7 Night Wilderness Adventure With My Dog (Part 2 of 3)

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hey guys Monty here thanks for watching part two of my seven night venture out in the wilderness weather gets a little wet and crazy but I still have a great time anyways hope you enjoy the video [Music] [Music] mati mati good morning Monte Monte whoa boy you guys are no more well Oh well that's a beautiful border something a little bit i am refreshed mosquitoes are buzzing there they're out now then we're really out around we got here but they're out no you just hear a buzzing around but you're ready to go get eaten alive alright alright you might guess go ahead good be free go ahead Monty I slept great last night yes I'm I'm in no rush and they today is a there's gonna be a fishing and exploring day taking it easy and we're gonna really hunt for a fish dinner so we're gonna do hey Monty so it's time to get up write your breakfast back up okay brittle ice moving sceetos all right I'll be out there a sec Monty let's do this Oh birds taking it easy this morning hop you know oh I need a windscreen see Monty I gave him water he's choosing I sat down I like much drink this drink this nothing you want to drink the pollen water don't get it it's like he feels so independent can't drink my water right Monty but yeah I'm cooking breakfast out in the Sun because the mosquitoes aren't as bad go on the shade that get you go get you it's a hot one today oh yeah we definitely slept in a bed it was like I said it's Monty's fault it's always my daddy's fault he's just like dude we should sleep more I'm like okay okay we don't got to move much today though so it's okay relaxing day so I'm gonna cook up my oatmeal coffee and get packed up there you go spice it up yo your apples and cinnamon and your cranberry almond then back to your apples and cinnamon then oops back to your cranberry almond just call variety all know that's gonna be soupy that's okay it is so warm right now I am like I'm sweating but I'm not moving much at all I'm going really slow moping around getting my stuff together I'm thinking I'll be swimming throughout the day just to cool off it's a hot one I think today's the day that supposed to be 85 because it sure feels like it it is nasty it is nasty [Music] Monte's choosing to sit in the shave and deal with the mosquitoes there they're definitely hiding in the shade they don't really want to be out in the hot Sun which is it's nice thing I want to work on my tan today get some fish for dinner should be a good day might be a little tough fishing on this the lake I'm going to his big and it's breezy which the breeze gonna feel nice maybe I won't even need it so if it's cool enough on the water that ding in that boat let me show you guys that date you can see right here it went down to like the Kevlar material or whatever the bottom of my boat so that was a nice chunk gonna need to epoxy that one but here's an old one you can see I've done this before that's some epoxy that epoxy is actually getting grinded down a little bit so uh I'm sorry I'm sorry ol Bessie I need to take better care of you hmm yeah that's a good one so I can't do that too much more luckily I've dealt with the river but as you can see I've done it before but uh yeah we're just I'm just gonna finish up my oatmeal right Monty Grier Monty Monty is gonna continue to ignore the fresh water I've given them and his food that I've given them and then we're gonna get out of here get on the water we are mobile I am so sweaty and hot right now I'm free-balling it ladies and gentlemen free ballin is the art of not wearing any underwear I've got all my layers off I would be naked right now but I don't think you guys would appreciate that I guess I could cover it up but if I come across a group of boaters or something might be a little awkward good Monte's I'm just letting him cool off he felt hot he wasn't super enthusiastic about swimming right off the bat but that's okay we definitely got a late start today I don't know I don't mind taking a relaxing day we moved pretty good distance yesterday so we don't got far we don't got far to go today I didn't want to say what time it is I'm opened pretty good just kidding news Monty is Montes fault what is your fault we walked around mr. Monty Phelps hey there's a loon Monty catch alone I bet you can swim faster than the Loon you think so I think so too [Music] [Music] there's a good workout Monty you still around 70 pounds yeah so most of this trip is uncharted territory for me and I haven't been there but there are some Lakes that I've been on I think I've got across and whatnot I think I'm actually I'm pretty sure I've actually been on this one before I never stayed under fish for anything and I just I just cruised through to get to an area but anyways I've never taken this portage to this next like what I have been on the next Lake Oh we'll go over the maps again and I'll show you my last trip and you can see where we're crossing paths and whatnot but most of this is all new Lakes there's like maybe [Music] maybe three four or five lakes that I've been on before something like that I'm going over a lot of lakes so it's really not that much a family portage in shorts and Muck Boots so that's gonna be cool [Music] so you may have noticed that I just did that porridge and crocks and I've had a few people asked me what's with the crocks man why crocks all the time and I've got one answer for you sex appeal pure and simple oh that's right that's the only reason [Music] dang definitely a good fish I want to get over there wasn't really expecting to catch a sucker baseball IRA pass or a lake trout alright so I'm gonna take a few casts here and then you know there's a lake trout and hiking here it says and I'm sure there's bass so what we're gonna do is probably troll around for a little bit and just kind of a check it out see how bad the wind is simply gonna pick up something that way look for a campsite a little bit and then I'll probably switch back and forth between casting a jig and trolling ooh that looks like a nice spot we're gonna try for that there's got to be a fish in there oh I think we got it come on what what something what is it is it a pike it's a pike it's a pike [Music] we're gonna stay confident that I'll catch more there'll be some nice meat but we'll have better chances I love when when you catch a fish like that it's totally edible and good and then you don't catch you they for a while and you have fish release regret it's a real thing so a few people have asked me well a bunch of people asked me down the comments what these spots are and the truth is is that I was riding on a four-wheeler and I fell off my buddy you played a prank and he hit the he hit the brakes and I fell off and I grabbed on and I was just dragging behind this core wheeler I just ripped up my skin I'm just kidding that's terrible anyways it's a it's a genetic skin disorder called psoriasis and it's not going anywhere I'm stuck with it for life I've accepted it I don't care about it it's just itchy and doesn't look the best and it actually looks the absolute worst in spring because when you have long sleeves on that are not exposed to the Sun it gets worse and after a whole winter of wearing long sleeves it's it's at its worst but as the Sun comes out you'll notice they get lighter sometimes they even go away when that when you got sunlight on them I don't take any oral medication or anything like that I have a little bit of the steroids they gave me and that works for a little bit but for the most part I just don't care just deal with it because you know whatever it doesn't bother me how do you want to go fur to the dog park do you want to go fur do you want I go fur well what if I told you that we've been in the dog park for the past two days and this is the dog park this is the relaxed amanti gonna the math this is a lot of these corners and stuff so we get out to the main part of the lake and I'm not gonna troll you know for two minutes and then stop and have to reel in my line so I'm gonna wait till we get out to the lake I'm going to risk it a little bit and not use a steel eater because if you like the lake trout aren't gonna like a steel eater maybe they won't they don't care but you can see over on the right side where it's all super green that's where there was a fire and that's the new growth super green and lush [Music] why why snack snack snack 3 in rope snacks 3d snacks in throne it's so awesome we're gonna start with trolling a good old-fashioned chartreuse for Paula I let out a whole bunch of mine no I don't it's not the best time of day right now but we're gonna try anyways because we're just gonna move we gotta find a nice campsite I want the wind blowing I mean that is for sure so I might even camp in the in the burn section because there's a lot less tree blockage that will make bugs less and allow the wind to come in I don't mind wind even if I have a fire I'm gonna be careful sitting here I'm not gonna worry about it but we're gonna troll some drop off fish areas on the way we're just gonna you know troll for ways well troll for a good half hour forty-five and then if we don't pick anything up we will go back to casting find camp and we're definitely gonna evening page if I don't have any good luck you know I will I might even portage to another lake nearby and type fish well it looks pretty secluded we'll see happen I really would like Lake Trump the fish of choice for this evening I just had a nice bite giver if you've ever farted in flames on the dog give me an O ya down you mean oh yeah down on the comments especially cuz I think we just picked up a fish oh we got something we got something what a magical moment you've ever farted and blames it on your dog and gotten away with it give me you know yeah been there done that I'm hoping we got a Laker on here I'm not gonna ream it in too hard I'm feeling good about this one come on lake trout come on Lake chop I'm thinking it might be a Laker come on baby come on come on come on come on come on lake trout lake trout lake trout it's feeling to me like a Laker they come in like logs sometimes it's gonna be an excited excited yes justice we got a lake trout all right Monte where you the lake trout tonight buddy I'm gonna get this thing unhooked and string it up quick I'm not losing this one Larry this is Larry the lake chalk eyes hey meet Larry I've never introduced you guys to him before because we've had some bad luck but this is Larry meet Larry the lake trout we'll give them onto you break from the boat if we catch another one here on the way to finding a camp and then we can we can have an early dinner and enjoy the sunset maybe do some catch and release evening fishing and then we can also get up early tomorrow tonight is gonna be a fish dinner I'm gonna catch one more fish Pike or lake trout and I'm probably is going to go for lake trout since they seem to be biting and it's the middle of the day and then yeah we'll catch another lake trout that have - lake trout for dinner and we're gonna have a little snack with it it's gonna be good [Music] that is the bite from another fish most likely another lake trout oh oh and this one feels heftier ooh this one feels much heftier Oh Monty we might be feasting tonight boy I wouldn't mind eating one a little bit bigger because when I'm having a fish dinner I'm gonna have a fish dinner me montz you're gonna eat some serious fish right now this one does feel bigger oh we're near weird bug territory we're near shore so it does feel hefty unless it's hooked money oh you can just hear the bugs swarming oh whatever they are they black class what are they they don't seem to be biting but you can hear them buzzing aha oh man this wants to stay down this one might be too big this might be way too big to eat we're just getting mauled by bugs now yeah it wants to stay down that's usually the signs of a bigger fish it looks like another lake job oh yeah that's a good lake trout oh that's a that's a big piece of fish right there I need to get away from shore well that's a nice lake trout I have a tough choice to make look at that thing okay I don't like to do this but that fish right there is like perfect enough meat for me and Monte both have a feast tonight just that one fish so I'm only gonna keep that one and you can see that this this lake trout that I caught before is still perfectly fine and okay so he's healthy he's moving I didn't even go too far but I'm gonna let him go and keep the other one no it's not night it's not good to do this to stress it out but and I mean I would keep both of these but I don't think I can eat that much fish he's gone so he's okay and we're gonna keep this one fish and this is gonna