Camping in Rainy Snowfall With My Dog

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hey guys monty here as i always say it's better to have two good stinks than one good thing at least that's what i think or do i just stink i don't know anymore what the heck [Music] [Music] look at a big old region [Music] well hello ladies and gentlemen i'm out with the old stinkalicious fluffalicious and uh we're gonna spend a night out here he's pretty fired up right now so as you can see there's no snow this is the first time i can remember camping when it just is officially spring and all the snow's melted normally we have snow for like another month it feels like so i'm gonna set down my back here the reason i got the old dry bag today is we're supposed to get some precipitation tonight we're supposed to get snow three inches roughly maybe five i don't know it's it's not going to last it's going to melt but it's still supposed to get wet tonight so we need to find a decent spot i'm trying to find a spot it's a little bit more sheltered as you can see we've got a nice open forest you know this time of year there's just firewood galore so we just need to find a nice shelter spot that's got a few pine trees around it because we're supposed to get some high winds by tomorrow morning and i don't like camping in high winds so we're probably going to scoot a little early in the morning that's when they're supposed to kick up let's see what we got here the winds are gonna be coming from northwest so what do we got there that would be oh oh oh our winds are coming from this way tonight so we need to have our backs there well it feels like it's coming from this way that doesn't make sense anyways what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna set down the pack and we're gonna find a nice sheltered spot so monty let's find a spot come on over here [Music] are you coming stinky okie dokes um i think this is going to be our spot now it's not super ideally perfect um we found the perfect spot i didn't have my camera with me but there could not have been a bigger deader tree right next to the campsite i took a i snapped a picture on my phone but uh yeah it was like perfect there was these little pine trees and it was just enough space for me to set up my tarp it would have been perfectly blocked on all sides except where the fire would have been and there was just a monster dead tree i'm not setting up in winds next to a tree that's going to break off branches somebody's excited to be camping huh stinky so what we're gonna do is we're going to tie to this tree here in this tree here oh hey check this out well it's more solid than it looks we'll we'll get her a nice piece of firewood already there okay so i'm gonna set this over here pull over fire like right here get this thing out of the way okay so i know it's uh you know you see leaves everywhere but don't worry uh it is wet all the leaves are wet it just looks dry on the top but it's pretty wet i should mention we got a little bit of a light start today as per usual but the temperature is like 36 degrees fahrenheit just above freezing so it's pretty warm pretty warm today i think it's gonna get i don't know what's gonna get down to tonight but it should be high winds i didn't bring out the bulky bag today all right so this ground is just flat enough we're sleeping see right here we should be able to make this work monty what do you think what do you think monty come here don't you get crushed by a tree come here come over here come here stay there stay there you stay [Music] [Music] there dang it oh my gosh that is a sturdy tree it's nice to use in firewood but i think we're gonna need a tool to get it down oh no oh no oh no no no no no oh no no no that's nice well i must have not hey hey check this out did you ever drink flat beer out of a bivvy sack before that didn't taste good so yeah i thought i was smart wrapping my beers in my bivvy sack because if they popped they wouldn't get all my stuff soaked but it turns out it's still get your stuff soaked and it'll just get your whole baby sack smell like beer we're off to a good start real good start rumble rumble dumbledore now everything is going to stink like beer dang dabbit there's not much we can do about that one all right so the wind is supposed to be coming from this way okay i feel like it's gonna come more so from this way so we're gonna angle it back this way but we're gonna kind of hold this side down but there's a lot of stuff right here a lot of little pine trees some pretty good natural wind block so we're just gonna we got some perfectly seasoned maple right here i don't want this dead piece falling us on us in the night so uh [Laughter] i should do the trick [Music] that is some seasoned maple oh no my fly's been down this whole time why didn't anyone say anything getting too warm auntie okay we'll set up the tarp and then uh then we'll finish firewood that's just the perfect spot monty how'd you know how did you know to angle yourself like that to show yourself for the camera huh good old rats nessie just just the joy of my life is just this just dealing with the tangled paracord nothing better oh that wasn't so bad okay so what we're gonna do since we're gonna have wins tonight is uh instead of taking the ridge line and running it through on the end of the corner here i'm gonna just start it at one uh one one uh loop in so that i can have the ridge line up higher and angle this down towards the ground to give us a little bit better side protection from the wind so that is what we are going to do start one square in now this is a 10 by 13 tarp i'm gonna put the 13 foot wide so that i can do this little angle here we won't lose much space if any what do we got we got two and a half hours of light left that is plenty of time now i'm going to do the tarp a little bit lower than i would normally do just because we're going to have some wins tonight and what we're going to do is the top line hitch on this side so that i can tighten this up as it needs it so you guys know me you guys know me pretty well by now i've had some goofy tarp setups i'm not an expert i'm not perfect i uh there's been some questionable tarp setups in my day so what we're going to do is try something a little different normally i