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Levy rozman aka gothamchess😳😳😳😳

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ginopizzanapule 📅︎︎ May 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome back everybody to another episode  of your favorite series guess the elo where   i analyze my twitch subscriber games live on  stream and then i try to guess their ratings now   in this episode in the very very first  game we have a massive plot twist where   random noob actually turns out to be gotham sub  and then later on we have the namesake of this   video the opening that nobody should ever play  ever again but before that let me tell you about   the sponsor of this video audible audible has the  world's largest selection of audiobooks and to be   honest they've completely redefined reading  for me so audible has something they call a   plus catalog which features an insane amount of  these audio books also podcasts and something   called audible originals so originals are pretty  awesome you can listen to someone like yo yo ma   the legendary american cellist discuss his life  you can listen to the story of kasia vichy who   travels to saturn in order to help humanity  reach the stars or you can just do a fitness   routine or use a sleep tracker to help you get  better sleep personally i'm currently listening   to truth a brief history of total bs by tom  phillips absolutely hilarious it goes super   fast and it's pretty eye opening too so obviously  that sounds great but how do you get started well   when you first sign up you will have access to the  audible plus catalog in its entirety but you will   also be eligible for one free audiobook every  single month and your first 30 days will be 100   free so give it a shot to sign up all  you got to do is go to   forward slash gotham chess if you just want to use  your phone text gotham chess to 500 500 literally   can't get any easier and if you're too lazy to do  either of those things there is a link directly   below my face in the description yo i'm telling  you give audible a try i love it i think you'll   love it as well let's get back to our regularly  scheduled programming gotham sub with the black   pieces gotham sub yes yes yes a loyal devotee of  the church of gotham playing the kuroken and pl   okay not playing the gotham caro um this is what i  teach my disciples okay i don't teach my disciples   to move bishop to f5 um because even though it is  the main line uh i don't actually fully believe   in the fact that uh it's uh it it's it's  so good actually at an intermediate level   um i actually think that c5 is a far more  practical option wow wow wait what is this real like the tall variation h4 okay wait this is what i play wait what  is going on this is uh this is prep   what this is what i play and then and then here  queen b6 yeah so the top variation what are the   most challenging weapons against the karo khan  um oh oh okay well white has no idea what they're   doing so now black should play e6 c5 like c e6 and  then the next move is c5 now what does black do   great right so so now now we're going to  start seeing the levels so obviously bishop b4   check is just not a good move because pawn to c3  right and you just have to go back now here white   plays an atrocious move white trades off one of  their active pieces and helps black develop this   is a terrible decision look what happens to the  evaluation with just a simple trade of bishops   plus 0.5 you know just slight advantage in  the opening and then like now right like um right like that's not good so you're defended  like keep keep developing don't don't help your   opponent develop okay now does black take the  bishop no oh great move i love this move because   the the one drawback of h4 is that the g4 square  is weak and um right knight to d2 now black needs   to play the the thematic move c5 i cannot tell  you how many karo khan submissions in this series   um go knight d7 in this position okay um  like please go c5 uh and listen i i i know   the intermediate mind okay i i i know the mind  of an intermediate player the whole point of   the caro is to play the move c5 guys you have to  go here and it does look like okay very good but   it would have been better to put the knight behind  the pawn so we have c4 oh what is white doing just   dude free pawn that's just that is not a complex  pawn capture that's just cd4 cd5 of course you   take with the knight you go to b4 you castle rook  ca black is completely winning here i would say   very close to just being completely winning  already um okay rook c8 knight c5 good   there's got to be a knockout here oh there is  knight d3 queen d3 and bishop back to f5 but   do you see the backwards bishop move oppa oppa  beautiful yes uh nice and now just yeah very good   okay knight f5 to prevent knight d6 of course  actually i guess you can technically go here   yup yup yup yup because you were threatening to  promote it was check uh now bring in the rook yo   this is a nice game this is beautiful beautiful  look at that look at that just getting in the   way this is this is a high level game for sure  just rook c8 and hear white resign because rook   c1 is coming in a it's a great game i wouldn't be  surprised if black played this game at 97 like 95   97 percent um maybe bl oh black didn't take on d4  so maybe