What happens when 97% of Citizens all Drive at Once in Cities Skylines?

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oh my goodness all the rubbish trucks all the rubbish trucks for the whole flippin place that is not my name is biffer and welcome back to fix your city city skylines this is the city of Santos Aluna down to three percent traffic this thing is an utter utter complete backup of traffic look this one here is heading out halfway out the city this one here has got right to the edge of the city look at that it is completely not completely not it's all converging on this point here so we are gonna dive into this one and give it a good fix I also notice you do have some Metro which you've got running around here these tunnels it all winds its way through here so yeah lots and lots to fix so let us get stuck in I mean if we just take a minute to look at this Junction here it is so bad I've never seen a cloverleaf so so bad well we've got lots of things to do we are gonna be doing the traffic manager mod to fix a lot of stuff I'm also going to share some tips which will work in vanilla for you with the way that we set up roads and all that sort of thing so hopefully it will help you all out on the latest labs version of a traffic manager present edition you can see the version there look it up on the Steam Workshop if you want to use it we're also using the network extensions to mod which gives us access to extra roads down here now something I have noticed this Junction here we're going to be switching that one out but when you have junctions like this you're obviously going to build here at some point but at the moment these two could be joined together we're also going to just join this together at the end here there we go it's a cars concern around if they wish and we're going to make use of this piece of road here and the beauty of doing that is you're making for use of all the road connections and people that want to get up here no longer have to go all the way through this one all the way down here they can just cut through which is great I am gonna change out this Junction in here I noticed you have been doing your lane mathematics and you've done it on all of your junctions which is good you've got three lanes one goes off it goes down to two lanes and Lane comes back on it goes back to three lanes you get the idea but a junction like this smack bang in the middle of all of these sections this needs to be something a bit better so I'm going to remove this and I'm going to replace it with we are gonna use Timbo's turbine interchange and it's a similar size so that should be okay and I think that is definitely gonna help there we go and let the cars we'll work out where they want to go now there is a little bit of additional Lane mathematics you can do on here so it depends how you want to do it really we can count we've got three lanes coming down here we could count that as one lane going off and then even though it splits into two we could leave that as it is and we could downgrade this section here like that so then you get a dedicated turning lane and it goes down to two lanes in this case as there is so much traffic coming through here I'm gonna do it slightly differently so doing reverse Lane mathematics we've got one lane here one lane here so that needs to be two lanes so we get a dedicated lane for that one dedicated lane for that one and then we've got two lanes plus three lanes so that's five lanes we could do with five lanes here so we're gonna make that one five Lane we're then gonna make the one before for loan and then the one for three lane so you've got just sort of spreads out and you get two dedicated turning lanes for there and then to dedicate two turning lanes for there I'm gonna do that on all the junctions coming in there we go so all four lanes that are coming into this intersection now have that set up that's gonna work really well and then where the road comes out again and joins the road that's leaving this intersection again you want to have a bit of a look because we've got one lane here one lane here they're merging into one lane that Lane there definitely needs to be two lanes and again you've got the three plus two equals five so again on the way out we want to go five Lane first then we want to help it now we're down to four lanes and then it will narrow down to three lane and then using this section of the intersection here because there's no cars and so we can see what we do in it you can think if you wish the lane connectors so this Junction here cars coming down will switch over from this lane to this Lane in this middle section if this was super busy and you wanted to keep it going select that node control less they will stick to their lane and then certainly in this one here you can see that tractor went from down here to up there if there's lots of traffic coming through here you don't want them all get in each other's way so now you can use the amazing Lane connector for these junctions control s everybody's got their own lane then they will merge a bit then they will merge a bit more than they're down to three lanes that is also something we can do on the lanes going out and I think I'm gonna do that through here just so we can make sure that that is all working okay we can see here look there they get in in each other's way so control s they've got their own lane here and they're all getting in each other's way control s they've all got their own lane still gonna be a lot of merging problems down here because the traffic is backing up from over there but we will get to that so these principles that I'm sort of telling you now these can be used in various places throughout your city but yes so there we go that is a start on that Junction what I will probably do now is well is just go around and check your other junctions like this it looks like like I said you've done the lane mathematics three one comes off down to two one comes on back to three lanes one goes off down to two one comes on back to three but again where they're exiting you want to just make sure we do control s like that they all get their own lanes to come out now it's also the case