You Will Immediately Regret Your Neck Tattoo. Shayne Smith

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Good set, but it bothered me when you said throat tattoo and not neck tattoo.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MasterTre 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
I also know it was a bad idea to tattoo my face just so we're all on the same page okay I feel some of you are like okay what's going on with this guy you know are we at a show are we being robbed you know you are at a show but you might also be getting robbed time will tell okay I let's talk about me for a moment we'll start with some basics I live across the street from a 7-eleven all right it's not funny yet but okay cool I I drink a lot of Mountain Dew okay it's like my only vice I drink a lot of Mountain Dew I'm in that 7-eleven constantly drinking Mountain Dew okay getting refills I'm in there so often that everyone who works in that 7-eleven they have a nickname for me when they see me they call me Mountain Dew guy yeah do you guys know how much Mountain Dew I have to drink not to have the nickname throat tattoo guy is a lot it's so much mountain dew you guys it's a lot it's okay for me to walk into 7-eleven and the guy to be like Mountain Dew guy and the new guy who works here to be like not throat or face tattoo guy he drinks more Mountain Dew than the fact that he ruined his life by tattooing his face the guy's like yeah what aren't you getting about this you know yeah I also know it was a bad idea to tattoo my face just so we're all on the same page okay yeah yeah I uh when I tattooed my face I uh well I didn't when I got my face tattooed when I got my face tattooed I was like there will be positives and there will be negative so you know I want to be honest with you guys it has been mostly negative so far okay I can't even think of one positive I'm gonna be real with you guys so I'm here to make you laugh tonight but I'm also here to say if some of you are thinking about tattooing your face probably don't okay I saw I saw some of you come in and I don't think you could handle it all right it's not could not hack it it's it's rough out here all my tattoos are real I shouldn't have to say that but sometimes after shows I meet people and they're like wow crazy man you look crazier those all real and I have to be like what what are you talking about right now of course they're real what do you think I drew all these on today I just wake up every day and draw these on like what would I stand to gain from drawing fake tattoos on my throat and face I just wake up every morning and I'm drawing them on like you know what I just want to old people to be afraid of me that's what I'm about you know I just wake up every day and draw tattoos on my fingers like I just want to struggle in job interviews you know when one time after a show lady comes up to me and she's like don't be so hard on yourself and I'm like thank you so much will you give me a job and she was like it's nice come back I need work I I travel a lot for this job this is my only job which is probably not good but you know what I might reveal a lot in people in other places they're like pretty cool nothing to bring people care about my tattoos I live here in Utah I got to say some of you are not on board okay I have a lot of weird experiences here that don't happen anywhere else I'll give me an example once I got done with a show I'm here in Utah I get done with the show and an older gentleman comes up to me afterwards so old so so old you guys have you ever have you ever seen someone so old that if they were getting in the driver's side of a car you'd be like uh is anybody else seeing this right now you know do I have to stop am I the one yeah how close are we to a farmers market like what is the danger level here is what it he's so old and he comes right up to me and he goes hey man I love your comedy good job staying off the streets I don't even know what that means okay off the what where did you learn how to talk like that what are you the coolest guy at your retirement home you know he's just like I'm the Tupac of my friend group like what just assumes I'm gangster cuz I have lots of tattoos I am NOT gangster that's not how it works at all okay I'm the least gangster person ever I cry at the end of Toy Story three like everybody else okay that guy cried so hard all right do you know me and him a lot of crime okay and yeah man it's not gangsters this makes no sense I got done here's another thing I'm in a grocery store I get in line behind this lady she doesn't regular lady nothing going on she doesn't notice me getting lined behind her she's standing there she turns around she sees me and she makes this noise she goes oh and then she left she just left with all her stuff like yeah pretty sure she's stealing right now is anybody is is anybody else watching her you know they were not yeah so pretty sure she got away with like a lot of free stuff oh man I don't know you guys would be surprised to know though despite all the weird interactions I have with people who like are weird about my tattoos or don't know what it's like to have tattoos the weirdest interactions my least favorite interactions are always with other people who are heavily tattooed not a fan of other heavily tattooed people okay yeah I'm calling it it's not good I know everything I need to know about another guy with a lot of tattoos you know your parents hit you school was hard you like to bring a snake to the park you know I get it you know I don't want to have these weird conversations with guys it's terrible I'll give you an example okay I'm in Walmart I'm standing a line everything's