Weeklong Spring Wilderness Adventure With My Dog (Part 2 of 5) [Extended Series]

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[Music] [Music] last year it's so for me here now oh I'd be free man see go ahead Monte's been trying to get me up for a little bit now so afraid just let him out it's very warm in here I am too warm it's 9:30 we slept in the next hour hmm I suppose yes happy get up let's do it oh hi big guy look at floopy booty oh let's clap your legs Oh beautiful morning it's a beautiful yeah buddy what are you doing the crazy I'm gonna fall the water they're gonna fall in oh it is just blue skies yeah yeah that's gorgeous out there I slept like a rock last night I slept even harder than the first night I slept so hard in fact I just didn't want to get out of bed well the heck the deal is damn that that last night felt like the best sleep ever got now in the woods it's just so hard oh but I feel oh so I suppose you know we don't got far to go today just like one big portage a couple of little porridges and fishing we got to catch a fish dinner it's about time we've been on here two nights one day but two nights so it's time to go for a fish dinner okay so I need some food let's kick off the coffee you know meal sequence go he's so funny right throw the steak he starts to run too fast and then he growls listen I didn't do it that time sometimes he does it more than others are going are you so happy don't have an affectionate stick with joy there he goes Oh thinker the mouse first put the fear alone cross off another like the wrong style per pot alone speak another matter but cousin [Music] Joseph of ours all laughing rock to Brussels [Music] [Music] oh yeah the first sip of coffee [Music] the last time I sat on this rock and ate breakfast breakfast was a lot more delicious than the oatmeal there's one nice thing about the cold temperatures you bring out more food that's like real food well this is real food you know what I mean well I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy my oatmeal and then we are going to pack up get on the boat and get to fishing paddling portaging oh boy it's gonna be a hot one today I'm just not cut out for this hot weather I mean it's supposed to get up to like 72 today hmm 72 might as well be in the desert am i right oh here we go we got a Monty settle right off the bat so Monty is gonna be swimming a lot today because it's hot no no we need to talk temperatures real quick because you know some of you that are watching you say 72 wow that's cold where I'm from or you know some people might even think 72 is like insanely hot it's just all relative to what you're used to in your average temperature I would say average for me it's like 60 so when it gets up to like I mean average I mean I don't even know what I wear I pulled that number from comfort zone is 60 for me 60 in the Sun that's comfort 72 in the Sun hot 80 in the Sun I'm dying and you got to remember that's human up here very humid so there's dry heat and there's humid heat if it's 72 and dry it's not gonna feel that bad if it's 72 and muggy and humid like it is it feels real sticky so um I got the sunscreen near the top of my bag I'm not gonna use it on this light because we don't got too far to go and I'm probably gonna sweat so I'm gonna apply it once we get to the next Lake after the portage just because you know I don't want to sweat and I think we're definitely gonna be doing some swimming today that's probably gonna happen but I need to get a lure on we need to take a few casts that's also got to happen the shade feels so nice the shade is perfect or the Sun with some breeze well we're gonna cook today so another little thing I'd like to talk about quickly for those of you that have been following the channel and seen we can do camping in previous seasons is why am I wearing my black logo shirt what the heck where's the white shirt that gets super dirty well I have a little bit of a confession to make you may or may not have noticed but I don't like to spend a lot of money on shirts I'm not a clothes guy so 99.99999 repeating until the end of time of my shirts are Hanes cotton tees all my clothes pretty much Hanes cotton tees and they all get shrunk up and dirty and I've got mo I used to have mostly why I used to go only white for years only white that's all I was like a cartoon character I'd only be wearing white shirts I was gonna go out to a fancy dinner I were a brand-new white t-shirt oh yeah I dress up I get that's been the big box anyways so that's pretty much all my clothing is that and then off my teespring store when i made these these are a tri-blend shirt on that I don't know tri-blend whatever but I ordered a couple for me and funk and they're the nicest shirts I own because everything else is cotton and cotton is not good for drying out cotton every time I bring them you know they stay pretty damp on my body but sometimes that helps me cool but yeah they don't really dry out these on the other hand or try blenders I think there's some cotton but these dry out much faster and they feel nicer now the black currently I would prefer white on my body because this is absorbing heat now black absorbs white reflects but yesterday in the chillier wind the black was nice this is kind of heating up keeping me toasty what it was chilly so ups and downs and I don't know if this one shows the Monty here you can see it all over