black loses some points like 92 maybe 93   um now a couple of things so i have a  couple of things to base things off of   first of all these guys played real theory  like this is theory so i mean at least 14   um now b3 is uh i mean it supports 14 1500 maybe  1300 maybe like 15 15 1600 ver very tough to say   now this move the this move gives me some intel  and then this move gives me some intel so i think   like if i think like a 15 1600 doesn't play  this move um i think that i i think that 15   1600 doesn't take like i feel like i don't know um  and then and and then here you know nothing white   just didn't like you know white didn't castle  like white never castled and then white like   tried to open the position it's a very scattered  middle game approach to this game like you know   no castling and then trying to trying to like  maneuver pieces in a weird way now and then black   not seeing this but then black's just playing you  know like white white's big mistake here was not   knowing the line at all white played an extremely  sharp line this is like a super complex line   didn't know move six immediately got like a  you know suspect position didn't castle i mean   so i'm gonna say i'm gonna say um um no there's  no way it's 1800 i mean if this is 1800 that's   an abomination but to be honest it might be  like it was just white not knowing the opening   say like like i want like 1 500. you know what  i'm confident saying 1500 maybe slightly lower   maybe slightly higher uh i would hope it's lower i  would hope it's lower and i would hope that 1700s   or 1600s are not playing moves like bishop b4  check because that's just not a good move bishop   b4 is a very short-sighted move so i you know  what i actually think it's 13 1400 just because   of bishop b4 um and then like this capture and  then some small misses i'm going to say like 13   1400 all right uh let's go to big window capture  i have to crop it i just realized that i never   i never actually cropped it all right let's go  take a look um i have to like really crop it one   second guys i apologize i it was cropped  poorly from the last recording whoops uh help help all right there we go  bang it was fifteen hundred okay   it was fifteen hundred white is rated fifteen  oh wait a second white is my subscriber   white is my subscriber they have my flare see  the this is a great example no i'm i'm going   to be very honest like yeah if i you know i was  hoping that it was like 13 1400 okay it's 1500   it's kind of what i said in the beginning but  i didn't like a few so here's the thing guys   here's the thing um the guy playing with  the white pieces is a subscriber to the   gotham channel which is why white played  the move h4 but white didn't know the line   like this is an example of a  person who studied the move h4   and then like forgot everything and you  can't do that you can't do that like   we convince ourselves that we're studying because  we remember like two moves of a variation but you   can't just make things up beyond that you know  because in my in my course with white like i have   this line like you got the line and if here if  you remember the critical move bishop d3 there's a   very high chance you just straight up win the game  but you play b3 which is just a bad move right so   anyway um all right decent start decent start  it was a that was a high level game to start   things off all right this one's a long game  e4 c5 oh i'm sorry i'm sorry cap score yeah   i have to click analysis um because they  didn't send me the analysis all right let's see i'm running a report i'm not  going to do these with all of   them because not everybody sends me  the analysis tab and i don't want to but just for fun let's see what we get i know you guys can't see it yet a little bit of lag black played at 95 accuracy  so yeah white did not play very well black played   at 95 percent which is what i said i said 90 like  first is 795 so maybe you lose some points um was   the only inaccuracy not taking on d4 by the way  wait rook c8 is the best move i mean come on rook   ca i guess rook c8 doesn't okay doesn't decrease  your advantage that much yeah so then black played   like played a really high level game that was a  very good game what more to say well done caro op all right sicilian how do you get my flare  you have to be a premium member on   oh this is going to be a long game  guys going to be a very long game oh man um sicilian defense white  doesn't play the open sicilian   oh man this this seems like two  guys just oh wow okay uh um um um could be anything honestly could be  anything could be any like wow what a   it's a good lesson in how to play close positions   so so knight d5 is actually a bad move like you're  not supposed to play knight d5 um if there's a pin   on g5 and e7 and there's a bishop like you're  not supposed to do this because here black can   just play knight takes d5 and now the bishop is  protected by the knights so for example here here   and you just win material and uh if they fork you  well that's fine because you're winning a piece   so take take and then you just take back so  forward progress in closed positions has to happen   where you don't lose any material and of course  black black just copies white which makes me think   maybe like eight nine hundred uh-huh uh-huh good  trade okay now oh my god