going fine I'm in line a lot in my jokes so just keep going with that but I'm in I'm in line I'm standing there I look over and I see this guy wearing a tank top and he's bald head completely covered in black and gray tattoos his entire head is like covered in flames he's got skulls and stuff obviously he got all these tattoos in prison okay I feel some of you being awkward he's not here we're safe all right also I'm allowed to make the judgment call all right so I see him he sees me we make eye contact and it's locked in for a second and immediately I'm like oh no this guy's gonna try to talk to me you know they ever just seen someone in public is gonna talk to you and they're just so white trash you don't have the energy to deal with them so many crazy people's so this guy he comes up to me all right this is dude in Walmart covered in his tattoos he comes up to me his opening line to me the first thing he says he goes hey man where'd you do your time what I've done zero time everyone I've never been to jail a day in my life okay this guy's but he's like he's just making an assumption about me he's trying to connect with me and I was like you know what I'm gonna connect with him I'll meet him halfway almost messaged him a little Souls like you know how it is man did five years in Azkaban no big deal yeah yeah he he wanted to impress me so bad he was like word all right cool cool all that time in prison and you didn't read one Harry Potter book seems seems kind of like a waste you know I don't know what he's up to now but I'm pretty sure it's not reading so oh man I'm super glad you guys laughed at that super glad I have told that joke before and gotten zero uh I did a show in Wyoming once by the way Wyoming a dumpster fire pretending to be a state don't know if you guys knew that it is it is it is one big Walmart parking lot it is not good there's nothing there why are you there anyway it doesn't matter I'm in why I'm in Wyoming I'm in this tiny town doing a show to like this many people it's a pretty big audience alright and I say that line I say Azkaban complete silence all right no I'm just like oh okay so y'all don't read that makes so much sense you know ruff and then out of nowhere a lady in the front row yells so loud she goes why do you go there what what are you saying I know how the first part of that joke I say I've never been to jail a day in my life it's not even a real place prison for wizards why are we why are we having this conversation and then she and then she goes it is a real place that's that place in San Francisco no no that is not correct okay you you are thinking of Alcatraz okay which has been closed for like 50 years so you're not even right if you were right I don't you know and then the audience is like on her side for no ritz just so weird it's the weirdest experience and then and then she says agree to disagree that's not how that's not how anything works what why is this happening to me right now and one guy in the audience was like she got you though and I was like she didn't though she did not no one got anyone she's so wrong you know I wanted to be so mean to that audience but I was like they live in Wyoming so honey you know the punishment fits the crime really so bad so awful so yeah don't go there I don't know it's not good I shouldn't I talk bad in Wyoming like I have my life together I do not as if my life is a complete disaster I sneezed on a baby recently yeah that's the thing I did I was holding a baby I had to sneeze and I just hard sneezed into its face so hard you know and my friend is standing there he's like hey man real quick did you just sneeze in my son's face and I was like yeah yeah I did that yep and he was like why and I was like well I had the baby and I was like I got a sneeze so I could I was like I could drop the baby or I could sneeze on this baby right now you know those are my two options and he was like why you could turn your head and sneeze the other way and I was like that third option was not a parent at the time you know it just didn't occur to me in the moment he's like you need help I was like I do though you know at least I'm not from Wyoming I had that going for me oh I get it from my mom she's a crazy person does anyone else relate to that she's a wild woman all right those people get it and so my mom she's here's a thing that happened recently I laughed at my mom so hard in public that she started yelling at me you know here's the back story I'd be by the way laughing so hard like falling down in the aisle at the grocery store and I laughed here's what happened she told me her dog had diabetes okay and I started laughing so hard no it's so fat of course it does you know it's so big and she was like it's not funny how could I have known he has diabetes I'm like probably cuz he looks like a propane tank with legs that's how you know but there were so many clues he's huge of course he's diabetic and then also you feed him people food all the time I caught her feeding him Doritos Locos Tacos from Taco Bell once it's like why are you is why are you feeding him the more expensive tacos you know she mister she goes he prefers them what did he tell you that what is happening here also he's a chihuahua we get it you know it's ridiculous my mom so we're a Jewish family she names a dog Mazel Tov okay she's telling me about him getting diagnosed she takes him to the vet she's going to these crazy vets who like talks to their animals like their patients you know so he's like sitting there with my mom and the dog it looks him the dog right in his stupid fat diabetic face okay no one feel bad for him he's not here we can make fun of him also he's a dog he