Top 10 Things I WISH I Knew When Starting Palworld ! Palworld Tips

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what's going on every Z here and welcome to a power world video today we're going to be talking about 10 things that I kind of wish I would have known or 10 little just tips and tricks things that uh help me along the way these aren't necessarily like my best 10 things these aren't necessarily in any order um but they're 10 things that I get questions on all the time as I'm streaming and I feel like maybe you will get some useful information on this as well now there's going to be 10 things but there's going to be like uh other things within those things so um yeah there's going to be more than 10 things and leave a comment let me know if any of these helped you if you didn't know anything or if you feel like I missed anything so first of all let's get into po world the the bait let's let's talk about the PO Box here because I get this question more than any question how do you get this box on an invent or on on a foundation here well it's actually not too hard so what you need to do is uh you need to figure out where you're going to build your base and I would probably recommend this for your second base U maybe not your first I would I would say your first base is basically you know you're probably going to be building in the starting area um so maybe for your second Bas this is maybe something you'd want to do but basically all you have have to do it's actually very easy is you go to your foundations whatever Foundation you want to do and you need to essentially make a 2X two or a 2x3 I would recommend a 2 X3 so two foundations wide by three foundations long and the reason for that is because the um the hit box for this PO Box is actually much larger do you see how you see how the red box comes out further than the the actual PO Box well it goes back further too and the reason it goes back so far is because that's where your pals spawn in at so when you when you place a pal uh into your base here I'll give you an example I'll show you right here uh when you place the pal into your base my ba my my PO Box is getting quite full here I'm going to have to get rid of some things uh when you place it into your base right here is where they're actually going to spawn in that's why it's so large that's why the area is so big um so what you need to do is you just need to make sure that you have essentially what I would say is 2x3 foundations down and then you'll be able to place this box down so um that right there is like the question I get all the time now let's talk about moving your base now if you have a pal boox if you only have one base you can delete this you can delete this and your pals will stay in it it's like in a magical system Somewhere In The Ether it's like an ender chest right you can place this down um you can take it off even if it's your only one and you can move it to wherever you want now be careful when you do that because things that uh you cannot build naturally like while you're out away from your base those will get destroyed so what I would recommend is I would wait until you unlock the second um the ability to build a second base here so right now I have the ability to build three um I would wait until you get the ability to build two which it's not very hard um and then you can go get your second base setup and then you can teleport back and forth um and that's another trick this is a teleport in itself so right now I have three bases um I have a base here for iron and I have a base up way up here for coal so I use those as teleports if I need to move them for anything else I can it's it's all fine and dandy um but that's like my first tip and trick I guess so let's talk about the next one which is actually let's talk about XP and leveling here I'm level 40 currently and there is an extremely fast way to level up when you first start the game if you go out and you catch things that you do not have 10 of um if you don't know if you have 10 of them you go to your pal deck you can click on uh so like lamb ball for example down here there is a capture bonus it says complete 11 of 10 right so I've gotten all of those so if I go through and find something that I've not caught 10 of like pen King I've caught four of 10 that means for the next six pen Kings I catch I'm going to get an insane XP bonus um I will show you exactly what I mean right now let's go find some Pals let's catch something and let me explain to you let me show you what I mean by this okay I know for a fact that I need sweeper right there I have the S I have Cris I have all of them but I do not have the sweepa so we're going to go after the sweeper and we're going to go ahead and catch ourselves a um a sweeper here let's see let's use uh let's use green balls here all right um also to switch your uh to switch your spheres you have to press two on uh it's on the keyboard or I'm not sure what it is on Xbox okay so for example this guy right here if we catch this bad boy you are going to see that I'm going to get around 8,000 XP now the reason I'm getting so much xp I got 8,084 8,14 48 um overall for everything the reason you get so much is because as you're playing and as you level let's get out of here let's not get killed okay that's much better the reason is because as you level up you get more and more XP so when you're first starting the game that XP bonus is going to be like a couple hundred but as you level up as you hit level three level four level 5 6 7 12 15 20 34 whatever it's going to level up with you now it doesn't matter which pal it actually is so if I hadn't caught all my L balls yet I could go back Catch 10 L balls and get like 8,000 XP a pop because it scales with your um with your level so if you are to a point in the game where you're you know you're trying to get some XP go through your pal list and see what you can catch a lot of these you can find super low level you can go out you can throw out you you can use the blue