be a feast for me and Monte tonight we're gonna be eating some serious fish I was hoping to get a nice one like this this is now I would I would normally prefer two smaller ones but I mean um I would prefer two small ones but why not just keep one nice one that's that's the meat right there Monty we are feasting tonight all right that's exciting it was much bigger than that I wouldn't keep it I don't like I'm too big my lens is fogging up a little bit I have to open it up and clean it out later but anyways now the trick is to keep him alive while we get to for the rest of the day we need to keep them alive because it's so warm out you don't want them to die and get all nasty so I know a lot of people are say you know kill them right away it's more humane but when you're in these temperatures and you're catching them you know I've got four hours so I'm gonna eat dinner he's got to stay alive on the stringer and that's just the way it is that's just how it is [Music] I'm just paddling around looking for a campsite heat this one looked good on the map but when I got here I couldn't really tell what side of this little Peninsula is on now it looks like it's gonna be blocked from the wind all right so it looks okay on a site we're gonna get out stretch our legs eat a snack check out the site well we've got we've got plenty of times so unless it's really great I'm gonna look at other split spots because I would like to be in some wind it's just so hot hey Monty Hey well it's not a bad spot it's not terrible a little bit out of the wind though it's if the breeze was blowing up here this to be great but the wind seems to be blowing from oh it seemed like it was blown from this way but then when I got over that side it didn't seem very well but now it seems like it's come from this way I'm not really sure well we'll look at our map maybe we'll stay here maybe we won't I'm gonna throw the stick for Monty though he's gonna do a little swimming cuz he's he's got to be warm and we're gonna have a snack what a drama queen ready [Music] mazi Phelps at work oh it is just gorgeous out I'm very happy to not be doing much portaging today it would have been a nightmare today it is just hot and sunny and just not super windy tomorrow I've got some decent portaging but I'm hoping it's supposed to drop by like 10 degrees 10-15 degrees and being like the low 70s like 70 71 for the rest of the time here is that's wouldn't it when I looked at the weather last that's what it showed like you never know weather can change why I'm hoping so I'm hoping that's not this hot this is nasty I mean it's nice when you're just sitting around the boat and stuff but I'm gonna need to put on some sunscreen soon I might be cooking a little bit well almost they keep throwing a stick for him eat a snack and then offer him some food and then we're gonna pull up the map I'm gonna check things out see if we want to stay here this is a rarity right here I told Monty to eat his food and he's doing it he was just ignoring that it exists for a minute I was like Monty you eat your food and he went up and he started eating it that's happened maybe once or twice before just amazing Monty eating his dog food okay looks like there actually might be a site across the way there I've got the Sun beating on it but it is looks like the wind will be blowing at it which will be nice I kind of want to win you say tonight so we're check that out that feels nice I'm thinking it looks like it's right ahead I'm stinking that this is gonna be one the campsite I thought it was gonna be right here on the peninsula but it's not and it looks like rains coming so we're gonna I think it's inland here more we're gonna check it out I think I might need to set some stuff up and just prepare for a little rain this one's even less how the one in the last one it spray spot it's a pretty cool spot but I do not know if it looks like it's gonna start down for us I might just set up stay here but if not I definitely want to go find a spot in the wind it's tough though neither spot was really that great for the wind I want that breeze I just really want that breeze maybe just stay here because I can come sit right here with my chair and just enjoy the breeze and then when I have a fire it'll be blocked okay I'll look on my map again but that's what we might do I might just come enjoy the breeze right here setup and stuff yeah that seems pretty good okay so we are gonna stay at this one it does look like it might rain a little bit and let's go chill in the wind when I want to sit there and at least it's got that spot but it's got a nice view for later tonight so that's weird I'm gonna leave this stuff here but yeah I'm just gonna set up at this stuff prepare for that rain them so relax in the wind not gonna lie guys I'm a little beat and I've done like 1/16 of work of yesterday but I think it's just that Sun just been beating down on me my unease the Sun can take it out of you that's what I'm feeling right now just slightly drained tamati I saw my stuff that's the easy way it got tons of Sun I probably should just put on sunscreen but whatever it's too late now probably should've put sunscreen but I figured hey Monty can't have sunscreen so why should I get sunscreen right Monty correct ray what's the fastest way to make Monty upset point something at them yeah oh just don't do that okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so I stopped I'm sorry I'm sorry Monty you can't do anything to upset the Monty don't point things at them no just leave him be don't try to excite them let them be a grumpy old man Monty well I didn't even point it at you I didn't point it at you Marty I was just I didn't even point it at you you stinker you stinky but boy check it out I got a leech on my foot [Music] my - what are you doing why are you hiding in the bushes when it's hot like this I leave one side of the rainfly attached and I just flip it over so if it does start raining I can just throw it over the tent and get it all set up really quick but other than that it stays off just like last night I didn't need it all night and pretty much I I go all night until I feel a raindrop or hear thunder before I throw it back over okay so this is the entire Boundary Waters all that green I'm just going to show you what I did on my 10-day solo trip with Monty and what I'm doing this time so last time I might end a solo I started here moved down this way the Tuscarora over this way portraiture here all the way through here down this way this way then we went down here and then here's where I bushwhacked that portage and then move my way this way went all the way down the Lewis River the Louis River Lewis River and then got to mahlberg and then we went up this way down the kouachi all the way down here and I ended up paddling across this whole Alice Lake and stayed up here somewhere and then we went down here over lake in so upheld around here came up this way to Thomas like up through here all these Lakes back too little sag where's where I'm at now but and then I just paddled up this way order this Lake went through all these Lakes fishing for Larry and then went up through here and home this time that was ten days so this time we started over here on Breughel Lake I started down here so what we're trying to do this time is go this way paddle all the way down here then I portage up through here stayed here the first night then yesterday we went all the way down this all the way up to here and we stayed here last night today we just did this little hop skip and a jump to here so really relaxing day easy but the fun continues tomorrow because we're gonna come back down this way now we're going to go down here we're actually going to stay in marburg tomorrow night and then what I'm trying to do is go down this way down here and then I think we're going to stay in this lake the next night after that and then go up through here and then this is where I don't really know what I want to do anything this way and then I'm thinking of maybe going down this way going all through here doing this little loop and then I'll come out right here on this big lake so it's like or you know I could come up this way and go back to where I was already but I'm thinking I want to kind of go this way so covering lots of ground you know it's it's got some work days ahead of me tomorrow is gonna be a pretty good one but the last few are gonna be the last three nights we're going to be going from here to here you know so I've got decisions to make we're gonna so I'm gonna look at these maps probably 20 more times over the course of the next couple days but right now that's what we're AdWords we're getting the heart but that's why I'm trying to stay you know this is like the center of the biggest part of the Boundary Waters I'm trying to stay here so you know one night to night and another night that's right in the center so that's that's my planning process what do you fall asleep there go for dog park but I think right now I'm gonna go get some firewood there's already some there but I'm gonna collect a little bit more so I'm gonna get some firewood sit around a little bit more and then come 8 o'clock a little sparkle fire and cook up some Larry it's gonna be good Monty it's gonna be delicious that wasn't the best thing to do in cracks so I don't know if I want to process all this but I think what I'm gonna do is process enough of this to where I'm sweaty well I'm already sweaty but it's where I'm continuing to be sweaty and I'm gonna go for a swim and then that'll be about time to start cooking dinner that's not so bad yeah I don't even need this firewood to be honest I'm just I'm just you know I got time and I'm gonna burn a little that firewood there so I might as well replenish it and leave it for the next guy that's pretty much what I'm doing because there's there's enough wood there to cook fish that's pretty punky good boy stay there hey there monkey stay good boy oh I feel so good Monty I mean you can come in if you really want to oh there's nothing better than being out in the wilderness and skinny-dipping right Monty you skinny dip all the time right just look at that view Monty nothing but woods hey hey okay Monty I'm coming out okay oh I felt so good I am going to now play up Larry spark the fire and enjoy my pretty much I'm pretty sure my first ever fish dinner during sunlight I know that's crazy and may be hard to believe but it's true I always eat at night so I'm excited look at that beautiful delicious meat oh man it's gonna be so good Monty we are gonna feast somewhere I playing fish and stuff your hands get obviously a little fishy Lake crowd especially it makes its your hand stink so I just take some cedar and I like to rub my hands cuz I'd rather them smell like cedar than fish slime and covers it right up so that when you touch your other stuff it doesn't start to smell like fish did you smell like cedar it sounds much better yeah the old lighter another little trick if you don't already knows which I'm sure many of you do but you use lighters wrap them in duct tape not do you seek a tape duct tape that that's his crap but duct tape good stuff I didn't know Jake actually showed me this on a two-week adventure I he was just like oh you should wrap your like oh I don't need to do that no big deal I snapped the rod about five six days into the trip and I'm just like Jake can I have some of your duct tape and he gave it to me and I was able to fish perfectly fine with my rod it saved me from Perficient so now I do it every time but it's a good little tip I always wrap a good model there and if I put a hole in my boat like you've seen I can definitely use this to patch that up oh it's hot I don't like it but it's it is what it is oh I'm not gonna be able to sit near it mmm so we're gonna cook up our fish and I like to one of the simplest things that's pretty delicious to have a fish dinner with I think it's instant mashed potatoes it's just it's filling it's good it's a nice side it's easy it's already dehydrated or you could do like couscous or something but rice is a little time consuming I think unless it's like some kind of really cheap rice but I just always do instant mashed potatoes it's just what I like choose your side my baby reds what we're gonna cook up first is these these potatoes here they can sit for quite a while so I'm gonna cook these up 2 cups of water which is to 16 we're going to cook this up and then we're gonna cook up Monty's actually first because his always has to cool down and these can sit forever so I can have a hot meal all together thing came out so we're just gonna boil Monty's again because he seemed to like that and it mix it with his food good I've got a portion out the fish he's getting less