SOLO WINTER BUSHCRAFT CAMP- Post Ice Storm, Bowdrill, Canvas Tipi Shelter.

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I miss his dog

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Redditdrone1337 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh my goodness boys and girls huh woken up a storm working up a sweat even I'm a little lopsided there can tell now [Applause] my heart is pounding oh my goodness no bit better okay so I'm out in the woods today is a nice day a little chilly good a good amount of Sun yesterday we dealt with freezing rain all day and as you can see the top layer of this ice or the snow when I walk on it is ice that's gonna make things difficult tonight I'm camping out overnight I have like a makeshift pup tent canvas tent without a with to shelter halfs it's a surplus item so I got that in the mail I decided I want to come take it out got a backpack full of gear and I'm ready to make this place my home for the day and the night getting firewood is going to be an issue like I said everything's frozen everything's coated in a layer of ice not frost not like his ice straight ice but hiking in here was difficult man let me tell you a snow is deep it putt you punched through it even with these snowshoes on and then I got a backpack a pretty heavy backpack probably about 35 40 pounds that's pushing me down even more I think I went to camp in these woods it's a nice small spruce e balsam fir type woods I hope to find some there is stands of maple and yellow birch kicking around here so I hope to find some hardwood for my fire tonight okay so you see the shelf down about a foot from where I stopped the snow down that's not even worth the bottom snowy that's name where the ground starts by any means then there's another layer of ice so I'm down another foot another layer ice more snow than the ground I think you have the ground so I don't know man few feet at least pretty substantial snowfall this year these guys said this is more snow they got here already this year than they did all of last year Joe style I got this pack down space now or I'm able to work a little bit easier lay out my stuff a bit situate everything now I have like I said I have these polish shelter halves that were used as ponchos and then they can you can buckle them together and then create kind of like a small tepee Tampa campus tepee but I've ever seen them in person I've never used them so I searched it down on eBay was able to find it I'm not gonna go through all of my stuff just just really briefly I have a bunch of healthy food change up my diet completely so we'll be I'll show you how as we go on go through it today it's got an extra puffy a pot to cook in some paracord just the normal stuff but here is nope here is what I'm looking for there's one of the halves of the shelter so it's not the smallest nor is it the latest thing going but that wasn't there the motivation or the the idea for today so that's the full tent together probably weighs a good 5 pounds easily I told myself whatever I could fit into this backpack is what I could bring up for today I didn't want to bring a sled although with how difficult it was walking in here maybe I should have the extra weight on my back maybe sink down a lot more no deal-breaker though no deal-breaker so again this is all new to me I've never even put this together at home and before you start commenting well what kind of outdoorsman doesn't test his gear before he goes outside in it this kind the kind that doesn't care if I just have to sleep in my sleeping bag overnight totally fine it's wintertime all right I did however look briefly online at how people were setting these things up and to the best of my knowledge the pointy part goes at the top you button them together actual buttons no snaps no snap life these are the polls yeah the dexterity just isn't there with these gloves assume this is a pole system yeah now oh so cool I I imagine you could potentially go cut your own pole for the middle but let's try this oh so the comes with stakes right in the middle of it which is kind of decent and that's not high enough it's super cold though super cold hmm you know what I imagine you connect all of them together okay yep there's a little plug on one and that gets off that gets in there that goes there that goes there that goes there okay that's not very tall it's not very tall I can't be right okay well if this doesn't work we'll go cut our own Pole nobody'll oh she's cold on the hands boy come on snaps might be a little easier I don't know how well they work in the wintertime wants to get full of snow but okay let's try this thing I've got it done up enough okay okay so the problem is that pool is gonna sink about that far into the ground so I do think I need to get my myself a pole one that's much longer so I'll measure where it is now I need to add that much more at the bottom so I need another good two feet on top of how long this one is another way to fix this problem would have been to get a big flat piece of wood like split around stick it down on the ground let's stick this on top of it and that will create buoyancy it wouldn't punch through the snow but that's always sketchy too so there then another foot and half two feet you see all right maybe a touch tall let's see might be a little tall all right it's always a learning curve right [Music] okay that looks good let's try and peg this down the problem is now the pegs that they gave me are not gonna just stick into this snow and stay I'm gonna have to use snow anchors which I'll probably just use the rest of this as that my tie-up points my tire points our grommets hands too cold wit me in the face turn the bridge of the nose so what I'm doing in this case is sliding a piece of wood right onto that lanyard I made slamming it down in the ground I don't need to snow when you bury that hole with snow really good idea is to step on it a couple times all right I've just got it all together after much tweaking yeah how it really looked at it inside or anything so let's go around let's see I got this side it's pretty tight this front flap is loose because it's open so this front flap just stays open I'll show you in a minute here what I mean but yeah all the snow anchors are buried just pretty taut around the sides done yeah the back and that's are all pretty good looking check this thing out inside I left it smart at the top open for ventilation I assumed later on I can put a pretty small stove in here have it coming out the top I could have let looped that on there as well but figure it's no big deal if it for some reason I need a protection from rain or snow rain wouldn't have them but snow I just tuck that right in enough that's coming in there all right let's get this let's get this open and see how she looks Oh check it still got the tag on it Zack cloudy [Music] Clara animist lots of consonants alright oh yes buddy small inside maybe I put the try uh Center Pole too high I can still lay down here that's fine I think they said there was supposed to sleep two people so I'm sure I I set it up a touch too high and the walls are a little bit too angled steeply but again tons of snow first time I set up and this is doable this would be big enough for me and scout or me and my backpack or whatever for sure I did not bring scout today he's doing fine it's just too cold I don't want I'm sitting here trying to lift his paws off the ground the whole time and freezing himself so he's at home he's at home with the wife and kids pretty cool pretty cool okay got a new pair of snowshoes my other ones I've had for so very long I got these from Moose Jaw different binding system seems to work all right oh yeah plenty of room oh yeah yeah honey room for me to lay down what gear could go behind me I'll build a fire right out here this is canvas or at least heavy cotton so I'm not concerned about it catching sparks or catching on fire at all this grounds pretty cold though I don't really want to sit on it anymore so these are these two shelter halves are assigned to do that two different of Polish guys piernas no Mont is Z almost style and then wash the brush up on the Polish Jo nice to clean up a little bit have everything kind of organized a little gear tree sometimes I'll build a gear rack I'll go with the gear tree method this time got everything up there for my food my grill coat saw cooking pot extra paracord I can get my axe up there too that's basically all my stuff another little backpack can go well not little my backpack and go in the tent I got pretty much everything squared away the first time I've used this