Bitterly Cold Winter Camping in a Hot Tent with My Dogs

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uh [Music] so [Music] meat look at a big old region [Music] frosty poop nuggets this is just crazy you can tell there was just a forest fire here some time ago because the rest of the forest is pretty much healthy and uh yeah this tree is just crazy well hello ladies and gentlemen i am out with floof poop one and food proof two and uh we're gonna spend another night out here in the woods the first thing i want to say is it's for racing it's cold the car was reading eight degrees fahrenheit with a bunch of wind chill which off the top of my head is about uh something negative celsius but yeah there's there's wind howling around this is a big open forest yeah it's cold i can feel it on my face and i'm sure the dogs can feel it but that is okay because tonight we are going to be spending the night in the hot tent oh yeah so it's very cold it's gonna be very comfortable and we're gonna have a good time and cook up some delicious food so you may be wondering hey what's been going on with monty we'll discuss that more later on once we get camp set up but first things first we gotta find the spot um this this area is really flat this whole area which is awesome and there's a lot of open spots i mean i can see spots all over and the snow's not too deep so i'm going to sit through my pack here and we're going to find the perfect spot oh my god you don't get tangled we're going to find the perfect spot luckily [Music] oh yeah and on top of that this sled is so heavy i i know i mentioned i'm getting the toboggan soon to help with this but oh my gosh is this sled heavy but i'm luckily it's not too deep of snow so i'm having an easy time pulling it it's just gliding just fine once i get it what are you doing hunty [Music] what are you doing anyways all right let's find a spot come on boys oh okay this is going to be our spot so whatever i said about the whole sled being super easy to pull and just gliding let's just take that and throw it away it's still it's still work this thing is super heavy i actually tried to weigh it this time and uh well it was over 75 pounds because our scale only goes so high and i tried to carry it and weigh it and it's at minimum 75 but then it said error so we went over the maximum poundage and uh i ain't gonna tell you any of them details because i don't want to tell you how much i weigh because because i don't you can just guess go ahead and guess maybe you'll get a thumbs up or a you know a happy face if you guessed it right um so as usual we got a little bit of a wee late start we went down a questionable two track that we probably shouldn't have went down i don't know if this is a good idea huh yeah i don't know but here we are we got a nice spot in an open forest and i am sweating whoo okay first things first we gotta oh hey check this out so this right here is a deer bed right here you can see their little hoof marks look at their hooves look at their hooves um and there's tracks all over but also you'll notice any spot that looks like this is where the deer have torn up underneath these trees here uh to get acorns to eat that's what they eat when there's when there's not too much snow see here's another spot you can just tell they're tearing up the ground kicking up the leaves the the under the oak trees to get the acorns and that's what they eat they they take their their little hooves and they you know they just dig their mouths under the uh frozen snow and eat frozen acorns they are amazing animals to survive in this eating acorns i don't even know what they eat once it gets the snow gets deeper all right so we are going to try to get set up relatively quick here because it is cold and we've got some dogs and there's one thing to note about the boys here um so if you guys have been following along for the last few videos here for the past month or two or three you'll note that monty had lyme's disease he kicked that we're pretty sure and then he had a limp and he has been on a no camp uh what no camping no walking for a whole almost month he went three weeks just being a couch potato and two days ago we took him on his first walk who had about a mile no limps so that is good news so there's gonna be no bouncy bunny monty there's gonna be no crazy ruger no stick throwing we are going to keep them calm let them do their thing um him walking around in the snow following and stuff as long as he's not bouncing on that front shoulder i think he's fine so we're just kind of doing we're going to do that for quite a while here another couple months of him just waddling through the snow walking no craziness and uh hopefully he just heals through it i think his shoulder just needs to be rebuilt but well this guy i guess is gonna go crazy for this this is one of his favorite things [Music] you want somebody oh no no i'm sorry [Music] oh back down for as flat as this whole area was it was still hey you might have too much fancy whoa whoa whoa whoa i know he's feeling like a million bucks monty monty hey don't attack your brother hey you know you can't do that monty i know you want to but you're in recovery mode mister [Music] normally i don't know if i've ever got to set up the hot temperature to go down to the ground okay so i'm gonna finish clearing out a spot here monty monty [Music] stop it like i said i'm gonna finish clearing out the spot here and then uh we need to gather up about nine or eight sticks for steaks about yay high and then we're gonna set up this tent all right yeah like i was saying i normally don't get to dig down to the ground and it'll be kind of cool to have solid ground once we're in the tent long enough and it gets hot enough in there most of the snow should melt and we should be able to see the ground just fine all right now we just need to gather up eight stakes that are sturdy and about yay big like two inch diameter maybe three inch but definitely not one and a half inch or one and a quarter or even one and three quarters two inches to three inches maybe three and a half maybe three and a quarter could be four no not four is too much probably not even three i don't even know what i'm talking about anymore let's just let's just go out and find some sticks [Music] what what all right boys let's find some stuff okay where to [Music] okay this one here is gonna serve dual purpose so you can tell it's dead by uh the car coming off like that that's the sign of a dead tree right there oh geez [Music] a piece of bark hit me in the face all right watch out rooks watch out mr rooks monty's back garden camp but rogues will follow me with every tap watch out buddy all right so we're gonna do a little safety hit okay now since lately we've been uh wasting effort trying to chop trees that don't eat chocolate we are going to just try seeing if we can get a crack on this guy all right rooks get back go ahead go he's far enough boy he's let's just try this way oh see good thing i didn't chop it it's gonna go right here all right ruby's head good boy [Music] hey who needs to do extra work when you don't need to right work smarter not harder so the reason i took this tree is because the top portion is going to be a nice steak and the bottom portion is going to be firewood so i've got this down i'm gonna come back to this later i've got snowshoe tracks to find it so let's go find some more steaks and we'll get this in a bit [Music] all right this one here has got two or three stakes on it and it's firewood let's just see if we can the old pickup and drag oh that was easy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've got another dead layer here there we go easy-peasy don't even need my tools