Spring Canoe Camping with My Dog

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[Music] [Music] go well Monte that's uh wasn't planned didn't think there'd be snow on this road those are some moose moose tracks oh yeah the roads a little bit more clear up here but I don't think I'm going to risk it getting my truck stuck cuz it was that must have been just a shaded there's like a thousand feet of deep packed snow we'll see this is sometimes the price of exploration I'm going to aspire never been before and had no idea what to expect I did not expect there to be this much snow this area is much further from where I was last week or maybe two weeks ago when this comes out I'm not sure much further away so snow is here longer and right now what I'm doing is just hiking to the lake I'm trying to get to it's maybe a mile or two I'm doing it kind of quick I'm hustling I want to make sure that there's not ice on the lake before I Drive down this road and everything because I doubt there's ice on the lake but with all this snow and I just want to make sure I just want to make sure I don't want to you know drag my boat because what I'm gonna end up doing here is dragging my boat down this road well it's a good thing I checked we still got ice on here well well well ladies and gentlemen this throws a wrench into my plans a big wrench I was not expecting this at all definitely was not expecting ice out there in it not to be ice out it's 60 today and the heck is that is that what does have auntie [Music] [Music] it has to be frogs I heard this noise on the way in as soon as they are closed it completely sucked just like this same thing just now I see a bunch of bubbles so that must be let's go check out we have my futon let's go see what's up what the why not whatever they are they don't like me oh is that one right there it is frogs aha I was correct let me tell you there's nothing better than a wrench getting thrown your plants and then taking a bad step it's really nasty monkey water and just having a soak but do you know haikon great yes great just just so good it's just so good I love it ok so as I was saying before I heard the frogs and stuff in the bat puddle this throws a huge wrench in my plans now I was planning on checking out this lake and I had two other lakes as backup plans in case we couldn't camp here in case there's people here but now I know that this whole area is off limits so what that means I had a good start today I was gonna just I had so many plans to just throw stick hurmati set up just relax for a bit baby you know then just fish as long as I wanted it is 2:30 right now and I got up early and discussed are moving around drove so what I'm going to do let's see if I Drive three hours I drive three hours that's it's 5:30 it gets dark it let's say 9:00 i go to a lake i can just pull up to set up let's say i could be on the water by 6 we'll just give me set myself three and a half hours so you get to the lake pull up to it get my boat loaded 6 spend an hour finding a spot setting up camp 7:00 7:30 maybe that gives me an hour and a half to catch a fish that's gonna have to do so Monty Monty you should have you should have made ice out already okay so we are gonna head back when this video comes out it'll be two weeks ago we're gonna head in that area a general area not not really close at all to where that was but I know that area has ice outs so there's a lake I've been meaning to try then I can just pull up to and I think it's a short walk to my car just not even a thousand feet to the lake but the only problem with the whole thing is is that it is a three hour drive that means on top of the driving I already did I gotta go back three more hours at least right in there maybe log actually three hours ish to get there this is a rough one I was fully not expecting this two weeks ago I did ice out fishing in a real time when you guys are seeing these videos it's gonna be all staggered around in time but in real time I did that a week ago yeah yeah I did that a week ago in real time the time you guys are seeing these videos from right now where I am is like what may 6 something like that no who cares about the dates anyways I am glad that I went and checked on this lake I am NOT glad my mock Buddhist full water and Sookie soppy muddy but we're gonna just deal with it we're gonna storm onward I am going fishing today I am hunting for a fish dinner I am going canoe camping no one will stop me let's go back to going once you get one on your face what are you doing we're gonna do it whitey yeah to make everything better really quick I just saw this I was going over a bridge I just saw the fathers have to cast a couple times before we rush to the lake I need to okay okay okay all right [Music] am I gonna tell you everybody come on oh [Music] my GoPros doing it just froze up and then it does did something I've never seen happening before it's just like the screen is flashing and is it working it like wouldn't turn on and always had to turn on and put like a checkmark or something weird let me just hopefully this adventure is being reported but we're on the water and I want to put on my remember how I was talking about how I don't take care of my aviators very well well prepared to see some crooked ones because I misplaced my other pair and this is the only one I could find I don't know where I don't know where I put them but anyways we're on the water right now and it's a little breezy but this Lake looks pretty awesome and I think they're supposed to be trout here I don't know if it's a good trout fishing or whatnot but right now we're gonna take a few casts see what's up see if we can catch anything early I know it'll get better towards dark but we're not gonna set up camp for a little bit here I want to check it out