than me if he eats the same amount of fish as I do he will get liquid diarrhea ain't dealing with that I'm gonna have to cut this up into bits anyways but that can be a Monty chunk all right that's that's more than fair for the Monty I'm gonna have to cut up mine anyways though because my pans not gonna be big enough for all this and Monty can get will give Monty a a little extra but this is all going to be mine I'm gonna eat his tail he doesn't know the difference I'm gonna feast right now and Monty's gonna pretty much he's in a feast too don't let him fool you that's plenty of fish for a dog oops okay this is boiling mmm I can just go off to the side now and wait for my fish to be ready for Monty's fish all it needs to be is cooked and mushed up because his is gonna get mixed with his dog food and he's gonna have a big old smorgasbord of fish and he's gonna love it now part of me feels bad for this because he already wants to eat his food but then the other get back the other part of me knows that he will appreciate it way more with fish but you're gonna have to wait for about 15 minutes Monty I'm sorry but I'm not sorry cuz all that water is gonna so can we need to let it cool down oh yeah oh yeah that's a lot of fish for a dog might be too much but he's gonna love it alright Monty now I gotta wait you know I've got to prepare my fish I am going to see what I dropped Monty's right into the boiling water but with mine I want to heat up a little slower so I'm gonna put a bunch of lemon juice in the pan we're gonna make it really lemony I love lemon okay and now we're gonna get out all the seeds now that the seeds are out I'm gonna add my fish to the pan as best I can you know it's gonna be it's gonna be a bit full pot here but now I need to add a little bit of water just a little bit of water not too much but some of the moisture is gonna boil out as it cooks so gotta add a little water in there almost about pretty much equal amounts of water and lemon a little more juice if I got any now a little bit of Montreal and it doesn't matter if it's directly on the fish or not because it's all gonna make a flavor DeSimone Montreal had to get him out all right now he's put her on the fire whoo it's getting so good okay that is gonna be a lemony Montreal e juicy oh I'm excited it is so peaceful I don't think I'm gonna get to do any night-vision but I just saw a lake trout surface I'm pretty sure as a lake trout because its surface like a trout but I don't think there's anything other than lake trout in here for trout but I could be wrong but it was definitely pretty sure was a trout the surface and was right there whoo-hoo this is gonna be so good we're going to smidge more Montreal we're going to need to break up these pieces a little bit I was going to try to make it super pretty but I just wanted to all cook in the juices evenly there we go oh yeah that's done okay okay you ready Monty go ahead go ahead Monty oh I'm excited for this here goes nothing hmm oh yeah hmm oh it's so lemony and delicious it's also very hot I am gonna destroy this oh it's so hot it's so hot needs to cool off let's have some taters mmm all right well this player is really hot so I'm gonna sit down right there [Music] hey Monty much better oh it's so good oh man [Applause] when I'm done eating I get to go watch a sunset that's gonna be sweet it's gonna be a good one we should have a good view I've almost ate it already oh man what I'm done eating all this I'm gonna be so full alright I'm gonna clean up or I'm gonna I'm gonna finish eating all this do a little cleanup and then we're gonna watch a sunset ray Monte got finished dinner and then sunset time well clean up first [Laughter] oh that's a beautiful sunset it's nuts the most epic I've ever seen but it's so very pretty best of all the trip so far he's setting right now that was a delicious me I'm so far it was too much food but uh yeah now we're gonna get back to camp and it's just we you have to walk down here away is to get over to this little spot but we are gonna get back to camp clean up and probably start relaxing I'm gonna I'm gonna head to bed early tonight I think that was a beautiful sunset goodbye Sun goodbye for the day see you tomorrow Monte that is inappropriate behavior you stop that right now that is my it's my sleeping liner Monte what are you doing Oh deep okay well we just got into the tent after cleaning up and it just started to rain so I put the rain fly over so it's gonna be I was hoping since it's so warm tonight that we could have the rain fly off so that we're not just sweltering in here but it's looking like it's gonna be a sweltering evening GIS day so Monte has passed out and he's warm I can tell he's warm but uh just when I was breathing but I have slid him around and stuff he is just done he's out kaput tired I'm full satisfied the sun's it's dark out this is probably the earliest I've gone to bed camping in a long time that wasn't winter camping any sort of canoe camping so I'm just gonna lay around read a book look over my maps the usual thing until I get tired and pass out so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] Montee snowing is giving me away [Music] mmm was that even comfortable okay I can't sleep way knows deist [Music] there's a muggy one last night wha my gate great mine tears of muggy night last night huh Monte's ready to get up and get out so we're gonna do want to do it man whatever bird that is it's gone made me want to sleep all day so peaceful but I'm gonna get whipping up some oatmeal and coffee as I pack up we've got to cover some ground today as always Monty enjoys spending his morning's watching the world go by [Laughter] Ramon T is a good boy [Music] [Applause] just think just enjoying my morning bulb hollow notes you're rich girl and you've gone too far cuz you know it don't matter anyway thank you just regular oats [Music] I hope I got that stuck in your head it's gonna be stuck in my head probably the rest of the day so I think we've got eleven Portage's today roughly there's a few teeny ones and then I don't know like three or four quarter-mile ones or a little more than a quarter-mile and then some that are smaller than that nothing crazy but there is one unfortunate thing and that's that I was stupid yesterday and didn't put on the sunscreen so I've got some sort o ste shoulder so that's gonna feel really good with a 60 70 pound pack on your bag yep real smart real good thinking yeah just pure genius I'm just gonna finish up my breakfast I'm pretty much packed up I just got to clean up this stuff and we're gonna get on the water so let's do it [Music] [Music] okay moving let's get in that breathe a little bit which way do we gotta go we have to go that way okay another warm one today I don't know when that 70-degree thing is coming but I can't wait so trial run of the sunburn foraging with the bag I have to come from my campsite which is up there down here medic area is not terrible it doesn't feel the best but I'll be alright definitely makes it a bit more uncomfortable but it's not the end of the world but I put on some sunscreen of a nose and neck a little bit I'm gonna have to keep reapplying to those spots cause my neck the sensitive my shoulders has them so no matter what today I can't really take off my shirt unless I'm swimming well we don't got too much more to paddle on this lake we definitely covered a good chunk of it yesterday and then we can't before she begins Monty knows that if he puts his head down and lays down like that pretty sure he knows that he could be out of the Sun so the Sun I don't know if I should put sunscreen on his nose or not because I know he's a weirdo and he likes lotion and he'll lick it lick it clean but if I rub it in which you might not like I don't know if I should do that or not that's the only spot on him that I could see getting maybe sunburn I don't know if they can I'm sure they can't let me it's like skin but I don't know if I should it looks like I am going to be paddling with the wind the entire day now some may call that a blessing I would much rather be paddling into the wind I would much rather get that breeze cooling me off then and have to do more work than to just bake [Music] [Music] so I did it guys I put sunscreen on the Monte's nose you didn't really like it but the Sun is so hot right now I'm gonna have to apply sunscreen every few Portage's to the back of my neck and you know the rest of this the fur actually protects the skin from getting burnt so you think some of you were thinking you know well the dogs got too much refer to be sitting in the Sun well it actually protects them and I'm gonna have them swim after the next portage a little bit and I've just been doing that to cool them off and then I'm gonna sunscreen his nose like I said I want that thing burning but there's little portage to go and we're on the next map it looks like skin Moose Tracks yeah just to get you this morning or something come big dogs whoo - good boy Monty it's a hot one right now I'm jealous of him I got to move pretty far today though so uh I can't take too much time and swim unless I get way ahead I might do that I might get way ahead of schedule here and then I can stop and swim but for now I just got a moving groove give me that breeze come on just pick up another 15 miles an hour now if it was that windy then it wouldn't matter if I was going with the winter and I would still blow me I feel good that's all wrong maybe I just have a dirty mind that must be it hello mr. loon or mrs. loom goodbye mr. or mrs. loom man that Larry last night was so juicy so lemony so tasty I just I'm gonna have a hard time not keeping a fish every night and cooking it up like that even if it's just Montreal in water like it's still so good mmm I was so full a sight that was too much fish that was that was a little too much I should what I should have done was probably kept another small one open less meat but I was I was not feeling you know I was a little uncomfortable at for that [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I don't know if the sunscreen held my face but I had to put more on this heat is brutal the Sun is hot it's a rough one and there's no wind to slow it down either Monty is hiding in the shade so he's got to keep swimming and he doesn't mind he's getting right in the water he's not complaining or anything so I know he's hot I want to swim right now and I would unzip to shorts but I've already had enough on my legs and it's annoying to just to put those Zippy's back on so I'm just gonna keep mine for now take it off it's gonna leave mine what I'm thinking is I might possibly instead of fishing just kind of get to the porridge here do the next three and then take a break in the shade because it is hot it is noon right now let's see if we can get Monty and without getting out nice he did it it's his first time doing that you didn't get his drip-dry in but he jumped in the boat hey that's convenient my teammate will do that more often what do you think we just we just discover a new thing he's constantly learning guys he's still uh he's just two years old so he's still somewhat of a puppy and he's still developing new habits like biting flies for example he did not do that last summer or the year or that or whatever he just started doing that this trip I've never seen him bite it flies and he's really really fond of going after the bees most of the he only bites the mosquitos when they're just getting them but the bees as soon as he hears a bee he's just like where's MP he's trying to he's hunting it but like that right there now he's gonna jump he's aren't he's he never used to jump out of the boat either he's been doing that a lot he's been jumping out but now he's jumping in that's good that was cool and I don't need to get out I can keep my muff boots off if I want him to swim maybe I can just teach me to jump out yeah these are no new things that's cool Monty good job proud of you yeah so I said I probably wasn't gonna cast I was gonna trade it for uh sit in the shade well that's until I saw this nice section of about four or five nice dead trees and then that got my my sensors tingling bee sting that's what I wanted to get [Music] all the breeze the breeze [Music] okay so I've got after this lake I've got three three Portage's in a row I I was little wrong I looked at the map I think I only got one one portage it's over quarter mile the rest are under a quarter mile so it's nothing crazy but I've got three in a row and they're just a little muck ponds in between so I'm gonna hydrate on this lake because it's nice cool crisp water then I'm gonna bust those out there's a big rock wall over there and it looks very very similar to another rock wall that's that's in this