the place but I don't know how it kind of showed dirt and stuff probably not as much I like I kind of liked seeing that of my white shirt it's like how much dirt I picked up how grimy I got it's I know it's not as it's it might be gross to some people but I'm out here being grimy as this so it's whatever I'm going back to a quarter ounce jig head for now just because it's less tangles with how I've got my comm used to casting I was tangling like crazy yesterday I think the fish would be a little bit deeper and if this goes in the face of a pike or something they're gonna bite it while I might be more finicky but I don't know we have been having much luck anyways I'm gonna take some a few casts here and there and we're really gonna be doing our fishing today on the lake we're stay in it so we're just gonna take a few here and there nice trees nice drop-offs and just keep skadoodle in so you'll notice that I'm not wearing my life preserver a lot that's something I'd like to touch on that is not a smart decision okay I'll admit that I I know it's better to wear your life is over especially here by myself but it is a choice I I don't have to wear my life preserver I feel comfortable especially on a day like today no big waves just a nice breeze it would take something crazy to you no Monty would have to get up and like fall out of the boat and even then like I've had some close calls and it's been fine but yeah that's a choice it's always smart to wear your life preserver I would always suggest wearing your life preserver the reason I'm not is because it's too warm right now I feel comfortable and confident and maybe one day that'll be the enemy but yeah it's like look at it there's no waves nothing anytime it's rough water or rough weather I put it on but yeah I'm just warm comfortable I'm all right like I said it's a choice and I compared it to riding a motorcycle with no helmet because that is also I don't believe a smart decision but I understand why some people do it you know just freeing just like this it's freeing helmets can get warm just like life preservers and get warm Arman TC was fairly comfortable at the moment pretty warm that's all about how comfy or Monty is your mind is having a good time you're having a good time and I know he's gonna need to swim today Agee used his panting as an indicator he's too hot but his fur feels a little hot but as crazy as you think it is for a dog to be in the heat with that much fur it serves two purposes it insulates him in the winter from the cold and it also insulates him in the summer from the heat now obviously he's gonna be he's still gonna get warm but it definitely is hot on his fur and cool on his skin more or less especially once he gets wet then the water kind of stays on his fur he stays nice and cool but the dries out in the outside and that's why he's a pain to dry yesterday it took all day I only have him swim early on and then he dried out by the end I didn't even need a towel drying but today yeah as soon as we get to this porridge and get it done I'm gonna toss him a steak and get him wet and probably periodically throughout the day we'll just stop and pull them off take care of that Monty maybe we'll just have him swim to this portage yeah I do what do you say All Right see you Monty come on T once we gotta go come on Z that's a good boy that's a good boy [Music] yeah adrift dry oh I just telephone dang it dang nabbit he didn't swim very far just across a little gap there I bet you feel better now that was the first boot fill of the trip but luckily I've got my waterproof socks on so I don't think like what's gonna be too wet I can't really tell if this little water in there but it doesn't really feel wet I did this before I soaked it already with these socks on and this was fine so we'll see see if it leaks in there or not we'll check it know in a bit once we get to the next Lake I'll probably take it off and let my boot try to dry out a little bit but anyways we've got our portage to the next Lake right here so let's do it why he's a wine sometimes for no reason he he knows it feels good okay I'm not I'm not gonna say it anymore he's just a little turd nugget cuz he loves swimming you always asked me to throw the stick more yeah anyways I am sweating this was a small porch it was pretty much up and down just I went up an over Ridge down the next one is gonna be the roughest one it's actually the roughest one on the trip but yeah I just need to cool off here for a minute and dry out so sweating so I can put sunscreen on I definitely I don't want to put I don't got a ton of sunscreen so I need to conserve it and I can't just keep applying and applying applying it I got a strategically put it on so I need to be fully dried out you know so that it's not just running all over and I'm wasting it in hindsight I probably should have brought more sunscreen because I kind of knew I was gonna be sunny pretty much every day yeah my point exactly mr. Marty just a grown man out the wilderness talking to himself from his dog's perspective just dawned on me alright I'd like my knees to you a little Sun so let's do a little experiment here well not really two experiments I'm gonna do this either way but let's see how waterproof these socks are I submerge this booth okay ice misstep filled with water completely filled did a portage let's see how much water is coming out I'd already dumped it and this