Weeklong Spring Wilderness Adventure With My Dog (Part 5 of 5) [Extended Series]

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[Music] [Music] big ol weed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] why this aggressively leg all over my stuff potty you choosing the sleeping bad road leaving that's my stop Maji whirring he was dirty dougie looks a pretty good I say oh you hear all the sounds of the morning the dawn and that was I was at five am 5 to 5:30 I was recording that I was just it was just so peaceful I woke up and just listened for like a half hour 45 is just like wow this is great and I couldn't sleep because it was so it was so peaceful I couldn't sleep if that makes any sense just like Monty right now oh jeez Monty he wasted realistic it was so warm I didn't use my sleep bag to like a few hours ago I just had to kind of like draped over I had my arms on all day who is really nice they said cloudy out there don't know if it'll rain orful turn sunny again like yesterday or the spotty today it's got more of that rain sense than yesterday did yesterday morning I could see the Sun peeking a little bit you ready to give up my tea you ready to get up you big fuzzy teddy bear you just just your fuzzy teddy bear okay let's do it freedom freedom aunty be free go ahead go ahead buddy go ahead go I'm gonna say it's see we're outside what do you mean you don't wanna leave the cookie soup I know particularly you don't go 70 is right there the door is open look okay don't do that don't do that you stinker no no that MIT oh sorry hey it's a brand new day it's a new day [Music] okay well it does seem a little rainy it's a light light amount of chill to the air the light about a chill so I think we best pack up semi swiftly Monty don't choke yourself so yeah just gonna pack up let's cue breakfast sequence and it's not coffee and oatmeal today it's coffee and something else let's do it [Music] [Music] [Applause] this part is too small I think you guys a patch of blue skies over there boost like making sunny again this is the trail breakfast I got it's got eggs hash browns sausage looks like chives cheese [Music] mmm oh yeah no someone has this I just put the water in the bag mm-hmm I boiled it up this time is much better but there are fish jump it out there like crazy I'm pretty sure it's back well I think if you catch on the way out [Music] begin Monty this is little Sprague's though pretty sure those are frogs well we're gonna finish up our breakfast here finish packing get on the water get to paddling portage it and fish let's do it black flies and fish come on let's go [Music] dang nabbit you stinking black flies one of these days I'm gonna make a video comparing the bugs that I don't like because there's a lot of confusion when I refer to black Pfizer's there's three four main bugs I severely dislike black flies which are kind of smaller they're about they're like two pencil leads and they're fast and they almost look like tiny bees kind of a little bit not really anyways they come in swarms they're fast they get in your ears nose eyes and mouth all holes they just they just balls aren't they love your ears and then there's mosquitoes everyone knows mosquitoes I mean they're the slow-moving they will swarm you though and like when they get bad they will just like you won't even see them coming than always going up 20 on your hand mosquitos then there's the sand flies now a lot of people get confused sand flies horse flies and deer flies deer flies are the ones that kind of have the orange eyes with the black can that you can can't they just have the the cool looking eyes I would say and they will they love to fly in your hair and they'll drive you nuts but they're easier to kill they have like designs on their wings horse flies are huge they're the ones that will take chunks idea but sand flies are the ones that look kind of like horse flies but they're mini and they look like house flies but they are little ankle-biters and probably my least favorite because do you just you just I'm sitting in my canoe all vulnerable I'm fishing and just like the perfect time of year and it's just sunny and gorgeous and just enjoying yourself and also ah your ankle I don't like sand flies do but yeah sand flies don't like those sand flies those are problem I don't know sanitize you can just cover your ankles but it's usually too hot deer flies they just get in your hair I don't ever have to deal with horse flies as much those are a rarity for me but I actually don't mind horse flies because they're so easy to kill you can see them coming a mile away they didn't make a big buzzing sound those I would prefer pretty much over any fly it's all just easy oh there's a bee landing on me I'm gonna ignore it not kill it we've got a bald eagle I don't know if you can see it right there in the trees holding the GoPro is not good at is zooming are they called bald eagle it's definitely got feathers there it's not bald I mean okay it's got a white head sole sort of seagulls want to make a quick note as to why you rarely ever see me record with the DSLR in the boat and that is because I don't trust myself with Monte in the boat to have the DSLR it's just not waterproof it's not easy it's big and clunky they can get wet and get ruined it's just you know I used to carry it underneath my legs and kind of in a ziplock baggie but I've had it what I've done that I get moisture in there and water in there and it's just like I don't like that at all so sometimes on occasion if I know I don't know sometimes I'll leave it out just because it's better when you want to see wildlife that's its that's its main focus is like if I see a moose the GoPro is just junk it getting it from like over if I was all right here there's a moose on that Shore you would just see this little speck and you'd be like great and I'll try a digital zoom but do you sorry you get a nice clear shot but it's just a paint and with the GoPro I've got it it's a it's a good - to the boat so I can you know do this and it ain't going anywhere I could I could flip my boat and it would still be attached that's why I like just sticking to that I don't want to risk it with my nice expensive camera you know well this one's nice and expensive too but not nuts you know it's a GoPro it's meant to be beat up oh yeah hmm we need a moose where the heck is a moose that's how you start the day off right I think that the week of warmer temperatures has definitely helped the fishing a lot I mean it could be coincidence but I don't think so I think this period of I mean it's been 70 every day since I've been here and it was cold that's God I've warmed up the water made the fishing better so we could be in store for some really good fishes of next the last couple days we should be a nice little tree you never really know I want to catch a walleye were staying at a lake not tonight tomorrow's leg is why I like nice lake is Larry we need a Larry we need a Walter we already failed our goal as far as catching a fish every day that just didn't happen we could almost catch enough fish to where we make up those last days but yeah we missed that goal but we can still catch a Walter and a Larry with our Bobby interpeter [Music] [Music] [Music] exactly what I get this thing in this stinky Monty song and I'm looking back at Monty and I run into a rock put a finger in the bowl there we go yeah look at that rock just sticking out of them in the middle here I just shaved a year off my boat you're a life yeah nice old day here perfect we shall see if we can skip this portage I just passed I just passed it up but it looks like it's a Little River see if the water level is high enough suckers again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] those two bite maybe not if they're running you probably could suck it out they could eat those they'd be just fine if you had to but I'm not going to target those there's probably more [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they're everywhere this is so many Oh [Music] oh my just farted these suckers I learned last spring they go up for month or something or air I don't know what they're doing last I was going nuts trying to figure out won't it work oh yeah you can see I'm just coming out of the water they jump they jump up pretty good all the black bikes we've got some of the black prices outside I think this is the only campsite on this lake - no one's here yeah the one we got was much nicer than this wow this looks so pretty good right on the water's edge but the ten spots are up there not the one we got was way better and the lake I like the light oh my gosh there's