How to Unlock HIDDEN Powers // Palworld Condenser FULL Guide

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knowing the secrets behind the condenser in power world can be one of the best ways to boost your power stats increase your bases efficiency and even increase your own speed and damage output today I've got a full comprehensive guide for you on everything you need to know about the pal condenser going over exactly what it does how to use it and some tips on speeding up that process hey everybody my name is Ben and welcome back to another power world guide video we're going to jump straight into it but if you want to check out a particular part of the video that you're interested in then I'll put a full chapter listing down in the description below and if you find any of today's video helpful at all then click on like and drop a sub to tell the algorithm you said hi so the condenser in power world is a machine that you can build from the ancient technology tab when you hit Level 14 you'll need two ancient technology points to unlock the pal Essence condenser and you can get those by beating bosses for the first time you get a point for each time you beat a boss get two of those and level level 14 and you can unlock the condenser what this somewhat morbid looking machine does is power up one of your pals by using the essence of a load of other ones it's essentially a giant juicer that you Chuck a load of Pals in and then you feed that to one of your other Pals and they get stronger to quickly demonstrate I'm just going to grab a random Vixie that I've got here and we'll show you just how it works and then we'll go into a bit more detail of why you should be using it and what it's particularly good for so in order to use the condenser you need to open up the UI here and then the first pal you select is going to be the pal that you're going to increase the stats of so we want to level up this Vixie that we just put in our party here with the runner passive skill select that Vixie and they are going to be the one we level up we then need to put in a bunch of Pals of the exact same type in order to use them as essence you can see at the bottom left of the screen it says in inventory there's eight so I know I've got eight Vixie sitting there and for the first level we need to put four in to do that so we click these four you can see it's filled up in the middle there and it says begin condensation we do this and you can see in the middle it says Max Health attack defense going up and dig here is going to be level two so when we do this that's going to consume those four Vixie they've now been deleted essentially and this Vixie at the top here now has one star underneath its profile picture on the right hand side there now you can use the condenser up to four times per pal to go up through those different star levels and each time you use it it's going to require more and more power essence you see if I select the same Vixie now it's going to say I need 6D Essences in order to level them up to level two so that would require 16 more Vixie to be dumped inside of this to take a power from level two to three you need 32 Pals and to take them from level three to level four you need 64 Pals so in total that's 16 PS in order to get one up to max level now there's various different benefits you get from leveling up these Pals as well as the obvious in the middle you can see their health attack and defense going up it also levels up their partner skill and that is where it says dig here if we go to my party here and view power details partner skill is what you see here on the left underneath the name and the level of this power it says partner skill dig here level two sometimes digs up items from the ground when assigned to the ranch the Vixie if you didn't know you stick it in the ranch it digs up pal spheres gold and arrows and all the pals in the game have a partner skill like this some of them require you to craft a saddle or a collar or gloves in order to be able to use that and some of them like the Vixie don't require you to craft anything you can see the Ragnar Hawk here for instance applies fire damage to the players attacks whilst mounted the catris makes neutral powers drop more items when defeated wixon applies fire damage to players attacks and all of the different powers that you have have some sort of partner skill that will either buff you or the pal or have some sort of other ability now you can take these up through four different levels by condensing and some of them are more useful than others we'll go over those in a bit more detail in just a minute the other key thing that you can upgrade by using the condenser is work suitability levels on your pal so when you take a pal up to max level up to level four then all of its work suitability skills will get plus one level so if we leveled up this wixon to max level for instance it would get kindling three handiwork four and transporting three and I can actually demonstrate this for you right now with this rush or I've got one at three stars that's ready to go up to four stars and we're going to do that now so you can see the process I find it easier to Chuck the one we want to level up into your party and then it's quite clear which one you want to upgrade remember the one you select first is the one that's going to upgrade they're going to retain their passive skills so make sure you've selected one with the appropriate passive skill you want to upgrade or you've bred one already with the skills you want them to have it makes sense to do your breeding first or your selection of passive skills first and then condense Pals if you breed off of a pal you've condense to tier four they're not going to pass on any extra levels or bonuses onto Pals you breed off them so you'll need to condense them again after that if you wanted to get them back up to four star so in the condenser menu we're going to select this rush or here three stars we need 64 Essences to level them up but don't worry we've got a lot of piggies ready you can see in my inventory it says 68 we know we have just enough we're just going to smash all of these don't worry if I'm horrendously melting down ones with great passive abilities here this is just a little test account that I've been playing around on to make videos so there we go we got 64 Piggies ready to blend down into a wonderful skill boosting milkshake for Russa here going to get a boost of the health attack defense and hardhead up to level five and if we go and have a look at our newly upgraded piggy here you can see it's got hard head level five we haven't actually bothered building the saddle for that yet cuz we've not really been using it but what it's now done is it's upgraded the mining skill to mining level two on this rather than mining one so it's going to mine quicker and more effectively as well as that of course this is one with Artisan so it gets plus 50% work speed as well now an important thing to know about the work suitability levels going up is that the mining skills work a little bit differently mining is the only skill in the game at the moment that different powers need to be a certain tier in order to do different things all of the other skills they just mean that they'll do the actions faster but for mining you need mining level two to mine ore or sulfur and Mining level three to mine coal and quartz and increasing your mining level by condensing Pals does not unlock the next tier so if you take a piggy to level two mining level two this one