my goodness but the rest of this is like a disaster zone ah um um i think it's getting there it's just i'm wondering whether we could just make this whole thing like a one-way system so you have to come in there you have to go along and go up or go along and go up or go along and go up and then down here you can go along and go up why don't we just try that why don't we just try and make this whole thing a one-way system i'm going to take this here let's just come out of that menu so i can see what i'm doing there we go um let's just pause a minute yeah let's just see what we can do so everybody comes in and moves this direction they move that direction this is moving that direction i think that's right we're gonna let get a lot of cars just freaking out and disappearing hopefully i've done that right it's hard to see with all the cars i mean it means we've got a lot of junctions that have sort of got a lot of cars getting oh my goodness me i tell what i'm going to do is we're going to put that on fast speed and keep an eye on this for a minute or two and yes there are cars and trucks that were despawning that's not because i've got de-spawning on that's just because i've changed the road so much they're like freaking out but once this main bulk of cars has gone along the top i don't think this is going to be such a big problem [Music] yeah this is very very busy i mean this bit is clearing up a bit it's just backing up a bit i am just wondering i accidentally put despawning on no i haven't no despawning yeah it's just a change to the roads that i've done so now we just need to make sure that down here is okay so yeah they can get out of here okay pick their lane plenty of lanes there to go round come back so this is holding up a few trucks down there queuing up that's not a problem so i'm thinking that is just a matter of time to keep this going i mean i could which one of these is the busiest i mean like this one here i could i could i could i could i could make a change like like this bit here i can make it one lane but and then what i could do here is say you have to go straight on you have to go there and change this i don't think anyone will use that lane there oh they probably would use that lane they would just come and go wherever and we could do something like that just to keep them moving out because to be honest they don't need to change lane until they get down to the end here and already that's got these guys going out much quicker and what other asymmetric i like this one here this this one because it's got like the industry sort of detail on it the only other asymmetric roads we've got don't have that sort of detail so i don't really want to change that let's just pick that road and i'm going to do it on these as well so it's like half a job of lame mathematics not a full job of lame mathematics so if you're in this lane you have to stay there in that one you can only go there and then that's got parking down the side is that one lane with parking yeah that's what that other little line is okay that's fine so let's do the same clickety click see it will stop them doing that well they're not going to cross over anyway but stop them getting in each other's way into different lanes so we'll do that yeah some still aren't using that lane there yeah of course they will yeah because i'm forced them into that lane and then they're literally stuck in that lane and get in the way of the people afterwards so this one cleared out but not these um [Music] so if i do that and then what i'd have to do oh man this is like getting really silly now is do that so i'd have to force them up like that so then this is free wow another auto save already that sector every 20 minutes as it lets you in 20 minutes so then they have to go up which means this is free for them to get out and then they have to go up again which means this is free for them to get out they just go straight through either one that is fine and then they come down here and now there's loads of them all coming out oh what are they using this to turn around instead of go straight on they're not forced to stay in that lane because they can go any lane here um [Music] pick a lane if you wish they should just do that automatically so that'll probably stop them doing this which is a bit silly i'll be honest let's watch yeah look they're picking their lane and coming around here now which is better okay so that's a big influx of traffic this is such a busy area i'm just thinking better ways in and out would be good right i'm gonna leave that one running yeah i've just gone off to read some comments and just come back to look and this is looking much much better look everything's moving everything it's going smooth this is not as busy as it was i mean this is only backing up to just under the bridge if at all so yeah i'm much much happier with that how is traffic going everywhere out it's a good idea every now and again just to take a look around see what little tweaks and changes you can make to your traffic don't forget the red buildings are nothing to do with traffic that's the parking ai which we played a bit in the last episode all these cars are parked either side of the road down here what's going on there i think that's just two nodes close together always get that little red that little red thing uh this to me looks like it needs an asymmetric road coming out how did i know how did i know let's change that make sure i'm not breaking anything there we go you can now leave a bit quicker let's speed that up i'm going to add it there as well and i'm going to say no horkey bulky lane switching in the middle middle in the middle hugo there and hugo there there we go excellent and look at that they can just cue up all the way up there side to side they're getting out much quicker excellent i love little things like that i love it so this all looks okay this down here this little bit i mean it's just a teeny tiny little change look at that all i've got to do is look at it and people stop queuing up i love it oh brilliant yeah that island that's all okay um let's have a quick glance around here so