Palworld Tier List: All 35 Weapons Ranked

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pal world is mainly about the pals but it's been called Pokemon with guns for a reason so I'm going to walk you through my thoughts on all the weapons of pal world right here all right so unlock to level one here you've got three technical weapons the stone ax stone pickaxe and the club the stone a and stone pickaxe you're you're not really meant to hit things with those if you need to use an axe to Bonk a lamb ball in the head go for it but no those those are Nerf football just don't even bother that's like throwing a Nerf ball at someone it's going to bounce off and make a squeaky noise just don't bother now the club it does 25 Dam damage instead of the 20 of the stone ax and pickaxe but it still only does 25 the second you can get something better just move to that I'm going to leave it a trash because it's the level one weapon you need something to Bonk lamb balls with and I guess this is it for a little bit and I'm going to talk about it cuz technically the game classifies as a weapon but the handheld torch technically does damage if you hit something with it it does 10 only 10 it just just don't that's Bonk squeaky noise don't even bother actually you know what no that's worse than Nerf football add rows below here give me a second this this is now there we go torch it gets its own row because that is so bad just just don't just don't all right now our first real weapon on the list that's actually worth using for more than like three lamb balls the old bow very nice actually and a caveat for my list here I'm going to be breaking these weapons on when they're built in the game considering your tech level and what they're meant to be used on like if you're using the old bow on a German tide at the end of the game no it's G to suck it's going to really suck but when you build it at intended time like kind of in the starting area just taking out pen gullets and stuff it's actually quite nice like this is the first weapon you get that can really do some damage I really suggest using this for a while I personally did and I kind of skipped some of the other things out here not going to lie next up our list we've got the stone spear which you can build to level four it does 35 damage so noticeably less than the old bow but to be fair it doesn't use ammo or anything you do got to get in close but for the weak early Pals that's not too big a deal some of them might start hurting you a little bit and Mele like gets very dangerous late game but I'm going to put this at eh honestly it's not markedly better than the club but it is better so that's that's an eh for me even where it's meant to be built in the game it doesn't do that much up next on our list we've got the flame bow which well it's very nice because of the flame that also has its downsides you can build this a level five does 65 damage just like the old bow but with bonus fire damage lights things on fire very nice the downside of that is means it takes flame organs just to make the arrows and when you whiff your shot horribly like your buddy at the bar trying to hit on someone and you're sitting there like wow I've got no arrows left I need to go make more flame arrows oh no I'm out of flame organs I need to go find a fox parts to split in half long ways okay well I'm to go run around just to make arrows it's it's a pain it's just a pain I'm going to leave it at eh because well it is nice and the fire damage is nice of the game building those arrows is a pain so just eh it's eh out of the park the bat here if you're trying to hit a home run with a jolt hog out in the park this is what you want it's not great but does 50 damage build at level seven it only takes wooden Stone to build that's 15 more damage than the stone Spear and it's still very early game there honestly I would put this up pretty good it's a nice melee weapon coming up next we've got the poison bow which well it looks very cool and does poison damage is very nice exact same issue as the fire bow it takes poison organs to make which honestly are even harder to get than the flame organs because you need to find so the Daydreams or something at night I don't know it's kind of a pain to make but hey does good damage does poison damage we'll leave it in eh as well the trsh shot crossbow I'm a big fan of this thing here it's built only level 10 so still pretty early game and it uses one Arrow to make three shots now the shots individually do 40 damage but technically if you land all three of them that's 120 and that's a mathematical fact I know what mathematical are to because I'm a mathmatologist so I tell you what from the mathology we're doing here I want to put this out quite nice well we've rolled across another set of axes and pickaxes there there's not much to say just put them in Nerf football if you're using an axe or pickaxe to hit anything after level one what are you doing you're losing your mind I mean technically if all the other weapons break it's better than your fists they do 30 damage which is worse than the stone spear so just Bonk squeaky noise don't even bother coming in next at level 13 and honestly I don't know why it's level 13 when you can build the metal Axe and pickaxe at level 11 do you just kind of look at the inot the table and go man I couldn't possibly turn that into a spear until I have more knowledge I have no idea how I made this pickaxe it's sharp too I okay not to the point but this does 80 damage it's fairly cheap to make take some ingots but where it's meant to be built in the game this thing kind of smokes things like you get in close you start poking away you're going to be taking things down no problem so honestly this is quite nice for me like where you build this in the game ooh it starts tearing Pals apart also able to be built at level 13 the crossbow which