a massive down free up ahead since we caught so many fish near down freeze this trip let's try it for sure we're down trees right here denim I sure they're good for fish here never seen it they're good for fish you know you can just sense when they're a goner oh there's just nothing better than a fresh Jake head look at it still got the orange on all its brand new and white oh yeah let's let's lose this to a pike right away it's a big education but there's more suckers now you can film splashing you can see their fins [Applause] [Applause] [Music] alright I'll do it I'll try to anyone I don't think they'll bite this jig did you see that one the black pipe you just gotta teach these black fuzzier you're playing for keeps yeah I do one of these you whack them right down to the water I'll think twice about buzzing now right leather right back they didn't care [Music] Monte's confused as to what I'm doing looks like we've got a nice little rocky drop-off I mean there should be fish here we gotta remember the weather is warm enough oh you gotta just not cast like that ever ever ever ever geez is that a down tree better cast near it I'm definitely getting a lot bites from the black flies not funny see I do love these cloudy days I just had a pike go after right at the boat or two see if we can pick this guy up I was to Pike but it was just the same one turning around wouldn't make sense it was to pike god I knew he'd get him oh he got away [Music] dang it got some more dead trayzell paid we're gonna take a few more casts in this lake and then we've got the biggest portage of the day and the trip left it's a half mile seems like it's inclined steadily for most the way and then it drops off into the the last third not too bad um yeah then the rest of the trip and today we just got a couple more teeny-tiny z' and we'll be at our lake and we've got eight hours of light left so we're gonna plenty of time to fish for a Larry tonight they'll probably get we're gonna fish the next leg pretty good definitely fish snakes like pretty good and then we're gonna skeet on over to the lake for the evening and just do some trolling we're gonna troll our way to a campsite and all the campsite is a big long lake with not lots of nice drop-offs so we're just going to troll and peek at camp sites as we troll pick whichever one we feel like stay in it and then yeah we'll set up camp a wall control some more then we'll go back to camp and chill will troll some more we'd better be able to pick up Oh Larry I really hope we do if we do pick up a Larry we're gonna have our second dinner tonight two dinners in a row two fish tears or I'll be fine with me well I probably won't keep any bass or pike we'll just hold off for a Larry yeah like golden eagle or a hawk or a baby eagle just floating around look at him he's having a blast give me a baby eagle testing I was wings always another one just one just three in your own this kind of look like a baby eagle just testing out swings for the first time or something just floating around there I bet there's more suckers right here see if we can grab one anywhere those rushing water they seem to be hanging out sneak attack dang well there's some kind of big animal [Music] [Applause] [Applause] be very quiet I'm hunting suckers oh geez already get what you had one Oh dig it whoo Yamaji vaca is completely unimpressed by my shenanigans Oh mud pee hey I almost had one Monty one might be right back you ah ding your little stinkers dance I have on we're so slippery I got one there we go I did okay be free be free victory is mine victory is mine build now that I realized they'll just let you put your hands on them you can kind of I think it's called canoodling you can canoodle them Monte's just like what the hookers - doing good Witherspoon here yeah I can I really wanted to they just let you like you can get your hand on them they don't even feel you I don't think [Applause] [Applause] it's just so fun this one's saying out of the water why are you gonna try to catch me boy why are you doing this please let me go okay I'm going back to the water see you later [Music] there he goes Monty has clearly been worried sick about me no I know you're doing these random things and I don't know why boy just wait that's a good boy Monty we're gonna find out what this noise is even though I'm I know it's frogs we're gonna find out what this noise is oh it just stopped oh it's it's toads they're just trying to mate in the water look at them all that's what that noises it's toads you can see like 30 toads right there I guess they mate under water look at this they're all just mating man is that cool I've never seen that before I've heard it and I kind of knew it was frogs I didn't know is told that you can see their eggs but there is just hundreds of them everywhere all along so check this Alma do another underwater shot of all these [Music] [Music] and that cool I've never seen that before that's so awesome they're just everywhere I said carefully I did that really slow leak I don't want to step on them they're just the whole shoreline here is just hundreds of them so now we know what that noise is toads are mating I mean I knew with frogs but I didn't know with toad so now I know exactly what that is it's just hundreds and hundreds of toads mating that's crazy yes you could say it was a toad orgy all that noise means that there's a tour toad orgies going down moose poop moose poop oh gee maybe that noise dog orgy Toto G oh it's lucky this whole trees just float right here okay this is really filthy monkey bottom I can't I can't even walk in here let me see if you go for it hey Monty you ready you feel better [Music] whoo ha ha hi my G oh that feels nice hi mighty oh that feels so good oh the waters still chilly feel like it's warmer than a few days ago but oh just so good this was much the whale that sweat and grime oh yeah hi Maddie come attend hey buddy how's it going my teeth don't freak out I gotta put my head under okay [Music] well I just washed my hair my face oh yeah I can I can just tell this water is much less cold than the lake I swam it whatever day that was because I can stand being in this I noticed it's still cold I'm going a little numb here but definitely warmer that water was really cold so the fishing might be real good in here oh oh so good okay let's get out and have some lunch hey Monty Monty York on that tree [Music] look at me you ever see a 215-pound man move a thousand-pound tree with such ease I don't think so maybe you have I've never moved a tree this big with my bare hands yeah [Music] we got my mighty burn away oh oh well we're gonna eat lunch there but the black flies we're just mulling us Oh a breeze picked up right there at the end that just have them there's they're still just ones are calm get out of here just get away yeah yeah yeah yeah we need to get out into a breeze which there is no breeze so we're just gonna make one paddling oh I want a fish this lake but I'm getting away from these black guys first they're just following me I could see him I'm just gonna have to kill them all one by one until there's no longer a cloud behind me but man is swimming feel good I feel like a million bucks well there's a slight breeze even just a slight breeze like that helps a ton with these black flies okay we got a slight breeze let's take a cast right out here in the middle you know swimming when I'm on the portage and I'm just sweating like crazy and I'm all sticky and just nasty I'm just like oh yeah someone's gonna be great and then you like you get the tip of your balls in the water just a little bit you're like I don't know I don't know about this but then you jump in then you're saying oh yeah okay and then right now when you're out and you're all refreshed it feels even better it was getting rough back there I couldn't even get a second with him not in my ears or my eyes or my nose they were just oh and Monty was just like he was not having it she was kind of she was like kept moving positions that's good just like shaking his head and running around looking at me like what the heck are we doing try casting along the edge here Monty's gonna squeak it's pretty good cast right along the edge there's a downed tree running right here [Music] [Music] that's a snag first thing I felt it moving I just forget it why they won't bite either they're there and they're not biting or they're not here which that neither will make sense this is a huge down tree and you see the massive branches that was a big bass yes Oh take it the second time I am Simon I saw I'm saying it the first time ooh that's a nice bass whoo hello Bobby