Hot Tenting in the Rain With My Dogs

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so [Music] meat [Music] look at a big old region well hello there ladies and gentlemen i am out with uh what and uh and we're gonna spend another night out here in the woods so the first thing i'd like to say is hit that like button subscribe to the channel and make sure to hit the notification bell so you can see more videos like this i post every sunday sometimes i post a cabin video every week for like a month and sometimes i you know take breaks and do other things and get busy but anyways you're gonna want to see more stuff okay so as you can clearly see i've got the hot tent here uh it's some nasty spring weather right now uh it was snowing so we got snow on the ground and then it turned to rain and it's supposed to rain and snow the rest of the day which is not longer ago late start but it but it stopped all of a sudden so we are not very far from the car we're about 300 feet i can see the car right there through the woods and uh yeah i'm not carrying the stuff like this for like a mile to the woods there's no way so anyways we're just going to set up right here this looks like a nice flat spot and uh ruger's over there destroying some sticks and monty just threw this stick at me because he's a little monster oh be careful mister so yeah let's set up we've got uh two hours of sunlight so that's plenty of time plenty of time going to do a car our hot tub camping hot 10 car camping i mean we're going to bring all the bells and whistles today okay okay i am going to go grab a couple more things from the car and then we're going to get right into setting up okay see we got this whole bag of just food and stuff we got the all electric battery operated chainsaw i mean this is just we're just living the life right now living the life hey monty yeah okay i only have this one glove on my hands aren't that cold um it's just that that hole it'll cut my hand if i'm just carrying it around oh if you're wondering why i've got baby face it's because of last week's video my mushroom people what yeah that's why you know i had to i had to go all out for that so speaking of other content if you liked this video and you had fun watching this you might want to go watch some of the older content i got because i got a lot of stuff like this and there's a lot of fun uh gems hidden all over i mean if you go back and watch older videos you'll have so much fun it'll be like you're at a birthday party [Music] i mean you'll have a root and tootin good time [Music] don't move your chairs [Music] oh oh man if you don't go watch older videos this guy says you'll be having a big old swing and a miss [Music] and this guy right here says if you don't go watch all of our videos it'll really bite you in the gooch so yeah you might want to go check out some other stuff as far as while we're camping in the hot tent um well it was supposed to be super windy and it was supposed to be super rainy and nasty and super cold and uh well if we just take a listen it's dead calm it's not raining and it seems the weather has stopped early so uh yeah we're just going to come out sit in the hot have the hot tent so we could be you know rain protected and wind protected have a nice comfy spot but it's okay we're still going to do that um we're probably going to keep the door open because it's going to be too hot if we just sit in there it's about like 30 35 degrees right now right around freezing just above it and it's supposed to just stay that all night long jeez monty so anyways we're gonna set up the tent right here right here the first thing we need is some poles we need eight about yay thick holes to pound to the ground and stake this thing out so we're going to take our chainsaw with us and we're going to find some steaks some big old grass sticks there's some down trees over there let's go grab them oh dear they've been getting after them acorns again huh watch out the rose get back you don't need anything crazy right now because the ground is pretty soft so they don't need to be like crazy thick we're not driving them super far [Music] make another couple right there okay so yeah i'm just gonna grab i don't know a few more sticks like that we'll bring them back to camp shop and decide and get to work oh geez [Music] oh that stung oh the branch cracked oh oh that just felt so good oh i set these on here and it went oh gosh there's got to be a red mark on my face after that one man there is just nothing quite as invigorating as getting whipped in the face with a nice young green branch that just just it just really energizes you that was that was enjoyable okay where are we setting up here what's this crap guys i thought it was gonna rain and be crazy we're gonna get the rain on the tarp but it's just there's nothing going on okay we've got to make some steaks here quick okay boys watch out everybody get back everybody simmer down simmer down river don't you dare steal mistakes okay get back all right foreign [Music] why would you steal why speaking of a eye injury should i be using this uh battery battery chainsaw without safety glasses probably not and probably don't use them one-handed but you know what here we are and i forgot the safety glasses and yeah that's just my disclaimer of admitting i'm doing something that's not intelligent but i'm going to continue to do it anyways so there we are there it is okay how many do we got here burger how many did you steal huh we got one two three four five six seven we just need eight we just need one more [Applause] okay frugally tougaly would you be dougaly oh okie dokes