BIG BRAIN Traffic Fix Grows City to 200K in Cities Skylines!!

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This guy suddenly shows up in my YouTube feed. I’ve now watched several of his videos. I may need to subscribe. 🤦‍♂️

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rberkness 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Shit, I’m gonna have to start building cities I guess

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CptMisterNibbles 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
this city is so close close to 200,000 citizens but the horrendous ridiculous traffic is holding it back so we're gonna fix that all up with the power of tea yes leave a like every like is an extra sympathy means I could fix even more cities so let's dive in let's get stuck in and let's make this traffic be gone well well well welcome back my name is Biff our we're here with some City skylines traffic fixing this city was sent in by virus and it's not until we go into this view and turn on the traffic that we see how bad it is look at this we've got huge sways of the city absolutely backing up we've got this one big area up here then if we just scroll down here we've got this big area down here all the traffic backing out all the rows that are Reds they're all backed up with cars and then if we go over here we've got this area is now starting to back up look it's all backing up down the highway down here and then we've got this area over here back me where we started in fact this one when I first started this was two areas I was gonna say we had four areas there's spinning background but these two areas of them merged into one so we've got a lot of fixing to do and also if we come out of that view look at the trains the trains are absolutely backing out all over the place so we're gonna try and sort that out as well so what is the percentage at 22 percent so let us see what we can do just wanna fix this um what I like this roundabout it's nice I like the trees in there well done well done so where do we start I want to start in this little area over here because I think you've spotted something we could have fixed this up quite quickly so let's have a look at this section here the easiest bit we can see the cars are coming down here coming down here these are all merging in and then they've all using that one lane to come off down there the first thing I want to check is this Lane we could do some Lane mathematics here actually so a little fix you can do in vanilla if you have to require roads I know not all those are available to everybody but three lanes I'm one lane going off which means that you can't seem at this late hour or you might just be able to see it look it goes straight and light so a lot of these cars might actually want to go straight on hey this guy's got brains but we can help them out we can change that light you know by doing this if we upgrade or downgrade this one to two lanes through there and we're going to do the same the other way as well then that lane arrow there and we're gonna have to four straight on and this one is only gonna be white only if I just pause the game and delete that guy look you can see so now some of these cars here will start diving and coming diving out of the traffic and carrying on and then what we've got here is one lane plus three lanes here this just doesn't need to be that big so we're gonna downgrade on that road to this one there we go very good so now we've got one lane plus three light and coming in here I mean what is going on here we've got a lot going on here so what we are gonna do is why don't you stick around about there it's like the easiest thing but what I've done so far might just fix that possibly maybe I don't know and it's the fact that it's a traffic light that is causing that all to back up do you know what a teeny tiny little roundabout in here could just sort that out so we are gonna pick a three lane roundabout in here a tiny small one and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna use Traffic Manager it should have already set that up for us by the way the spawning it disabled that means if I enable it the game would look at all this traffic and go are too much traffic and just remove some of the cars I don't want that I want to do it tough I want to do it time so that should get these guys moving a bit and then what I'm also gonna do is see these all sort of stopping and looking at each other we don't need that I don't know whether there's a traffic light there let's use in game tool there isn't so what we can do is we can say you go there you go there and you go there and then we're also gonna say that you keep going into the junction and now you can keep going because they're not gonna get in each other's way it does mean when they get down here yes some are gonna get stuck in a lane they shouldn't do though they can't change lanes here and just to make sure that they do we're gonna do that one I say pick a lane so whichever Lane they come in they can pick a lane and go wherever they like so hopefully that will help get know you know what you see people diving out here and I'm also just because we've got a lot of traffic I'm gonna say don't lane switch there and I'm just gonna pause that and say you two have to go there just to keep things moving it looks like yeah look that guys cutting across there so I tell you what let's do a little bit of lane mathematics on this Junction before we use traffic manager and then we're gonna move on to a different area let's grab this one here so again three lanes coming in one lane going off down to two lanes same going the other way three lanes - why I'm down to two lanes and now when you come in here you can use this tool the lane connects at all and you can say you go there and all the lanes nicely add up there we go so they're not gonna get any shoulders way anymore let's speed it up and now smoothly move along these are smoothly it's going already low it's going really well stopping it all backing up yeah there we go so this area should fix it so in fact it's fixing itself so quick we can just sit here and watch it look in a traffic in here but what I'm thinking I might just do as well is just change some of these lanes so the cars aren't getting in each other's way so much where's that three lane road we're gonna have that one as coming in we're gonna have this one just coming out we're gonna have that one as going in and we're gonna have that one as going in so you can go in all of these ways but if you're gonna come out and leave the area you need to use that one let's give that a go and see how that looks