okay we got one two three four with that other tree five so we need three more and then we've got some firewood so i'm gonna go grab the other tree and i'm just gonna quickly gather three more [Applause] oh boys that tree was heavier than it looked whoa bouncy whoa whoa whoa whoa simmer down simmer down mr cheese you're gonna throw out your shoulder or your hip gosh monty you're getting old don't do that i'm gonna throw my back it's okay [Applause] got a whole bunch of sticks to choose from ruger is going to try to steal them all but that's okay so we're going to try something out today that i have not done before [Music] so normally what i'll do is i'll take and cut my stakes to size and then i will take my axe and make us a point to kind of make them a nice steak but i'm gonna try to save on some work today and just to test it out and see if it works okay and i'm gonna make it each steak double length and i'm gonna snap it in half and try to make a a point when i snap it because this is a nice seasoned wood so if i can snap it just right i won't even need to cut stakes we're just going to try it out just because you know work smarter or not harder right you know i thought of it when i broke this one off you know and it's kind of a steak already it's not perfect but it might work so let's just try it out you know what the heck let's experiment this one might be too thin to be two but we'll go for it anyways that's one two this one might be two dead eight nine and then let's just have some we'll just do a couple of backups here just in case now let's just try it on this see hey look at that it kind of worked that might work it might makes it too flimsy at the end though so we have to snap off a little bit extra that could work it depends how frozen the ground is really look at these little stick scavengers no stick is safe from them molesting it with their mouths what do they get out of this why do they enjoy it so much no matter where they go they enjoy eating a delicious stick i just don't understand lucas we're almost getting to the point where snow shoes are necessary almost not quite yet but we're almost there still not we're almost to a foot of snow it's still it's still necessary for you know dragging a sled but i wouldn't say it's necessary as far as travel goes let's try to break this guy in half here right here yeah you know we're just gonna we're just gonna test them out see what happens this one's a little big now yeah the ground if the ground's super frozen this won't work at all if the ground's not too frozen this is gonna work like a charm and i'm gonna look like a genius probably not that but hey you know what three seven eight nine ten that is two extra boys two extra okay let's set this thing up monty are you ready for a nice spot okay you're gonna get it you're gonna get it real soon i think yeah okay who wouldn't you think i'd come out here to to lay in the snow i want a copy pad and i that's what wanted do about this you want this like no i want that peasant crap i want the blue one i think stinks it's not even comfy what do you want okay you want it go ahead what took your thought it's not so bad all right whatever figure it out figure out your life [Applause] so while i am setting this thing up let's discuss the whole winter camping temperatures dogs comfortability all that stuff you know so a lot of people that don't winter camp if you're out there if you're watching and you don't winter camp you might be looking at this and be like that looks so cold that is terrible well it can be cold you got to get used to the shock of the cold because when you wake up in the morning you jump out of a sleeping bag yeah it's cold but as soon as you get your layers on you get moving uh it's not so bad it's kind of like people that go uh you ever see people winter surfing or any sort of cold water kayaking anything like that you gotta get used to the shock that's cold it's cold outside now as far as working goes me running around right now collecting trees logs whatever i like this temperature i just oh that's another thing i got two little five dollar thermometers so now i can get more accurate readings out here i'm gonna set one up in the hot tent later and one outside where we get the temperature but it's currently reading six degrees fahrenheit monty what do you think this is huh i gotta make the tent like this so you can go inside of it not on it monty come on come on over here right here this month let me twirl all right lay down lay down i'm just telling you to hurry up okay anyways now that i lost my train of thought because mr monty here um i wasn't even talking about cheese so as i was saying before i was a rudely interrupted i like this temperature for working it is a nice temperature you know i can keep working around and i'm not breaking a sweat i've only got one thin layer of thermals on underneath this and then i've got just this waterproof shell and i got muck boots now also you're wondering is this jacket insulated that i wear all winter long in all seasons all the time no it's a waterproof shell it's thick and my muck boots not insulated just rubber boots i run warm when i'm moving around so that's just the way it is i don't know how everyone else does it but this is what works for me and you just need to find what works for you this is what i've been doing i'm comfortable and all that stuff by the way since we can get to the ground i'm just going to use these big metal stakes that i got to put in the edges of the tent but yeah since we've got nice cold temperatures i'm working just comfortably if i was going to build a big old shelter i would much rather be single digits than it be uh 20 plus because then you're just sweating and when i do those snow storm videos that's usually where my jacket gets frozen and stuff is because it's 20 plus [Applause] and then my body heat and i'm working makes it just melt as soon as the snow touches me because i'm running really warm gets all melty so as far as the dogs go i prefer it not be this cold you know monty can't be running around chasing the stick ruger's fine he's chasing me all over the place but uh they're just sitting here for the most part uh-oh monty all right monty you gotta move up up up i'm sorry to move you pal come here clear my teeth oh there he's like stop it hey all right over there you go so as far as monty goes and ruger i don't prefer it to be this cold when they're out here unless we're in the hot tent so normally if i'm gonna build a shelter i would never bring monty or ruger out in this cold temperatures especially when monty can't be throwing the stick when he's walking around and hiking they're totally both fine but when i'm focused on building a shelter um i'm sure it can get quite chilly for them sitting there so i don't i don't bring them out for that um the only reason i'm doing it today is because we're going to get to go on the hot tent and warm up in a shelter like a bushcraft shelter or a tarp lean to the only way to warm up is the fire and in the sleeping bag you know that's it's not like a you can't get warmed up too you can't get warmed up to your core that way yeah you can get comfortable and eventually get warmed up but it's not it's nothing like a hot tub hot tub's like being inside a house you can get fully warmed up shed all your layers melt all the snow and get quite comfy so i do love the hot tent when it's cold like this one thing i like to make sure i do when i'm setting up this hot tent here is to have um a perfect square as much as you can whenever i've done like a if you get these center ones to not be straight in the line it kind of makes it so the tent leans in like this at the base walls so you gotta try to get it