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11,000 bye have a great time have a great time genocide 116 total humans so can you beat P world without using any Pals hello and welcome to our new Journey where we do our best not only to survive but to beat the game using nothing but our own human potential but can we really beat the game without using Pals to fight Farms smell and travel for us let's go and find out to start off this playthrough will be on regular difficulty custom settings are not allowed gamebreaking glitches or exploits cannot be used and lastly of course no catching or using any pales for any reason with all that out of the way let's hop into [Applause] [Music] it [Music] hello hello and welcome so there are three goals I want to achieve one is to defeat all world and Tower bosses two is to catch one of every type of human a type being a unique character model and three max condens one of those humans to become the Supreme Being of all beings in power world we won't actually be alone because we're going to ethically source as many humans as possible to work for our cause because according to the game technically humans are not pales wait I hear a shiny challenge failed all right next [Music] World ah Deja Vu looks like we got distracted there for a second so we'll start off how we start off every game by getting wood Stone and humans of course but before we get any humans we're going to need the basic tools so we made a total of 12 pal Spears and now we're ready to get them oh my gosh half my health is done so we were really struggling here for a second I thought that we were going to go through all of our balls and have to craft more but in the end we got pretty lucky come on come on I'm about to die hello oh come on three balls please oh we got her oh my gosh let's go so luckily right in the nick of time as I died we were able to capture her and obtain our first member our first companion welcome to the team your name will be say hello to shotty all right quick lesson like us 21st century humans poweroll humans don't have genders so they can't be forcefully bred for better stat and passives they also have no other attacks other than punch and teaching them any move will just break their AI in general humans are very weak that is why this is considered a challenge run they at least have level one handiwork so they can help you build and craft you can and I will be blending 116 humans into the pale condenser to make me one superum so so stay tuned by the way the HR department has found a pretty nice asset Let's test her out shotty he'll use [Music] punch not bad [Music] shotty after getting some more materials we finally start heading down to see if we can find any more victims to join our cause hey look that's future subordinate number two oh oh no they spawned right next to us shotty no officer that's racial profiling what what sir officer he was innocent okay yeah yeah hey look he's back already we could go for round number two one Pok Ball come on please oh my gosh three Pok balls let's go chicken will you avenge your comrade no I I guess not ah okay all part of the plan all good I think we could restart the game as well like go to the main menu and come back but this works we have now died twice to the authorities but I think we're off to a great start and before we forget let's let's name our Guild the Department of Human Resources you know what skilled Islander Pacific Islander we're going to name him the rock welcome to the team The Rock so I'm going to pre-mark this spot on the map if I've planned through this correctly this area will become absolutely vital for us in order to progress into the mid game and I'll tell you why as we make our way towards it for now we're going to skip basing entirely and focus on leveling up getting more companions and exploring it wasn't long before we unlocked the rain syndic Tower way point and found our first dungeon we're a bit underleveled right now so we'll save it for a bit later just up these steps we found some Team Rocket grunts fighting maybe if one of them gets low enough we can capture them okay that's not good shortly after escaping the grunts I found out that our second party member does zero damage useless regardless of my team members being dead and incapable of fighting I continued on until we found our first settlement such a nice and peaceful Village I hope I don't do anything bad to its people since we don't have that much use for money right now we're going to buy as many Pokeballs and arrows as we can afford off in the distance there's some fighting going on so I go and investigate there he is all alone and injured easy peasy because you're a thug a criminal and have a bat you will be named battery my naming sense and humor is impeccable it was finally getting to night time and I still had no form of Mobility so to get where I wanted to go I climbed and climbed eventually we'll want to get a grappling hook and a glider but in order to get a grappling hook we'll need ingots unfortunately without a fire pal we can't craft ingots oh what will we do for now there's a new human type for us to capture just over the cliff and this one is quite interesting oh my God look at that damage oh my imagine if they punch that much damage oh so little did I know at the time easy peasy yeah actually he's pretty low HP right now we'll