Top 10 Most Underrated Pals In PALWORLD (But They're OP)

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in this video we will go over the 10 most underrated Pals these are Pals that are really powerful or useful or both but they just don't get the shine that they deserve so we will Rectify that today starting with number 10 on the list tomat tomat makes the list thanks to its partner skill ultrasonic sensor ultrasonic sensor is basically like your own personal radar that will show every pal in a huge radius surrounding you subsequently all Pals appear on your compass at the top of your screen giving you not only a sense of direction but also the exact location of where these spells appear this is extremely useful for when you want to differentiate between Pals or for when you want to speed Farm certain materials this ability makes talking fun again for example when you need a bunch of flame organs for crafting all those partner skills or fire arrows or heat resistant armor and many more useful things tied to the flame organ it becomes very easy this way you know exactly how to move it's even better because the ultrasonic sensor persists through even if you replace tomat so say you're farming pal fluids from water Pals that you need a lot of for legendary spheres you can then combine the sensor from tomat pull him out pull another pal like rer in which will accordingly let water Pals drop more items and there you go the sensor is still there and you get more drops now as well amazing combination that will let you farm much faster much more purposeful and more efficient to be honest all those Pals that give you more items from certain Elemental types of FS are really great as well you might even put one of them on this list but unfortunately they don't make the cut unlike number nine fan verm Crist and fan verm essentially the same pal but in two flavors fan verm Christ is an amazing base worker as it's the only dark and Ice B in the game and as you may or may not know dark BS work 24/7 and Fen verm Crest being an ice spell means it's the only way you can get a B to cool your cooler box and refrigerator 24/7 this is absolutely excellent because this pal provides a way now to freeze the timers on your food at all times the epidemic of refrigerators not functioning in the night resulting in Universal food poisoning is over however van verm the fire dark version is absolutely amazing in the world it being fire and dark means it has three different Elemental types that it's super effective against that already gives you insane value in combat and it's extra good because you can get this spell very early on as well and it's amount vanm gets usually overshadowed by other flying Mounds like FIS and jetrion so it is definitely underrated in that sense but what makes van verm really good as well is that it Bo your damage output for weak spots which you can abuse while riding van verm so you have the benefit of mounted movement and very bursty shots at the same time combine that with the Vanguard passive on Van verm that boosts your attack power and you have a very deadly way to abuse crits and head shots to go for that sniper play style all your crits will do Insane damage combine Vanguard with attack based passives and maybe a swift in there and you have a fast mount a deadly pal and you become a deadly sniper just like masanda Snipes the number eight position on the list let's be be honest Manda gets its spres here and there rightfully so Manda knows that and accordingly uses the good stuff a lot Manda is an excellent base defending pal with his grenade launcher that you can spam it will pretty much obliterate any incoming rway Bo well whether you go for the green one or the yellow one they're both good however even with all the praise it's still way too underrated Now that statement definitely say something what yeah I don't know it's too underrated for say the open world and boss fights because masand has this weird floaty type of movement which is actually insane when fighting and this is the part that makes it truly underrated it screws over the AI and pathing somewhat to say the least enemies have a harder time hitting you successfully and you can just continue launching grenades and obliterating your pals while you're effectively dodging everything note that these grenades themselves function as like a stagger grenade as well giving you insane control in combat you can destroy bosses easily with masanda because you get a bunch of these grenades what is fun is that you can accordingly make masand really broken as well for example if we go with the green one get four bristl in your party to buff grass damage breed your Manda with useful passives that increase your attack power and you have a nuclear weapon right here because accordingly green Manda will learn stuff like solar blast solar Vine and Seed mine naturally and I definitely like abusing the green manda's floaty way of movement to get on top of our enemy's head and then use set abilities this will guarantee that they will instantly hit their weak points too 2 point now that Ryan Rex at number seven isn't weak would be the understatement of the week Ryan RX is so underrated that when you Google this spell you get zero results okay that is not true but yeah maybe rather zero results talking about the power of this spell this spell has a really good unique ability called freezing charge that nobody in the history of the history has talked about it's a hard-hitting attack that stuns or staggers your enemies which gives you a lot of control and momentum to then follow it up with other attacks however that is just one part of the deal it has an insanely low cooldown 9 seconds and you use it for like 3 to 5 Seconds