backpack it's an osprey backpack you got it for backpacking loaded it up one time before our trip and didn't like the way it felt but seemed to have felt all right this time oh look at this this is the savior The Naked fruit or vegetable blend what we got in here this is a apples mango pineapple banana kiwi spirulina alfalfa spinach broccoli barley grass wheat grass parsley ginger kale and a garlic it's actually not bad tasting it tastes more pineapple juice than anything in order to keep my water ball from freezing or slushing up or getting hard to open stick it upside down if you see an upside down in the snow snow is an insulator it's going to stay alright like that even if I had it overnight it would usually stay pretty good in cold temps right all right enough rosin snot to get rid of it yet got my Fox light wool hanky oh she's frozen on oh it's the only reason I didn't shave this mustache yet I wanted to get a little ice beard going on video just being truthful just being truthful okay that's getting shaved off tomorrow morning okay my feet are very cold my toes especially I'm getting pretty chilled haven't done much since I've got here like I set that up but I haven't been active hasn't been moving around too much so I no no no that I need a ton of good firewood tonight I've got a chicken I'm gonna roast over a spit so I need a good amount of coals and good good amount of fire to stay warm so again like I said in this specific spot this is balsam fir and spruce and well obviously everything will burn it's not ideal for firewood so I will go out and look for some hardwood some maple some yellow birch if I can find some decent not decayed to much but for that we're gonna have to put our snowshoes on let me show you let me show you how it is walking without the snowshoes first in the boy almost to my knees which is hard walking hard walking the snowshoes on to be honest with you okay when we get those snowshoes on and get out start hiking around cuz I had a warm these toes up and get some firewood and I'm hungry for lunch I need a fire to cook lunch with - okay before I get out there I am really hungry I gotta have a little snacky poo all my asparagus is frozen solid Oh No Oh No okay I'll eat a gluten free low sodium source of iron chewy bar I'm not strictly gluten-free now I'm just trying to avoid it as much as possible right now at least sugar is the bigger deal I think oh yeah lots of nuts it's a nut medley a phone cold it's so cold my feet are frozen I'll walk this and eat it the same I'll walk this and eat at the same time gathered somewhere ready that I was able to grab pretty easily sawed off that guy that's a big maple these are balsam fir here's a bunch of maple leading up here nice and dad shed their bark a while ago so we will get a decent one off of that too oh yeah I got glass glasses on man right back in here not the greatest would going it'll make a fire though make some coals just putting a little release on the bottom on the pressurized end that way when I cut on the top it'll be easier at least that's the very solid wood here that's a score that one decent amount another bundle there I'm going to go out on a limb huh-huh-huh and say it's not enough cold ah staying nice and unfrozen though oh my veggie drink so this is really important for me to get in because I didn't bring any spinach or whatever I normally eat during the day I brought that asparagus for night time but like you're saying it like I was saying it's frozen already so this is really important for me to drink throughout the day to get my greens into me and my fiber oh it's icing up I didn't stick that in the snow until way after the water okay like you saw I got a bunch of wood I'm gonna head out behind the tent again look for more I won't bring the camera this time I try to get out to the trail where there's like they're clearing and uh there's just no wood over there I'm actually still in this small spruce balsam first and finding way more wood than I found out there amongst the yellow birches and whatnot just update on the old toes they've warmed up quite a bit since they started cutting wood my fingers - so the more you work the warmer you are it's just when you're sitting around it's kind of cold as it is they say firewood warms you three ways okay second update I didn't get much wood over there I got one good piece of maple and one crappy balsam fir the reason that I don't want balsam fir or spruce as much as this hardwoods is because they're soft just like it sounds soft the woods they don't produce half as good coals they don't burn half as long they burnt hot which is good but they get used up very quickly whereas the maple it's a good all-around you'll still get really hot and burn not even that long like as far as hardwoods go maple is a good wood but oak will be the longer burning Ironwood elm what maples good maple is very good I'm very very happy and blessed to have maple here okay I have to block everything up now that's gonna take some time for sure putting pressure down with my elbow kind of popping it up that's the way that I'm cutting so just let it go right now grab you and push it down in all honesty I could do this instead half gravity just drop it but this isn't as comfortable as what I was just doing but or you can do one of these which I actually really like doing the wintertime especially you know you can even rock the piece of wood back and forth at the same time and yeah I like that opposite times as I saw and get a little bit extra [Music] [Music] what is it not smart to do great wood on your [Music] this is an aspen I might be able to do something with this keep this off the ground I've done about half of the wood I haven't really touched the big fat hardwoods yet the big fat maples yet Oh all right [Music] [Music] the few that remain can wait buy three or four pieces that big maple that you just saw me plop down here the big four one will be good to use as a an axe block if I need one but until I need the firewood I don't have to cut it up I left the camera going and that was 13 minutes that was a workout man that's a pretty good pile of what I'd say that's the little axe block there and then I've got two or three decent sized pieces over there I'm pleasantly surprised and I'm happy about this okay that takes some doing I got two pegs on the outside keeping it held all in place you can't see that one got a decent a little wood there I kind of left the smaller pieces at the top left part of it so I could you know use the sizes that I needed the bigger on the right lots of big on the bottom all accessible still you have all these these few pieces here that I can cut up that's a nice dry maple there but yeah always well in the world what I think I might do because I don't believe that I need to use my axe much like a lot of these pieces are small enough where I can baton and shave down and I saved a couple really dry ones in there it's not a big deal I can get this fire going I'm sure without my axe I brought it you never know what's winter it's a very good idea to have like a decent sized axe on you regardless that means I don't need that this piece before like an axe stop when I'm saying block whatever it means like I'm gonna use this as an axe block I want to put my piece of wood down here and chop and then this block is gonna keep the axe from hitting the ground there's got to be another word for it but that's what I'm calling it anyways I don't need that axe block there that that that stick and it's a forked stick so I imagine if I get a couple rotten pieces of wood bigger bigger than this around and I kind of sandwich them in between this limb and this limb on this forked stick that I can use that as kind of a makeshift fire reflector until it burns down until the snow all melts you know I mean I know what's gonna happen but why not and then that can add add to the fire as it's going out to the coals and everything I'm not gonna use this piece because it's a pretty good piece of wood I'm gonna go back over there and find a couple of rotten balsam first [Music] alright guys here's the school here's the scoop who knows what that's from I've blown past lunchtime like by far it's 236 got out here around 10:00 in the morning so I'm not too hungry I've been snacking you know almonds drinking that green drink and yeah I'm alright actually so here's the debate do I what I want to do is make a bow-drill fire I got that that ASP in there and these things are fogging up that I kept and I also got a good piece of balsam fir I believe I can get a coal I earlier walking around coming in I collected a bunch of