will tie up this part first i'll do the you know the whole front and then i'll stake the back but we're just going to see if it makes any difference today because when i was out with rubes earlier this winter i did the front first and i did the back and it just kind of was goofy so what we're going to do is i'm going to stake out the back tight and just low to the ground get that perfect and then we'll tie up the front we'll see if it makes a difference and we're not gonna do the sides until after but we're gonna just stake it out just because you know why not experiment why not why not practice mess around learn all those stuff you know all that stuff all those stuff not all the that stuff so we gotta keep it right here and i'm using these big old steaks that i brought for the hot tent uh in fall time they're fall hot tent stakes so we've got those ends all right okay okay all right okay all right okay all right okay so far it worked pretty good it worked a lot better now we're just gonna now we're just gonna tie the uh well i don't know if i have enough stakes only got five so i'll use two in the back here hmm okay so we've got it fairly hunkered in here this is definitely going to be pretty wind protected i'm keeping it real shallow on purpose but i'm going to tie this one first and then we're going to do one steak i've only got one more steak so we're going to do one steak on this side to pull that side down and then we're gonna sit right in here and we should be pretty good now i'm not gonna need to sit under this while we're having the fire and stuff well thinking about it now i'm gonna have to have the fire where monty's sitting i don't want it too too close to my tarp here that was not the best thinking huh oh my god one thing i'm learning the more i set up tarps is like you can make them more uh you know shallow as long as you pull and tie out the center you know and raise it up make it a little more roomy oh see this tree is going to be a little a little bent here okay that'll do well you know we're probably gonna end up having our faces up here tonight yeah yeah i'm gonna have my face up here this steak can probably come out more yeah we're gonna undo this this corner seems a little loose so i'm gonna undo this back steak but other than that it's pretty good so we're just gonna lay right here i'll set my stuff here because this is kind of just lumpy right here or no i'll set it on this side to block some extra wind for monty all right so i'm just gonna fix up that stake and we're all set up and then we're gonna decide where the heck we want the fire because ideally i wanted it right here but as you can see that's right under the tarp i don't want to have it on that little mound hmm all right okay all right okay turns all set up and since mr monty here has declared this is his spot this little mound i think we're gonna have our fire right here it's a little close to these trees here this is this is a dead piece uh this that piece that i dragged out initially this is the bottom half this is dead it must have snapped off sometime this winter but yeah all this is just dead so i could no let's leave it it's fine i'll just sit right here next to monty yeah we'll have our fire right here that way we don't burn our tarp what do you think huh what do you think what do you think but yeah i ended up putting one more uh stake i took it out of the back so i got three in the back and two on the right side because the winds are supposed to come from this way but i'm thinking they're going to come more from this way if i have to use my guesstimation so um what i'm going to do now is take that piece of firewood i'm you know what that's some super dense maple so we're going to be a little lazy today now what i normally could do is chop it into some nice pieces and uh you know burn it up or we can just burn it in half and use the fire as our cutting tool and i think that's the route we're gonna go right what do you think then we can have a bigger pull away and then we can throw the stick for you longer stick stick stick stick stick stick [Music] you bop me hey don't bop my face don't do that you win i took off running and i fell right into the snow there's a little patch of snow well none of that i guess ooh the ground's still frozen right here i'm not digging in at all all right let's get your firewood or get us firewood get you a stick and then relax and now you can see how wet the ground is in yeah it's still frozen oops oh it's just too easy this time of year finding firewood i didn't even have to go well wow dang it well just dang it here we're gonna just use this tree [Applause] as i was saying just too easy find a firework this time of year i didn't even have to go 20 feet there's just so much firewood all over the place so most of these big pieces i'm just going to burn in half um yeah that's what we're gonna do since we've still got almost almost two hours of light left we are going to start this fire early and get a nice coal bed built yes that is what we are going to do of course we will get you a stick now we're gonna give monty the perfect stick today you know you gotta ask yourself what do you think if monty would prefer would you prefer a nice maple stick that's super dense and hard to bite into and thrash around like a crazy person or would you like a nice pine stick yeah i know i know you'd prefer pine we'll get you a nice pine stick okay now this maple here this would be a perfect stick because it's smooth but it's dense i'm vermont i mean it's going to be perfect for burning it's a little too dense is that cherry no that's beautiful or not cherry what am i what am i even talking about is that oh i meant it could be oak i didn't look at it long enough all right let's spark up a fire how dare you molest my fireworks sir the audacity who do you think you are all right got some birch bark in my pocket that i've been carrying around for a while now i'm gonna try to get this in one strike what do you think monty we're gonna get the legendary one strike today not a chance you suck all right oh it's so close it sparked and everything two dang it jinxed it monty you gotta smother your fire right away once you get it going step one so hi you're so stinky your breath smells like poop smells like poop everybody