so that has now cleared out all of this down here this is backing up a little bit but we'll come back to that and that's working really well so what have you got going on here we've got one lane for turning in and for going out which is really bad we don't want that at all so let us just change this one here too in fact it could pick the three lane and then we've got one going on two over there and the two going left yeah that works well and then this one here could actually be an asymmetrical road so I'm gonna now change what I did before three and two there's a 2 and a 1 isn't there this one here so this way round there we go so we've got the two lanes going in one lane going straight on and here you've got one link coming out that goes over there and that will just keep that moving look using your brain getting the lanes in gear no mods at all just the light sort of roads and let all of this traffic has gone down let's look at that brilliant 26 percent what area are we gonna pick next there we go I want to look at this and see what's going on up here okay so let us come up here and follow this traffic in so we can see it's coming in the city a lot of its going off of here and we've also got a lot of people going down there as well so maybe we'll okay let's do this bit first here look they're all merge it into here and then it all just sitting here looking at each other and I'm wondering what the lanes are looking like on here okay so your Lane management here is okay but you've got traffic lights but then they're all getting stuck wanted to come this way and then these guys are going down here these guys are going down here these guys are going down here they're hitting all of this which is then hitting that they're coming down there which is all hitting this we're back to this bit again so this main section really needs sorting this could definitely have some Lane mathematics put on it to help so I've just paused the game a minute so we can see what we're doing we're gonna grab this two-lane highway and again three lanes one goes off you can see what happens you see this little lane arrow it's showing straight on and right if we're coming from this direction change that to two lanes now that is a dedicated right-hand Lane so one comes back on again back to three one goes off that too so it's that one there and that one there we need to change on the other side and then it would swivel around this way it's bish bash bish wash there we go so that should help in keeping things moving a bit and also here we've got these lanes coming on we really want to try and yeah we might come back to that well this is definitely starting to move now look right ok they're bashing into each other here so we're gonna do a little bit over lane connectivity staff we're gonna say you go there you go there and you go there so now it let's just speed that up now they're gonna come through without bashing into each other which means this keeps moving which means that keeps moving which is good so this these little lanes coming in here I'm gonna leave that because soon that will just all keep moving it'll be fine I'm just gonna double-check this roundabouts but don't think we've got any give way signs so if you click this say that again click this priority signs only hold shift just zoom out yeah it's selecting the roundabout so we give way signs and all the places and then just double-check this so this is fine that's fine I can get to the junction under there there that's fine yeah so that will at least keep that moving and then here we're having a similar issue with a traffic going the other way although it's backing up so much so that is now backing up and going up over here as well okay all right fine so all bit of lane mathematics here look there we go let's pause the game delete this guy to see the lane underneath so again if you see a lane that's doing two things at once you want to change that and do some Lane mathematics to help your cars move along so three lanes one comes off down to two now look at that Lane there we go it's only a right-hand turn another lane comes off so then what we could do is even go even further note this one here so one and one that makes that Lane for both then one comes back on again so back to two and then you could keep that as two all the way along here until this one comes out and then you back to three because then what you can do here you can you just tall again and say you go there you go there and you get that so uh you know if you're doing vanilla you could do all the lane stuff but then if you did moded then he can use this Traffic Manager mods and that will help so you might now find what the game jumped that these guys here are gonna start diving out and going straight on okay they're doing it to a certain extent but obviously lots of people want to come down here so I mean this Junction is pretty horrendous so maybe we could try I'm hoping that once we get down here these are gonna start moving out which will stop all of this building up so much I'm just looking at all of this yeah they've got this one little exit to this road here which is coming down to this Junction I've got these two little exits they don't have any exits over here so maybe that is something we could do to help I'm gonna add a couple of little slip loads here like this one we're gonna go from there to there so they want to go out that way they can I'm also gonna add one over here somewhere over here would be good you know I can get that over the top of the railway line and back down the other side there we go just gonna use a bit of moving more to line it up Steve got other choices of getting in and out and that might just mean they don't all go this way look we can see this is clearing up already look look living up clearing up nice so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna upgrade this one to four lanes because you know we did the lane mathematics two plus one is three plus one is four yeah we'll see how that goes that might just so I can do this and that might be okay there we go we'll have that one there that one there this one here and that one though there we go now we know things that sort of build it up a bit here but that's fine so we've looked at going on down this way let's follow the traffic up the other way and see what we can do so let's do some changes that only needs to be one lane coming out that is one lane coming out okay we've done the lane mathematics so we've got three there so plus if we go work backwards if we get that down to sue so two plus one would equal 3 I'm doing diverse Lane mathematics oh my goodness is that