has no idea what's happening at all times okay she looks or the the vet looked right at him and goes Mazel Tov you have diabetes is incorrect that seems anti-semitic I know it's not but it felt like it when she told the story she's out of control she bought a computer recently she wouldn't let me help her set it up and then like an hour after she bought it she calls me and she's like hey I'm locked out of my computer I can't get in can you get into my computer for me I'm like I can't get into your computer what do you mean having trouble and she's like yeah I don't remember my password I was like just you're gonna have to remember it I don't know how to get into your computer for you so she gets mad she hangs up on me she calls me back like half an hour later she's like didn't need your help got back into my computer I'm like a hacker no no mom you're the opposite of a hacker okay youyou forgot caps lock was on that is not what a hacker is you know I'm a hacker no so bad I don't know I talked bad I have no right to talk bad about my mom though beyond sneezing on a baby I'm like really bad at everything I Reese I don't even know how debt works I recently found that out when my dentist sent me to collections yeah my dentist sent me to collections the collection agency calls my phone I answer arcs I don't know who it is and they're like hey we're trying to collect a debt give us the money and I was like ah no you know no I'm just not going to and he's like what and I was like what are the consequences if I don't give you money and he was like we're gonna make your credit bad and I was like not possible yeah my credits already really bad my credit score is so bad it also has face tattoos do you guys it's so bad oh it's I've been denied for a Best Buy card do you know what that that's I've seen a bird accidentally fly into Best Buy and leave with a card it's so easy to get one when I got denied the guy in love in the Best Buy was like I'm so sorry this has never happened before like he was embarrassed for me you know it was so bad it was so bad and so I like tried to get a cellphone once and they were like it's a thousand dollar deposit and then we'll let you buy a phone I was like I will leave here with two tin cans in string okay that's so much money I don't have that money so do my credits really bad it's it's like so I'm not worried about it so I'm like would you have another thing tell him a debt collector like listen I'm not worried do you have another thing and he's like we don't have another thing and I was like well I'm gonna go ahead and not pay you then I'm gonna choose that option and he was like this has never happened before it's like well you know there's a first time for everything so I'm gonna go ahead and hang up now and he's like have a good day I guess yeah we're all very confused it was a lot of first times for everyone you know so we both hang up the phone I call my dentist I'm like hey why'd you send me to collections and the front desk lady answers it by the way and she's like a hundred years old and her name is Gertrude because of course you know everyone named everyone a hundred years or older has a name like Gertrude and I'm like why are you even working there you've been out of the teeth game forever you know she's so rude no one feel bad for Gertrude okay she's so rude I'm like why did you send me to collections why don't you just call me and ask me to pay the bill and she's like I sent you letters I was like yeah and I threw them away like an adult you know I know reading your letters Gertrude I'm not your sweetheart from World War two okay no one reads letters in 2017 text me anything else you know so she's like I don't know what to tell you you're already at collections and I was like all right well I guess I have to find a new dentist that's weird so you know that happened so turns out by the way collection agencies calling me all the time and I'm just like listen do you have another thing and they're like this is our only thing and then I'm like well I'm going and I hang up you know it's a repeating process well it turns out collection agencies do I have another thing they have one more thing they can come pick and send someone to serve you papers to take you to small claims court to get that money okay but here's the thing about serving someone papers to serve them papers to bring you to court they have to get you to admit you are who you are okay so it's like 3:00 in the afternoon one day and I hear a knock at my door and I answer the door and it's this guy standing there with a clipboard and he's like hey are you Shane Smith and I was like no never what what's going on and he's like does Shane Smith live here and I was like I don't know pretty big place never seen anyone by that name here you know he was like looks like a very small apartment actually it's like you're splitting hairs right now guy you know what are you trying to insult me what's going on and that's when I realized he's standing there with a clipboard and on that clipboard is a my facebook profile printed out on it so he's seeing me see him looking down at me with my stupid tattooed face in the clipboard looking right back up at him seeing me see him I think I said that right and it's so it's so awkward and he's like okay well if you're not Shane Smith who are you and it's like 3 p.m. I had just woken up I'm not ready to be someone else you know I just said the first name that came to mind I was like Bruce Wayne I'm Bruce Wayne he was not impressed you know in hindsight I could thought of a better name so he's standing there looking very defeated and that's when I realized I am wearing Batman pajamas yeah not good and I was