give me wet I knew there'd be a fish here oh jeez oh oh that's a big bass hole that is a big ol bass look at that Peggy this might be bigger than the one yesterday this one's got no eggs whatsoever in it look at that thing that's a nice fish right there all right now like I said we could totally keep this net fish dinner we're after a greater price we are fishing this lake for fishing these bass for fun right now we had our Bobby dinner if we get desperate on the last day we'll go for a another Bobby dinner but we want to Larry want to learn her Walter we're gonna let this big piggy go I love when you can just feel them just nail it so that one was under that big tree just like I thought I knew they'd be under the big dead trees no he's on it dang it so now we're gonna fish them all every single big dead tree geez problem with these shores like I was saying before yesterday there is just so much dead down trees I just I'll show ya I'll show you just a whole shoreline is just dead down trees just infinite cover so they can just be hiding everywhere there should definitely be a Fisher may hear this Casaus know this case nope just nag it he's definitely a fish hiding in this little area it's gotta be just come to me what's a nice Pike - I got him barely buy it lift it over there he goes that was like a nice 28 30-inch pike he got freed flip the net over and he was just hung on by the corner of his lip but I caught him if I really wanted to I could have grabbed them but I I wasn't let him go anyways that was crazy I could just see him there's a tree right here I'll show ya and he was just swimming through it and then as soon as I put my lure in he just kept swimming and then as soon as I like twitch tit you swim superfast towards it he just came swimming up from under there underneath these branches and like came up over and as we could swim right through here this treat is weaving in that was pretty cool I'd have been cool to uh turn the camera on him but if I would have put it in the water or spooked him they're definitely not appreciating the Oh [Music] snag all right we've got one more big dead tree on this Shore and they were going back this Shore has been less productive than the other Shore even though they're all the same yeah so for all the trips I've got planned you know the one with my dad my brother and captain teeny trout and even funk I usually do I usually pick where we go the other than funk they've never been here so they don't really know what to go so I'm try to scope you know the best experience like for my my dad and my brothers trip I'm trying to pick a spot I've we've already got it picked out but fewest amount of Portage's with the best fishing you know to spend a weekend and with Cathan teeny trout we're gonna do four nights so I've been kind of wondering like where the heck we go and he wants to catch a big Pike bass so I'm thinking I might just bring them back here because so far it seems like we've had pretty good bass fishing there's pretty big bass I mean there hasn't been many crazy big pike but I know the next this is big there's big pike on one of these lakes and uh yeah we might just head right back here for four nights this wouldn't be bad just this would be a good fishing trip it's just a few Portage's nothing crazy so we'll see we'll see what he wants to do I keep getting snags with this one this one's not good I don't like the angle of the snag this one might be a goner you can always tell because of the way you're going it's just got it I just giver [Music] snoring who's a good boy now bird is that all sound like close to be pros Amen TV snoring again hmm okay this one okay the Loon on that one lake that I was all flipping over it must have just been cleaning himself or something because this one's doing the same thing I thought maybe it was distress but turns out it's fine yep he's doing the exact same thing hey you can see him it's like flipping on his belly and he's like flapping sounds like he's struggling to fly away but he's doing it on purpose these clouds are looking rather ominous behind me we could be getting some rain after all maybe oh dang it that was a bite doll time take it I didn't have too much slack dang it you did it again I should have known better I knew it was probably gonna they always strike twice when you let it just drop after they hit it let's try again maybe just hate a big ole noise there had to be a fish under here dang it no my head geez Jack everything's fall apart memories just this past fall this Wroclaw right here me Monte and Jake climbed up this and we threw rocks at Dan as he tried to fish such fond memories okie Dokes we were just gonna hit a few more big ol trees and I see a beaver home we'd like to make some angry beavers you know always got to make beavers angry before you leave the lake but yeah we're just gonna hit a few more big trees and then we're gonna keep moving there's no fish here are you serious [Music] it seems a little shallow back here but the beavers have provided us this nice home and they would probably be offended if we didn't take a few casts next to it you know beavers are so they're so friendly they're always just like yeah please fish love it yes the beavers smell like Monte's there is two hundred and fifty thousand percent chance that there is a fish near this big pile of dead trees will I catch them or even know that they're there because they don't bite I don't know but I know they're there that's good enough for me all right final tree we've got birds chirpin it's calm it's a nice big Bobby or a monster Peter or Walter if they're in here I don't even know dang it it might not be either still fish here just shallow oh yeah I got one I told you I told you there's fish there ha ha the biggest fish is a fish in the trip vasya Bobby jr. go Harry wolf poop a product of the 2020 toad og and he said it's a baby tower leave it be you're gentle you're good boy it's just a little too well I think I see an Eastern newt in the water the second time I've ever found one of these you can tell it's got a the yellow-bellied yellow speckled belly I'm being very gentle my hands are wet so he's fine I'll let him go now [Music] [Music] yeah I never knew those existed in places like this last spring yeah I saw him during a spring trout fishing and I it's you know I've been just my mind was blown because I'd spent my whole life chasing frogs and turtles and toads and snakes and I never saw those before so it just like blew my mind I could see him in the water I was like what the heck is then I finally got one and looked it up later and yeah now it's an Eastern Newt and they're more common than I thought all the black flies again dang you you need you need some of this what's up that you like that what do you think about that they're just gah he's vicious that's right tell your friends about me tell him how vicious I am tell him I don't cut off with this crap anyways I'm gonna throw on a spoon or actually how far do we have to go on this lake it doesn't seem very far at all okay yeah we're just gonna we're gonna paddle on through to the next Lake it's I can pretty much see where we have to go man ah black flies I just can't believe how nice as weather is business ridiculous this doesn't happen just what if we're on day six and the first day was a sunny nice day the day I drove six days of just beautiful sunny weather with the wind at our backs for most of it we had the one day one day where we had to paddle into the wind it was gusty but I mean again it's an hour back so we're about to get on a big lake and I think it's gonna be in our backs from the direction is playing this like it feels like it'll be pushing us and we're gonna be trolling along this Shore anyway it was blowing this way we're gonna have the wind at our backs again this is this is madness it's pretty sweet I'm loving it it's great but it just I just never happens like this Lucky's have ever been luckiest I've ever been weather-wise still go change this sucker don't look like it's got much life left in it he just went up spun and died I could probably grab but I'm not gonna come about to eat some lunch ah yes this lake this lake brings me back brings me way back and as a matter of fact I'll tell you a little story about this Lake you have to go way back back back back way back long time ago to the fall of 2019 I was I was out of wilderness adventure with my friends they were catching fish left and right monsters well not monsters but fish left and right like one or two each and I couldn't catch a fish for the life of me Oh struggling struggling struggling and then we get to this lake I just