spheres go out and get them um because until you get 10 you get crazy amounts of XP for every single one not just like getting 10 and then getting that one you get it every single time so that is a huge thing that is like the leveling guy that's like boom you do that you're leveling you're having a good time now you do get uh XP from bosses you get XP from dungeons you get XP from all kinds of things but catching Pals is your main source of XP okay so uh the next thing I want to talk about is I actually want to talk about iron and ore because as you're leveling up as you're doing things you're going to need ore more and more and more and you're going to get to the point where you're going to be gting ore so much that it's it's ridiculous um it is one of the it is probably the most used item well besides like Stone and stuff like that it's one of the most used items in the game so for me one of the easiest early game spots and I'll I'll show you right here where this is at is if you go here's your starting area right here you go up there's a uh a desolated church right here in this like in this like little reded wood area uh it's right here and there's actually a Teleport right in front of it so you don't have to place down a a bench a workbench thing here if you don't want to because there's literally a Teleport right in front of this thing right here let's see let me run around so you can see it let me prove to you so I'm not lying see there it is so there's a Teleport literally right there so until you have like an extra base if you have an extra base that you're not using you go ahead throw a PO Box over here why not um but the way that you want to harvest this the way that it's going to make it so much easier for you is if you use a dig to so we're going to be using our dig toys here and what happens is um and there's actually kind of a perk to having a base thing right here and I I'll tell you why here in a second but basically you throw your dig twice out dig twice goes to town and mines it for you and he mines it faster than you can mine it so typically maybe about the same speed but you're not wasting your pickaxe you're not wasting your resources you're not wasting anything you don't have to repair anything digo will do it for you um dig toise is the biggest time saer the best one one of the best most useful Pals in the game and I will show you where I got mine unfortunately um I don't know if there's a way to get them early early but if you use the XP method that I talked about you should be able to hit um you should be able to hit Level 20 rather quickly um to be to be completely honest with you so this is your ore and like I said this is it's insane now there's another tip that's going to go in with this because uh why not multi- tips you know um when you are completely full of inventory uh weight you can actually still move around using a grappling gun so I have the Giga grappling gun um but you can actually still move around using a grappling gun when you're when you're like fully overweight so I'm going to let him go through I'm going to let him mine the rest of these out we're going to grab all of it I'm going to be way overweight and then I'll uh and then we'll use the grappling hook and I'll show you how to do this now is it worth it I don't know because you could just take what you could fill up your inventory take it you know walk back drop it off come back get more or you could just wait till he's done so but I'll wait till he's done so that way you can see what I mean you know what actually I want to talk about this now because while before I forget there is a uh he has an ability called drill Crusher where if you press and hold f it will basically keep going and going and going until that um orange bar runs out or it runs out of ore so I can still see that there's ore over there and I can still see that he's doing you know 30 something damage to a or node and now it's gone so I now I can cancel them so it's way faster um but you have to use all of its ability before it'll start recharging so I used half of it right there um now I'll continue doing it on this rock right here and then it's it is it's way faster but like I said you have to use the entire ability before it'll start uh regening if you will so like right now it's not even hitting the thing but we're just going to let it finish off there we go okay so I'm waiting down too much oh he's doing this thing in the background um I can't even walk right now so I'm going to use my grapple gun I'm actually going to go ahead and grapple to these little piles of stuff and uh and pick them up because why not I might as well now the grapple gun does have a cool down and if you actually unequip it and re-equip it um it does it does like reset it so if I came in here and went like this um it it technically is now like the cool down it might be a little bit faster but I don't know you know what I mean it's I I feel like I can wait to 6 seconds for it to cool down also fun fact little thing if you grappling guns not working um it does have to it uses handgun ammo but it doesn't actually use the ammo it just you just have to have it and then it'll work um yeah kind of a weird thing I don't know I don't know if it's supposed to use the ammo or not but it it just doesn't and then the last thing with this area specifically with harvesting this if you noticed my dig toys has gone from node to node to node by himself I haven't had to do anything right well if you have a base if you have a PO Box next to it and this is all within the circle of the PO Box he will the the Dig toys they will go from node to node to node on their own if you are out in an area that doesn't have a PO Box you might have to once it's done with a node you might have to pull it back and then throw it at another node and so on and so forth um that's kind of a little bit of a bonus and that's kind of why I have mine set up like this is so that way I can just let them go and do its thing but if you're if you're