I Bred Two LEGENDARY PALS And This Happened in Palworld

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so you guys have told me that there's two more legendary creatures that I haven't captured yet they're like noctus and I don't even know their names but they're Pairs and they're friends together and someone's making me rocket ammo so we can go try to capture them very nice now I do have both of my jet dragons in my inventory together and I kind of want to go try them out against another legendary so let's make a little fast travel and head out across the desert on a horse with no name that guy just had a minigun okay oh necromus and paladis okay so like a are they centaurs that's cool all right um which one should I attack I feel like I need to take one out and then focus on the other one I guess this one's in the back let's just use the Homing missiles go yes that was cool I love this thing Bonk are we hitting it do we just keep what is that why is there wood falling from the sky cuz I'm breaking the wood no go away oh my attack is highly effective against NEC promis interesting it's only doing like seven damage but no stop that I'm going to dodge duck dive and weave and watch the wood fall from the sky this isn't so hard you guys told me this was difficult I mean it's doing eight damage this would take literally two weeks for me to kill but I mean we'll just soften them up a little bit right can I do my uh dragon meteor too that attack cool okay that hits in front of me stop it whoa I got to dodge all the missiles get that one knock them both down yeah crowd control that's the way here be dead I like this this is funny except we have a problem that my missile just ran out so have a beam Comet okay that's that attack oo that worked well against Dingus fruit neat now the question is do I let my dragon fight or do I just jump on the other dragon and do the same thing come on let me in come me come what are you doing I need to fly you no no not that whatever now see this is why we take damage cuz you don't listen to me where did necromus go he's stuck in the trees oh and he just teleported back that's annoying something's quite satisfying about watching them raged all stop it I didn't ask you to play I'm playing with neomis right now I'm sure someone in the comments just fueling mad that I'm not pronouncing it how you want to pronounce it it's a video game friends necris I don't know incoming all right I'm out of uh stuff there let's jump off of you and let you fight for a little bit that was really scary that also worked really well except I think paladis is like immune no paladis likes me all right but paladis has way more damage done how did I miss that where did that go I really don't want to take any damage here get in there rocket no thank you okay jet dragon you're stupid right now I really don't like what you're doing bringing out the other one he might be smarter okay that is actually decent work nope fly away from that oh you got frozen you Dingus hey have some of these why do you shoot the other one now have some beams in your life oh that does so much damage okay need to stay away from the Sun aerial missiles are almost ready again let's jump down and let you attack good excellent okay you do way more damage to him nope okay I can ride again in a second good hit ooh a double Miss don't even look at me we have fun things to do and that is to not get obliterated all right Arial missile needs to be ready bad ice Spike maybe I should just fire here at necromus I was doing everything against palus first aial missiles ready we're just going in crowd control mode whoa who is that I thought you were knocked down how did you get back up again I've also anchored the neighhood Wildlife ow where'd you go no no no no no no where'd paladis go wait no where' necromus go necromus died wait hold on is that necris how'd you die huh I'll take your precious ental though I guess we'll just take you out a fireball you're not the best at this all right I'm going to knock him out it seems they go into this like Melee mode that's not working great Auto fire it didn't work good have one of these okay those do work pretty good those don't miss I wonder why the other ones do because of the knockdown Dragon meteor sometimes this misses that one didn't do great all right you go fight buddy I'll shoot it in the face with a missile gun thing I think this is the exact opposite I think that fire all this thing is like a frost damage I think it's attacking my jet dragons too much much but if I bring out say the frost alion here I don't think it's going to help anything cuz it's all Frost attack that was okay regardless there's only 100 hit points left or th left what about my KFC can you do something KFC hit him with a fire attack that's the lightning attack oh this isn't good yeah that might work so that highly effective it wasn't you know might be highly effective just throwing a ball at you that made it mad oh I'm so close to dying all right that was good come back in here Noe I have like 100 hit points left I got to do this no no no NOP jet dragon I need you we need to no no no no move move move move move move move move move why are you so good at sniping okay come on get in there ouch there it is there it is 41 41 come on yes yes we got paladis Legend Celestial Empire and motivational speaker it's going to tell us all the fun things that was cool is it in my party no it isn't it really does make me wonder why necromus died I didn't see anything that looked a little fishy here maybe he just got stuck in the ground but I guess we'll have to wait for him to respawn that should give me just enough time to C catch another one of these oh how did I miss that hey stop moving there it is woo Dodge duck dive and weave all right get another can I get another Dragon I really want to just capture another dragon can I get one oh I totally can does that one have anything cool nope hydromaniac we should also be able to make up the paladis saddle yeah that sounds cool I just need to buy up a little bit of leather and these 137 should be the right quantity for me to make that palad saddle which is kind of crazy that I had exactly enough coal to make 200 of these so let's do it start production all right Queen help me out here cuz this is actually pretty big I'm excited for this one paladis acquired very nice all right paladis I need to know if you are anything special okay