set up my chartreuse lair like I always do way back hundred feet of line all of a sudden I get a snag at least I think it's a snag lo and behold it's a fish and it's a big fish I try as hard as I can it puts up such a fight it doesn't even come close to the boat for at least 20 minutes I'm embellishing for the sake of the story and then I finally get it next to the boat and I think this thing's worn out just dead tired and it's a monster pike so I go to try to net it with my teeny little net this little thing right here I end up getting its face in the net the lure hooks onto the net it drives it thrashes it pretty much jumps completely out of the water and I can see that it's obviously a 71 15 sixteenth inch pike bigger than the great legend that I missed and it just goes away scot-free that's the true true story of this Lake so we are going to give Monte a treat got a treat form here I'm going to fill up a Nalgene with water here you go Monte well put it down there Archie's he goes crazy for two if he drops out in the water it's gone so I fell Pinal Jean then we're gonna put on the chartreuse layer and we're gonna go for a Larry the lake trout or the monster 72 inch pike of legend well the 72 inch pike that was way back in last spring this one was had to be at least that big could have been bigger I don't really know it's hard to say without a measuring tape you know thought it in my hands but the other one that I didn't get to see really at all was definitely at least 72 and 1/8 inch okay I've got this spoon tied on this pole okay I just had to do that and then the chartreuse layer on the other pole which we're gonna try first so I feel like switching all I got to do is just reel it in and just quickly switch we're just gonna get out deep enough where I won't get snagged and let out at least 100 feet of line and get trolling [Music] [Music] we're gonna make the switch to a spoon no hit so far I was reeling it back in as fast as I could a little late show grabbed it hey hey Larry okay I thought I felt something grab it and then I just kept reeling because it just was swimming with me as fast as I would reel and I was like it feels weird and then I notice there was a fish on there it didn't even fight at all that was so weird well Larry dinner hey Larry look at that that is the perfect eatin sighs lake trout two of those and we will be so happy I like them I like smaller child we have two of those reason we're getting fat and sassy tonight Monty oh yeah all right let's catch another I guess we're sticking to the sewer net over the boat equals net not over the boat equals I waited all day for you Larry I waited all day for you as my first cat mm-hmm yeah that was so weird I just I didn't even realize there was a fish on there because I don't know if it happened right when I started reeling it in or if it was like Midway but at some point I felt like a little just it I didn't feel the vibration of the lure anymore very weird like I didn't even really feel a strike I just kind of felt like maybe like a slight bump and then he just must have swam with the lure and not fought back at all so I don't know if that was because he was just following it and then as soon as I just had to reel it in he took it or if the fat cuz I reeled it in really fast if it was the fast reeling that made him bite it which if that's the case I need to pick up my speed for trolling that could be that could be the reason I'm not getting many bites or something [Music] [Music] we've got a waterfall Inlet up here so I think I'm gonna reel this in and just cast the spoon a few times see if we can get one the old-fashioned way Caston [Music] I wonder if just casting a jig just like I do those other times that I catch a lake trout I usually do that it's smaller legs I never tried it these bigger Lakes wonder if they'll work it probably would it is just crazy how I'm on this huge lake no one's around there's no wind just like I mean this is pretty pretty calm for a middle of the day wind on a big lake man just another perfect day this is craziness all right well we got our Larry and we got a bobby earlier and a PITA geez holy geez well all we can oh it all we can get now is a Walter I mean we're good other than that [Music] it's just so still out it's eerie I heard any animals or anything it's like the calm before the storm maybe it's an otter he's hissing at us hello hairy otter Monty it's a hairy otter oh hello Harry otter wonderful come close to the boat I've had otters steal my fish before hey he doesn't like us hey dude I'm pee I'm friendly I'm friendly I was just trolling here I mean no harm I'm friendly okay imagine just think what the heck is that thing he really doesn't like us hey all right well we have paddled about three-quarters of the way down this lake we had the one lake trout we've got two campsites on our left both are open I've had the pick of the litter I could have chose any so I wanna I cannot believe I haven't seen any people on this light it's a huge like this is crazy it's been a gorgeous week I just don't understand but anywho the last two campsites on the left are the last two camp sites until we enter the burn and the burn is not gonna be as desirable we have a little wind or even rain or whatever it's just I don't like to camp on the burn without a half - it's always a pain finding firewood in the burn as well because a lot of young growth and the that young growth is just like with the just dick super thick it's more fun to find firewood and develop for us anyways we're gonna pick oh yeah my team we're gonna just look at these to pick whichever looks nicer and we're gonna get out of the boat and set up camp we've still got quite some time two and a half hours of sunlight I don't know how much more trolling we're gonna do we'll definitely do some more trolling but we might wait till close to dark and maybe only do a half hour 45 to an hour up an insane sure mines he wants to take a break he wants to you know he's been laying in the boat all day he'd like to go lay up on land somewhere no it's just he likes to have a difference in where he lays and falls asleep we'll do a stick session for him I think we forgot to do it yesterday so he's he's probably eating for a stickin okay sir Montes Picanto go ahead you may leave the vessel would you look at that view I mean Hey so beautiful well I can just I can just imagine it down sitting right here put the campfire get this the Sun setting beautiful just beautiful Monte hopefully we can hear some flutes man these bigger Lakes moons sometimes like - I mean loons are loons when they're loons but sometimes they'll looms like bigger Loon Lake when your loony moon you know anyways [Music] for year but II like to bring in this is a spiky sticky oh it's my hand [Music] frisky bunny yeah he's full of energy now he's been napping all day so chock-full energy okay what are you doing Monty he's barking while he's getting a stick my ring [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'll get it [Music] simmer down now [Music] okay Wow whoa whoa no lo no time hey what are you doing these are just tent poles are not sleeping pads okay and that everything was meant for battle is it you so we'll try telling you that next time you attack me with them yes I think what the plan is is that I would like to be here for the sunset so I want to get set up and we're gonna go do a little more fishing and we're not going to night fish I want to be back here for a night I want to watch the sunset with a fire this is a beautiful spot so the pool is I'm just gonna cut to putting this all together throw it on my crap end and then we should probably gather up some firewood come on tea come on let's go fishing come on Oh mosquito it got me it got me my team got me I've decided that if I catch a smallmouth bass Bobby we will eat it with her or Larry because we've already got you know the Larry I'd like another one but there's a waterfall what it sounds like which probably won't go check out maybe tomorrow we will but not today I'm gonna go cast near though and I think this might be a good spot for a bobby bass and if we catch one of these we'll just go back to camp and enjoy the rest of the night otherwise we'll just take a few casts here and then we're gonna troll a spoon 3/4 ounce spoon for about 45 minutes and then we're gonna head back and watch a sunset there's a little pile of firewood that's already there but it's not enough for a fish dinner so uh I've got a piece to process up there but this sounds like a pretty good waterfall but there's some fish around here it depends how deep it is I can't see anything with the Sun