first because the black flies are out I was getting a little starting to get a little they started to find me right when I got there there was nothing then there's like three on me by the time I left so maybe I'm gonna camp in a windy or spot we'll see first things first though after all that work we took to get here we need to take some casts that's not a good cast now I wrote down I have a booklet No that's my good spinner it just it's God why well that was unfortunate it caught my real or something and it just went flying into like a tree I didn't hear it splash so it definitely was just up into the woods someone's gonna see a spinner hanging high in a tree and eggs what happened here how in the heck how are they this this year's spinner get up here got this eight-foot ultralight so it's hard to when I want a string restring it lay it up there I hope it doesn't fall in the water I don't like it my real sweat with lake water rain water is not as bad lake waters just always got some little particles floaties they get in there I'm gonna knock those sunglasses straight in water see it now I was smart I've got this spinner and another one it's got the brown a black tail with the orange and chartreuse spoon with a little bit of gold on the body I've got just one another one this one's my favorite so like I said I think the fishing will be much better later tonight but I want to try right now and I just kinda want to see if we're in for like a treat like you know maybe if they if they're biting now and I catch one right now then I know tonight I'm gonna slam them so I just kind of want to see and you know we've been in the car for awhile we expect to be fishing already so we're just kind of you know we're just we're definitely gonna just cast a little bit here I've got my bag in the boat and I'm gonna keep it that way for in the wind we just had a bite [Music] yes that was a nice bite so what that means is I think we're in for a treat today that was not one of those is that a bite that was 100 percent strike so that makes me so happy [Music] there we go Oh ding-ding come on I just want to catch one second bite already I know I'm gonna catch them I know tonight it's gonna be epic oh it's gonna be so fun especially when we get to the less windy side oh it's gonna be such a good night I just need one I just need a little taste right now I just need a little taste will work for I'm not even sure what kind of trout are in here there's only one way to find out definitely not gonna be a lake trout it's gonna be brook brown rainbow I guess there could be splake in here but I don't think so I think it's just gonna be most likely brook a rainbow probably brook trout critter oh and that just went over a tree [Music] I've got this this just addiction in my veins right now for fish now that I've had a couple bites and I know it's gonna be good I just all right this is the tree where I lost my lure I'll try it again let's take that tree this is where I that's my favorite spot I just know there's fish under here that was pretty good that's pretty good that's not fair [Music] our goal is to give Monte his own fish tonight his own trout if we can catch them they will cast hot ones oh man that feels so nice my sunglasses every time I cast you hard or something they fall off so I'm kind of not wearing them they are not working as well like bottom two what is this fuzz on here yes I can feel going past my line some Monty fuzz this looks just like the clothes I was in my beard last time now that I got bites right away I'm to say I won every casting just how fish is waiting so I'm really striving for a fish dinner tonight while Monte have his own fish he doesn't have any back offense he's only got pumpkin which he'll still love and I am really relying on it I'm gonna be having a nice little tasty gourmet treat tonight if I catch fish if I don't I'm gonna have something that's not so good I have a backpackers meal now I normally eat my own dehydrated meals but I have a bunch of these backpackers meal that I bought like I don't know how many years ago and they were on clearance and that's before I was really deep into height dehydrating so I brought one of those and not only is it a panic Packers it's a vegetarian backpackers meal you know what those taste like wrong that's right I don't like eating I like meeting that's what I like to do so we need meat well I'll be I'll be a sad happy camper is what I'll be so you really need to catch fish we need to catch like three I want a beast beast sight maybe we need to cast a little bit away from shore so we're gonna start trying I see some good sunken logs up ahead whew that was pretty good slam had to have an income okay so the sun's gonna be setting this way so this Shore would be nice but I can hear swampy noises you know frogs and bugs and whatnot so I want to camp near that I want it to be a little bow and I want to sound like they're screaming that'd be sweet we're gonna we're gonna camp down near that if there's a spot a lot of this is really steep near the edge so there might not be as many available spots so like I said um the fishing will get much better towards dark so I'm not gonna fish for too much longer here I'm just gonna take a few more casts ever the whole shoreline looks amazing so I'm having trouble not casting I say I'm not gonna fish too hard but here I am I've fished constantly but uh I do want to give it a little time before I disturb all these trees and stuff because I'm gonna probably eventually fish most of these nice trees along the whole Shore but uh I'd like to wait till closer to dark when the wind dies down and the bugs start to come out the fish start surfacing and ooh I think I just had a bite there's a little bite little baby bites what happened to the fearsome bites okay let's