Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh (Guess The Elo 22)

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ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to welcome you back to your favorite series here on youtube guess the elo obviously there was a little bit of a break in this series because there was all sorts of other chess content to be made a long time ago i thought i was making too much guests to elo now i'm making two little guests the elo i don't know what the right balancing act is but i do know that today's episode is sponsored by surf shark surfshark is a vpn or a virtual private network which allows you to encrypt your connection to the internet so that you can browse it privately and anonymously we edit this part in by the way so i'm wearing something different sorry a vpn is great if you travel for business or pleasure you'll be able to access certain websites abroad that might be restricted otherwise you can also log into sensitive portals like bank accounts without any concern if you're just a regular user at home you can access certain streaming websites like hulu or netflix and get catalogs that are not available in every single country also using a vpn could allow you to avoid ads if you select the right countries but i probably shouldn't tell you that we can just edit this part out and the best part unlimited devices not three not five not ten unlimited something that other vpns cannot promise you you interested in surf shark take a look at the link in the description below use the promo code gotham and you'll get 83 off and three free months that comes out to 2.49 and if you hate it you got 30 days to get your money back let's get back to the video yes that video was made in my old apartment let's get into the games we're not we're not gonna record yet i'm gonna go change my shirt so youtube just won't know that i didn't you know i recorded this at the same time anyway game one d4 okay okay and and rosenstein oh oh yikes oh yikes oh yikes oh this is okay why would you justify that night move homie castle homie castle you know what's interesting white has a tactic here knight takes c6 very rare tactic because this and it takes the x and then you know here and then here and then here and then like here and then here and then here and then it's mate and that's pretty cool so castles knight e4 okay this is very disrespectful to development by the rosen sub uh eric rosen's subscriber here should absolutely know better than this um queen g4 probably no oh wait how is this not yo no chance white saw this all the way if this than this you're telling me that white saw this this this with the fork i didn't even see that did white just get lucky well yeah clearly because black didn't even black didn't even move the rook wow go gotham sub absolutely destroying eric rosen's subscriber kind of like my matches with eric which are totally not super even dude just what do you just take the bishop okay all right we have eight pawns and es3 let's just push all the okay let's not oh but also this yeah yep nice try oh my gosh this is oh wow oh my this was like a kid who decided to fight his dad you know like his dad like took his computer away and he tried to fight his dad it's kind of like me as a kid wow i don't know if this was the most genius tactic of all time or extremely lucky um i wanna say this is like about a thousand fifty probably like i feel like white is significantly higher rated than black though um man but like look at this i mean what a move it's nuts um man i don't know like black played much worse than white you know much worse uh let's say let's say eleven hundred i mean this is crazy to find rookie 6 and rookie 8 like i have no idea i mean what is this man that's crazy ah man i have no clue uh let's say let's say 1100 1100 here we go 8.85 i would have never guessed that maybe black played like an 885 but yeah 885 is unreal that is really impressive very impressive that that is unreal sharkeisha very impressive game shout out to sharkeisha all right game two gotham sub vs the botest sub scandinavian okay uh this is like borderline trapped if you go here it's like really bad okay when i used to get close to the elos like what is this definitely playing like a bow test sub okay man these other subscribers are playing really funny okay oh my god oh my god some some some must take everything in my path games oh oh oh oh oh oh jesus what a game so okay so first of all what the hell is that like just take first with check and get out what is this then black just decides to trade some bishops fair white blunder's a rook and i have like no info on this game i'm gonna say like 700. didn't my sub hang a queen uh no here it was check there's no way it's 200 it's no weight 600 max because black actually did have some cerebral ability to play like f4 for example f4 is a really impressive move seeing this and then this i want to say like 700 probably probably like 700 6 700. i mean this is a bishop h6 is not a great move but it's not a terrible move knight d7 knight e5 i mean this was a very decent game e6 obviously a blunder but it's life um yeah i'ma say like 750 no 700 very low 700 like 680 680 to 700. i got it 675 versus 691 we back uh uh someone said your sub moved to d7 what what are you