is just what's squished out lots of water in there so let's see how wet my foot is and I'm gonna take off the water wool take off the waterproof sock see if it's waterproof now one thing with waterproof stuff is when you're putting pressure I like walking around in a wet boot Oh check that out perfectly dry 100% dry sock that's crazy I mean that says a lot because you know I'm I have water and I'm steppin and squishing and pushing into this waterproof membrane that's on here whatever this is made out of and it's bone-dry that is awesome I love these things now word of warning like I said they do not last more than a year of heavy use as the one downfall of these things because like these boots you know they just get worn out and torn the backs of it and I mean it worked all winter let's see if there's any in this one no this one's dry but I'm still gonna take it off just because it's warm right now so yeah like I said they don't last super long but hey in my eyes it's worth it now like heaven dry feet is huge all year dry feet is huge and it just like I swear it pulls the moisture out of your sock in your foot and breathes it outside all right seems like the wind has shifted which way is blowing as yesterday was blowing this way because this this lake is running the exact same east-west direction to the other Lakes feels like it's coming from over here not supposed to be coming from South maybe either way it's change but it doesn't feel bad as long as it's not crazy gusting I mean I don't mind paddling the way that action can and keep me cool help me fry a little better you know and but we're gonna just crawl on this link I'm not gonna cast a long narrow Lake we're just gonna enjoy the paddle kind of keep quiet a little bit see if we can see any wildlife which I don't we can they don't they'll be out oops so we've got that same spoon we went with yesterday big ol three quarter rounds [Music] gold and orange hammered spoon let's see if we can break up a fish I want a big ol PETA pike that's what I'd like okay so I've just had my suspicions confirmed I just ran into the first people I've seen on this trip and asked him about fishing and they said it has been slow slow slow they've been hitting all the right spots doing all the right things and they're not catching anything the only luck they said they've had been northern pike scarcely on the lake that I'm actually heading to for a lake trout and I did ask about lake trout and they said they have an early fish for them at all so that's good news for us but yeah seems like they're in the same boat and that's it's exactly what I'm thinking you know the bugs aren't crazy the water is really cold so hopefully this warm weather is gonna start to warm up this water a little bit and make them a little more active it's okay that's all okay I do feel confident about the lake trial that is one thing that I feel like I just I just I hope I'm getting a lake trout a lake trout come on come on if we do happen to get a Larry what are we gonna do are we gonna a hang them over the side of the boat while he's in the net or fee put them put the net over the boat I waited all day for you Larry thinking a looks cooler so we'll do that yeah as my first cat I've got our first snag had the drag set too tight oh no I didn't I was weird I just didn't want to pull out drag scared me though I wasn't expecting I haven't had a snag a single snagged rolling yet so I was just like sitting here and then all of a sudden you're like quicker car I was like cool thought I had a fish for a second but the longtime viewers of this channel you'll know that I post every Sunday by 10 a.m. if I can and later if it's just not writing a has been editing or a record that day you know that happens but 10 a.m. isn't like I've prepared video this Sunday but every Sunday for over two years now and you know a few longtime viewers you know that I don't go can't I don't have camping videos every Sunday it's like you know a camping video maybe another one next week then like an update video or a hike a cook and then another camping video it's it's usually not just straight camping videos every Sunday you know people they can't get out that often but if everything goes according to plan this summer I've got high ambitions and there is a potential for just a majority of lots of camping videos every Sunday you know spoil you guys can't spoil myself at the same time except this is this is my favorite out of all the camping I do bushcrafting winter camping whatever camping canoe camping is my favorite absolute favorite and above all the creme de la creme the creme de lait whatever it's called is wilderness extended trips like this is this is my jam right here you know whether I'm soul or with friends it's my jam I love it both so what I'm trying to say is lots of canoe camping videos coming out and lots of extended trips potentially so I've got this one right here and then the next one I'm gonna go with my dad and my brother for a week that's gonna be towards the end of June then after that around July I'm gonna do a potential for nighter with captain teeny trout and we're gonna come out here he's been excited to go and then I'm going to do a week in the fall or more with funk and Ruger and then another week or more in the fall of a solo trip now that's a lot to do and in between that I'm gonna hit all my usual favorite spots you know where I catch trout