during the cool down so by the time you get the attack in you'll be almost ready for another freezing charge accordingly you can chain this attack pretty much or weave in one of your other attacks to then use it again to keep your DPS high but it's low cooldown makes not just good for combat but also for movement because you can get a lot of movement in a short time frame like this as a ground Mount and Ryan RX also provides you the additional effect of giving you heat resistance it keeps you cool in the desert so there are definitely arguments to be made there to use it as your main mount combin rendri with a few foxal in your party to get its attack boosted attack boosting passives and say Swift as well for extra speed and this is a good deadly boy to travel with and rinri gets fing skills like blizzard Spike and Cris breath that you can combine with your spammable charge for great sustained damage and this SP just looks fabulous just like our broccoli files would say that broccoli looks fabulous but what is even more fabulous is in different broccoli server hosting thanks to them for sponsoring today's video use my link and you can immediately check them out and get two days trial for free yes and if you have any problems their customer support have no lives whatsoever so you'll quickly get help also they use Quality Hardware to host fast servers not the Shady aftermarket stuff you won't get scammed don't worry if you get a bad experience I will personally visit them and nuke their headquarters with my Army of DS use my exclusive link and you know what to do because rnah Hawk at number six can't take it any longer rnah Hawk is another product of getting overshadowed by other flying Mounds it has made ragnok mad and sad at the world to the point it had to use a certain weapon as a last resort to still compete the usage of nors Mythology for its name to stand out and make a comeback see ragn Hawk is an absolute monster the fact that it's a flying Mountain that you can fit through any place really is so huge for when you're doing dungeons or maneuvering through Cas for example that that in itself is already worth considering taking ragnok and if you breed it right you can make it really really fast too ragn Hawk is also fire so you get the super effective against two elements bonus and this bird has a bunch of powerful attacks that make good use of that benefit you can build powerful teams with it that boost its attack but also your attacks and I'm saying your attack specifically because ragn Hawk makes your shots of the fire type and can give it up to a 100% boost to your damage output if you get it to rank five and as you see there are a variety of arguments about why ragnahog just like van verm are still great mounts to consider even if you're dead set on using feris or jron but thankfully the very potent potential setups of people around rnwk are becoming more and more known so rnwk isn't as unrated as the number five on the list too Toco too too Toko too playing with this spell will make you crazy honestly too many people seem to dismiss too too for no reason maybe because it's a neutral pal so there's nothing it's really super effective against well that is already a bummer and it looks weird why we even use this thing let's be honest but like the say goes never judge a boo book by its boo wait wait never judge a book by its clever never book a judge for a cover never never cover a never cover a Jud never buy a clover for a never have a grudge against a judge with a book oh never judge a cover by its book there we go why too too is powerful is simple its ability is super busted that's it it can trivialize many many fights you get so many ax that you can shoot out of this thing's butt that I'm very very impressed by this thing's overall damage even on late game and end game bosses and even when you don't use the against bosses it can nuke entire Fields easily and clear many enemies quickly that's really all the r to this amazing pal it's simple but very powerful and you can in fact boost neutral damage just get four GES or four reunes and you will get the Boost to neutral damage too the damage can spiral out of control just like something as little as jolt hog spirals out of control at number number four jol hog is Tiny and gets overlooked a lot you wouldn't think something this small would possess incredible Powers but it being of the lightning Elemental type is nice already it means all its powerful lightning spells get that nice plus 20% boost to its damage and a lot of those spells Electrify enemies maybe even in an AOE capacity and as you know stunting enemies increases your catch rate so you can use that to increase your catch rate from a very early point in the game but that and the sheer number of powerful spells that this fellow learns and can shoot out of its I don't know what is really impressive combine that however with the real reason why jol HW is on the list jolt bomb and it becomes apparent that Mr or Mrs jolt hog has a massive hog this is jolt Hog's spner skill and it's nuclear what Oppenheimer created is nothing compared to this jol talk however doesn't get depressed after using this Parker skill no jol talk is a devious tiny fellow where he can use his partner skill often to get rid of many enemies or bosses all together and even if the blast do doesn't initially kill the enemy it still stuns them giving you momentum so you can follow up with jol Hog's remainder of powerful abilities we're talking skills like try lightning lightning streak and lightning bolt get some sparket as well to boost its lightning damage and jol talk will make sure that the foul World Is Not Safe anymore but thankfully bushy at number three is here to save the world bushy is