we've just got even though it'll say mining level two for them they won't actually be able to mine o you can see can't be assigned here just doesn't work and still attack these depressors that are hanging out over here but won't be able to mine or they're only going to be able to mine Stone but they will be able to do it more quickly so that's something definitely worth keeping in mind that may be an intended feature from the devs that may just be a bug or something that will get changed in future so if that does get changed I'll make sure I put a comment down in the description below but generally for Pals that's still going to be a useful thing to do if you can condense them up to Max then they're going to get a boost of their skills and obviously having poers with handiwork three four whatever skill upgraded means they're going to work quicker and more efficiently at your base now obviously acquiring 116 of any individual pal type can be pretty tricky but there's a few ways you can help that process first up if you do a lot of breeding then you can use spare powers from your breeding process if you're getting pals come out that don't have the skills you want then you can use those and condense them to level up the ones that do have have the abilities you want next up is knowing where to look for your pals remember if you go into your pal deck and then find a particular pal for instance if we go and find this die how and then we press right trigger it takes us to the habitat Tab and you can see on here these orange areas are marked where you can find that pal anywhere on the map so make sure you use that when you go out hunting them also if you are playing on a single player or hosting your own server and you have control of the settings then there is a world setting you can change that will help with pal spawn rates if if you adjust the pal appearance rate you can turn that up to three by default it's set on one and what that's going to do is not increase the amount of possible spawn locations for Pals but what it means is that every group of Pals that spawns there will be three times as many as they would by default so if a group of two Piggies would have normally spawned it would be a group of six if it was a group of three whatevers it'll be a group of nine so you get these massive groups of poers together it does say can affect game performance so be careful with that it does also look pretty crazy when you've got it on three I'm not sure if I'd play on that all the time but I have been using it in order to test things for this video so if you do want to condens stuff you don't mind jacking up your settings that's definitely a way you can do that so a good way to know exactly what's going to be improved by condensing powers in terms of their partner skills is to open the pal deck have a look at the description of it and basically what it says there is what's going to get a buff the die how here moves slightly faster than most mounts and it's going to get a speed boost every time you level it up and there's actually a fantastic resource that's been data mined and posted on the power world Reddit by user blah so big shout out to them and they've posted loads of information so if you really want to go through a nerd out on the numbers take a look at this and it's going to tell you everything you need to know on it for example it says the DI how you can see when you take it up to two stars that's basically the first condensing level it's going to get a 10% speed boost for level three it only goes up another 2% level four another 3% and then another 5% on max level so a maximum of 20 % speed boost on a die how if you condensed it up to max level it goes on to list a bunch of different mounted Pals that get speed Buffs from leveling up not all of the mounted poers get speed Buffs some of them have different effects like we mentioned briefly earlier things like the DI how where they just say moves slightly faster or can be ridden will level up their speed but stuff that has another ability like the vanor worm here you can see it says increases player damage to enemy weak points so it's going to buff that the Ragnar Hawk applies fire damage so that is what's going to get buffed when you level that up with the condenser now some of the more interesting partner skills to level up can be the farming ones I recently did a guide on Farming and the ranch building if you want to know more about that go check out that video I'll link to it down below but basically when you put different poers into the ranch they will gather items over time and if you level those up with the condenser then that will increase the rate at which they find those items so I've got my cix in there my mpaka and a couple of Vixie they're going to gather all sorts of stuff and they dump it here you can see I've got spheres I've got gold arrows wool and high quality cloth that the siix is gathering but I've actually also got Mega spheres in here because one of the most unique upgrades you can get with the power condenser is if you upgrade a Vixie to level four or five so that's the final two convension levels then as well as power spheres then they also have a chance of finding megas spheres as well so really useful thing to know and you only have to get them up a few levels and the rate of Megas speres doesn't actually change when you go from Level 4 to 5 so rather than using 116 Vixie in order to level them up to Max you could use 52 to take them up to level three and do that with two three or even four Vixie if you're really committed and then you'd be turning out absolutely tons of normal P spheres and megas spheres there's loads more useful information on this Reddit post I'd really recommend you go and have a look at it if you want to see if there's a particular power you like using you want to see what they get upgraded then go check it out there's some unusual stuff on there for instance depresso if you upgrade depresso in the condenser then they just get insanely fast lots of the other ones for instance that just do damage like the fox Parks the flamethrower ones that have the penguin rocket launcher Etc ones with guns they'll just get damage upgrades ones that do healing will get healing upgrades and most of that's pretty self-explanatory when you look through your PO deck and check out the partner skills but if you have a look in this document then it's just going to give you a bit more information so you can see exactly what kind of buff you're going to get from upgrading those skills so that's everything for today if you found the video useful at all then take a look at some of my other power world tips and tricks videos and drop a like and a sub if you want to stay up to date with all of my upcoming power content thanks so much for watching my name's Ben we are the beard guys and I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: The Beard Guys
Views: 2,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Xbox, Palworld PC, Palworld tips, Palworld guide, Palword Tutorial, Palworld tips & tricks, Palworld tips for beginners, Palworld beginners guide, Palworld getting started, Palworld Xbox tips, Palworld PC tips, Palworld gameplay, Palworld advanced tips, Pokemon, Palworld secrets, Palworld best pals, Palworld help, palworld pals, Palworld condenser, palworld condenser guide, Palworld condenser explained, palworld condensing pals, palworld condensation menu
Id: wt9M2Wm9hVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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