yellow birch bark that was in the Sun and I've had it in my pocket next to my body drying it out with my body heat for the whole day so that's a good start to a tinder bundle I believe I can make some thin shavings and get it going that way but do I just put all my effort into getting a bow I have a fire steel I can get a fire going it's not a problem do I put all my effort into doing a bow drill and relying on the bow drill for the fire and then if I can't get it I'll use a fire steel no big deal or do I hike around do I make lunch do I start the fire now if I sit around I have to start the fire because I'm not doing anything if I make the bow drill kit I will be moving around especially when I'm bowing I'll be generating heat maybe that's what I'll do the only man-made thing that I have is my piece of paracord that I'll use my bell knife to to carve up the pieces and stuff should I do it I don't know if I can do it let's try and do it let's try to do it we'll try to start the fire with a bow drill and then as soon as I get it I'll keep the fire going from that point on but I would assume it would take me maybe an hour if I'm lucky maybe two hours should we do it should we do it it's color poor anyone anyone still following me making a chair was the other thing that's the other thing I wanted to do but I can just blow up my sleeping pad to sit on that in the thing next to the fire - that's no big deal so that's what we'll do bow drill it up so what components do we need for a bow drill friction fire and that tool needs to be sharp enough in order to carve some wood I'm using a cold steel fin Hawk that's named a cold steel fin hawk I've never used this one before it's like a Maura type feel very grippy very sharp I'll let you know my thoughts on it after I'm done using it first off you'll never lose this hold of the sheath that's for sure it has one of those plasticky Mauro tape sheets anyway you need some wood and in this case in this environment I need something to keep my wood up off of the ground in most environments you do so let's just make a little you see that what I'm doing yep a little platform on the ground nothing fancy just try to keep it off the ground as much as possible first I'm gonna try the Aspen Aspen is a good candidate for candidate canted it Astrid is a good candidate for the bode row because it's a light wood it's straight grain it can make a dent in it with your thumbnail if you try you can put a little pressure on there you can touch it with your thumbnail and that is all good characteristics of something that will work for a bow drill so now I have two pieces of wood I split that round into two and these pieces are an inch thick each I'm gonna look for the thinnest of the two which is this side and we use this from a hearth or my baseboard whatever you want to call it this is just getting put down on top of the wood leave it alone for now this piece the round or sorry the thicker piece I want to use for my spindle I don't want this too thick that's why I'm picking this this side for this one there are there millimeters of difference it's not a big deal okay so actually you know what I'm gonna keep my shavings that I create because they are gonna be part of my tinder bundle or hopefully to our part of my tinder bundle unless I can find some cedar around I don't really see much else so I'm gonna try and keep them dry as possible on this this is a hidden woodsman chair like a bush chair yeah we're trying to keep my shavings dry and up off the ground and thin that first yeah these this making paper thin shavings that's pretty pretty decent this is the first time I've used this blade like it's gonna take forever to carve down a spindle this way but I just really want I'm not gonna do it the whole time I just really want all these thin shavings to throw in my tinder bundle because it's marginal its marginal at best already alright so there we go we got the hearth board spindle blade in a bunch of shavings next up we need a bow a socket or like a handhold and a tinder bundle but I'm working on that in my pocket so a bow and a handhold for a bow I'm gonna go try to find a nice life piece of maple something that I can bend a bit see or a deer is bounded right down that straightaway a bit on there all right I got a decent piece I was able to get a decent piece that I think might work this is a beech tree limb a limb from a beech tree so basically I want it from armpit to fingertip length so I can cut it there but the thing is I want these wise so let's do it this way check out this ice on here ice chips off before I cut it anyways we'll get rid of this smaller limb actually all this ice dripping into the coal will not be good I have to scratch it up in a minute here but I want to attach one end of my paracord to here this is gonna be the end of the bow so let's cut this short right so it's not in the way it's pretty manageable cut this part shorter as well the ice just falling off of it man crazy okay and then get this man it's crazy we're gonna cut it this way I don't want it too long too long as a little unyielding unwieldly so I'm gonna cut it there I'm actually gonna use my saw because I want a clean cut as I tuck I make a little notch and I tucked it paracord back into it clean cut will be easier to deal with definitely able to do it with a knife and you can even make a clean cut with a knife but hey look I have a saw right yeah okay I do want that ice off that dripping dripping down into my coal or potential coal could be a game-changer could be a deal breaker okay anyways that's my boat and this is the way I will use it this way there's a little crook here I don't care about that the bows can be straight they can be gnarly it all works so that's my bow without the string alrighty they got our bearing block this is the bottom of a maple tree I'll use that maple tree later on for a spit for my chicken and yet to raise that spit up with the forks of the tree nothing is going to waste so what I want to do now with this is split this right in half lengthways okay much easier from the get-go okay so pick one that feels good this one feels better all I want to do with this is just put a little tiny do that do that a little divot in there so that the spindle has a place to rest we'll do it right in the middle I don't want to put too much pressure down there well as holding it that way that's really it just somewhere for that spindle to rest okay we need a long enough piece of paracord probably this black one will do when you transport your paracord you really want to put it really neat all in daisy chains all right just get a rough idea I'll measure it out that seems good because I do want to wrap the handle a touch when I'm putting the cord on the bow I tie a double knot up at the top and I pull it really tight so that there's nowhere for it to go now that's not moving you can see there it's held in it's not going anywhere that's important no the rest is gonna come down I want to line it up so that it's that the string is even if that makes sense like I don't want to put it like this I want to put it like this so I get the full length right to there see what I mean straight violin Deeley fiddly diddly oh it wasn't right just line it up take a tiny split in there okay can you still see that yeah just sunk to the bottom and then we're gonna wrap this so this split doesn't travel farther up the bow while we're bowing oh man just keeps going down farther and farther okay I want to go too far whoo-hoo I'm trying to keep my hand over here man there we go okay little dicey there for a minute now we want to test and see how much give we need for the spindle if that makes sense this is what I mean the spindle has to have enough the rope has to have enough give so this spindle can get in there so she's pretty tight if I pop it in it'll be tight I don't want to do it now because it's gonna move where the cord is in there and it's probably pretty good where it is to the best of my calculations so wrap in front actually should have left this a little bit longer up in front and tuck back in okay it's tight tight on there let's make sure this pops in properly yep nice and good I'm gonna have to tighten that halfway through bowing but that's fine hum I'm expecting that so that's how you want to set it in there right so that the Rope you can set it in two different ways the Rope in my opinion I want the Rope this way with the part near my thumb on the bottom so that when I need tension I push down with my thumb a lot of people pull in with the boat but I pushed down with my thumb and I finally I get a lot of tension that