advanced reversal a mathematics and then that means this can be one so one coming off the highway plus this one makes two then Plus this one makes three and then it goes down there yes so we could try that and then what we can do here is we can help these guys out by saying you can you know what it is you know I'm gonna say hugosthere but I can you know I know the question you ask him what if the truck driver isn't called Hugo would you know what these walls work anyway whether you called Hugo or not it's amazing so we're gonna do that and that just to help those ones out so that there should get these guys move in a bit that is already set up to go off like these are getting in each other's way so let's do a bit of this here as well there we go because what you might find is once the traffic goes down just doing the lane mathematics of three minus one down to two and all of that is enough but I use this mod because I'm dealing with all of this whereas in your city once all of this has gone down you will probably find it's you don't need it it's fine oh you've done that one there well done maybe again I'm gonna help you out a little bit more so that's coming down here and then they're all coming off of here because I bet that Lane does two things so what do we needs what do we need and want to see if you've been listening if you see a lane that does two things what do you need to do you need to think Lane mathematics yes so all together now 3-1 at Lane there so that's down to two minus another one so this is gonna go down to one then plus 1 again so that it's gonna go back to two in fact that's the one that goes off so let's just leave that as three and then that's gonna mean that now a lot of these guys in this traffic here gonna dive on the outside and take this outside lane if they want to come off over here or go down there this Junction is horrendous but I'm determined to make it work why need a sip of tea when you see things are moving no look this is moving these guys see these guys are stopping here they shouldn't be this should be a main road so I mean there's a couple of ways of doing it as there's only a couple of Junction I'm gonna say look you go straight through and there's LOX on the road as well that is not good so I was going to use the movie if modern go like that it's turn-off anarchy Oh the rocks are gonna stay there whatever um ideally you want these keep moving out so I'm gonna go like this and say you carry on and you carry on okay okay so look at this side of the road freed up look all cleared up we'll come back to this in a minute so go in the other way we want this here I don't want them to change lanes in there for shift s and I don't want them to change lanes there I want to decide further down so just keep things moving right so these guys are coming off on this second one here you've got this one coming off this one coming off and these all hit in this area here look I'll hit in this area here and there's not enough lanes so what's going on this 100% has to be around about there's so many lanes coming in here it's go like that and that should help let's just double-check this is all set up everybody's giving way coming on that one's done this is fine that is fine that is fine okay you are gonna give way and you were going to give why you want people to come in in fact these roads here might get removed because they're so close to this it's just not keeping things moving oh everybody down here wants to get out I just have a quick look at this area what have we got we've got this big Junction down here which needs sorting we've got all of these guys coming in a bit as loads of all 50 percents we're doing goods or keyboard key management changing things around and staff we will see right this road here needs to be bigger because you've got two lanes on one lane coming into two lanes it's just not enough lanes so we are gonna grab thank you kindly one of these and that one there I don't stink in bus lanes oh sure you people you go it like that so then we got all these lanes and what we can do is you can use this tool here and say you go there you go there this one down here you can go there and then when they come off of this Junction just to make sure that they pick where they go in do that so that's gonna stop these guys here backing up all the way down here they can get onto this rack look this is all cleared up already they can get onto here they can get moving got a pothole look ahh-choo some pothole fixing let's get this here fix your pothole for ya hey there we go pothole fixing all of us so that gets that going so I am just hoping a little bit of Lane mathematics and stuff here will do I mean quite often I'll get people in the comments so money just bulldoze it and change the whole thing and all of that I mean I could do I do try not to do that sometimes cuz I find it more interesting to try and work with what we've got three - one down two to one back again makes three one back again makes four so let's give them a stretch of four yeah we'll come back to that and then go in the other way three minus one is can't count - so I could be two plus one again is three this bit down here we're gonna do something with uhm and then we want to just stop them doing the hokey-pokey when they come in here so we're gonna say didn't downgrade it so let's do that again so three minus one down to two plus 1 to 3 plus one to four yeah there we go it's working it's working so then here we're gonna say that these can continue on in their lanes look already without even doing any traffic manager further up the roads come here they move in look all this is cleared up just giving him the room to come out and not get in each other's way what I'm gonna do I'm not gonna do these lines here I'm just gonna leave it like it is and then you've got a couple of lanes where they can switch lanes we most are going off so whatever these most of them are coming from here and then going off there and then as that speeds up here that should get moving a little bit quicker yeah it's just taking its time but we'll leave that one going and hopefully that will just free this up a bit and then [Music] this here with all these lanes coming in and all of this coming in I mean I gotta be honest let's just see if we can apply some lane you know some brains with our lanes here we could do with this one again we could do with the asymmetrical 1 3 & 2 yeah so now you've got a lane for a right left and straight on I'm just gonna assist the game a bit by saying this one here there we go wonderful light one for straight on one for left so they've got a lane for each now hmm