300k Nightmare City Traffic Fixed with NO MODS in Cities Skylines

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so many people have been asking for another vanilla only no mod traffic fix and that is what we're doing today the only mods I'm using are ones that make one the picture look better the game look better and to help me to build roundabouts quicker that's it you could do everything else by hand on console on PC no mods let's go hello everybody my name is a bitter and here we have this city of shadow planks sent in by Alex Fogarty this is a pretty large city as you've mentioned nearly 300,000 people everything you see me doing to solve any traffic issues you can do on the vanilla base game on your PC or maybe on your console so let's just take a look around this city we mentioned here this Junction in the middle that you wanted it replace because it's a mess and that's that's your words you know there's nothing look at this but look it is moving smoothly so even though that doesn't look like the prettiest thing you know you're not going to look on the workshop and find that as a downloadable asset I would just leave that as it is what is more of a mess is this guy over here is obviously not drunk enough of his tea and he decided to bring the boat lie out there into the dock I mean what the heck is he doing I'm fixing traffic and that to me is working it's working so you've got a little bit of slowdown here with a little bit of lane switching I mean just in case that starts to back up let's go into here what I'm gonna do as well is every time I go into a menu I'm gonna click this button so without that button on let me just see like I'm using the mod to make this bigger but that's not changing anything in the game so all of these assets are assets that I have in my game if I click that button there that is it we have now vanilla assets I'm using all the DLC but that is vanilla assets in the game so we do have a normal three lane highway and a four-lane highway so I'm gonna just upgrade that there and maybe one more back just so hopefully yeah there we go we've now got a dedicated turning lane for this and the other three will automatically go on but we don't have Traffic Manager so I can't do Lane switching and stuff like that we're gonna let the game deal with that this is moving okay so we're gonna leave that alight the traffic in your city is 69% it was actually 68 percent let us have a look around the tools that we have at our disposal or the traffic routes tools and the junctions on here so people come in onto the roundabout we don't have give way but we have stop signs and that is like the next best thing I'm just gonna add those on so they will stop there and then they will go on and move around I would like to turn parking off of here but unfortunately we can't do that and I don't need if ur ensconce you can see look a truck will come round in the outside lane and even though there's parked cars there I mean yeah I suppose you've got that issue where they get a stop and park which slows things down but all right so let's have a look around we've got lots of things like this which are pretty busy okay so we've got this little bridge going over here and we've got the traffic sort of backing up a lot what's happening here yeah they're coming down here and stopping at this Junction which is meaning all of these guys are backing up this way so could we do something with that Junction let's go to the traffic routes tool and just see what options we've got here at the moment we have traffic lights now you look at all the other traffic coming there really isn't much traffic here that's all I would maybe put a stop sign there just to stop the cars coming up now this road here I would call that a much busier roads coming in and out of this area so I would definitely put a roundabout in here now like you said I'm using the roundabout builder mod you of course can build a roundabout by hand I'm only using this to speed up the time it takes me to make this roundabout so I'm gonna put a highway base roundabout in there but what we can do again is use the standard vanilla tools this one here and say when you're coming on you can stop when you're coming on you can start when you're coming on you can stop when you're coming on you can stop and then hopefully that will just ease the traffic here I mean this has already stopped backing up here already look at that this Junction is getting a little bit hokey-pokey so maybe here instead okay there we go I thought we'd use this road up here that you already had this little section I thought well let's add that in and join it up to here so they've got a second way to come in and out or not all the traffic's going around this roundabouts and then I've got this little slip lane here that takes you up to this direction so a lot of the traffic that went up and around is skipping that section still a lot of traffic coming in but I think that's just the way it's gonna be because you've got this I mean I don't think I've even shown you all the tunnels the city so many Road tunnels underneath the ground I mean I'm not gonna be touching all of those but yeah you've got tunnels tunnels tunnels everywhere but yeah that's the way it is so that's helped that little area bit it's still busy and then if we follow this road up so that's the area we're just looking at we follow that along we get to a junction like this which is just absolutely nuts absolutely nuts you've got this big underground tunnel coming in here which is backing up so that backing out all the way here yeah