curious like why isn't working for you why isn't automatically going from place to place that's why it's because your pow boox see you can see right here there's my blue line and uh that's my base my base location essentially all right so I have all of my ore I have all of what how much do we have 308 I am at 2736 weight which which is way way over what I can uh what I can move around with but we're going to grappling gun back to our base we're going to drop that off and then I'm also going to show you where I get coal because um if you're if you're looking for iron you're going to be looking for coal eventually for refined uh refined ingots and I just want to show you that since you know we're here anyways okay so coal is basically the same thing as iron um it's a little bit lighter a little bit easier to get uh well a little bit easier to um to get with your dig toys but we're going to use the Dig toys as well so there's a couple places you can get it you can find it up here in this um this Arctic key area if you will I actually have this spot right here marked for quartz um you can find it in the desert the desert is kind of the key place to find it now I actually have this little location right here it's um what Northwest of the map there's a city right here there's like a little city in this thing and then there is this area over here so I will transfer over here and I'll show you this little area so these are coal nodes and if you actually look in the desert you can see like we got a coal node there we got one over there we got one over there but this has a nice little group so basically same thing I throw out a dig toys he's going to go to town and get me all the coal that I'm going to need to basically make refined ingots now another tip with the Dig toys here because some people may be realizing that my dig toys is doing more damage here um if you have the I was going to go I'm going to go into this a little bit more later but my drill Crusher on him is actually level two um instead of level one and I'm going to go into that later so make sure you stick for more of the video because we're going to go into that later but that's why it might be doing a little bit more damage than um say if you have one and you're not getting the same damage that also might be why all right so we're back we got our iron we got all our goodies now you may be asking okay the level two thing let's figure out what's going on with that what in the heck is that so let's talk about the condenser here so this machine right here you'll get it eventually um you actually get it pretty early or uh it's the pal condensation menu and basically what this machine does is it will like let's see here let me let me go through and let me um Let me let me sort my inventory here let me sort it so you can kind of see what it's going to do and like make this a little bit easier uh I recommend if you're going to go through and do this sort it by um pal deck number so that way all the pals are you know the similar pals are all the same right next to each other so you know how many you have of each one but let's say um let's say we want let me go back here let's do something we haven't done for a while so this guy right here rib bunny right rib Bunny's partner skill is skilled fingers which I believe makes him work faster right work makes him a better worker now in order to get that from level one to level two you uh you basically want to select one of your skill bunnies now for a if you're going to make a worker you want one probably that is a good worker so like a workaholic is a fantastic one um and then what you're going to do is you are going to you're going to see that it's going to give you a star and you're going to see it Max health is going to go up its attack is going to go up a little bit its defense is going to go go up and its skilled fingers are going to go up to level two now you have to select four other ones in order to combine into that to make to basically you know make that red bunny that level so you're going to begin condensation yep cool okay now that rib bunny is a one star it has a level two on skilled fingers and it has the Workaholics thing because that's the base one that I want to go with now if I want to do it again I need 16 rib bunnies instead so um and then that would take it to level three and then so on and so forth up to uh up to four star so um that's how I have my other guy up to level two he does more damage that way but it's just the basically the same thing with any of these um so any of the partner skills that is what you're going to be leveling up um now like I said for uh for dig toys it's fantastic you need it because it just makes life easier um so that is that's how we do that now I'm going to show you where I got dig toys as well because I know a lot of people are going to be asking where you get it and uh I yeah so that was how we leveled up the skill now let's let's do a quick talk about the skills themselves so if I go on if I go into any of these I hit F right this is going to give us a work suitability thing because I just want to talk about this while we're here because we already have the partner skill so we know what the partner skill does uh sometimes lays an egg when assigned to a ranch so if you want more eggs basically upgrade a chickpea uh it'll give you more eggs but there's also work work suitability and what this is what this is uh for is for when they are out at your base what they're going to do what they're capable of doing so you want to pay attention to what you have out and what you're wanting to get done so for example uh Anubis here is a handy work level four that means they are going to be amazing at workbenches they're going to be fantastic at these workbenches they're going to they're going to make things so fast it's fantastic um but those are what those are going to do so you want to just make sure that you know they're they're just the things that you have out the things that you want done you actually have