smells like poop good boy so so [Applause] oh you want your sleep go ahead come on come on t there's too much stuff go ahead good boy it's been a long time since we battled monty it was well fought sir well fought hi monty is uh he's settled in already i thought he was since it's it's really not that cold out um you know oh i thought i was feeling a light rain and now i can hear it on the tarp it's definitely raining lately dang it it was not calling for any sort of rain or anything till like 10 or 11 so i didn't bring out a second tarp or an umbrella dang it well i mean the old dslr has survived worse than this so we're just going to chance it if the video is cut short it's because the rain fried my camera because i didn't stop recording in the rain and didn't protect it anywho we're just setting up here i'm just going to burn this all in half that's pretty much all our firewood right there it's all piled on there there's they're just super long and dense so i'm going to let that burn in half and just keep throwing it on there we've still got an hour and 15 minutes of light left so i'm going to finish setting up my chair get the other sleeping pad our sleep stuff get it all set then we are going to find monty the perfect stick throw him the stick for quite a while and then we're going to start cooking right before sunset because i am hungry but mont stinky i'm sure would love a nice stick session oh my stinky all right i've got three sticks reminded to choose from perfect nice pine sticks we've got you know a nice thick old piece a nice medium piece and a nice thin piece monty come here with the stick boy you want the sticker oh which one would you like come here get the stick which one you want come on get it which one that one okay this is the one get your scented oh yeah oh that's some scent yeah yeah stinky okay what this huh okay so yeah i'm sure you can hear it by now the rain's picked up a little bit i've got the camera sitting just under the corner of the tarp it's not really protected it's a little bit protected you know i always do this thing it's where you don't trust the weather when the weather says hey we're going to do this uh it usually doesn't do that but then i find myself trusting the weather so today for example it said hey it's probably not gonna rain there's like a five percent chance or ten percent until like 11 at night or whatever it was i don't remember and i'm like okay so i don't need to bring an umbrella or a second tarp or really hardcore rain gear because it's it's my camera's gonna be fine it's not gonna rain but then you don't trust the weather because like it's doing now that ten percent turn into a hundred percent and it's raining now i don't think we're gonna get soaked by any means the only worry whatsoever is that camera uh because you know normally it's it's cold enough to wear any precipitation or kind of freeze on it but this is just rain so i think worst case uh scenario what we're gonna do is i'm just going to put the camera under the tarp when i'm cooking the what's set up now we'll just face it the other way if it's raining too much i mean this i'm not going to get wet from this i'll get a little damp maybe but it's not raining crazy very light rain monty bring me that stick right now monty bring it here yeah i'm talking to you bring it here hey hey watch you watch yourself oh hey hey jeez i wonder i wonder if that camera picked up that clunk it was a good clunk you got me monty there's even a little mark you stinker he's like you beat me with the sleeping pad i beat you with the stick oh you want to go oh jeez you're vicious with the stick you're a vicious little critter you're vicious don't you dare clunk me with that stick mister hey hey get vicious you're vicious you clogged me bring here bring in here hey jeez what am i gonna do with this guy he is just he is just vicious so i think i figured it out uh since my bivvy sack is the only other like waterproof tarp sort of deal i got and the inside is completely soaked with beer very pungent beer uh i'm just i've got that right now kind of draped over my rain fly and uh a stick and it's it's above the camera so what i'm gonna do is just uh probably take a couple sticks and make like a little triangle wedge them into the ground a little bit and we'll make a little a little makeshift tarp since i'm not not going to use that for any of my gear i'm not going to get everything completely uh smelling like beers so uh yeah we'll use it to protect the camera and it should be just fine fires get a little smoky we'll have to pilot some more wood but yeah we're just gonna throw the sticker monty here for a while longer and watch him just thrash the stick around and then we're gonna start making food or getting prepared for it at least okay so what we've got over here is a high quality bushcraft bivvy tarp for your camera see you just take a couple of sticks you wedge them into the ground like that and you yeah you beat them a little bit with your ex because the ground's kind of frozen and then you take your other part of the bivvy and look at this you just got this nice dry space for your camera now i know it looks perfect it doesn't look saggy and sad at all so you definitely want to copy this technique when you're in need now the main thing that's important about this to know is that if there happens to be any sort of pooling or snow it's guaranteed to collapse and fall down and maybe knock over my camera and get all soaking wet so that's that's the main thing to keep in mind that's a very good thumbs up very good great job great success and then over here you got a you got a mount stinky who is just getting wet monty i think dad might have screwed up a little bit yeah it's like snowing now that's good okay oh monty monty why'd you tell me oh this is buddy why'd you tell me it wasn't gonna rain till later i didn't even bring my rain pants because i figured hey what the heck just complete i just don't even know how to camp in this weather anymore i don't even know what i'm doing monty you where's your stick go get your stick no go get your stick that's not it go get your stick monty no no no no no go get your stick monty no not that one no no no go get it monty no no no no no no no no no no no no monty go get your stick go get it