it's in my face Maya looks like it would be a pretty little waterfall doesn't like it's crazy decline or whatever but a little-bitty waterfall ah the black lives that hit me and we will come check this out Oh got something oh it's a Bobby Oh would you look at that hey yeah we're having a proper fish dinner tonight just like I thought heck now we can even check out the waterfall oh yeah nice little Bobby to go with our little Larry perfect heck yeah that's great that makes me super happy mmm looks like it goes into the next Lake down here I'm gonna have to come take a few casts quick who is the goodest boy just waiting for dad to go fishing huh who's the cutest boy you are mighty a cute boy you ready to go back fishing I don't think we're gonna be able to see the sunset from our campsite anyways I'm just looking to see the glow when it does set try a few casts the spoon here for some Lakers quick can't hurt let's just troll some sponge for a little bit we're gonna go we're gonna troll over the other side just so we can see the Sun go behind the trees part of the reason I wanted to get out and troll was uh this spool I let out most line but it was all bunched up on one side and it was driving me nuts and I think it was part of the reason it was snagging up so bad or I don't know but I wanted to let out pretty much all the line like that and just reset it so I think we have got 45 minutes till the Sun sets we're just gonna turn around we're not too far from campus right back that way I want to make a big you control back the other way it's a camp and then we're gonna process up some firewood and just relax enjoy this fine evening on this beautiful Lake I gathered up various beaver sticks for Monty I've got three to choose from we are going to cut them to size and see which ones he prefers you know you're he's gonna make your monty happy he's gonna have the perfect stick where I let him choose also I was taking a few more cast because I can't help myself that's the reason why have proved too perfectly length beaver sticks here Monty come choose your preferred thrower alright sit sit down that's the most important decision you've had to make today okay touch touch touch choose your stick go ahead touch we touch to this touch this one this one this is this is the one this is a good choice month this one's got a little more girth yeah oh yeah get in my teeth he loves them beaver sticks smooth no knobs for me to rip my hand on boys he's thrash and raw like a true Monty why'd you bring it here but you brunettes [Music] ah yeah you like that stick huh yeah it's a nice light season balsam this is balsam is just a pleasure a cut and split burns up quick but let me tell you if I had to choose a wood to process over and over it'd be this one right here this is just a nice piece [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] alright Montana no you don't like this but we have to do it okay Tigers so handsome all the time come here come here I know lay down surrender surrender yourself surrender okay Monty surrendered now you stay here there's fish jumping like crazy out there assume they're little trout or bass but we've got to brush them onto out oh it's okay just accept it just accept this is what's gonna happen okay why'd you see it could be enjoyable it's just groanin - you've betrayed me I never thought you'd be doing this like this oh okay can you stay there for a minute speaks of a lot easier I get this belly amount to you stay there it's okay all right stand up up up up up up up Hey all right he's being so dramatic okay that's enough you just being a drama oh yeah you are yes you are you're being the drama queen you do be in the drama queen not me I'm not being the drama queen yeah yeah okay you want a piece of cheese all right fine oh yeah mmm I got off the beef jerkey got the good stuff oh just well for you [Music] well alright I know you can't really see me but it was just a beautiful scene out here nice low light calm water glowing fire some kind of little fish are jumping waiting for some loon calls to come out I'm sure they'll come something someone come up eventually but yeah we're in I'm in no rush to make dinner I think what I'm gonna do is to shut off the camera here and just relax by the fire for a good half hour 45 maybe even an hour and yeah it just relax it out so we just been chillaxing monty a little creature Monty's over there right behind the fire probably can't really see him it was laying over there and then back over there never once laid on the mat here but he's definitely over there now so he's been around so we've been definitely children for a whole I think over an hour yeah I've just been listening no loons nothing crazy I did hear a big some kind of animal across the lake there I don't know what it was something but anywho I suppose it is time to prepare some dinner let's get took now last night was super delicious so delicious super victorious and everything but let's see if we can make tonight's even more delicious so we're gonna start with a nice chunk of butter see last night's was a hair oil the lemon juice so we're going to do is use butter to start and we're not gonna put lemon juice until it's all cooked up and we're just gonna slowly add butter is what we need what we're gonna try to get everything nice and caramelized almost kind of like fried we're gonna use higher heat - okay first things first get that butter in now we gotta get our white onion the white onion now that it's been used already does not like the heat so it is fairly soft but it's still good the pot like this next we're going to take and roar at lemon you sit there okay now I'm gonna go play the fish up and then we will portion it out for me and Monty okay we've got our delicious Bobby Flay's and Larry fillets so let us give some karate to be honest I feel like it's almost the same most fish as last night it might be a little bit more [Music] Larry chunk Larry [Music] chuckle Larry another little scoop a Bobby another little sliver al-arian he's set that's plenty for Monty the rest is me okay so let's get the onions on and start cooking cookin I think Monty needs another little piece so make it even yeah that makes it even okay let's go do the math test hey I just saw his eye opened yeah look at me he's kind of looking this way you know something's up think this well it's hardly only spoiling okay baby roasted garlic and Parmesan instant mashed potatoes my favorite fish side higher heat help prop onions little better are you going to get a treat have you been a good boy are you gonna eat some Larry you're gonna eat some poppy do you want to treat well then you're going to get it let me just go back to sleep for a while and I'll get your treat ready and you can eat some Larry there's some food yeah all right they're starting to caramelize in that master Monte's mangled mush [Applause] almost ready and of course it needs a little Montreal oh yeah okay now we're going to try to swirl everything around nut butter onions oh boy here's how hot my out fall out Oh a double part okay it's all done let's finalize the dish mm-hmm mm-hmm and then of course fresh lemon juice all over that fish oh yeah that's gonna be so good okay let's feast I'm excited by aunty I'm gonna t v--'s what okay Monty go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead want to get it so good what turn I'm gonna turn this rate right okay my pan still really hot so I'm gonna take a couple pieces of wood here there we go all right turn around let's go for a nice bite of that Larry mmm [Music] oh it got fried up a little bit more than that butter mm-hmm it just it's got like up mmm I'm gonna explain it it's just just a slightly slightly different flavor the onions are cooked up a little bit more - and browned everything's just a little more browned it just brings out the flavor a little bit better a little bit better you know I don't know what it's been but this has been the fartiest adventure I've ever done both of us I hear him farting and burping in the back of the boat all day it's crazy I've been i I do like five farts every 10 minutes - farts and a fart a minute - a fart every two minutes you know I just farted and there's more it just it just won't stop I can't make it stop I don't know if it's just like complete and utter relaxation of being out in the woods like on a week-long trip or it's a spaghetti I don't know real gassy a it's probably those the protein shakes mixed with the granola bars cuz I've been eating pretty clean at home be pretty healthy so I guess yeah I haven't been eating a lot of pasta so pasta every night with these protein bars or whatever