man this thing's a sniper 280 damage that's insane you can start like one-shotting some of the early stuff you can take out things no problem with this guy honestly I don't think I need to say much it's a little expensive to build but that's insane damage I'm putting that as our first spicy that's awesome early game and each following couple levels after that crossbow there you've got the fire and poison crossbow which I'm upset that the poison crossbow does not have a picture that's all purple and fancy like the poison bow come on game you couldn't just put some purple around this guy I had to put a p on the label okay but not to the point um poison crossbow still really good does 280 damage as well do extra poison damage honestly for a pain of making the ammo I'm just going believe it's quite nice and fire crossbow same deal but at least it looks pretty next up we've got one I am incredibly excited to talk about here it's the first firearm in the game it this was Pokémon with guns that's what it looks like it's Pokémon with guns and here's the first gun you can build look at it it's a musket that that's awesome and I tell you what when I'm running around the fields of pal world and I'm lining up on a jolt hog from a mile away and I just snipe it out in one hit it feels amazing it just feels amazing this thing does tons of damage to bosses the ammo is a little bit of a pain to make cuz you actually have to start making gunpowder but hey get used to it all the later weapons in the game need gunpowder so honestly spicy absolutely spicy th damage that's insane all right coming up next we got the stun baton which does 10 damage so the damage sucks you're not killing anything with this but not the point of it the point of it is to St things so they're easier to catch because you get a bonus for catching when you stun stuff so honestly I'm going to give it an eh I never really ended up using it much it was a fun gimmick to be like wow that thing's a little easier to catch now maybe I can let my pals do a more damage if I stun it but I really never bothered using it so that's an eh th this the makeshift pistol it made me upset all right I got to say it it made me upset I was like oh cool you get your first pistol like that's probably way better than the musket it shoot faster it sucks it just sucks it does way less damage the ammo is even more of a pain to make than the coar ammo for the musket and it doesn't do much like this thing is even worth building honestly that that's a Nerf football for me like where you build this in the game just stick with the musket honestly stick with the crossbow they do the same amount of damage like 280 so just squeaky noise don't bother just don't all right I'm less angry about the normal pistol I'll settle down a little here so the normal pistol does 250 damage got some magazine8 which is pretty good so it holds a lot more damage in there and you can shoot pretty quick so that's nice you out put some damage quick and it reloads reasonably fast Burns through a lot of ammo so that's kind of a pain like it's expensive to keep this thing running I'm going to put it at a pretty good it's fun to use it's fun to run around and just Glock things but expensive to use that's the big thing for me it's just I I hated running around and just keeping making ammo and ah but it's pretty good all right something I didn't expect in the game for some reason I don't really know why the frag grenade throw grenades at things just throw grenades at a penguin or something Al World hey uh does 750 damage that's some good damage it's a little bit of a pain to build but it's fun you can just Chuck grenades at things does some nice Splash damage that's cool so honestly it's pretty good for me and right along with it the shock grenade now the shock grenade here it does 750 damage but it applies that shocked effect like the stun baton to make things easier to catch and that means it's ranged honestly that pushes it up to a quite nice for me so you can get that range bonus do a bunch of damage to something and just catch stuff easier I like that's quite nice right moving on to refined metal gear here we've got the refined metal spear which does some good damage does 310 damage which is more than the pistol per shot so very nice damage you can stand real quick it you can out put a lot of damage big problem with it though you make it level 34 what's going around level 34 some stronger Pals and what happens with stronger they do more damage to you so if you're real close into stuff you're more likely to get wiped out by them so I'm not a huge fan of melee weapons late game the weapon itself is good in theory but but getting close to stuff bad so that kind of leaves me to put somewhere in this range and we're just going to go right in the middle it's an eh it does good damage it's nice for wiping out a little bit lower level Pals if you need to go get some uh items or experience or something but fighting stuff is actually your level or above all right moving on to refined metal we've got again for some reason totally different level than the spear I guess you can learn to work with the refined Metal Ingot and just not make a pickaxe that's something but the the pickaxe and axe they're still trash just don't they do like 40 damage even for the refined metal don't be hitting stuff with these do build them because the mining is great but for a weapon they suck Nerf football squeaky noise don't do it yada yada we got this now it's a pickaxe and axe okay so the single shot rifle here it does 1100 damage which is only 100 more than the musket at a th000 but there's one thing that doesn't take into consideration the reload rate the reload rate on this is I don't know exactly what it's not listed anywhere specifically but it feels like about double so you can outp put about double damage of the musket and the amm's a little