no no no no no no go get it go get it manti go get it look at it monty go get it go get it bring in here my teeth go boy go get it find them auntie go find it come on t bring it here we're gonna get a little wet that's okay let's you bring it here turn it into a quest rain snow it's it's a snain it's staining out snow rain monty bring it here monty bring it here my teeth bring it right here i think money dang it monty where's your stick where is it oh okay no rascal you got the other stick huh okay that is a hot fire this fire ain't going anywhere we'll have a nice coal bed at least two things i want to mention quick though first and foremost is um even though i didn't really bring any rain gear other than this layer this layer is a waterproof layer this is my only one um i knew it was going to pre-sift out but i thought we were going to not be dealing with it until on our way out tomorrow which when i'm when i'm hiking my way out if it's a light precipitation i don't really mind having my pants because when you're working it kind of warms up you don't get soaked through i don't even think i'm gonna get soaked through just sitting out like this with this light amount um anyways what i'm trying to say is it doesn't matter if i get wet right here i've got a layer of thermals under here and here um i have a dry set of clothes to change into if i get too cold or wet so oh i'm gonna i'm probably not gonna put it on maybe before i go to bed i'll put my dry thermals on but for the most part i've got a dry layer set to change into so i'm not worried about getting a little wet and the other thing is you'll notice when i was walking you know there's no snow and i'm just walking through the woods just walking in the woods just kind of meandering just picking a spot and you might be wondering how you do that and find your way out uh one of the main things i do is when i'm going camping in a spot i like to look on maps and i park on a two track just a row that's off into the woods and i like to have a long section of the two track at least be going one way whether it's you know southwest and you know it'll curve and stuff all over but if for the most part the road is just aiming southwest that means if i hike north east from that road which is what i did today so the roads let's see you're looking at me whatever this is this is the way i'm going to do it because it's the way it is for me but anyways the road's going like this that's going southwest i just decided i followed my compass and just went northwest and just just kept checking my my compass northwest northwest just keep going that way so as long as i'm generally going northwest it doesn't matter i've got i don't even know how many miles of road is going southwest it's at least like five miles or maybe it's not quite that many but it's quite a few miles where it's just going southwest and then you know there's other roads if you keep going if i just go southwest i'm going to hit one of those roads eventually i'm not going to get lost most likely i'm going to hit the road you know i'd have to really not be checking my compass for quite a while going and going just guessing to not go back the way i came and that's generally how i like to follow things you know i'll find a nice ridge or just just have a reference point whether it's a stream or it's a it's like a a swamp something something that you're like okay if i go this way and when i want to go back as long as i aim in that right direction and i hit this thing i know where i'm kind of at you know that's that's just kind of how i generally do it i'm just wandering i like to have reference points but i generally look on google maps for something before i go out uh yeah and the nicest spots are ones where you've got like a long stretch of road or a long river that you can just walk for miles and miles and miles and miles long and that it just you know if you've got like a 10 mile river stretch or a 10 mile road that's going a certain way those are the best spots we have some big long piece of something to reference yeah we had a little bit of a poopy walk in poop poop poop more poop literally poopy so there's poop everywhere this time of year all those winter poops that thaw just go to the ground i'm probably cooking on poop right now we probably got a poop fire going poop i don't think there's any poo where we're sleeping monty it's like turning into snow it's going to be a wet snow tonight i hope we get like a nice blanket of snow by the morning that'd be cool just go from uh this to that to that this okay since it is getting wetter and wetter as the night goes on um we are going to start cooking and getting food prepared um so let's see what are we doing here first what's going on here all right so i've got a two premise pens what we are making for dinner today is a cajun shrimp linguini a creamy cajun shrimp linguine that's what we're making okay there we go let's see i can go there so it's gonna be delicioso muy delicioso uh yeah what what did i just say that's what i said that's what's gonna be first thing we're going to do is take some green onions chop these up now i tend to cook my meals pretty much differently every time when it's something i haven't cooked a million times this one i've cooked a handful of times and i don't really remember how i normally do it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna add in most of our fresh herbs and stuff with a little butter kind of cook them up just a little bit and then we're gonna add in our cream simmer it down add the spices bring out the flavor then add our shrimp as our noodles are cooking and then we will be feasting okay let's add this to the pan here okay next thing we got going in here is we're not gonna add in all our fresh herbs right now we're just going to add in a bunch of thyme fresh thyme i like i like lots of herbs and spices very flavorful oh yeah oh i love thyme it's a good it's a good and it's one of my favorites we got a few of the sticks in there that's okay so we're going to save off to the side but i've got some fresh parsley we're just going to chop that and add it back to my little tupperware container so we're not going to add this in right now that'll go back there with a teeny tiny little healthy portion of butter there and a teeny