here so we're going to do on that one as well there should be a node in the middle there they can switch so that one's fine and we want that on all roads all connections everywhere the cards are joining here we go like this cars are joining other cars control s control s and in both directions as well so I am gonna go through the junctions that you have in your city these are intersections I should say and that's coming off that one's joining that one's joining there we go that should be all of them and I'm just gonna set that up so you got this one here and that one we've changed that one there that one there this one here yeah there's only three or four so I'm gonna do that and then we will see how things are going out while I'm doing that I'm also going to do some lane mathematics on these junctions that you've got here so the main reason that we do it I don't think I've mentioned as you notice the lane C is straight on straight on straight on and right and this is just in the game just to help the game AI the way the cars like to work so these cars are all coming off some of those are gonna go straight on they're all going to prove me wrong then we'll go it off anyway but we're going to downgrade that to two and now we've got to frustrate on 1/4 off and it just helps things run a bit smoothly you have to sort of not have in your heads the thought that you need more roads because there's more traffic that's not how it works you want to keep things moving smoothly and if you can keep things moving and things work much better down here as well now this is a little bit of an issue we've got them coming in they're getting in each other's way and if some of these cars want to go straight on down here they're being blocked by the cars that are coming off so we're gonna tell them not to switch lanes there and they've only got one one made one note where they can change lanes which is here because this Junction I'll be honest is too close to that one but I can see why you've done it you've got win you know I straight roads and things but what we could do is use the Move it mod to get that node we could just shift defy that back a tiny touch then we're going to use this mod electric road more to add a node I don't have it darn it ok we'll do it a different way then it will grab another road like this I've got a different mod pack I use when I'm doing traffic fixing and when I'm doing TV MBA now we've got to know so they've got two chances to change lanes so they don't hopefully all do it in the same one depending on whether this still stays a sticky situation here you could say we're gonna have this node 4 going up like that straight on and we'll have this node 4 going down like that and sometimes that just helps I have two going up one first to move cars out of the way and then they can change lanes and then get to where they want to go but normally I would suggest moving all of this further back but you know you've got it there so we'll leave it there okay so we've got this Junction here which is an interesting one it's like a well it is a diverging diamond with the loads up and below what you shouldn't have is people doing this coming around the corner get in each other's way it slows it all down so if we do that they can go straight on after these last couple of cars of got at the way and that is the way that should work and that means that these roads here will keep moving which is good you could also do it there so they stay in the lane they're supposed to go it's not the best Junction they would you got to slow down haven't they but anyway it's working people are moving that should be fine good so what are we at 13% we are getting somewhere so how about we just have a look around at some of these different sections because yeah we've got a lot of there down here we've got a lot of red in here and we've got a lot of red out there I didn't notice this Junction here what have we got going on so all of this converges into this little section in the middle here which to me seems a bit odd because what's happening under here is these cars are trying to come in and you can't go anywhere because that's trying to go out yeah you know what we're gonna do we're gonna remove this there we go we are now going to put a roundabout in here let's first of all connect this Road under here I'm gonna use net picker just I can easily find that Road that's a connector that is gonna connect to that I can say my word and then what I'm gonna do is just add a little road there and a little road there so we can build this again so roundabouts builder and let's just turn it on on off against it works we're gonna use the three lane highway Road we're gonna use up a ton of space because it's nice and big and that is gonna go there excellent and then what we're gonna do before we start messing around with this we're going to brace this roundabout so from node to node to node to node so now we can add loads onto him and it's not going to mess up the shape and then we're gonna get our slip lanes and that is gonna come up I just give that a nice big run off then we'll delete the roads in the middle or delete these little extra rows there so now we've got everybody connected now we want to set this roundabout ARP so we're gonna use this section here we're gonna do control shift and click and that's gonna give you all the give way signs coming on which is what you want it's gonna give you dedicated turning off lanes which is also what you want and then the roundabout mod when you use that you've got setup TMP so it'll automatically set up your into the block Junction and all that sort of thing it didn't set these up so I didn't have these committed rows did I just done those but basically when you're going around the roundabout you want this one on that one off this one's probably okay could a probe was connected that is fine this one I need to go off and the reason I do that is just to stop busy cars coming in blocking up the roundabout had it not working and then the last thing we want to do is a bit of Lane mathematics so we've got three lanes coming down one lane goes off so this is gonna get answer to which as we said will give us our