WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. (Guess The Elo 15)

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen to another  episode of guest the elo where i analyze my twitch   subscriber games live on stream and then i try to  guess their ratings afterwards if you'd like to   get in on future episodes please remember to be a  subscriber on twitch and join the discord the link   is in the description and all the links have been  fixed but first a word from our sponsor nobody   it's game one gotham sub  with white d4 d5 nice okay all right this makes me think that random  noob kinda tried to look at my youtube video   but not really a lot of a lot of people play  this f6 versus london stuff trying to go e5   that's a good move that's a good move nice see this is the problem with people  who just tried to play the same way   all the time in the opening because you just lost the pawn like you gotta adapt to the   position you gotta go e6 bishop d6  g5 h5 maybe now we get hit with this okay i don't like that you let  him castle okay take the bishop uh i would probably put my queen here and  then put my rook but it's not an easy position okay oh um okay i like this double up stuff i like oh  my oh my now now one of these moves to guard the   night maybe and hit this night and win this pawn  okay i don't dislike that move now i'll go here it's a nice that's actually a nice  move takes takes now you got to take maybe h3 rook d4 i saw this but it just doesn't work because   they can just take and then i  guess take take queen b7 okay you should not go to an end game  with such a bad pawn structure because the king will just walk and take all your  pieces ah wrong way bro bro where are you going oh oh oh oh oh my and now king h3 this king's  gonna have to leave king here f5 and white wins   seam plus six and a few moves ago yeah minus 1.5 but minus 1.5 if and only if white  plays f3 if it tries to go this way king c5 wins   all the pawns and the game's just over you have to  sack the pawn and then get closer like it's it's   very hard to defend this position  with white it might just be losing   but black did not go for the weaknesses  and instead now okay wrong pawn of course   you will push i don't care if computer says  this is no no no no no wow white finds it   oh my god just go here black has no moves  and you take this pawn and this pawn and   black cannot push b5 then you will move your  king and push e and g puns then make a queen   and check mate but instead you went king to h5  and then black can just push this pawn but oh   my god king f7 clearly push this pawn and you  just promote because of king to g4 then we take   king g3 king f5 and we win oh my goodness oh  you have to invest in your biggest assets you   have to not look back don't look back stop  looking back oh oh no oh no no no no no oh my that was actually a pretty decent game oh man that's brutal someone said please stop  milking the rap it's not funny your whole   existence isn't funny it's very serious you're a  very serious person i wasn't even trying to roast   you you probably like have a very good job and  like take care of your family and probably just   a very nice person overall um i wasn't trying to  insult the guy um anyway um just very serious guy   okay so a very interesting game um interesting  game very good game very solid game actually   now the end game i think is like maybe  a like 12 1300 i get 12 1300 vibes um because they played the end game so atrociously  but white played it a little bit but i actually   think white is stronger than black bear  rating i'm saying like thirteen hundred   say like thirteen hundred i i  just i just i the opening is odd   like what like like oh but what a  13 no a 1300 would never play e5 i actually think a thousand i'm like like would  a 1200 really just lose this pawn for no reason   i'm gonna say like a thousand to eleven hundred  just because of the move e5 all right let's go see yep it was a 900 game yeah yeah it it i mean i  was wrong actually it was even lower like the   game was actually incredibly well played the end  game was bad but like just this one move is such   a bad move that i ended up just dropping it a ton  yeah but they played really well for 900s i mean uh well wow no no no no no no no 1300 plays the movie five i  mean i thought it was like a one thousand but yeah   i mean nine hundred uh camp score was probably  very high they probably both played over like   ninety percent i'm not gonna hit it's gonna  takes way too long good game nice start all right   can i do a diss track in the future yeah i'll do  it on the guy that just told me to stop rapping   yeah for sure i still haven't decided if i want  to do a diss track like ethering like the entire   like planet like every single creator or just  ethering one person all right e4 c5 knight c3 d6 d4 queen d4 wait i played this earlier this  is the magnus sicilian you allow them to hit   you with it okay okay that's not a good  move you're supposed to go g6 and try to   bring the bishop out like to one of these  okay okay this is very professional so far okay this is a very high level game of chess so far i i  know it's plus three but it wasn't plus three like   a move ago it was very equal opening the position  for black was a very bad decision castling is much   better opening up the position like this just  doesn't help you because you haven't actually   castled your king yeah okay but now black  is getting counter play now white goes up   uh queen takes and bishop b5 and you