no please please no you   have to keep the bishop here just cause you can  take doesn't mean you have to no just go back no if you don't have a clue how to play against  the sicilian with white just play d4 c3 play a   gambit play the smith mora gambit that's how you  learn stuff because the thing is after a game   like this if you don't have a weapon against the  sicilian you have to get yourself a weapon against   the sicilian right all right now oh my god did  you okay okay of course white just takes here i   would probably take with the f-pawn actually  i know the computer likes queen but i like   opening up the rook but queen is fine uh i really  love the fact that you played this i like this i like this you're trying to play on the queen  side or i don't know maybe you're just trying   to push pawns because you don't know what to  do nice move okay um again the golden rule   uh if you probably like if you have rooks  like this you don't want to be the guy taking   okay uh i you want them to take you i know machine  is like trying to argue rook c1 has some advantage   it's trying to argue this this and probably like  yeah like it's now saying you should go here so   you can win control back of the file and then you  know then you'll take but at the end of the day   the point here is that you don't want to surrender  control of the file to your opponent which is why   you should just take back what happened in this  game you took back now you allowed the queen to   infiltrate you see it's all about the open file  in end games and particularly close position end   games the only open file on the board you need  to control and therefore you should play rook c8   before you take back now white would play this  move take and then rook c1 and then again now you   see the best move is not to take because then you  would surrender control of the file right right   so we get rook b8 now you're very passive oh and  your opponent just immediately surrenders control   of the c file and there you go plays a random  pawn move and now you have just rook c3 and   infiltrate did you play that okay you're trying to  safeguard your king you gotta go rook c3 fantastic   no your king is so safe no you can even trade  queens probably like queen c6 because again   all end game you control the only open file you  can play rook c3 and white just can't guard both   pawns like white just has no way of protecting  both pawns right so thank you for the kind words   in chat i appreciate all the new people from  youtube youtube come over to twitch um don't take   for the love of god you guys are so trait happy  and now you've opened up a new front of attack   i mean this come on come on oh my god oh my  god you're about to get mated oh my goodness   i'm so scared now you're oh oh oh oh  oh oh rook f oh oh god oh oh no oh no   oh oh so clutch uh oh what is that move what  is that move yeah you just make a queen now   what rook c1 oh buddy buddy just just you're  protected buddy you're protected by [ __ ] brooksy   won roosey won oh my gosh and the king doesn't  even go to g3 trying to anticipate what you   want just letting your king waltz in and of course  trading and just losing the king and pawn end game   yeah this is lost because even if they  win this pawn this pawn will promote   and that's exactly what happens and it comes down  to the final pawn and here you executed flawless   technique beautiful stuff nice night opposition  and then copycat just copycat night opposition if   it was a night it would be check bang bang copycat  all the way down and nice now you brought your   king right nice nice very clean very clean makes  me think about nine hundred a thousand easy nine   hundred one thousand like easy guess uh if you're  higher than that oh man if you're higher than that   i don't know chad what do we think like i  i i i i don't know i mean it was a to be   honest it was actually a very solid game  but this whole plan here with f5 like i mean i want to say like a thou like low 1000 low  to mid 1000 maybe not maybe high 900 but like the   the thing is this anybody who's  a thousand can look like a genius   in a position where there's not much on the board  i don't mean that in an insulting way like black   literally cannot move many pieces and the pieces  that black was able to move black weakened their   king substantially and nearly got checkmated  which makes me think it's about a thousand um   you know like black stumbled into a winning  position like in the middle of all this chaos   black stumbled into a winning position after  being completely lost because in this position   white has the absurd move queen c1 which  attacks the rook and the pawn on g5   you know um and the opening i mean the opening  was just you know two people improvising like   nobody plays a3 h3 or a3 h3 uh you know uh  uh you know like th this is this really this   really gives me 1 000 vibe so i'm saying 900  to a thousand and uh and and and let's see oh god oh no 1350 and 1338 gotham  subscriber is rated 1300 oh no oh no okay oh boy all right um was it a blitz game  it was a 10 minute game yo the guy with the white   pieces said he doesn't know how to play against  the sicilian and the guy with the white pieces is   rated 1350. listen if you're in the chat right now  and you're like 600 and feeling dejected know that   you can double your