area that has Native American pictographs on it so I'm just gonna go check it out because I'm so close and it looks very similar just in case there's something cool if not if anything we're just gonna see a big rock wall [Music] no pictographs that I can see but that was me just zipping by do I see moose see across the lake that look kind of like moose but I think it's just about masses there's just two dark blobs kind of sitting there but yeah it's just ruts have my hopes up first like him and really Quint I'd see moose in the middle of the day in this heat standing out in the Sun you know I'm just hopeful because I miss that one time remember that one time when two baby moose went in front of me with my mom it'll probably never happen to get in my life no big deal though you know just not capture it and share it with you guys but it still sings starting to get a little hungry little hangry next one's the longest one of the day just over quarter mile nothing crazy just more sweaty come on clouds little rain wouldn't hurt either Pope some kind of little mental it's just like popping out of the water they go by who well let me tell you oh good boy let me tell you portaging and the hottest part of the day on an 80 plus degree day with barely any wind and direct sunlight is warm I'm so sticky right now swimming is gonna be so awesome later so I must have went down an old portage trail because it was so thick oh man that was rough and then I got to I got done with it and you know I'm carrying that eight-foot ultralight oh my god it was just terrible and then I got done with the yeah and I saw that there was a [Music] anyways and then I walked how this is much easier much more reasonable so I just had to go through this marshy crap here to our left and I was not gonna go through that thick with my boat so I just grabbed this your stick you know making my way to the portage but that was rough that was rough not fun with that pole is warm there's no shade there at that spot so we're going to go out a little bit and pick a nice spot along the shore where there's some shade now normally this is strictly for Monty but this is a perfect opportunity for it [Music] let's see we're gonna need to entice him with beef jerky treat Monti country yeah you know realistically this is the worst tasting beef jerky I've ever had but [Music] super delicious don't the skiers are getting me out even care I decided I'm not gonna swim he decided he's still hungry haha hey isn't get something just gonna sit here get eaten up by mosquitoes for like another 5-10 minutes snack rehydrate love mud to get some water and then we're gonna get back to it that one was longer than expected and really mucky but I think what happened is that actually the next two were actually just one it show that there was a want II gotta sit down yeah or even drink water it's fine too but it showed that there was to portage isn't a little pond in between but I think it just skipped that pond and we went right around and did both of those in one and walk past the pond which is nice I'll take that that means one less crazy go [Music] Oh Monty got a lilypad challenge section Hui Monty was feeling really hot he needed to get in that water almost too hot to touch oh so close to swimming I don't know if I can even wait to get to my campsite this one I might just swim right when we get to the lake and just paddle what I'm undecided on that yet but it seems really tempting oh well if he Phelps hard at work someone across another lake like it ain't no thing he's shedding that extra winter weight he gained know that delicious eating I'm jealous I'm totally jealous of you [Music] [Music] he's groaning he's laying down he wants to be out of the Sun as much as I do oh we're gonna plenty of time to relax tonight I think the plan is to go to bed pretty early tonight because I want to avoid portaging in this heat again this is a poor decision-making on my end I should have got up before the Sun rose and done all those portaging we would have done it out of the heat but I definitely the plan for tomorrow is to get up very early and get the portaging done and then either when it gets to this part of the day we're gonna just chill relax somewhere or be where we're going for the night but I can tell you what I am set on portaging in this nasty heat in the middle part of the day when there's not much wind like look at this there's like no breeze barely moving it is hot though so let's just get it done beavers are gonna take down that tree [Music] [Music] oh hi Matty hi about its that feel good hey buddy you have a seat on your nose [Music] [Music] does that feel good buddy doesn't it feel nice I'm just so happy to be in the water right now I could just live here this looks like a nice campsite [Music] just right here in the water MIT ooh there's cold water from the river current oh that feels really good oh yeah Monte I'm cleaning my clothes and my body at the same time I got a lair myself up in sunscreen as soon as I dry oh that feels good I'm all Sun I'm all sunscreened up refreshed my sweat has been cleansed I'm sure I'll start sweating here soon again but I feel good for the moment I needed that swim that was so necessary so yeah I think we're gonna go for a campsite in the shade now that we're gonna look at a few but above everything else I think a campsite in the shade is most important because I don't want to make Monty sit in this heat anymore I don't want to sit in it either so we need a shaded spot I'm not really that worried about wind as much wind would be nice to relieve us but the Sun is the killer right now that's that's the thing we need to worry about I can't even tell you how many of these little six you know 16 I won't spy which is that brain today it's been a lot why do you think this beef jerky everytime almost but I sucked down a lot of water today [Music] drink it in through my mouth sweat it out through a face it looks like there's a camp set up ahead and it looks kind of shaded and the wind is blowing at it so that might be a winner and we don't have to go very far at all but I will take it I'm not gonna be picky I just want a nice spot well this spot is relatively shaded I mean I can set up the tent over there and it's a little bit shaded it looks pretty nice and the sun's gonna set this way so these trees we block and so I think this is gonna be the spot the only problem is is that so whoever was here last left a bunch of crap on there Monty instantly walked up here and started licking that great though I hope he doesn't get the shit's she's a bird nut off whatever it was we bit drained guys that Sun someone get you so I'm just gonna set up my tent here it's a 540 right now for 4:40 in central time but uh yeah I'm just gonna get a little set up look over my maps relax around first thing to do is drink some water I can drink with my little thing but I want to chug water so I'm gonna get that going so I can just slug some water here because I'm thirsty I've been thirsty all day I've been drinking water all day it's an unquenchable thirst right now so let's quench it would we do so I'm probably gonna have a pretty early dinner tonight I'm gonna try for the earliest dinner I've ever had yesterday was the earliest dinner maybe not the earliest actually but like as far as the sunlight and the time of year yes earliest but winter camping obviously it's much earlier because sunsets like for hours earlier I'm gonna try to have a super early dinner tonight probably gonna do some fishing but I'm not gonna go crazy I'm not gonna fish you know till dark I'm just gonna fish a little bit and then go to bed really early and get up tomorrow so I'm just gonna set up my stuff get all sorted look over my maps and relax until we go fishing Monty is passed out look at this guy [Music] [Music] are they getting you Monty I'm sorry [Music] [Music] what do you thing about that 1t it's your tenth on your head I'm gonna try for my last dinner there's a walleye dinner so tomorrow I'm gonna stick to a lake but I know it's got walleye in it according to the little little map here and then also the night after that and then after that I'm also gonna well the next the next two nights after tonight actually this Nate - we're all they're all gonna have walleye but I'm not gonna go for a fish dinner tonight I'm gonna fish for fun so I'm not gonna go crazy but I wonder while I fished in here I have my lake trout I had some pike no bass very odd it's weird that I'm caught bass I keep saying that but it's really weird to me because I destroy bass with that little Jake wherever I go so I don't know weird weird weird weird oh well I'm never gonna stop using that little Jake I'm gonna try it for walleye tonight - but when the Sun starts getting low if I don't catch anything I'm just catching Pike and for Pike I'm gonna switch to trolling I have a walleye Slayer Lou it's a chartreuse flow - rupaul it's kinda like that tiger strip when I use but uh that's the walleye Slayer that thing I will get them but anyways it is seven o'clock probably gonna start cooking here in a half hour 45 minutes maybe a little maybe a little sooner I'm pretty hungry so we're gonna cook eat and then we're gonna get on that water and do a little fishing oh I'm getting too hungry I can't wait anymore I'm gonna cook up my spaghetti now [Applause] [Applause] all right let's give it a stir here [Applause] mmm oh it's gonna be good perfect this is so good right now I was pretty hungry today hmm I got some sap malleable for my forearm sticking nothing like a hot meal out of hot evening oh that bite was super hot oh no the SAP is driving me nuts I gotta I gotta wash my arm a little bit so those biting flies that I said were the only ones that get to me are getting to me they are hey Monty they are getting my ankles little ankle-biters drives me nuts I can hear them flying around my hair I can't wait for the Sun to go down to cool off it's gonna be nice the mosquitoes are gonna be out they've been out pretty much not the first night as much but the last two nights they've been out as soon as the Sun sets there they're attacking so it's nice to be able to uh crawl them the tent when that happens and go to bed did you want something Monty hmm do you want something you're not trying to steal my spaghetti are you got bugs in your ears you can't have my spaghetti okay I'm just gonna finish off my spaghetti here and then we're gonna get the boat do a little fishing all right let's just block the Sun by these with these trees a little bit do some casteth we're just gonna work this like channel here and all that feels so much better instantly we're gonna work this channel here and then troll our way back probably and that should be about an hour and the subtle me setting now we're just gonna watch a sunset crawl under the tent go to bed [Music] wind is turning me my legs are so itchy right now from all the bug bites I've been getting just mosquitoes and black flies and whatever those biting things are that I cannot stand those things made my legs really edgy those little jerks their ankle biting nastiness they always get my ankles always oh why it's evening enough on this side come on now if I was troll a promise fishing for dinner I'd probably be trolling the whole time for those walleye just because I know that's a surefire way for me to catch them this works too but usually it's more right when the Sun sets and into the dark you can cast these jigs and they will goes well I can see at night something was nibbling on it [Music] oh that's an instant snag I finally just got my first little chill since I've been out here that's a relief oh I don't kill I'll be cold for like a half hour not a big deal that will not bother me I felt good as a relief definite relief that meal I ate today was actually see I brought out seven spaghetti meals and two fish dinner meals so that even if I didn't catch any fish I would have a spaghetti for every dinner and one of those meals was extra large and since I already got one fish dinner I have you know potentially an extra meal so I ate the big one today and I could still eat so much more spaghetti I had an appetite tonight I don't know why my appetite was so big tonight but I could still eat I'm still like mildly hungry I'm gonna have to eat a little candy in a snack bar when I get back then tomorrow we break open a new bag of beef jerky for Monty I'll need to wear my shades right now in the shade come on Matthew what am i doing what am i doing wearing my shades in the shade does it make any sense any sense at all yeah this is a long skinny Channel I'm fishing right now and I know if I were to troll which I'm gonna do in probably 15 minutes I catch a walleye I catch something to lease because this I know when that Sun