Is It Possible to Rescue 100,000 Citizens Stuck in Traffic?

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what are they doing they're literally driving on the wrong side of the road they've come out gone across hello everybody welcome back to fix your city with me biffer and here we have a ginormous city yes a gigantic and enormous city look at the size of this over 100,000 citizens sent in by Jay Basel thank you very much for sending this in let's get a nice overhead shot here and we're gonna see how bad the traffic is oh my guinea arms yeah it is clogging up in the middle Wow so let's just see what that is in percentage-wise 18% traffic well it was actually 19% a minute ago it was 22% before I recorded the time-lapse that you're gonna see at the end of all the bad traffic and 17% it is literally getting worse before our eyes let's just zoom down here so you've got you've got like a main highway which is good it goes running outside goes in here so you got that connection there that goes off over there that's good comes through the middle connects over here again yeah I do know that you did use traffic manager and sets up some stuff in your city which we need to just go around and do again in a few places and I've also turned on as you can see all the notifications so we can see how bad things are whoops in the city and yeah people that can't get buyers can't get their trash taken away people are dying yeah and the population is dropping quite a lot mm-hmm so the first thing I'd like to check is your use of mass transit around the place your public transportation so you obviously have quite a lot set up you've got a lot of bus lines going all over the place you also have some tram lines which is nice to see don't see that very often I mean you know it's you can't judge now whether these are well used or not because people can't get to them to use them but I even in this bad condition your metro lines are well used you have one train line nobody using that one and some fairies as well but nice to see that you've got Metro yes that seems to cover the major parts of your city which is good we'll take another look at that once we've solved some of your traffic issues so the first thing I like to do is look at your roundabouts because let's just go back to the middle here you can see it's you've got lots of roundabouts put in you've got lot nice junctions off the highway here but it's causing all sorts of issues so for instance where do we start where do we start let's come down the highway here it's the way that comes on yeah probably could do with some Lane Lane mathematics here for sure so let's just do that as we go along so you've got three lanes coming along here and the lane joining you've got a lane going off there okay so three lanes one going off let's get this down to two and this just helps the game ends when you do this then you get another Lane joining so back to three you do another Lane going off so back down to two again another Lane joining back to three so then what you can do you can help the people when they merge by using this tool here so we can then select our lanes we can get those nicely lined out and things won't happen like this guy in the truck they won't do that they would just carry on down here and then merge a little bit further on which is good and then coming off of here if we just pause the game and delete this guy you will see you now get a dedicated turning lane because the game is clever enough to work out there's a link for coming off and two for going on so if you're playing in vanilla this is good to do and it's not going to help so much with the trucks coming on here because you don't have traffic manager if you play on console but for coming off like this it will stop people queuing up down here if they want to go straight on or it will stop them doing it as much like over here again we can do another there we go merged nicely in there there and there which is good then we'll go back we've got a dedicated lane for going off doesn't look like it but hey let's use the lane tool here and click yeah I think because the junctions so far back but it's not that busy I'm not too concerned about that one and then we can also do the same go in the other way although coming off here what are we go so let's ignore that Junction yeah there we go that's what I'm looking for one lane coming off so this goes down to to one lane coming on back to three I mean it's not that busy so I'm gonna leave that but I'll take another look at this a bit later in case things start getting busy with our junction with once the traffic starts moving and then coming down here you could do a similar thing let's come up to this roundabout and have a look you've got a lot going on here you've got a lot going on here so you've got this tunnel that comes from over here winding your way through I'll be honest with something obvious looking parts because you've got tram going through there as well I was gonna say don't use one that big because when it comes out the other end you've then gotta try and deal with these four lanes hitting this thing and then you've got this Lane coming on here as well where does your tram go it goes down there and then it goes through here and through there yeah I really try and avoid things like that we're gonna try and make it work with what you've got and then we'll see if we need to make some changes so we're gonna use the new way of doing this I hold control shift and click fish bash Bosh and it puts in the giveaway signs and all that sort of thing and then I just want to check see your any things are starting moving but then you've got this thing here so we want to make sure people on the roundabout can go round but they can't come in and that one's fine turn that one off that one's fine see what I'm what I'm having a buffing about is these sort of rules now are all a bit weird because you've got trams going through here I'm just wondering whether there we could say give away to you and get you guys to go through but then they're gonna get stuck there and give away here if I make them go straight through they're gonna block the traffic so they're gonna have to give way but yeah your track trans good but they do cause a lot of issues we'll come back to that Junction let's just do a set up on this roundabout as well in fact I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna quickly