and all those spots I'm probably to go out with funk and maybe some other friends and lots of camp in the summer I've just been this this winter drag down so long and I've had made so many plans that I'm just gonna be just going crazy and you know you guys are gonna get to see a lot of me in the boat here chatting yeah get used to it if you don't like it you better go to another channel cuz there's lots coming but like I said I've mentioned this before the only trips that I'm going to make the extended long many episode trips are my solo trips so this trip right here is gonna be probably an episode every night so I'm going to release on Wednesdays and Sundays for three weeks and then when I go with my dad my brother and I go out with calf and teeny trout and I go with folks might be extended to but maybe not we'll probably condense it those are going to just be one video with all the whole trip included and the reason I do that is because when I'm solo there's a lot more meat chatting with the camera there's a lot more meat I can take as much time as I want I don't worry about anyone else I set up jobs and visit miss montemor in Yatta Yatta when I'm with other people I'm focused more on talking to them and enjoy myself with them and less on the camera and chat and whatnot I'm not trying to the camera as much and chat to the people there and you know like that so that's the reason being for the difference in extended so you'll get a little bit of both pretty curious to see how the rooks does this year on an extended trip because he hasn't got to do that I mean his first canoe trip extended was his four nights when he was a puppy who's four months old or 3 months old 3 or 4 months 3 or 4 months old you know for an extended trip here in the wilderness and it was kind of cold and that's when he developed his blast on Michael no he had his blastomycosis the cold brought out his cough and when he got home he was diagnosed with blastomycosis and that was terrible but he's all cured now he's all good he's a little bit of a wild child but you know I'll still get him out on some overnights with me in the canoe but I can't do an extended trip like this with Ruger because no River and Monty because worker has a sit right here between my legs and ain't no way I'm doing that on a big trip or big water where there's a chance of big waves and storms Ruger you know he's a good boy but he has sitting between my legs and it's just not gonna work my day just got his first mates position on the back here fully accepts it and whenever we get into crazy weather he just lays there he's been we've been going through crazy waves and wind and he just getting rained blasts in his face he just lays there just laser and taste it because he knows that's the best you just let's let's me the captain take over and get him to safety and get him warm and dry they're staying on cheese take it you thought it was gonna be a fish first second I was gonna be like do you wanna go to the doggy park do you want a treat at the mantra twenty dog parks do you wanna go over to the dog clean hey blame okay it's time to get suited back up with all my stuff and take care of the most fun portage of the whole dang trip so really quickly before I do this portage I have to do a little bit of a major repair the only reason I didn't notice sooner was my Waterproof sucks I mean check this out that is my muck food that is a tear why are you doing are you mad all my muck food - Oh Monty you're hearing your echo please please Monty anyways yeah I thought I felt water going to my boob and I checked and I thought I'd check but it's like it was like I don't know I just didn't see it so it was at night the other day but I don't even know how that happened I don't know what the heck that was sliced on but that's a bad guy so biggest gash you've ever had in the muck boot so I'm gonna put some duct tape on it and repair it hopefully it'll hold but either way I got my waterproof sock so I'll be fine without it but yeah that's a big end [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hi - jeez Oh oh that's cold water oh hey Bunty Oh feels good oh I just needed a quick rinse this water is pretty dang cold still I can see why the fish aren't biting well normally I'm an Audi but today I'm a Nene if you catch my drift [Music] half the sass okay I'm getting out of this Maurice little nippy I'm going numb hey Monty well that planes just flying around all day today Oh gonna have myself a lunch break I feel good Monty I feel so refreshed right now like a million bucks million bucks mighty just had his dent treet little snack I was wondering what the heck it was because I was going on so long but it seems like he's just flying around I don't know who's in it for what reason but they've been they've been going around for hours there we have a little cheese I'm gonna eat the cheese and some beef jerky quick because I have my food bag in the shade in the Sun it's just gonna everything's gonna heat up so fast you don't want to get your cheese too warm I mean it's fine I'm gonna eat it no matter what but still hold your cheese better than warm cheese but I might take a little warm cheese over frozen cheese frozen cheese is no good either alright Monty you gotta help me choose the cheese do you want extra sharp yellow or remark sharp white come on come here touch oh I guess you're going with the white one go right for it