700 Elo Chess Will Make You Cry

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ladies and gentlemen we all struggle with something in our lives whether it's academic job relationship related all of us need a little bit of stress relief some of us will turn to a nice wholesome trip to the gym some of us will ingest certain things which might numb the pain and you and i we like to watch low elo chess games because they are entertaining exhilarating and they just make us forget about the day-to-day grind that we're all on and today i would like to introduce you to our protagonists who are rated 749 and 654. they hail from norway and from uh russia their first names are on the screen uh and uh the title is actually called winning at what cost uh because it was the name of the post that where this was submitted also do you like the lighting i turned off my overhead lamp looks really looks really nice anyway uh let's just jump right into this game fantastic stuff e4 beautiful i love this we got our friendly eval bar there on the left hand side e4 e5 and uh bishop c4 now with bishop c4 i don't really know what we're going after i mean maybe sander is trying to play uh knight to c3 vienna maybe sandra wants to play queen h5 and go for four move checkmate i that's the beauty i i truly have no idea but i do know black's next move is already a mistake and that move is d5 i cannot stress enough how little sense this move makes perhaps black was anticipating knight to f3 which is what they usually face and black was trying to play the elephant gambit i'm not joking that is what this is called uh and the point is that take e4 the problem is that if you pre-move on the second move of the game um you're just gonna lose a pawn now i also want you to know before we proceed this is a 30 minute chess game 30 minutes i'm not exaggerating so yeah it's a 30 minute chess game okay um white takes on d5 naturally because it's a free pawn uh and uh we have c6 kind of extending the gambit a little bit further pawn takes and now since you're playing a gambit with the black pieces you obviously have to catch up with your development knight take c6 or else the gambit simply doesn't make any sense okay and now as a move for black is completely lost because black is down a clean pawn white now is going to get very fast development and this pawn is goofy and uh i mean yeah i mean what this is just a great position for for white knight to f3 normal move attacks the pawn in the center black should now play knight d7 or bishop d6 or f6 even i wouldn't hate this move but black plays bishop to e6 um this move is uh is just a total error because now white can take on e6 if you can create double pawns and just split pawns like this across your opponent's board you're going to win the game because they're just going to get hunted down it's going to be like pac-man or pac-woman i don't know it's 2021. so uh you're just gonna win those pawns and you gotta you i mean this is what you gotta do instead of that white gets excited and takes on e5 and i don't i don't dislike that move uh you do protect this but now black plays a very nice move which is queen to d4 not to just take out an instinct just take queen d4 is a really annoying move um and now now there's two things under attack and you can bet your you know you could bet your life don't but you can when uh when a 700 is faced with a conundrum like this they're just going to completely malfunction this is actually a really difficult thing to solve because if bishop takes bishop there's check and now you're losing a piece um so white's only move queenie two to protect both that is the only way you can protect two pieces at once of course white castles and simply loses a piece so white simply bishop takes or queen takes knight and it's it's just the full piece but instead of that black plays bishop to d6 why would you play the move that attacks two pieces at the same time and then not take them you should attack them again obviously you know um i listen i just make the videos i don't really know now this is still a very difficult position white has only rookie one here and rookie one works because you create an attack on the king so bishop c4 knight c4 is a discovery and if this gets played you have this and if this you have the absolutely unbelievable queen h5 check which if that was seen in this game i might report both players uh for a random drug test so uh yeah instead of that we get knight to f3 and now obviously queen is going to take the bishop good okay black is just a piece up so a total swing in the opening black is a full piece up white attacks the queen and now white's got to get the pieces into the game or continue to attack the queen i got no clue what that move does i'm not gonna lie to you c4 makes so little sense to me you know i'm you know what i'm gonna say i'm gonna say white is trying to get the queen out white sees this that that's that's my prediction um c4 just makes so little i mean you got to develop the knights and the bishops right okay but black plays knight a6 i don't get that move either i mean i don't know why you're not just playing standard developing stuff black's like oh horsey nice now you're actually playing directly into white's hands with queen to a4 which would attack the knight and the pawn instead white plays the baby queen development which is queen to c2 i i don't know it's like your most powerful piece and you're just leaving it over there so i i i don't know queen c2 knight c5 a knight c5 is i mean that makes sense bringing the knight to the middle kind of i mean i would have liked to see the queen get attacked but okay knight c5 but see when you put your your knights in the center like this they're going to be targets for pawns and white plays to move d4 and bla and black just keeps going forward i mean black just keeps coming forward now here it's plus two it's borderline impossible to understand why it's plus two i mean you're more than welcome to try to look for it it's the fact that this