perfectly straight as possible and it'll help after so i guess with all that being said yeah they might get a little cold while we're sitting here and i'm sitting around but we're gonna get all toasty as soon as i get a fire going uh the other thing is that monty's a little bit better with cold temperatures than ruger is monty can handle it he'll tell me when he's cold and i know he's got a thicker fur because we do all this winter camping he's way more used to it ruger on the other hand it doesn't have quite as thick of a coat still got a thick coat who can handle the cold temperatures but he will not tell me he's cold until it is he is super cold we've only ever seen him tell us he's cold a few times and he just likes to play until he drops dead that's his i guess issue okay let's get this center pole up you know i went out once or twice before using a stick to make a center pole and that's fine it totally is fine it's doable but it's so convenient having an adjustable center pole it just makes setting up the tent that much quicker and just yeah i mean i got so many sticks here it wouldn't be that hard of a thing to do but i still like the adjustable because sometimes the tent settles down and you can just stretch it out that much more [Music] okay that was the perfect height the first time today look at that i'll take it all right now we just gotta pound out the outer stakes and we are set up now i always like to do the best steaks around the doors and then the ones that don't feel as are as good out you know from the corners the corners are the most important so one other tip that i figured out that i like and i use now is with these stakes these these stakes right here i put them in an angle like this and the reason i do that is when i pound it down if i need to tighten up this corner all you got to do is slip the rope up this stake i've got these pre-tied loops that fit around any any diameter stick here and at an angle like that you can just pull it up and it's super tight and it works perfectly i'll show you when it's all done let's see if my stakes go into the ground well this one's going in okay watch you won't be able to we'll show it after we'll show it after we'll let it be loosey-goosey for now so it can be perfect at the end [Applause] [Music] one thing i don't know if you can see me on camera there and uh you'll notice that i just swung and missed and i stopped my axe that's because even though i'm putting tons of power into these swings i'm not just swinging loosely i'm swinging with my hands kind of spread out so that if i miss i can stop it you don't want to be swinging an axe to where i can just you know if it misses it'll just swing and fly into something you want to be able to stop the power of your axe now of course if you're doing it onto a splitting block that's different but i saw a video of somebody um i don't know where i saw it but they took an axe uh i can't if it was a guy or a girl they swung as hard as they could and it hit the log and it didn't stick or split and it bounced up and clubbed him in the face with the square metal back of an axe you don't want to be doing that that's dangerous since this corner so loose let's watch all i got to do now is pull it up the old stick here like this and there we go now this corner is nice and tight and if it loosens at all i just pull it up further just like that so i'm just pounding the rest of these and we're gonna call this good ruger tell me the truth have you been chewing sticks again [Laughter] [Music] tell me the truth [Music] yeah or no hey don't look at me i don't want nothing to do with this okay for uh that corner right here in this one i've had to uh spike the end a little bit better because it just wasn't going into the ground a little too frozen [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] all right your majesty your royal palace awaits [Music] all right this is uh definitely one of the better setups i've done it is nice and tight and these corners are out full yeah it's looking nice in here monty ruger come on come on guys who's there what's that there you go stinker [Music] my leather sheath what do i do with it oh there it is now i just got to set up this old rust can now if you look at this thing it looks rusty and old and just used for many years it looked like this after the first time i used it it was brand new after the first time it just it looks all raggedy but it's fine what do you think about that monty okay jokes we don't have long until the sun sets so with this little spock arrestor of approval we are officially set up and ready to stay the night out here rogues look at jacobi roofs if you ever notice rogue's lifting a paw it's not because his paw is cold that's just his signature move on one of my thumbnails i've got it whenever he's alert he always goes like this like he'll stand there on all fours and one paws up and he's like looking around so anyways monty is ready to just have a comfy spot that's all he wants he wants his comfyness out here so we need to get some sticks cut a little bit of firewood and sparkle fire so what i'm going to do is just we're going to cut a few little pieces here and i'm gonna gather up some sticks just to get a quick fire going to get it start to get warmed up in there you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying yeah yeah let's get it warmed up in there hey okay i got a bundle of sticks here i got a whole bunch of earth birch bark not birth bark birch bark of course crumpled up get it nice and frilly i always you know you can scrape it i just i just do one of those crumples and if it's nice and dry it'll be good and i just cut up some small pieces for logs let's see if we can get this oh close okay don't embarrass me jeez jeez so so okay all right it looks like it's gonna stay lit so we're gonna close this up let it keep going all right oh no we lost some stuff spoilers no okay let him see the spoiler boys there you go [Music] hmm ah hey don't bark at me all right i want to show you to check monty he's clapping his legs it's his new trick his icy little legs now he's he's shifting them back and forth come here curves okay oh man we've got just a beautiful sunset let's let's show you a little bit of that river i'm sorry you guys i can't throw you the stick i can't i know battle over it go ahead get it get him auntie that is beautiful is the sky is just glowing it is gorgeous a beautiful scene out here on a cold day it's gonna be a cold night it's relatively clear because you can see the moon okay so now all i've got to do is saw some firewood oh man the sky is getting prettier and prettier the uh longer goes on it is just gorgeous out there [Applause] okay oh now that is some solid maple okay so i cut myself off a nice long piece here to use to prop up this guy on here now i'm going to split some of this i'm not going to split it all the dog's got a nice warm spot to lay down monty's mat is set up in there i'll set it up a little better in a second but the fire is going well so now they've got a warm spot to rest monty just went there and the mat is laid like kind of diagonal on the side and he went and laid right on it perfectly he was ready for a comfy spot i'll get him a sleeping pad blown up in a little bit here but that that's a closed cell thermal thing so what i'm going to do is just chop up this whole couple trees here ruger's going to go crazy i would throw him the stick if monty couldn't see me because if i throw that stick monty is going to be bouncing around going crazy because they both love the stick so just can't get crazy so let's just chop up some firewood [Music] [Music] you know you always forget how much fun it is to cut up just insanely dense maple what you