sets in like a half hour 45 they're gonna be patrol on this channel I just know it I know it in my bones I could feel it I just don't know if they're quite in patrol mode yet because the Sun it's still bright in the sky but it's shaded here so they should be they should be active I think it's safe to say that Monty is officially tired he's just out out like a dead trout all right we're just gonna it's just so enjoyable right now just being out in the water I'm I'm just like I'm loving this right now there's no heat you know the bugs aren't getting us is just relaxing so I'm just gonna switch the trolling and I'm just gonna paddle enjoy it and we'll see what you pick up a fish we should be able to but I'm gonna troll Oh partridge drum well that's unfortunate this is my walleye Slayer lure and I didn't notice that the bill got ripped off no well I got the I've got the longer version right here I prefer the shorter one but this one should do fine way didn't pick up bigger walleye and I've also caught a lot of walleye on the same thing I was using for lake trout yeah I'll now for repellers that's pretty much all I use is this this and blue and silver and the longer ones that's pretty much all I use for that and you got spinners in there and you got those jigs and that's that's that's my that's my arsenal Luers let's pick up a lottery the Monty was getting that that feeling that I was getting earlier we're like you still think the bugs are getting you but they're not because I was watching them and they were not getting around his ears he's still clicking his ears but that was after we got mauled by those biters I really want to know what those are called I usually call them Sam flies or I used to pose with black flies I don't know what they're called but biting flies and I was in there each of my legs and they weren't even on me and like thinking that they're getting me and montu's to the same thing Monty you stop that just a little beaver my team alone I'm glad he doesn't do his like crazy bark for my life he's just like there's this little like he says what I picture I'm saying you turd nugget beaver he's watching us Monty upset him he's got as I have us although he doesn't like us it's an anger be right [Music] all right we got about five 600 more yards to go to where I can't but we're just gonna troll the rest of the way there did I pick something up you know I'll record it otherwise I'm gonna get there clean up camp get things picked up and we're gonna crawl in the tent and try to get ready but for bed well we're gonna we're gonna get ready for bed but I don't know if I'll be able to sleep right away that's the challenge for me that beavers watching us Monty were in the tent we're going to bed Monty's not fond of this yet Monty come here Monty come here lay down lay down he has a stinkiest breath going to you just what smells like dead fish did you do it anyways you can see that it's beautiful right from in the tent and we got the rain fly flipped over I still got to come off a few mosquitoes that are in here but yeah we're just gonna relax I'm gonna read a little bit of a bushcraft book maybe look at the fishing regulations a little bit and do my best to pass out so we're gonna get up bright and early so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody I know this camera will pick up the sights of them but it will pick up the noises and I know I'm out of focus but listen to this [Music] they are literally swarming and if we were out there right now we'd be getting mauled unless we had a fire we should really appreciate being in the tent wah just like I was super early but these guys know if you can see in these mosquitos we're just as they were last night so we slept for like another 45 minutes just let the wind pick up a little bit and they've died down a bit so that's time to get up and get moving hmm [Music] it's a new day boy hey given that downward dog went to eat good job upward dog whitey joining another tank it bit by mosquitos okay okay it's finally a call a chilly enough morning where I can keep my long sleeves on but the mosquitoes are out so uh I just got a rain check on right now just a little bug protection sound like it's rain or anything but they'll get me if I take it off so I'll just leave it up but anyways time to make up some oatmeal and pack up so we can get on the water pretty quick cue oatmeal copy sequence supey mosquitoes are out today they are out by Monday so just gonna enjoy my old mill here drink my coffee pack up the boat and make a nice poop and then we're gonna get on that water and get to portage it those dirty buggers Monty oh they're getting us [Music] good job Monty we made it yep the skeeters are out oh there we go there's a breeze now this can come off probably got to keep it handy today though maybe it's a little too premature to take it off but I'm warm now [Music] the wind should pick up Houghton Lake here as you can see our shirt remember our brand-new white tee where I was brand new well it's a little grungy now but I did wash it out yesterday I rinse it out so it looks gross but it's actually quite clean so I'm feeling fresh right now fresh energized got an early start today notice early as I was going for but man what I saw that there was just as many mosquitoes in there sound of the same as last night I was like alright we need to give it a little bit let the wind we needed some wind and then once the wind picked up dateless they like have mosquitoes but yeah we were still getting come on he was getting eaten up us for sure he's pretty relieved to be at the boat right now aren't you Monty oh bein smart today for the first time since we started took my my lures off my rods cuz they've been getting caught on all the trees before engines especially that pick one off man I think throw Betty that that accidental portage silly me silly silly me so we are looking at about 10 mortgages today there's a couple half-mile ones if you quarter-mile ones and some Inbetweeners get some teeny ones in there you got some eighth mile sized ones good rain nothing too insane though half mile ones you know but nothing nothing bigger than that today I think the biggest portage of the trip is not to like the last day that ones I don't know three quarters of them loud or no somewhere in there more than a half mile I don't know it's more than a half mile but I don't have any big large runs this trip that 10 day solo trip the second portage in was over a mile that was a lot of fun and that wasn't some hot heat as well this trip stood much warmer but anyways and then get a small portage to start out and that's that's alright so we gotta get moving and it's time to do a good old-fashioned portage day portage move and groove day and find away the mosquitoes because they're gonna be out with these clouds which is fine I'd rather deal with the mosquitoes while portaging than the nasty heat so I'm I'm very thankful that it's cloudy right now pretty happy about that yeah we're gonna get bit about mosquitoes at the Portage's because i'll still be out but I'll just move in groove move and groove oh hey that one almost sound like it did it back to me [Music] [Music] [Music] it's okay Marty that's okay [Music] Monty [Music] [Music] all right there we go that was a little baby bull moose you must he's pretty young guy that was cool he's someone right in front of us he swam to that shore and then you saw him get up and then we kept moving and he went back Monty Monty was only letting that little Monty kid stand it he's like what is that thing oh that's great though see that that right there we slept in an extra 45 minutes or so and we would not have seen that encounter so everything works out today's off to a good start as awesome so four moves for the trip to different two different groups for moose pretty good so far I'd say that's pretty cool got a love scene moose like that I've never seen moose swim before at this trip I've never got the action no on Isle Royal I did never mind never mind I saw an owl Royal I had a bull a mother and two calves that was pretty cool or maybe because it knows a bull a mother in one calf but so far this most of the most moves I've seen on trip here that's pretty cool gotta love seeing someone like that you can tell sometimes they definitely feel a little vulnerable that one did because you know I'm it's like what is that thing he probably knows what humans are but you definitely have little horn but he wasn't a huge one he was okay but still a sweet sight I loved seeing moose loved seeing wildlife so as far as seeing moose goes it obviously boils down to luck but there are some things that you can do to increase your chances now I've been pretty lucky but I'll just go over a couple things that you can do if you're struggling to see moose and wilderness setting where there are moose I'll just give you the tips that I've personally just learned over just doing this so the main thing is be quiet now I know I struggle with that one because I talk hot but I am NOT constantly talking to the camera I'll like I have something to say I'll talk I'll say it and then I'll be quiet for a good you know like 5-10 minutes or so or more and just kind of paddle and be silent so I am silent but not what I'm talking to the camp but there's nothing I can do about that so be quiet and then morning's morning's are so good when you get up sunrise - I don't know for the first three hours the moose are moving and that is your absolute best bet in my opinion to see moose you know go down river systems where it's where it's shallow rivers and whatnot where they fit across are they coming to drink bigger open water you're only gonna see them on the edges and stuff so it's harder to catch them but if you're going through a little river system much better chances I've seen him on cold days when it's really cold the night before they'll go lay in the Sun that's for really cold weather I've seen that definitely and then also evenings swampy areas around evening time that helps but if you're really looking for a moose get up bright and early and move where there's channels and not long water ways for them to cross and you have a lot better chances it but it obviously comes down to luck I've been very lucky I'm not denying that so that's been to sense you know I'm sure there are a lot more tips out there and I'm sure a lot of you know more than I do about it but that's just my experience what I've seen I just wouldn't be myself and attract a couple quick casts due to where this rivers born in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all that beautiful beautiful breeze glorious breeze I love it I don't care we have to paddle under the wind what its gonna do is cool us down after every sweaty portage and it's gonna be awesome I welcome you wind I fully welcome you bring it on don't get too crazy on me wind stay right where you're at okay don't go too crazy cute little teeny pipe [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sorry so I'm going down the fede River today that's a good River system it's a nice cloudy day so I do have a good chance for samples a little later than normal so get there and hopefully I'm the first one to go down for the day chances are maybe I don't know I don't know what my chances are being the first one but hopefully I am that'd be great and we might see some loose nice little river system I'm excited you could see more moose only time trip record oh and by the way I apologize when I saw that moose of how shaky the camera was I wasn't very close to it so I was zoomed in all the way and I you know get the wind blowing and I'm trying to like watch Monty night Yeow yelping and stuff I was I was shaking all over the place I'm sorry about that I know I got a little bit of a steady shot but sure some of you getting hit a little motion sickness watching that clip [Music] [Music] [Music] started sprinkling started sprinkling feels good though I'm not gonna put rain gear on us a downpour a pretty heavy and sustained I've got all my rain gear near the top of my pack oh wow mosquitoes there Oh get out of here [Music] whoo movin and groovin right now breeze feels nice we are gonna have a few mosquito bites after today at least oh I know 15 20 mosquito bites per portage and I'm sure some of your saying why don't you use DEET use DEET DEET DEET it well I have it brand-new can of DEET with me I just I'm only gonna use it if they're driving me insane I'm not a huge fan of DEET just because it's not that I mean it works great don't hear your obvious he's spraying it on but I only use D in my most dire situations when they are just like at their absolute worst and I cannot stand it because I don't know it just makes me feel sticky and just nasty and it's chemicals and I don't