I Slap Myself In This Video (Guess The Elo 16)

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welcome back everybody to another episode of  your favorite series guest the elo a series   where i analyze my twitch subscriber games  live on stream and then try to guess their   ratings afterwards as always if you'd like to  get in on future episodes you must be a twitch   subscriber and must be a member of the discord  let's go first game of the day gotham subscriber   with the black pieces mods y'all already know  what it is knock them out if they act up e4   c6 d4 d5 this is the kuroken defense white plays  knight to c3 now you've taken the center very good   takes back and now black has a few options you can  play bishop f5 knight f6 or knight d7 everything   else is not very good nice maybe a proud owner one  of the gotham courses i don't know i didn't ask   bishop to d3 so this is either a gambit  or white just blundered upon so they   cannot defend the knight wide chat because  that disconnects the queen queen d4 nice   all right i'm thinking like 11 1200 at least  knight f3 now you just go back and black's idea   here is like hey man i got a lot of development  look computer's going to show you know it's not   completely terrible it's like minus 0.5 but you  know uh bishop g4 is a great move bishop that's   just the hanging knight there's just just what  but you you went to guard the knight that would   yo it took se it took it tooks like eight moves  we already have our first piece hang we've been   we've been doing the see the show for less than a  minute we already got our first blunder bang bang it's the thing i don't understand about people  like y'all would rather attack things than take   things i i just like i don't like i don't get  it y'all trying to like i don't why i mean it's   the checklist i talk about this all the time do i  have any checks do i have any captures do i have   any attacks okay um wow some dude is just being  wild ocean man has been banned for seven days   nobody else act up checks captures attacks we  don't have any checks can i capture anything oh   yeah i can and one of those things happens to be  free and then after that you look at things that   you can attack okay bishop takes i like that see  like right now this check not that bad this attack   not that bad this capture isn't great okay it's  not great i mean it's it's not a terrible capture   but now you don't you know you need to do checks  captures attacks for your opponent as well   right so uh that is that that is why we you  know we shouldn't make these kinds of blunders   okay okay and just go back yeah okay h5 okay   now bring your rook bring your rooks and  night knight to the middle rooks to the middle   nice white castles okay black did survive black  definitely survived but is down whoa what the   heck is going on first of all this man walked up  with the pawn and then proceeded not to take like people have blind spots for pawn captures um  i don't know why i don't know people just have   blind spots for these things okay knight to  c5 attacks b7 black takes the rook and now   probably takes the pawn right okay that's  not a bad move now here's a million dollar   question does white give check because they  can absolutely and oh go attack the horse go attack the horse some guy said your  subs have blind spots for everything wow that's mean king e7 attack the knight attack the knight attack the knight king g8 okay now the  problem is that white is up a pawn yeah uh and it's very it's very difficult uh   to make any sort of progress here for black like  i don't know what black is going to do i message   to carlo back don't worry so night here upon here  i mean maybe like you can't move your night out   can't move your night out okay so you move  something and you've immediately weakened   another thing and you do not get punished for it  okay black is out of options so black just pushes   the a pawn right we've all been there we've all  been there you made it 20 moves into a game you're   bored you don't know what you're doing you don't  care about what you're doing anymore you couldn't   care less you just push the apon i mean pray  to god and uh okay yeah see now well of course   white should undouble let this be an end game  lesson for y'all y'all gotta undouble your puns   you have to undouble your pawns and end games like  this you need to team your pawns up otherwise the   pawns are just glued one behind the other okay and  you just wow i mean i don't know oh my you just okay all right all right we we don't  know what to do so the king goes first   and this is why you oh man oh boy wait what is going on wait what what is rook f2 king goes to rook h2   this man hung a maiden one after  having made in six like four moves ago wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow that was  the biggest throw i've ever seen was the   biggest throw i've ever seen i'm gonna go to the  next game i'm not even gonna guess they're elo   yo that guy straight up he was just slightly better the  entire game then he was up a queen it's it's it's like made in