You Thought You'd Seen the Worst....But NO! Fixing Traffic in Cities Skylines

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I'm not sure I've seen traffic so bad in a city this is absolutely horrendous let's see if we can fix it up well hello everybody and welcome back here we are with a brand new city to fix this is keV city sent in by yes you've guessed it Kevin and the traffic is pretty pretty horrendous hope you had a nice holiday in Georgia late for school off work I did lots of family stuff and this is my first video and when I come back so we're gonna dive in and try and fix up this myth these trucks because he's double like I like those alright there's a lot so yes what is this traffic looking like in this city there's like huge areas that are really bad so this area up here and it's backing up all the way down there this area here all pretty bad look at that highway zooming in blocked up we come out a bit this area is a complete disaster look at this red red red and red and it's backing up into here so overall I mean there's some areas that are fine some areas are horrendous let's just take a look at the traffic percentage where it was 18% now 17% it's dropping and getting worse so why don't we use a bit of deductive reasoning and see if we can't fix these problems so for those of you that are new to my channel if you want to know what mods that we are using then you can check out the link to my discord in the description that's where I link to all the mods come and say hi there I'm on there all the time also is why all of these traffic fixes are powered by tea and every single like allows me to have or look at that an extra sip of tea so make sure you do that as well so first of all let's take a look at your mass transit because obviously we can help people not use cars to get around that would just be great so we have buses so you have some metro set up let's just see where they are going I like metros because they're don't run on the load so you've got like an inner loop and an outer loop okay Ulf all of your lines are in here you've got two lines on that one and two lines on that one I'm gonna be honest that probably isn't the best use of your Metro because people are traveling from your residential area and they want to get where they're gonna work so we've got the farms you got to set up over here yeah so they're gonna come down and go to these shops yeah they're gonna come and go to those shops but they also want to get to where they're gonna work and at the moment that is gonna be by car so I'm just thinking we could at least add in one or two other metro stops coming off of these lines to go to some of the other places okay so as you can see I've added this little metro loop that takes in this residential area here this business this business this business and back over to here I've got a clockwise and anti-clockwise there we go lines go in there and what I've done is I've done what I normally do which is I've put a metro station opposite this metro station here yeah there's a cross in here there's not too much traffic so people can come out of one cross over onto the other I just need to make sure that those two new lines have vehicles on them out there it is it's fine I've put them up to Metropolitan Depot I don't know why that guy's going underground let's not worry too much about that and then they're going off onto the two different lines that we've got fantastic that's good so hopefully now if we have a look at this we're gonna have lots of vehicles on each of those lines too at the moment let's speed things out than that probably go up three and we'll see how many people end up using those lines five and six as time goes on there we go look they're all going out good good good excellent so let us have a look what else is caught in the traffic 14% it's getting worse over here we have a huge amount of Industry traffic coming down here particularly to your cargo hub and as they're leaving they're going via this cargo hub so they're coming in they're probably using this one yeah and then when they leave they were all getting caught up with the other traffic that's coming out here they're all getting in each other's way they're taking one lane to go out and then they're joining this roundabout here okay let's just have a quick look I'm pretty sure you've done all your traffic manager stuff this is a mod by the way manager president edition you get this from the steam workshop we always work with traffic despawning turned off if I click that it will enable despawning what that will do is the game will look at big queues like this and go ah far too much traffic and make half the cars disappear I don't want to do that I want to do it myself so let's put that down there let's just quickly check this roundabout yeah you've got all the giveaway signs and things on there which is fine let's check this one as well the junction restrictions yeah you're not gonna do I'm actually gonna put that on to keep the cars going because there's no other traffic coming around this way that's gonna block that and now he's just gonna keep this moving a little bit quicker and then we also want to try and stop this happening and people actually using this one yeah they are let's just have a quick sip of tea mmm I think we need to force them not to use both lanes here if they're gonna go on we don't want to get in each other's way okay I'm gonna do a little hokey pokey stuff here with using this little one-way road and then we're gonna do some lane manager I know if I had to touch this mod I could just replace that load but we're gonna do it like this so what I'm gonna say is if you're in this Lane here there we go you're gonna go up there and if you're in this Lane here hello Lane begin please there we go you're gonna go there and then when you come out the top over here we're gonna pick this one and say you're gonna go there and this one is going to go there you've also got this one set for going up there possibly as well so you know what I'll do that there we go so if you want to go that way go back when yourself that is fine so hopefully what we'll get now if we say no Lane switch in there by the way I'm selecting the node and shift s and that stops the lane switching get them to pick back here and then we could even get in to pick now so we could say no Lane switchin no Lane switching there and then when they get here they will pick ya as they get going I don't want them to stop there either so we're gonna get this mod and say you go through very good we don't want any parking on here so let's just do that enough parking so most are going in there but the ones that aren't there we go and it's gonna stop that backing up these are all spreading out a bit oh look at this this is right so just turning on that little one there that we did before has stopped all of this backing up and then doing that little change there's gonna stop that backing up here is much better what are we at what are