this is okay they're just doing a bit of porky bulky lane switching in the middle which they don't need to do so i've told them off for doing it there and they're doing it down here so let this node pick your lane and just get on with it this is far too close let's turn that off let's just pop that to the edge there that looks better there we go this is a weird funny shape roundabout so not gonna do actually which i think will help here is with node controller we're gonna flatten that out and we're gonna make it bigger just so they can sweep around the corner a bit more what's that 13 i'm gonna do it here as well there we go moving along nicely yeah we've got a crossing down there i'm gonna remove that crossing there that's what i'm gonna do no crossing and this one here because you can cross down here and that one there because you can cross nowhere shall i pop a crossing in the middle [Music] there we go so that means we don't have to have the crossings here like this one here we don't need it either normally they get removed don't they automatically when you do the quick traffic light setup uh roundabout setup but for some reason it didn't there we go that's fine that's good okay so back over to where we've got this to launch the station nice sort of skyline going on these couple of junctions are getting a little bit busy i know that there's traffic lights on here um i'm just wondering whether because this main route is so busy whether we could do without the traffic lights here oh it's a time traffic light yeah let's remove that i'm going to stop and remove but then what i am going to do is say you give way and you give way and it just keeps the main ones going through i'm also going to say i was going to say you go there and stop changing lanes but we don't need to and we've got the same over here as well i just don't think we need it so i'm going to stop this one as well so stop and remove and you give way and you give way and i think that is just going to move fine [Music] okay so working around the island primrose t hills no traffic issues around here at all which is good and what's that with you guys why have you gone not enough workers not enough workers okay um we'll come back to that in a moment i just wanted to do something here we don't have much parking going on here and as you can see this thing is crying out for some parking could we fit new search tab system i'm going to quickly read that you can pause and read it if you wish oh i like this you go into your options turn on show search tabs and now you can have different tabs open searching for different things so i have parking in this one car parking in that one i can have i don't know something else in this one trees whatever you get the idea which is really good i like that you can just close them that is a very nice addition okay so on a little bit of parking in here um it's got to be the very small one there's that one which is the tiniest yeah i think that is probably all we're gonna be able to fit in here so i'm gonna pop that in the corner there and in the corner that's gonna double check that isn't one that's a bit bigger yeah i'm gonna use this one instead and we're going to go that way and that way there we go oh that's a different color isn't it and then we're just going to pop a little walking path down here don't mind that that looks a bit different let's grab a walking path let's use this one i can hook into there oh thank you kindly come on you can do it anarchy that in yeah we're gonna go that way and we're gonna go that way yeah that's fine so a little bit of parking there it's not a huge amount where else could we add some parking in that would look okay yeah i'm just gonna take this little bit up here right by the university as well i will go for a small to you road so this is the way you would come in anyway yeah you're coming off there yeah coming up here and we're going to go up there and remove these buildings unfortunately let's go all the way to the end and then we can make good use of this space there we go that should be good so added some more parking into this area but the traffic it'll take a while for that to kick in but the traffic is good and we're hovering around oh 80 percent if we're lucky ah and this was the other mess that i wanted to fix of course so what have we got going on here we've got our tea tree wood production and that comes all the way out the ends here and that just connects via this little row but then we've got this section under here um which has got our cargo train terminal it's got some storage it's also got road maintenance recycling center and that goes underneath and comes around here this is all a mess so what we're gonna do is we're gonna delete this one here so that no longer goes underneath thank you very much we're going to delete that one there let's come out of that view and we might sort of line these up a little bit better than they are at the moment so let's see what we can do there we go that's fine and we're going to pick this road and i want to go up and over the top here so i think what i perhaps might do i turn off road guidelines come on i'm going up oh i know i've got to do this there we go let's go across the top there and down to there and then this is going to go like so yeah there we go that's fine that can come into there so now they can come up this way and over the top and now that only connects over here to connect through here but what we can do is just change this a bit so what can we do we could have them both come up and go in through this way which means we wouldn't need that road which means we just need a connection here um and then our asymmetrical ones will be here when they come in and here when they come in and we're gonna move this one back a little bit more there we go and then we're going to go to do dedicated lanes for coming in oh auto save i will have a sip of tea this time [Music] that's the end of my tee so that's going to be quite busy for this junction here we've got two lanes going out onto three lanes on the roundabout so then what do i want to do i want to get this and i'm going