way so this is all set up we're ready to go we're ready to burn in our hole I'm gonna get a nice platform down to so that I don't put the stuff right on the ground I'm kind of excited I haven't done this in a long time guys kind of excited sorry about that alright I'm gonna try to brush all the snow off of myself where it's gonna get near the baseboard so the only thing I didn't show you is I'm creating a little divot in the baseboard as well just so again the spindle has somewhere to rest I've got a piece of wood down I've got my handkerchief down and then the baseboard when it comes to time to actually get the fire going to drill for a coal not just to burn in that I'll remove the handkerchief or I'll put something underneath the handkerchief to catch the the Ember the ashes the Ember coal but I have to still cut the notch and I'm not ready to do that yet all right I'll probably be able to tell right off the bat if I'm gonna be able to get a coal or not just how this how this axe are this dust axe oh okay didn't put a deep enough divot from the top she's smokin but that old phrase is not always true that's a nice burn in that's a good burn in I have a really good feeling about this she's charred and she's charred on top - which is not the greatest but she's charred on the bottom not polished it's acting really exactly how it needs to act so let me just show you here what I'm doing before I move it careful so that dust there that's gathering next to the hole and next to that circle is the dust that's going to eventually form an ember here's the charred ends it's perfect so I need to cut a notch out for that to have somewhere for that powder to collect so you want to make the notch a substantial size like inside of the the hole probably a three a quarter of the way into the hole maybe almost half but then you want it clean clean clean you want to trim it all up so that's how the slide effect works no she is hey this next part is critical because I do feel like it is gonna create an ember I need to have all of my prep ready for a fire I need to be able to like pretend like I'm just lighting a match and letting it go so that means a pencil pencil lead all the way up to fuel ready and my tinder bundle ready so my tinder bundle is marginal I'm gonna collect a lot of twigs a lot of those shavings will go towards kindling not just the the tinder bundle and we'll try and get this thing going man just doing good so far I have not seen a cedar I haven't seen no Cedars around my place there's all cedar even so I would have to scrape down that bark pretty good to get it dry but oh wow we'll see all right my toes are frozen I got frozen toes yogin fruisé see the nice shaved wood and then it will collect my dust right be not dust go collect my dust and then I can transfer it to the tinder bundle I'm gonna you got to be religious about this sticking that spindle off the snow okay that's good there bang my boots off again that's good you got a good fit this is good I have a good feeling about this actually man my tinder bundle is right there it's that yellow birch and I used a lot of shavings with it to hopefully give it as much chance as it huh as I can get because that's the only sketchy part that's the only part that's giving me any kind of questions or concern where did I put my bearing block there it is got him gun all right ha wish me luck here we go last time the smoke came on pretty quick who wants smoke at first I want to just build up the dust before I really go for it but I got to keep enough pressure down it doesn't fly out and I have to breathe here we go yeah she's smoking still that's a really good sign that's a really good sign put that in my pocket make sure it's not too hot okay okay this is the part we have to be careful about should I show you the smoke should I show you the smoke I do not want to mess up here no no I'm not going to there's my plane oh man it's a good call that's a good call okay I don't want it to fall apart you're not really in too much of a rush at this stage it's good to catch your breath oh yeah this is gonna work I have a good feeling here oh man oh I lost her I lost her guys okay okay it's okay I can do it again spindles still in my pocket I still have room in that it's okay I have to do something different about this tinder bundle though you guys saw it smoking right like it was going I want to just put this in there away from everything okay it's a good sign it's a very good sign I got that cold lickety-split it stayed strong a lot of the times the coal will start and then Peter out but that was a good coal yeah I don't know maybe I should have put more shavings in in in the tinder bundle the would put will put more wood shavings in the birch bark part of it because there's none it's like a nest of birch bark yellow birch here and then underneath it is all the shavings why is it not focusing there you go it's all birch here shavings underneath maybe if I put some real thin shavings in the top look it burned and see where it burned there okay yeah I'm hopeful still oh is it those good good burn good coal what else can I do I found some MAPE some oak leaves I can I can see if they're dry ish and put them in but okay take two it's too much friction at the top I might've got a call yeah I did that's good stay strong little Cole stay strong yeah the top needs to be fixed it's very blunt it should be pointy in there but anyways Cole's good I'm sure you can see it smoking I hope okay hopefully you can I need to catch my breath now yeah shavings in there too closer to the middle of the bundle so I'm hoping hoping all as well I'm just adding all that dust around there okay let me get my stuff out of the way in case they do get a fire I want to put it down on this platform here so all that other weight she's smoking really good right now I should do this while it's smoking good oh it went in the snow guys it went in the snow it's stuck like that like my thing stuck to the cloth that sucks good good well I apologize that this is taking so long but this is the reality of the situation right now I could definitely use my my fire still anytime I wanted and maybe if I don't get it within if I get it too if I get it in the tinder bundle that doesn't blow into flames I might just resort to the fire steal because I'm very cold it's four o'clock but I would prefer to this prefer this obviously okay this time we're gonna be extremely careful lifting it off of that handkerchief catch your breath Joseph trying to make it perfect marginal tender marginal tender well that sucks that really sucks I can't I can't I gotta get one more shot I'll be back I'm gonna go look around for whatever I can find pretender wise it sucks getting that far that that solid of a consistency with coals every time I tried I got one and then not being able to blow into flames kind of sucks give me a minute oh man all right just got back I did find one cedar look at this there we go she's icing up on me even with it tucked down in the snow oh man I so chunky so Chuck ah ah I see so I see okay found one cedar I got a little how to shave down like crazy to get the dry bark I got in my pocket warming up got a few beach sleeves in there warming up - I got a bluesy snow shoes now again and give it one last try been out there for a good half an hour hiking around 4:30 4:30 okay probably got late till about 5:30 or 6:00 excuse me good thing is I warmed up walking around all right all right this is the last shot everything's kind of get loose I'm getting cold and tired and hungry snowing a bit all right tinder bundle is ready hopefully stop before it flies over there all willy-nilly style Big Willie stuff okay we got another cool I'm really happy about that really pleased with this bow drill set did I say that already good healthy call good healthy cool all righty okay I got the cedar of fluff right in the middle and I got beech leaves surrounding it let's be careful adding to it trying to add to it all please work this time I got all my stuff here all my kindling my shavings all that fun stuff okay that's it that's it then well that was something well it lasted now if I were to have carried something in my backpack like jute twine or dryer lint then this would all be possible but what is the point of that right what is the point of carrying a piece of paracord a tinder bundle an already made set in anyway obviously the paracord is is the is the key is the thing that I'm never gonna make in the woods you can do this you can braid a piece of milkweed fibers or stinging nettle or sometimes basswood inner fibers if you're super lucky make a super