three i it like is mate um i don't i i i uh um i uh uh ah 800 800 yeah probably like 800 800 yeah let's let's let's  say 800. all right here we go on the money 100 on the money 850 versus 836  yep just just felt like it i mean i mean just   it's just just you know the beautiful thing   about 800 level chess is like you  never know if they're going to cook you know if they're going to cook you like a  borderline edible burger a vegan burger for the   vegans or if they're going to just poison you and  you're gonna die uh i mean that's just the truth   i mean you just don't know uh you just don't know i mean eight  hundreds can't like occasionally can   cook you a borderline edible meal or poison you  and kill the entire restaurant like it so um someone's asking me to play a bullet game  in the middle of a youtube recording um   no pr probably not okay wow uh  good start very decent start   oh very decent start let's go to game number  two okay now we've got gotham subscriber with   the white pieces gotham subscriber plays the move  d4 we have d5 bishop f4 and a london system very   nice now against knight to c6 i definitely like to  play the move c4 with the idea to play knight c3   and queen b3 putting pressure on the queen side  okay nice nice nice nice i'm not gonna look at   the cap score for that last game it's gonna hurt  my brain for this next one i will dc4 okay okay   see white was so committed to playing knight to  c3 that white doesn't even take back the pawn   that's the problem guys when you play openings and  you just play moves that you think you're supposed   to play you don't like take back like very obvious  pawns yeah oh my god that's just a free pawn nice   rook takes yes free night yo bla like like black  bro upon move like it it's like pac-man like like like it took once it's  obviously going to take again like what how are you just gonna oh my gosh but  like i said people have blind spots with pawn   captures i don't know why pawn takes okay now i  mean i mean just refusing just refusing okay okay   and now i like this now okay white is completely  winning white just needs to win this game   all right white just needs to win this game and  it's going to be the end of that and um okay here we go bishop to d6 rook to d8 bishop takes c4   knight take it just take it don't even think oh  just take it if you take this you're also going   to trade rooks just take it don't even all  right okay nice t take it nice take it just okay okay nice end game time all right what's  important in end games being up a bishop   also pawns and king activity and don't  let your opponent make a queen pump now you x ray the pawns and you win one of them  then you stop the pawn from pushing putting the   bishop on c5 if you put it on d4 then the guy will  get his pawn to a2 and if you're not careful never   mind he's not gonna move his pawn why would he  not move his pawn just don't go king c3 see if   king c3 a1 a1 and there's a queen right so good  good good good nice nice nice nice nice nice oh   nice awareness nice awareness you don't take you  just push nice awareness that's your biggest asset   now you made a queen and now clean up yes yes very  clean game i would say that white played that game   95 accuracy but it's mostly because black played  like uh like a shoe more or less i mean black   probably had the chest capabilities of my sneakers  um but uh you know i mean it's it's still an   impressive game and uh i think it was a relatively  uneventful game uh it's because he cheated uh who   the guy with white no no no certainly not no  if no no no no no no no no no no no no no no   no no no just because one person like managed  to play 10 logical moves in a row and that's   something that you've never done in your life and  you probably will never do in your life let alone   five moves in a row um no it doesn't mean that  they cheated it just means that they have a you   know better ability at this thing so um okay uh  so white played very well i mean honestly white   played that game like a very solid like 13 1400  uh black blundered a night in the opening which   is i just i don't know that could be a 1000  having a bad day it could be a 600 700. um um let's say man i want to say 800 again  but uh it feels a bit like a cop out   i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm  gonna go with like uh mid 1000 to 1100   that's what i'm gonna say i think i  think i think white played way too solid white played at 95.4 percent and i  was right and white is rated 778.   wow okay that's very impressive that white  played that well i mean white is 770.   yeah that's really good i mean black played  like a 770 but white did not play like a 770.   