like so it's like is this your only thing and he was like yeah man this is my only thing and I was like so I'm gonna go now and he was like have a good day I guess it's like alright so I'm pretty sure that's gonna work itself out you know there are no consequences I don't know if you guys knew that are no consequences to dead like what are they gonna do send me to Alcatraz can't spin cool thank you it's been closed for like 50 years yes oh man I uh not good with people saw lady recently crying in the middle of the aisle at Target just in the middle of ugly crying hard crying okay and I was like oh no I should do something so I'm in target again myself ready she's crying so hard I'd go right up to her and I'm like excuse me ma'am I think you mean to be in Walmart right now so nailed that interaction yeah how about how about don't cry and Target Karen okay I'm not paying an extra 15 cents for macaroni and cheese to see you cry target is for champions okay ridiculous [Music] oh so bad so so bad my friends are so dumb I know a lot of dumb people it's a lot of dumb people look at my neighborhood this is the thing that happen to me recently I'm walking around I see all these people gather on a tree they're all like around this tree I'm like what is this and I walk up and they're like they're all standing there and I see one guy and he goes hey man there's a cat stuck up on the top of this tree look at you with all your tattoos you're not afraid of anything why don't you climb up and get it down oh that's not how tattoos work guy okay yeah yeah you don't catch you the fear out of people that's not a thing that's never been a thing no one's like getting a tattoo and the tattoo artist is like how does it feel and the guys like oh it hurts real bad but I don't care about sharks anymore you know silly cats probably still up there I don't know you know it's ridiculous I'm afraid of tons of stuff so many things you know spiders very top of the list of things I'm afraid of right can I get some backup spiders are scary thank you my idiot friends they're like hey man why are you afraid of spiders you're 90% more likely to be killed by a vending machine than a spider like what are you talking about right now I'm not afraid of spiders because I think they're gonna kill me they're creepy I don't want them on me or near me you know you're so dumb you know what I'll be worried about vending machines the way I'm worried about spiders when vending machines start using spiders tactics okay when I open my shower curtain to take a shower and there's a vending machine inside waiting to tip over on top of me I'll start worrying about it alright when I'm like playing video games and I have to tell my friend to look out cuz a vending machine is descending above him on a web you know then we'll start worrying you imagine it crushes him the paramedics come and they're like we're sorry we couldn't save him we're so so sorry for your loss Doritos like no man really so dumb ninety percent more likely like what no one Everett that doesn't make sense why how are you drawing that parallel no one ever got killed by a spider cuz they bought a Butterfinger from it and it wouldn't give it up you know that's never happened how about this statistic one hundred percent of people killed by vending machines are morons how about that you know I'm always I've been telling that joke for a while and I'm always afraid I'm gonna tell that joke one time and there's gonna be one person in the audience who's like my husband was crushed by a vending machine now I'm gonna be like oh no but it was pretty funny though right Oh spiders so scared a legged nightmare factories you know it's not good the only thing worse than a spider people of spiders is pets what is happening there you maniacs you know I hate it so much and they always say dumb stuff too spiders are more afraid of you than you are of them false not real nope no spider is more afraid of me than I am of it okay no spider has ever caught me in bed and been like well I am sleeping in the living room tonight that's never happened no no spiders ever seriously considered burning its apartment down has it found me you know that's never happened no spiders ever been peeing in the middle of the night and then I ran past it and it peed all over itself okay that joke is so much more real than I want it to be it's oh man this is my job now this is my job but I used to have a day job I used to have a day job working with disabled kids that's true and here's a real thing you've never been insulted until a kid with autism insults you yeah yeah I'll give you an example working with this kids it's 11-year old kid he's autistic one of my favorite clients I ever worked with love to this guy okay he's like hey I want to go to the mall I want to go to the Lego store will you take me I was like yeah man I'll take you so I'm driving him to the Lego store okay I'm having a terrible day he can totally tell it's written all over my face okay it's the only thing that's not and I'm you know I'm having so I'm having this terrible day and he can tell and he wants to cheer me up so this little kid he looks over at me puts his hand on my shoulder and he goes Shane you're the coolest person I know and then he looks out the window and he goes I gotta meet more people yeah yeah yeah and to this day I don't know if he was being mean or if that was the autism what was that what so I left him at the Lego store you know he's their problem now all right you guys I'm gonna tell you one more story and then we're gonna get out of here cool good you guys have been great thank you so much for coming out it's good all right last story last story coming down the