super strong reverse twist or double braid piece of cordage but that's really hard to do but my point is if I'm gonna bring a tinder bundle I was as well just use the fire still that I do have as well so yeah I'm kind of bummed out about that to be honest with you I got one more on me I got one more in me I got one more in me let's see you can just turn it off now if you don't want to see this I won't blame you okay I drilled right through the wood now this is definitely the last time there's a good coal again it's not for lack of trying hey not for lack of trying can't call me lazy Kenya oh man like I don't even know what happened here I'll let it build in there for a minute oh there we go I have made fire oh my goodness I'm happy wow wow wow wow wow don't give up don't give up oh oh my goodness that's awesome guys that he's phenomenal phenomenal that's so cool oh my goodness I'm happy super happy about that I was done I always done for real after that try I kept saying it but I was that was it for old Joe oh my gosh I'm a happy boy I'm a happy boy keep her going bud keep her go on oh man a warm feel so good okay so thoughts on this the tinder bundle finally worked there's a couple of different things but the tender bundle finally worked when I let the coal sit in there and grow inside the tinder bundle probably along with the previous trys drying the tinder bundle out even more so as it's sitting there so the previous tries blowing it into flames and stuff that generated heat in that tinder bundle definitely and would have dried things out even more even though it was in my pocket for most a day the birch the beech leaves and the cedar fluff were moist they were damp obviously everything is like the steam just pouring off this stick because of how wet everything is right just wet oh man oh oh it's so good feels so good fire is good fire good I'm gonna steam coughing knees oh my gosh well that was a good lesson that was a good lesson for me that I still got it that was a good lesson for me not to give up and to find better better tinder kindling tinder tinder bottle okay I'm hungry I gotta get a few things going on now I got to go back and get the stick that I cut for my bow cuz I'm you gonna use it for a steak spit for my chicken I've got it blow up my sleeping pad and set up my sleeping bag to locked up they're still all rolled up inside my inside the tent I'm pretty excited pretty pleased if I'm not I'm being honest about that bow drill I was ready to give up man I hope you guys still stuck around stuck in the stuck stuck with it yes I just picked my nose tons of loose loose bogeys in there all right I'm feeling good it did take me what about when did I start 2 or 3 when did I start that 2 or 3 I said it was gonna take me to 1 or 2 hours it's almost 5:00 they must have been three that I started to that and I've been sitting here by this fire for probably five minutes so yeah it took almost two hours put that again I got that coal pretty quick and I put the kit together pretty quick it was really just um the tinder bundle which I knew was gonna be an issue today hands not too cold all right so as it stands I need a fork I need two forks actually so there's one here and I can leave this I'll leave that just as long as it is actually so it's gonna go down through the snow and we'll mess with it later in there and that way yeah I have options I can cut it shorter when I get back to camp anyway no big deal so that's that then we need to spit part which can be this cuz I don't really see another good fork on here anyway so I'll just cut it long again actually no that's dead you see that's a better size but she's dead we need it live so this party is definitely live if I have to shave it down so be it I could use this piece to hear of you plenty long you know I'll just leave it long again though better safe than sorry now I need one more forked piece I'm adding sticks lengthways trying to build it out into a long fire just sinking right down the way I had it and it not burning wall I knew that I knew that as well all right so the components I have one fork stick up house all right and then another this other one needs to be cleaned up a touch I don't see my axe oh it's over there this is dangerous how tight this sheath it is all right other than that I'm really liking this it's a super sharp durable I was prying with it look it's probably stronger than amaura it's uh 5/32 thickness okay so measuring them obviously I want them at the same height so I'll cut I'm gonna put one on one side one on the other as you assume dawdle of winter time Hey nothing just jabbing her into the ground damn okay so those are my markers now I know how long I need my cross piece different one for a cross piece I got a thinner one here which I'd like to use actually would be less stress on the chicken putting it through less chance of its splitting I would assume so this is funny long yeah definitely long enough okay you know what this is not going back in that sheath so I fix that problem uh yeah we'll cut it right here sorry about that probably pretty wild I soon shave it down to get all the bark off and the ice off alright I've got the whole thing lowered about the spit shaved down time to get the chicken out oh she's half frozen alright just a boneless skinless chicken breast half frozen touching raw chicken with my hands just one hand just gonna put a touch of the old Joe robinette spice on there not too much this looks good okay now to get the stick on without splitting the chicken too bad I'm just gonna make this into a cleaner sharper point Wow okay all right hopefully I can do this without some chicken too much oh yeah maybe not yeah oh we had too soon ah she's splitting on me buddy just like frozen oh it is frozen oh man when I have to pin that back up there okay well yeah she goes it's all right maybe it's all right Chicanos you so hungry now this is more than likely gonna be way too high right now but it's gonna smoke it a bit and we shall see what happens from here I might have to butter I might have to pit pin it together and that's okay but I will have to take these down even more yeah not good we're gonna have to pin that together stay for a minute there she goes I'll have to whittle up some little sharp sticks poke it through there sharp sticks so if I had a shovel could've dug down my fire pit but do not okay there goes the pack of fire reflector yeah actually she's getting good heat up there once it's once it's going like that got my little piece that I'm going to make pins with so I got some good news and some bad news a couple things I want to talk about as well I'm feeling pretty good I didn't want to say anything earlier in the video I don't want any doom and gloom type feels anymore that was not my intent with the last video by any means I feel good and this is maybe a week after I shot the last video so since then I've been feeling pretty good then regular stomach's been alright but I've been eating very healthy as well which is great so the good news is I'm feeling good and it's really even better because I have to drive my daughter to London and that's what's better is that I am better what's not better is what's wrong with her we found out a four or five days ago that my baby autumn has hip dysplasia how crazy is that hip dysplasia something that happens in old dogs my five month old baby has her hip hop so guys like honestly it could be worse don't get me wrong it's not life-threatening it's going to get fixed everything's fine but she's my little baby you know that I mean little baby the happiest baby going this kid picture or Emma its opposites picture a socket right this is your hip this is your hip and you walk and it moves whatever the heck it does it stays in place hers is shallow and it doesn't walk it's like pops out it pops out so that's there and it and and the bottom pops out and there's loose around in there how horrible is that they say it's painful for her when it happens she's five months she can't talk about it so here's the kicker zero to six months they can do a brace or they can try a brace she's right on that cusp she's five months but she is healthy I'm talking a chunky but like she's a big girl and it's good you know she's a baby it's amazing that like it's like that but I don't know if the six month thing is about weight and size more so than age or development so I don't know we have to go and talk to the surgeon the way we found out when we moved up here we had to get a new doctor we don't have doctors up here this is a nurse practitioner we go to she's a little younger and she says she's