probably just  resign but should b5 also there's knight b6 fork   uh h4 probably i mean it's really hard to play  bishop b5 and h4 there's like a zero percent   chance that actually happens yeah of course white  is going to focus on this side but you have to   understand that like this bishop has no moves  like it's gonna have to go here oh here and then   you will take play g5 okay nice yeah yeah yeah if  you don't ever play this move you're never okay   you got uh there it is wow uh check and win the  bishop equal danger but check and win the bishop   okay white is at least like a master  i mean this is crazy uh-huh uh-huh what did you submit like this is game over um okay white did not make a  single mistake it felt like like at all like did white make  any inaccuracies like at all bishop e5 is a very odd move there were there were some  things that weren't good okay the minimum that i would expect for white  the minimum absolute minimum is like 1800 like   at least 18 like minimum and  if you're any lower than that   um then you played probably the best game  of your life and you could easily be 2 000.   um thank you for the 10 donation just to  say hi thank you uh no way 1800 you think   it's even stronger i said minimum i didn't say  maximum maximum white could probably be a gm uh oh man i must say i don't know i mean i don't have a lot of  subscribers that are over two thousand uh uh black didn't play great but like  black didn't play the opening right i'mma say like 1900. say like 1900 actually wait yeah yeah i'm gonna say 1900 yup 1900 is my guess 1800 1813 versus 1822. damn that was pretty  close that was pretty close yeah yeah i mean i i yeah that was uh that was an excellent game   no people submit games they lose and they do  stupid stuff in two now that was just a very   good game i mean there's nothing nothing  more to be said very good game of chess wow well done i have nothing more to say  that was just well played good opening   probably the person has like some sort of  course that taught them that line with white   just a very decent game what was the mistake it  doesn't matter probably some small inaccuracy anyway d4 oh yes yes the album counter gambit  oh wait gotham sub is black okay so gotham sub   obviously has the uh course the uh the one way  to beat the queen's game with decline uh queen's   gambit i should say pay attention d4 knight f3  and okay i mean the proud owner of the gotham   course but hasn't studied it yet because the move  is knight c6 not c5 c5 is not a good move at all   uh but practically speaking it's probably still a  completely fine move a3 of course is just not good   but white wants to go b4 and black plays this move  knight takes e5 which under normal circumstances   which exist in this game black is able to check  and immediately win back the knight on e5 um   but of course the best move for white is queen e2  but that's the beauty of being a non-title player   and i mean uh i can't play  moves like this you guys can why is d3 not winning here oh oh oh rook a2 oh my god okay bishop g4 is a good move  bishop b2 is not a good move good oh this is this looks terrible yeah yeah  yeah yeah yes oh my god yes queen that's   not a good move i would just develop a piece  just develop a piece you don't have enough time   to make these pawn moves oh my god look how  savage the computer is bishops look at this   move man if you take the bishop i take your  queen you can't take my queen because of pin   and if you play this then rook d4 and  you probably just lose the game so i hate the computer ah oh wait but that's just  bad because now you have this and you attack   the queen and the bishop but of course the guy  gets really excited to give a check if if you   if you take and take you're still going to lose  your other rook so let me see oh my god that is   like the worst move of all time um bishop d4 is  is is is the worst move of all time i mean it's it   what it doesn't solve anything you just  lost two pieces three pieces four pieces   okay you didn't have to lose your rook  you could have just played queenie two and   immediately won the game but okay um okay and and  then here you have made in two you can throw in   a check and then it's mate but okay you wanted  to play a few yo what okay okay okay okay okay   okay okay okay okay okay okay okay  okay fine makes sense makes sense um i'm getting like 1500 vibes from this  game like they like black played well   black played a couple moves  that didn't make any sense i gotta think here getting like i'm getting  like 13 to 1400 vibes 13 to 1400 vibes like 13 but this move is so bad oh man but like  blackfound98 like black found you know like uh and i mean like black found a couple  of good moves like they play pretty uh they're not 1100 though  they're not 1100 they're not 1200 maybe they are all right 1270 1270 to 1320  50 point range there you guys go let's see 936 and white is 14 20. 936 and white is 14 20.  