you know although i was expecting rain kind of hoping for rain it's it's not bad while we're setting up right now if it comes soon you little turd yeah i see ya good thanks for dropping it because i don't really want to chase them all around because you he just thinks it's so fun to just grab them drag them 50 feet and then go grab another one drag it 50 feet and then go grab another one like he's purposely doing it where are we here there's the door oh yeah i was thinking about uh last week's video i did the whole tripod lean to set up and i was thinking about doing that today for the rain um doing that and then doing another one off the front with big rain protection you know and then funk was just like oh maybe you could take rooms and go on the hot tent or something if it's gonna be windy i was like you know that actually sounds rather enjoyable so here we are might be too warm you know the last time i used this hot tent it was when we did the negative 40 trip now we're doing plus 30. plus that's a 70 degree difference here so this thing's bigger than i always [Music] anticipate let's get this thing set up okay [Music] brooks please don't eat all the sticks i'd appreciate it i i don't think we're on the same page hello focus [Applause] please okay you know every time we do one of these hot tenters we gotta give some hot tips which are my hot 10 tips first hot 10 tip i'm going to give today may be the only one maybe the first one i don't know but is to angle your stakes outward like this so if you do it like this and you stake it in i don't even know if i'm in frame right now i might okay so i'm gonna stake it like this so that uh if i need to get it tighter uh all i do is move the loop up the stick and it'll just tighten that's my one of them i used to always just try to dry them straight and it wouldn't really work out the best all the time like that and then we just go like this and now it's tight there we go i probably should use a longer one but still you can see got nice room nice and tight should have made this take a little bit longer but it's going to be fine i usually don't tighten them until the end i just wanted to show you quick monty you're probably not going to like this okay i'm gonna be banging this really close to you and i can guarantee you you're gonna immediately get up and leave because you do not like it i know yeah oh all the rain's starting oh oh oh we're good we're getting some weather i got to get the umbrella on the camera here quick all right boys what time is it is it poncho time yeah it's your favorite time isn't it oh [Applause] there you go good boy [Applause] i guess your head can [Applause] come here [Applause] um you go good boys you're okay nothing's changing you're just gonna have to deal with it i'm not letting you guys get soaked when it's like 32 degrees out okay your head can get a little wet as long as your bodies [Applause] [Applause] okay we're gonna get this stuff in here before it gets all soaked [Applause] [Applause] okay i know what we need to do here come on go over here see all we need is a little sausage stick encouragement to show that you can walk around and he's not just paralyzed there you go here we go all right now follow me we're gonna do a little walk around come on [Applause] do somebody stop stepping on the tent plenty geez all right good boys all right we'll leave you alive okay [Applause] [Applause] um what are you two are you two stickers just waiting for sausage sticks or something that's not the best spot monty i gotta drive stakes in again i'm sorry there's nothing i can do you're right you're right where i need to go [Music] uh [Applause] there we go we've got ourselves a nice tight hot tent oh boy oh boy look at that the doggies are pouting right now yeah ruger well burger's not so bad i'm not just pouting over there i don't think monty's powder i think might just chill river's kind of he's not super happy about oh never mind he's fine he's fine what is this all right rupert's come here come here over here go over here go go go all right stay there go like this [Applause] so [Applause] oh monty has detected comfiness you have some kind of comforts in there [Applause] don't do that river watch out rubs all right buddy what are you doing all right go ahead monty stop doing that he's rubbing himself on the tent wall [Music] ruby we're officially set up boys would you just look at that okay well what now how muchy okay now we just need some firewood so what i'm going to quickly do as well there's a piece right there right next to camp i'm probably going to cut that one up see if it's dry in the center and then we're going to process up some pieces real quick probably get a fire going because i want to dry out the inside melt some of that snow uh before i lay down some ground sheets i'd like to try to melt some and we don't have to we're probably not going to just hang out in there until it gets dark we're just going to mess around out here unless i mean well i guess monty's in the contemplating life right now auntie come on out here monty monty what are you doing in there come on buddy it is raining don't get me wrong my teeth did you stand in there i don't understand why it's not dry in here yet i mean what is this crap i expect certain things when i'm out here okay we're not gonna need a ton of firewood because i don't plan on burning a fire all night but we're definitely gonna cut some up already get back get back rose get back [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i mean this sure beats the heck out of i saw a bunch of dense maple up right now am i right am i right i have to