dedicated turning lane watch that hello there fish fish bash and a bit of Bosh there we go that's going to do that and then we are gonna give these guys there we go control s so now they can merge nicely and the other end as well control s so now we just keep an eye on this anybody going straight through gets the option of going straight through without getting in the way of those that are coming down it's a nice big size so there's plenty of room between the junctions for on and for off and hopefully that it's gonna work well we could even expand this bit of road here I mean you've got sort of dedicated cycle lanes and stuff but coming on two roundabouts that's got three lanes you may as well add a three lane road so if there is a three in a tube I'm just gonna change that so now we've got three lanes coming out two lanes coming down which is good and I'll just make sure that that's still got the give way sign I think it will so that should go a lot better certainly this traffic down here we're gonna help them out a bit and say don't change lanes there or there just to give us some space but plenty of other places to change lanes which is good and these ones coming up here they're going to be backing up a bit until this clears up which is getting there so that should start working a lot better the way the top sections work that is the way the bottom section will work soon as well okay so just below this Junction here that we've just done some work on we have this main load easier to see in this view this main road that comes through here getting pretty pretty chocolate with traffic and this is all sort of backing up down here and I don't think there's like dedicated turning lanes or anything like that we've got traffic lights yeah look so we want to fix that now what we can do if we select this option down here and use control shift click so before I would do control click and it would make all the roads coming in have give way sign so top and bottom and keep this thing moving but it would mess up the junction at the NT where it comes on to the roundabout so I'd have to fix that again if you notice them it says control shift click quick setup high priority road stroke roundabout so let's just zoom out and we can see how far it's going that's gonna go all the way down to the in there control shift click there we go now we can see look give way signs this one still working it's clever enough to know there's a roundabout at the end thank you very much to Qian zarion who's been giving me some tips one of the developers I believe of traffic manager and yes been very helpful so now we've got giveaway signs for everybody coming on and we have the go straight through on these two roads so it makes this a main quality road going through I've just realized what it's done it's stopping any cars from crossing over the traffic so all of these lanes they can get to the road that any off flows that are on their side of the road but like this one here can't cross over which is good so it's going to keep this main road going look at that and already that is not backing up over here which is fantastic that's what we want this is gonna take a bit longer let's come to this section over here so what have we got lots look we can see all of this one big massive grid is just all over the place I would like to make this road through the middle here a main road so people can just keep on going so I'm gonna do that on here okay so let's try that a little bit differently then we're gonna have this one here and we're gonna do shift click instead there we go along there and that is now adding in there we go give way signs on the one above and below I guess with the control shift-click it's trying to work in some high priority roads AI and like we saw working up on this other junction with the roundabout and because all these roads are all exactly the same size it's just getting a little bit confused so yes and then what I would do is over here I would lose some of these buildings definitely to have a roundabout in here because all the traffic is coming in and out of this section let's see that sort of size let's give that a go and then we're gonna get rid of all of those buildings make sure there's none actually right on the roundabout no we're fine excellent so that's just going to keep all of that moving coming in and out and then it also seems a shame not to use this you've got all the junction here but we've got this road here that isn't being used at all could we connect that up somewhere else to really help there we go so we now got this end of this area can now be used to get up here I mean you could build that road I build the land up and put the road on that if you wanted to and if we actually got this connected correctly I think that would work very well for spreading out the traffic 16% it's growing ever so slowly so there we go okay in this area over here I notice you've got another one of these junctions I'm just gonna have to replace that as we did before with a roundabout underneath to help people get in and out of this area much better so this is before and this is after fully setup with the traffic manager give-way signed priority enter the block Junction all that sort of goodness and some Lane mathematics as well so as time goes on that will stop all of this sort of malarkey happening back here and let's stop them switching lanes a couple of times but we've still got plenty of nodes to switch lanes after this Junction Oh while we're just waiting for that to clear I've just noticed here we've got this Junction really close here so what I would like to do is make this a priority road going through there just to help that there we go so we're gonna grab this here we're gonna do ctrl shift click on this road and we can see it's going from here way down to here there we go let's grab that I also would like to increase the size of this little tiny bow we've got one lane in and one lane out which is utterly ridiculous for a roundabout this size let's grab at this one here and now we're gonna have dedicated turning lanes for each direction there we go left white and straight on and that should all be you need to give why you need to