Balance Your Industries with Barges & Expansion in Cities Skylines!

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hmm what's this that seems like an interesting underground lock oh no it's another one [Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me before thank you very much for joining me here in our modded city of new zealand today we're going to be fixing up i think we need to fix up the traffic and we're going to be fixing up our production of certain goods because we're pretty short on some of them and just look at the amount of people that are using our metro hub station this is how i imagine team chiller team touringer tv metro plaza sunken station to look like when i first put it here those oh so many episodes ago it is just humming with people let's just check exactly how many that is wow over 2 000 people per week that is nuts now that's had a knock-on effect something that we want to take a look at we just zoom out a little bit in this area there we go and then we put on our traffic view um the building's all red because of parking so we'll come back to that but in some of the roads here um there's a few sort of issues that we need to look at is actually let's turn it around this way this is the way i normally look at the area is actually not as bad as it was before what's our percentage now oh eighty percent okay and definitely hasn't reset no we've still got despawning turned off no despawning there we go so actually that's not as bad as i thought these couple of little hot spots let's just have a quick glance so we've got this situation with two nodes really close to each other with traffic lights um and these guys here could definitely do with an asymmetric road so let us pop a couple of changes in here yep let's put anarchy on there we go so now they get dedicated left and right and i'm gonna do it there as well because you've got some that are just coming down this way so if you control left click see that's a dedicated left now now we've got dedicated turns there i'm going to do control left click here to get dedicated turns here i'm also going to say no lane switching in the middle so pick on the node there's a node like right here it's too many nodes uh we're going to remove that node there we go we've got the node coming in and then we got the node over here where they're not going to be there we go changing because we just stopped them from doing that and then they can pick their node here as well if they wish and then over here now we've got dedicated turning lanes for all these directions i think i'll be honest with you that is probably dedicated turning lanes that is probably gonna fix it and i think we'll be fine if we just have a look at that it's just super busy see these aren't getting out of here very quickly is this there's no traffic lights there and they stopped quite a way back have i put giveaway signs on there i have do you know what i might just take that off and just let them go for it because it's not that busy down the main road and then i'm wondering here whether we just do that or turn those off and just let them go for it as well because there's not much coming down the main road and hopefully that will just sort of clear out so what we've got this weight in and out and we've also got this way in and out up here so it's quite a few different ways in the net but i guess if you're going in this direction westerly then this is the one you want to take isn't it um and then i think some of them probably are like crossing over to go over that you know what and now i'm talking about it's going down it's not too bad i might just pop in another one there just to give them dedicated lanes if they want to turn off and i'm also going to say you give way and just keep these ones going and i think that'll probably just solve itself to be honest now the parking situation um that is a bit bad so if you're using a traffic manager for those of you that don't know it if you go into your game options uh have a look at your traffic manager mod i'm using the one at 11.6.1 test version under gameplay you've got the advanced vehicle ai you should always turn that on i put it around sort of what's that 75 percent that one always have on but this one here the parking ai you don't need that one on but that will give you if you do have it on this thing where the buildings will look red so basically that's telling me that these buildings all these people that are visiting don't have somewhere to park nearby um so we've got a lot of big buildings here that bring people in yeah nowhere to park we do have this little place here but i think that is well it isn't enough is it from what we've seen so we need to add some parking lots in within a very near walkable distance this jumps out as a space that would be good for parking so so what we're going to do is we're going to remove those trees from in there and you've got this bit down here as well which also looks like a good spot for parking and fit one there i'll get it right up to the edge and this one's a bit smaller no so if we put parking instead of car park we'll get a couple of other options so how big is that one oh that is tiny oh just overlaps the yoga garden this one here we go and then we can pop a load of these right in there there we go perfect so that takes up that spot there and already we can see people starting to use them that's good and then this bit over here so i'm thinking i don't want them to come and park on the main road and have to sort of walk around could we bring in a road along the back here um and then put some parking on that i think that would be the best way of doing it let's get a one new road so it takes up the smallest amount of space possible it looks pretty straight to me there we go and we'll bring that all the way along just to the end there and then we've got all of this space to fill with parking and this is a good one does that go oh it goes that way round could we do that long ways down here i'm gonna sort of mix and match some of these look at that second i place it down actually let's do it this way if i turn that off there we go we can see what we're doing can i fit one more in no that's too far uh that's a big square one