what kind of amount are you are you flying kind of doubt it are you fast you are pretty fast you can't fly but you can double jump so that's cool you have a PO blast wo oh wow that's cool your spear thrust has got to be a charge attack yep yep yep yep yep and of course the blizzard Spike which is kind of normal we have that on a lot of PS right now 12,000 damage this thing's pretty cool I like it I want to breed it with the dark one though I also want to know how many hit points cuz that's going to be the real kicker here 8,000 so not as much as our other ones but it's a level to Mining and lumbering which is kind of awesome I don't know something else really annoying it takes me four more refined metal to repair this thing which means I don't have any and I don't really have a way to use it I guess it does work still doesn't it maybe I should go get some coal while we're waiting for noctus to respawn so much fun using a broken pickaxe at least I still can use it unlike most games is like no you have to start the entire Tech Tree over again so that makes things a little bit easier we'll just repair that quick I think everything else is good to go battle again but it's not respawned yet oh and cool they're both back so I have an idea might be a bad idea but I'm an expert in doing things bad let's go here get the frost stallion oh I just summoned it I want the frost stallion to freeze paladis cuz we already have one right now and ye all right go no no no no no you're supposed to attack command aggressively go aggressively attack that one go attack that one I want that Ice Bike and I want to freeze because then we can launch it into space and if we cheese it by launching it into space it might hit the ground a balls well we just need to keep it frozen nope you're not allowed to freeze my Frost alien oh come on not me I'm on fire in junk come on Frost alien I need you to stop that I need you to freeze okay that's not the one I want to freeze that's the one I want to capture also we have dinguses on us now a balls do I really have to deal with this the old fashion way I guess we have to do this by ourselves no not like that whatever that's actually a decent hit all right aerial missile attack goodbye Turtle this guy is really annoying me too we'll just kind of bombard the entire world until I get beard really no no bad okay down lay down play dead everyone play dead right over there you too that works fairly effectively against the skull crusher here you too you're going to die good I want you to die I'm out um all right let's see how do I do this right let's get off of you we're going to do a little bit of that that should work we're going to do a little bit of this too good that worked really well okay good hit there nice that's not what I want you to do would you stop annoying me right now you're making me mad you too no go away that really hurts you guys are so rude by the way did you know that does anyone ever called you rude before huh have they how do you like that feeling you don't because every single one of them missed oh that's so annoying hey beam Comet you're out of stamina I need to recover my shield before I jump back into The Fray so we'll just orbit them maybe create a Vortex draw them together and then jump off cool then we're going to get this guy to attack here and then this should work come on get that ice bike get that ice bike got it launch it into space and it's going to fall back down yes nice that works so well that's such a cheat thing to do okay now I want you to fight your friend aha how's that feel sure he's like I was just over here no not allowed I missed that actually okay that's kind of cool watching the two CH no I really want to see what kind of loot this thing drop oh I have uh-oh this is bad this is so bad I have way too much junk how did I get 100 Wood and 30 rocks on me and there's still too much oh of course 600 iron ore why not all right jet dragon is highly effective against necris so let's let you work it it's working really well good hit there too I don't even care if you guys battle the objective splitting them up ooh precious entrys delicious works really well stop it give me those they're worth a lot of money what are you doing come back here sometimes I think the game is just weird there's a lot of strange like little pathf finding bugs that are just awkward Get Wrecked I can just hit it one at a time and kind of just juggle it this is working really well uhhuh just keep that rigged all up eight points at a time it's got to be kind of frustrating to be a a ground creature to be attacked by a dragon that doesn't need to touch the ground that's how I think of it right now attack why do you hit the ground when I it's so weird I can never hit and aim properly without attack we're getting close we're getting really close we're getting super close don't you dare kill him don't you dare kill it all right all right you're going away I'm going to take care of this on my own I'm going to try to knock him down if this doesn't capture necromus oh it did first ball Legend lord of the underworld what does that mean Dark Knight of the Abyss skill it's dark in form as embodiment of negative emotions a glimmer of compassion can still be seen deep within its eyes that's cool now I'm hoping one of these two is female and one is male so they can make weird little babies so drum roll let me open this I want to see let me guy no I do not want to disassemble that pow box what are you doing game I want to take this Dingus and throw him away cuz he's in my directions there now I want to open this up and see if we can okay so paladis is a female and where art thou I did capture him right necris is a female too does that mean I have to capture another one the lord of the underworld is 20% increased to dark attack damage which is crazy and I guess we'll build the saddle while we're waiting for them to respawn again this one's also kind of annoying to build but we can make it so very good news my friends I should have enough requirements for this thing there it is necris Saddle it's really expensive if you were wondering thankfully it's super quick and easy to make we'll acquire that through the window put down that's paladis there's necris I want to see what this thing is like it's got to be a little bit the same okay we have dark laser twin spears and rock Lance interesting what in the world does dark Spears do let's see okay oh my