know I don't know I just don't like you said okay get off my back get off my back I prefer to just brush them off and wear long sleeves and bug nets right now they're like they're not terrible they're they're getting new because I am moving and cruising on I'm sweating so yeah they're gonna come find me and bite me but you know they're not if now if I were to be out last night when the Sun set that is deep worthy but I wouldn't use it as just going to tent I'm not gonna I can't enjoy a campfire if you're just sitting there to breathe in smoke and just you know sweat it's too warm for a fire for me I like it cool for a fire I want cool temperatures hey it's me the upside-down portage man uh-huh Monte's just like dude we sure loves to do yep yep we're in the groove today Monte we are in the zone I wasn't in the zone as much yesterday and I'm pretty sure it's just the heat like today I am feeling like a million dollars I am beast in these Portage's like it's nothing and I mean they're not you know yesterday they weren't very big like I think most of them yesterday we're even shorter than the one to Portage's ago and you know I'm just flying through I'm thinking it is the heat the heat kills me just sucks alight pradhana me I'm just trying to get after this lake in the next Portage is that River I'm just trying to get there as fast as possible to have the best chance at news sighting but this looks like some beautiful structure for fishing [Music] tastes like I should fish yep we're gonna need the cast I thought it tastes like alright alright right I'm gonna cast a couple times a couple times here and they're not gonna go ham just a couple of casts a couple cute little tastes in the bottom of this area little channel these little islands there's got to be a fish just living up in here that's not bad that's not a bad cast come on fish don't do me like this I made a good cast near a nice log you're not gonna be there to bite it let's see if I can get a snag in these next couple trees I'm thinking I can [Music] sorry about a bad one right in that cedar look for soon [Music] Mundy Disick oh boy it comes just for music today starting to get warm starting to get really warm but I've got a good teaching done I've only got two more bigger ones and a couple small ones a few small ones yep a few small ones [Music] this river is wider than I expected it to be and I guess it makes sense looking at the map but it's pretty wide one yeah y'all there's probably some good fish in here okay I know I can make it go right that uh platter watching a little series of unfortunate events just occurred and is continuing to occur I did that last portage which wasn't a huge one but a portage and boat already realize I don't have my tackle box so I must have got it at the end of the last portage because I know I carried it so I'm on my way back so I had to redo this porch with all my gear so I went back and put my boat in I chose a different spot to put it my boat in then I took it out and I slipped him amok booths and fill up with water and then my vote fill up with water dad's a ding-dong dad's a ding-dong so we're on our way back to get the tackle by saying anything behind all my tackle and I mean we're making great time I was trying to avoid portaging in the heat but sun's out skies are clear starting to get that part of the day and now I put myself a hair behind so we're got to forage in some heat which is all right I don't got crazy far to go I'm gonna have a nice long relaxing day I get to do some good swimming some good fishing and maybe we'll catch some walleye tonight I think the reason I forgot it is because it rolled up the bottom of pine tree in the shade and it's camouflage I could barely see it I was like oh my gosh it's not here what the heck oh it is right there roll under a tree cuz I I carry my big orange bag my mech slug and the tackle box so what I did is I just threw off my bag and threw that down on the ground real quick and it just rolled under the tree I was like I was so sure I left it there too I just don't remember put in the boat now but it was it was sneaky it was hidden just going back and forth what's going on dad well yeah that's like the old that's like the third time I've ever left something at a portage in my whole time of camping the first time wasn't I guess it wasn't my fault it wasn't funks fault it was our fault the trash bag was left at a portage from the lake before for our trash soive portage that was our twelve nights in the wilderness I'd portage back and grabbed it and then on my 10 day soul I left a spoon a spoon fork a light my fire spork thingy I left one of those and I didn't realize I left it til so far away that I wasn't going back and I don't even remember where I left it really I don't know how it fell out and then this so I pretty much only left behind one spoon forgotten and I'm sure someone found that it was like one of those titanium light my fire spork spoon someone found that was like sweet bonus guarantee you it was just sitting out in the open in the grass at the end of a portage because I just I must have had it in a weird spot of my food bag that trip because I had my stuff set up differently and I just opened a zipper and it kind of fell out I grabbed some beef jerky or something didn't notice that okay moving forward with our lives and all day hey where do we gotta go Oh to the right okay it's a fun little detour I threw the stick for Monty just for just for one dunk he's gonna do some more swimming later but he was hot and panting so I had to get it let him get wet and I can't just like throw him in the water so just throw the stick for me is eager especially when he's hot hey check it out I just found a Leatherman wingman at this portage and it doesn't even look rusty er kidding have been here too long looks brand-new nice fighting sweet going upstream show me an ass [Music] who is this thing my team never seen one of these before who is this it's a pile of sticks why is there this random pile of sticks here sticks there sure seems like an odd spot for some sticks so I passed some people at the last portage and I asked them if they dropped their Leatherman and at first they made it they they seemed like it might have actually been theirs they're all excited but then they realize they still have it so guess free Leatherman for me it is mine now guilt free but that's cool [Music] it's pretty cool someone dropped something on though and you give it to them I always liked that give it them back their stuff I've done that with so many different things whenever I find someone's cell phone it might not be the everyone's favorite thing but I usually go right into the phone and I look for mom or we're dad and I try to call those right away we're like sisters you can see those things I'll call and I've returned at least two cell phones doing that I just found it goes to the phone go right to mom call or text so hey I found this meet you at Subway or something turn phones and I mean yeah I'm going into their phone a little bit but I don't want to I don't like like leave it somewhere you know like hey can you make sure that this person gets it here blah blah it's like hey lost-and-found screw that I'll find mom or dad so everybody put mom and dad and your phone just in case you drop it and I find it helps if it's unlocked - if it's locked out just pick well nothing I can do well I'm sorry buddy yours went for a swim you got your sea legs Monty good job I was just testing your Monty I was just testing ya that's all seeing how you do in a stressful situation that's really what that was how was it I wasn't just carelessly pulling him over the Beaver Dam that's not what that was not at all no I refuse to accept that where the outside is frightful but the fire but as long as you love me so let it snow let it snow let it snow I don't know why I busted into Christmas songs to early Christmas songs their evil will get stuck in your head [Music] it's breezy I was a little crazy alright a little beef jerky and gave some to Monty and ate some nuts some almonds those habanero bvq bold flavor so I got a little energy 92 hydrate and then we're gonna take care of our final porridge for the day oh yeah we're gonna get a nice campsite the wind probably alright blowing around too much I'm gonna hydrate quick where we get the sportage done that was the icing on the cake that one was just a steady incline it wasn't like steep or crazy but for the whole half-mile it was just incline those are so my least favorites just going up the whole time makes it so much harder but anyways it's in the past I'm pretty sure do a government I got my tackle box I got all my stuff okay it's in the past whoo so now we just go down a river it connects to a lake then it goes to another river that connects to an even bigger lake and we pick whatever campsite we want whenever we find along the way and now it is 3:30 to 30 local time so I've got plenty of time to find a site set up swim and fish so now that all the work is done I'm just gonna enjoy the paddle and the breeze and let's relax let's have some fun now we're having fun the whole time the work makes it worth it I refuse to get out of my boat for this section I will find a path through the maze the past the path was easier than it seemed it was right here the whole time a little bit all right let's go on TV time for you to cool off you need to cool it mister come on buddy that's a good boy Monte's actually beaver an oversized beaver with a skinny long face and it's oversized ears his colors are off a little bit but he's actually a beaver a little cool yeah mother come here boy good boy good boy let's go it's your new trick huh all right you sit you sit down oh you know that one - hey go why did you pull off you look a little mud here you look a little muddy here yeah that's a good boy the Monty needed a cooling he's cool luck now let's see I can do this without getting out might be a little tough [Music] [Music] that rock was in the wrong spot whoopsie oh come on there we go Oh chokepoint was really Keenan not good enough oh it's probably good fishing right there and until I know dinged it but it's a nice little choke point [Music] appreciate it all right I think we're on the lake now see if it's a worthy campsite this lakes looks like it would be great for spotting moose in the morning but I mean it's like a 2 or 3 feet deep and it's just mucky and I'm definitely not gonna catch fish here so I don't feel like swimming in this muck nasty so we're gonna probably move on to the next lake there is a really nice campsite I think on this one just by where it's what Shore it's on with the wind blowing but I want a nice swimming spot as well so not gonna be this one the next Lakes got a few choices we'll check it out [Music] so uh I don't have any luck really I don't know if I'm gonna be going out in this wind I mean if it dies down a little bit he'll go trolling and stuff tonight and catch him but if it's this windy I probably not gonna fish and we will move our fish dinner to the next night will this campsites a little difficult to access well this seems pretty ideal to me I mean it still got a little bit of a breeze very shaded and it's up from the lake and that one is just blast into the trees so this is the spot right Monty are you searching for food scraps you little stinker all right we need to hydrate I need to filter some water and get him some food and I need to snack and we're gonna chill out you need to air some stuff out and then I might swim [Applause] Oh [Applause] so I'm just filtering water I just chug half a pic Nalgene and I'm gonna set up the tent as I'm filtering water and then I think I'm gonna take a dip in the lake now one unfortunate thing about this campsite is that it's it's in the wind it's breezy but the mosquitoes are just eating us alive still they're getting us so tonight's gonna be rough or if the wind goes away I'm gonna have to wash Monte off he's got blood on his face from mosquitos he's all full of mud you'd have to get a little bit of a bath these mosquitoes are getting us boy [Applause] read their rugby [Applause] go boy I got a trick them with the stick so I can pay them now I got a bayesian [Applause] [Applause] all right you get it [Applause] worried about me [Applause] [Applause] we got the stick Monty don't go to that night Almighty may be in trouble [Applause] Monty Oh feels great once again stay safe on those rocks mister I don't like to do it put a cup but um I have fake you know drowned before and mines he'll come out and let you grab on and he'll drag you in but I don't like to pretend because it's mean but I kind of almost want to do it just to show you guys Monty I don't know if I should mean I would have to show Monty [Applause] Oh