yeah they're both uh they're both about  seven uh highs like mid to high 700s yeah uh i um you know sometimes i i i base my guess on  on on how one of the players played and i just   honestly did not feel like uh i did not feel like  black played so poorly to be rated that low but   thought it was just maybe  some sort of opening blunder so i should become a heavyweight boxer  terrific idea outstanding idea all right   game number three chat members we're  rolling today gotham subs got black a french oh a sicilian sicilian   no back to a french d5 now is french defense d5 e5  is french defense a6 is black losing on move four uh this is just losing and and thank you  caffeine addicts i appreciate you play great   uh this is just losing because white has the move  d5 um it it it's pretty interesting like you know   uh when you can wedge your pawns into the center  of the board like this and punish your opponent   uh you're just gonna get much better  positions so for example pawn takes pawn takes   the knight's under attack and um you know it can't move anywhere and if it goes back here  queen e2 lines it up d6 lines it up and no one   can block the check so check so you gotta you  gotta pounce on these moments when they arise   because if you don't then black is going to play  d5 and uh now we're completely okay and gotham   sub you need to worry about this all right  bishop b7 good we're playing normal great   great move knight e4 okay i don't like that move  i like that move very nice good play so far okay   wow uh 14 moves in and i have absolutely  no idea have no idea i have no idea um bishop to h5 f6 mm-hmm knight back to f3  okay the bishop's a little stuck   okay okay we're trying to trap this bishop okay  oh oh okay looking for a little stuff over here   i don't know what we're doing i what is  that move wait just g5 g4 this is what   black wants but you always need to look  for threats for your opponent oh my god pawn takes rook hello hello you haven't  you just gave away a rook and you haven't   solved the other problem don't take please  don't take plea oh you're in check actually   maybe you have to take i'm stupid please  disregard me yeah the bishop is still trapped   take it rook h4 do they find rook h4 oh oh okay all right oh man okay yes now they found  it oh my goodness a great game okay not that   move that was not a great move and now some  mate right some checkmate very soon checkmate   checkmate uh oh perpetual check oh beautiful game  oh my god yo so blundering d5 in the opening is   like not good but after that black played really  well like honestly they made very few mistakes   some strategic errors of where they put  their pieces black was conscious enough   to understand that pushing pawns in front of  their own king is actually not very dangerous   uh and uh you know like pushing these pawns is not  so dangerous and found this way to mobilize and   actually attack on the same side honestly  black played this game with the exception   of d5 maybe like a 14 1500 like no  joke like black played really well i don't think that they're 14 1500 i think  they're like they're like like i would say   like mid 13 i would say like high 1200  to high 1300 like maybe 1280 to 1380. uh and if you're if you're higher  than that then stop blundering d5   and if you're lower than that then  my god that's very impressive um   you know it could just be an opening  thing i mean the thing is like you need to   for example this is like a c3 sicilian  transposition and there's only two ways to   play the sicilian the c3 sicilian and most of them  include playing d5 immediately and it's life right so let's go take a look i'm going to say like  mid 1200 to like 12 like 1260 to 1360. here we go on the money again 92.8 by black gotham  subscribers rated thirteen thirty six i i'm on fire i'm i'm on fire i'm on  fire we we can't we can't be stopped   and the opponent is rated 13 17. yeah it uh it  kind of makes sense it felt like a 1300 game i   mean here's the thing if if black is like  14 1500 um then black does not blunder d5   let me tell you why because by this point you  would have been severely punished for this move so   the way you climb ratings is that you get punished  with moves like d5 and you get better like you   need to lose in chess to get better very important  i think a lot of you don't realize this you need   to lose hundreds if not thousands of times to get  better at chess you're not just gonna win you need   to lose to get better because otherwise you're  not gonna go back and you're not gonna learn   right you're just not going to improve at all like  you're not gonna fill in any gaps of of mistakes   so you must be getting better so fast then no you  the thing is you can lose a lot of games but as   long as you don't learn from those games you're  not gonna get better right um you're you're gonna   keep on playing and you know you're going to keep  losing because you're not actually improving at   the at the game not actually going back to the  drawing board and seeing what you're doing wrong   so anyway um go lose some games but  actually learn from them all right   so let me preface this game by saying that uh  gotham's subscriber said that this game is going   to be content now we will be the judges of that  we will be the judge the jewry and the executioner   and gotham subscriber begins with c4 which is  already a disaster because nobody should play the   english so now i'm going to just move on to game  number five so c4 knight f6 knight