rating and still have no idea  how to play against one of blank's major defenses   against c5 like let it be known neither one of  these dudes knew how to play in i mean in this   position they just traded all the pieces um they  honestly here's the thing the game was not bad the   game was not bad objectively but the clear lack of  understanding in the opening and then ultimately   just kind of like winging the mid game like the  lack of strategic understanding really made me   think they were about a thousand eleven hundred  so both of these dudes need to go back uh and uh   and like analyze their sicilians and yeah like  white just needs a weapon against the sicilians   so you could start beating people and and black  needs to stop pushing pawns in front of their king   so you say to anyone below 1500 not  to play the sicilian so why learn it   well the guy playing with white plays e4 so if the  guy wants to play e4 the guy with white needs to   learn how to play against the sicilian the guy  with black needs to stop playing the sicilian   plain and simple because again if a person  doesn't enter mainline sicilian and you have   no idea what you're doing that's bad all right  you need to be able to handle your own positions   uh out of your own openings despite not  knowing what the opening was okay that's   how sicilian logic that's my logic for not  playing the sicilian anyway game number three   gotham sub begins with uh okay very solid wow wow  very professional thus far um the catalans set up   by white with knight f3 this fiancado and d4 c4  black plays king's indian the fiance kings indian   rookie 8 knight c3 knight c6 bishop g5  alright well in one fair swoop everything   that black did win out the window because they  played e6 um okay e4 fantastic move oh my god oh my god yo the whole guys the whole  point one fell swoop not one fair swoop   oh well there you go you guys just taught me  something now let me teach you something um so in the king's indian defense the main idea  hold on we gotta ban somebody one sec we   got a lot of eight-year-olds in chat  today just writing absolute nonsense   they should go to school it's nine a.m well i  guess it's not 9am in other parts of the world   um so the whole point of the king's indian  is to play e5 or c5 those are the two breaks   ladies and gentlemen literally never in  the king's indian is this a break ever   ever you did not play d6 to play d5 if you were  going to play d5 then you should have played it   here you should have played the grunfeld or you  should have played the queen's gambit declined   or you should have played the malacca  system which has g6 e6 and d5 um guys   black played the king's indian and lost the game  immediately because now just e5 and this is pinned   and you're attacking it and that's what white did  now we got this this and now white is up a piece   i mean what guys what is this don't i say to never  don't i say to never play what the grunfeld yeah   but if you're going to play d5 then play then play  the grunfeld that's what i'm saying i'm not saying   to play it i'm saying if you're going to play d5  you might as well play the greenfield anyway oh   i hate that move what is this you're so desperate  to hang on to this pawn i guess it makes sense i   guess you saw that it was heck guys when you're  up a piece you need to not kill your coordination   to this extent moves like this will only hurt  you in the long run like it's not a mistake but   you gotta understand this is really not a big deal  i mean worst comes to worst go create equal danger   put your other rook here play the move knight e4  attacking the queen like it's just ah okay okay   uh well of course you know black immediately uh  weakens their own structure great move i like rook   d1 very simple move just trading take the pawn  nice knight d5 oh i thought knight d5 was going   to be played that's a nice move beautiful  move just hits the queen just a nice move   oh nice oh take it take it take it okay the  fact that white didn't spot this oh wait then you would take with check then i would  block ah and then there's check king g7 queen   e5 hitting this and this if queen f6 rook  g8 deflecting the queen or rookie seven nice okay the queen back and now white sees it nice  nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice   nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice  nice nice nice nice nice nice nice trading   down the pieces to an end game upper rook let's  take all the pawns and then black will resign   rook g5 alright bang and bang and bang and  here black decided they had had enough they   don't think they're gonna beat the guy  up i mean down a rook and two pawns um okay so honestly all i have to go on in  this game is the fact that white played   very solidly like i think white literally  played like 90 uh and the only move that   i have to base everything on is  this move this whole plan with e65 ah this might sound repetitive but like  900 a thousand to be honest to be honest   like the first opening i ever taught lucy was the  king's indian defense and um she never played e65   like she like learned chess and she  was like 800 she wasn't playing e65 so   so i mean black needs to better  get a better grasp on this opening oh man i don't know but white played  really well like if if this is a   if this is a lopsided