there's a lot of chocolate at them that's got to be causing the but man it has been one farty adventure I mean I'm not complaining I don't I don't really care I really care all right I'm gonna keep eating this finish up and I'll check back in with you guys when I'm all done I want to show up that light got one last treat for myself for tonight this is something that was sitting in that box as well it's a mountain house Ice Cream Sandwich oh yeah nice little dessert for my fish dinners you'd think that these aren't that great one there cuz they're dry but they are mmm-hmm Monty the Little Ice Cream Sandwich come here go ahead go ahead for you you'll figure out that you like it probably shouldn't be feeding them that but Monty I need to repress you before you get in the tent look at all this crap and you she would lay on the mat look at this guy he knows exactly what we're about to do alright let's crawl the tent get ready for bed or go to bad let's just go to bat this is my stuff the whole middle here [Music] he's groaning grunting as a fund a good fishing yeah I think we got the most fish in a day of the trip so far we had three Bobby's a Peter maybe two Peters one or two but anyways I'm feeling pretty satisfied I'm feeling pretty tired so I'm gonna pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning Monty Monty no don't you you or gross gross watch debit my Dino the gross dog you stinky you give my ear all what with your slobber geez well slept pretty good last night I think we've got a lunar something out there splashing around but you sittin up because he looks like he's pretty warm mmm seems like it's another beautiful sunny day out there so it's a full day of our trip we don't got too crazy particle so we should do lots of fashion eyes our boss when you let's get out and greet the day right Monty let's do it yeah mr. Monty over here shelling the shade hey Monty hi hi big guy you go boy [Music] yeah that's a good boy doesn't a spot that's a really nice spot you got it is just another little butterflies [Music] oh geez it is just so nice this morning [Music] just a glass out there you can see let's see that's normal for us and you get over here and you can see the burn and then there's a little island then look back that way that's all burned and then here's the edge the burn right there you can see on the left you get the burn all the new growth like the young birches and all those young trees and then the four says unburned pretty big contrast oh we've gotta lose out this morning that must have been with splashing don't under yeah I can't believe the weather on this trip this is craziness I know I've said it a million times but man this might be the most calm morning yet look at how big this lake is I mean it goes way down there and even then you go around that to the left and it keeps going and it goes way down there's as far as you can see that way and it's just glass out here and you get this creature sitting there's a little spot in the trees there look at this massive white pine in camp big ole tree it's a few of them nice baked cheese with that thing is huge hi hate my D Monty it's a beautiful dancer hi Oh give me that but he always gives me the butt between my legs and gives me his butt to rob okay you want a stick where's your sir where's your perfect little beaver stick just feels like grow dogs day every day is the same just perfect and sunny hey buddy oh whoa whoa whee whoa okay rear 3d Reggie Evans a little dance or read here mighty pretty here yeah now you want to bring it back oh well it's sturdy off right with a little of coffee and breakfast not oatmeal because we're not eating oatmeal again we're doing it [Music] saw fish up right here happening a quick test [Music] Oh [Music] a big Pike right there who's chasing it [Music] dang it dang it was he was just following it wasn't really chasing it so I thought maybe if I switched the jig you didn't grab it but he was gone by the time I got back looking a nice that was like a nice 35 inch pike there's a big old log but it could have been bigger smaller I don't know it looked like a big chunk it's definitely fat Oh [Music] I shoot yeah [Applause] but do you really like this spot I don't know why just this is the fourth time I've seen him go over here just lay in the spot of the trees [Music] [Applause] [Music] biscuits and soupy hey this food and then immediately went back to celebrate your corner linty why do you like that spot so much [Music] how about one last thing before we head out Monty see you panting in your little position your old spot hop a little fetch come on Oh Simon I go ahead man [Music] he just needed a little boost he's so dramatic sometimes oh what a little turd nugget Monty why do you act like that you know you likes women your weirdo oh [Music] I think he doesn't like when he has to jump off somewhere he can't just walk in like right there it looked like it was just look it's about four four feet deep right there and that's what positions chose now he's probably gonna be all gung-ho about it there you go come on ray you're Monty know right here in the back this is your spot I believe that the fishing is probably going to be some of the best today big has just been getting better and better every day Oh perch minnows let's perch in here oh that reminds me I found this brand-new Deep Diver perch Rapala right next to shore attached to some some fishing line that's a nice score for Pallas ain't cheap it's doing a few casts a little shallows here I think we needed to go to some drop-off you stop on second thought we are going to troll that big watermelon spoon here for some nice Laker or a big Pike and we'll just fish the end of the lake I feel like just kind of Palin for a minute here in this nice nice weather once again oh my gosh I don't know if the camera just picked that up but Monty let on a big fart why do you farting in the back of the boat that's unacceptable this is not the SS stinky parts the SS good times okay you calm it down with that booty or tootin I'm just kidding you can fight feel free fart away we're almost to the end of the lake once we get all the way to the end we're gonna fish with the jig control this whole time getting nothing so far oK we've got a nice rocky drop-off I think there's a turtle way up in this tree up here okay I've got a nice big dead tree where that turtle was nothin having any luck and I just snagged my line and lost it and snapped the hole my leader my fluorocarbon leader was pretty small gonna snap that off so we're gonna move over here I'll tie a new one on I'll try this point up here [Music] [Music] Araki point if we could pick something up I'm just gonna let it fall we're gonna drift towards it stay a thousand fish your first team breeze has picked up we've gots a reeds I have yet to fish Reed's this trip so we've got to try not that I don't fish him it's just that I haven't seen any it could be a nice bobby bass hanging out in there looks like there should be a fish here I just don't get it [Music] so we're gonna quickly circle down and see if we can catch any other side keep my eye out just swimming on the other side so we have still got seven hours of light left tons of time we're gonna actually make a detour because they can do a portage from this lake then go right to the lake we're staying at tonight or do three Portage's and hit three or one to two more lakes I think we're gonna do that we're gonna go Fisher's other lakes and yeah they're like little lakes we've been on big lakes today so far so maybe the little we'll have some luck proficient but we're just gonna cast near a few more down trees and we are gonna get skedaddling out of this lake no fight so far white it's a little breezy but I want to catch some fish yeah they gotta try some little lakes here's a mate well there's a nice down treatments we have to try these down trees though we got to put a few Nick's in our boat first though and then we'll get moving oh this looks like there could be a fig this has got a 50-50 chance of having a fish near it come on what's a little shallow but there's still a chance we've got a huge huge down tree just so big we don't have a bite near it you're just getting out of here go on to the next Lake let's go see if we can check out this toad orgy now that we know what that noise is it was a few but nothing like yes you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the messages started done most of it parted ways that leach he was going for those eggs I'm pretty sure if he was like wrapped around and it seemed like he was just starting to munch on some of those eggs I pulled them away for the sake