the PALS out to do it um now I'll just I'll lightly go through them all because I mean they're all basically kind of self-explained kindling is you know smelting fire stuff like that planting obviously planting a garden handiwork is working on benches lumbering is you know um harvesting wood at the um either naturally curring uh trees around your base or at the uh the lumber pit or whatever medicine production obviously if you have a medicine bench transporting that is just moving resources from place to place uh watering watering the garden or uh using the water wheel or the grinder that's what you're going to be want with those generating electricity once you need ELC generators um that's what you're going to be doing Gathering that's going to be picking the plants from the gardens so actually for a garden you need planting Gathering watering and uh planting Gathering and watering yes you need those three things so um mining is going to be for the um the the stone pit in your base and or if you have any other like occurring things in your base like you if you have like a natural stone note or a natural iron or or node uh you can do that and then Farming Farming is when you build the ranch they will go there and produce whatever so and a good example of that would be um the the chickpea because the they'll sometimes lay an egg when assigned to a ranch or if you have say the cow man manun masarina uh they will sometimes produce milk when assigned to a ranch so you can see that they have this like farming ability right here so very handy uh to know those um and then this is one of the best points ever especially early game if you're playing and you do not have one of these in the very early game I don't what level do we unlock what level do we unlock the ranch if you are level five you need to go out and find one of these immediately you need to go out and find yourself a Vixie Vixie is hands down one of the most useful early game Pals you can get period end of story dot whatever and it's not even because I don't even know where where is a Vixie at I have one right here the reason is because Vixie when assigned to a ranch they're only farming level one sometimes digs up items from the ground when assigned to a ranch this little pal on a ranch will give you an infinite supply of blue pow balls and arrows for the most part and you'll get some other stuff here and there but this is where I've been getting pretty much all of my arrows and blue pow balls that I ever have um I don't have any of my inventory right now because I haven't been using them but if I go in uh let's see where is where's my blue pow balls at they I they keep they keep disappearing I don't what what the heck get get over there I have 126 right here in this storage however if I go up here I bet you I have more cuz I have a Vixie out right now so um there's nothing L on the ground because they already put it away but there's probably there's another 103 right here and there's another 47 arrows Vixie use them get a couple of them throw them on your base throw them into a thing right there and get those free blue pow balls you won't have have to make anymore it's fantastic they're op they're they're amazing now later game not so much um but still pretty handy and one thing I haven't done is I haven't leveled it up so I haven't seen if it increases the frequency of which it gets or the items level themselves of what it gets but still handy nonetheless so um get your Vixie get your Vixie get your Vixie just make sure you have a Vixie all right so for the next quick tip thing um there is there's this is going to be like an all-in-one little thing um inventory stuff uh there's some you can you can basically hit sort you know sort your inventory however you can also hit R when you're search when you're hovering over a chest there is a a thing right here I don't know what it says for Xbox it says quick stack basically if anything in here is in your inventory you can hit R and it will throw whatever it needs to in there basically you go to your chest you hit R it takes whatever's out so it makes uh storage organization a breeze it makes it so nice so you can go to your storages you open it up you hit R and you just move on with your life now I kind of wish you could I wish you could do it from the outside I wish you could just run up and like tap r or whatever and like it would automatically do it without having to open anything but you know what I will take this like this it's amazing uh it's just such a handy item I just go in here hit R and it will take whatever it needs so very handy very useful um now you got to be careful with that a little bit because sometimes if you have one random item say an arrow your stack of arrows will be gone if you have one pow ball in here your pow balls will be gone uh so yeah you have to be a little bit careful with it but um for the most part one of the best things to happen it's one of the best things in the game period um and then the other thing with inventory related is key items so up here next to your inventory you can't see it because my camera's right here but key items this is where you can see all your Saddles all your different abilities all your leashes collar um all like the stuff that you have like life monk Effigies how many you have key items right here now say you wanted to use Daydream but you didn't want to use the Ability anymore this is where you would have to uh remove that item you know what I mean or if you wanted a SAT for some reason you wanted to take a saddle off of something um this is where you would have to remove it from so um I didn't know this existed for the longest time but it's handy and I'm glad that I know now also another fun tip which um let me see if I even have one to demonstrate it uh I don't if you have a pal that is uh knocked out unconscious um incapacitated whatever you can actually just go to sleep with it in your inventory and it will uh it'll be fine it'll it'll respawn you don't have to throw it in your