giving the baby a physical she's giving all of us a physical because we're new patients she's giving him baby of physical and she's like oh I hear a clunk when she's moving her hips we're like what are you talking about we didn't notice anything at all she sends us for ultrasound turns out she was right and I'm thankful for her that she found it so early so it affects two to three kids out of every thousand which if you're betting on like those are good betting odds right but it's not that common and this all-girl also my baby autumn also about the short end of the stick she was allergic to milk from my wife so she had to go on formula she got a high bilirubin count from it she had like the heck of the called she was John to see from what she was eating and that's pretty prayer apparently and I'm telling you what I'm not joking or or exaggerating this is the happiest baby going man she's just I walk into the room she smiles grabs the air for me she's rolling over already she's like ready to man she's she's she's good and now this is going to delay everything - right like again it's not the end of the world don't get me wrong but this is just what I'm going through and this is what I'm telling you she has to either go in that that brace if we're lucky and that's it if that doesn't work there's surgery and then a cure there's a cast and if that doesn't work then the surgery and a cast the brace makes her like legs wolf link chicken Sol like like this and she has to be in it for six weeks imagine that I have to drive like eight hours back home with her like that and then have her because there's only one or two hospitals we can go to and that deal with this stuff for kids and and then live for six weeks like that or the cost and surgery for three months I don't want her to have surgery there's a good turnaround on it it's like a good surgery that you have if you have to have it like this is a good problem to have if you have to have a problem you know I mean there's no like complications the the the healing is pretty good the results are pretty good and everything like that if we don't get anything done one leg will be longer than the other she'll get our osteoarthritis be high risk for osteoarthritis won't be able to play sports run around stuff like that it pops out all the time like legit pops out it goes back in but it pops so it's bad enough where they're not just saying oh leave it it's it's gotta be dealt with and right away they gotta sin within two weeks - which is unheard of so I have to be good I have to be healthy to drive and be gone again for about another week or so so it's right back to where we used to live almost a couple hours away from there so we'll go home and make the whole trip but yeah so I'll be out of commission a little bit again for another week or so nothing crazy I'll be right back to it it's just that this has to be done and I'm definitely doing this my little baby she's and like this so now this will delay her walking and crawling and all that stuff - which sucks cuz she loves to be mobile man we put her in a Jolly Jumper she's just jumping jumping videos of it on my Instagram alright anyways everything's fine that's just the last news we've been dealt but I feel great I feel really good changing my eating habits is a is a good thing I'm gonna get super healthy I'm gonna go crazy this summer spring on canoe trips and backpacking trips and just enjoying all this splendor that I have up here that's why I moved up here BAM it worked that works pretty good I carved too and I think I only need to use that one nice nice alright watch out guys I have an idea we shall see so there's a really good bed of coals down there it's real smoky I'd like to take advantage of that while I can I think that's about a good height anyway so the snow has given way and there's I can just prop it here I think that's good I think that's a really good height 1 2 3 that's a good height to cook on I can add little sticks in there to flame it up or even bigger logs to create more coals if I need to but I think that's pretty good yes I do probably the hungriest I've been in a long time it's not a bad thing per se my stomach usually starts to grumble pretty bad and I used to get I used to get pretty bad gas when I got very hungry but I'm trying to just slow down on eating completely like just eat up meals and less snacking and stuff so today was good I busted my butt I did not drink half of half as much water I should I was told like a 3/4 of my knowledge in full just working I just really didn't stop all day excuse me eating almonds and bars and sunflower seeds I'm gonna have to dig all this out after so I can sit next to it and get warm so it has some airflow she's down a good couple feet I need to get the flashlight out pretty soon headlamp yeah just enough room for me to lay out straight my little candle going in here set the mood feels good on the old back can was just a nice amount of ambient light in here not any kind of warmth at all don't kid yourself just excuse me a little bit of light well I'm not warm now whole fire situation is not good I knew it was gonna happen I just need to cook that and thought maybe one thought maybe it wouldn't happen this time that's alright I can fix it just gonna dig it out a little bit with my snowshoes I still got tons of wood and oh that's what I'll do I'm gonna sawed off that wood ball I'm sitting here that extra three or four pieces that way I'll stay warm and I'll look it up sorry I needed to save this fire quick so I dug down a little keyhole shape here as much as possible and fires going good again I'm just smoking like crazy and snuffing itself out it only had it had no air so creating this little draft here get a lot for it as you can see and now I can sit right next to the fire warm myself oh so for this sip pad is probably as wet as the trees I've got that um that chicken right on the flame there oh yeah oh she's good looking but I get it cooked up maybe I can do it this look at that a little 45 action perfect aha things are coming together boys and girls everything is it everything is comfortable you know I mean everything's good I have still plenty of wood I still didn't finish sawing lot that wood up by I had to come and rescue the fire so I got all a bunch of wood stacked a bunch of wood piled my knees are drying it oh my goodness oh I realized earlier I said the only other piece of clothing I had was my my socks my extra socks that's not true I do have an extra puffy a thin but my black trim laughs won't I've had forever and I haven't put that on yet so anyways those are the two pieces of post I do have I tend to bring that puffy jacket that black one more often than not just because it doesn't take up literally any room I can pack it into a pocket next to something and it adds quite a bit of warmth what don't tell me you never watched Dawson's Creek don't call this chicken done I'm thinking it's going anyway I'm getting a little chilled so before I before I dig into that chicken or cut into it anyway I gotta get prepared for the cold here tuck in my shirts oh oh she's getting breast baby that's brisk baby Johnny Johnny it's all nostalgic today it's all old songs and commercials you know that's different than any other time okay puffy jacket goes on whoa oh I wish I had a hood on my I wish I wore a sweater to be honest with you I don't know why I didn't okay okay okay we're warming up get that hood on now I'm gonna throw some wood in there and dig in to this chicken hopefully I really think it's done it's like the past six o'clock no it's gonna be seven six 56 right now okay can you see me or can you just see smoke there we are oh well it's a good thing she's done not that that was for if she did anything I just left it on the snow the whole time I just braced up old buddy call not done it's got a little smoke ring on it - is it dumb how do you know if chicken's done it's all white already it's pretty juicy maybe it needs to go on a little bit longer it's a little fleshy I don't know man it's hard to tell tastes good it's just so juicy yeah maybe it's not done that's hard to believe man it's been on there for a long time I don't know if I'm just it's chicken it's chicken even at home I don't like it when it's too like juicy it seems like it should be on the bit on the dry side I could be wrong but I don't want to test it I don't want to have any issues you know all right this has got to be done now hi and ladies this fire reflector down in here a bit see it up it's not really doing much there we go it'll be a rip roar roar okay can you see me like a nerd on TV