that could come down the end here it's got a tree built in at the end yep add a little bit of fanciness then we can go down to this small one and just have this filled with as much parking as possible not along there should we get down here as well there we go and then what we could do is just pop these are high density yeah just maybe pop these along the front no do not i'm going to take those out yeah there we go that's good oh that is a nice big parking area and let's just beautify this a tiny touch do [Music] there we go and that's already being used really well which is fantastic i don't think for a minute that that is going to cover all the parking needs for everybody here and it takes a while to sort of kick in and but what i'm thinking of is maybe trying to use another one of these somewhere it's going to end up taking out a couple of buildings but i think we might have to live with that yeah if we go there that's sort of like riverside parking which is good so how many spaces does that actually give us let's grab that again so 450 visitor capacity okay that's good that's 450 and that one is for a large road that's for a small road that is the difference which i didn't realize last time could we perhaps bring this out a bit and do a little bit of something here hmm what's this that seems like an interesting underground lock oh no it's another one ah they're taking over again here it comes it's another big floating rock for those that maybe are slightly newer to my channel we have alien rock park here it is over here where we put our previously discovered floating rocks and then any rocks that we save which um i accidentally destroyed a few rocks in a previous episode um but normally i save them and put them over here but look we have another one that we can add to alien rock park um i'm completely turned around where was i i was over here so let's grab this guy there we go and take him yep we got him take him all the way over to alien rock park there we go we're going to balance it right on the tip i think that's probably it oh my goodness me this monument is getting taller and taller and taller you can see it from all the way over here look ah it is brilliant it is brilliant okay back to uh back to what we were doing so i'm thinking of just popping in another multi-story car park over here we've got this one here which is actually quite small what's that 4x5 i've got this 13 by 12 which is a pretty big open car park or this one yeah let's go for this one here let's save you there we go and we're going to squeeze that up right to there like that yeah i think we might go with a different one it's got a bit of a broken whatever that would be called uh when you zoom out there so instead of that one we're gonna go for a couple of different ones yes excellent so we can squeeze that in behind there and i was thinking of putting one the other side as well just to sort of even it up and give us a load of space yeah that'll be good and then we can always add some high density around that uh in fact i'll tell you what i'm gonna do here is i'm also gonna add a load up the side here oops forgot to press my mouse button there we go that's fine that's good so hopefully over time we'll see a little bit of a change in our parking situation over here so let's give these lovely people some water [Music] there we go and we can see it's all getting hidden that's normally what happens with car parks isn't it you can never find them when you need them they're always hidden behind other buildings and then hopefully that's going to hold a lot of our cars so we'll come back and we'll check on a bit later already look these two were read before so they're not anymore which is good so this parking down here is definitely helping it's definitely being used look at that so that is great so actually before we move on i think we just need to add something over here we've got this one here if we could just have something central to all of these which i sort of feel like this police headquarters needs to move and what's this over here parking lot with a hedge yeah if we move that maybe will that fit sideways in there yeah that'll be perfect there and then we're going to remove that building there and i'm thinking something bigger in here so let's remove that and go for one of these is pretty big isn't it that's fine that's teeny and tiny it's not that one this one this one nope there we go that is the one i was looking for so we add that in and then i'm just wondering whether we could add a rodent over here a really small little road that goes along there like that can i do it without destroying these buildings i can i can't no darn it just wondering whether there's anything i could do about that if i bring that down to there it's going to be too small that's annoying that's what we're going to do is i'm going to bring that to there oh it messes up the flipping thing look okay disable zoning on this road like that there we go so we keep that over there and then i'm going to get move it mod and move that along to the end and then i'm going to get this and just move it up to where the building is and that's not affected the zoning excellent so that's good but then i do want zoning because i want to place a car park over there so is that going to not let me then oh i can do it this way look at that perfect yay look at that so those buildings will come back and then all we need in here is a tree of some description uh how about a nice big tall tree you can just stay out the way and then a little bit of flowers around the bottom i put on pop and tree anarchy there we go and there we go excellent excellent whoa excellent that'll be good and there's a couple little spots over here could we put something in there as well oh it's grabbing any space we can to get parking in i just think is a good idea i don't think we can go there we can that's good and we can also use these bits here where it's almost like the playground of the school isn't it but yeah and there's this spot over here as well and there will be something that will fit in here that one so let's pop that in excellent oh look we've got this little space at the end here aha perfect we can have another one of the really