know right you know how it is chewing up that maple you prefer the pine don't you yeah that's what that meant right look at him see he's got a little pop he's like what you do i want to throw them the stick i can't rooks for the sake of the monty we can't do it i'm sorry oh you know when you're when you're looking at this whole tree that i dragged over it's just like oh the journey i got to get from here to there and that's the other thing last last chatty kathy moment for right now is uh for the hot tent you gotta do a lot of sod you gotta have nice little uniform little pieces i'll split some of this up but man yeah that's some solid firewood i've also decided in this moment that i prefer sawing oak over maple maple is the densest i don't know if that's true scientifically or you know i don't know i don't know my tree knowledge but last time when i was sawing oak i cut through it like nothing this maple is already more fun so i'm gonna just go ahead and say maples maples a little a little more work still solid hi guy hi come here come here hi come here come here hi hi i know you want come here oh what are you doing come here come here hey don't bark at me hey don't bark at me come here what are you doing okay okay what is it gonna get him oh look at that sky holy crap get it go ahead get it that sky is just beautiful it's just gorgeous i mean look at it you ever think you're gonna see a sky so beautiful guys there it is look at how poopy this guy is oh i forgot to mention monty and ruger are both freshly baked freshly bathed and groomed out funk did a tremendous job uh she definitely she bathed them they smelled just wonderful she brushed out a bunch of their fur and that actually helps them stay warmer because now they're all their their furs all like instead of it being matted and like clumped together it's like doing its job fluffed out i mean look at how fluffy this booty is right here look at this thing i mean that if that's not just a flute booth i don't know what is well let's go throw this in there he didn't even notice i just got away with a crime no nothing conspicuous going on here monty where is he i hear him i'll see him [Music] hey hey what is that what is that rogues it's just monty squeaking monty's sawing logs as i'm sawing logs [Laughter] thank you berger what do you say we get monty full monty company with a little sleeping pad action huh [Laughter] uh oh that's yeah i'm sorry that's the battle call monty we can't do battle i'm just i'm just you know come on monty is that comfy enough you know i just don't think i don't think it's comfy enough for you all right let's we need that we're going for full monty comfy another step all right we're going to leave the whole blanket down this is full mountain comfy you know what i'm saying mit you know what i'm saying come on yeah that's what we're talking about right monkey there you go yeah let's just scoot your butt oh there you go guys what i'm talking about remember the oh everybody okay i'm done sawing up my firewood now i've just got to split some i'm going to make a nice flat spot right here i should do um i got the boys sitting in a tent they are i got their double sleeping pad set up with the one sleeping pad underneath i got the blanket over it and then i got their sleeping bags they both got a 0 or a 20 degree bag for inside there draped over them and the reason i got them in there draped up is because it is cold it is very cold it is clear skies there's like a i guess there's a slight fog but when i sniffle oh my nose is freezing together so that tells me whenever that happens it's below zero fahrenheit so it's got to be around negative 20 celsius zero degrees or lower i don't know i've got my other thermometer set up about 50 feet away when i'm done splitting this we're going to check that but i also put snow all around the edges i made sure there's no gaps for no drafts because it's going to be cold tonight and i if that thing does not stay below zero it's it's broken it's cold it has to be but yeah i'm going to split some wood here because one rule of thumb i always go with in a hot tub especially a freezing cold night like tonight is i always want to be able to get the fire ripping and hot so while i could leave all these pieces like this and burn these if i doze off for too long and i have just barely any coals or i need to start a fire quick i need to have nice dry split pieces nice kindling to be able to just start a fire right away because it is cold oh yeah we're going to do some halvesies and some into quarters so so so [Music] that should do the trick okay before we settle in for the night i got all my firewood in there and everything we need to check the temperature let's see what this thing reads [Music] ooh it's below zero it is reading negative 20 celsius looks like negative i'm too shaky looking through the camera it's like negative five closer there it's in between negative five and zero so it's like negative three i'd say and negative 20 celsius aka it's cold i'm glad my little nostril test tells me that it's it's at least below zero oh man i wonder what's going to be like in the morning it's always coldest at like 6 a.m 7 a.m so we'll check it again around that time and see what it's reading whoo oh hey the boys hi puppies nice no no you stay there you don't you don't get excited not yet all right let's check the temperature here oh it is not that hot in here but i was just actually doing the firewood so it's it's just below freezing right now what is this yeah um it needs to get hotter in here i did just do all that firewood though so it i lost a lot of heat we are in the tent for the evening i got everything i need inside here and i'm about to sit down and rest my back for the first time tonight okay buddies are you ready because i shrimp let's just oh let's just take it oh yeah hey it's not so bad in here what do you guys think oh you know i smell something and if you just give it to me life would be better well did you doze enough what you you got goopies in your eye monty once you want an eye massage a massage all right the reason that they are alert is because i had a little something warming up for him oh is this what you guys think it is i think you think we think that is correct it is a couple of raw medicine bones there you go rubes we can just wash your blanket at home later and there you go mr monty enjoy boys go ahead yeah no that's yours rooks yeah good boy now that'll keep them happy and busy for quite a while prediction which i know is going to be true burger's gonna eat that entire thing monty will just eat off all the delicious parts and then what we'll end up doing is boiling the bone with their dinner and then getting the bone marrow out of monty's and then we'll give monty most of the bone marrow that comes out because ruger is going to already eat his so yeah they're going to be happy now since they got a treat i feel like i need a treat okay because let's be honest i didn't i just did like two percent more work than they did oh my treat is a little bruscato some uh outdoor wine oh it feels a little cold it's been sitting ooh this is risky if you don't let it get warmed up and you just open it it'll freeze oh if it but if it freezes then it's like a mess you have to melt it and then it gets all flat and it's gross let's just try it um oh it's cold oh that's a that's cold that's on the verge that is the definition of ice cold because that feels like it's below freezing okay we are at 7 40. so the sun set about two hours ago i think we got more than enough firewood and that's all super solid there's not a single punky log in there there might be like one that has like five percent punkiness and when i say punky i mean like