more expensive cuz it's rifle of not Cor ammo it's a little more expensive to make this so a little tougher to build but you can output twice as much damage so that's ooh a huge plus I don't think I'm going to put it all the way up at spicy because at the level you can build this there's some other good weapons around I think we're going to leave it at quite nice here but it's well worth building and it is in fact quite nice oh and actually too because every haven't mentioned this yet um while we're talking about the rifle here aim for head shot that's just a PSA in this game you get bonuses for headshot damage on Pals enemies whatever so the single rifle here does insane damage if you're hitting the weak points on Pals and enemies so head shot go for it so we've got here the ice grenade which much like the normal grenade does 750 damage so nice damage but it freezes enemies so that's real Handy much like the shock grenade it'll help you catch Pals and freezing will fully freeze them in place it doesn't last all that long so eh it's kind of late game to build too I think I'm going to leave it at pretty good honestly haven't found myself using it too much to be honest all right first shotgun of the game the double bar shotgun looks kind of weak off the bat it's only got 190 damage but I tell you what that's a little misleading because that is damage per pellet as near as I can tell from doing little testing it looks like there's nine pellets in here maybe just every time one or two Miss there's actually more but that's a lot of damage that's a number that I can't kill in my head right now off the bat so I'm going to put it on the screen right here but this should be a spicy for me cuz that's a ton of damage output but it only holds two shells and there's literally a better shotgun in only a few levels so I'm to leave it at a quite nice but it is indeed quite nice all right got an interesting one here Lily Spear of course related to Lily the boss that you fight in one of the towers makes sense but it does 450 damage that's kind of insane damage output there much better than just the refined metal spear but expensive to build with the 20 ancient civilization Parts it takes and as a weapon it's eh but I saw a video online recently where you can actually use this to mine super fast like you stand on Top of the Rock Crouch and just start attacking you can like destroy your rock in five seconds but this is a weapons TI your list that's just a random tip I'm going to put it at a pretty good cuz that's far more damage than a five M spear but man is it expensive to build so it's not any higher than that Molotov it's an incendiary grenade so yeah it's cool it does fire damage to stuff you throw it spreads much fire everywhere I that's awesome does 750 damage looks like the normal grenade and just throws fire everywhere great if you're fighting some grass Pals I can't say I've used it too much so I can't put it up too high but I'm going to call it pretty good I like it it's fun it's a Molotov all right I alluded to this one before during the double barrel shotgun the pump action shotgun just the superior shotgun holds eight shots does 220 damage per pellet we already know there's a bunch of pellets in there so it's outputting damage like crazy I I don't think I need to say more spicy it's spicy it's the best shotgun of the game use it please all right I've kind of made my thoughts on melee weapons known at this point I don't like getting close in late game and this is the latest game weapon but man does the sword do damage 525 damage and I don't know something's just fun about running around swinging a sword around and just chopping Pals in half it's it's great it's just great I would put it at spicy but the only thing that's keeping it from being up there it's just that you get close in melee and you're more likely to die so I'm going to leave that quite nice it's the best melee weapon in the game that's a quite nice the best of the best the creme creme which I don't really know what that means but people yell it at me from the streets all the time so you know what the assault rifle here we got to talk about it 20 ammo 320 damage that's insane it's expensive to build the amm's expensive to build who cares you got to do something with all that stuff eventually got to get to the high level but this is the best gun it's the best gun in the game spicy need I say more there's nowhere else I can put it all right speaking of the best thing in the game the highest damage output by far the rocket launcher here I wasn't quite sure how much exactly it did I looked apparently it does 10,000 damage a shot which we were just talking about this for being 320 and like that's great 10,000 oh my god of course you shoot a whole rocket at something so very expensive but 10,000 yeah that's a spicy that's insane all right I just round things out here because I kind of didn't know this was a weapon till I was looking at this list the elizabe staff apparently you can buy it or something um does like 100 damage it's it's trash just don't worry about it it looks really cool so that's nice but it's trash all right that's it that's my list hopefully you enjoyed if you agreed or disagreed love you let me know down in the comments let me know your tier weapons let me know your F tier weapons just let me know anything let me know what you have for lunch today just I need to know things I need knowledge all right but thank you all for watching if you enjoyed let you a like down below and if you're looking to see more content like this love if you considering that subscribe button thanks and I'll see you next time
Channel: Nate's Game Box
Views: 1,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palword, teir list, tier list, pokemon
Id: e1DFPW4xvKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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