go round and do that in all the roundabouts in the city I think that might be a good idea what I'm doing this I just wanted to very very quickly thank you for the huge support on the last video I made a little point to just saying how many people would not believe in lights and subscribing and apart from the odd moaning many who didn't like me even mention in the mere fact I was inundated with support in the comments saying thanks you remind him I always forget to leave a like people will even like people were thinking they were subscribe I'd realized and they weren't and subscribing and it made that last video my most liked video in the last six months and it had six times more likes than my sort of average on my average videos I was absolutely blown away it had over 16,000 like sixty and a half thousand likes as of today that was just absolutely amazing and over a thousand comments I've gone through and I've replied to like 99% of those and you can see that for yourself so wow I just want to say hands together thank you very very much that was just brilliant okay so we are down to 15% since doing that but that's gonna make a beard of a difference and I haven't gone through and set up the the junction restrictions on the roundabouts which is something I think most are gonna be okay every now and again I'll have to check and see we can fix some of those but hopefully that will help that will help so let's maybe take a look at and continue looking at your highway here that's coming in so let's come out of that view there there we go so we came down here and we've got the lane mathematics going on through there and let's just do that going through the other way as well just to keep things so 3-1 down to soon there we go and that one coming back on again or just do this so here you go there you go there and Hugo there there we go I'm also just looking at this and where the traffic comes off and goes up here they're just getting stuck at another roundabouts I do like the fact you've got lots of walking paths everywhere most of your roundabouts I've got like cars like this going over the top fantastic keep that going that is really good mmm but let's just have a quick look at this one I'm gonna do the juncture restrictions here so you go round if you're on you go round if you're on you go round if you're on you go round if you're on and you do this roundabout that's all I don't think I did let's let's just zoom out a bit what's going on controlling that one control click I don't think I did there we go that might be why it's causing all sorts of issues also having your Metro light by around about like this no no no no my goodness look at all these guys all coming out of here Wow all 35 ambulance is coming out what are they doing they're literally driving on the wrong side of the road they've come out cross and they have got absolutely no idea what is going on huh can't do it anymore no more Lane switchin for you flippin Eck okay yeah so what I was saying about metros having them light by around about because look you can see for yourself all the people coming out and I get their pocket cars out you've got a bus stop light here as well move it down out the way and here you go two people down the outside who's gonna win this guy with the blue t-shirts in the lead he becomes who's gonna make it first this person here a last second this person here in the last second todd crowley is the winner of the bus stop movement yes we'll do that I'm just wondering uh could just move this down as well yeah look you can have that like over here well from there let's just move that there we go so that's now up there they're not gonna be jumping out with their cars over here that's gonna work much much better I'm just gonna look at this road coming up here and make that give way that's okay you're going through yeah you won't make some of these side roads give way as well keep people moving there we go look this is moving a bit better now which means this will start moving which means look this isn't as busy as it was before okay good let's just go down this way here so we've got two lanes coming off yeah we need some dedicated turning lanes here so I'm gonna use this tool here and if you ctrl-click look at the lane arrows here we've got this Lane doing two things control click or view eagle-eyed you could spot it's now just doing one things we've got a dedicated turning lane here and here that give way and then coming down here I'm gonna do the same control click I know it's done it we don't need to check make that give way and then when they come onto here hmm it's super super busy I'm gonna have to put I think I might just have to go round the roundabouts and double double that's okay that one there you've got a lot of roads coming on one one two three four five six seven eight roads on this roundabout I think that's one way going off so actually this one is set up okay we'll turn that one off there that one off there that might be okay once it gets going these are coming on these are coming on these are coming on these are coming on this is like a major roundabout for your industrial area and then woody coming in is going down here all of these I mean there's another connection there it's off the highway down here all off the highway down there I'm just wondering where that we could add another Junction somewhere I don't know whether that's gonna help actually let's just quickly check this roundabout here as well so basically this is very quickly enter a block Junction so I only want people on the roundabout end to this block Junction nobody come in onto the roundabout to do so when the traffic's this bad or in the traffic's not this bad do whatever the heck you like because it'll be fine yeah it's just so so busy that's what it is is another one down here do we have the give way signs on here yes I do let's just check that you go fix it stop there and this is slightly starting to move these oh my goodness oh my goodness garbage trucks for days is this where all your garbage stuff is all in one area yeah not normally a good idea to do okay let's have a quick look at this so this is one way coming up and at the end you've got two directions you can go so that's blocking all of these people here then you want to go left so what we're going to do is grab a it's a one-way road isn't it this one here is what I'm looking for with two lanes just the end