fuzzy fuzzy see what you see save me I'm barely kicking my feet nude pull me all the way in the shore but I don't wanna [Applause] okay that was a good enough example he'll uh he's a true laughing dog thank you mind you save me good boy Monty good boy I hate doing it probably won't do it again but that was just an example of him doing that thing he's always done that and he's let us just drag on him there you go about to get on the camera well I think that's pretty sweet I mean if I just were to hang on he'd have a lot of trouble but he'd still do it you have to kick your feet a little bit he has to give him some help but Monty you just saved me saved my life I was drowning go boy i'ma give you beef jerky for that stay there stay there I'm just gonna take a little swim okay don't worry about me I'm just swimming a little bit okay you stay there oh no no no stay it's okay it's okay Monty it's okay Coco just swept in Monty it's okay good boy good boy it's okay no no no no hey hey hey all right I can't do any overhead stroke stay there it's okay go boy I'm just gonna tread water I guess good boy Mikey no no I'm just living by that does doggy paddle again apparently mine doesn't like when you uh overhand stroke after fake drowning for a instructional video to show it does I'm sorry Monty I guess I'll just doggy paddle every time you're out here you're getting really upset he's just like you I don't want to have to go to your game [Applause] it feels so good I do not want to get out of the water I hope the wind dies down I'd love to go for a fish dinner that'd be sweet I think it's still white I don't know what time it is but who knows we won't be able to tell it's already calmed down a little bit I'll give it an hour and then we maybe we'll just go out here and pull her out and cast for fun I'm just a baby that just relaxed around look government Maps drink some water a little snack bar but uh it's about 6:30 now so I'm just gonna pick up a little bit and then we're gonna get out in that water and the plan is gonna be to get up early tomorrow just like today cuz we got another nice day of porridge in tomorrow and if I don't catch two or three walleye by like 8 or 8:30 then I'm probably gonna be done fishing for the night come back cook dinner get ready for bed and that is the plan currently so I'm just gonna pick up and then we're gonna get in the boat and do some fish in the wind trust dad kind of trust okay well it just found some some whoops forceps or whatever at that that campsite this one Deep Diver a little bit more of a deep diver and I don't know how deep this leg is it doesn't seem like it's very deep recording for the map but I'm gonna try I'm not gonna go super far behind but I don't feel like casting and battling the winds so we're just gonna troll think I might actually of efficient yeah I think I do well I hope it's a walleye it's pulling pretty good which leads me to think it's a pike but could be a decent-sized walleye I was just kind of going over the middle oh it's it's tugging I think it might be a pike just the way it's fighting oh it's it's giving some fight I don't know though it's hard to tell when you got your lion out of decent ways oh it's a pike it's a healthy pike see that be a good eater for a zone for pike but like I said I want a walleye fish dinner I don't want Pike we've eight and plenty beaten Pike not eaten all right there we go pregnant guy but yeah if we were eating Pike this would be a delicious delicious sack of meat but we're not eating we're letting them go yeah I might fish a little extra I'm not really sure it depends if they're biting but now that I'm looking at the map the best Shore for these walleyes that southern shore and I'll be able to blow back to camp so I might fish there which means I will fish later than anticipated we'll see I've got two and a half hours I can cover some crowd on that till dark but I don't really want to be eaten fish you know playing up fish and stuff when the mosquitoes come out it's all nasty I'm not too fond of you know getting mauled [Music] picked up another fake well so far me and Monty could have feasted on pike and now would have been delicious don't get me wrong but we're after Walter that's the worst but I could pretty much eat fish every night I couldn't eat it if it's lemony juicy like that's something I like every few nights but the way I like me every night is if it's like fire-roasted it's a little bit on the drier side I could just that or deep fried I could just keep eating and I will never stop but we're after Walter the walleye and is rather Willy and yes I named all my fish okay so I think we're gonna end up crawling the entire shoreline regardless if we catch a fish dinner or not just because I'm already like almost halfway done trolling trolling I think and then I've been blowing into the wind the whole time so once I hit the southern end there won't be any wind and then if I when I get to the corner over there I'll be blowing with the wind the whole way back so there's no point trolling the entire shoreline Valter being a silly Walter don't be silly come on come on home for supper come on brother William forget [Music] no more Peters anymore Peter's sick Peters we just got a snag starting to think that some of these contour lines for depth aren't so accurate they're good for the most part but they've tricked me a few times this is one of them I don't know if you can see that already but it's just tons of rocks I like the look of it got a snag right away not even close to the rice I'm gonna switch to my good old-fashioned walleye lure because yeah this is in snag too often all the good spots I just try to get let's try again good old chartreuse I got a snag I'm going back but those clouds don't look too friendly this kind of looks I don't know I don't know I hope it's not unfriendly one rumble of thunder and I'll hightail it back to camp Oh misty lookin in the sky I bet the mosquitoes are just starting to get nasty but it's 8:20 now and we haven't caught a single walleye and I'm not thinking that we're gonna catch walleye tonight so we're just gonna have a portion and a half of spaghetti still delicious and I'm still excited about it Monty you look like a hot mess I think we got a fish probably another pike there's hope Monty Monty frisky AMI oh yeah Oh Monty sit down it's feeling hefty so I'm thinking this is another Pike in my experience when you're trolling and something's fighting back when you're Lions way out it's usually a pike this thing is feeling frisky so it's probably another Peter it'd have to be a pretty big walleye or hooked funny so you pull like this oh no it's a while [Music] yes okay we may be having fish dinner after all [Music] tonight might turn out to be later than expected we got Walter now we need William alright guys there we go it's a nice nice little walleye there alright let's get another one I'll put this guy on the stringer and we're gonna keep fishing they're kind of funny how I'm just like you would probably not having fish tonight without the fish dinner wrapping fish dinner tonight now we're in a little bit of a pickle if you will I hear thunder rumbling from those death clouds oh shoot oh no they're just gonna snag - yeah that's not good I guess we're just snacking on this one fish tonight we'll make it a monty trees dang it unless we catch them on the way back Ike we're definitely in for some thunderstorms tonight the rumbles are getting louder so it's back to camp I'm going to do a little racing around I'm gonna hurry up get my boat all secured get everything prepared for sunder storm and I'm gonna play this fish instantly and I'm gonna start cooking quick but if it starts to rain I'm just gonna I'm gonna use my stove anyways I'm not having a fire so I'm just gonna cook it under my vegetable but I'm gonna try to cook it outside of it until the rain starts oh my just snagging rocks again it looks like we're gonna be cooking under the vegetable maybe I don't know we'll see this is fun fun how things go a lot of fun you doing one thing than you sure you're another's and you're doing another and then you're feeling doing one thing and then this happens happens but don't worry Monty I'll get you home safe oh that's that looks like a fish that is a fish that's a decent fish we could be haven't maybe going back to fish dinner fishes ignorant of the vegetable possibly if it's a if it's a walleye we're just gonna continue trolling back and we're good you know maybe if it's a pike - we'll just keep it neat it just have fish dinner because we already got one fish why why tinker around hey feels decent though I hope it's another walleye come on come on William feels hefty feels heavier than the last one whatever it is it's not yanking like a pike all right we're just gonna have fish dinner dinner hiking walleye oh I can't decide it's a tough choice know why I'm making this side like this get decide no we're not doing fish where it's gonna have the walleye decision is final we're after a walleye fish dinner and I'm sticking to my guns the hardest thing for me is to not keep fishing when I know the fishing is good and the walleye everybody and it's nine o'clock eight local time and the Suns in be out for there 45 minutes and the the walleye fishing is gonna be epic for the next hour this is the part where I struggle with that and you can see that you can see with your eyes and we can hear it every once in a while we can hear it but I really really really want to go down that channel I know I could pick up another walleye pi just fish for a little longer and we could have a fishing dinner and it wouldn't just be a snack [Music] it's such a tough choice I just read changed my mind I saw like a huge bolt of lightning I'm not hearing thunder but there is definite lightning that is a definite big storm coming I would have went and made one pass on the channel but I saw lightning it is responsible individual for my dog only for his sake I can't I can't go because I might camps right over here and I need to get prepared should be a fun storm though I'm camped like near the tallest tree in the area which is great just perfect oh that's actually sucky oh no oh I'm camping you're a really tall tree I mean look at that I'm camped right next to that tree and that's like the tallest tree four ways well it's nice knowing you guys Oh No Oh No it got stuck and snapped oh that looks so sketchy Oh God all right screw my lure look look at that all right it's go time oh that is nasty Oh as you can see there's look at that line that line of death that looks like a nasty storm system coming in so oh that's not good and an extra big treat oh okay I'm gonna race get everything set up Flay our fish and we're gonna go sit in the tent cook dinner I am not messing around with that I'm already risking about being out in the water I don't like that I'm cam next to a big tree so if this is if I die I don't have anywhere to go I cannot move now or anything because I'm already set up and that storm is coming so I'm racing okay racing to get ready wish me luck is it is coming out of so fast I'm not gonna mess around with fleeing this fish I'm gonna have to let this thing go this thing is it's alive and well I don't want to have to do this but I'm not gonna mess around with getting struck by lightning and stuff over a fish so he's going by [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] this is crazy the wind is so strong right now man for a second that was super bad I'm gonna I'm gonna kind of sit out here for a minute see if we can see another little struck by lightning but once I see the rain coming across the lake I'm done and it's starting to look like a little bit but everything is set up I am ready to just flee into the tent oh that was a good strike Monte is this crazy right now what do you think about this Monte oh you're just gonna lay down right there okay all right oh come on T look at this dog right Val look at him buddy mati what is this right now all right well I got the vegetable open but I am seeing lightning all over the place I don't want to be standing up I would love to sit out there and just watch the storm but it's coming I got the vegetable I got the vegetable open so that I can cook here for a minute but my tent is a mess right now but I'm not messing around with that stuff so I've got to clean up a little bit and I'm gonna start cooking my spaghetti here so you're gonna hear the wind howling in the background here yeah the Lightning is it's coming I got to be ready to close this thing up which which only take a second yet you know what I'm gonna you know what's smart to do when you're in a storming situation is to insulate yourself from the ground in case lightning were to strike this tree surges can