of the toads that was a big leech yeah I wanted to go throw that on a slip bobber I mean though if you ever want to catch bass and walleye and you got the patience to use a slip bobber getting a big ol leech like that that's the ticket that is the ticket right there but I just I don't like to use live bait just because I'm - I just I just like to cast too much I can't unless they're like biting like if I can see a bass hiding somewhere then I love to use a slip bobber because if I can see them I know they'll bite it but like when I just have to grandly guess I'm thinking but if I know there's bass somewhere like pretty certain - Bethan then yeah I love that opportunity really this trip so let's move on to the next leg if I see any monster freeze I'll cast near but only monster trees that's it we got to quickly see if our bass reset you know sometimes they'll reset he did was it a pike or is a pike aha they reset this little guy go alright we've got the portage right here but it seems like it goes the why there's like a little rushing water that goes to the next lake be a good spot for some fish so I just ran into a subscriber he called me out from far away okay i chat with him for a bit let him pet Monty that's the second time that's ever happened stranger attitude of people and they can call you out you know first time was like I don't know last summer this arm for that I can't remember but I I didn't stop and say hello I kind of just kept going I wish out a chat it seems like a nice spot it sounds like there's a waterfall oh this one's right now [Music] oh here we go I knew there'd be a fish here Oh Bobby jr. got some perch minnows hey Bobby hey little Bobby jr. oh hold on you frisky critter this is just oh wait alright let's move along what's that I'm here think you guys know toad orgy is a scientific term for what's happening over there Monty a lot of nice little downed trees on this one [Applause] Oh black price are we gotta go say hello to our toad friends see what's going on [Music] [Music] like water oh come on that was a good one right near a big down tree well not too big but a nice log oh that's a nice tree up there next we'll make Rock the possibilities are endless it's the perfect storm big rock big tree big fish let's catch up try this underwater rock quick just in case I can get my lures between this rock in that tree oh not the best oh come on now it's not cool alright this lake just sleek just wasn't right let's get to the next Lake okay go ahead get in no no no get in the boat yeah get in the boat go ahead he was about to go swimmin I thought I was gonna have him to swim he's putting up a little bit of a fuss but he was gonna do it anyways please go boy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's fascinating to me there were so many leeches you can see leeches just like eating the eggs and yeah there's that leech on that one toad I helped him out I did him a justice they wanted to mate in peace eat so I took off the leech problem oh that's right Monty that's very cool though it was a nice big gathering sheeni decent fishing on this lake so I think we might just head to the next Lake because that one looks really nice and lots of deep this one's not very deep yeah we can set up camp relax for a bit and then head out fishing [Music] okay we are on our Lake for the evening we have got three and a half hours of sunlight we've been taking our time I've been just enjoying myself soaking in the Sun paddling doing some casting fishing just taking my time we didn't do go crazy first day we've only done like what one two three four Portage's yeah I've just been enjoying the day embracing the last day caught wide two fish today had a nice Pike following yeah so just soaking it in for the last time though the groundhogs Dave Keeling it feels like every day is the same just a beautiful little beautiful day not a speck rain so far a single drop I don't even know I've ever gone camping for six nights without any rain for seven nights I don't even think that's possible it's gonna have to rain tonight this is just it's just not possible so anyways we are going to fish our way to camp take our time really depends we're just gonna fish I'm gonna hit dead trees along the way we're not gonna fish insanely hard until we find a campsite once we see where we're gonna stay for the night maybe I'll set up and come back out but if I see any nice trees I have to fish them so we're gonna hit mostly those then a nice drop-offs or anything like that but yeah let's just enjoy this last day the last Lake of the last day of the spring 2020 trip one thing I do want to mention quick is there's a few campsites that are very close to other camp sites if those happen to be like it let's say all the sites on this lake are occupied or except for those ones that are really close to the other sites I'm probably gonna just move on from this Lake I'm not saying that's the case but if it is I'm gonna just move on because I don't want to camp or I can hear people talking and you know me talk to the cameras up they can hear me I tend to get a little quiet when that happens very quiet so yeah that will be the case if we move on to the next Lake it'll be be for that reason only you know I've had people ask me why is Monty in the back of the boat very good that enjoys the first wilderness trip I took him on he was an 8 month old puppy and we it was as he waited 12 nights me and funk and Monty little little puppy Monty doses that's when he also learned to sleep in the sleeping bag and how enjoyable that was um it's actually one of the first few videos in the channel 12 nights in the wilderness with a puppy anyways where was I oh yeah so the first day we arrived and paddled in the dark as per usual and the snow that was the worst night paddle I've had to do I think it was the hardest to see and the next morning was a windy lake and we had to paddle windy day we had to cry out paddle across a big lake and originally Monty was in the front of the boat for that paddle but the problem was we were having big waves we're going straight into the wind and he was sitting right at the tip of the boat sitting up so and I had two bags in the back so every time a big wave will come we'd go Coosh Coosh and then the water would splash him in the face and then he didn't like that so he'd get up and shift around and I was already a little unstable cuz that was you know earlier on with the canoes and everything and I hadn't had the whole system down and it was just making so nervous because we're going across big water it was really cold windy and he was just kept getting up it would stand up and then he would shift around and then you'd get splashed in the face of his dad and shift around and sit down and it was just it was making me so nervous so he got to an island we moved around the bags in my boat and henceforth he sat in the back and you'd think that it's harder to control him when he's in the back because you can't see when he shifts but it's not that big of a deal sometimes he catches me off guard but it's and it's never been enough to make a tragedy happen yeah but I think he likes it in the back of the hole better anyways because he can height when it's super windy you've seen him this trip even he'll hide behind and tuck down and then he just like it's nice calm area okay there's definitely a fish summer right here we've got dual down freeze there's a 350,000 bazillion percent chance of fish around here I don't know if I'll catch him but there's one here dang it oh we won't catch the fish that was for sure there but there was a fish here I know it I can sense it feel it my bones I'll remember how I was saying if the ones that are closest of everybody is taken I'm gonna pry move on the next lake yeah every single one is taken every single one so we might be in a little bit of a pickle oh geez remember I was saying where the heck are all the people it's crazy I'm not see anybody what find out where they all are so the pickle might be if we go to the next Lake and there's one two three four five see there's eight campsites there was seven on this like they're all taken and if they're all taken on the next light yeah um we might be heading out a day early if they're all taking on the next leg cuz yeah I'd have to do more paddling or portaging we've got two two hours and 15 minutes of light left and there's only like three sites on the next Lake and then it's a whole bunch more paddling and portaging yeah there's no open side of the next Lake we have no choice but to target our tail between our legs and head home I've always wondered if it was gonna bite me in the bum