matchup  i wouldn't be surprised um but um i'm gonna have to say i am gonna have to say i am gonna have to  say i will have to say about a thousand i'm sorry i know i've made that guess like back  to back i might have to say like a thousand i'm gonna have to say a thousand but you know what white did not play like a  thousand that's here's the thing so white did   not play like a thousand so i think i need to go  with what with how well white played versus yeah   i must say like i'm gonna say like mid 1200 i'm  gonna say mid 1200 here we go mid 1200 is my guess oh i should have stuck with it white  is a thousand but it is a blitz game   and black is rated 1350 rapid oh black  is 1350 rapid and white is 1400 rapid oh okay well i mean but this is still an excusable  like what is the 65 guy playing with the black   pieces like what is that what is that bro  you maybe here's my theory what if black   mouse slipped e6 and then didn't know what to  do so they just played d5 like that is a theory   black could have mouse slipped this move and then  just played this because they were like whatever   and then just hung a knight like it could have  been one of those games right but damn i should   have stuck with my first instinct why does the  thousand black is 960 they're higher rated uh   in blitz guys let's try to submit 10 minute games  or longer because i mean three minute is you know   more dumb stuff happens but you  know i'm down with whatever um anyway anyway all right game number four uh gotham  subs got the black pieces gotham sub begins the   game with e4 e5 now either gotham sub uh hasn't  learned you know the beauty of the portuguese   gambit or the carl khan or gotham sub uh has the  gambit's course for black obviously uh and uh and is learning the e45 gambit lines uh  would you be commentating title tuesday   for hikaru it's wednesday i so that question  you know maybe you're on some sort of like   just like very like chill chilled out like  narcotics because it's not tuesday knight f3   bishop what is this we got we got another bush  gas gambit oh bullet chess championship no today   i'm going with lucy uh uh to get her uh to  get her vaccine get the vaccine i'm not a   doctor but last time i said that i saw some crazy  comments on youtube i mean my god i got people   writing me these thesis statements as to why the  vaccine is gonna you know microchip you with a   pfizer implant and make you only buy uh pfizer  products i mean it was just wild stuff okay um   so bishop takes d4 wow that is a this is already  a disaster it's already plus one maybe maybe more   yeah look at look at the evaluation  it's plus 1.3 this is just not good um like you got to take with the pawn here why  are you trading your bishop beginners stop   trading bishops for no reason like oh  god oh my oh oh all right all right my   friends this is gonna be this is gonna be  a good game this is gonna be a good game   this game this game is gonna take years off my  life this is going to take years off my life oh wow queen e3   d6 a pin all right this is a beginner game how  much we want to bet that this move just happened okay but i like that white is getting castled and  black castles as well they're principled very nice   knight to c3 all right i'm waiting for the  beginners okay okay queen e2 that's actually   a really smart move because now you want to move  your bishop so these are enlightened beginners up   or you don't want to move your bishop oh you do  want to move your bishop don't hang your queen   oh my god don't hang your queen nice and now  black brings the knight back so as to not get   taken and open up the king okay all right white  pushes a pawn okay okay white white white's trying   to do something over here it doesn't work anywhere  even remotely in the slightest but bishop takes e4   uh yeah that's just the free pawn okay obviously  black trades all right uh all right queen a2 is   a threat oh that's a good move i actually think  that black might throw now yup and that's exactly   what black does now does white see this oh god  that is exactly what white was trying to do   to play this bishop f6 move because it's pinned  and well the thing is now now now it's not so   simple you think does white find queen b3 no white  playing f5 is a good move um take take of course   white is playing extremely well wait are these  even beginners what the heck is going on what yo there's mage just queen f6 just battery   okay i mean yeah i i get it okay okay okay yeah  you okay now did you take the queen of the pawn   okay you took the pawn so why is up a pawn in the  end game oh you hung a bishop never mind that was   a terrible move i didn't even see that hog white  took the pawn and blundered a check and lost the   bishop okay i mean i didn't see that either so  probably i'm like 700. um okay but this move does   nothing that's not even a threat and because  you have this just go knight f4 and you win   or queen d1 yeah queen d1 another fork yo this  queen just took uh eight points of material uh that queen just won eight points and now  and now and now yep yep yep yep yup yup yup yup   yup yup yup yup yup yup when you have made in one  don't play maiden one just take the pawn now you   gonna make a queen and deliver letter bang bang  bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang nice   game uh nice game with the