go through the ground and whatnot I'm gonna actually blow this up oh man it's getting crazy out there I'm actually blow this up quick and sit on this as I'm cooking so me and him are both insulated from the ground in case lightning does strike coasts because it's going all over and this tree is really tall I've mentioned that like 20 times now but and while this may not be the end-all be our best thing you could do in the world which would probably be just yeah it's better than nothing look at this Monty here I wonder if he'll take her oh look at that look at that response time Kurt bobber up the hmm look your goodbye to that don't work I got a I got a mess dealing with a mess here guys there's a rain beginning all the rains beginning now I'm leaving the vegetable open it I'm gonna leave it cracked while I'm cooking because you know your Buuren burning off fuel and stuff I don't think it'll kill me either way because there's so much air flow going around underneath the vegetable I'm still gonna leave it crack just to be safe and I'm gonna keep killing these mosquitoes it's about to start raining Bunty it's probably gonna rain pretty good we got mosquitoes in here to deal with that's one thing I like I like about having a tent is the mosquitoes they get trapped in here and they have nowhere to go and you can just get them it's not gonna rain on us as hard here because the the tree that big tree is near us I hope this isn't the end of us Monty I always say when I'm camping I don't like just sunny beautiful days the whole time I honestly love getting a little weather like this storms make me so happy they really do I love them I think this is great having a hunker down like racing like it's just exhilarating you know I love it I love it even though I'm like cluster brain right now I'm not sure what what to grab what to do it was like oh gosh just still thinking about the storm maybe sure what panties we're gonna bump a big old big old portion of skinny as this storm rumbles on maybe I should turn off the lights and then you guys could see the Lightning better I don't I don't know if that's picking it up at all because I'm not paying attention to the we're getting real personal to tent tonight guys real personal let's let's let's let's go over some scary stories shall we oh the lightning it's so frightening all right start my food up but I've got extra food I've got four portions of spaghetti at three nights so what that means is I'm have a portion of the ham and I'll still have enough spaghetti for tomorrow night the next night in case I don't catch a fish dinner which actually the the lightning and thunder might might affect that I am gonna move pretty blue that was a big one that's gonna be a cracking thunder right here you ready for this all right dinners are cooking oh I'm getting water everywhere I'm not even gonna worry about cleaning up until after dinner and I'm all ready for bed we're just gonna enjoy this storm right now put on some socks look at that dog though I know you can't see him his face very well but yeah it's a mess in here this is gonna be a really long part by the way all of a sudden out of nowhere you know on night five BAM [Music] that was a good rumble of thunder what do you say so miself I'm surprised it's not down pouring you know it's it feels like a light rain I actually know it we are out of that Trey keep forgetting that right under that tree and it could be a lot heavier out there it's just but we're just you know under that tree so it's protecting us a little bit I'm I need to pick up a little bit it's driving me nuts it's just so cluttered right now funk wood would never think she would hear me say that oh yeah so who feels good to lay down this is a good time for me to tell you guys those of you that are not following my Instagram if you're interested in that I put some old Kenny pictures on there I'm still learning the photography thing blah blah blah but I've started to get more active on my my story just random crap at home with the dogs and stuff I think I'm gonna keep that up I have fun putting stuff on there just and when I'm going on my trips like this you know I made little tidbits along the way and pre getting ready so you know just a little extra if you're if you're interested in that I would recommend following me on my Instagram I don't have any epoch to epoch photos but I'll get there one day these mosquitoes are in here I can't tell if this if this I think it's past the rains really light yeah it's good pensee go whoa this is relaxing yes it's passing us no there's nothing like true just a mother nature event to get your ass in gear just get your boob 'add oh it's so fun yeah it was really it was exhilarating you know seeing that and then like you know hearing when I was on the lake and I was fishing still you know I saw that the clouds moving I was like you know that does that when I see that you know it looks like it's gonna be rainy and then it's starting a little darker and then it started to get darker and I was like okay that's starting to look definitely rainy and then you hear the little rumble of thunder like all right you know now I gotta get head and back and then blah blah blah blah blah and I'm moping around like I should still fish fish and all of a sudden I see a bolt of lightning and that's when I knew like okay I got to get back and in the time when you see that both of lightning that storm comes on you so fast it was it was just like I mean the the actual lightning and rain and stuff wasn't here right away but it just comes on you so fast like it was it was just the lightning and then all of a sudden that lying as soon as I got back to where I was putting the boat it was just above us and like the winds instantly started picking up right when I let the fish go and like it was just a mad dash and that is just it's awesome you got to respect storms I was definitely not respecting the storm at first like that was stupid of me but I'm fine and I'm we're okay for now she could still happen but it's definitely going on still I think this is gonna be a big system because it's been so hot it's been 80s 85 every day and you know you could saw me sweating and stuff and now it's got to be a low-pressure system moving in and this is just a nasty storm so that could that what that could mean for tomorrow is that it's it could cool off or it could be a day a rain or it could be really windy all day well it's probably one of those things but we could be getting into colder period which is nice I I don't mind that but the rain is definitely gonna help the mosquitoes a little bit okay just to show you guys how I'm cooking my spaghetti in my best ship I've got it cracked for some air and I've got my wind blocker right there and it's cooking now it looks a lot closer than it is to the what's it called the vegetable tarp the rain fly when that's off the flame is actually able to go up and it's not going to burn that it is close it's it's not the best thing to do but it's not gonna burn it and I'm gonna put it out as soon as it's done and I've got my crazy Creek over here kind of propping the whole thing out making it a little further out but my spaghetti is a boiling and I'm gonna give it another minute here or two and then I'm gonna put the pot lid on it and we're gonna be sitting waiting for food [Music] I guess I'm going to get the small sleeping pad tonight Monty deserves the extra-large one hey Monty you got some SAP in your hair sorry [Music] well you know since we're awake we're waiting for food I'm just gonna talk about random stuff tonight haven't been brought up yet this trip so how am i recording all the footage out of the wilderness well that comes down to a whole bunch of batteries I got tons of batteries and to recharge those batteries alright got power packs and I've got a solar panel now the solar panel is much more reliable but it it doesn't always work that great for example yesterday I had some direct sunlight and I just before I went Fisher I had three hours of sunlight and I put out the solar panels to charge up for GoPro batteries using two of these things four batteries for one solar panel itch in in three hours of direct hot Sun I couldn't even touch a solar panel it was so hot it burned it charged up one to 81 percent one to seventy four percent one to thirty percent one to 18% which I didn't understand like I guess it must have put power in one of the other but then I used a little power bank here and I used two of them and it charged up both all batteries to full in like an hour and a half to two hours now I always like using these more than the solar panel but I have had these fail I have had these I brought it out on my 10 day trip I think that that's the time I was saving house I was holding off on using it because like I got that thing you know I'm gonna try to do solar power as long as I can and then I went to use that and it failed right now these cheap little things I'm going to actually plug in and charge up some batteries here oh I see it's just thunder I hope you're not having a nightmare a whole poor guy oh it was dreaming that must have been a nightmare over the bugs getting yeah oh you poor thing you want some food you hungry I'll give you some food no your silly dog love a silly human they make a good pair out here he eats little actually doesn't eat breakfast ever he is not eating breakfast once this whole trip he refuses and drives me nuts I try like three times and then I'll offer to him on the way and he doesn't he like just eats grass and crap now let's check on my spaghetti Monty's done eating I'm excited for this oh I made too much food I can already feel it time for food coma oh no oh no oh no just let's just get over here oh no I just spilt juices all right oh that's gonna be so good it's got a cool down but Monty come here turn with you come here lick that up clean that loo good news boy look at his face this overbite look at that overbite that's just an epic shot of his overbite look at that thing he's like a beaver almost yeah Monty look at you look at you yeah he's a funny he's a buddy just side he's a fluffy bunny wait I want to give him the face yeah here we go there's somebody face [Applause] all right buddy I'm sorry I'll stop messing with you yeah I'll stop messing with you oh there's a little boy dad I don't lick my ears you your breath stinks his breath really stinks good boy oh okay okay okay they're gonna take a bowl sleeping pads huh huh you'll monster what a monster I have no room left I have no room it's not fair I have to take a bite of this I have to have to burn my have to burn my mouth at least once before I let it cool I need to amp myself up you know and you guys just need a little Monty face in your way oh that's hot yep it is cool I knew that was coming oh it's burning on the way down maybe I'm gonna make this its own video it's called ten-time no I won't do that but then reading my way partially through this bushcraft book here it's a craft outburst skills a little survival by Moore's chance a chance no bugs take a fight off the cold top quake oh yeah I'll stir it it'll probably be too hot again oops this is too much food but I will probably eat all this and then I won't be able to stay awake which which is a good thing got your sunny and hot days you got your sunny and hot days you got your sony of hot days get your sunny and hot days and then get a thunderstroke rain alright I know the sector's gone long enough I'm just gonna keep my food time to do dishes bounty how am i doing my dishes with both my hands-free magic okay ladies and gentlemen I wasn't kidding when I said I wasn't thinking Monty the bigger sleeping pad it's all him he's earned it he's been a good boy good job Monty you stole dad's sleeping pad way to ease guys hey I'm stuffed I am tired and I'm gonna get up early tomorrow so was a good day to date some loose get some portage and some fishing and got a thunder storms ending it all so on that note I'm heading to bed I won't catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 1,279,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, adventure, adventurer, wilderness, wilderness area, wild, wild camping, wilderness camping, camping in the wilderness, bushcraft, bushcrafter, backpacking, bushcraft camp, catch and cook, fishing, camping dog, fire, summer camp, canoe camping, canoe, boundary waters, bwca, survival, survival camp, skills, outdoorsman, bushcraft skills, camping education, how to camp, dog training, epic, camping in a storm, sleeping, extreme weather, backcountry, backcountry camping
Id: dcvphJ-EHOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 43sec (12283 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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