c3 and we have   d4 a transposition back into a king spawn opening  um bishop to g7 all right now we we we have a   i say king's gambit king's indian defense  queen spawn queen spawn king's indian defense   e5 okay nice move um nice move attack's the end i  don't have six knight f3 the problem with playing   like this is that you're a little bit overextended  you're a little bit overextended and black can   kind of immediately put some pressure on you  this is actually not super good for white right   so e takes d6 c takes and now just develop  and castle beautiful beautiful stuff   i love it bishop to g4 here i would just finish  my development with bishop to e3 nice and now now   probably a mix of one of these two moves which  do happen to be the top two engine moves nice   ask the bishop what it wants it wants to trade  queen d7 and so here you have two options you   can play on the queen side like expand everybody  all these pawns or you know move the rook over   um and try to focus on the center see what i don't  like about this is that you kind of kill your   own bishop so now maybe you have to go back b3 um  and uh you know do your thing okay so black plays   knight to e5 b3 root to c8 all right bishop to  e2 queen back to d8 what the hell is queen to d8 what does that move ah anticipating f4 and it's the only free square what that's a high level move okay i didn't even   appreciate that move i just thought you know i'm  so used to seeing neck oh that really hurt oh oh my god all right now i know the youtube title  i slapped myself in this video bishop to d4 a6   rook c1 98 okay 98 looking to trade your bishop  and then trade queens i don't like that plan by   black i i don't i'm because this knight on  e8 is terrible this is just not a good piece   um but maybe black has some ideas i don't know  bring the king play e6 but i think that white is   better okay not not after that move after that  after that move i think black just blundered   thoroughly i i think that here white was actually  doing pretty well i mean maybe rookie one play on   the e file i like white's position let's check the  eval does white have an advantage here yeah quite   a significant one like nearly plus one um yeah  nearly plus one and yeah computer likes f5 which   well now that i'm looking at it i can  justify just trying to crash through   but like i said just playing down the center is  probably pretty logical and what's wrong with this   uh a5 it likes and what about a4 okay nothing they're just yeah a4 and okay  maybe your dark squares are weak yeah white is   definitely better here so c5 is just obviously  an over extension you lose a pawn and then and   then and then probably very promptly you white  this will go downhill very fast right so um   black immediately starts trading pieces and now  is just very solidly up a pawn activates the rook   yeah now that the engine said it we must  consider it what if oh and yeah like i   said the game would go downhill insanely fast  and black wins instantly wow that really sucks   that really sucks because actually gotham sub  played very yeah now gotham sub resigns um okay um   i mean black played a very good  game black played a very good game uh black did not blunder at all   white did blunder you know i can see this  being like a 17 1800 for white because white   made one mistake really and then it just  sort of spiraled out of control 17 1800 um probably for white i would say like like  like 1500 absolutely minimum or white um   yeah where's the content  seriously you promised us content   i mean black played like of either a very  good game as like a sub 2000 player or you   know you sent me a game that like you  play yeah you would you i don't know um so yeah let's say 1700 17 1800 finding queen  d8 was ridiculous i mean maybe close to 2000   honestly maybe close to two thousand like  both these players played well white made   one mistake and then everything went out  of control all right let's take a look   white is rated 600 and black is roberto  jbm white is 600 and black is 2700 you're 600 oh you're you're 1140 rapid black is 27 black is the guy  that beat me in the finals well the guy was not lying when he  promised content yeah this is uh i'm a little bit i want to  throw up a little bit i'm   like i feel like i just went on a roller coaster how are first of all first of all how is white  rated 100 rapid it's a smurf oh you're smurfing   oh one game of rapid ever and uh 28 games ever  okay so that's just the smurf yeah of course okay   well then i mean this is not content i mean i'm  a little bit you know what's your actual rating yeah i mean come on man you're going to  kill the self-confidence of all 1100s   i mean i listen i needed to show them that  because that was ridiculous i mean you are   you're not an 1100 oh man that was  yeah well we were scammed that's okay   so what is your uh what is your actual  rating what is your actual rating can i get an answer before i  move on to game number five you play too nervous you're not 1100 come on that's a joke anyway that is your i don't believe  you but it's okay e4 