all right I'm gonna have one big chunk that's a big chunk for a doggie Oh drop in the water I'm just gonna fight off mine [Music] hmm oh cheese is so good [Music] we caves in had a piece this morning all right let's twirl sit sit pretty sit pretty good boy oh that was a really good one oh jeez okay [Music] shake shake go boy mmm-hmm speak speak speak speak speak huh speak speak speak come on real speaks no better good boy and we're back feels so good right now oh that was a feel-good part oh I got a whiff of that in this grease house potent yeah so nice and refresh pull on food I am a little warm already because I did put my stuff back on but still I feel pretty dang good much feels good so Monty got offered food for the last time in the middle of the day ever I look like he was hungry you know he wanted to treats and stuff and then I put him in just a little bit of food a little bit of water a whole bunch of pumpkin and he would not eat it no matter what and it was the most gooey gooey pumpkin II just wouldn't eat it I think he just wants more beef jerky and cheese and yeah refused so that was the last time for him getting offered food mill a day you know I thought maybe he would just need the food to have energy and whatnot but I just made it so delicious it was the most submit most delicious midday monty food I've ever made for him and he's refused so that's that I've had it I've had it too here it's okay Monty oldest get delicious dinner hopefully fish vicious dinner so I put some more sunscreen on get a teeny tiny little beaver dam to skip over it seems like and then we've got another little portage and then we're on our lake we've got four hours of light left so we'll definitely be to our lake within a half-hour to an hour so that gives us three and a half hours of time to catch a fish for a fish dinner we're hoping for a Larry Larry dinner but you know we'll take anything at this point now we're in desperation mode we haven't caught a fish yet seems as though we've got a Beaver Dam [Applause] oh there you go was easy we saw Portage's were like that you know just take all the challenge right out of it okay we need to cool down a shred my socks and my boots take off my shirt mmm-hmm just need to get in this breeze for a minute probably put the shirt back on maybe I'll see oh yeah put on more sunscreen this spot in particular this arm is getting toasty too but for some reason this spot right here on this arm this is the worst so definitely use some sunscreen today I'm hoping for a little more cloud coverage over the next few days I don't want to get burnt the whole time and just get fried but it's okay so we are on the lake that we are staying for the evening what I'm gonna do is get up around here to where it gets about 40 feet we are gonna throw on the chartreuse layer the trusty old chartreuse layer but we are going to be trolling around troll and drop-off crawling rocky points trollin trollin trollin I mentioned patrolling until we either get snags a fish or neither or a campsite and we have got three hours and 15 minutes till the Sun sets to do it and probably more like four hours okay and we're gonna face we're gonna fish those four hours til the Sun is down it's getting dark or until we catch something like a Chinese dinner one or the other is gonna come and I'm just really hoping that we get a fish right off the bat we get what I would prefer ideally the perfect combination right now would be a nice lake trout about yay big and a walleye about yay big that would be ideal or - lake trout about yay big or one you'd like cut about yay big or no I like that this is a little too big just that couple inches makes all the difference but that would be ideal that's what I want I will settle for a bass or a pike or whatever else bites probably would need a bullhead or a catfish if those are in here and they happen to bite but I take a whitefish call one of those before randomly on a Rapala pretty rare and random but it happened that happened on one of my first trips here or was it the first the actual first Wow back when I used to come through here with the sea kayak uh-huh I thought that was a good idea yeah having to repack your your halls every portage every single portage you had to repack and organize drawer hulls and then unpack and pack it into a backpack or a dry bag that was a nightmare and they were just heavy and I've got big feet so I can only fit in with going into my seat I could pick rocks we're back in the burn I don't know if you can see it on the GoPro but to see how it's kind of just you see a bunch of trees sticking up a bunch of dead trees sticking up all along the horizon and then you get right to here and it speaks of the pine trees that are still alive cuz we're on the edge of the burn you could see it more right here look at that all that young growth and those dead trees just standing out and then you look over there and you got some green pines and even further on that shore and that's not in the burn it's crazy okay I have got the absolute nicest most brand-new chartreuse layer in the box on no steel eater no swivel just tie it straight to the lure on my pole with the eight pound test fluorocarbon leader we're going the best chance we can of fish I don't want to dip any reason to say no to this lure I don't want to see the swivel bag or the steel leader bikini or just the line because 12 pounds is everything it doesn't