to say straighten up the edges and make that bigger so they can swerve around the corner easier i'm also going to say no lane switch in there so when you come in pick the lane you want to go there's quite a few coming down here let's just check this is all set up so yeah give way straight on give way quite a few coming down there there is this could end up being or could do with being bigger so we're gonna pick this one not the one yep she got two coming in i'm gonna leave that as a one then go into two that's fine double check that's still got the give way yeah giveaway dedicated all the stuff let us grab this do the same there like that a little bit bigger there we go um what i don't want is crossing or what i don't need because it's just not going to be used is crossings here no other crossings crossings there but then we do have the bike connection that comes all the way along there what i'm going to do is change this i'm going to move that to down here let's just swing this around a bit so that's going to come down there and connect to that uh that's fine there so then what i'm going to do is have a node in the middle there there is so i'm going to use this and make that a crossing there we go and we have no lights on it we'll just let that go and then this one here i'm going to take out that crossing so it means anybody coming off the roundabout doesn't have to slow down or stop they can just keep on going off this is getting quite busy here do you know what we could do over here is have a slip lane into our forestry that would be good so grab the node that can literally come straight in there there we go so hopefully we won't get so much coming down here then we've got two splitting into three there's extra nodes going over the top anyway so let's have a look let's have a look so this is okay this is coping with it this junction's coping with it this junction's coping with it it's fine so that's all okay so the only issue is is all these people coming up here which if we click that so most are coming up to come down here the private vehicles a lot of industry are coming to go over here but they actually might start taking this one if we click on that yeah there's more now coming up there let's just make sure we're not forcing anybody on or off which i bet we are yeah look we're forcing these people off i'm going to just delete that and say you'll be fine to work it out by yourselves hopefully this won't be a huge issue coming down there let's just leave it running for a few moments and hope for the best while i go and grab another cup of tea okay i ran it for a while and it needed a couple of extra tweaks which you may or may not notice so of course we added this lane coming off in here so they can join the forestry industry from this end uh we also added another one here and it's two lanes so they can go right or this one here actually goes up there i've got that set up with some hugo there which is good um i did a similar the other side because to get here they had to come off go all the way around around about go up there all the way around over the bridge it just seemed a little bit too much so there were some trees sticking through this road here which is a little bit odd excellent there we go right yeah so now they can come off here and just sort of come around and join the fun that way and overall that is much much better what are we at 81 80 percent yeah it's flowing much better even though there's still a little bit of porky bulkiness up here i think i am happy with that right i'm also going through all of my bus stops and things like this i'm not going to show this on camera but i normally sort by passengers and then see how many people are using them and i've had to up some of these numbers because there's just so many people queueing this one here t to metropolitan and look how many people 556 over at the metropolitan station at metropolitan yeah station underneath the airport it is just nuts so that tells me at some point in the future i'm gonna have to go through and yeah i mean that's the most we can get on there [Music] i'm gonna have to go through and see where all those people are going and see what other transport options i can give to them but what i'm going to do is on my metro i'm going to up my budget to like 125 that is going to add more metro trains to all of my lines but off camera i'm going to go through them and adjust down any that i've got too many so all of that extra money is only going to give us two or three more yeah oh well i think that's something for another day so i'd like to ask for your input and where to expand to next i'm going to give you a couple of choices so we've got this island down here which we've sort of half built on over here with the strawberry district myrtle square on no problem at all shall we finish off filling up this area that is choice number one choice number two is over here by our bentley station bentley station over here shall we fill in this side and sort of get evident to meet up to where our metropolitan airport is and then option number three is a whole new area down here shall we start filling in this now what i don't want to do is fill in every single gap all the way around at least that's not the plan at the moment so leave some green spaces but this little sort of separate section here um looks quite good it's got road it's got rail all sorts of things going on so what do you reckon one two or three let me know in the comments below we ended up getting the traffic around eighty percent which i was very pleased with and if you enjoyed that impromptu traffic fix let me know in the comments below and subscribe so you don't miss our vanilla snow build video coming up tomorrow thank you very much for watching thank you for your support have a fantastic day see you soon take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 199,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines mulligan, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder gameplay
Id: nlbEAFV9Xn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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