tiny little healthy portion healthy portion to that pan of butter of butter and then this pan we're going to add in our shrimp we've got some super colossals straight from walmart the the sea of walmart the frozen section fresh as can be and uh yeah we gotta prepare some montes monte of course is going to get his sweet potato a nice healthy portion of that he hasn't had it in quite a while here so he is going to get pretty excited now there's only one other thing you can add to a sweet potato that monty would love and yes that's right you've guessed it nice healthy portion of ground up venison okay so we're gonna add a little water to that and we are going to get that on the fire and we're gonna get cooking oh yeah let's do this i did give him the option of uh i gave him a dry spot there i prefer to get wet amazing wet yes monty winter you falling asleep right now okay for cooking today we have of course got the great great not just one double gray gray oh yeah you can't you can't beat the double gray gray it's just the perfect combination of stability ability cooking just you know you can't deny it oh that is just i should not have done that until i get these set up because that is hot oh geez oh my face oh this is so hot fire oh my gosh it's very hot fire oh okay okay we got coals oh it's so hot we'll start with nuke and monte's right there we'll get this one heated up oh that's that's not the most stable thing i've ever seen and then we're gonna have this one right that's here very stable imagine that all right we're going to add in our shrimp our jumbo shrimp now one thing you'll notice is that they're still kind of frozen that was a mistake i didn't thaw them long enough i just pulled them out this morning when i started packing so they're not going to sear up quite like i wanted to they're going to kind of get slightly boiled that's okay i wanted to have the butter and just kind of char up really quick and be raw on the inside to cook in the pasta but hey we're at where we're at it's going to be delicious either way well i was i was going to cook these up in montreal but i forgot the montreal so we're just going to just use a little black pepper and a little bit of salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt okay i want our herbs and stuff to burn just slightly cook up just a little bit it's a little more fragrant oh yeah there's so much moisture in there oh no oops oh it's a hot fire so hot dang it all right we've cooked up our uh green onions and thyme just for a minute a couple minutes i'd say so we're gonna add the other stuff we're gonna add with some heavy whipping cream we've got what a 16 ounce container here start with that okay i gotta take these shrimp off oh hey we just got a big ol coal in there oh i know i keep saying it but man is this fire hot oh oh okay then we've got some fresh basil i'm just gonna tear it up by hand i can't get near the dang thing it's so dang hot okay then into there we've got some white pepper gotta be careful i want too much of that some black pepper a little salt not too much hell not too little sauce i'll just write myself a little a little bit more okay and then of course because when i eat my food i like to enjoy it and i like to just have it be too spicy and not be able to enjoy it as much but like the flavor but i want to enjoy it but just crush red pepper because i'm a to spice and why not burn my mouth off you know why not okay now we're just gonna let this simmer down for a bit and then we'll add a little bit more stuff let's start cooking up for just a minute here let this start to simmer down we gotta flip our shrimp here got a lot of that moisture let's continue cooking those for just a minute it's snowing monty it's snowing we're starting to get a slight amount of accumulation i think we're definitely going to have like an inch or two uh by morning because the snow wasn't really supposed to start like i said until earlier and the tarps gonna get a little heavy especially at the shallow angle it's probably gonna be laying on us a little bit but that's okay right monty i'd pet you but you're so wet and you're so wet he's not cold at all but he is wet and uh that's one thing about monty that uh you should note when it's like this and it's light he's only wet on the outer layer his undercoat does not get soaked really that easily even when it's raining it takes a while to get his undercoat because he's got two pretty much two coats the super frilly uh insulating fluffer that's underneath near his skin and then there's like the coarse hair on the outside and it acts as like a shell so it's going to look like he's super soaked but it's just his outer layer the inside he'll be dry on the inside then i'll just towel him off right before bed and he'll be pretty much bone dry oh my gosh we're getting all sorts of holes in here and the shrimp i brought out a couple of beers well i should say a few you know i was like hey today i haven't been camping in a while let's bring out three beers and the world was like no you cannot bring out more than two beers we will destroy one that's exactly what happened uh one beer popped and i had to drink a little sip on my baby i guess it was destined to just have two so what we've got here is a beer that was sent to me by subscribers we've got a hazy ipa cloud eight eighth wonder brewery 38 ibus so we're gonna give our professional very high quality review as i always do i'm very good at reviewing uh a brew i'm i just i've done it for a long time and i'll continue to do it um hmm oh yeah that tastes like beer yep definitely 100 okay we've got oh my gosh look at all the just the pieces of stick char coals that got in here that's not what we wanted okay anyways these are cooked up enough we are going to peel these and add these in to this oh oh these these are hot i imagine that ah oh why oh oh i will do this i will do this all my finger tips i'm so close i'm so close one more two more dang it dang it i did it i did it oh geez that was just rather enjoyable just check monty's mingled mush that is definitely cooking monte's is going to be done soon we're going to let his cool but ours we're getting water in there so it's going to take a while so we're going to set this closer to the heat to get it simmer we don't want it