wide ones in there there we go very cool very cool so i think between all of that we hopefully will be taking care oh that is massive that one i should have used that one we should be taking care of all of our parking needs whoops accidentally left prop and trianna key on buffentree anarchy is still on what's going on now oh yeah there we go collision uh that one bing there we go excellent yep i think that'll do that'll be good so we'll keep an eye on these buildings here mainly it's those four these couple and then this one over here but these are okay now cool excellent right okay traffic's getting worse but we'll you know we'll deal with that so the other thing that i wanted to do is all the way over here so we've got our new factory areas there is still a problem with paper funnily enough plastics has been doing okay we've managed i think to beef that up enough that we've got lots of storage of plastics but paper is causing a problem um so if we come back round here to our forestry area here we go tea tree wood production and over here we have two uh paper producing factories so we've got the biomass pellet plants we've got one there and we've got one over here but we also now have available to us the pulp mill which will do a lot more so the biomass pellet plant will do 3 200 units per week this will do 6 000 for um so let's just pause the game and remove that we're going to upgrade it's actually the same size so that will fit it's going to face that round the other way actually onto that road as that's a straight road there we go so that will produce even more and then we're going to do the same over here we're going to take that one out and we're going to pop that in next to there so hopefully let's just have a quick look at our power yep that's all hooked up hopefully that is going to give us a big boost there we go look already up to 9000 which is fantastic so more than doubled and then this one will do the same as well yep there we go that should be good and then what i'm gonna do i'm just thinking is i'm gonna set this to empty because it's right next to where this paper is being made i want this to be low down on the list of ones that are going to actually hold paper the ones that i really want to hold paper are the ones that are over here next to our factories so that was this one so we're going to have that on field and i know that's not really you know it's not like um what's the word i'm looking for a priority where you can have this is priority one and that is priority five which would actually be fantastic um but having this one on field i think should make a bit of difference um also i just wondered on the size of that that holds 130 tons yeah that's okay so i think here that's 14 tons this one is 14 tons yeah so that should be absolutely plenty and then finally something else to help things get about uh if we remember along here we do have the barges mod so for those that haven't been watching for that long you can see that cargo is coming in and out of this sort of warehouse looking thing on the coast here and any minute now let's just speed that up there we go a barge is going to come along and the game will use these in the same way that it will use trains so if it's quicker to take a barge than it is to take a road or a train it will use that so i'd like to add one of these in let's use our pick a picker mod there we go i'd like to add one of these in over in this area here um not too close to this but not too far away and i'm thinking by i mean we should sort of plonk this factory down here but we could sort of imagine that this is an old factory area um that was round here let me just have a look yeah and just have our barges coming in and out of there first of all i'd like to just sort of straighten out this piece of land here so let us grab a flood wall a key wall yeah that's what i'm thinking and i'm just gonna put a straight piece of key wall like along there i'm going to grab some nodes stop it i want that node that node that node and that node and they're all going to be the same height as that load there we go that's fine and then back to our barges we're gonna pop that one i think sort of in the middle there why not that's perfectly fine uh and then we've got to hook this up so if i can remember correctly it's ferry pathway so let's bring this all the way around to hook up with our ferry network so this is the ship line and actually look there we go we can hook into there ah didn't we do a separate ferry let's just deconnect uh dd connect disconnect that for a moment didn't we do a separate ferry and cargo barges line i think we did so we've got this one here with the one way in and the one way out oh yeah let's do that so it's one way in on the right where are we i've lost it so it'll be one way in here and then one way out on the other side where's my one way lines this is one way yep one way for your path so if we upgrade like that yeah so that's going to go in there and then it's going to come out the end it's just going to sort of help it to turn around a bit that's going to go into there and join onto there yeah that's good let's follow this back again so where were we over here so this is the ferry route yeah and don't remember we found a wave we do anarchy it can cut across the top but not join it so this is our ferry go round which isn't it's a cargo varge go round then it comes down here then it goes up there but this one actually does connect to the ferry route doesn't it and then that's it isn't it because they come up and down there so i'm just wondering where that hmm if we come off of here branch off of here we could branch off the top use this other connection and run parallel to all of this and then connect up to there yeah i think that would be a good idea and that way we're keeping it's almost like we've got two shipping lanes we're keeping everything separate i'm gonna try and come down as straight as we can because the there we go i want to come around this way don't we oh this is getting this is getting pretty busy through here um yeah because what's going to happen the game is not going to use so i put anarchy on which it is it will just go straight over the top the game is not going to