rotten but dry so it's not wet and rotten it's dry rotten and punky it's just punky that's what it is so we should have more than enough and yeah i'm gonna want to keep it ripping all night i think we need more already i'm gonna keep this fire hot while we're awake i'm gonna go ahead and pull off the spark arrestor because it's it's messing with the draw a little bit and i want it to get hot all right we're gonna see if it's warm enough for me to take this off okay next we need to do the most important step whenever you're hot titting you if you don't do this you're not hot tempting you're not doing it right and that of course is hot tent crocks gotta have the hot 10 crocks kick off the old monkeys and slip on my princesses cinderella's slipper of of comfort and joy yeah oh that's what i'm talking about it's right at freezing in here which is fine by me up here it's going to be a little bit warmer down here where the boys are might be a little bit colder but they got their sleeping bags on they got a wool blanket there's absolutely no wind it's going to get warmer and uh yeah as this coal bed gets built in here the the uh hot the hot the stove will actually start glowing red and that's when it's really hot here it'll get it'll get warmer so this trip is kind of a tester if you guys have been watching my videos for a while and you've been watching the past month or so you'll know that i have planned a trip with jake ski guy a week-long wilderness winter adventure and it looks like it's a 99.9 chance of happening it's happening only if tragedy or just something crazy comes up will it fall through it will take something weird it's going to be me jc guy and his friend i think his name is ken but monty's not coming because monty's had that limp we're gonna be putting on a lot of miles and it could be very cold and i just don't want him out there i would love to have him out there don't get me wrong and i know you guys would love to see him out there but it would not be safe or smart because something happens with his limp and he starts limping and we're out 10 20 miles that is just not good um and on top of that i can bring less gear because you could you see that that sled was insanely heavy because i got stuff for both these because two extra sleeping bags two sleeping pads extra their food and on top of that i have never camped that long in the winter and well i'll let you just guess am i going to eat dehydrated meals the whole time or am i going to eat deliciously and cook a fat meal every night i won't give any spoilers okay but you just you be the judge um yeah so there's gonna be some weight there um but on top of that the biggest concern i have right now is batteries batteries for this camera um it's cold right now and where we're going is supposed to be colder generally than it is here uh jkc guy and his buddy got to drive 22 hours i gotta drive eight hours we're gonna meet up in the wilderness and uh the batteries right now i've gone through four batteries i've got a 10 a total of 10 dslr batteries for a night trip i went through four just the recording on the way here and getting into the tent now they're gonna last a lot longer but it took four whole batteries drained to record all that and four out of ten and if i'm going for a week that's gonna be the biggest struggle i think i'm gonna have is keeping my batteries i'm gonna bring a bunch of power packs i'm gonna do my best i keep my batteries right here for the most part and every time i do a scene i take it out of the camera and put it back in here i'm gonna have to really watch it and it's gonna be a struggle i'm gonna bring my gopro as well i'll do i'll have to mix between but i'll probably just either if i start to notice it draining i'm just going to record less and that's just the way it is but for now we are going to relax for a little bit we're going to get this thing ripping toasty in here and uh yeah we're gonna chill for a good hour and then we're gonna start cooking some delicious food so i will check back in with you guys when it is time to start preparing dinner so [Applause] so this is what we've been doing for the past hour i'm just kidding the camera's doing the thing so you're going to notice on the video there's lines going black lines and that's because i'm using i'm not using the light on the camera i'm using my lantern my black diamond emoji it's the big one no we've been they finished up their bones um monty's got this he cleaned off the outside he's definitely got all his marrow in there he's gonna eat that up and ruger has got this left he's still got a little marrow in there he decided to just not get it all which i'm surprised maybe it's just because of the shape of it but you want it well maybe he realizes that it's there again it's time to start making dinner we probably could have made dinner earlier and i'm hungry as can be um so what we are making for dinner tonight in the hot tent is a freshly made fettuccine alfredo chicken fettucini alfredo with a nice french baguette oh yeah one of my favorite creamy delicious pasta dishes i made this one a couple times before i'll make it a couple more times in the future one of my favorite dishes and we're gonna eat it you know i i realize i'm a pasta guy i love a creamy pasta i just love pasta pasta is always my favorite so yeah we're going to get prepared there's not too much to prepare at all really not too much indeed but it's definitely getting toasty in here i can almost take these off the boys probably don't even need those anymore we could probably let's check the temperature what do we got for temperature oh my gosh it is 60 degrees 60 degrees boys oh 60 degrees fahrenheit or let's see it's 16 60 degrees 60 62 fahrenheit or 17 degrees celsius that's what it is in here it is hot is what i'm trying to say you're not gonna eat the get to eat the bone charge but you're gonna still get your treat mr mr overbite king okay so oh geez i need to turn down this heat we're gonna turn down the heat it's getting too hot you know if i was outside um under a tarp or a bushcraft shelter even with a ripping hot fire it'd still be chilly with all my layers on next to a fire it'd be chilly but this is this is the temperatures i like to bring out the hot tent when it's freezing i mean i've done it before i've definitely camped under a tarp or under the stars in this temperature i've done it definitely in a few videos even when i went out with monty we did that car camp earlier this winter and we woke up it was negative four yeah that was about this cold this is probably a little bit colder than that but i definitely when me and jake's ski guy uh did our questionable little uh the stupidest adventure we've ever done is what we're gonna call it we went and paddled on an island with moving ice and it was about this cold if not colder and the ice had shifted by the morning and we had to break through like thick skim ice and luck i mean not luckily yes we were lucky because the ice that moved to block us made an opening and i mean if this ice wasn't moving uh we would have been trapped because the moving ice broke it apart and made it so that the skim ice was only so thick because it was freezing if it would have just been stand still no moving ice it would have frozen up or we could not paddle but yeah that was so dumb oh yeah that was a fun one anywho let's prepare some dinner oh yeah okay the first thing i want to mention is my new way of packing things so um a while back i was sent this tupperware by a subscriber it might not be this oh this is all frozen it might not be this exact one but it was i mean it is this exact style just not this exact one because i bought more anyways um i used to always use tons of ziploc