look at that wow that is good just gonna keep on backing up all the way up there and then these two these side so what have we got going on this just has to be around about I know people get our roundabouts all the time but without roundabouts the adjunctive snarl up and in the base game with vanilla only there's not a huge amount you can do means you have a look here you've got that I would put a stop sign on that one to keep this main road flowing but yeah these coming in here they're just hitting this and going but so let me just stick a roundabout in here okay so once you've got your roundabout in I would just give it some breathing space as well delete a building or two back from each corner here there we go these ones are gonna go and let's give them a helping hand there we go that's just a park there so that should be fine just you know allow cars not to stop right here and to keep moving now let's just have a quick look what's gone on here with the junctions right so the ones coming on I am gonna put two stop on this one and then we just need to let this breathe a bit so let it let it breathe a bit let it run a bit to get it to go and also we're gonna want to allow people to cross over there we go something like that just said that people can cross on one side to the other live deductr these roads over here as well and I've just hooked it up to this road so lots more walking going on now what we find if we use that traffic it's all again to take a look at the roads to see where people are going a lot of these at which are they private cars are coming down here going around the roundabout and going back again which is a bit odd and I thought you must have some one-way roads somewhere and you do this section up here you've done one-way roads going through there but then your main connection road at the bottom is also one way and your main connection mode at the top is also one way if you're going to do like a one-way system like this you want the outside roads to be two-way and then people can choose which way they're gonna go so I'm just gonna change this top road here back to this two way one by the way look at this section over here no traffic at all anymore it takes a while without traffic manager does take a while and this is the game running on three speed believe it or not because there's nearly 300,000 people it's moving much smoother things are rolling round every gonna the traffic's only backing up to here which is fine and this way I mean it's backing up a little bit more but it's not too bad what are we up to traffic wise 68% so I've not made anything worse that's good and finally just to really get this moving smoothly I mean look at all of that I put in a one-way road here going into this section so it's stopping all of these guys coming down to this one roundabout they'll may now take they'll go up to the highway they'll come down here they'll come through there and that that infrastructure is said that much better to handle all of that and look at that couple of minutes later so it's taking a lot more work to set this up without using mods but it is working absolutely fantastic let's find another place to fix up like we've got another spot here that's backing up with the old traffic if we have a look at this and you seem to have come it's hard to tell well that is three lanes coming into three lanes going into all of this and then this is sort of chock-a-block up here let I'll see what we can do with this little area so Junction wise you've got traffic lights we'll leave it like that for now because there is a lot of traffic here and this is traffic lights down here on a little small Junction we don't need that so these cars are coming are some are joining this road here and then everyone else is joining this so I'm just wondering whether this is necessary this little connection because it's just bringing too many cars in from the other side and you've already got this road that crosses over where does that come from that is just part of your huge underground network from the other side of the city you just don't need stuff like that if you've got your above-ground Network working properly but it's causing this issue here so we're gonna take that out give these guys a chance there we go no to keep moving so innocently and then this is going to flow into here and it's gonna hit this traffic line I mean I'm half tempted to stick around about in here but let's just see if we can take out the traffic lights and just while we're waiting for that to clear up up here you've got a little bit of hokey bulkiness going on so let's just take a look at this you've got all these lanes going down into one lane which is causing some confusion over there so let us grab this single lane and upgrade vans or downgrade that I should say so you've got three lanes going into two lanes and you've also got this here which is sort of causing the confusion as people pull on I am gonna change that one there to four lanes yes I am using the anarchy mode to do that if you wanted to spend the time to rebuild this road and rebuild that road so it all got together that's up to you but like I said I'm using quality of life mods to give me some give me some time and this this road under here I mean as always you don't need massive three lane highways underground if you're going to do that this one here it could quite easily just be something like that which that makes it much easier when you're joining up here because not everybody starts going mad and then I'm also gonna remove that from there and we're gonna get them to