use this line if it doesn't see it as a quicker way of getting there hold on i've used the one-way ones that's okay we'll change that in a minute oh let's do that again to there and then bring it down to there yeah there we go yeah the game won't use them if it doesn't see it as a quicker way of getting there if it's still quicker to drive or quicker to go via any other means it will do that there we go excellent so we'll pop that in uh we'll see what happens what's the matter with you two down here uh building a banner because there are no customers okay i need to reset those because they're actually historical buildings that i've got they will never come back again reset objects there we go excellent yeah so that is something we're going to need to keep an eye on to see whether those items will get round there and then of course we need to hook this up i'm just sort of going for a random setup around here as if this were the rows that used to be around this sort of old abandoned factory we'll maybe do something a little bit more with that as we go along and but i just want to get this hooked up i'm thinking maybe we've got this road that goes up over the top is somehow getting hooked into this road if we can um i'm not gonna be able to get up and over both of these rails i don't think without it being a ridiculously high bridge unless we somehow hook into this um if i continued that along here uh let's go up let's see so that could go um that's going to go higher isn't it i could go like that and then that could go like that and that could go like that and sort of hook into here how about that i think that'll be okay and then we'll just upgrade that piece to a on the ground piece yeah there we go and that goes over the top that fits fine doesn't it yeah that's no problem at all and then this here could just literally butt straight into this so let's put that back on there and that should just go up whoa easier now oh yeah let's change that let's use the move it mods slide that back so we get a better slope going up yeah that's good and then i want to change that to an asymmetrical road most definitely we're going to use this one and we're going to change let's move this along there we go we're going to change that one as well and then we're going to change this one let's move that along just that end piece we've got asymmetric roads going in all directions and then yeah i want to change some of these nodes so let's use node controller we want that one there to be sloped so it stays in line with the bridge that one can be flat this one here can be sloped so that one makes sense that goes over the top that comes down yeah excellent that'll be good so that then ties this in with all of this let's get our power and our water and effort hooked up [Music] there we go and power excellent so that is now all hooked up into the system so it's going to be interesting to see whether any of the cars coming up over the top here see this as a viable option of getting stuff around our city so we might have to just come back and check on that in a bit okay so while that is humming along i'm just checking over in our other area where we've got all our factories and metals also seems to be an ongoing problem uh with these places over here so let's come down to where these are being produced which to be honest it's been so long i can't remember orlando yes there we go so what are we producing 21 tons so we should have plenty of metals coming out so these are making glass they're making glass they're making glass okay so we're making a lot of glass down here what else are we doing come on fellas we need to do oh here we go this over here so this is making our metals 8 six so i reckon let's just have a look at our storage here so we've got this one being set to empty so they go elsewhere and i think this is the only thing that's making the metal force oh we've got these two as well could we replace that well looking at where this is and we've had this discussion before when i put this one up all these people moved into this area knowing it was going to be a working community to come and work in the mines and stuff like that but i'm not sure i want to squeeze another one of these in right next to here or do i if we rejiggered this road a little bit do you know what as we've got one here i think we can make it two let us pause the game for a moment that is empty anyway so we're going to remove that we're going to remove metals metals yep they're both going that is going oh we've got a whole load of rocks that have appeared under here let's take that that that that that's not a rock we'll grab those you fellas are coming with me over to [Music] where the heck where am i alien lock part my city's getting so big i'm just completely losing track of where stuff is so you can come there and i'll sort you out another time whoa there we go jumpy jumpy and then we can just rejigger all of this what the heck are these things up in the air here look what is that i've no idea okay let's put this road back in again and we put disabled zoning on by mistake so let's do that there we go and i'm just wondering we can sort of fit this against that it's gonna be a tight squeeze okay let's change this yeah i think that is about as good as it's gonna get and actually that oh it has like overlapped here a little bit um can i use the move it mod to level that out and it not looks silly yeah i'm sure we can actually let's grab these here that one that one and that one well i have that all the same height so it's dropped it down from this road yeah i think we're gonna be okay yeah that'll be okay but then we need to do something about this road down here are you complaining about pollution i bet you are aren't you oh ground is polluted i completely forgot about that darn it so this has got an area of effect of pollution around it which is really overlapping over here these guys aren't so bothered you know i'm gonna do i'm gonna change that for some low density commercial and i think we might be okay the other thought was to sort of push this back a bit we've already got this inset into here so i don't want to mess with that yeah i think we'll just leave it like it is let's just flatten this uh