test him out [Applause] later hey yo the bush is right here I thought he was a little bit more south but I guess not so it's not very well known but the only other way to get ingots aside from smelting is to farm Bushi drops he'll drop two to three ingots every time we beat him and we can only beat him once every hour so you can roughly get six ingots every 3 hours this way which is enough for six pokeballs either way right now we're too low level to even attempt to fight Bushi so we're just going to keep going as plan because this man is is always holding a grenade we're going to call him bakugo with the official enlistment of bakugo we made ourselves a shield and continued onward in our adventure the following morning we found two factions duking it out since we haven't seen these Bly mkss before we try to catch them before The Syndicate thugs kills them yeah we failed I should have shot The Syndicate thugs first to make me feel better after losing those mercs I decided to incite violence between these Fox spks and sweer I then hid behind the sweepa to avoid the thugs that were still after me I quite literally sat here for 2 minutes and even the dogs came in for a bite of poor sweeper I came in like a thief and swipe my first totally epical boss kill it was only after I kept getting chased by this Hound that I sent out bakugo and he did this that's right he does grenade level damage and mind you he's only level five we continued along the beach and found a level 30 traveling Merchant we're good on pokeballs so we stocked up on as many arrows as we could and then we tried to catch him just kidding there's no way we can catch them but you know what we'll still try yeah no just kidding even with our whole team incapacitated we keep it pushing ever so slowly getting closer to our goal there it is that's the border the feds don't want me to Cross I decided to set up a temporary base for now so our companions can come back to life since I don't have pales I need to collect my own resources so I spent the night chopping trees and picking up items after killing the celer I reached the highest level in the game level six on my way home I found another Syndicate Camp so I decided to try my luck catching a Syndicate Gunner after many days in pal world we finally have a full party we gave him a a test Ron and as expected not as good as bakugo but still decent on this archipelago Beach lies a mercenary with a wounded knee which is actually perfect for us because we need a token handicap worker it's a virtue signal where an ethical Corporation her story is actually quite Touching The Syndicate has taken everything away from her and she gives us her last supplies so we can live worry not we will save you because we are an ethical [Music] Corporation get in the ball it's for your own sake holy crap she really doesn't want to be saved okay we finally went back to base and filled up our entire party I don't know exactly when but we named our Syndicate Gunner Stormtrooper and our MC with a wounded knee wound did knee for now upon catching our first shoty clone we hit level seven it was short but when we got back to our temporary base we packed up everything and left nothing behind wink wink by the way wink wink we continued our journey exploring and exploring and exploring some more [Applause] more we're getting pretty close to our smiley face it's actually just Southwest Beyond this mountain and we can follow the shore to get there bro this is such a long walk to get here it's all good I got back to my stuff fine I found a nice open area with a dungeon in the back and decided this would be a good place to call home before the night fully came I made a small little starter Hut I placed my bed and called it a [Music] night so I was actually feeling a bit quirky so I decided to expand my Hut into a mega Hut I don't really know what I'm building we're going to keep this tree it has nice aesthetic it was when I was finally going to let my humans free that I realized something was terribly wrong where are the rest of my humans I had lost two of my humans thinking this was all a cruel joke I backtracked all the way to my old temporary base and found nothing I had even checked through through my recordings but I had cleaned up everything on the beach if I had dropped them it had to have been here I didn't want to give up but night time was approaching quickly and that's when I found it there it is in the middle of the freaking [Music] river ah reunited at last luckily enough because it was night time we were able to find these bright blue balls if we had given up any sooner we probably would have lost them forever with that mishap out of the way we continue to expand and build our [Music] base 6: a.m. and it's time to chop some wood I have three enemies the pil box wood and stone in order to progress my base level I build a Berry Farm even though I'm not going to use it with the campfire down we reach base level five we add a few more things across our base to reach base level six and base level seven we use all of our lift monk Effigies to downgrade our catch rate three times wait I have information about your cars extended warranty I love resource gathering without pales we enter our first dungeon at level 9 I am so glad we found bakugo early on and we only found him cuz we're trying to catch one of every human unless we