to burn actually we're just going to drag out coals oh my god yeah it's so hot we just need that to thicken up a bit this fire is so dang hot i can barely stand it i is a hot flying that's so hot i don't understand what makes sense what does it makes so much sense it makes no sense as to why it is something hot another world ever know why you're so hot i don't think so but that won't stop us from burning ourselves time and time again literally ever there i don't think so just don't think it's possible it is simmer in there monty what did you just eat i'm pretty sure monty just ate a coal i'm like 99.9 sure monty just ate a coal he the ones that i flicked out of the the shrimp i just heard a crunch and there's nothing other than a coal that would crunch like the way that just did so all right it's time to get some water boiling for the nudes montes is going to be done let's pull that off and let that start cooling this is getting close to adding the last ingredients we're gonna probably with still a little liquidy oh my gosh it's so hot um we're gonna give it until this water is boiling for these noodles and then we're going to add the last stuff and then keep this kind of off to the side not let it get super hot it'll thicken as we add a little bit more stuff and it simmers more a little watery still let's check the flavor okay flavor is good it's not 100 there but that is only because it needs a simmer locker okay oh geez foreign oh yeah water's not blowing yet you are a wet monster you can sit under the tarp if you want dude i mean your food isn't going anywhere i'm keeping it warm by the fire it's it's not going anywhere monty i promise auntie monty look at your little teeths your little teeths your teeth okay all right now that is starting to look like the consistency we want oh yeah that's definitely simmered out a little bit a lot of that moisture start to look a little creamier less runny and our water is just about boiling let's just do a little flavor check okay yep oh yeah okay so we're gonna add some fresh parsley and then of course some grated parmesan cheese oh we need a little bit more than that now i'd like to also add swiss cheese in here and maybe some provolone now just some swiss i couldn't find it though they were all out of the swiss so i was like what the heck but it's just gonna taste just dandy with just parmesan we'll just add a little extra parmesan oh yeah oh yeah we're gonna add a little bit more parmesan just just because just a little bit more because i mean if we're going to have pasta anyway i don't know i'm pasta oh my gosh oh yeah they're okay and the flavor just went from zero to 100 right there or maybe like 10 to 100. i guarantee it oh yeah okay [Applause] let's add in our linguine noodles oh it's gonna be hot to get or hard hot and hard to get these to go in without breaking [Music] all right we're gonna pull this off to the side as i work these in i'm not burning my hands right now they're pretty much on there now oh all right let's see how close we are with the noodles oh oh we're getting close we're getting close but you're still very hot okay we're gonna move this up to the side slightly keep it from spilling and now we're gonna add a french baguette to toast and crisp up because why not have more carbs with my carbs oh yeah we got to be careful we don't want this to burn so we got to flip this this is only going to sit on here for a few minutes but the noodles are just going to finish boiling up this is done and completely delicious montes is done so i'm going to add the kibble to montes finish boiling up our noodles drain the noodles then we're going to combine everything and feast oh yeah monty it's almost time it is almost time my friend okay let's add in our linguini oh yeah give that a quick a quick stir oh make sure that's nice and coated in that sauce oh my gosh oh yeah okay okay we're almost done we're almost done we're almost done a little bit of a little bit of unmelted parmesan and of course to finalize it some fresh parsley oh and then our crispy french baguette and our fork of approval oh yeah okay it is time to feast i am so excited i haven't eaten the creamy pasta in a while so it's time to destroy smash whatever you want to say let's go food [Applause] monty is getting wet but he doesn't care i'm getting wet and i don't care i opened up brewski number two ski which was another one sent to me by that same subscriber and it's a saint arnold's art car ipa and wouldn't you know it this one tastes like beer too okay monty you haven't got to feast over a campfire in quite a while so go ahead good boy oh we're going to start with just dipping our bread in some of this sauce because i got it nice and brown on the outside and i just i just you know what i'll start how i want to start oh yeah oh what it's oh it's a little spicy oh oh yeah oh see it's a little spicy but the flavor is so good uh oh my favorite meal over the campfire i'm pretty sure well i i know it is but creamy pasta whether it's a creamy seafood linguini fettuccine chicken alfredo a stroganoff or a uh uh a paprikash or riggies oh oh my gosh creamy pasta dishes that is just these are gonna be the enemy these are gonna be the end of me um where are those spicy oh the spiciness is killing me oh this one's buddy where do i do it the spice is really getting me today oh i almost don't think it's the crusher i think it was that white pepper it's just like the back of my throat is burning oh i think most normal people would think this is just fine but uh you know a fact of mine is that cholula chalua or however you say it it's hot that's spicy okay and if you don't think it is well i don't care because it is to me and this is spicy it's the one thing i can't handle take me out in super cold temperatures or travel through the woods far but spicy food can't handle it i'm gonna struggle through this and uh yeah eat eat as much as i can as i can if not all of it and then we've got a wet monty that needs to be towel dried and we're not gonna go to bed it's kind of early still um but we are going to sit under the tarp i'm going to pile on a lot of this firewood and then we'll dry off monty and we'll all we'll chill into the tarp so i'm going to finish eating and i'll check back in with you guys when i am ready to