join down here a bit just to give everybody a chance to filter in and then we're gonna just upgrade this to four lane along here there we go so everyone's got a chance to filter in let's turn that back to three lane this section here could do with being less lanes let's just have a look where does that come from here yes that's gonna be three then it's gotta be four yeah so let's just let that run for a bit and then over here where these cars come out you've got three lanes going into three lanes with an extra lane coming through let's just upgrade that to four just four let people get through this is an Outlook spread out much much better on here again I would stick in a let's just stop it going into whiteness mode there we go do that so we've got the lane splitting off does that need to be three lanes coming off there that's going all the way around to there no it doesn't so that could just be one lane going round don't think because you're coming off a highway it's got to be a highway road it hasn't and this one here doesn't have to be a highway road look slip lane slip line that's gonna merge much much better under there and just keep everything moving so where were we we were looking at this Junction look at that much better much better much better much better much better and then we've got this issue back here where these guys are all coming off to join up onto here another example here this roads you've got coming off over the top you've got three lane highway does not need to be three lane highway I mean you might want to change a bit of it into two lane highway just so it can you've got a straight on and a split off there so we'll do that and then this bit here you can go back to one lane again it just makes things so much easier okay let's go to Lane actually just to give them the option of going left or right that's fine so this bit here I'm just wondering whether we could maybe just change where they're joining so if they're coming from there they're coming from here could we get them to join in here instead okay around managed to get this area moving around about in there just because this is a major motorway Junction coming off of here and they were all hit in there are here just a bit of a nightmare so we've got a roundabout in this is not backing up here anymore this has all been upgraded to four-lane highway pretty much all the way through here this what over here I mean you've got your massive big load coming into this thing what is going on I mean there's no cars on it so do you know what I'm not even gonna touch it again you've got another example here of overuse of three lane roads or big roads look this is a slip lane coming off of here joining this highway you don't need you don't need this massive big lane road thing here and also that is a terrible terrible joining of this road over here so let's give these guys half a fighting chance here we go that's a bit better give them a bit of a run on to help them and then as before we are gonna upgrade that to four-lane that should just be enough just to get those guys to run on there we go and what's this going on here just makes me laugh so they can come up here join that go around go in there and then come back and go each way oh I can see what you do in I can see what you do in Oh traffic get 71 percent that is what we like to see let's just take a look at this Junction here what's going on let's get rid of those traffic lights because a little tiny Junction like that I don't think we need to worry too much about traffic lights and junctions like this I mean you could put a stop sign there if you want to for the small roads that coming on but again keep your main highway that's running through moving smoothly I think that's what you need to do you got too many of these around look again take that off I mean I wouldn't even bother with traffic lights on that one it's so small it's not busy people will give away to each other so let's find another really good hot spots that we can deal with this is looking pretty red around here Wow I'm just trying to get my brain around what's going on here so you've got this Junction here you've got a road let's just zoom in a little bit so you can see this road coming up going underneath joining up here going into this highway tangle you've got this road coming out and splitting to go up there down here to the other sides I'm assuming that splits and joined there yeah and goes underneath to join to this side and in that one also split so I can see what you're doing you're trying to get all your traffic to get around to all the different places as much as possible but then that's included a thousand little slick roads as well and all all of this I mean you've got all these are the road connections I don't think you need to make it that complicated so I'm going to do and then you've got this underground tunnel that decides to join the fray as well let's just see if we can tidy up this roadway tangle right there we go we've moved all of these tunnels and things that were going underneath I'm actually gonna remove this as well because we've got one highway coming in here one coming in there and one coming in there I think we can do much better than all of this okay there we go we've got lots of space to work with in here so let's just take a look at the intersections that the game gives us we've only got like the three basic ones I mean something like this if we could fit it in would probably work okay because then the fourth exit down here um would just connect up to this area and we probably just need to make