matter we're going ham we're doing it so we're gonna let out about 150 feet of line way back I'm gonna cross it we're gonna get snags and stuff but that's okay we are going to try to get a fish no camera on the line nothing none of that jazz until we've got dinner secured if I catch if I catch a dinner early and we set up camp then I'll tie that stinking camera on and troll for 15 minutes however long it lasts I hooked up to my battery charger and it it didn't take any I left it plugged in all night and it didn't take any charge away from my power pack so I don't even think it's charged I don't know what's going out that stupid thing it's junk it's junk I don't like it don't like I won't bet okay lines way out there let's catch a fish come on baby let's do it crossing by our first campsite choice doesn't look too bad looks a little tough to get into it just because I steep rocks next to it but looks like it'll have a nice sunset facing this way not too bad but since we've got all the time in the world a record amount of time to select the campsite we're gonna look at the next one and maybe few after that fish on fish on what are you come on Walter come on Mary come on Bobby we'll take a Peter - as long as you get to the boat it first it hit weird I'm thinking that's a smaller fish because it's coming in so quick and easy no I got too excited oh it was probably the part where I mentioned I was going to eat it no it's just too excited the part where it bit is part that I actually thought would be good for a lake trout it's like there's an island here and it goes around a bend and there's like a nice steep drop offer on this whole point here and as well we're approaching this so whenever I have a spot that I think there's gonna be a fish near and I'd roll over and I get a bite or catch one I usually reset and go to the same spot which is what I'm doing now and if I get another one here then we know a good spot ever hurts the pride a little bit but I'm confident we're gonna get more bites and it's going to maintain that positivity we've still got you know three hours until the Sun sets three and a half efficient breathe we can do this in weekend I really need a fish you can see how it's all burnt on the left it's nice on the right or it sunburned I definitely meant read the map wrong as far as the boundaries let's fire seems like everything on this Shore is gonna be burnt for a ways and everything on that shore is not burned no fire but I don't think it goes the whole stretch in the lake for some reason when I read it I didn't see the other the line there I thought it was going the whole way think we're going to do is paddle until I this there's one campsite that seems like it'd just be a good spot nice open view might be able to see a good sunset and if it's not taken we will set up there and then we'll get back on the water quick but I'm gonna switch to a spoon we'll try a spoon for a bit even though I know this already works I've had luck with Lakehurst before with the nice big spoon too so it's a nice sunny day so what was that we're hearing things hearing Larry's yeah so a spoon home to be nice and glimmery with this bright Sun so maybe that'll work now what the heck we're gonna switch to the spoon now got the green and white 3/4 ounce Clio well no other bites Donna campsite I've got a nice view the big portion of the lake right you know on a rock sitting on the edge with the fire pit yeah beautiful view you should have a nice view of the sunset if we happen to be here for it I'm hoping we will we've got right around two hours til the Sun sets I'm hope I'm just gonna throw up the tarp or the tent real quick and I'm just gonna grab a few pieces of firewood that I can process up later and we're gonna get right back on that water cuz I want to catch a damn fish I'm pretty sure that was a Larry the lake trout that we had on and just felt like it so yeah I'm eager I think we're just going to go back to the chartreuse layer the rest of the night that thing has never failed me when I needed it the most I always go back to that lure so I'm probably gonna stick it out with that one [Music] and yeah we cannot just be eating spaghetti every night I mean we can and we will we have to but we don't want to Monty wants fish Monty my just found a nice spot over there naughty ones fish [Music] hey no no no no time no time magic [Music] [Music] 90 no time looked no time no one I'm sorry no time [Music] I warned 10 minutes till the sunset I've put on a whole thick layer of chapstick on my lips because they were chapped like crazy son is looking good breeze is calling down we are gonna try as hard as we can to troll and catch a fish we're going with the chartreuse layer not gonna ding car with anything else I know it works I know it works for all fish walleye bass pike Larry the lake tryouts other fish you name it it works so we are going with that lure we already had a fish on with it there's no reason not to use it we're just gonna hope we pick one up [Music] [Music] [Music] it's the I am bounty and we need some fish now and I hope with a Monty we will catch some it's the Monty and if we catch some fish then we will eat it up tonight yeah okay I've identified our first nice drop-off we're gonna try some areas that we haven't told you before I don't have any luck I'll troll back to that spot but it seems like there's a whole lot of good areas for that movie so I