go get out of this wind here this lake is very small so I think right now right over there that that spot of shoreline it seems like there's a few open spots they're kind of just like not as thick and it's it's at a slant but we'll make it work we'll find a spot we'll probably going away from the shore a little bit yeah there's a nice spot but all the noises are coming from right down here at the end of this lake we're gonna get up out of this wind it's about to get calm and there's lots of noises so I'm gonna be very quiet and we're gonna try fishing right here for a little bit and after we fish here if we don't have any bites we don't catch anything then we'll we'll find a spot to set up camp but I'm more than likely gonna keep the weight of my bag in the boat we'll see we'll see how I feel probably to keep my bag in my boat just to help with the wind because when I don't have this bag in the boat I glide around like crazy I'm just drifting all over the place I don't bring an anchor cuz I usually portage to Mike where I fish in camp it's not usually you just get to pull up this place I actually did just pull up and it's just a short little write down of the lake there's no there's no motors a lot or anything okay we're gonna fish this corner and I'm gonna be quiet I'm not gonna say a word unless I catch a fish so let's let's see here [Music] it's race [Music] [Music] [Music] that is a beautiful beautiful rainbow trout oh my gosh yes yes Oh baby that is a beautiful fish right there when he just got thunder grip mode thunder grip he is not going anywhere I've got my kungfu grip on him look at that beautiful rainbow trout right there oh that is just a beautiful glorious fish this is dinner look at that thing this guy's going on the stringer this is dinner tonight and then we're gonna catch a little or a smaller one for Monty that is just look at those colors oh yeah yes haha yes so the rainbow trout in here oh that is a beautiful fish right there that is just a glorious I am so happy right now that is awesome oh we're gonna have so much fun tonight so because of that I am gonna just fish for a little bit this end here I don't even worry about being quiet right now and we're gonna just go set up camp throw stateless stick for Monty there's some hardwoods it looks like back there we'll go look for some Lee yes we'll just we've pretty much got dinner secured that one fish will be enough for me and Monty if we need to I would like a little bit more just another smaller fish but that'll be enough we could totally just be fine with that so I am not worried about catching a fish dinner now we've got that under control so we'll just get my tea on the boat and have some fun and then we'll wait till the night when the fishing gets really good we'll come out we'll just catch release fish oh let's have some fun now that I know they're in here and I know it's rainbow trout and there that was a good that's a good sized one it's gonna be a good night it's gonna be a really good night another thing I want to say is you know you know when I was uh back back at the other spot and saw that there was ice over the lake you know I was mildly discouraged but you know what I did I thought of a new plan I thought of somewhere else to go I didn't let it get me down and look what just happened oh you know what maybe I wouldn't even have caught anything if I went if I made it to their lake do you never know this is a place I've been wanting to try I don't know there was fish like that in there Oh even if I don't catch another fish the whole day I don't I'll be fine I've is ulema that noise I love I love that noise I love hearing bad at night do we do we camp near that closer to that and forfeit the sunset or do we go for a nice beautiful sunset spot which is we could probably still hear this you know what you don't have it you four we're gonna watch the sunset on the lake and we're gonna get some sounds now I'm just gonna kick some of this in the cast in all near these trees here because I'm gonna we're gonna probably park right in here somewhere and I'm gonna I'm gonna make a lot of noise and disturb all the fish so oh my god I just fish this area before I nail it with my boat hit logs and make all sorts of vibrations and scare away all the fish you know it's just what's right it's what's necessary [Music] you know to be honest when I hear noises like that and the sun's beating on me and the winds are calm it's really hard for me to get out of my boat it's very difficult Here I am in my natural habitat ding nabbit my foot was almost dryish I just stepped right into that stuff with my Crocs Monty why'd you do this this ain't bad I mean right here looks like a nice soft ground it's a pretty level I mean look at this that is pretty perfect a her do you think Monty right on the water dang it just don't get much better than that me Monty you're just gonna walk around here and double check that this is gonna be the idea I'm gonna I want to go up there kind of up and see Pike up and see if I can see the swamp now I got cracks on I'm trying to dry my feet out after our little spill finding the sound of the frogs so I'm gonna be careful because I did pierce my foot that one time I'm beaver sticks gotta be extra careful but while we're walking around let's pull out the good camera the quality camera I had this right here this swamp down here this is the noise culprit so this is good work we're right down there maybe we'll camp right there but it looks like this is all nice area there all this beautiful birch bark ooh have all peas right there a little big piece you're mine oh oh oh I don't I don't mind if hedges Oh piece of kin mm-hmm oh okay oh no my god it was really nasty bugs I probably would camp up here but the bugs aren't so bad they are they are hatching