exception of what the  hell are you doing in the opening like what is   this how you be playing bishop takes d4 like just  for the fact that you play bishop d4 i want to   say you're like 800 like did you just tag team an  older sibling into the game like after this like   how did you just get a dead lost position in  five moves and then play like a grand master could be a misclick what was  a misclick about this opening   what in this opening was a misclick my  guy like what knight c6 was a misclick   um but then you know it's a very tough one this  might be one of the hardest ones i've ever done like both players played like  with their big brain helmets on   you know they went from being the brainlet meme  like the to like having you know gigabrain oh wow   i have no idea i feel like i've said this guess  so many times like a thousand to eleven hundred a thousand to eleven i mean they played  way too well to be nine hundreds um wow uh uh uh uh i gotta think what were  the critical moments of the game well the   opening was played like a catastrophe um you  know you know you know you know i actually   the rest of the game was played so decently   i'm gonna give these guys the benefit of the  doubt and say 11.50 that's what i'm going to say i'm gonna say i'm gonna say i'm gonna say  1080. 1080. wait wait wait wait wait wait wait   wait wait wait i gotta think i gotta  think the opening was a catastrophe right   uh the opening was an absolute disaster  but then they actually played like not bad i'm saying yeah i'ma say  1080 1080 1080 is my guess so white is 9 16 black is 10  20 and it's a five minute game   now black is probably higher rated in rapid yeah 1200 in rapid kind of makes sense   yeah okay i said 1080 about 10 20. i wonder  what the guy's highest rating in blitz is but   not bad all right now we got we got  people debating different things in the uh we got people debating vaccines in  the chat fantastic stuff um anyway my   appointment's on friday so and lucy says in  three hours um okay okay beautiful stuff uh someone in chat said says you cannot be  anti-georgia voting bill if you're also   pro-covet passport the passwords are  an infringement of the 14th amendment   because you cannot be compelled to  volunteer your medical information god damn that sounds like uh wow anyway uh i we're  recording for youtube so i'm not going to say how   i'll feel how i feel about that take but um yeah  that guy probably touches the stove until his hand   is burned to you know what no that guy showers  with socks on that's what that's all i have to say   that guy that guy just showers with socks on  um all right here we go gotham subscribers got   the white pieces um uh e4 g6 uh knight c3 uh  bishop c4 so gotham subscriber is playing the   vienna against an opening that you cannot play the  vienna against this is the modern defense a lot of   people say oh i'm playing the vienna no no just  because you put the pieces on these three squares   doesn't mean that you're playing the vienna  you're playing the modern because black played   e4 g6 is called the modern defense um so you  know bishop to e3 and now white is already lost   why is white lost chat center pawn  fork center pawn fork pawn to d5 pawn to d5 attacks the bishop and the  pawn uh and then d4 this is a very   common blunder if you give a check pawn  to c6 and uh you're gonna fork somebody   and you know forking somebody's good provided  you know consent and a connection all that stuff   for forks are good all right queen d2 knight  a5 right black playing some deep strategical   concept looking for the bishop pair um or  maybe oh whoa whoa whoa whoa i like that   good stuff beautiful stuff beautiful stuff very  nice nice and now now black has a big problem   because they their their king side is so weak  queen g7 sneaking in take that pawn beautiful   i would go e5 here that's what i would play uh  best move after e4 g6 homie what are you what   boss you're about to get roasted in a  guess the elo episode and you're not   even a volunteer for a game what do you mean  what's the best move after e4 g6 it's move two   what do you mean what's the best move like we a  lot of you a lot of you really suffer from this   you guys can like over complicate chess it's  move too bro like what do you want me to say   literally any move here is good  with the exception of bishop to a6   i mean you could play like f3 and it's and white  is just you know maybe slightly worse at like   king e2 i guess queen h5 don't play queen h5 okay  that's my advice don't play queen h5 like anyway   uh y'all be y'all be getting me hella mad with  that like what's the bet like is it move two just   like put two pawns in the center and develop your  pieces you know we over complicate things in chess   you know you guys are like make middle game videos  oh my god rook a4 traps the queen like what is a   middle game video like what do you like what do  you want me to help you with you know chess is a   deep deep ocean of concepts right night g5 is  a good move though going for f7 very good play   um yes he hears where things get dicey unless you  find rook a4 if you get tunnel vision here and   blunder the d-pawn and then this pawn it could get  very yeah this is why you have to look for checks   captures and attacks you have no cat you have no  checks you have a capture but before