go ahead lay down it's comfy i [Applause] promise [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey so okay since everything is pretty saturated and wet right now we're gonna need to split some pieces here to get some dry center stuff for our fire so make a nice little flat spot a log oops okay that should do there we go nice little dry pieces that's nice once we get it going it won't really matter but we do got to get it started do i get birch bark in my pocket of course i do okay all right this'll be easy okay let's get this baby smoked up oh no this purchaser is still in there [Music] we're gonna make it i have a feeling okay so nervous a little nervous there for a minute i thought i was like okay i definitely rushed this but then i just babied it and it's gonna make it it's gonna make it okay so so my teeth she's just so cute she's so cute all right well hi marty do you want inside here you wanna go inside are you done with that out here is it too wet you want to go inside or hold on wait let me take this thing off here we go man all right boy burger come here let me take yours out you did it okay monty wants a nice comfy dry space um night's settling in the sun has set it's starting to get dark so uh i'm gonna leave the door open because it's not that cold out we're sitting inside here i'm probably gonna need to leave the door open and it vented for us all to it'll be pretty comfortable with the door open we'll have that like nice little dryer cool feel and then uh we'll have some heat so it'll be easier to regulate but uh yeah i'm gonna set monty he's he's done with the wetness right now he's laying in the snow he he needs his dry comfy spot he needs what's his so i'm gonna set the stuff up we're gonna let the night settle in here and then uh yeah we'll chill in here once it's dark but for now the rose is not gonna want to sit in here but i'm gonna leave the door open anyway so he can come and go as he pleases [Music] so hmm [Applause] foreign so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] um oh okay that was my turn so before we can actually relax and do anything related to hot tenting we must do the most important step to hot tenting and that is funny on our hot tent procs that's right you cannot hot tent without a hot tub crocks i've done it and it's just not as good hi rugas hi hi hi i see ya i see it you're very wet we need to towel dry you more all right lay down lay down there yeah all right we're gonna before we get our hot tent cracks down we gotta towel dry this roof more he's a sopping wet mess get a little comfy in here you stay there and i'll tell jay i can't practice stay there boys i don't get some of that yeah you like that you like that big guy ruger uh has been known even especially today to uh it's raining outside he'll go outside for just 30 seconds no more no less come back inside come up to us with a nice toy in his mouth and just give us that cute little face with his ears back because he wants to be towel dry as soon as we towel dry he'll go right back outside 30 seconds no more no less to get a little wet wet and then he'll come right back up to us and just ask to be towel-dried and then he'll do it again and he'll keep doing it until we block him from going outside because he just like getting tolerated so much yeah he's smart yeah your stinker your stinker aren't you aren't you oh yes he likes it so much he's oh hunty oh oh sorry funty a ruger all right all right scoot your butt all right everybody up up up herbs monty likes it too all right let me have some more i mean i think you get rid of it are these are monsters right now ruger imagine guys guys everybody calm down okay all right figure out your lives figure out your lives go ahead figure them out monty this is not working let's just stop ripping it up all right good point all right stop ripping up the plane key all right you know you guys are bad at it just monty has plopped himself right in the middle and i know that's going to bug you because you're going to want to come up to me rogues whatever it's chaotic in here just can't just can't right now we are going to be getting a little comfy hey boys time to strip down to the long johns yeah yeah yeah oh yeah so um i have only spent one other night in the hot tent in the rain that was with funk at deer camp this year and uh it uh the walls get a little wet so it's not crazy and it doesn't like sop through it's just got like that that uh condensation feeling it's just a wet feeling i don't know i know it's dry right now so it takes a while but it's fine either way but i hope you don't mind getting a little sexy in the tent right now yeah cracks and long johns with rip knees oh you guys are good boys so yeah we don't get a ton of firewood we don't need a ton of firewood um this thing is barely going right now i've got one log in there with the coals and i am perfectly content we've got the door cracked open about this much so we've got good ventilation i've got the vent open there i've got the door cracked well this is barely cracked because this one's a better event so i've got that one open just better yeah it's closed all the way yeah so one thing i don't know if you can see it right here but normally i have this stove uh face this way so out and we learned in that super cold trip to face it this way and that makes it warm in here obviously but the thing that i like the most about turning it this way is where the stove pipe is located i'll probably just have to show you but the stove pipe is located on the so if you're if you're facing the hot stove you're looking at the front the stove pipe is in the left back