a little bit more space over here I mean I haven't deleted any businesses or anything yet so I'm trying to just keep all that as it is oh look with all this work I've got to delete this one business who is it what's his name the Applegate residence I'm so sorry you're gonna be you're gonna be deleted I feel absolutely terrible what am I gonna live with myself you're gone sorry about that okay so we're gonna go with something like that now I know these built-in cloverleaf intersections are not the best but we're trying to keep it as vanilla as possible if I did use any others they would have just used vanilla roads anyway but I want to just see how this runs just connecting it up like that well there we go as usual a few minutes later things have cleared up a lot I just had to upgrade some of these four-lane roads do use your way you've got lanes coming off where you've got lanes coming on and it just takes a few minutes for the game to start kicking in thinking what's going on we are getting a lot of people coming down here and going straight through there I don't think I'm happy at having that cross road through there I'd rather just send everybody rounds I'm gonna just delete that there and make that this road I'm gonna say you can go in and out of there if you wish if that causes any more problems I'll just remove it all together but this is one way now going all the way around let me show you all the way around all the way around all the way around all the way up all the way up to the top all the way down here and then back onto the highway so we just don't need that roundabout anymore okay then finally what I'm doing is just making sure people can't cut through different places so like this one here and actually I need to make that gonna cause a problem come on let me upgrade that load there there we go they have to come in they have to go round the outside round the outside round the outside all the cars have to go around the outside I want a remix of that now and that's probably put a traffic light there for me I might just slightly change this but you've got to be careful because I made this one way in and one way out for this section to suddenly people cut off this entire corner and then they come in there come out there and cut through here and it just loses the way everything it needs to work but yeah we don't want a traffic light there could as you can see there we go a stoplight we're gonna put a stop sign if people coming in and out of here that's fine we want this to flow straight off the highway and not stop so also here's the highway and is the industry been working on this side of your highway you've got what you've sort of done is you've got your highway coming in and going out which is fine and then when it comes in this way it just hits your city you don't have a highway connection running through here you do have a highway there and you've got highway road so what I'm thinking is it's just pause a sec this section through the middle here desperately desperately needs a highway connection from here to here because all of this traffic comes up here and then just hits normal road systems all the way through so it is gonna mean losing a few businesses there but it's gonna be much better when it's done believe me okay so we've got the highway connection along the top let's just run the game quickly just to see what's gonna disappear excellent and then we need some sort of Junction down here why it took a bit of finagling to get that in there but now we have a highway connection from this whatever that is through here down to this whatever that is oh you've got like a roe deer I've not connected my bad there's so many weird loads going on I don't know what's happening if we connected everything else yeah so I mean I guess I you know I shouldn't laugh at these junctions because you've done more than what I would ever do you've taken the need for junctions and you built them yourself which is great because I don't do that I always use pre-built junctions which makes things a bit hard you've got a weird sort of road in the middle there and let's just change that to that and but yeah you want to definitely use some Lane management in these and have a look and sort of sailor if I've got three lanes coming off going into two lanes you know I want to sort of get that all to add up but anyway that's moving okay it's busy so we can see lots of people are want you to come off and go where are they going let's have a look I mean I'm just looking at this here and any any cars that want to go straight on they've got a sort of split and merge and go back on and it's causing all sorts of hoo-hah and what I have done over here is have upgraded these to four lanes so they've got a slip lane if they wish to come off okay there we go so we've got another one of these in the middle there and what I'm doing is having the three lanes of the highway in and out going into a six-lane Road and then just splitting that off so they have to go in this way which you had a one-way road there anyway and then they can come on that way we'll do the same over here so I'm gonna put that and you can go out excellent and then we just connect this bit up over here and look this is getting much better over here it's all moving smooth that is what we want to see and that is what we want to see so let's just give this a minute to think about what it's doing 73 did you see that 72% it's flowing better it's flowing better what'd I do fine without traffic manager which is interesting if you change your road everyday 73% or do anything to