PO box so like let's say I mean let's just pretend that one of these was knocked out right if I go in here I go to sleep I wake up boom it'll be healed and ready to go again so that is something as well uh so you don't have to put it in your PO box and wait 10 minutes because I mean you maybe you don't have 10 minutes maybe you don't maybe you don't want to wait for it so um yeah there's a quick one for you all right let's also talk about Bas design um I get a lot of questions and comments on my Bas it's not done it's just a work work in progress right but let's talk about like why it looks the way it does and why I do the things that I do and why I do it the way it is because what I did was I built my foundations and I put the P box down and then I came out here to this to the blue circle because the blue circle is where your pals will work um in like so if they're in the blue circle they'll work they'll do they'll do whatever they need to do so basically I used foundations I put foundations all the way out to the edges I actually I actually think I had it squared off at one point but I think they got destroyed from uh from raids uh which we'll talk about here in a second and then basically I just put a wall all the way around it as you can see kind of a circle um just to keep everything nice and safe inside and yeah it's it's fairly easy fairly simple but the thing and the tips that I want to give you is if you are going to be uh building something like this and you're going to have an interior side there's a couple things you need to watch out for one is these One Foundation these one wall High rooms like this do not put things under here that Pals need access to they will get stuck very easily especially larger Pals or flying Pals they will get stuck in these rooms so easily it's ridiculous it's not even funny like um so make sure make sure you have space for your P the next thing is make sure you have space between different machines and different items so I try to have enough room to make sure that everybody can run through everything I don't want things super close um I usually try to have like even the beds like I try to have like a foundation you know they're on the corners right there um the reason I build on the corners is it's a grid pattern that helps me keep things lined up for the most part so I had a lot of people ask me about that too but keep make sure your pals have room to work and make sure they have space to move around uh now as far as multistory goes I would recommend having two wide stairs having a single set of stairs a single wide stair might cause some pathing issues I don't know I just I just have double wide stairs because I prefer double wide stairs uh and uh yeah so that that's that's what I do now you'll notice up here these walls are too high as well so when I first did this I had Pals that were getting out they were getting stuck on top of the walls make sure your walls are at least double high if they want them to stay within an area make sure your walls are at least twoo High that'll prevent them from like spawning out or like you know like loading on top of the wall and then falling out because what I would what I had was I only had one wall high and I'd come back and half my pals were outside my base like stuck and starving and hungry and like you know they couldn't do anything so um yeah make sure your walls are too high if you want to keep your Pils in and then also I guess if you want to keep PS out too right keeps them it keeps them out so uh but then that also brings me into raids let's talk about the raids because raids for the most part they do get harder as you go along but I almost never have an issue with them um it could also be my location my location is is fairly easy another thing about location make sure you find a nice some more flat to work with um big flat open area is very nice uh but as far as location as far as like a base raid goes all of my base raids uh typically happen outside they'll come in here they'll start attacking a wall or something like that and then they end up leaving so so um unless unless I come here and open this door if I open this door they'll come in here and then all of these Pals will start attacking now let's talk about um how to survive these raids because I get a lot of people commenting they're like how do you survive all these raids you know my like my base got raided I got destroyed all this stuff um a good way to survive the raids and um I I actually need to probably do this myself because a lot of these guys are like level 20s and stuff like that is leveling up your worker Pals leveling up the pals that are working in your base now there's very easy ways to do this U so if I go to my pbox manager right and I go through these these guys are like 17 they they do level up themselves as they're working too um but like let's say I have a whole bunch of level ones or something like that and I'm starting to get raided you know pretty hard go do like the first boss or something like that go do something super easy take up just take these guys in your party you know like if you can if you can one one pal the boss or whatever like if I take dig toys over to the first boss I will destroy that first boss very easily with one with one pal so I can put all like level one Pals in the rest here they will get levels super fast and if you level up these Pals in here they'll be strong enough to typically fight whatever comes after them now the other thing is make sure you're using the appropriate Pals for what you're doing so as you can see I have some like you know fancier Pals in here doing work right uh we have Anubis which has like you know level four level three mining level four handywork level three mining we have some Blaze hell knocks in here which are level three kindlings stuff like that but these guys are also just stronger period um now if I had a whole bunch of like you know uh ping glits and stuff like that in here I mean they'd be fine but like these guys