bit and they've got a left and a right so they can decide well why people suddenly we've got D spawning turned off why are people suddenly disappearing otherwise I do it all the way down to the ends oh they've all disappeared what I've given you more options so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna delete that last bit I think there might be a problem with the node or something there we go hopefully people be able to use that I mean when they come in here at the end I'm gonna do this Lane things we've got dedicated turning lane they start using that again we unbroken it they'll be able to go down there let's just move up here so a lot of these guys are going up here and hits in this section hitting the roundabout again oK we've got dedicated turning there let's just do that and at that they can go through that's fine yeah it's just been one of those cases of just getting things running for a while what we at 39% okay it's going up feel like I'm being a bit harsh on myself but it's going okay let us go back to where we were in the highway yeah no this is all cleared out this not so much we've done the turning lanes I just want to make sure the lane mathematics on the highways okay so we've got three down to two I'm assuming we must have a dedicated turning lane there it's gonna be somebody's bad day to day yes we have so that's good there this looks like they're all just merging in and not giving way although they shouldn't be yeah look there we go see using the eyeballs I spotted it that one off there that one's fine that one's fine so that'll stop these and nosing in when they shouldn't and then when you come down here let's have a dedicated turning lane here so let's move along down here also save quick sip of tea like we come down to this bit down here this Junction is interesting what did he got going on here let's do some lane mathematics first and then we can discuss the issues with this ones you've got three lanes one coming off down to two you've got like one coming up there back to three that's fine and then down here what let's just check we've done this roundabout yeah we've done that one so they're coming up here and merging all over the place no ask grab this and say you go there you go there and you go there they're not gonna be getting in each other's way you come down here it's three lanes one goes off down to twos you've done it that way and then we can have the merging again here you go there you go there and here you go there that's good so now we've got dedicated turning lanes yep you can see that Mamamia and I should see if we've done us yeah we haven't done our give away and stop signs and things so let's do that and then whatever got going on these people are stopping I'll tell you what's going on here is this guy wants to go round there I bet let's just see yellow we don't want now when you come off a roundabout if you can't gonna come off stay on the roundabout if you want to go round you know what I'm saying so let's just stop them doing that by doing it here you go there and you go there and then these guys okay let's just change that that goes there that goes there you're gonna have to give way there which I normally I wouldn't like see I'd like the yeah thing I don't like it's going to do the trams as well hopefully not but if these cars keep going through the trams are just drive through him anyway whatever okay every gallop this is all moving better along here people aren't getting stuck at that Junction which is good this bit down here is that I can see why you've done it because you've got no room here because you'd normally have it like that no we just can't do that it's just it's just not ethically reasonable and gonna have it coming in there like that yeah that's fine and then we can just lift this bit up to match that and this bit here there we go everybody's happy and then we just do the lane maths again so this is going down to two therefore coming off and then we just make sure the roundabouts are right right look at that all this traffic's gone down here fantastic so these are doing that thing again where they're coming off and nipping around the corner no if you want to do that stay on the flaming roundabouts don't be living imbeciles and you're gonna go straight across into the lanes that you're doing what is this little here for for coming off and going round no not having that did you just don't defy my orders and go round like that I think he did we're gonna have a lane thing there I think we're getting somewhere with this one this is a pretty tough one no I'll tell you what it is I'll tell you what it is it's the same again look I need to tell these guys not to be boneheads and go up there and then the same for you you get in the lane you want let's just check round here we've done that while I'm done that one's done that one these junctions are too close together but I can see why you've done it so this isn't backed up down here anymore this is still a little bit battered so they want to make sure that everybody coming off can get out so yeah this has all gone down this is going down this has gone down here so that is just one of those things it's gonna take a bit of time 41% yeah getting better good good good indicate your turning lanes there be quiet roundabouts set up no let's do that see what happens with this is quite interesting because this city was sent in with oh it's not too bad I've got 70 percent traffic it's it's fine but I've got industry people what happens is as soon as you run a game with traffic manager and don't have D spawning on this is what happens this I know it's not quite so bad out there anymore yes we're getting somewhere you know you might think you have a well design sitting it's not until you turn off T spawning that you realize nope it isn't as good as I thought what I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a quick save so we don't lose all the stuff we've done I'm gonna just go and on the roundabouts again off camera and make sure I've done all the whether you enter block junctions or not thing because that one of those wrong can like hold up so much more and then yeah I'll be back to you so give me one minute well you know half a second for you probably 20 minutes for me back in a sec okay so fortune 1% I thought we just leave that area to run a little bit by itself and see what happens let's take a look over here