doing it the way I always do because you're supposed to you're you're normally supposed to arrive at your campsite earlier to make sure you get a sight I always go all day and then just fish and then I set up at night and that's that's abnormal most people don't do that I don't think I do that a lot that's a that's parents what I do that's what I do so I guess we're gonna screw down over the next Lake and see if there's an open spot otherwise this will be interesting interesting way to end the trip that's what happens oh boy well I guess let's hope for the best they're gonna all be open that's yeah that's what's gonna be I don't even have to worry every single sites open I have no worries whatsoever we've got plenty of like two hours and 50 minutes might as well have the whole day [Music] [Music] six campsites are made five campsites are made for campsites to remain sites remain [Laughter] [Music] oh so this is what this lake looks like in the daylight okay ladies and gentlemen let's let's discuss a couple things here quick let's let's uh let's let's get some let's get a couple of lessons out of this how about that shall we first and foremost this is totally my fault this is my bad my bad if you're ever planning a Boundary Waters trip and you happen to be leaving the day before Memorial Day I'm Memorial Day weekend don't think you're gonna get one of the campsites at the entry the entry lakes if you're gonna wait all day to get a campsite probably not a good idea I learned that firsthand so did you I guess if you're watching this so that's less than one and lesson two is in no way shape form whatever you want to say is this gonna damper my spirits or put a stain on my trip I still had an epic trip sunshine every day got to wear the sunglasses every day and yeah was I expecting to have to go home today and not get a campsite no not at all especially not gonna enjoy the eight-hour Drive I have to do very shortly unexpectedly but yeah I'm not gonna let this dampen my spirits I had a great time yeah it's not the best but don't don't let unexpected things happen and you know damp your spirits too much if you can help it Oh black rice I could do without you black glass not right now now right now please yeah I did not I'd I wonder I I just didn't think I was gonna see the day where I failed to find a campsite this is the first and you know just like I said earlier was one over all the people are and there they are all right they're almost two three lakes there was just yeah awful so that'll happen it's not gonna really affect much you know gonna have to cut an episode off the the extended series I think it's only gonna be a five-part ernow but hey it is what it is we got to catch lots of fish soul you know well yeah we've just got one more portage now and then we're gonna be of like we started on in the dark so Monty it's gonna be an interesting drive home there's a there's a good chance that I'm going to be stopping at a rest station and probably sleeping in my truck ah yeah we had a long day today I've been on the water for at least eight and a half hours just paddling and porridge it and fishing all day in the Sun so you know I'm kind of beat not looking forward to an eight-hour drive but hey you got to do what you got to do you know Monty what you gotta do is just sit you stinker there you go yeah I'll let out a grown with you yep and you know to be honest I wouldn't I would have have to if I stayed on that lake anyways if there was one site they were all so close and I could hear people talking that's how I could tell the sites were taken I didn't have to go up to them I could just hear people talk in there hear people talking there there's a campfire there you know there's a tarp there so I can just see in here all of them were just boom boom boom there's people all over the lake so yeah I mean that's that what more can you do what more can you see now you can kind of imagine what it looked like when I was paddling in the dark on the first night it looked kind of just like this except the stars were in the sky and the stars were reflecting on the water below but the the tree line was just as dark as it is now and noticeable so I could see exactly where I had to go it was like it was easy to navigate there is one one potential upside for this and that's that we might get a bacon cheeseburger faster instead of waiting till tomorrow if they're still open you can bet your bottom we're gonna get a bacon cheeseburger heck yeah that's tradition and I'm hungry too oh yeah I totally forgot to mention if you are all confused as to why I'm not just random camping anywhere you have to camp at a campsite that's the rules totally forgot to mention that you have to camp at a campsite with a fire grate in this area so black guys still get us well the poor jeans done ORS mosquitoes - oh it's so still out super echoey I suppose I can take these off for what feels like the first time this whole trip not that I'm complaining I got a lot of Sun a lot of Sun I'm sure there's a noticeable difference in my level of tan since the trip began heck it's just as calm as it was the first night when I came in and it's almost gonna be just as dark not really but it's kind of it I mean it's sunset and we've got 26 minutes till the Sun sets so we're cutting it close show me a fun Drive sunglasses back on all righty ladies and gentlemen that was an awesome trip I had a blast Fun in the Sun Sun every day didn't catch fish at first but we started catching fish towards the end oh you can hear a motor boat there's motors a lot on this Lake and there's people out and stuff anyways yeah doesn't get to see a moose but we saw some cool underwater stuff like the toads the told orgy that's a new thing and yeah turtle them there and some other stuff the salamander the noose we got to have our two fish dinners didn't think they were gonna happen but we still have the to plan fish dinners and yeah got to go swimming and we had an unexpected end but at least we're eating one final sunset to go home on Sol we've just got a little bit more paddling to do and we'll be back at the car so I think this is gonna wrap this one up guys so as always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want some more stuff like this the subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Music] you got a run beaver and get you get you I'm gonna getcha beaver please just wrapped monty dancer rap hey no one's to go for an eight-hour drive I guess I do oh boy alright Monty the normal place wasn't open so I did the next best thing I could have 1:30 in the morning an hour drive home what are you licking your lips for huh why are you looking this way huh is it a gas she yeah hey let me let me I'm tired let me finish saying when I was gonna try to say gas station cheeseburger bacon cheeseburger there you go yeah there you go you eat that gas station bacon cheeseburger that's a good boy it's all I could get him every hour everywhere else is closed mind you don't make a mess oh you're gonna anyways aren't you all right that's a good boy that's a good boy no you can't see tomorrow but I was just hit a deer I was going through a town and it was just running in the middle of the road just came flying out past a building and it was just next to my car and I had to swerve off the shoulder whoo it would've just been a wonderful time to you know hit a deer house close the key to staying awake on these long drives is the serenade your monty by singing your favorite songs as loudly as possible ray Monty you appreciate it don't ya good boy I'm almost home it's only fitting that the Sun is starting to rise because it was setting when I got off the water oh we're so close so close so let's get this straight I leave in the middle of a beautiful sunny day to drive eight hours to go on an adventure then I go through my adventure and I end when the Sun is setting gets my car then I Drive through the night all night long to just get home when the Sun is rising and I'm going to bed when the Sun is coming up something just doesn't seem right about this whole situation I mean what the heck is going on what am I even doing what am i doing this is just not right hi hi hi oh hi puppy hi Duke Duke just puppy I'm so happy hi Brooke did you miss us Lucas did you miss us did you miss me in Monty hi Odessa come on [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 131,696
Rating: 4.9153261 out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: cwcq0_TOxFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 15sec (10995 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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