and we'll probably have some mosquitoes tonight being down there but I haven't seen really any mosquitoes so far it's just a few black flies see they're starting to get around me right now there's certain supply on my face see them little devils they're coming out they'll probably worse tomorrow this is probably the day of their hatching and the day of their joy but uh I think we're gonna count back down there it the but they're not terrible enough to where that just makes me want to just scratch my eyeballs out they're not even bad at all they're just a few of them see I'm laying on my feet now when I step I used to step heavy before I spiked my foot nice up a little light brought the big great today just because we're gonna be cooking a few things at once that's fine I for this a little bit tucked away this is a little bit more open and it's a little closer that low line that's just like right there 50 feet back so tonight we are embracing the sounds of spring I want that those cells to just be deafening they should get pretty crazy sounding when night comes maybe they don't like me talking and they went away completely wouldn't that be funny they just hear me like nope nope everybody shush Shh bill you used to be talking just like Monty does but yeah I went with this fight it's a little more open and I did go up there there's a little bit of a breeze and up there you know we're kind of in a value and this lake is kind of long and narrow so it's like we're right in the center of the valley so this would be a really terrible spot if the bug for nasty like there I'm already getting there's black flies there's gonna be probably more bugs here than anywhere because it's a little less breezy it's more windy up there and it's swampy here so the bugs are not bad so I don't care about that that is not a big deal at all but we're gonna get to hear the noises very well here and just have to feel a slight buzz we're just getting used to the bugs now just getting you know settling in that one into the bug great Monty and I also didn't see any leaks I think it's still just a little too early for leaks I haven't seen any I walked around up there a little ways maybe we'll go a little bit more but we've got about hour and a half two hours till the Sun sets so I'm in no rush now now that I know that I caught dinner rush what do you think about this my feet where is gonna be our ultimate stick path where's the best way here how about you get some scent on there a little bit of scent hey go mess up my my footprint a little bit hi this looks like a pretty good path what do you think over this way yeah you got it yeah you do okay yeah frisky little devil your frisky little devil however one time me and funk went to some lake where they planted like feel like it was like ten thousand twenty thousand little trout all like eight inches I have a video of it it's uh I can't reward its call but it was like it was raining it was insane they were just going nuts absolutely nuts oh you bugs bugs bugs bugs nice tasty bugs for your Monday bring me that stick oh boy all right drop it what drives me the knows most nuts with bugs is when they get in my ears I feel like ears and then hair I don't know why here it gets me so much when you just feel them buzzing in your hair but the ears are the worst when you can hear them they like tickling inside your ear I hate it that's the worst No be it difficult doing that those noises will be back before we set up the rainfly I'm gonna just get the tent all tidied up and put a few things in there hey Monty what's this Monty what is this what is this this is a 100% brand-new never opened up or blown up sleeping pad well I opened it up but what's the best thing to do with a 100% brand new on Chris and sleeping pad what do you think Monty hey don't you bark at me I'm sorry I'm sorry Monty he threatened me I had no choice he gave me no choice now you may be curious as to why I got another new sleeping pad well this one was sent to me by the company because it had a manufacturing defect oh no oh I had that one and then my other one lost air and I sent a boat back and in the thing they asked what was what happened to them and I said exactly what happened I said burst at the seams oh no cuz I mean that's that's bursting at the seams yeah like they didn't ask how it burst at the scene they just asked what happened and I said burst at the scene so I sent it in totally not lying that's not a lie don't look at me like that stop looking at me like that but set that one in the other one said just lost air that this one they were just like unfixable so they send me a brand new one and the other one they're repairing so is gonna cost me 20 bucks and it'll be just as good as new but that is one of the main reasons I love thermo rest they are awesome as far as returning your stuff and getting you warranties and whatnot um that pad the one that burst at the seam was is technically still my original first ever bought therm arrest pad because the first one actually did have a defect broke they replace it then I got another one which leaked they replaced that one that I got another one and I bought a second one which was the other one on top of that and then that happened so now I've got that one brand new so it's like it's my first one the second one is now technically it's been replaced once and now it's getting repaired so but you know I've bought more of them because I didn't like this one right here I couldn't wait you know three to four weeks to get my other one back so I had to have a new one and this is the extra term so this is a super warm one I really love this thing it's really creamy and crunchy but it's great good boy might see your mom in a second and I know right now I'm ranting and raving about thermistor cascade designs