land down a bit okay and then we need to do something about this rose because that looks ugly um i don't want to dip it down could i move it back a bit and maybe lessen the effect of that horrible nasty edge yeah it's not great is it could i just hide it with some of this stuff not really it's sort of clipping into there could i do something else there i mean i've seen people sort of do this thing before let's remove all of that could i put like a key wall or something along there that is not where the keyboards are kept uh in here if we could put in something like this oh yeah that would be perfect and then that would look like it's supposed to be there um let's go up to there and then let's bring that round to say there and that can be the end and that just hides it all doesn't it we've got a bit of shadow in along there but that is not too bad at all do you know what i think that's okay that's not too bad it sort of hides that effect there i know we're gonna get a lot of buildings disappearing here now because i've moved the road back well that's okay let's just make sure that that is off there and propentry anarchy is off i was thinking of making sure that a lot of these were offices i'm going to change that there that's offices anyway that one there that one there that one there just because of the extra noise and pollution that we're gonna get seeping back into this area yeah i think that'll be okay and then what are you waiting for so you're waiting for all you're waiting for or we should have not much all going on okay so maybe we could do something about that these are gathering or eleven thousand eleven thousand doesn't seem to be much activity here does there with these and these are only teeny tiny ones five thousand five thousand what else do we have i thought we had more all than that um i think a lot of it's been brought over to here yeah what other ore extractors have we got that might be able to help us with this issue yeah there we go we've got this large ore underground mine which does 12 192 and that actually dips in here and fits in quite well i'm liking that and then what we could do is just do a little bit of a little bit of this around the back uh let's go to that one let's put prop and trianaki on there we go that's what i'm looking for and just sort of hide that in there a bit so that should be taking that right there and maybe even maybe even how about this uh come on click the thing let's pop a small one in over here oh also save you could do the quick zipper t i think that one is just a little bit too big let's just make our all industry area bigger and just to see whether it would actually fit in and look okay because we've got this right over here could we just bring this out a spot i think i needed to anyway so let's do that and let's do that let's put this on do you know what i think that looks okay yeah very good very good [Music] so i wanted to make this area look a bit less manicured and a bit more overgrown so i think in just chucking a load of these down is actually having that effect that looks so much better it has a nice little green touch to it all as well but i think that looks okay it doesn't have a couple more in there so hopefully now that's going to keep up with its need to make metals we do have oh we did have a storage here didn't we um what are these ones over here all industry workers uh what have we got there metals there we go so that's going to be our buffer it's set to empty for all the metals that it's going to be making and then they're going to get sent to wherever they need to get to and of course we do have a barge harbor here and i'm wondering now whether we could hook this up to our network oh it's so far away isn't it i've completely lost where it is it's this one that goes up here so could we come through there and hook up to there and that might jump i've lost myself i'm lost i'm lost again and that might just give us an extra option yeah so i'm going to come up and we're going to go through here we're going to sneak through this thing and then i'm wondering if we can get let's go under this one over here um i'm not quite sure whether that's going to be okay if it isn't we'll come and adjust it a bit but that can now come up the side and then we're trying to hook up to this one so literally that could just come up to here like that and if it's going the other way it can sort of go like that yeah there we go let's just maneuver this a touch i think that'll be okay and you never know that might be ever so closer to get some stuff into this i think oh we've got to set this up what resources do we want over here we want paper completely forgot about that actually no we don't have to store paper in there that's right uh we'll do balanced it can still be used even without something set in there of course it can um but we'll see how that goes so what are you still struggling for paper it might be that it's just so far away that we need to set up a little paper manufacturing area over here i mean that is possible as well let's maybe just see how that goes yeah and hopefully be better what is our um average land value four to nine credits per meter squared okay just wonder what that was okay i'm going to let this run for a little bit here we go and just see how this goes okay so while we're waiting for that to kick in i've got these two little little stubs of rose that are over here which were part of this junction that came with the map and i'm wondering what to do with them i was going to use them to come over and join to this area but we've already got this sort of hooked up um we could have another road connection come through there but i'm thinking of hooking it up down here as well what have we got uh two going out and two coming in with that two going out doesn't need to be that we can upgrade that to this so that's three lanes all together so any asymmetric road will be perfectly good running down there let's have this asymmetric road with trees and if we could sort of pop that in the middle here and have that coming down here without being jumping all over the place like that let's have a look yeah that'll be good and we can hook this up let's just move that back a bit thanks for