they have abilities and attacks and stuff like that that can do like AOE they can do more damage things like that so um just keeping your your base Pals leveled up a little bit you know make sure you have like the you have some stronger ones in there um it's it's typically how I've have I've never really had an issue with the raids so um that's you know make sure level up your race level up your vase Pals a little bit you know show them some love give them some love uh they'll be fine your base your base will be good okay and then the last thing I want to do and I meant to do this earli and I do apologize and I want to show you where I found my dig toys so I know because like I said dig to is such a huge help U I found mine in this area right here so if you basically you're going to want a flyer um you're going to want your your Nightwing or whatever the first flyer I can't remember is first flyer Nightwing or is it yeah I think it's Nightwing um so take your flyer over go over here there's an area right here this is this desert area now I will tell you to be careful because I'll go over here and I'll show you what I mean um be careful though because if you get too far into the Des you're going to get hit with heat um and you don't want to get hit with heat because getting hit with the heat is uh it's going to start doing damage to you and it's just not fun now I got lucky because I was it was like in between times so during the day it's hot and during the night it's cold so when I happen to go over there it was right at the end of the day right at the beginning of night and that's when I actually caught my uh my dig twist so let me pop over here and I'll kind of show you where I caught it and where they spawn and where I got away with not getting hit by the Heat okay so down in this area um there's a couple areas that it can happen so down in here you can see there's green right you can see the you're we're still technically in this Forest Area so this area shouldn't be too hot it is a little hot right now I can I can see my temperature gauge there's a temperature gauge right next to your health bar um it's a little blue and thing right there blue and orange thing right there that's where your temperature gauge is at now if I get too close so like if I start moving in here it's going to probably go up okay or it already it was already went up okay so let's see where was I at I was down over here along the coastline I do believe okay yeah so this is where I found my first dig toys basically right here um he level 18 so yeah it is a little bit hard um it a little bit higher level so I think I was level 15 when I found it and I was like oh my gosh an 18 but as you can see do you see my heat now my heat is right in the middle so I did not have to have any special armor I didn't have to have anything special I was just flying around and I was like oh my God go Okay cool so that is actually where I found my first dig toys now if you have a heat armor and if you have some heat resistance if you have maybe a shirt that has a heat resistance or whatever you can go out here but as soon as you cross let's see it's like right here yes right here this threshold if I go back I'm good um I believe this area I think you can even go out to the ocean right here and I think you'll be all right yeah so even even out here in this even in this deserty area this whole spot right here I'll show you again on the map where it's at it's right in here this is where you can find the Dig toys without having to heat without having to have you know like any protection things like that and the I mean there's a lot of people here holy moly there's a lot of syndicates here gez Louise um but this is where I found the Dig toys and the dig to like I said it is probably one of the biggest game oh my God is that a huge dragon egg that is a huge dragon egg right there is it a huge or is it just a large we found another huge dragon egg that's exciting that's very exciting um the huge Dragon Age I everyone that I've caught H it turns into a um um d uh DTI ignis all of my dragon eggs have turned into this guy um which is it's a very nice it's a very very handy guy um to have but yeah uh dranti ignis so very cool but that's what all my pal my uh my huge Dragon needs have turned into I haven't had one turn into anything else yet so maybe uh maybe this one will be different but that's where you get your dig toys um and then those are those are like my tips and tricks hopefully this helped did it help did you did you find anything useful um was was there anything useful for you if there was leave a comment let me know let me know was most useful to you or if you think that I forgot something very important uh leave a comment down below as well like I said this I'm not saying this is like my top 10 thing I'm not saying this is like the best things these are just things that I usually I usually get asked about and that are probably the most commented thing um so yeah hopefully they're helpful and uh hopefully you enjoyed and if you did maybe leave a like on the video subscribe if you haven't already we've been streaming a lot of pal World here on YouTube and over on Twitch so we do multi Stream So if you want to follow on Twitch or on YouTube you can and uh yeah we'll be streaming again on Tuesday Wednesday and then sometimes Thursdays and Friday or Fridays and Saturday nights as well so um yeah thanks again for coming out have a wonderful rest of your day and I'll see you in the next one bye [Music] everybody [Music] a
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Keywords: palworld guide, palworld how to, palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld gameplay, palworld news, palworld early access, palworld info, palworld base building, palworld beginners guide, palworld tricks, palworld early game tips, palworld best tricks, top 10, wish I knew, palworld
Id: MqcHcXrqaOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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