you'll get in a bit of underground traffic that we can't see and they sort of coming out of here coming up there and they're stopping here with absolutely no need to do so um so let us just take a look at what's going on here we want you just to go through and not stop also we don't want you to turn right which I don't think any of them are actually you know what I'm gonna leave it because there's hardly any traffic coming up there see you that's in a bit weird as well on it we want you just to go through cuz you're basically all going off see normally I wouldn't put that one on but most of them are just leaving could it's the industry's own the roundabouts all set up alright what I might just do as well it's just slow down the speed around this roundabout from a hundred to 50 just to give other people trying to get onto the roundabout a fighting chance that's that little area sorted look at that these here are stopping nothing let's just give way yeah that's fine yeah it's a little bit here what's going on there I think this is a case of we need some dedicated turning lanes or something so let's give that a go there we go control click not quite sure what that would have done it actually cuz you don't really got enough lanes so what I'm gonna do if it doesn't mess up the size of the road I'm gonna put a three lane in there because now if you do the dedicated turning lanes look at all the lane hours on this juncture you've now got left white and straight on left right and straight on definite lines straight on left eye and straight on and your three lanes here which is fine because around abouts three lanes and that will just keep that going and stop it being a problem that's something always worth keeping in mind when you've got junctions with four lanes so I'm just wondering whether I'd like to see you long snaking road but people don't even get to the industry I'm just wondering whether we could just give these another little in and out over here because you've got a load here just to try and help let's just see what we can do let's actually use net pick up pick that Road extend this a little bit down here there we go we'll go for that I don't necessarily want them coming in that way I'm just thinking to give them another access out because a lot of these are just wanting to get on the highway and there's highway access there um I could just go up to four lanes where these come on for a couple of sections to help them merge if that gets super busy we can put the lane arrows in and all stuff like that I'm just gonna add this up to four lanes because you've got plenty of room in your Tollbooth so that will help as well hopefully it's gonna take a while for these guys to see that that's over there but actually something that's us up there access down here I think this might just be a case now of letting this just run for a while and unplug itself 41 percent so let me do that have a quick cup of tea and we'll be back okay a quick check-in let's see what we are up to 73 percent that didn't take too long running the game on a full and speeding through I've done a few little things here like I mean it is just one example not letting these guys switch lanes along here which means they're not getting blocked behind each other they keep moving your trams are great they're everywhere and they do cause a few issues here and there but overall lots of people are using them which isn't too bad so I'm gonna keep this thing running and hopefully we can get that even high of I find any interesting hot spots that I've gotta fix I will bring you back in yeah we've got a bit of traffic backing up on this road here I mean it's these we're down to the sorting out little things like this now so I'm just wondering whether if we just delete this road here whether there's something we could do to help these guys and girls get food quicker if we grab the tram lines as I can remember which one it is that's the monorail oh how are we back I'm expecting a parcel of some PC upgrades so I don't want to miss it I'm doubling my memory it's a 64 straight on there 64 gigabyte instead of 32 and yeah and get myself a 20 atti as well it's the end of year and we just get rid of these we'll put these back end of year spending some tax money might as well not grade the PC that is the point right okay so not to go there and then I'm gonna use the move it mods all that isn't even turned on is it okay well let's just line it out with that road so that should help them get out onto the roundabout a bit quicker if we just sort do that get a little bit new there we go so they can get out a bit quicker and in a bit quicker however there is saying that they're going to go round no want to do that so that should be good and then we just double-check to give way so you've got to give way you've got to give why you can go there we go oh we've got these paths are pretty let me do that and we'll see how this ends up running there we go there's hardly any traffic coming down here now could it's not backed up anymore and if they do come down they can quickly get onto the highway so that is like a little tip which really keeps things are moving smoothly I mean here it's just a busy here it's just busy where it's a 73% despawning is turned off so that is not bad going at all not bad going at all something else worth mentioning is don't put your tram Depot right next to a roundabout like this look this is just blocking everything up that's all goes for bus stops for anything like that that's gonna slow down the traffic I'm gonna find some other place to put this and hopefully help this area a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well I have to say 73 74 75 percent I think is pretty good going on this city considering how many underground tunnels and things without doing a major reworking of your roads I think that's turned out okay if you want to meet to fix your city check out the link in the description below if you want to know what mods aren't using them on my disc's cord link in the description below as well and maybe watch the next video on the screen thank you very much for joining me and I will see you all very soon take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 412,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines best Junction
Id: EucIiK9IEB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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