bags and i know i'm using a couple here but that's only because the other stuff hasn't come i'm starting to switch to using i got a bunch of different size of these and a big one here to pack everything into and i got tons of these on the way i only got two right now but i got a bunch of different spice holders and stuff but for oil flour all that sort of stuff i'm gonna start to use nalgenes and these reusables because uh yeah it just it's instead of wasting all that plastic i can just put it into these these seal 100 at least they say they're guaranteed to seal so i don't need to use i can just reuse everything but yeah this is kind of what i'm migrating into i tried you know i used to use all ziploc bags and i know that was bad and then i tried using the reusable ziploc bags and they just i just didn't like them as much i don't know why they just didn't work out that well but these i've always loved this little thing so i ordered about 10 of these and now i'm just going to pack all my stuff into these and i've got two of these so i can switch it all in here and it's i can you know i can put bread in here and stuff and it's not going to bend or anything and this is plastic it's washable reusable it's it's the way i'm migrating so everything's gonna be reusable now except for like i said a couple things here yeah okay we're getting there we're getting there the first thing we're gonna do is get the water for our noodles and for the boys food getting heated up so we're just going to get this on there monty's yummy oop not that leaf just the bone oh that's barely gonna fit it's okay i'll flip it boil that burger well nope looks like ruger ate all of his oh yeah read the rest of it so this is it oh no oh my gosh oh no the deer are gonna be coming after us tonight we got an acorn oh no oh geez okay the first thing we've got to prepare some garlic i'm gonna crush it with my thick thumbs i always crush it because um it makes it easier to peel okay i like extra garlic so we're just gonna chop this up kind of coarsely not too fine it's gonna be fine with how fine we chop it okay i'm gonna add this to my pot okay then i've only got a couple more things to prepare really the boys sweet potato of course just get this chopped out quick i'll try to cut a little bit thinner than normal so that it boils easier okay add this to the boys pot okay then the last thing for me to really prepare is some frozen parsley and we're going to roughly chop it oh it's really frozen right here the rest of it's not too frozen all right we're going to leave that and then it is time to get cooking so quick little fun fact is i found oh that water's getting hot i found ruger's bone and where was it was uh under mr monty's paw hidden he had stolen it from ruger for once the tables have turned and it wasn't ruger stealing from monty was monty stealing from ruger and he had a hidden so it's still got a chunk of marrow in there so we'll cook that up but before we cook up any of the uh sauce or anything like that we gotta cook up our chicken and since we're not over an open fire we are going to pan sear it as best we can so i've got a little olive oil here i know not butter right now what we're gonna do is i'm not gonna i don't wanna touch the chicken so it's gonna be a little unconventional but hey it is what it is we're just gonna add the frozen mass in there just like that the frozen mass of chicken and then what we're going to do is sprinkle said frozen mass with montreal like this and hopefully through the turning and cooking and whatnot it'll it'll all be good and we're going to use a stick to cook it there we go now we don't have to mess with our spatula take that wood and we'll just you know we probably should have done this with the uh stick before i put the montreal in there but hey you know you live and you learn when you're stick cooking chicken it's gonna be fine okay now we're just gonna let this get hot and hopefully we get some color on there you want that color for that flavor as mr gordon ramsay would say no color no flavor i think we're getting probably some color oh not crazy it sounds sounds crazier than this well it'll get flavor it'll get color we're using boneless skinless chicken thighs too we lost the little it's sticking a little bit now this isn't being cooked oh yeah now if i was cooking this at home i would definitely do it a little differently well the same way but the pan wouldn't i think we're going to lose a little bit on the color because it's such a hot little cook here it might not get the flavor or the color we're looking for now the other cooking begins we're going to start with a teeny tiny little teeny tiny little chunk of butter here with the garlic in there so we've got garlic butter we got chicken with montreal sewing up and we got our water getting heated up the next thing we're going to add is some lemon zest i take a whole lemon and i zest it on a cheese grater and this is a whole lemon's worth a zest i like the i like extra amounts of it so we're gonna add that in here okay i'm fairly certain this chicken is done we did not get the color so we will not get the flavor that we are looking for but i guarantee one thing we're gonna get deliciousness that is something we will get all right so our lemon zest butter and garlic has been frying up for a minute here so now we're going to add the next step and what we're going to add into some flour to make a roux now i'm not sure exactly how much flour is here i don't think it's a tablespoon because it's definitely not a heaping tablespoon i would say two or three go with two and a half so go with two two tablespoons of butter two and a half teaspoons of flour we're just gonna cook this in here for a minute so see how we just cooked that for about 20 seconds i can already see some browning see that right there that is golden brown that that's how fast it fries up when the flour is added in there so we gotta add in our next steps already the next step is some milk this is actually exactly a cup cup of milk two percent milk oh it's frozen icy milk but still okay and then next we've got a big old chunk of cream cheese now this was a i took a big tablespoon like one of those big spoons and i just put a heaping scoop that's what that is we've got to add some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt and then of course we've got some black pepper and we're just gonna melt this down just like this for a minute get this nice and melted in here we need to cook into here see if the boy's mangled mush is actually mangling oh it's okay it's mangling a little alright respectable so oh geez okay this is going this is getting hot now and it is starting to do its thing so we're going to add in the final steps to this sauce and we're going to need to be careful because it's going to start to burn here we're going to add in some parmesan cheese oh there's let's see there's one and a quarter cups in here in this bag i'm gonna add in like three quarters of that we're just gonna see what that's like and on top of that we're gonna add in a bunch of fresh parsley oh yeah oh it's happening all right we're just gonna stir that in we gotta be careful we don't want this to get too hot and boiling oh my gosh that looks amazing yes oh that's gonna be so good oh yeah oh geez okay okay um oh yeah okay oh all right our water's boiling we got too much water in there we're gonna add in our noodles i've got some fresh fettuccine noodles this is a nine ounce bag of them or pack of them and it's fresh so we're just gonna add all these in it's too many noodles but this this is why we're here to eat too many noodles okay yes our french baguette we're going to put that off to the side here get these we need to