do with the road it takes ages for the vanilla AI to catch up with what's going on and with traffic man oh just it just seems to be a bit snappier with it oh yes um it's different well we'll change what we do in there which I'm sure is is there's a reason behind that to do with the way traffic manager is made but I've got another little slip lane down here look as you can see all of this here this used to look like this with it all being blocked up but after a while once all these go through things will move a lot better yeah just a little slip line there help cars get into this section and it seems like a lot of them want to come off and go over there what often when I'm doing these city fixes I get asked how many hours I put into some of these fixes I mean this one I started just before my lunch break so that was oh my goodness like four and a half hours ago and I've been tinkering away ever since and then sometimes when I'm doing something like this is clearing up now I sort of get in the zone and I start making a load of changes which I don't record and the reason I don't record absolutely everything is because sometimes I'm doing stuff in a city that I know I'm gonna end up with four hours of footage and I'm just gonna have to like delete it all out later and edit it out because you're you know you want a video at 21 minutes 28 minutes long something like that and if I showed you four and a half hours of city fixing it would be nuts but anyway what I just done this was all backing up coming off of here going round there and it's this coming off of here which was slowing it all down and if we followed it along this was a straight 4-way junction so I've just put a little highway in like the one we did earlier so thinking from an editing point of view you've seen me put one of these together so I've done the same as what I've done there with the walking paths and that's going a bit better and then when they come off of here I've just put this one-way road in which I seem to have only done there but not there there we go so this flows straight out straight out and should just head out into this system here I'm gonna do that one way do you know what we've got this you've got that - oh this is that road that I've put two ways on wasn't it earlier on let's not make this all one way all the way around let's just turn that come on that's a two way there we go so that can start heading out where it needs to go and that just keeps straight away keeps this move in which keeps that move in which keeps this movie in which keeps all of that moving which means they're not backing up on the highway and what are we up to 74 did you see it 73 73 74 I mean if I can get to 75% on this city I would be really really happy with that I don't think we're ever gonna get to 80 it's just completely chock-a-block but if there's one little area left that we can just say we can do a good job on it I think we could make a big difference so let's just find one more little area all right I found it this is it this is what we're gonna fix then is this the junction at the beginning no this is some weird other Junction I don't know what we is going on here but this is backing up a lot we've got is that something that isn't connected to something or police station with no road access all right let's just put you all the way down here out the way there we go just so we don't get confused as what's going on lights okay so we've got a lot of some we've got so much stuff I think you've gone through and upgraded roads and not notice that stuff doesn't have road access that's why we're getting that sort of error but anyway we've got a lot of stuff going on here and we've got a lot of tunnels going from one side to the other and stretching out across the highway and we are definitely gonna fix this little area here and you know what this needs I just hate to say but when you've got one two three four five six roads all coming into one area you just you just can't keep it like that it just needs altogether now around about and another little tip when you've got roundabouts or junctions don't have your stops for your says right by the Junction's I'm gonna just move all those up a bit like that I mean that's still close to this Junction but it's in between it just gives people run in it give just gives the traffic a chance to come off the highway and keep moving and just not get stuck like behind a bus and that is another little tip for you and I think apart from that this is now moving much much better look at that and what are we up to traffic wise 74 percent 75 percent shakes fists in air in jubilation we've done it I've spent all day on this so I'm gonna say thank you very much for sending it in if you want me to fix your city check out the pin post below if you want to know what mods I'm using I have a top 10 mods video on my channel I also have a list of all the mods and assets I use on my discord so go and check that out it's in a pin post and thank you very much for watching I will see you all very soon for the next one oh my goodness a carnita like a cup of tea bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 369,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines fix train traffic, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, cities: skylines, skylines, how to fix traffic, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines vanilla, cities skylines vanilla traffic, cities skylines traffic fix vanilla
Id: 224d5E4YeEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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