corner so when i had it turn the opposite way it pushed the stove towards me more so i had that unfortunate event where my sleeping bag touched the stove because i was just too close and it just burned a hole instantly so now i like to have it i get a little bit more room so i can be you know i can wiggle around more and not have to worry about touching my sleep bag to it these guys are tired this is so peaceful right now i would just love if it did this all night oh man this is what i was hoping for we got to set up and it wasn't raining that bad now it's just raining yeah i hope this goes all night long and like i said we're not uh i'm not going to put wood in the stove because it's going to be plenty warm in here i brought these guys sleeping bags they got their sleeping pads they're going gonna be totally fine you probably won't even need those sleeping bags we'll open them up okay boys well hi monty i bet you're hungry are you hungry for food do you want dinner look at those head tilts do you want uh yeah i know but guess what guess what you're gonna have to wait for dinner but it'll be super good dinner huh you ever think about that think about it every day and i wonder sometimes why you don't give it to me i deserve it you're nothing without me so yeah i demanded actually right hey monty yeah you think so bruce you're looking all precious over there okay so we are just going to relax to the sound of this rain here this wonderful awesome rain and uh yeah we're just gonna settle for a while yeah we're just gonna kind of enjoy this moment here because the rain is just a wonderful thing and uh then we will worry about dinner in just about half hour we're going to go to a half hour just sitting here just kind of zoning out you know just to the sound of the rain i mean rivers already got his eyes closed motel pass out immediately and then uh don't work on dinner so we'll check back in with you guys [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okie dokes it is time to prepare some dinner we've relaxed for a while so we are going to get to cooking gets to cooking let's see we'll do that there all right we're going to put things that don't need to go in yet there it's time to prepare we got this other thing we're going to set some stuff on okay so let's prepare some food what we're making today is a very simple easy quick sort of meal that is done with pretty much leftovers we are making a spicy chicken basil fried rice oh yeah i love this one see i didn't really uh want to go to the store today so i just used stuff that we had in the fridge and this is this is really one of my favorite little quick meals so we've got the red pepper oh i just want to take a little quick chunk of this thing i love about this one is you just use like leftover rice then you've got some peppers in there and then you just need to have pretty much little the makings for the sauce and just toss it all in cook it up one pot done delicious i'm gonna add this right here this tray here next of course we have got the white onion then we've got some thai chili peppers these are uh these were grown by funk last year in our garden we just put them in the freezer in a baggie and just froze them and now we use them whenever we need them and they're still delicious they get a little bit soft when you reuse them but that's okay i'm sure they'll still be too spicy for me to handle but you know that's okay now that's my pile of goodies okay the last thing to prepare here is some green onions i am just now realizing in this moment that i completely forgot to bring garlic yeah i just realized that i know that i didn't bring it yeah that's a that's a oops oops yeah so that's gonna sting a little bit if you're making this at home and you're following this make sure you chop up some fresh garlic and add it to this pile of stuff to fry up don't be like me don't be garlic-less why why okay so when you're making a spicy thai chicken basil fried rice the first step is you want to get your pan nice and hot and you want to heat up your oil now normally uh you use a little bit more oil than you think you would use um so i've got like about a cup of cooked rice and that's the other thing is you bring you you have cold rice that's pre-cooked um it fries better but anyways you use more oil than you think and right here i've got vegetable oil with some sesame oil i'm gonna put let's see we'll put it all in there it might look like a lot but that's it's probably gonna be pretty perfect i probably could use a little bit more but you want to get it to where it's like we want to get it real hot so we're gonna we're gonna increase the heat here i know mine does not take long to cook and there's with this hot stove it takes quite a while to boil water and sweet potato takes forever i was like hey we're just gonna give them venison and since i've been feeding them little sausages here and there they're just gonna get boiled venison they're not gonna complain they're gonna be just fine with this a whole pack of venison yeah there we go see it's even labeled dog because can you see that dog venison all right our oil it's getting nice and hot it did the old spit testing here sizzling so it might not be perfectly hot but when you're doing this at home you kind of want to see almost a little bit of smoke coming off but it's getting pretty hot so it's good enough for winter outdoor cooking so now i'm going to add my uh white onions red peppers green onions uh thai chili and i would add garlic but if you can't get like a thai chili pepper uh you can use whatever else you can use any normal chili pepper it doesn't have to