switch place like this okay that's going right there oh it's so good all right as soon as these noodles are cooked we are done there we go oh geez okay let's test these noodles okay noodles are done let's get this all taken off and serve so here's our sauce right here now normally i would keep out some water to the side i take the water from the pasta and i would add it as i need but i don't have anything to add this water to so we're just going to guesstimate add some pasta water to that sauce about that much i don't normally keep it off to the side like i said okay we're gonna move this off to the side i know it looks a little watery and ruined right now but it's fine it's gonna be fine so we're gonna take this chicken and i'm just gonna slice it up okay that's perfectly cooked we're gonna do one of these and we're gonna add in all our noodles oh no monty you stay back okay now i might add a little bit too much water but that's okay actually no oh yeah okay nope it wasn't too much water i was like about perfect because that is gonna be just a delicious gosh creamy fettuccine alfredo extra soupy oh my gosh let's add our chicken right there and then of course a little fresh parsley garnish around the side and a little extra parmesan right on top oh yeah and to finish the whole thing off a nice french baguette fire roasted and toasted oh yeah let's eat oh i'm so excited oh oh that ordeal between what i just showed you on the food and now took a few minutes was a little stressful i had to bend over a bunch it was terrible i won't even talk about it anymore brewski number two ski by the way and i spilled both beers knocked them over look at these boys the attention they're giving me it makes me feel wanted it makes me feel like you actually love me so much that you could just not function without me but the drool from monty and a look at his bowl just told me that that's really what he's after look at the drool coming from his mouth right now that's disgusting see how ruger's not drooling like that okay i can't tease you guys anymore i did divvy it up as best i could they got some kibble in there sweet potato the bone marrow i tried to give monty more bone marrow there is no way i'm eating all this i i know i say that sometimes and it's funny but it's just definitely not happening today oh my gosh [Music] that's just hmm so uh so hmm so oh it burned instantly no i just wanted a little more toasty is this meal winning any awards for my new year's resolution no is this meal winning any awards for my soul oh geez i actually added the perfect amount of water too it's just like premium fluid the whole reason you add the water is so that the noodles are still you know you can pull them up and they're not just clumped together because if you didn't have that water it would just be like a sticky cheesy mess oh mangie's looking at me he needs help zerugus this is what happens when you eat too fast i love when they take their little paw and it's like oh see he's got a toothpick that's all he's got i've eaten like eaten i don't know a third to half i'm slowing down but i want to uh just sit here and enjoy my meal i'm going to shut off that camera rugs is monty's pretty much done with his rugs is done with his they need to go outside and go to the bathroom and whatnot it's so hot in here i can't even think it's just too hot for me with all these layers on like 70 degrees 60 to 70 is just too hot so i'm gonna shut off that camera i'm gonna keep mowing down and i will check back in with you guys in a bit here things have calmed down on the tent does anybody want to get cradled by dad huh come on you want to come here you want to you want to huh okay come over here over here over here what's that over there all right gotcha all right gotcha dude gotcha yeah hey hey little guy [Music] look at your little paws [Music] i'm sorry rogues i do it out of love remember i asked you i asked him monty wasn't even phased okay rooks i'ma let you down okay oh all right yeah yeah yeah anyways like i was saying we're going to do all the bedtime stuff check the temperature let the boys go potty right and then we're getting ready for bed so i'll check back in with you guys when we're getting ready for sleeping time look at your precious little angels i know you're probably fine right now but let's just back wall get chilly okay precious yeah you're the best boys yeah okay okay we've got the fire going pretty warm for the last time for hours so i'll wake up every hour ish um what i do when i sleep in the hot tent the reason i can keep it warm in here and have the boys out of sleeping bags and whenever i go with jake or anybody is i take my bag here and i just put on my liners and then i just drape my bag over me not on because i'd get too warm so as soon as i start to feel cold i wake up and then i put more wood in the fire and that's kind of how i keep myself from passing out for too long every once in a while i get real comfortable i wake up and it's the fires very close to going out to where i need to use kindling and stuff but it's rare normally i'm pretty good about it it's usually the first doze off that's the the biggest hurdle because i'm pretty exhausted like i am now but check the temperature i let the boys go out for one last time it was reading negative six fahrenheit uh so that celsius it still looked like it was right around negative 20. i'm not sure if earlier it was less than negative 20 it's it's close to there the celsius is different it's it's a smaller scale so it's less fine-tuned so it was before it's probably more like negative 17 celsius and now it's like negative 20 21 i don't know it's it's it's still right at the same spot but these guys are tired they're cozied in they're ready for bed about to strip down the crap i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody apparently monty's gonna be licking a wool blanket for eight hours again [Music] his tongue is literally sticking out on the blanket because he can't close his mouth [Music] oh my gosh oh you must really like the taste of that blanket [Music] just not the care of the world you look so cozy [Music] they're both just so cozy i wish i was that cozy but i gotta keep the fire going i don't even know what i'm looking at at least he's got his tongue in his mouth i read those are teeth right i read that middle one i just can't tell what teeth is what like those top teeth or bottom teeth meeting top teeth or like just is that shiny bit on the bottom drool i mean it's got to be drool what's that the heck this teeth oh i think i'm gonna have nightmares um do we make it i'm scared of you popping the sleeping pad brooks we all know what happened last time he got too excited in the hot tub auntie how's that booty [Music] yes i see you i see you i see you mister oh i slept pretty good last night oh burger's going crazy um i did pretty good i pretty much had to put wood in the fire every hour um there was one point i think at five in the morning where uh i let it go a little too long as chilly in here it was quite chilly it was i think you got down to like 20 in here 20-25 it got pretty cold and there was just like there was still enough coals to get it going quick and that i'm glad i had that kindling um but uh it definitely got chilly and then i decided that that would be a good time to go [Music] check the temperature and it was freezing out there oh it was it didn't go as cold as i thought it only it looked like it didn't move much maybe negative seven at the most i don't think it dropped any more than that negative six negative seven and i didn't spend much time looking at it i just kind of glanced at it it looked the same maybe it dipped a little bit and i ran back in here monty you got