queen cannot actually protect this knight you attack the queen and if the queen goes to g6 you play knight to h4 and the queen has to abandon the defense of the knight and if the queen goes to f5 you play knight h4 and the queen has to abandon defense of the night and if the queen plays queen f4 to try to mate you you take the queen so h3 knight h4 very interesting little geometric thing just keep this in mind always look at pieces that only have one thing defending them and see if you can get rid of it instead of that white just plays one kind of attacking move on this side of the board and black goes back to e7 okay now we have rook d1 i don't know what that move does and i'm kind of inclined to sing rook d1 rook d1 because it's not the actual song but again you're not really pushing through d5 but listen white already hung a piece so i'm just happy that white is not hanging anything else rook to d8 now white is better again because white can play knight to e5 and continue to attack this queen but white actually goes rookie one okay so white can't really decide what to do with the rook attacks this knight in the middle i mean this rook has now made two moves so this is under attack two times black should protect it with either the bishop the pawn the knight moving the knight instead black gives it up 100 for free i don't know i mean you you just that that's not hard to see this is a 30 minute game of chess you clicked on 30 minute in order to play a game where you can focus and think bishop f6 rook takes c4 queen f5 now white needs to not hang this queen or this rook so i would like think rookie too maybe or queenie two to just get out of the pin instead of that at this point white goes oh my god i'm so smart i can go attack this queen the problem is bishop bishop takes h4 that's the problem is that you're pinned this is not something you should be blundering in a 30 minute game i don't care if you're rated 749 it's not hard to see boop boop boop that's why you click the 30 minute button but okay knight h4 black doesn't see it either black doesn't see it either and now now this is actually under attack so white plays the move g3 now however bishop and rook which you just moved to f6 target up on the d4 pawn which is obviously going to get captured very good rook takes d4 now if rook takes d4 is ever played in a game between two people rated below a thousand the next move that you can expect is the move rook takes d4 like nine and a half times out of ten because it's just there you might as well do it but no white is an enlightened enlightened 700 berated player who says no no gotham tells me not to take just for the sake of taking although in that case you should have taken for the sake of taking and now black plays a great move i love this move uh it's probably the best move that they've played of the game it's the move g5 now i understand it it's plus one but g5 is a fascinating move because you actually have a lot more pieces out and you you force this knight into a very difficult situation um because knight f5 is the only move by white and white just thinks that they're going to lose this knight which they're not and if rook takes e4 there's this with another pin so instead of that white now plays a move because black played their g pawn two squares white moves their g pawn and equidistant amount away on the g file uh the problem is that when you move this you forgot that this pawn protected the knight so even though the pawn can't take the knight the queen can the queen can take the knight after you play g4 which is something you should see in a 30 minute game and black plays queen h6 so black also does not see in close proximity that the queen can take the knight in a 30 minute game now white again can move forward to f5 where white will be attacking some stuff uh instead of that white goes back to the king because the king loves his horse not like that you weirdos knight e7 queen to f2 rook d1 check again white just has a blatant disregard for 11 points of material i i don't i don't know whether white thought they were completing a tetris peace mission just building a little tetris piece like why don't you play knight c3 and bishop e3 why were the chess gods instructed to give you a rook knight in bishop if you're not going to use them queen f2 okay whatever rook d1 check great move now this is under attack and this is under attack so naturally you have to bring the rook back because that's the only lateral defender you have you also can bring your queen but that would lose a queen so white goes here and loses the bishop white has so little respect for their queen side that they're just losing all their pieces now this rook is just gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble hungry hippo pac-man pac-woman 2021 i don't know they should is there a pack lady like is there is there like a game called pac woman knight d2 rook takes a one white things it's not enough to just lose your bishop it's not enough to not develop your bishop it's in it's not enough to not develop your rook white just loses a bishop in a rook why this is a 30 minute game of chess why you know what white should do look up local therapists in norway okay rook a4 look white saw rook a4 and white really liked it rook a4 rook a7 i mean black is completely winning what you do now you can continue to take free stuff you can castle i mean i i would just get the king out of the way or just oh i'm up mad material just go trade queens like and knowing white white plays this move and like hangs like checkmate or something i mean it again you just go trade queens okay what does black dude black takes free stuff i love it mwah beautiful free stuff okay okay seven now black has a lot of pieces this very powerful road this bishop that can at some point get over here castling out of the way maybe moving this night out of the way bringing the queen back into the action if i gave you 10 guesses here you would not be able to predict black's move black has so much variability in this