you play this   move you need to go to that third level you need  to go to the third level do i have any attacks   and you need to start with the queen can i attack  the queen yes and it's a trap it's just trapped   that is how you come up with these ideas and games  just go through that mental checklist just once   before you play knight f7 because  what people do is they go well i just   played this move so obviously i mean i'm  taking a pawn and i'm attacking a rook i   must be the greatest player on this chessboard but  then all of a sudden you know you do this and you   don't actually have anything like if black defense  yeah okay and oh but thankfully white castles like   you know thankfully white castle if white played a  move like 92 attacking the queen like it could get   not not there that was a misclick but you know  maybe this like the thing is you just have no   attack this is not threatening anything and but  castling is very clutch now let's see what happens   oh my god you hung a rook and the  craziest thing is if you look for   check in this position you win the game it's  made in six knight c6 attacks your rook right   you just castled so you're ready to bring  another rook knight d6 is a check if they   take the hardest thing to visualize is  now the queen and the rook c together that's the hardest thing to see queen b7 and mate  now if knight d6 king b8 rook b7 if knight d6 king   d8 well you take like this and then frankly you  just go back and now this and this c together   those are hard moves to see um in a rapid game  no because knight d6 pawn takes queen takes   if you're like 12 1300 i think you should be able  to spot that i think you should be able to spot   that it's hard but in a rapid game if you just  look for but here's the problem people don't use   the checklist people don't use the checklist like  someone sees this they're like my rook is hanging   no one looks for check first nobody nobody looks  for check first because y'all just like my rook   is hanging nobody uses that checklist  like rook a8 is i mean easy right but   the checklist what's the checklist this  dude just bro this dude just straight up   asked me what's the checklist bro this  dude is on page 190 of a 200 page book   doesn't know the main character's goddamn  name this dude just asked me with the check theo samia this man doesn't know the main  character's name the movie's over in five   minutes he don't know the main character's name  bro ah ah yeah god anyway the rook is now hung   and now knight d6 is probably still winning  like this yep of course now there's no way what   oh my god white played 96. oh my god white  played 96 okay the million dollar question   in a position like this ladies and gentlemen now  now we need we need we need to not play a move   like this because a lot of people would go here  and go i have made the next move i'm so smart   and then and then you hang a check and a  mate to yourself you have to look for checks   you have to look for checks for the opponent don't  just play frozen moves that do nothing and that is   why white plays the absolutely beautiful move  rook to asap oh oh my god oh my god this move   this move gets a bisu from me a chef's kiss rook  to a7 beautiful move absolutely gorgeous move   the point is that you sacrifice you sacrifice  and now let's check when you say oh my god oh   my absolutely beautiful and it's oh oh okay i mean  pawn to b4 is upon sacrifice and oh god oh my god   oh my god that was beautiful you sacrifice the  pawn if the king takes you have a mate and if the   queen takes it takes away the king's escape square  so romeo and juliet love story you take the poison   and you die together oh my wow wow can i go  through the checklist one more look if you   don't know the checklist of thought process  yet like you need you need therapy you don't   need me to tell you the thought process okay  so again another very questionable opening   but only one blunder if we actually look at  this game in its complete entirety white hung   a piece in the opening because they played a  bit of a strange setup and then white played a   very good game and found that absolutely well why  actually white blundered a rook um and then here   black should have played king b8 just kicking  the rook out and they would have been winning   1300 1300 is this game 1300 uh mid 1200  into 1300 is my final guess and here we go   1660 1660 you're telling me a 1600 hung a piece  on move six you are telling me that a 1600 rated   player hung a piece on move six sixteen hundred  rated player hung a piece on move six this guy   is sixteen sixty and he hung a piece on move six  sixteen sixteen sixty and he hung a piece on move   six didn't see a trapped queen could have trapped  the man's queen didn't trap the man's queen could   have trapped the man's queen this man had rook a4  like three moves in a row didn't even see it like   when i see a queen come here this is the first  thing i think of damn damn damn damn damn well   at least this dude has potato in his name cause  he played like a potato he played like a potato
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 879,904
Rating: 4.9267211 out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Id: DzioXvXd5fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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