specifically be a thai one but it'll change the flavor a little bit yes it's not not quite hot enough but it's gonna it's gonna work all right so we're just going to fry this up a little bit not too crazy we're going to get the onions to cook down mostly and peppers a little bit okay our onions and peppers have been cooking up for a minute frying a little bit they're not crazy cooked down or anything we're going to add in our next step that is cut up chicken thighs oh yeah boneless chicken thighs now i don't really add much salt to this one um just because we're gonna add some soy sauce in a bit so but i'm gonna add black pepper get that coated on the chicken there but i guess we will add some salt just because we're not going to add too much salt not just the right amount of salt we're going to add too little salt just just a little sprinkle just a little pinch more because we can always add salt later we don't need it right now all right everything's been cooking for a good minute or two probably more like five minutes but uh the chicken's pretty much almost cooked all the way not quite it needs a few more minutes but that doesn't mean we're going to not add our next ingredients the next thing we're going to add is our rice so i've got cold rice here i've got parboiled white rice i would prefer to use jasmine rice but i did not have any so i just used what i had and that is parboiled white rice it doesn't really matter but jasmine is definitely the best let's see how much this i can add here i don't want to add this all right away just in case there's like not enough oil it won't fry up right let's mix this in here you can give it a little bit more we're just going to add it all this is how we roll okay now we're gonna add some sauce i've got uh it's fish sauce uh oyster sauce and soy sauce in equal parts now if you've never used fish sauce or have uh if even if you have like it doesn't smell the best when you add it to the food you're just like oh man like what is that smell like it does not smell good but when you start eating it you're just like okay that is delicious so i'm gonna i'm probably not gonna add all this but we're gonna add a good little spill here like half that we're gonna mix it in see how it looks and then we'll add in more that's the reason i didn't add a bunch of salt is because i'm adding soy sauce and all that fish sauce and oyster i just didn't want to have too much salt that's that's too much salt is bad i'd almost rather have too little salt than too much salt a little bit more flavoring i mean you can have it a little sticky that's that's perf that's good but i like mice i i when i cook things i don't like dry and too sticky i like moist and juicy and you know that's just that's that's how i like it it is give it a good stir all around and we're gonna make a little divot in the middle this is way too much food by the way i realize this now but hey you know what this means i get to uh i have some leftovers tomorrow so we're making a little divot here in the center and then we're gonna add in a couple of eggs right in the center there oh yeah scramble these bad boys up just all right we're gonna start stirring in this egg cooking it into this oh yeah okay the eggs are done everything's done there's only one final step left to do and that is to take some fresh basil and i'm gonna hand tear it throw it in on top of the fresh basil i am going to take some fresh cilantro and hand tear it in now if you there's there's two types of people there's people that don't like cilantro there's people that love cilantro i'm the type that loves cilantro so if you don't like it don't add it in i would suggest the basil for sure but you don't have to have the cilantro if you can't stand cilantro oh yeah all these fresh herbs oh yeah i'm just going to stir that in i'll just bring that to the next level okay all right and now our spicy chicken basil fried rice is complete it is time to feast upon this delicious park of approval okay nice time to eat leave you this pot of deliciousness oh this is a this is just way too much food i'm gonna go ahead and set this on this cutting board because i don't want to burn my lap and my undies and uh i want to feast oh it smells amazing yeah this there's no way i'm eating this this is just like it's too much food and it looks way too hot um hmm [Music] oh those uh those thai chili peppers are uh they're a little spicy don't you steal rooks might just eat slower all right i'm gonna keep burning my mouth and then getting this point of too spicy like i am right now i'm gonna i'm gonna eat as much as i can and uh then we're gonna check back in with you guys when i'm getting ready for bed because well i i relax a little too long i relaxed like for a good hour and a half where the boys were asleep and i kind of i kind of toast off i'll be honest and uh yeah it's midnight right now so yeah we'll check back [Music] okay i gotta set up my sleep aside oh okay well the rain has stopped it was very peaceful while it lasted um that was delicious philly wheel um it's definitely an easy nice one to make that anybody can do with just some cold rice some chopped up veggies and some oil and just fry it up and just eat it it's good it's easy anyways these boys are tired i'm tired we're gonna set the uh stove up i loaded up with wood but i'm not gonna let it just rip i'm gonna keep it closed so it just smolders all night it'll keep it around 35 degrees in here um with no wind because we're in the tent uh these guys are not gonna need to be wrapped but a sleeping bag at all they got fur this is probably gonna be too warm from him for him and they