find someone with a rocket launcher or a too Toco strap to their chest it's likely no one is going to outdamage bakugo so we go through this dungeon pretty much one-shotting everyone mine some ores collect all the chests and fight the boss lamb ball [Music] yeah bakugo dead with bakugo dying the fight went from like a three hit kill to a 100 hit kill and it's okay so we got back home and expanded a bit more we're not going to use this but it'll be pretty we'll just put six ingots in there we make another Berry Farm and hit base level eight we should have made this normal parachute like five episodes ago we also make some heat resistant armor and head into our second dungeon without trying to bore you this is how the boss fight went wow maybe beating the first two dungeons made me a little bit cocky but I went in to fight these three goats and they lit me up with some combo attacks and I was quickly humbled oh let me get out let me get out I regret my decisions roll damn it roll bro you know that wasn't the best showing but it's okay because even if we can't beat three goats we can at least beat a cute for it we find another dungeon and this time we Face a gamas we literally just fac a basas so we're just going to offscreen him at the dusk of night we're able to capture two more Syndicate thugs the next morning I was feeling a bit frisky so I decided to provoke theorist and see if he would take some fall damage nice going back to the small settlement we sell all of our spoils and catch the inkeeper as well as the gossiping villager we name our second Syndicate Gunner after the first fero ious Stormtrooper the inkeeper logs names and is a logging Foreman hence her name will be logs even my editor doesn't like these stupid nicknames wait that's me but it's still funny so I'm going to leave it in there it's about time we set out to do what we wanted to do so we cross this border and reach this beach now this beach is very special for a few reasons one has a settlement and two it has natural bushy spawns we're just here to scout out the area for now but soon enough we'll want to make our second base here oh no he's angry oh no there's there's three of oh my God this is a disaster yeah everything went according to plan ah so I got back to my stuff but there's some things I wanted to test do Bushi teleport on platforms what if I'm elevated do they need line of sight can I visit their mom more than likely we're going to die a few times to get some answers to these questions well he's below me ow I had an idea but I needed a lot of materials so I spent two whole in-game days chopping Stone and Mining wood I entered another dungeon and caught two more Syndicate thugs upon beating the boss I hit Level 14 I beat up two more Dungeons and rank up to level 15 since we're level 15 now I think we can take on the boss penguin so we target the little ones first cutting it kind of close at the end we continue our dungeon rushes speed running the boss rooms speeding dinam budler anglet and the boss we capture two more Syndicate thugs on the way home and our first Burly bur after a long day of fighting bosses we came back home and did some building my base had this other open area on the side of the cliff so I decided to build here I wanted a 3D Cliffside Village Theme to decorate the staircase leading up to my main area you know why is it after making like a staircase Village thing do I learn how to make perfect stairs sh up shortly after our Base building break we went back to fighting bosses we beat the sucres and upon beating the Ruby we leveled up to level 17 we want a few more grenadiers on our team because when bakugo dies and he dies fairly often our DPS becomes negligible we catch a total of four grenadiers and can now make a a full team of them we also catch three more Syndicate thugs for our condensation goals we must not forget about that we get home and name two of our grenadiers after the first Baku Roku and Baku Nana we try our best to beat this water snake but all of our bakus die since they're pretty underleveled so we humbly Retreat selling away all of our goodies gives us a total of 34,000 coins we then buy a, arrows and 100 pal speres I then promptly use those pal speres to catch me a Village Chief a researcher and for Syndicate graders in preparation to fight Zoe and grisol we repair our armor and tools as well as beat panging again to level up our new damage dealers it is time I am whipping so bad no one looku no it's okay we still have bakugo and Nana oh we're so close oh that was bad DOD it's okay one more hit oh you could could die here if we got one shot no we're good yep that is one boss down still four more to go shortly after the first Tower boss we enter another dungeon and reach level 18 we go back to the beach and capture all of the villagers on top of that we capture our first Merchant we go back to testing Bushi mechanics and die so we try it again oh he teleported and on the stairs that's good and he takes fall damage and we're dead we may have died a few times but I feel like we're getting very valuable information there's another douy I want to confirm if they teleport on elevated platforms oh they do that's good at least okay so I want to bait this into hitting the officer and hopefully the officer can kill him I have attracted the attention of some dumit as well so they should all start