all right that's not so bad let's see what twin spears is is this the charge yeah the charging mode cool and then of course Rock Lance I'm guessing that's another charge oh no that's just rocks from the ground cool I like that I like that a lot it's not it's a double jumper too so that's awesome I do want to see party mode what are you good for for skills lumbering and Mining still hm interesting so I'm crossing my fingers that if I go to sleep that they'll have respawned I don't know if it works that way but we'll see let's see if they' spawn back in again oh they have okay all right we're going to fight both of them at the same time maybe maybe I'll just fight one and see I wonder if we can separate the two just like draw this one back and let uh paladis just chill for a little bit just be like a Just Vibe just hanging out all by themselves we'll just bring this one away it didn't work palus is like hold on my friend's missing how did that happen oh maybe it is working why does that Miss every single flipping time it's like it intentionally doesn't want to hit this one does though and Ice Bike missed that entirely there we go that's what I'm talking about let the cicat attack too here let's get you guys involved in this situation just get everyone working on it no not me not me you got to attack down here there you go it really seems that the fire attack does way more damage than anything else if I can start necromus on fire nope I really don't want to be in battle guys I really just want you to get attacked by jet ragon stuff all right that's looking fairly decent whoa I didn't realize you were coming to plane paladis I really want to capture you really want to capture you okay down and in the sphere knockout that doesn't seem to do any difference oh maybe we're going for the capture ah here have a fireball okay that should do a little more damage stop it and capture well stunned oh I missed capture well stunned I got to use my balls properly here oh digo is ready to play trying to throw rocks at me it's kind of adorable hey little Bowser that's what I would name him oh that sucks I really hate wasting these legendary spars but sometimes you got to do what you got to do right all right we got necris and I can't tell if that's a male or not now we need to go all out on paladis and this guy I kind of want to try this out though I mean that'd be kind of fun right oh that only did one damage Dark Laser okay that's pretty effective I like that run away run away run away can't touch me that's the wrong way you Dingus have some dual lances and you're behind wow that was kind of a mess nope you're doing the same thing but I know how to dodge it because you showed me oh that was cool have a rocket too is not so bad we're charging oh ow that hurt go have fun buddy that works so well ice Spike also works well it was very effective tell you what this turtle is showing great spirit too bad is not bulletproof it's kind of fun seeing this dance between the two knights here o that's going to do a lot of damage okay I don't want that to hit I do want to try to capture though 6% maybe we'll try another yeah just attack right here that was 1,000 damage wow okay can you attack back neck Miss no well Nez can attack back we should call out you this is uh when both people threw out paper at the paper scissor rock rock paper scissor okay that does no Dam oh it's doing damage underground no all right we got 300 left I think we should be able to capture here in a second I'm going to do do I do do I dare do one more I think I do and fire and and captured okay it didn't really do any bonus at the ground so I was hoping get knocked out come on we need a mail we need a mail we need a mail we got it oh that's a ferocious one too that's what I'm looking for a legendary ferocious guy all right Paul management box let us see oh we got a male we got two males W oh my okay we're going to pair the lord of the underworld with Celestial Emperor that's going to be strange I don't even know who I don't need probably don't need the frost alion we'll take out that Bushi for right now okay which one we want the this guy hello friend it's time for you to make babies and Y and we'll take you big fella right in here to M your princess there you go assigned a breeding Farm they're working two level 50s doing the breeding we have 10 cakes left so that is awesome and the wandering Merchant is just watching it happen it's kind of a weird cording ritual but that's fine well good news it's actually very strange love is blossoming I got two huge scorching eggs which I don't have any idea what these are going to be but I'm kind of excited for it cuz I mean they're two legendaries right so it's drum roll time drum roll time and oh a Suzuka that's interesting lord of the underworld Celestial Emperor and ferocious allinone didn't get the legendary trait but that's fun I also totally butchered how to pronounce that word oh man there's the legend my goodness I kind of want to see what that's like now that's pretty intense all right YouTube stop why is there a gum Moss here go away this will be funny you want to see the entire world erupt look at his Derpy little face he's like oh boy I'm totally going to oh don't do it buddy don't do it St leash all the power of the legends on him and then everyone's like it's Berry time which is weird you guys also constantly yelling at me in the comments to stop feeding my Dingus berries I don't know why I mean I've only have 5,000 of them you're like they'll spoil in there I really don't care that is really interesting those are pretty good skills on there this guys are doing the absolute work anyway my friends that'll do it for today's video I hope you enjoyed I sure did this was cool uh if you got an idea what I should do next time holler in the comments and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you later I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General heris Trent cadino RIT La Warrior Keegan H zarov maxer Ral BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules Fred dton SE cander D pton plays fussy badge link hit Kyler J Nitro Nitro Wyatt K and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 627,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld most legendary, palworld necromus, palworld paladius, palworld level 50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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