might move around so yeah anyways we're going to pass out i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody off roads don't lick my face what have you what are you doing he's doing what are you guys doing focus come on get in on the the morning scratches come here look at your turn let me just let me just give monty's morning scratches okay and then you'll get yours okay i promise remind you we can't share all right all right lay down here works all right my team lay down lay down monty go down lay down lay down alright rook swimmer come here rooks rook somewhere come here all right lay down here looks get me all right lay down they don't know who's coming okay okay [Applause] yeah oh yeah oh jeez guys are just rascals yeah it's a morning time is my camera fogging up it looks foggy okay pirates uh it's stopped raining eventually but it started back up this morning and uh it helped me sleep until a whopping nine but uh yeah we're gonna get up here it's uh it's probably like 40 40 to 45 degrees in here probably 45 the boys didn't need a sleeping bag all night i kind of wrapped them in one and they kind of they both got up and took themselves out of it i think they were too warm so it's about like 45 in here i'd say right now maybe 50. it's not too cold it feels warmer than yesterday but uh we're not really cooking any breakfast or anything we don't got a fire going on the stove we're just gonna kind of get up here pack up a little bit and then uh head outside so you always want to get up and go outside okay oh hey oh don't don't don't do that don't do that crazy hi monty look at that bud it always gives me the butt you always use me to bite you gotta stick there monty yeah so if you're wondering why um i'm not really playing stick with them is because i had already said that i wasn't going to take out ruger with monty because uh monty's limpy lately and he can't be doing anything heavy impact so i didn't want to throw the stick because i know monty will bounce around and chase it because he's just a bouncy bunny he's you know he's not he's not slowed down at all he's just a hundred percent it's just that when he does a hundred percent he's gonna be limping afterwards and probably being a little bit of pain so just keep them just keeping them from that so unfortunately for rogues he doesn't get to play stick he's just have to entertain himself like monty's doing but it's man of cool to still see snow i mean uh this has been a definitely different spring than i've been used to here normally we still have snow i mean last year a year ago let's see it would be what's the date today this thing tell me the date a year ago exactly two weeks ago we got two feet of snow and this year was already melted so it's been a little bit more normal spring because like we get uh it was melted so we get a couple inches of snow it melts another inch of snow melts another inch of snow rain melts this nastier spring stuff which i don't mind it's kind of it's definitely different i like it i definitely like it you know it's kind of nice being able to go out and do this in this cold weather still without having to use snow shoes and shovel and stuff like that but you know it's all different that stuff will come back you know but anyways it didn't really get wet inside here at all like i i don't know what was the reason that it got a little bit wet last time when me and funk did it but uh it didn't seem to get wet inside there all maybe a little bit around here but it wasn't a crazy rain there you go monty uh funk's got the day off today so i'd like to get her boys back door and i i myself included so uh yeah we're just gonna start packing up i'm gonna take a couple loads of stuff to the truck where is it i thought i could see the truck oh there it is it's it's between between some trees like i said it's like 300 feet that way like a football field over there okay well oh what was that you know this was still it's still catching i don't know if my voice has ever squeaked like that ever that was bad let's replay that one kitchen kitchen catching catching catching catching catching catching uh let's pack up some stuff stayed cold enough i got some uh food for lunch today [Music] [Applause] uh see ruger the stakes are too high get it steaks steaks maybe i don't think you get it i don't think um [Music] well okeydokes folks that was a fun little overnighter cooking up some uh nice tasty food that was pretty simple to make and uh the boys the boys had some fun even though they didn't get to play stick or anything and they're searching for scraps they still had a good time so now it's just a short walk back to the car and we'll be out of here so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and i'll catch you guys at the next video come boys let's go i know i'm just messing with your money is this one [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 199,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowstorm, snow storm, blizzard, winter camping, winter, camping, camp, bushcraft, bushcrafter, canada, asmr, snow, survival, storm, winter storm, winter weather, backpacking, backpack camping, dog, adventure, wilderness, wilderness area, bushcrafting, how to camp, wild camp, backcountry, backcountry camping, snowstorm camping, camping in a snowstorm, shelter, bushcraft shelter, campfire cooking, campfire, cooking, food, camping in a blizzard, snowshoeing, overnight, camping dog, survival shelter
Id: nG33yGMJaiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 25sec (5005 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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