damaging each other oh I'm very good at this game hopefully these guys don't despawn if I stay here okay I don't think I hear the bushie attacks anymore so he should be dead our first two ingots let's go oh my God thank goodness we're making progress now for the real test can Bushi teleport onto staircases or platforms high in the sky I see a bushie come on wait wait wait wait wait he's dead wait no he's not wait yeah yeah he is he's dead and just like that we got our second Bushi kill three more ingots we spend our next day doing some more bushie testing it turns out we need line of sight with him for him to teleport to us otherwise he'll run or teleport below us and we can't get him back up here it's also possible if we're close to the edge that he won't teleport up here I think the ideal trap if it exists is he TPS to us where he can't hit us moves over an inch and then Falls 20 stories all by himself without us having to do anything more than likely though we'll have to make a design where we have to break one tile in order to kill him oh shoot I was not expecting him to actually see me up here oh alive I'm alive sucker we've killed level 40 bushy now level 23 does not scare me you know while we're here might as well talk about what I'm planning so you might be wondering why am I going through all of this effort to kill Bushi more efficiently one because I plan on doing more challenge runs in the future if I did lamb ball only I would still have issues getting metal so more than likely this will also help other content creators trying to follow suit I think it'll be useful and helpful for everyone back to the beach and I tested a few different designs what is that not all of them worked perfectly we tried platforms platforms at holes in the middle platforms under platforms standing on these triangles seems to be working pretty well for line of sight also I just want to say I'm enjoying jump scaring you guys with these Cuts I hope the audience retention stays high from it since this is my first video I can just treat this as a test project by the way did I tell you guys that these ingots and Bushi tests do not go without sacrifice no really I've died a lot but it's all good because it's for the sake of [Applause] science with all of the work we've done so far we can finally make some nails and a highquality workbench we unlock the mega shield and the mega glider we also unlocked the pal condenser but we're going to need 19 more ingots before we can make it we tried to capture our first Syndicate cleaner but due to unfortunate circumstances we died we go for round two and actually managed to catch him we even managed to catch our first devout hypocrite those were two enemies with very low catch rates our team is pretty stacked now with all of our bakus but we still give all of our new recruits a test run I give our Syndicate cleaner the name Anatoli because he is the cleaner by the way the wandering merchants and pal Merchants do no damage and AI at least does some damage while we were at the starter area I decided to test my luck and try to catch a PF officer we used all of our green blue yellow yellow red magenta purple orange everything I had and it was not enough at least we were close on the red with our team members leveled up now we go and fight the blue snake once again but then I hear something in the corner of my ear a blue and shiny seahorse we try to finish this boss fight quickly but it does take a while we killed azero and then focused our attention to the kelp seat oh my God solar beep our team was now in critical Health but we were able to come out on top against these two SE creatures after beating a few more Syndicate grunts we were able to reach level 20 we upgraded to uncommon Pelt armor and made a rare old bow after collecting some Bushi drops I realized our grenadiers don't take any damage from these py murder guys we use this to our advantage to get some free experience you know there's something just so satisfying about abushi doing everything it can to TP you and then falling to its death 5 seconds later before going back back with all of our ingots we sell our dungeon Loot and buy a janky pistol it's taken us so long but we've finally done it we have made a p condenser with the p condenser made we condense four humans into both Baku Hai and Baku Nana we move our Center of base over here so it actually covers everything in the base unfortunately since this part was outside of my base I had lost half of my staircase Village thing but that's okay because we have the general idea in our head so I got to work rebuilding this area and somehow I think I made it look even better than it was before I think eventually we'll change the interior walls of stone but this is how it looks right now we'll have to find some function for this place with our condensation goals finally coming into fruition we start capturing a lot of humans I was able to capture 11 humans in two dungeons and we could do more if we wanted to shortly after we take on King Paca and start by taking out his two minions I use King Paka as a damage test for all of my team members bakun Nana does about 70 damage per hit bakur Roku does about 60 both bakugo and Baku Hai does the same about 67 so yeah I think we're going to condense bakun Nana into the Superhuman we were hoping for we take some time to explore and unlock