he beat a guy who was 500 points more than he was   what the well they averaged out to like 1270. oh  my goodness what are you out of your damn mind   are you what what okay dude okay dude okay dude every 900 in  chat just just thought about quitting chess   they just watched the strongest 900 walk by you  know it's like every dude in the gym that's been   working out for a year and a dude walks by  like i'mma never look like that actually no   then you would probably be motivated to work out  harder because you're already at the gym um wow wow okay game four pog uh dope  though pogba bug pog pog dope e4 e5 gotham sub what are you doing you're my sub what is this bro if you are gonna be in gotham camp  you ain't gonna be playing some four   nights bro you're gonna be playing  vienna you're gonna be come on man okay okay that was a central pawn fork by the way you  sack the knight and then you fork very common   very common okay oh my goodness just bro bros  of joseph iii broseph joseph bishop c695 what   is this why we take you don't get anything if you  take that one oh well black is terrible so you do   okay wow that's a great move look at that look  at that oh oh oh oh oh oh he played the best move take take take t   okay okay oh oh oh oh knight c6 queen d5  one of these two moves and and get in there no wait wait bro what okay this is an  awful move awful of course bishop c6 where oh okay i would have played all of these moves come on man what is this like bishop c5 is not a good move because white  white can get a very good advantage i   think i think i think black has to  play like bishop here or something wow guys i'm not gonna lie like um i'm ju i i've never been this confused uh 2400   i'm like i'm not even kidding i got like literally  2 400. i i i don't know like that that was insane 12.95 12.95 12.95 really it 12.95 this guy seems legit bro what can i say  seems legit like what can i say like   here's a game he lost at nine percent he's  obviously human definitely loses games wow   all right matt okay matt all right man  you should be damn proud of that game   chat y'all dumb af just cause y'all never  seen 98 stop stop it with this stuff   stop it just because y'all never seen 98 because  y'all be hanging like six queens by move seven nah bro highest 20 20 what yo are you all stupid bro that's a date that's a date bro how dumb are y'all people above what that says 1397. scroll up what bro this is a puzzle rating there's puzzles where you i can't read man god  damn i would y'all can't ever do anything else   like in cars bro y'all can't read bro oh my  god y'all youtube you see what we got to deal   with this is like adult daycare i swear  to god bro oh my god y'all bums be like   kiss and beggar i don't know why you sound  like you know angry russian grandmas but wow damn y'all bugging out bro she made beans okay   that was the best game i've ever  seen a 1200 play i'm not gonna lie um all right all right uh final game gotham  sub has the black pieces it's gonna be   a long game everybody buckle up okay like if  you're gonna play bishop c4 against the cairo   which is just a bad move you should go here  because that's called the hillbilly attack um you'll leave the stream i suck oh  okay here wait let me help you out okay i helped the guy out bishop b3 and the idea   is to open up the bishop and  have like pressure on f7 um so c takes d5 bishop b5 uh knight c6 bishop c6  okay so white has traded off a bishop for a knight   and black can literally laser  beam the diagonal immediately right knight f6 okay somewhere ben feingold just fell out of a  chair like i mean this is the peak example of   listening to ben feingold um don't play this  move there are some positions f3 and f6 are   necessary uh ben feingold really violently  twitched somewhere just now cause this is   just an awful move um yeah this is an example of  actually a good move because he can't castle white   cannot castle in this position well of course  he can't there's a knight in the way just go 92. like would there's what kind of okay oh so that  was the idea okay push your h pawn nice i always   go h5 in these positions but h6 is fine all  right so wein's goal is just to only move pawns   okay knight h3 um right now the vibe that i'm  getting is that black is just many hundreds of   points higher rated than white or they're about  the same but black just learned openings and   uh white is playing like they're being held  at gunpoint or something i mean i don't even   oh my god checking mate or not made but what an absolutely beautiful move because i think that black saw the possibility  okay okay so here's the question no one below   2000 plays knight e4 i i i really don't think i  think this is like a beginner playing a streamer   i think this is a beginner playing a streamer  i'm not gonna lie to you um i i think i think like this just doesn't make any sense like bro so if this was promoted to a knight this  would be ben feingold but ben feingold doesn't   as mate oh wow oh my god i don't i don't think this is me but i do play the  caro i mean okay black played like the gm i mean   let's just i i don't know and i think white is  probably like 600 500. all right let's go look   i have no idea i mean i mean i don't know like  what is this a game against the streamer like do i have the right game wait i'm sorry what what no no no no no no no stop  it no you're 1900 puzzles no no no no dude come on man nah dude nah dude stop it i don't even th this is   i by the way by the way can we just give some  props to my man antoine just beautiful man here   like straight up just just gorgeous man with the  with a beautiful hat man's name is bob lee pog   this poor dude just got absolutely slaughtered  by this anonymous 700 grand master oh my god i don't know i don't know cut the tape this  was the stupidest episode i've ever recorded   and i'm proud of it i got nothing to say
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 756,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Id: VUQs9prUia0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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