sit under the top yeah you like this part all right yeah let's get you dry get back here get back here we gotta buffer your face all right come here lay down good boy there you go okay chilling under the tarp now that meal was very spicy but very delicious um i couldn't finish it um and it's not because i'm not hungry it's just the spice got to me it was too much it was too much it was i could have added more pasta in there too it's very saucy so like super saucy and spicy for me i won't say super spicy but super spicy for me and uh yeah now i am just not able to eat it i want to kind of keep munching but at the same time i don't want heartburn all night so we're gonna take a pause we're gonna sip on our second beer here and i'm just gonna wash a fire from a distance i don't really need the heat i doubt monty's even want to sleep in a sleeping bag tonight so i probably will just drape it over him the tarp is going to be needed to be quacked off tonight because we're getting some wet snow accumulation oh yeah yeah she's gonna need to go to whacking tonight but anywho um the camera is sitting in the snow just getting soaked right now so i am going to just relax like this it is let's see what time it is it is 9 20. no way oh no it is 9 20. see this is the this is the problem with eating dinner early is that uh now i'm not gonna be tired for a good two hours maybe even three i don't know but i'm definitely not tired at all right now but uh one thing i learned is that when you eat a very large meal and just pass out immediately is that sometimes you get a little ass reflux in the middle of the night and it doesn't feel very good so i'm trying to eat earlier now because well you know as time goes on things catch up to yeah let's be honest so yeah i'm trying to eat a little earlier it's preferred it's it's going forward it's preferred so i'm definitely going to be sitting up for a good two hours uh just relaxing and it's it's fairly warm i'll start to get a little chilly sitting under here away from the fire but that was a hot fire so anyways yeah i'll probably put on a sweatshirt and i'll probably sit closer to monty i'll move my stuff back but uh yeah we're just gonna relax i'll probably sit here for a good two hours and then i will check back in with you guys when i am tucking in monty and we are getting ready for bed so catch you guys in a bit okay there you go now lay down come on come on lay down monty lay down come on oh look at that butt that was perfect monty here you go all right i'm not going to zip them up because uh i don't know you probably wouldn't be if i wouldn't like that let's see what the temperature is well this is the temperature all right this says it's about 25 out right here on the ground so it might be a little chillier than that it wait no that's at about 27 actually i'm remembering how it looked yeah like 27 fahrenheit anyways we've been chilling for a while he's been sitting without the sleeping bag we've just been staying dry um starting to get a little chill about me because i only got the one layer on the sweatshirt uh you know my pants here it's already a little chill so i'm gonna wrap myself up by bag and uh those off eventually so uh i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning don't worry about it stinky get that stinky mouth away from me no no wow can get up if you want oh i got it flip back over ready there you go oh all right see ya you be free okay oh this oh we got a little snow last night it looks like it's still snowing it's been a little breezy um a lot of snow has fallen let's just zip this thing back up i'm not ready to come out of this yet like oh my dear where'd he go oh he's gone anyways yeah lots of snow was falling needed a little whacking off last night but we stayed dry as you can see there's no there's a little bit of snowflakes that like got towards the edge but we're completely still free in here oh stones would fall off the trees all morning for at least the past like four hours or so it was kind of breezy it doesn't sound so windy now but oh no it's still howling around it's supposed to get windier i think in the next couple hours supposed to get pretty windy so uh yeah it's chilly it's chilly yeah we didn't really get wet um at all other than the underside of this tarp here is pretty wet um and i think that's just because we're breathing under here and stuff but it's definitely wet so we're my sleeping bag's rugged rubbing against it monty's was too there's a slight dampness about it it's a little wet on the outside but they stayed warm i wasn't sure if this bag was going to keep me warm last night but it got super warm it's a pretty good job yeah monty hey monty come hunty come back here hi teddy bear hi oh no no stinky okay well i suppose it's time to put some layers on hey get up and then check out this beautiful wintery sea well the springtime scene i should say it's spring it sure looks like it right now okay let's do it look monkey it's a winter wonderland hi stinky ducky hi stinky doggy my tea hi come here monty hi show me the trick show me the trick oh my god here go between my legs go to my legs show me your trick on come on he's clapping his legs he's clapping his legs matthew wait a second oh no monty you got a little poop butt mess yellow poop butt mess what happened too much venison too much sweet potato gross oh so as you can see it's a clear transformation from last night this is going to melt i give this four days max not even two days it's going to be gone quick the temperature is supposed to warm back up but hey it's beautiful while it lasted now i wouldn't say you know we always get our spring snow storm this was not it this was a this had potential to be it but it just wasn't enough snow to be a snowstorm this is just a nice dusting i think we got i mean let's find a spot right here oh we got about four inches of snow four inches of snow that's not so bad ah four inches of snow monty four inches i've got the stick to control the monty he'll bounce like a stinky little frosted honey [Music] oh there's nothing better than packing up you know when you have a sled it's one thing when you put it all nice and tucked away back into its stuff sacks and stuff it back in your dry bag it looks completely full it's another so i suppose it's