whatever you want to call them I am in no way affiliated with them no sir not anyway they're not paying me to say this they're not asking me to say this if I ever use a product that I have bought on my own free will through research and whatnot and I stand by it I'll let you guys know and this is one of them great warranties everything I wonder how they'd feel if in a little description I put hit my dog with it multiple times over and over and he was biting it and it got a whole if that would be covered I kind of doubt it but maybe I should do it for fun one time just to see oh that one might stick out if I if I tell them that then they might be like you might remember my name big yeah that's the guy that says he hits his dog with it dog bites it hey Monty I don't want to be that guy well yeah these aren't cheap but they are top of the line not keep it anyway I actually packed two bags today I put some stuff in my food bag it's not that I brought more stuff I actually brought less stuff it's just that I packed twice as inefficiently this is what I did I wasn't planning on doing any sort of portaging or anything like that because the all my backup plans pretty much I could drive up except I would end up having a long portage at that last place but here I ended up having no portage I called a really nice rainbow trout might see moving that stick breathe here okie Dokes so I'm just gonna finish up here setting up all my stuff on my sleep stuff get camp already and I'm just doing this so that when the night comes all I have to do is come back start a fire relax and enjoy the sounds of nature no running around doing nothing it definitely helps catching your fish because now I'm just like super super just take my time no sense of urgency dinner's taken care of I better knock on wood or something's gonna happen to that fish otters are gonna steal it been there done that we've got our mountain of way too much birch bark we're not gonna need any of that and in fact I'm not really gonna burn I'm not gonna burn a majority of that that's just for show and I don't need to keep because there's birch bark ever right now but yeah as you can see the leaves are fairly dry on the top it's wet on the bottom there is no fire ban but that doesn't mean don't be cautious I'm always cautious with fires this time of year it's actually less less of a worry than it was last time I can't because it's super wet underneath and we just had a rain I think yesterday it wasn't raining yesterday I think it was drizzling rainin it's not like a downpour but so just the top layer our leaves are just the top layer are dry everything else was wet you're gonna be they're gonna be chilling here or right here we'll decide later okay let's go a little firewood a Monty there's tons of wood all over a lot of it's wet or really punky actually having trouble find that stuff install it it's also patent it's crazy never seen so much you're rotten standing just soak up the moisture I can tell by just looking at this one it's definitely really dry it's just not super dense oh this will do we'll be playing it fire there we go more than enough as usual all right let's just process a little off the efficient Oh just had to go double-check that my fish was still there that's my one fears otters stealing your fish happened to me in our royal and now I'm paranoid about it I'm gonna cut it up into kind of longer pieces here so I have to do as much cutting and that was burn them in half [Laughter] that's a little better there we go [Laughter] [Laughter] LaMontagne a seemingly wild creature but in spring it searches for the only vegetation available to sit in in its companies and contemplate the meanings are light it is a variant alert creature checking out the smart choices it is heard that the Monty is the only creature that can hear a mouse fart ok now we've got a well stocked firewood pile it is time to go fishing baby oh yeah alright it's time to go fishing and I want to be a little bit quieter um it's very breezy down on that end of the lake so I'm gonna start right up here along the shore here and then hopefully it calms down a little bit so I can make my way further down the shore without blowing around like crazy because I've just got my food bag in the canoe ok and what did it get me - no we're gonna try I've got a blue fox spinner that's pretty much the exact same colors that's that's it's got like the same profile as far as size goes but I think it makes like a UH noise I've been meaning to try it out that's a little a little bit heavier right there see it's orange and chartreuse just like that one's got the chartreuse spoon we're gonna give this one a try for a minute see if we can get any hits on it they're definitely not going crazy here though I would assume on this lake with how the bugs are out now and you know just the time of year and everything that they would be surfacing but they're not [Applause] [Music] going back to the original he's just so gorgeous out right now it's some perfect [Music] I was honestly assuming that they were going to be going nuts right now and I have not seen a single fish surface there must not be as many in here as I think I don't know like I was saying earlier this is one of the lakes I meant I had a head on my list to get to my fish list some people got a wish list I've got a fish list but that may be the only fish we catch it also could come down to you know time of year thing to as these bugs get worse Fisher no get better I am just perplexed that the fishings not better right now [Music] Oh forgot to tell you guys I went to put some GoPro batteries in my pocket found my shades it's really work gonna sleep chill chill about me to put on this'll make it all starts an ice I'm gonna make it make my way back to I had those other bites that's