accusing my sub of doing what here how did this what are you talking about bro what are you where where did my sub hang a queen where you see a queen being huh i don't we're here let's check what do we i don't know what are we talking about oh my god i didn't change screens again damn sorry sorry listen i'm i'm a rusty streamer i don't do this anymore that was a very good um that was a very good game between two 600s i'll get back to my streaming career pretty soon oh oh right right right i oh i said again but it's actually funny because it's not again because we're just recording one episode today youtube doesn't know that in the other recording that we did today that uh i you know what it what is this some professional openings okay never mind knight c6 got played that's not professional wow taking the full center look at this look at this big boy center actually it's 20 21. i don't want to assume the center's gender it could be a big girl center too it could be a big nine non-binary center i mean it's 20 21. i got to be careful okay um it's it's a first of all i i shouldn't even assume it's a human i shouldn't even assume it could be a big dog center could be a big cat center could be a big fish center i don't know b5 okay look at that look at that control look no no no why this rook i don't even care if it's the third engine move you gotta move this rook we don't know where this rook is going yet oh no could be a big mushroom yes i like mushrooms i came around to mushrooms i never really like to eat them very common idea by the way is to play a move like g4 hey man i was wondering why i you prefer uh chess.com over leeches you're trying to figure out where to play uh they pay me so rooksy they they not actually like i don't get paid per stream but there's benefits of being associated with a for-profit company that signs a contract with you and then brings you opportunities to grow your career that is why they sign a lot of streamers because that's just the way they work and then they're able to put on events like the world championship coverage with exclusive cameras and things like that so you know it helps to earn revenue through profit streams all the commentary that i used to do back in the day that's why did we not take this okay i wish my what do we do what are we doing here what the most unnecessary night jumperoni of all time okay great oh now we're going back oh oh oh that was nasty setting this up check now you win the queen and black resigns wow we are destroying the subscribers of other creators that are totally not the subscribers of other creators but that i just named the subscribers of other creators thank you for all the resubs i appreciate you very much i'm just not shouting you out because we are recording for the youtube channel you know anyway um okay this game was a queen's gambit with some weird stuff white played extremely well i would not be shocked if white played this game at like 97 accuracy white made no blunders at all absolutely dominated i mean absolutely dominated i mean i don't know what the hell that was but white could have easily been like 2200 in this game easily um although here probably i would have taken but yeah and then like bishop d7 is just not i mean this is just not a good move at all this move does nothing um uh uh uh is before the best move okay no um yeah i listen i gotta give white some credit here i don't think black is high enough rated to to get credit but i think white played just a really really good game so i'm going to give white credit and say like 13.50 to 1400 and if it's any higher than that it makes sense but black does not deserve to be that rating okay that's that's what i'm saying black is 1346 so i did say 1350 white is actually underrated why does 1298 wow wow impressive also i swear i've seen this guy before oh we played a game once what's your highest rating 15 30. yeah that was a that was definitely a solid game that was definitely a solid game yo i like this training versus the bot and getting bot scores that's an interesting way of training look at that there it's against the bots this person trains against the bots that's very interesting that's actually completely fine as long as you don't do it against people which clearly this person doesn't do that's a very good way to practice actually if you do it the right way um yeah 99 versus the bots in unrated games is not is not a bad that's not bad um because then you can kind of implement the same game plan what is the right way to tr train against bots i mean you have to analyze your games very thoroughly you have to internalize the information into bite-sized ways that your brain can then just look at positions and give you the right moves oftentimes when you look at a board your brain just fires moves and is like and that's how you get better at chess it's like your instinct you know um anyway should you leave the stream totally up to you all right here we go this is against the hikaru sub all right so we're used to losing to hikaru sub so we gotta okay london okay nice okay king's indian versus london the eternal battle uh-huh oh white doesn't know what they're doing white has no idea what they're doing someone said too much talking that's impressive that a streamer who is literally his job is to talk is doing