I'll stop Oh stuff much dryer much dryer you'll have it all Joe we're gonna chicken boy with the crust here the crunch yeah she's done it yep right safe this is a really good warming me from the inside I really am having a good time our first one I got out here I was walking around dealing with the deep snow I could barely walk in it and stuff and was shredding through and thinking how am I gonna set this tent up it all worked out I believe this is my first campout since my last big video oh no no the one where I only had four items or whatever and I spent I built that little shelter I spent the night over eight that rabbit yeah I think this is the first moment I since that knows before Christmas craziness I got some snow pot to melt just leave it right there nice and easy my last piece of Chicano and get down on it [Music] this is a good set up a very good set up seat wise in everything because while I don't have a back support I do have my even imprint I do have some where I can set put my feet down you know what I mean cherish style the only drawback is be super easy to melt my boots I just have to keep taking them away putting them in the snow or sitting like this for a little bit warms my inner regions anyway when I do this what yeah everything's going pretty smooth man this is probably the coldest up camp in a couple years I remember getting even this cold last year it's only negative 15 or supposed to be negative 16 tonight excuse me that's not to say that I haven't camped in this type of stuff before you guys remember Kyle and I used to do a bunch of crazy winter camps one of them I had to stick my foot in his armpit to keep it from getting a frost nip or frostbite last piece that trip with Kyle it was a negative 40 Celsius every night for three or four three nights and we never got warmer than negative 20 Celsius in the daytime Fahrenheit and Celsius are the same at negative 40 I don't know what negative 20 is in Fahrenheit but it was cold very very cold we found a log cabin at the end that's on the last night with the wood stove we just loaded that guy up and got it rockin in there but like as it is now man I'm not cold I was cold earlier I was chilly earlier this fire is going really well my toes can be a little bit warmer but I could always take off my boots and warm them by the fire as well which I might do I don't need my gaiters on me more for walking around I'm done I cut my snowshoes off for the night this whole thing is coated in a layer of ice on the inside oh yeah no my water is slush anyway I got water in there should be water soon I wanna make the tea Oh bring it bring it it's asparagus oh I did I did bring it my cookies my gluten free sugar free not gluten-free sugar-free cookies oh I'm gonna eat one right now I'm so happy about that maybe I'll have it with my tea a little tea crumpet tell you biscuit right oh right out anyways this is a folder cup Swedish fold a cup and this is a good size for my tea I have a good herbal tea from David's tea my wife got for me and it is called honey drop herbal boost your immunity with Susan soothing orange vitamin C ginger mulling death and mint ingredients are Apple honey bush or spill peppermint ginger Moringa leaves rooibos Verve e'en leaves mallow leaves and petals elderberry petals absorb ik acid vitamin C stevia extract natural flavoring caffeine free so the only thing let's meet in Montreal as well ma the only thing that I don't know about is the stevia is stevia good for you I don't think so it smells very nice I've had one cup of it before maybe two maybe two a little t-ball action oh we're gonna put a generous amount in there boom so then that will go in my cup and pour the boiling water on top crazy how that works yeah it smells really nice I want this asparagus to I'll throw on the coals in a little bit all right I think she's about steeped I can't see anything cuz my headlight is on the camera she's trying to fish this tea ball out of here they'll burn myself too bad okay there we go there's this wolf oh no I need a scoop on tea scoop alright I'll stop I'll stop cheers folks very tasty I'm gonna keep this on my woodpile over here off the snow just so that it stays warm for long yes he's no longer I'm really interested in having one of these sugar-free all-natural chocolatey cookies I got they come in three three packs they're very hard but they're good I don't know why but after supper I crave like nothing else like a bite of chocolate just like it doesn't have to be a bunch just like a bite of dark chocolate or dark chocolate my favorite I don't know why anyone else have that my back is getting cold open this those tea warms me up feels good on the tummy like it always does oh yes yes all right well I think I'm just gonna stay here for a bit we'll get back with you in a little bit are just gonna melt some more snow stay hydrated it's got to be ha got 10 to 8 749 so I won't be up past 10:00 I don't think a couple hours sit here relax hydrate a couple more glasses or cups of tea that way I have to get up and pee about 5 16 times 5 to 16 times tonight all right so I'm trying to pour the remaining water from my pot into my water bottle so this is just all ice in here hopefully break it back up and then I'll pour it back into the pot with some water I mean sorry with some snow there we go then I'll get some drinkable water that's not gonna really like hurt my teeth super bad will I drink it all right whoops oh snap I fell in the pit oh no no no no the gloves are frozen stuff look what I did it's all new this shouldn't be down here well I guess it's created oh yeah look at that creating a lip there's a an old tree here underneath me and that's gonna keep me up which is good look it's all melted back easy don't mind me me just over here man spreading like nobody's business know how it is it's alright nobody wants this seat so it's acceptable guarantee nobody wants to see hi I'm not cold at all I don't know what temperature it is right now but it's 9 o'clock and yeah this fire is keeping me mighty warm the wind is starting to kick up a bit I don't know what that's all about but we shall see I'll probably go to bed in the boat a half an hour maybe an hour this circle is getting bigger it won't fire pit all right this is it I'm turning in not everything put away of a lot of my gear under here with some wood pots hanging up in the tree everything's over in the gear tree I'm going to leave my boots my pants and my gaiters next to me on top of all my gear and I'm going to wear everything else that I have on the bed I might well I'll just do a couple buttons up but we'll leave the can you just see me Joe or just smoke can you see me or just see smoke we're doing a couple buttons up on the shelter just to close in the top of it and I'll leave this bottom part open [Applause] well wish you luck we'll have socks I have a change of socks I'll have to pull those over here before I take everything else off think warm thoughts for me all right well foot update I've been laying here for a little bit and my feet are getting warmer I'm getting feeling back into my big toe so that's nice and I think I want to take my Nalgene of water and put it in my sleeping bag so it doesn't freeze overnight so I have water in the morning and water through it tonight echo on it all right good night guys Wow we're a little foggy in here it's almost 6:00 in the morning I know it's lopsided - we got 553 553 well [Music] stay pretty warm I did end up taking my big overcoat like my big thick puffy and tying it behind the arms together mannequin a little tube then sliding it down and put my feet in there my feet got warm I end up taking my socks completely off even the new ones and letting my feet just the skin on skin next to each other and that warmed him up quite quite good I woke up at 4 ish and put my socks on you know I'm doing okay I imagine I'm awake now I've been laying here since probably 4 I did get up I did go to bed at 10:00 anyways it doesn't get light till about 8:00 o'clock oh I'm gonna get up in a little bit and make my breakfast and I got out of here when it gets late because I gotta go to the bathroom that's the one thing about mmm what's wrong with me still it's I I wouldn't be able to do a multi-day trip yet I have to have some downtime after I use the bathroom and really need to rest which is okay I will I will mend up very soon and I'll be able to do multi-day trips but as of now I'm happy to do this overnight it did start to snow or freezing rain or some agile as snow wouldn't been a freezing rain heavy pellets though like starting again I can hear it anyway yeah when I