what we'll do mm-hmm maybe those fishes calm down oh maybe I just need to go a little bit deeper I don't know that fish like that I caught on my stringer it was just like I'm doing just like I'm doing then do anything different the same spinner I always trust it keeps it keeps catching on this this little thing to hold your line if you are putting out a new thing a line or whatever line pincher [Music] that just scared away all the fish nearby I can talk freely now it is starting to seem like there's a possibility that the lake could get like glass right as it gets really dark the Sun is just getting behind the trees now where I can't see it anymore this will start to get dark pretty quick here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] very close somebody ships in the south [Music] [Music] man that sound is gonna be so deafening it's gonna be so loud it's gonna be awesome so pumped I'm curious to see though since I'm so close to that swamp if they quiet down when I get to camp okay ladies and gentlemen it's getting pretty dark out I have not seen a single fish surface I had to 100% confirmed bites earlier right when I started at one fish those are just bugs going across water and no fish to go after them I don't know what's up with that I don't know if it's it's it's got the I mean the bugs are out so if there was this was loaded with trout they would be surfacing right now that much I know so there just can't be a lot of men here maybe it's just a weird day but it's just a beautiful hot sunny day this is just like a great day for fishing so I'm thinking this Lake is just it's probably got some more big ones in here but I'm thinking they're further far if you were between that's that's what I'm saying right now I'll try it again in a couple weeks when it's really nasty bug wise and the fishing is like tip-top and if it's the same sort of thing it'll be confirmed in my eyes but right now I'm just missing a couple more casts not gonna record it then we're gonna be in I'm gonna go in but I'm really curious to see since I'm so close to all that noise if they get quiet when I get close it would be I would be really sad if I get close and all of a sudden it's just dead silent it'd be creepy but Monty you've been a good boy you are throw a stick limiter stick to you all right we're heading in heading in [Music] whoo hello do you guys care that I'm talking they don't care cool but what soldier knows what is clearly not impressed 90 to go to the dog park Monty you made a new friend there oh they're yours if you see do what you don't want this trust me [Music] okay let's trap it at once Parker remember it doesn't count that one guy remember someone was telling me to firmly hold the knife and pull back the fire steel so we're gonna give that one a shot this time even though I know I like the other way better we're still gonna give it a try all right got it good let's just get a nice foam I mean it that way worked took two still now the ton of little branches but these should light just fine what I do have is plenty more birch bark well just still a little people here for encouragement purposes you have loved the spring sound ha ha ha it's ok I love being this close we can roll this over superboy you home oh you want some food huh alright I need to filter some water give Martin some food still got water coming out of this booth this dusty which is food yeah now later actually take a little bit of that I'm sorry just a little bit cuz you're gonna need more later in a couple hours yes hold a seat get Oh the single night Oh Matt that's a pretty fun day besides all the driving I had to do it was a good day oh that fish is it would be so tasty I am pretty excited might easily get a portion of it he's not gonna get I always do this I always fight with myself about Montes portion because at the end of the day it's how comfortable your Monty is that's if you're Monty's having a good time you're having a good time he's comfortable you're comfortable you gotta make sure your mind is comfortable I'm not these fed right now that was about a cup of food so I'll give you just a little bit more with this pumpkin it's a taste I gotta make sure you know I get my fish bowl both go be in first don't worry you know I say one thing two hours ago like he's gonna get half the face now it's like he's gonna get a quarter of the fish maybe later on he'll get an age of the fish who knows I caught the thing just sat there really loads you searching for scraps I love this this is music to my ears back here all the stars are out for now it's supposed to rain tonight they're calling for rain tonight and rain in the morning we'll see I hope it doesn't rain in the morning I'll get you some water but I don't think it until going to some fresh probably some of the freshest water there is go ahead some of the freshest water is Monte it's filtered filter lake water with a nice pristine lake doesn't want anything to do with it that's okay that's okay so I just saw something on my now team I got brand new now jeans by the way like I said in the last Cameron video one had a boob and there is I got just a few brand new now jeans ready to drink some water out of them but I just saw my first slug of the season at least forget about the slugs nasty little things and my muck was here they're all nasty they're gonna have to come inside the tent with me unless I want a boot full of slugs pretty nasty so everything's pretty much going to come in the tent and be sealed up those those darn slugs get all over everything so now we're just gonna let this fire burn down a little bit here build a little bit of a cold bed and they leave to make prepared dinner and get cooking while we're making for dinner tonight with the fish it's gonna be a good one it's gonna be a good one I'm going