give way let these people go through go through go through excellent and also I'm thinking now we'll leave that one is it yes that's fine so that should there we go look we can already see people come in in here can just keep going which as time goes by that means these are stop blocking up over here as well and that will also help keep all of this moving here we've got this as a main road I'm just wondering where that sort of look yes plenty of connections here so yeah I think they'll be fine over time just looking around and finding another couple of issues about the place like this and you've got this roundabout set up we are just going to adjust this slyly it's obviously a very busy one we're gonna go for three lane roads on here just to give everybody bit of extra bloom which means these roads coming on and off they can stay as three lane highway roads as well sort of gonna do that there we go so everybody can get on start moving and then we're gonna set that up so ctrl shift click with the roundabouts all the give ways which is great and then just check turn that one off and that one should be fine that one should be fine there we go so we've got lots more maneuvering space we're gonna stop lane switching there and there just to get this look at all these oh my goodness all the rubbish trucks all the rubbish trucks for the whole flippin place that is not a little coming out of down here are they waste transfer facilities yes they are you've got them all coming out at the same place fantastic oh and again you've got two lanes hitting into three lanes this just ain't gonna work so how about this we're gonna change this one down here to a single lane going in single-lane coming out and then we can put that down to two and we've got online mathematics 3-1 down to two and then it's one plus two back to 3 and then G men what we do get the lane connectors for when they're coming on control shift and now they can have their own lane or so stop lane switch in there you can lane switch as you get further along and as this gets moving it will help everything Wow right okay we're looking at your your transit let's see what's going on into your public transportation so let's sort by vehicles 61 vehicles this is something here I'm gonna show you what I do once and then I'm gonna go through and have to do it everywhere look oh my goodness empty bus empty bus empty purse empty bus empty bar simcha by so many empty busses sixty-one vehicles on this line let's have a look at you over your budget if you let your bus budget are no it's on normal okay so that is just that it's just absolutely nuts the game will automatically give you a certain amount of buses on your lines depending on the length of them not depending on how many people you've got way too and look it's hardly anybody waiting two buses come along that stops empty I'm not gonna put it down to two let's put it down to ten plenty and like this one here twenty three buses hardly anybody waiting all the buses are empty oh it's just mad it's just mad let's put that down to five I'm gonna go for all your lines and do that okay that's done let's check out your metro lines you've got lots of passengers using your metro lines that is absolutely brilliant so here is well you want to make sure you haven't got lines where there's so many people waiting they're not getting picked up so I would definitely say we're gonna up that eight and hopefully we can get through that backlog this one here again we've got absolutely tons waiting over here mm in the middle of this area over here wow so many people but if we start getting rid of the backlog I'm going to double the amount on that line there again you want to keep an eye on what's going on you don't I have so many metros that it blocks up your line see that one hardly anybody on that line at all so we don't need five we can drop that down to two 12:26 who's that is gonna be causing so much traffic just drop that down to ten definitely ok she get the idea quick update on the traffic 32% things are beginning to move a little bit we're still getting a lot of hokey-pokey traffic that's going on but I think it's one of those things I'm gonna have to just run this for a while something else worth keeping in mind is when you have a cargo train station just going straight into your roads like this all these four roads around here were these two-lane roads but I put these six lane one six lane one-way roads they go round two the nice big circle like that there we go a square about if you will and then control shift click with that to add your priority sign so it acts as a roundabout everybody coming on has to give way and then when the rest of this traffic goes down it just means that everybody they're coming in and out if you're cargo train terminal can keep moving going on over here do we have some dedicated Lane action no we don't we have this Lane doing two things let's control click there with these lane arrows and now we've got Lane 4 turning left and the lane 4 going straight on hopefully keep all of this moving a little bit more there we go and now you can notice down here that the traffic coming in and out of the cargo train terminal isn't really blocking each other anymore which is great [Music] [Music] [Music] well it took a while I had to leave my game running for a long time for that all to unclog for people to work out where they wanted to go the new routes we had for the buses and the metros to settle down but we eventually got it to where we're about 80 82 % which i think is an absolute win for a city that was this bad from 3% to 82% is absolutely fantastic so if you're me to fix your city there is a link in the description below where you can send in your submissions if you enjoyed please leave a like as well I thank you for that and subscribe as well if you'd like to see more and I will see you very soon for the next City skylines video take care everybody have a great day bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 331,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines best Junction
Id: -tgDyQsePRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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