too much talking so here e5 is possible because you can move your knight with tempo here and then win this back oh i guess there's bishop g5 yeah don't listen to me computer will refute my existence um apparently you just go for the big trade and then you have tactics in the center on the e-pawn that right that's the way it works now here we're happy good we did everything right now let's kick this bishop yes now that bishop is poopy buns okay don't hang f7 okay you didn't hang f7 you hung this but that's okay uh this is a fork that's just a night blunder okay ah ew somewhere ben feingold just vomited oh and now white hung a bishop back what is what is that what is that move what on earth is the idea of that are you trying to go g4 so this can't come here that's exactly what you're trying to do yo move the knight into the action boss oh genius look at that look at that bishop f6 turns out to be a genius move on is a bad move you should just play bishop or knight takes f4 oh why would you close your own diagonal oh because you're a genius oh oh ah ah okay and white just absolutely doesn't move the night out of danger oh god oh god someone getting why not just go to the corner why did you just lose everything what what is this you just what i mean i mean he carves up just through completely what was that what what are we even what are we what are we doing here what huh honestly that is a very tough call this game so black did a lot of things good right this was all good now hanging b7 was terrible hanging this was pretty bad so i'm thinking like 900 a thousand but then the position got a little bit complex and white immediately blundered back then black black actually came up with a plan like this to go here and not allow that is that's a plan that's that that's what that is now we don't take the free pawn we go here thinking like 900. a lot of blunders but a lot of interesting ideas also like not taking back on d2 here was silly um and then yeah just the the the throw of throws literally from this position from this position white found the fastest way to get checkmated no joke no no the fastest way would have been this this this that would have been two moves um um that would have been the fastest way to get checkmated uh okay 900 a thousand it's gotta be between there maybe eight fifty like maybe cuts into the eights i'ma say like 885 to 915 is what i think but it could be a little higher hmm 30 point range is too restricting 930 that's what i'm going to say 9 30. person 0 is 1200 white is 1200 i predicted 930 and white is rated 1200 that was not a good game that was not good all right i'm ready final game gotham a god sub english put the bishop on g2 now taking is not good knight f3 is a good move here um and then if they take you can win this pawn back with different ideas uh ah that's a terrible move that's not a good move at all black needs to occupy the center with pawns this doesn't kill the white bishop okay okay two pawns in the center two pawns in the center at any moment now two pawns in this yes very good push push push push push push push okay we had some opportunity to advance with the pawns we didn't that's okay that's okay oh is the music too loud see like that's what i mean like everything reset i don't know why everything reset that was so strange um white's position is much better here white should play g4 kick out the bishop and then play like something like to the c file something like this wow look at this idea by the computer sack a piece and get this wow oh my god oh my oh my god oh oh lord oh lord oh my oh oh great great place oh oh my great yes yes yes yes yes not real oh i don't like this never mind i oh no oh no i'm scared i'm very scared are we gonna win this game are we gonna win this are we it's like almost checkmate for black on white oh oh this is very stressful this is like watching your child play chess i'm very stressed it's checkmate turns out that the the um turns out that the rooks weren't the ones who were gonna deliver the mate it was the pawns the pawns were gonna deliver mate the entire time that's what we were after yes that was the game plan that's what everybody predicted i must say like man white played a good game white played a decent game ins man y'all subs are submitting games uh where you just completely destroyed your opponents submit games that were more balanced like probably like 1250. 12.50 giving me like 1250 vibes a little bit a little 1250 vibes black did not play well white was very patient made a couple of good moves like 1280. i'm gonna say 1280. now let's hope my stream doesn't crash no crash right cool 1280. what okay 1700 like white gets the credit for playing like a 1700 black is 1700 i mean white played fine white played perfectly reasonably to be 1700 black it yo this should give y'all hope like straight up moments like this i'm just like yo what am i do what am i doing like what am i doing i'm like doing what what what this should give you hope anybody can be 1696 based on this game
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 527,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess, guess the elo gotham, gothamchess guess the elo
Id: mjfpixY7WdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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