the desolate Church way point at level 21 look at how fast this guy is wow I am chook it that was a 2% catch on the first [Applause] try we unlock some more way points and move closer towards the second tower boss fight I move through the darkness of night and thinking that I refilled my stamina bar I jump off into my B I died so far away from any way points on top of that there are mountains in the way wonderful since I'm over here right now I actually take a detour from getting my stuff because there's a waypoint right on the left I send out anat to take The Bard's aggro just so I won't blow up wait why are you after me oh my so I blew up or so I didn't I am alive oh I am dead I decided to quickly move past them and so I got my stuff back but I wanted to lose it all very quickly so I entered a level 29 [Music] dungeon so I got my stuff back and I didn't do anything stupid like entering a level 29 dungeon the dev who made this ramp here to the top of this Ravine is the MVP whoever put beard spawns at the top of this ramp needs [Music] therapy having enough stressful exploring I went to go fight another boss making it back home we moved our pale condenser to this rock we've captured more than enough humans to get bakun Nana to the seconds here so we go ahead and do it we test our damage on King pack again and you know what it was pretty good so I came over to the small settlement and did some testing some human testing how do I catch these humans as efficiently as possible I think the answer we arrived at was fire bow and so we got to work in the next 10 or so minutes I caught 15 humans I think that's pretty [Music] efficient to human sacrificed for a me 7% increase in power I must be losing my mind but I'm going to keep that in there we downgrade our catch rate once again and in enhance our bakun Nana's attack power as much as we can we were able to add another 21% to our attack this way we need 64 humans for our final tier which is 116 humans in total let's go and farm some boss [Applause] [Music] fights we sell all of the loot we don't need and are able to purchase 225 course ammo looks like both metal and money will be hard to come by I think our three heaviest hitters deserves their own unique name so I name bakun Nana nanami and I name Baku Hai HEK guachiman in order to progress our base level further we make some nails and place down a sphere workbench I could break down our palale condenser among other things for metal and rebuild bit later but since we need more metal anyways we'll just go and farm Bushi I wonder if Bushi can t to me up here yeah I don't think that's especially [Music] useful so we just beat our first naturally spawn bushie which means from this point forward if we die to aushi it's completely a skill issue unfortunately even with four yellow balls I wasn't able to capture this fire martyr we find ourselves another Bushi while we hunt Bushi we kill some py Martyrs and reach level [Music] 24 what the I am so confused whatever shiny ragna Hawk we tried to kill this ragn Hawk and inlisted the help of these py Martyrs and abushi but we SP no chance at least we got a free inot off of him hey look we're fine now with a total of 24 ingots saved up we can finally craft our cooler and upgrade our base to level 10 and this upgrade means we can finally set up a base at our bushie trap before that my gun and armor are all broken every 300 bullets I shoot I need to decide whether to spend 14 metal or 177,000 coins let's see if I can increase my Bushi killing efficiency but first using 20 of our ingots we finally make us a mega grappling gun we completely skipped the first grappling gun cuz I think it's not worth the ingots but now we have Mobility I finally get a pil box down here and now we can Tepee in between bases so I'm trying a different design right now and it's not very good I don't know why so many things are angry at [Music] me yeah I decide to scrap a whole bunch of unnecessary parts to this trap [Applause] this actually gives me way more line of sight where the walls used to be I forgot to mention this earlier but every time I teleport back here or relog all the spawns reset so every time I don't get a Bushi I can teleport away and teleport back and this is a lot faster than Rel logging I don't need to run and the kills are easy I I was testing some more stuff and then we got our first raid I guess our other base just doesn't get any raids which is kind of nice because it's just wood if I stand more towards the middle of this roof then I think the Bushi will always teleport here there's our test subject even though it doesn't look like he has line of sight I think he does and I don't know why yeah he's still teleporting oh there's another one oh he's on the triangle that's not good come here GUI okay there we go bye with the decent Bushi setup we take a break from Ingot farming and fight some new bosses we fight Mewtwo Wu and struggle a bit at first but after learning Her Moves we adjusted and were able to dodge her attacks before we fight more bosses we beat a few Dungeons and hit Level 27 we sell all the loot we got for $35,000 and don't don't worry I'm keeping all the good Blueprints and amulets we catch a few more humans kill a few more bushies and then go on and fight univolt all of univ Volt's attacks are very easy to read we just don't want to get hit and stunned by them