sweet potato all over your nose all right we're going to give monty's morning rub down oh yeah do you want to just i want to accept it come over here you'll be fine coming over here lay down lay down for just a second lay down all right double ducky rope down double ducky up down oh yes double dog okay all right we're gonna let these guys go potty and i'm gonna not go out there go ahead monty okay i didn't bring out breakfast and that was actually a mistake so i think i was talking last video about how i don't ever make breakfast and uh or i do make breakfast sometimes i do like to make breakfast in the hot tang we're only doing one night tonight so i should have brought some breakfast and coffee but i didn't anyway [Music] what do you think about it oh well what do you boys think that we uh we pack up a little bit in here we put on your bloodies and your oranges and then we go outside and do some stuff out there and uh you know things okay is that what you guys think you think that's a good idea do you think that's a good idea okay so what we're gonna do since i got no breakfast and it would have been a good idea but you know sometimes i don't make the best decisions and uh you just you know you live with them that's just what happens i i can't change it i mean if i really wanted to i could eat this bottle of berry assorted tums for breakfast but that doesn't sound good maybe boil it in some water got some dog food i do got my leftover pasta but but i always take my leftovers home to funk and she likes to take a test taste and if she doesn't i eat them so i always i don't i could eat those right now i could eat those right now no we got to keep to our traditions when i make a delicious meal i bring it home to her frozen she gets to try it out and she enjoys it usually i don't think there's ever been a meal where she's just been like no i wouldn't eat it yeah okay all right we're throwing out that idea okay so i am just gonna pack up in here we're gonna stay warm and take my time [Music] yeah oh look at he's giving him kisses dr roose the mouth cleaner not as i stopped don't do your purse okay so yeah like i said you already know what i'm doing we'll check back in with you guys when ah we're stepping out of the tent right okay oh [Music] hey guys it's still here oh bouncy bunny don't you do that bouncy bunny you can attack him but don't attack me don't bounce at me i know you like to bounce good boys it's still here it's all here it's still the wood oh [Music] [Music] hmm it's echoey huh oh let's go check the temperature okay it is currently 10 degrees fahrenheit or negative 13 14 celsius um definitely quite a big difference from last night it's warmed up a little bit it's still you know 10 degrees it's still chilly but not as cold as it was last night rooks don't chew any more sticks hey [Music] stop it just stop it where's well i suppose it's time to uh [Music] pack some stuff up [Music] oh hey this time so [Music] foreign [Applause] now when i use these metal spikes i'm extra careful because i learned my lesson when i'm pulling these all these stakes in the ground out because the first night on my week-long montana trip with jake and dan uh the first night it was it was below negative 10 in the morning it was something below that it was really cold and the stakes froze to the ground and i unintelligently pulled on the tent just grabbed on the tent to try to get the stakes out and it ripped the material the little thing it didn't fully rip off but i definitely got to get it re-sewn but now i just kind of take the back of my axe and i'll hit them and make sure they're going to come up without just pulling on the stitching you know one thing you never think about when you're maybe watching my videos is uh drying out all this gear it makes quite the mess i usually do it in my garage and we just put a ceiling in there and now i'm gonna put some eye hooks so i can dangle my gear but right now i don't have anything to hang it up on the ceiling with so i just the whole garage floor is covered with just crap and dripping wet stuff like all the snow on here even though i shook it off really good if i were to just leave it rolled up and not dry it out when i get home it'd get all moldy and i had it happen to a sleeping pad once just a little bit of moisture thought it was dry and i rolled it up put it away months later i took it out to use it just spotted with mold and stinky gross so i learned my lesson and now i make sure to completely dry out my gear [Music] well it'll be a little extra bulky but i think we're gonna make it out so yeah that'll work see that with all my loose stuff in the front i lift it up and i just tuck the tarp all the way under it so that it really has no way of coming out [Music] and then i usually keep all my loose stuff at the front and one other thing i do that you may or may not have picked up on is i take my sled and i put it like this so that when i tighten it down it kind of pushes that stuff back and holds it in place so even though it's loose it's got the burrito tuck underneath it and my sled's being pulled or the shovels being pulled against it so it's kind of stuck there it's device boxy you get so excited when i call them i gotta stop it i can't even talk to you i can't even talk to you you big fluff i can't even trust you come here come on let's check your butt let's check your butt that's a clean butt that's a clean butt yeah that's right roofs you guys can play as long as there's no too much bouncing on the monty okay all right okay and i think that's going to be everything get one more look around real quick hello okie dokes folks um i had a fun little evening with the boys here i'm glad to have monty out camping again he is not limping currently as you can see monty that's a good thing hey everybody's timber down and that is a good sign that's a very good sign that means maybe he's over it i don't know i'm going to keep taking him out camping i'm going to we'll go further and further and as long as he's following me in the packed trail and i know no stick throwing and no bouncy bunny he should be good to go um i'm hoping that this is yeah i'm hoping he's over it i'm just we're not going to do any sleeping pad battles or anything that makes him bounce like crazy on that front shoulder on for months i want this to be completely healed but i do think that the moving around is helping so ruger he'll get to come out again if we go on the hot tent or something maybe we'll do maybe we'll do both you guys under a tarp who knows or a shelter i don't know mr stick crazy but yeah had a fun little evening the boys had fun really cold temperatures and uh beautiful sunset last night so we're gonna get heading back to the car so as always guys if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like that let's retry that [Music] so as always guys if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video oh no let's go [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 490,619
Rating: 4.8959184 out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, camping, winter, backcountry, asmr, backcountry camping, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, backpacking, showshoeing, dog, dogs, adventure, adventurer, wild camp, wood burning stove, campfire, campfire cooking, gourmet cooking, food, delicious, snow, wilderness, wilderness area, outdoorsman, woodsman, funny, entertaining, nature, forest, dog training, hot tent, cold camping, cold, frigid, extreme, camper, how to camp, winter time, hiking, backpacker, survival
Id: g7V6-t1ta-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 50sec (7250 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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