to for the first time ever make some rice from scratch and not from scratch you know what I mean just make rice I never make I've never made rice over a campfire I feel like I need to yell I wonder how well my voice is heard over that maybe is a bad idea sit here for the recording purposes but I love this noise it's like a I don't know it's just such a cool sound so cool to me but yeah anyways I make it right and then I'm going to sear up my fish in some butter salt and pepper maybe Montreal I brought mine child I don't know but and then we have I brought fresh asparagus that I'm gonna Pansear as well and to top it all off the magic is I'm making my fresh ginger fresh garlic soy avocado fresh jalapeno lime juice cilantro sauce to go on top of the fish oh so good got such a bite mmm unexcited what you doing lunch you wanna stick for you you have this mercy he was this piston let's try something new out something new that we're gonna be testing out here so muggy then better than doing the light well I got my - your dog you hired us you want this monkey let's try something new out I don't know if I mentioned it last years I've been pretty much saying it every video but the chronological order of time everything's gonna be different your mother my plans for this little harness you'll probably have seen last week we'll see if I get to or not but uh yeah I got some cool ideas with this thing if it works out so her mom she doesn't care at all he does not care one bit I doubt the GoPro is picking up any of this so I'm gonna probably take it off here I just wanted to see if it stays on I've thrown Marty three different sticks I guess I've been throwing all the same places I just found them all anyway yeah I'll take this off of him here fire is looking pretty good it started to yellow with chilly out that's it come on Oh No there was a Slugger one of those sticks slugs are the stickiest nastiest we squeeze them no no I got this goof on me time to kick this off Mikey so I'm going to keep throwing stick form and then yeah warden to burn down or fire bit no way you're preparing there Oh no one tonight guys I just got lost just stared at the Stars listening to the sounds letting the fire burn down here and put on some layers get a little chilly but there is so much to hear out there this is going nuts and there's some kind of animal that keeps kicking in and there's something over here good and I swear I can hear coyotes Monty heard it too but I can't tell if it's just part of this getting louder or if it's like eyelets behind it kind of sounds like coyotes behind sound it's it definitely sound - times now sounding like coyote up and but I'm not sure I can't I can't say for sure it's just like thought I heard it but it didn't then when I really listened it sounded like this was just getting louder and then I missed the sounds of nature I haven't heard the Owls again just put it out on the lake they'll be back and all zeroes at least and there's all sorts of frogs and critters there's no mosquitoes out absolutely zero there was a few mosquitoes earlier but it was mostly black flies I was getting bit up by but it wasn't swarms of black flies but another week they'll be bad but the mosquitoes they're not swarming yet there's no mosquitoes out it's a little too chilly at night for them still too cold at night it's definitely chilly out my bodies are you starting to adjust to the non winter camping I had you adjust quick once you get once you spend a couple weeks not winter camping not in the below zero stuff you just your body just gets used to right away now we're back in this time it's not like cold by any means I don't know what it is out you know what let's find out what it's out I bet I bet it's 40 out 40 it's funny how you know 42 three weeks ago one of their warm oh let's set up the watch Oh what Monty doesn't learn more I could tell the Monte's definitely back into the canoe phase he's just chillin right now your teeth definitely killed by this fighter a lot maybe he's intimidated by all the noises going on it's so loud I can't imagine what that sounds like with his ears are you gonna get a treat at the dog park I'm gonna treat you to done one yeah hell yes you are yes you are my friend okay so let's get preparing dinner here so let's see what we got to do we got to cook up rice we got to cook up a sparrow yes we got to hook up fish three pans actually four because we got Monty's a little chunk kilogram boil up in some water and I got four pans and then we need another bowl to prepare the sauce and it's gonna be more like a salsa the lime guacomole salsa sort of thing was gonna be good but before we get preparing anything we've got to cook the rice rice has to get started I don't really know how it's gonna go together never confirmation of the fire I know you want to bring it up to a boil and then you want the heat low and slow otherwise you're gonna burn your rice so let's get the rice started let's get this set up here we'll get the rice up to a boil get that simmering put that way off to the side and keep that low heat while we cook everything else let's get this thing situated I draw out the bigger great the non-car camp and great there is a car camping great the non portaging great the nines fit in my backpack great oh it broke huh well it will still work it's just gonna be a noisy enough this is the mini version this can't this came with the pot that I boil water it but we rarely ever use this one haven't used this haven't used this thing in years but I figure it's a perfect little rice pan hot okay so we need about ten ounces of water yeah that's about perfect now every race is different some wants you to bring the water to the boil and then add the rice but this this is par boiled white race so you gotta bring everything two