final game of the day   there's just there's no way that you're  actually loving it like i mean come on had to clear my throat but you can't play well  yeah i'm i'm sure that you kept even with an   international master rate of 2700 with only 20  games ever played yeah that makes total sense   e5 knight f3 knight c6 okay i like this  very good oh it's just a terrible move   what about your bishop knight f6 bishop e3  i would just take it and play d5 is that   what the computer wants that is exactly what  the computer wants it wants d5 white did not   okay d6 is completely fine bro if you played d3  why are you playing d4 that's like parking in us   in a parking spot and then unparking and parking  in the spot right next to it doesn't make any   sense you should just park in the spot right  next to it it literally brings you no benefit   you already made your have  you already parked here so   why would you like for what that like  there's no benefit yeah now black takes   everything okay good i like that keeping  your bishop beautiful keeping your bishop all right a through all what is a3 a3  is such a bad move i like how savage   the computer is it's already trying  to punish look at this night takes   knight takes and now like rookie eight i  mean the thing is when there's a king in   the center on the other side you can do  whatever you want in the center really i mean it's just you know anyway rookie eight queen e7 was played in the game and white hung up  yo what is this is this another im versus 600 game   how is blank playing so solid and and white  is just losing everything in dead moves   i mean let me say this if white is rated anything  above 800 this is a disaster um let me tell you   why not because i'm trying to be mean but because  white literally doesn't know how to play openings   like at all at literally at all and if white  is above 800 white needs to learn openings   and white can gain like 300 points i mean because  it already shows that you've made it to the like   to the stage of being eight nine hundred with  no openings at all i mean look at why does why   does that lost on move ten i mean you cannot be  losing in the first seven eight moves of the game   right like come on you need to you know like you  need to have some understanding okay bishop v5   is not a bad move i would have just traded  queens and now does black find the knockout   bishop takes b2 discover check winning the  queen no actually look at that look at that   black does that's why you always look for checks  always look for checks because you never know okay hold on boss i thought the whole  point of going here was to set this up   and now you're worried that  they're gonna counter-check   you that's not how check work  that's not how chess works bro right so bishop d3 g6 oh okay so it turns out that  the plan was right you know right b4 bishop f5 we need to okay ah okay nice  oh that's very cool look at that trying to set   that up and uh white doesn't stop it now we  get takes takes take stakes bring the rook   bring the rook bring the rook bring the  nice mate in two oh good move good move   pawn mate pawn oh now you can't punt mate they  stopped it queen f6 is mate queen f2 is made oh man black played so well and then did  not play very well but was already winning   so did not have to play that well um like  between seven and eight hundred i think but but no because black played too  well for seven eight hundred   nine 900 i don't think black is  a thousand i actually part of me   part of me thinks that at one thousand  maybe i overestimate you one thousands   i feel like it's probably below a thousand  but i i just get the vibe it's like a 900 game because it just doesn't it  it doesn't not strike me as like but then like to find like this  yeah i must say i must say like 900 mid   800 to high 900 which is actually very  scary for the person playing with white high 900 wow gotham sub 970 and the  guy with white is 9.73 that's not   good white played with 15 percent accuracy  combined they didn't even hit 100. oh man um yeah i mean the person with white needs to  just learn openings you know because by move   10 the game was over like straight up by  move 10 it was just it was lost like you   just can't have this i mean this is not chess  like some people play chess just for the sake   of playing it you know they just they just  want to feel like they're like but you you   cannot reinvent the wheel like you need to have  some understanding of the basic fundamentals   and black played you know black played uh black  played well but yeah it wasn't quite a thousand   wasn't quite a thousand so yeah it  was it was it was mid 900 but hey   you know you got to look for checks  man you got to look for checks always so a lot of stuff happened in this episode we  had a secret 2700 for the one of the first times   um i slapped myself i feel like i feel like today  was a pretty good episode i feel like it was
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 642,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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