should just keep this drawing trollin trollin trollin trollin trollin trollin let's do this let it begin no snacks no snacks come on just fish no snacks just fish [Music] [Music] I'll throw the stick for you a whole bunch okay tell me reads had someone recently asked me why do I not why not why do I not roll two years that is because I'm not allowed to the rules are that you can only have one line in the water I think I can put two lures on that line but that's it that's a just big tangled mess waiting to snag so I I love having two lines out because that's just doubles your chances double you can try to two different lures clear the same where no one's working it's very nice but I can't so one we use we're gonna try something but I see on the map I know lake trout like humps unlike a nice flat spot there's a spot that looks like it's like 30 or 40 feet deep and it like looks like it just it slants down and it just goes flat and then maybe slowly slants down so we are gonna go pass over that a couple times I'm actually sick of staring at the Sun looking right at it so yeah we're gonna put our backs to that side so we're making a fairly decent sacrifice tonight that site that we have is just it's set up for just a perfect sunset it's still getting blasted with Sun so dang it we're in search of something more important than a sunset watching the same sense as it happens every day but you can't catch Larry every day and have a fish dinner maybe you could I don't know I've just got high hopes that maybe it'll just miraculously happen in the next five minutes and we'd already camp right there and catch one or have our fish dinner over the sunset you know well I do love sunsets my need to catch a fish is it's starting to my drive to want to get the Dayton fish get out there it's turning into a necessity at this point I can't take it any longer oh my heart just jumped he went boom boom boom but it was and then it caught and snagged really good it was I guess we hit a shallow spot oh just so much behind the trees okay so I just saw some fish near the surface of the water back here I couldn't tell they're bait fish or something oh so I'm gonna put on a Jake and just go off a hunch and just try a little something and be quiet and just see if maybe [Music] [Music] I don't want to talk about it I was a wonderful cast all right our last effort is we're going to troll this shallower lure closer to shore and way back see if that works or is going to go down here and go that way and head back to camp I'll be the please well I think we're gonna head back and salvage what we can of this beautiful evening over the campfire and just have some spaghetti it'll be okay we only lost two fish today we only had two fish on this whole trip it's all gonna be fine I'm gonna be fine I'm gonna be fine thanks for your song wonderful bird I need it so does Monty is it being dog food and pumpkin this whole trip we just can't have that beaver just splashed like 10 feet away from us scared the crap out of me and Marty mantle stinking beaver I just got a little present for Monty I was just floating in the water next to that angry beaver well I'll show him we're gonna still have a nice little sunset [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Haven to bitsy this is by far the warmest evening so far I don't even feel like I need a hoody on right now it feels like straight summertime I'll probably put it on because there's mosquitoes out it's not like it I'd be borderline to warm my hoodie right now probably be a little too warm the other two nights have been definitely chilly by this time this is a nice little campsite I love campsites where you just have this big Overlook at the lake you can see the sunset - just like right now there's just the glow of the horizon camera doesn't pick it up so well it doesn't do so good and we'll wait with the lens that I got doesn't do bad but it's past the point of where it looked good I've got my little pyro firewood that I get I gather that earlier just process that up we've got the brush out cuz Monty's gonna need a little bit of this you have mine - yeah you're gonna get this this is for you and that stick is for you too so we need to treat ourselves to a little cup of hot cocoa some candy well first things first let's get a pot of water going then we need your food ready my cup of hot cocoa everybody's happy right now this trip we've been since there's no fish dinner so far probably will never be well did the skin these doesn't have to wait first boob soon as I get the water he's gonna pick it a little down below I will say I'm gonna appreciate the pickiness Monty this that that gravity filter you saw it earlier I had a little shot of it I love this thing you do this canoe camp and stuff get yourself but just don't don't use those pumps anymore those are those are in the past I mean that trail shot thing I have that little pocket one that's pretty good that does a good job but get a gravity filter because I filled these while I was setting up the tent now I'm gonna get my pot of water going and I am just gonna go stick this back on the filter and it'll be filled in probably two minutes and then I can fill up that one again one that one's empty and then I'll probably have enough for one more of these maybe clothes but either way that gravity filter I love it it's probably probably one of my favorite piece of gear just having hands-free