we at 13% it's got worse fantastic but we know we've cleaned up this area look good good good so let's just follow this up here what have we got going on I just need another quick sip of tea one second there we go so let's follow this down here and see what is going on so let's check this first Junction here and see what you've got it looks to me like you've got your lane mathematics you got four yeah - going off - going off here they're all trying to get over into one line two lanes and they're all coming over here merging again they're all going round here so these are all coming over here these are all merging in they're all coming where are they all go into there never all coming round here they're all merger with this then they get into this roundabout they're all coming into this industrial area that's what's going on they're all coming round here and they're hitting this so this 100% needs to be a roundabout even a teeny tiny small one it might mean that you lose that field let's use the roundabout Mart control zero to bring that one up and that will give us a nice big roundabout so if we gave you that that automatically should set all of that up and we've got all that yet block junctions set up the way I like it but what I'm gonna suggest as well is you've got this I mean what did you got over here you've got a cargo thing there you've got a roundabout that's not being used for there turning around and going back ideally you want all of these using the cargo hub so if you run another cargo rail all the way back over where we started that would save these guys all using the load yeah we've got another cargo train terminal there again that goes to your front line cargo hubs and outside the city and then it Wiggles over here and following this orange line and it goes over here to a cargo Airport hub which is goods then it goes underground and goes out the cities there's no sort of internal cargo type stuff you're bringing it in in your front line to the water cargo hubs and you've got this where were we were round this way this one here hooking up to that everybody's deciding they'd rather use the road okay so we've now got a line that connects to here and goes all the way over here under there up over here it's a bit wiggly wiggly if you want to change it you can do but you get the idea under here and then connects to here so hopefully now any cargo coming out of there instead of driving all the way through just the city and wants to get over this way we'll use that so that may take a little while to kick in but we'll see how it's gonna go this is like a complete disaster going on down here that's what's happening you've got what is this oh you've got a shipyard going on there I wouldn't have that as close to this as you've got because you've got a lot of traffic coming in for that and then a lot of traffic coming in for that but the changes we make may fix that our buildings disappeared whoops that was and then we'll have that coming in one way there we go and even though we can't change this road down here it will use the one-way road system let's just make this a lot smaller I shouldn't get rid of anything we'll leave it it's a two-lane roads yeah there we go so that will keep these moving out and as soon as those move out it means these can move in properly and we'll stop having these cars going the wrong way and I'm also gonna go around and check all of the roundabouts and junctions because there's always everybody always misses one little thing that can make a huge difference so I'm gonna go and check those like here you haven't done your merging lanes that's gonna make a huge difference so let us put that in so they're gonna stop bashing into each other he's probably going to come down here and just use the next note to merge instead but little things like that make all the difference okay so I'm gonna let things long for a bit and I will be back with you momentarily just been watching this horrendous Junction for a while and things are moving again which is a good sign they're still getting a bit chock-a-block at the top here where they leave but it's not too bad coming in is moving and this is moving too that isn't too horrendous let's check out some other places in the city okay another little area found that's really chock-a-block apart from this big one up here is this area down here there's a lot of cars and trucks that are coming down this road all going into one lane and then all coming down to this roundabout and it's just yeah what a disaster if we could set a little roundabout up there as well as this big one and then ban trucks coming down here so they have to take these roads and just sort of spread the traffic a little bit we're gonna go with that one I'm using these two lane roads so people can still cross the road if they wish so we're gonna do that and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use this tool here no traps either way no trucks so they have to take a different route that's pretty drastic to do that I mean that's really gonna change the way that the traffic's gonna go but look this is not clogged up anymore so that's helped a little bit which is good so maybe let's just keep an eye on this and hopefully ah look it's not backed up here anymore yeah it worked that is good let's just take a look at this I'll look at that that has all gone down fan flipping tastic 21 percent we've solved the traffic in there cool beans alright let's find another area that's not an industry area so much industry traffic has my lines five and six going yeah tons of people using those really good see this is another situation where you've got traffic coming down to a roundabout that all want to go this way and it's just blog and everything back here so if we just adds another lane into here then you take that one there and you take that one there and that is just gonna keep you going there we go and then you can go so now people are gonna prioritize that and just keep moving around I mean it's a shame you can't set these Junction restrictions per Lane which would be great because I would give this outside lane constant flow to go around with that if I do that that's also gonna mean this other lanes gonna go as well I mean there's not much traffic coming around so main that will do that and then hopefully that keeps going it will stop this blocking up here I mean you could do it a different way you could just add a whole new road in little slip lane threw them instead but I think that's gonna be enough and that will just stop it backing up on here which will be good just looking at this Junction here these guys want to leave but they can't and it's blocking up all of this so this definitely needs to be a little roundabout 100 percent making a reasonable-sized there we go hopefully then that will all help things move a lot smoother down here and keep these guys coming out as well let's just keep an eye on it for a second or two look it's gone down this has gone down