time to start packing up here slowly work on packing this stuff up as monty finds a stick i only had two of his jablooties in my pockets so he's only got the front paws which are usually the most important for him the booties don't keep his feet as warm as they do keep the uh snow out of his palms of his feet and on his front feet he always gets big old ice balls that form oh oh [Music] my t where'd you go auntie bunji help timmy phil well why don't you help why'd you save me time out do you see me you got your teeth in that one he's definitely getting his little teeth in that one little teeps all right here's another one i'll get it oh well he's not gonna find that one it bounced off the train came back so yeah i know this uh winter here has been a bit lackluster as far as snowstorms go and the reason being is there really wasn't any snow storms this winter and we had barely any snow the whole winter i think i think the most snow we had total was maybe two feet maybe and it all came at like two two inches at a time it was just really slow going maybe maybe one time we got like four inches it was crazy but no like feet one to two feet of snow overnight storms not even close and uh yeah this this video is going to come out a little bit late because today is actually sunday but with the chance of a little bit of snow and some rain i definitely wanted to get out today so uh yeah and we have not got to camp in a good rain or a rainstorm or wait no it was raining with me in rugs that was pretty good i'm talking i want a thunderstorm i have not got to camp out in like a crazy booming thunderstorm i don't even know if i got to this winter or this last summer buddy hey don't lick your booties but yeah i want to i want to get camping i'm ready for canoe season here and i would just love if right in the start of the season we could get a nice big thunderstorm that would be great i love me a good thunderstorm an early summer thunderstorm that'll be fun i'll take some rain here too maybe this year we can get april showers rather than april snow showers but i still think we're going to get an april snowstorm it usually always comes usually does we'll see we'll see all right monty would you come camping with me if i did an april snowstorm would you come with whatever you betcha you always bring treats so that's all i need treats stinky treats my uh because the moisture got in it last night the you can see it's getting a little cloudy looking the outside lens is completely clear it's that in between the lens and like a little reflector mirror thingy whatever it is science technology somewhere in there there's some moisture and it needs to get completely warmed up and dried out when i get home to get rid of it so since i didn't to bring another camera it's just gonna have to be dealt with right monty great little mug stinky month stinky huh do we even use this i don't even think we use this one let's go over here monty come here come here monty come here all right come on yeah go ahead lay down yeah all right we lose we at least used it once i feel better about it so these uh steaks normally sometimes when it's gets frozen like this and wet it's hard to get these steaks out but these are these metal ones they're they're sturdy but they come out pretty easy at least they should oh yeah you just gotta angle them right they they'll stay but when you need them to come out it will just pull right out i love using these quick release knots to do a quick release knot it's really simple uh you know like if you're doing an overhand instead of putting a full overhand through you just put a loop through at the end and tie it i'd show you but i'm not tying any more knots today maybe next video okay we're not gonna put this back in its stuff sack we're just gonna mash it in here and let the rat's nest live for another day we've got to lose a layer because we shall get warm on the way out i'm fairly certain my bag has gotten heavier on the way in or no it's got heavier it's heavier now than when i came in that's what i'm trying to say man there's nothing more beautiful than a forest with fresh fluffy snowfall cover and everything well there's fall time they've all got their own views it's been a minute since i've seen snow covering all the trees like this and it just wow you know one thing i'm going to do is i am definitely going to put my hood up because i'm going to be walking through a lot of these trees and i don't really feel like having snow go down the back of my neck we're definitely going to be having snow rush along us the whole way out okay hi monty hi come here puppy oh i suck a boy that's a good boy he's gonna need a butt bath when he gets home he got a little poop butt mess that's okay anyways had a wonderful evening camping out it's been a minute and i definitely needed this uh we had a beer go down but that'll happen you know when you're battling sometimes uh we cooked up some delicious food we finally got to beat monty in the face of the sleeping pad which we've just been missing for quite a long time and uh yeah got a little rain got a little snowfall it had beautiful sounds in the tarp all night so i slept very good and i got a stinking hair in my mouth i can't get out but anyways it's time to get heading back to the truck get home get my footage going work on editing the video and get it uploaded to you guys tonight probably around i'm gonna say midnight i'll be honest i'll be working on this the rest of the day so it's time to get back to the truck so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 200,499
Rating: 4.9193006 out of 5
Keywords: snowstorm, snow storm, blizzard, winter camping, winter, camping, camp, bushcraft, bushcrafter, canada, asmr, snow, survival, storm, winter storm, winter weather, backpacking, backpack camping, dog, adventure, wilderness, wilderness area, bushcrafting, how to camp, wild camp, backcountry, backcountry camping, snowstorm camping, camping in a snowstorm, shelter, bushcraft shelter, campfire cooking, campfire, cooking, food, camping in a blizzard, snowshoeing, overnight, camping dog, survival shelter
Id: 3JTuwDd-WkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 29sec (5789 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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