next on my list is relax R luux he does have an attack that's pretty fast and hard to read but the rest of his attacks are pretty easy to dodge we take on a level 29 dungeon real quick and then fight aladan now aladan was an issue these Blue Tornadoes do so much damage she also has the same fast purple attack she also has a fast fire attack I just ate some tacos before this fight and my reaction time is not up to speed we actually get her very low but I was unable to outrun these stupid blue tornadoes that track you I'm very confident we can beat her though I just need to digest these tacos ah let's take a break and do something very [Music] [Music] evil soda nanami now has 45% more attack than our next two best damage dealers I think it's time for us to tackle our level 40 Dungeon we have in our backyard we send out nanami and slowly but surely he clears the entire [Music] room we got very lucky because at our first intersection we can see the boss room this is great because if we can kill the boss we can loot the entire dungeon without having to deal with any enemies so we do a little bit of cheese and Whittle him all the way down upon exiting the dungeon I wonder if the world has been turned upside down because things are very slanty I thought I was going crazy I mean I am going crazy but am I cra crazy enough to build in a slanted area without noticing so I leave the game and come back still slanty change my settings still slanty I guess we were just slanted the whole time and we didn't even notice it's time for us to unlock the second boss Tower to be honest the only reason why we haven't unlocked it yet is because it's on a mountain but now we have a grappling hook still got to climb a bit though the area is a bit chilly but we make it to the Waypoint just fine I don't have High Hopes but we give this waifu a test run is the girl the wfu or is the pale the wfu you'll never know we'll probably die this run but we want to see how much damage we can do and what her moves are Jank pistol headshot damage actually isn't that that bad that is baloney you know I think we can do it before we do though let's get some metal and hit level [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 29 look at all of this loot a total of 36 ingots guys we have 77 shots a bow and Prem metal armor do you believe in [Music] me h h h [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] we're on decent pace until we run out of ammo [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] h H out time to use the [Music] [Music] bow h h h h h H yeah it's fine if everyone else dies we can't do anomy though [Music] ya h everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] slow [Music] man to you're going to have to tank for me [Music] [Music] buddy [Music] h [Music] h h h h ah h [Music] H ya [Music] h [Music] h h h ya ah ya h [Music] h [Music] ya I could have them in there one minute boys we got [Music] [Music] this ha all right you're going to have to than everything n to [Music] me one more hit let's go oh my God [Music] wo can you believe [Applause] it dear viewer as you may have noticed we're nearing the end of this video I have run out of storage and deleted both Apex Legends and Counter Strike 2 so I could keep recording unfortunately I couldn't fit my whole playthrough into one video so I'll be making a part two but before then let's be as many bosses as we can and hit Level 30 patelia was pretty easy the fight was just like an easier version of Len we Dodge the fast attacks and put on the damage at Nomi we beat pellia and hit Level 30 next up elizabe I know she has beu guards so I throw my my tank engine in there first a full aggro did I tell you Anatoli is my tank he's been letting my team heal the entire playthrough while he soaks in the damage he just tanked a 99 million damage self-destructing be like it was nothing now even though we had killed the guards elizabe was still quite difficult all of her attacks are fast and her close range AOE is very large we get into a Groove towards the middle of the fight and Dodge all of her attacks it was towards the end where we really started to choke oh no Nom me one shot oh they switched targets yeah what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing oh my God we cut it very close at the end you know if you're going to make content you got to make it very close finally it was time to get revenge on alphad dran we have a game plan this time we let nanami do the heavy hitting and stay far away to dodge the fast attacks [Music] h there we have it level 30 two Tower bosses and one fully condensed h human you may be thinking Yin you barely did enough damage to the second tower how will you beat the game and I would just say I think we may have had the answer in our hands the entire time but I guess you'll just have to find out next time thank you so much for watching and hopefully I'll see you in the next two weeks with part two if we can get one like and one subscribe I will do a lamb ball only challenge
Channel: Yin's Alt-F4
Views: 718,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pal, Palworld, Challenge, Yinsalt, humans only, no pals, without pals, human only, no pal
Id: zNM752BqQwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 52sec (4192 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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