that game there we go so we're going to grab that and go into there and we're going to go that one and go into there we'll sort of curve that one but not that one and then we'll do i don't want people turning around there so we'll do that yeah there we go and now we've got uh this road thank you which can now let's turn that on which can now let's turn that on again there we go which can now come down here and i'm just wondering whether we could just sort of meander this through here around the rocks oh come on we can do it we can do it we can do it if we move the block there we go like that so that now gives a connection into there but then also we can connect it up with one of these roads under here look which would be great so if we just grab that road and we just go like that excellent so now we've got extra access coming into here and we've got extra access going over to there let's just sort these power cables out there we go that's good and people can start using this now which will be great and somebody is already there we go they're deciding to come down here and get out onto the highway oh very cool very cool how much more do we need to make this get up to level five uh entertainment value 1194 so it's just just people all we need is more people in there oh brilliant there we go they're off excellent well let's just set this up uh you don't have to stop you don't have to stop you can keep going and then yeah you can get on the highway nice yeah do you know what i think that's so far away the production of that that we are going to put in a little tree production scent oh look we've got one going out what's he taking where's he going what are you doing transporting cargo to simple barge harbor all the way over here oh on the island here nice excellent oh that is so good so obviously there is some connection that they're happy to do which is absolutely brilliant i'm so pleased let's follow this guy [Music] look at that i love you can see our huge stack of alien stones over there in the park ah looking absolutely majestic [Music] this guy has really taken a long way round i'm wondering whether there is a way that we can shorten the view of you shorten the route between them we're coming up to our ferry about i like the way he stopped to give way that's fantastic there we go so he's now going to come up and go this way up to there uh i can't see the route that way i'm just wondering whether i could just add in a better connection so he's coming up where is he coming up here and then coming up there and then going into here which is this section if we could just connect over here um which comes down here hang on a sec where does that one go oh that's the one that goes underneath there isn't it yes if we come off here um where this comes down and bring it sort of along there and connect into there because then you can go in there go around and in we might actually find that works a little bit better but anyway yes that was our first one that went out there i feel like yeah we do need to make some paper producing uh factories over here and this space is just perfect for it if we just sort of fill this up with some trees we've got sort of like a tree line that's along here anyway and we can maybe make a little bit of use of that oh god let's just fill all of this in and let's just use these roads alongside the railway line there why not just realize we've got no zoning on any of these roads because of what i'd set up before so let me just upgrade all of these no i've just deleted half the factory did i or did i just delete some parking oh no yeah like a bonehead i've deleted half the factory but i believe if i remember correctly there's this one over here haha which is not exactly the same i think it's this half that we're missing is it can i copy that and let's bring that one back over here i think is that the same piece as that one it is okay we don't want that one um let's copy the other one yeah i think it's this one here if we copy that instead where's all the way back across over h p guilty rounds here i'm pretty sure it was that oh that that is exactly the same as well oh do you know what i'm going to do can i just sort of like put these inside each other why do you that copy again put those inside each other and try and get that to work like that there we go yeah it's almost like nothing happened at all and if it wasn't about it excellent right okay so let's get some forestry stuff up in this section yep yes again i was putting the wrong thing in there for storing our war forestry products let's go for wood chip storage is pretty big can i go the other way around yet excellent so we'll have two of those in there excellent we'll put those on fields there we go and a little bit more sort of trees around here for now that'll be fine and some water there we go so nothing too complicated lots of tree production down there being stored here and then turned into paper here and then i'm not gonna put so we're just waiting for these to get going we're not gonna put any paper storage over here because we have our paper storage over here so this should i mean there's absolutely no reason at all why that isn't going to just increase up a lot and already we can see these coming along should be are they going to go into here first of course and then once these are all filled up then they'll go into there excellent i might just put them on balanced because they're so close to each other yeah we'll put them on balance for now just to get things going and then we can always change that later so i think that was a much needed list of fixes for our city and things are going really really well don't forget subscribe be back here tomorrow for our vanilla unmodded city which we're alternating with new zealand which is fall to the brim with mods and thank you for your continued support as well have a great day i will see you all soon take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 113,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines gameplay, city builder gameplay, cities skylines parking, cities skylines balance, cities skylines barges
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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