get up out of bed here I will bring you with me you'll get get a fire going I got a bunch of wood right here like a decent amount of wood to get a fire going I'm sure those coals are dead cold by now yeah decent decent sleeping bag I don't know how cold it got I'm not sure it said sixteen so this sleeping bags decent I wish my feet were a touch warmer I could have and I usually do in the wintertime put boiling water in my Nalgene before I go to bed and put that down bum I feel like a little um you know hop hot water bottle but I did not do that and after I thought after I lay down in bed all socks and boots and pants off and everything I thought I should have done that all right I'll get back all right it's time to get up it's just after 7:00 know you can up and make some breakfast still pretty dark oh I can see a little bit of light coming through the tent opening I'm gonna shut the light off best part of the day getting uploaded the warm sleeping big into the cold oh it did snow oh my goodness the hole inside my tent is covered in snow oh okay and your happen holy crap it snowed okay these buttons are fun fun to deal with oh man so much snow what the heck like I can crawl underneath it but all my goodness alright let's go see the snowfall still snowing oh yeah so it's a good amount Wow I must have slept pretty good I did hear it coming down yeah this is a decent want of snow man to three inches easy my gloves are frozen late starting to come up I got a melt up some snow for water I actually cannot grab that without some gloves on I know that one minute here you've been touching this camera's brutally cold Oh so even with that the tent set up the way I did at the top with the little vent open I got no snow in the inside the tent I had no idea how much it snow no idea I'll show you what I mean up in there no snow what a cool little tent man I'm pretty impressed never setting one up before was pretty intuitive you know cut your own pole just big enough for me and my dog or me in the backpack kept all that snow out it was windy - it is sturdy very sturdy they just gotta find that that's stick oh is using this work this'll work okay oh man my hands are so numb this won't work there we go oh it's too cold too cold it's a nice morning did it stop snowing that slowed right down huh anyway next morning I'm hungry and I'm thirsty I chug that bold analogy and I left a tiny tiny little bit in the bottom I have some dehydrated apples I'm gonna put in my my quinoa oatmeal you know natural oats it's not much but it's pretty filling once it's once it's all fluffed up and then I put a fruit with it normally it's either a I'll put a [Music] blueberries been in a I haven't put apple slices yet but this will be a first show I'm sure it'll taste good so this sleeping Vegas for meth which is the Canadian equivalent equivalent to REI it's called Mountain Equipment co-op or it used to be at least and this is one of their bags this is one of their sleeping bags this is the negative Tony like I said and it's along the same lines as the negative ten and the negative three that I have so that would be the orange one and the blue one and the negative three is actually a plus three there was a recall on it years back but the negative 10 has has held up very well for me and the rating has been true and that is the stuff set this is the stuff sack I'm using that's from the negative ten one so it's nice to know uh-huh this is so cold on my hand it's nice to know that the negative twenty will also fit into the negative pen stuff sack and goes in my backpack which is pretty cool for a negative twenty bag I don't know that it is the true rating of it could've been my toes could a little bit a little warmer last night but who knows I have poor circulation as well that could have been part of the cold feet thing always do have cold feet when I went your camping but anyways oh okay I gotta go warm my hands away the fire that was brutal that was brutal that pot is rocking I'd say she's boiling there's my plate hear it nice okay put this on top of that on top of the lid to the pot so it doesn't cool down while it's hydrating oatmeal it's also some Apple crisps in there you know live a little spice things up use our blue menu PC blue menu appease you Apple you guys hear that apple slices they're really good damn son beautiful touch a little bit more water in there there we go okay all right guys first bite here looking forward to it it's good with the Apple it's pretty bland otherwise sometimes they put real maple syrup in I got a bottle from woodsman 87 when I went to Sean's place for the million subscriber thing to put a little splash of that in here every now and then it's crazy man like last night sitting by the fire here I was really warm really warm however cold it was that's that's true if you have enough firewood and you set up the right kind of fire long fire that you just radiate the heat like you can stay on negative 40 for sure when Kyle and I the trip I was talking about last night when we were on that trip we were waiting till 8 o'clock every night to light the fire because we had marginal not marginal but not enough firewood so we'll be dark for 3 hours before we even lit the fire because we knew we wanted to sit by the fire and have a couple drinks and relax before we went to bed around 10 or whatever so knowing we only had a couple hours worth of firewood that's why we would wait and that's why I end up having to stick my foot in his armpit to not lose my toes doing jumping jacks and everything it wasn't it wasn't working I got my tee ball in here I think I just ate a pine needle tasted quite piney well finish this up and start turning down camp and snowshoeing out of here be interested to see how the roads are well gam there will be a probably a week hiatus where I'll be missing a video after this one comes out because of going down to the Children's Hospital and all that stuff but yeah I'm back everything's good I will continue to put out videos regularly just one extra week so my my valve was who is haha frozen shut this morning and I had to put my mouth on it and warm it up in order to open it and that's happened plenty of times is just a little tip just a little pro chip so in conclusion the Finn bear from cold steel was a good decent blade I liked it I liked the grip on it a lot more than amaura it's a good cheap alternative I think for amaura what else just pup tent this is polish la booth pretty cool I liked a lot of things about it I don't like the buttons but that's not a big deal yeah see baby was alright there's a good trip everything worked out alright everything worked out really well I was super happy when I got that bow drill at the end then I got that was out that was a hearty set I got a good good amount of coals from that so excited excited about wood it seems as though I've filled up all but six minutes of a 64 gig card that is absolutely crazy I cannot believe that I've never even come close to that before so anyways this is the last scene breaking this down I want to show you how well those snow anchors worked you can see this right I can't even get it out so as you can see from just one that's no joke they freeze in place and yeah it works it works well obviously oh yeah I use a pipe for that pole for that one I can't believe I used that much memory I did do a couple big time lapses actually cutting up that wood and everything oh my goodness okay my bow drill hits checking around here somewhere I think anyway few pieces of it leave it here I'll take this paracord off actually pretty cool that this backpack has these little bottom straps one of these type of backpacks don't oh no shoe Joe oh all right I got everything in and on the bag maybe a tight squeeze now there we go well thank you for joining me on this overnight winter bushcraft canvas tent in the forest in the snow sub zero Degree ice storm prior Vidhya I had a fun time I hope you guys enjoyed it okay this is the old Joe signing off until next time we'll see you soon goodbye
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 2,092,594
Rating: 4.8109746 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Axe, Ontario, Canada, Fire, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, winter, camping, wintercamping, icestorm, ice, storm, camp, tinyhome, logcabin, bowdrill, skills, outdoor, canada, north, northern, northernontario, ontario, youtube, joerobinet, subzero, subzerotemps, cold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 35sec (8855 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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