an amazing pal this pal is the definition of coolness itself the only thing you have to do is point at a Target that needs to die and it doesn't matter if it's small or big it dies it doesn't matter how far is removed from you no Bushi can teleport an insan nuke whatever it strikes this is thanks to Bush's exclusive ability yagiri which you can activate manually but it's an ability that bushy will do automatically too so it is stackable like that you use it first bushy strikes then bushy defines the rules of cool down and just does it again a lot of power right there already especially because this move will make it so that bushie just ignores and Dodges a lot of incoming attacks without even realizing it as well then Bushi is a fire pal as well you know something with two elements super perfective blah blah blah and its damage gets amazing you can combine the aagii with IGN Rage which Bushi learns at a later level naturally for an absolute amazing combo basically teleport slash and then Blaze the entire field in Flames that will kill off anything that survived the initial hit and then Bushi learns lightting strike naturally as well which is the cherry on top of the gake as means you have a powerful ability that deals with Fire's weakness water or water PS so overall Bushi has an amazing kit that gives you a lot of evasiveness and damage boost with your regular attack boosting passives and fire damage boosting PS and you will have a great time if you thought that was all though no Bushi has also a plora of higher level work suitability as well just look at this is there something this pal can do and somehow nobody talks about bushie it is mindboggling just like it's mindboggling to find War sack which is somehow even more underrated relative to its power at number two War sect is a menace an insect that has war in the name in this game I just game War Shack is ground and grass so it gets that plus 20% bonus to both ground and grass type of attacks and warshack gets a bunch of defense and HP naturally as well as attack so combining all of that and you can create something very powerful because you can feed it San tornado grass tornado and something like seed mine which are some of the best grass and ground abilities in the game when combined and you can get them relatively early and these abilities in themselves can already obliterate many bosses and different Encounters in the game but what is truly fascinating here is the fact that casting these abilities the many instances of hits that they provide and their relative low cooldown means warc just spams damage yes Wars will just go on a continuous streak of damage output with barely any downtime literally just spamming powerful abilities like this you can prealize a lot of things with this setup in the game warshack also makes your own shots stronger as well and gives you defense too with its partner skill so all across the board we can safely say that the W in the name stands for this spell is a w combine the spell with either two m or brista to boost its attack power even more doesn't matter which one since Wars Act is both types and you'll have a great time with this monster then the question remains what could possibly be at number one before we reveal the monster that takes the number one spot a few honorable mentions kadiva for being an early gay monster Vixie for facilitating insane level up strategies Wombo Boton for monsterous weight capacity increases and kitson for being able to cover you in every climate while being deadly now these are just a few examples but they are all more known than the pals in today's list in my opinion but if you want to know more about those as well as well as other Pals then check out my other pal World videos where also go over a bunch of other powerful Pals as well as how to make very powerful thems with crazy syes not mentioned in this video however for number one now then it is time to reveal who sits on top of the list it's the one and only g r this is an insanely overlooked pal that might yet again be overlooked due to the curse of neutrality but gory red has an absolute amazing partner skill that when you upgrade your gory rat and I highly recommend you to do so will give you a plus 200% bonus to your attack power and since gory rat is in fact a neutral Pell we will flip that neutrality curse into something positive in this case to combo that plus 200% bonus with the hardest hitting neutral attack in the game Megaton implode which you can get with breeding and you will simply just one shot everything accordingly everything yes everything Megaton impl is a neutral attack so you get another plus 20% bonus to your damage with it and if you really want you can make it as B it as you want by breeding it with attack boosting passives four max level crises and or re bunnies and just good stats and you have something that will one shot a lot of bosses right here one shotting will also Inc capitate your gory red but with the viewing cage trick that I went over in my other video you can just simply revive gory red every time and go from boss to boss to boss to boss to boss to boss to boss to boss it is too good and as you see without considering legendaries and all the fs in the game that already get a of attention there are still so many Pals out there that can make very powerful party setups for you to conquer the world of P World make sure you also conquer that like And subscribe button so together we can conquer the real world as well and let me know your thoughts in the [Music] comments
Channel: Nizar GG
Views: 202,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zMz2VTYFGzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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