it was blocked up all the way back up there so I take it back that's what's okay what I was gonna say was because these guys coming out have got to go past one two junctions before they leave but it's actually moving a good enough pace that this is now not blocked up that's not blocked up this here is doing the same thing look people are blocking up these can never get out because these have got priority and then again we can just put another little roundabout in here I don't know I can't kind of in the way I'll do it anyway and then we'll move this thing again there we go that's lined up better so we're keeping main industry things off the main road that really just isn't a good idea you don't need this path you've got that path going up there people really want to use it and that just means these guys and girls here you can get out this can all move and suddenly this is all free look at that that is all free this is all free these guys here still causing a bit of a hokey-pokey that's all of up here yeah we need more lanes on there we need more lanes more lanes more loans we're gonna three lanes instead let's go like that like that like that yep and then we're gonna do some lane management with this one and say this outside lane is just for going off no not to just for going off just for going around just for going off yeah and this one here let me pick it let me pick it come on there we go thank you very much one off the other two rounds and then hopefully if we say pick your lane in there although they sort of tend to do that anyway pick your lane pick your line pick your lane we'll have all the pick your lanes on there we go pick your line pick your loan that's what I call it anyway pick your lane that should move a little bit quicker then when they come around here see they're going into that another one down here look getting super busy people using the same lane for left and right there we go we've now got one lane for left and that one goes left and right oh that's because of yeah things because this is a one-way road isn't it but that's okay we can do that and we can do that and then this one here can do that and going in if they want we go keep that moving a bit better unfortunately what we get in here where it's blocking up is they're coming round here and they're sort of this is holding them up look you can see because that Lane is straight on an light so what we're gonna do is use this tool here and say that Lane is right and that lane is straight on so now you won't get people sat in that lane that want to go straight on these see what some of these trucks they don't need to come down there right well 75% I'm pretty sure we can do more you've got a weird like slowing down fingering on here look they're coming in they're slowing down I think the game is gonna crash okay so managed to get up to 80% so this area is still super super busy ideally you don't want to climb this industry stuff so close together you want to spread it out but what I've done is I've made this a one-way system coming in and then I've done Lane mathematics you've got one lane going up there one lane going straight on then that splits up there two lanes you see one lane going up there one lane going straight on one way and then here one lane going into there this Lane going into here this is all straight are and then most of them are heading off to here now and some of them will go in there so it's made this like a one-way loop still gonna back up because lots of trucks are coming in and out of here I mean you could set up a one-way loop system something like that yeah but it's going to be super super busy but the rest of the city is looking pretty fun dummy dozy let's just take a look over here so this is looking okay this is red but it's just busy and moving these wanna keep slowing down here and I don't know why it's really weird the speed of the road is faster than yeah which is weird let's just upped that to 130 but they keep like pausing here which is making this all lock up here let me just see if I can find out what it is I'll be honest with you I don't know what it was I've just rebuilt that segment myself for now they're flying whoops now they're flying through which is much much better which will stop this one backing up here and that's all moving nicely which is great it's saying over here is looking good with the residential staff this highway here is not looking too bad same along here another example everybody's using this one lane to turn let's just do that and now we get a dedicated turning lane for left and right and I might just do that there I think I already did this and then the game crashed mid fix and we've done it there already yeah just to keep things moving smoothly yeah the industry area that we stopped earlier is working really really well which is fantastic as well and I've just set up a similar bypass road down here again you could use to touch it more just to change this road here but that will hopefully deal with all the traffic that's yeah getting each other's way up here I just want to keep these guys moving so I'm gonna use that mod there and so don't stop keep moving there we go there we go and that will do with this little build up a traffic here as well nice another Junction with not enough lanes let's upgrade that load and that load was already four-lane so I've got extra lanes for getting in and out and hopefully that'll keep things moving again the way you've set this up we've got these massive warehouses right next to a junction and you've got these warehouses all in one spot I've learned from experience that is not a good idea because everybody converges on here you really want to spread these out around your city and in fact I've just put four little roundabouts in on each of these corners hopefully to get this thing free and up a bit and it hasn't taken long and things aren't going it too badly so can't really complain about that I would even perhaps make this a big one-way system I think that would help as well you know what that is not too shabby hopefully that will continue working well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so let's take a look and see what we're gonna finish up with um hope in over 80% eighty-one percent do you know what that is not too bad I can't complain at all beans well I tell you what if you want to submit your city to me use the link in the description below follow the instructions there I would love to take a look and help you rebuild your city thank you for watching leave a like and subscribe before you go and maybe check out the other video on the screen so there we go so many things for you to do you don't even know where to start dear take care everybody have a good day bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 219,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines fixing cargo
Id: z2qQQfcP_tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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