ideally you see I want this just to keep going this be a look already look look at that already it's gone down I'm not saying that's just from that one traffic light but from these other changes we've made look I've solved it look the world's messiest junctions and the traffic built up a little bit up to here and then give it a second the lights are gonna change off they go because they've now got three lanes to go in they can all go at once I'm gonna say that that's fixed I'm gonna say that that is fixed by the way we hadn't checked to at 64 percent I mean there's still a heck of a lot of traffic a lot of roads are being used yeah we're gonna do this for each of these junctions this one is gonna have a nice symmetrical road okay I don't need that on go in that way in fact I'll make it a little bit longer yeah there we go yeah left light and straight on for each lane this one here we've got three lanes so we're gonna have again left right and straight on this will have only got two lanes so again we're going to use that asymmetrical roads like that and we're gonna set that to left right and straight on I think we're gonna be okay people I think we're gonna be okay look at that these roads are all blocked this one's still getting a little bit blocked in it but it's not too bad so just a little bit of thought into how you set up your low junctions can really make a difference so if we sort of come up here these aren't too bad these all going these are all going this is still a bit of a nightmare so now there's all dedicated lanes for each place they want to go we've got a bus stop right here and as you can see look busses let's just check your public transport lots of people using the buses which is good sort by vehicles 39 vehicles only 134 passengers yellow zero zero zero is quite a few empty and there is nobody to pick up rd anyone to pick up couple of these are full by the time they get down there yes I feel I'm gonna go through your buses and just check you haven't got too many buses on too many lines but overall I think you'd probably already check max yeah but I'll be back with you yeah there were some lines like this one here and where you've got loads and loads of empty buses empty empty you know they've got five or six people on if that we got 15 buses I mean I drop that right down it's definitely worth keeping an eye on that as you go through but then you've got other lines there absolutely lamb you know empty empty empty barely empty you know you don't need that many yeah we've got other lines that absolutely Rams so you obviously need other transportation options in your city you do have a metro I'm gonna check that in a second but the empty empty empty two or three that one's got 24 on yeah you get the idea anyway okay just looking at the Metro in this city it's humungous it goes all over the place and a couple of your lines add like 20 cars on it or something like that 20 trains I mean beg your pardon but that's just the way you go look at this this orange one is I didn't realize it's like I was a train that's huge under Van train yeah so they're good there's lots of people using it I would maybe do smaller districts you've seen me do before luck maybe a loop here and loop there a loop up here and loop over here and then connect the loops together and you'll probably get more people using that but just removing a load of those buses we're now up to 71 percent if we just start where was the north of the city that we had before that was really bad this bit up here wasn't it yeah it's bit up here here we go this was the north of the city so this was area one that we worked on so much better I mean some of the bits of red but they're just busy there's a tram there queuing speak down here we've sorted this bit over here let's just take a look at this she got one two three four five loads coming into a junction and why that isn't a roundabout I don't know that just needs to be around about we're not going to use the three lane highway I mean is that many roads coming in it's like what's come on now we're gonna lose a house or two but it's so much better and then we can just connect this road up here and that will just work that will just work and then when the cars come off the roundabout here look you can see they're stopping by that Lane so what we're gonna do is we're gonna make one for left and one for straight on so they're not stopping there and then we're gonna make any side roads give way so these guys just keep going through just keep going through don't stop and there's no other turns there we go so what are these cars doing here oh and they will block top with a toe wha-what where were these cars coming form they just like coming out of underground no so I don't know what is going on there they're just all blocked up with the trains which we also need to have a look at as well don't we yeah and we've had this before where the train blocking up like this has been caused by let me put the camera mod on that's it and I can move outside now why the nodes not being far enough away from the ends here for the length of the train that you're using so I'm going to use the move it mods I'm gonna grab that and I'm gonna move it way over here look at all the people run in I like quick ready to move so we're gonna get picked up again so you want this node here people like use longer train models but you need to make sure that the nose at the ends can deal with all the length of the trains that you've got why is this guy not moving up here she's really weird so I'm gonna do that on each side I said I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just remove a couple of these trains as well so it all have got a bit caught up there we go and hopefully this will start moving a bit better [Music] so so so we managed to grow the city up over 200,000 rats 76% which considering how large this city is I'm pretty pleased with that I think that's I think that's pretty good going there's a lot of tweaking you could do to change things but yeah it all takes time so I'll let you do some of the tweets that I'm spoken about thanks for sending in this city I've really enjoyed fixing this one if you've got one that you'd like fixing that don't forget to check out the link in the description below on how to do that leave a like before you go as well and I will see you very soon for the next traffic fix thanks for watching take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 234,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines fixing cargo
Id: HUZf-aJvlI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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