fresh water all the time highly underrated yeah come here come here it's a tow come here come here Monty come here oh yeah gotta get any it I need that wetness if you got it you know yeah you like it you tell her don't you yeah that was time for these favorite things would you run away don't you run away the brush yeah you got all damp today so I need to run it through you Monty that booty that booty gonna brush some Monty booty that booty okay Monty you survived your survive Monty do survive yeah you did you want a stick you want a stick you have this nice beaver stick I want to throw it down there but I can't see it I'll probably go right in the water Oh get it Monty bring it here bring it here I never know what he's doing to the sticks but he does this we're gonna hear Monty wish to it what are you doing when you doing that way do you like what's oh geez you're trying to hit me with it hey be careful Monty try to attack you at the stick oops or should I say oops hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa jeez what are you doing just thrashing the life out of the stick crazy you crazy for the viewer stick so smooth if you like your voice so I just need to tackle my direction okay that's that probably have just one one quick little piece of beef jerky just you and me this little one this a little taster all right go Marty again what you can't see Monty you're just he's just right in my face that's a hungry Monty Monty you need to you need to learn some patience go lay down lay down okay you want to face that way oh man you're stinker you two cutest little stinker our job what is your son - Monty alright let's go check it out Monty know what it was I don't know Monty okay I think I waters hot enough for hot cocoa and Monty's food that way it'll be cooled down a little quicker rate Monty yeah I like I always love a good cup of hot cocoa out here tried it in powder form prefer it in liquid form oh it's hot all right I'm gonna need that let it sit for a minute spaghetti too I've been making my spaghetti extra soupy I like it I like it a lot Wendy just chill out dude you're gonna get your food and I'll give it to you soon as it's ready the second it's just perfect for what you like because you've been so picky you will get it okay you don't need to just stare my face okay well we're just gonna wait for our food here I'm gonna munch on a couple pieces of candy and I'll cover my maps I love looking over my maps past trips this current trip see what we got going on tomorrow we're gonna try to catch a Laker on the way out of here tomorrow you know start a piece of chocolate our food where's your money go get it okay yeah I think tomorrow's a day tomorrow we're getting a fish and we catch a fish tomorrow I don't care what kind it is so it's early we're keeping it if it's late or keep it out over it's a pipe we're keeping it if it's a bass we're keeping it if it's a fish well keeping it I don't care Monty I'm gonna help you [Music] know but can't see the pool okay he has been staring my face the entire time just been waiting for it to get to the right temp Monty I know you want it okay all right go ahead I'm still feeling good about catching a fish dinner I'm not worried well I'm not worried at all no no no no we've got some good days ahead of us as far as potential fishing goes so I'm gonna take one of these little Lindor chocolates I'm gonna put it in my mouth and then I'm gonna sip some hot chocolate into my mouth and let it just kind of melt and turn it gooey mm-hmm [Music] mm-hmm oh yeah oh it's gonna be extra soupy tonight Oh beaver plates I'm about to eat my stuffy spaghetti oh yeah mm-hmm nice and soupy the beavers really don't like to be a monster you're here they're going crazy out there right around camp hmm I let this set for about 37 minutes and it's still fairly hot the whole time it doesn't matter how many times I eat this it's still delicious every time would you hear Monty all right I'm gonna scarf down my skinny here clean up my mess that I've got going on here and do the same thing I've been doing every night but I'm a firewood not and then we'll be crawling on that tent but I want to shut off a light and look at these stars so they've been out every night and I just like seeing the stars so yeah shutting up that like and to continue looking to the stars and yeah check back in with you guys aren't ready for bed okay master - come on you're messing everything up she's bringing so much stuff into the tent huh okay okay good boy so another beautiful day in the Sun with a nice sunset oh my G doesn't want us to know go dad okay whatever no fish had to on for sure didn't get him but we're looking forward to tomorrow and if we don't catch any tomorrow we'll look forward to the next day we ain't giving up until there's no time left to catch fish that's for sure but I've got like five poor distro will be two bigger ones the other ones are kind of small we're gonna do the whole day of fishing again so um yeah I'm satisfied right now someone pass out so I will catch you guys in the morning but to bring here she's doing why'd you bring the stick [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 87,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: r6GqWAFmCZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 48sec (5388 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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