pipe now this one's gonna get a little weird I need you all to stay on board the payoff is worth it okay I promise you it's gonna get real weird stay with me okay now here's the deal I before I worked with kids I was a professional criminal I was a gang member for about four years that's true and I know some of you were like what earlier in the act you said you weren't a gangster well yeah that's the first rule the streets trust nobody okay yeah that's true I was a gang member and when I tell people that a lot of the time they're like whoa were you a or were you a blood and I'm like that's not how it works you don't just go out for the big gangs like it's a college or something you know no one's like I want to be a blood but the Latin Kings are my safety gang you know you don't you don't try to be in a gang it just happens to you usually you're in denial people are like I think you're a criminal and you're like there's no way I'm a criminal I work at Hot Topic okay there's no way there's no way you know Tupac was never like brought brup brup oh no I'm late for my shift at the mall and then left you know that's not how it works but eventually it sneaks up on you and you're kidnapping someone for money and you're telling your friend like how cool is it we're making money to do this oh that's right I'm a criminal now okay cool you know it gets serious fast also you guys know one be awkward it's not what you think it was just mostly like violent crimes and robberies and stuff okay so during this time when I was a criminal all right I had a best friend now his name was angry Anton not a clever nickname all right just an angry guy you know sometimes you meet people and they're like nickname is Little John but they're seven feet tall and you're like oh that's cute it was not that okay it was just lazy lazy nicknaming he was just angry all the time he was very scary he was bigger than me he was way more heavily tattooed than me I know a lot of you are like how is it even possible be more heavily tattooed than you his entire face was completely covered 100% so he was basically like if you got a second-grader and you pulled them to the side and you're like draw me what you think a murderer looks like and then they drew him and you'd be like that is way correct that's so correct that's so scary where are your parents you know he's so scary she's a few stories to like reiterate how scary he is once we were at a restaurant and we were in the bathroom and in this particular restaurant they had like an area where all their toiletries were where you could just get to them and we were stealing them okay because you know we just we wanted to latrice we're not gonna pay for them so we have a backpack and we're stuffing like toilet paper and soap and all this stuff we're stealing a uniformed police officer walks into the bathroom while we're stealing sees us Anton stands up says what's up to the police officer and the police officer said excuse me close the door and left the restaurant yeah yeah anyway eventually I was like I gotta get out and so when you get out the government helps you usually you have to cut ties with your friends your family everybody who has any tie to that lifestyle okay and move on and usually the government will give you a job to help you move on before so that you don't end up in prison sometimes the government lets you work with disabled kids all right yeah I know they should change that so anyway it worked out for me but I feel like maybe not so much for other people and so I have this new job I have this new life now Anton was a bad person objectively yes I agree with all of you he was a bad person but also he was always good to me he was a loyal friend I had known him forever I couldn't get rid of him I kept him around in my life just a little bit just talking to him through emails being his friend okay trying to be there for him so I'm moving all this new life it's like a year later and I'm working at this facility for disabled kids okay now working at this facility I worked with a lot of Christian people I worked with a lot of LDS people Mormon people and they're all like really jazzed up to work with me all these upright good people and then me you know and they're just like oh man isn't Shane cool knowing about my past like he says the S words sometimes crazy you know so their wage adds up to work with me and it's going pretty well now at work there's this guy named Mike okay now Mike had a weekend job working at a summer camp okay and one day Mike comes up to me and he's like hey I'll work at this camp alright and we just barely got this group of new kids this new program we're doing now these are kids that are going down the same path you went down when you were a kid okay they're making all the same mistakes and they're going down the same path would you like to come give them a talk maybe try and set them straight make them work out do you like some boot camp stuff and just trying to like teach him the right ways to do things and I'm like yeah man anything to keep kids from going down the same road I went down you know anything to stop kids from doing the gang life and he's like alright and if there's anyone you want to bring with you to help let me know and I was like I know just the guy okay yeah yeah so it's the weekend and we show up to work with these kids and he's like hey the counselor who normally normally works with these kids isn't here but the kids are in this barn so he brings me an Anton to this barn okay yeah all these kids are there and they do not look happy and he's like these are the kids I'm gonna go down the way and like play guitar or do whatever do crafts I don't know what he did