position you would never do millionaires guess the move that black played ever you could try f6 i don't know what the hell is the point of that move you are up a rook and a piece and you play f6 why what does that do check now you're like oh well if i move my king i lose my rook very good so you block beautiful queen e3 all right so that attacks this white does not have a lot of pieces left so you see this attacks this this attacks this the knights are not scaring anybody right so you just need to make sure you don't lose this bishop there are a few ways of defending it moving your king to defend it or actually interposing which would justify the move f6 you block the attack and you are defended um but black here goes well they move their queen and don't let me go oh well now i can go there even though you could have gone there in the first place and traded queens won the game now queen h4 and now even though white is down seven points of material white is winning because white is gonna take this and then this and now the material deficit is only one and the queen and the rook are going to beat up this king whose entire army abandoned him on the other side of the board and the rook on a chain is just a stoner okay the rook reached lives in colorado and smokes that good stuff just lays in bed vibes has a good time not gonna go help the king out all right does not believe in the government so well i guess that would be a monarchy but whatever i mean and white now plays queen takes e6 and obviously the game is over you've made it congratulations 29 moves in this game finally the evaluation bar swings rook takes ca check king g7 now when you have angry forces r knocking on your door what do you need to play every single move needs to be a check if you take your foot off the gas for a second you will get demolished so naturally white plays rook takes pawn and blunders the entire game all the way back rook takes pawn makes less sense than i you know what i was going to say something borderline political i'm not even going to do that all right i'm no it makes less sense than the fact that the press conference of the world chess championship was announced like six hours before it happened it happened did you know that it happened it happened there was a press conference for the world chess championship and no one knew about it yeah well if you're watching like six months in the future then you already know who the world champion is you could tell me in the comments rook takes c6 queen takes pawn is not even a threat it's not even a threat and even if it was wouldn't you think that your opponent is going to attack you bishop d4 rookie one so you should take with the rook and win the queen rook takes c1 wins the queen fantastic that's it black is going to win the game knight back to f1 just take it's made in five but just take the queen bishop d4 check is played this is a great move because now the king is going to come up and help the game is over it's mating for it we have king to g2 um and now queen f2 just wins the game okay why would you bring the queen but not continue its path it's two squares you can discard all these moves instantly but this move has protection in the form of the bishop that you just moved and literally from this point forward a blind person could win this game no disrespect to my uh visually impaired folks i'm just saying that if right now all your vision somehow shut off you would still find a way to win this game i don't even know how you would be able to do it you would need a braille chessboard maybe one came in handy it's just over i mean king h3 takes and then you win king h1 it's made in one like five different ways literally by the way you can take like one two three four i mean it's it's crazy so rook b8 for some reason now the stoner is trying to get involved i i swear this rook on h8 is like the brother in the godfather who screws everything up i forgot his name fredo is that his name i don't remember but rook b8 is like oh wait for me and now the game is back to almost equality you know how queen d7 check king back to g8 forced rook trade take take queen by itself king f7 queen d7 like let's say like king g6 and takes that is what the engine wants it wants you to win the bishop and get into a knight and five pawn situation versus a rook in three puns and uh black is still playing for a win but it's really difficult anyway obviously that doesn't happen whatsoever after the move rook to b8 why did white do any of this and there's also a hanging queen white played this in order to play queen takes f6 check and confidently blunder a full queen because the bishop is two squares away i mean the fact that white did not see that is just it it's just absolutely disgusting um white was finally given one chance to save the game after just rook b8 gets played out of nowhere and instead of taking their chance they play queen takes f6 and now they lose the game after okay they don't lose the game just yet instead they take the bishop which could have taken their queen and now black continues the attack with rook 2e2 yes very good king to g1 now you cannot play queen f2 it's actually a very tough position already maybe you should team your rooks up on the e file right you should play like rookie 8 or something like that but black decides to finish the journey with the godfather rook and plays rook to b1 creating a threat of rook takes f1 check king takes f1 and queenie one mate the problem is you've left your king with absolutely zero cover and now white in a very timely fashion finds queen d8 check king moves up queen slides back don't run and alternate queen slides back and the king is completely laser beamed and after check on c8 rookie 8 rook takes ca checkmate sander from norway won the game but at what cost
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 798,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 6ci6McWOTHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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