you know and he's like I'm gonna do this now you guys are gonna talk to these kids make him work out set him straight and we were like oh we got this so he leaves and immediately we start laying into these kids okay we are saying a lot of things to these kids we're yelling at them one of them looks Anton in the face and he's like if you make eye contact with me again I will pluck yours out and eat them yeah I was like whoa where do you leave yourself know where to go from there you know where you can't just open up with I'll eat your eyes that's too much you have nowhere else to go you know so we're just yelling at these kids were screaming them we're making him work out there doing push-ups they are not pumped it's like 2004 so we find the kid with like the puka-shell necklace he's the leader or just we're really giving it to him you know and so eventually one of these kids stands up and he's like I'm not doing another pushup and we're like you know you are gonna do one and Anton gets right in his face and he says do push-ups or Consequences and the kid says my parents will sue you so a couple minutes later he's choking this kid right so hard he's choking so and so all the other kids are freaking out now and they're just like Shane do something Stine I'm like what so I can get choked - no way you know I'm the ease done this to himself so now now everyone's doing push-ups they're doing so many pushups okay they're so scared and now people are crying so much there's crying a lot way too much and I'm just like these gangster kids are like all of them are crying so much snot and I'm just like we can see you crying like get it together you know you're embarrassing and that's what I'm like what is with all these kids crying and like parents ooh you bad kids don't have parents and then I'm like so I'm like I got to figure something out so I'm like Anton are you gonna be okay alone with these kids and he's like I got it cool so I go down the way to talk to Mike I'm like hey Mike what's going on nothing weird going on back there uh you want to tell me some more about these kids how they're going down the wrong path the same path I went down and he's like yeah man these are just kids that are like not listening to their parents some of them fell asleep in church you know sloughing class I'm like oh okay cool I'm gonna go now yeah not gang members just moderately bad Mormons okay these kids are not they're not ready for the heat we are bringing okay I thought they were like hardened killers they're so soft these are just soft white kids I don't I'm so worried and then I have left them alone with Anton grown men shouldn't be alone with him I'm running back to the barn okay they practically kick open the door inside the barn everyone is shirtless for no reason okay all the kids have formed a circle and in that circle two kids are fighting to the death Thunder dome style hard crying Anton is just egging him on and I'm like dude shut it down like it's up what is happening like all the kids in the corner and he's like what's going on and I'm like get these kids over here and he's like talk to me what's going on man and I was like dude we heard we're in so much trouble like dude we're going to jail for sure like we've said so these these kiddies like what's going on I'm like they're not gangsters they're just like falling asleep in church and he's like I've never even been to church I was like I know okay I said we've said so many things you choked a kid pretty sure that happened okay I think I told another kid I'd kill his dog we've said so many things we're going to prison you know we're going to prison for sure and he's like dude I got this don't worry about it I got this and I'm like okay so he lines all the kids up and he's like hey everyone your reformed and he's like they're like yes we are reformed please make it stop and he's like you're good you're good you're all reformed and he goes here's the deal if any of you tell anyone about this ever we will kill all of you yeah then you're so scared and so we're standing there and we're like okay it's over so we left we left that weekend I'm like basically wait I just go home I'm like I just wait for the police to come collect me you know going to jail for real and didn't happen two days go by no jail work with Mike two shifts never mentions it it's been about 10 years now not one of those kids snitched on us yeah yeah not one of those kids said a single word to us or a but to anyone about anything about us which is crazy I'd like to think a lot of those kids are 12 13 okay it's been about 10 years they're very young okay it's been so long it's been like 10 years now and I'd like to think that some of those kids are like now graduating from Ivy League schools and they're just like yeah once I fell asleep in church I got my act together cuz my mom hired gang members one of them choked us another one threatened to kill my dog I never did anything wrong again thank you so much everyone [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dry Bar Comedy
Views: 3,995,578
Rating: 4.7812653 out of 5
Keywords: Clean Comedy, Dry Bar Comedy, Stand Up Comedy, Worlds Largest Library of Clean Comedy, Shayne Smith, Shayne Smith Dry Bar Comedy, Shayne Smith Comedy, Shayne Smith Comedian, Dry Comedy Bar, Dry Comedy Stand Up, Clean Stand Up, Clean Stand Up Comedy, Clean Stand Up Comedy Routines, Clean Stand Up Comedy Clips, Tattoos, Face Tattoos, Wyoming, Azkaban, prison for wizards, tattoo regret, instant regret, mountain dew, straight, people with tattoos, guys with tattoos, dbc
Id: vXYEqHgWcSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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