together to a boil well this is going let's prepare for our salsa okay so I've got wondrous news apparently the last time I use this little bowl for my stove I left crust crusted food in there and didn't clean it out so that's that's just tremendous well it's fine I just cleaned it out okay so we've got some things to prepare here a nice clove of garlic now I gotta chop this up a little bit finer than usual I took his pad so he just laid on my feet now my ratios and stuff I've never made a small batch this small before so my ratios are gonna be way far off for this so this is gonna be probably pretty garlicky zippy who knows we'll see I'm gonna try my best I'm gonna do one clove of garlic it's hard to chop and dice and mulch what I normally do when I make this this sauce here or salsa or guacamole whatever you want to call it I'm gonna call it sauce but it's pretty chunky what I normally do is put it in a food processor and turn it to just you know puree everything but out here I'm just gonna have to like whisk it together with my fork and call it good all right so and start with that and we've got Howell Pinot here the smallest jalapeno I've ever seen so the trick for jalapenos if you want to get rid of some of the heat get all the seeds you can dice up our fresh jalapeno here there's nothing to be some schmutz in there next we've got some fresh ginger root what's going in and we've got some cilantro I will just elantra oh yeah i pre washed everything - all right that's good enough good enough into the pot well it's the cilantro rice is boiling now the magic starts to happen I don't really know if rolling your limes helps but do it anyways so I've got two limes here and we're going to add the juice right in here I am a huge fan of citrus and face citrus and seafood so I don't mind if there's a little extra lime juice that's okay with me okay now get a good old avocado this was at the grocery store this one was refrigerated I've never seen the avocados that refrigerated but hopefully all the others are too hard perfect okay the one seat don't break my knife Oh to get nice little chunks in avocado gently you want to cut through into your hand you got to get a feel for it be careful doing this I know it seems like I'm nuts cutting it like this but I can feel the tip of the blade scraping against the skin of the avocado and I'm being very careful to be gentle no way now I take mine there's the owl he didn't like that let me take my spoon go write it and against the skin split all those chunks out there we go that skin is clean this avocados a little under right that's okay it's still gonna be good you know this is something I knew was going to be a nightmare with soy sauce in the Ziploc baggie I don't think I'm gonna get much of it out yeah it was a that was a failed attempt now I'm going to add some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt you had to add salt to uh two more things tonight and that's the only time I'm gonna say that little one-liner just look just a little bit more okay and then we've got to add some black pepper and then the fun begins okay now because the avocados not as ripe as it should be it's gonna be a little bit tough so we're just going to go ahead and mix try to mash that our towel as best we can but also because a little water or a little chilly out it's looking pretty good let's take a little mm-hmm oh that's good oh yeah okay you know what it's not even meeting in the real there are four hours good it's just cold and it's not mixing as well okay that's done we're gonna put the lid on this and serve this up with our fish this is done oh I believe it chunky okay going off to the side I just cut so I just got a few pieces left funk the rest at home took a butter for the asparagus hey we'll probably need to add more for the face our fish at least mine's gonna be seared in water cooked in water so we'll do that over that fish okay we need a little salt and pepper in these this is gonna be so good oh man I'm getting excited for this this salsa it's uh I'm calling the salsa nah that's not a sauce guacomole that's we're gonna call it a little salt okay okie dokie so now what we've got to do and I'm still undecided if I'm cooking the fish and salt and pepper which I'm probably gonna do because this doesn't you this is the flavor you just want to cook up the fish to have a nice tender flavor with bite to this it's so good and Montreal might make it a little too salty I don't know I think I'm gonna do a light amount of salt this time around Montreal is sitting here staring at me like why it's okay okay guys now I'm gonna go fillet the face portion it out and figure out what when Monte is getting so let's go play some space well there's our beautiful piece of fish there oh yeah awesome how'd you be so good I'm so I'm gonna do let's see it's not gonna fit my pan like this anyways so Monte is gonna get not really given the medians and give them that much let's see if that fits in our pan you don't have to do a little bit more just a little bit more okay we're gonna have to pull out the bones out of Monty's that's Monty's there it's his fish and I will throw mine in the pan once the butter is cooked up and pull out the fins as it cooks okay let's get cooking I gotta wash my hands quick but slowly for that okay and get Monte's border on there alright good [Applause] barely fits in here it's gonna need to cook down a little bit ooh already comes a little hematite oh don't tell anybody that's just a little bit the fullback we're gonna definitely need to add some our butter in here still warm okay fish you have your rough flip oh it's too big okay this right here as close to the heat oh that's looking so good haha we a little bit more Montreal in there alright mean we're not using my shell I'm not going to use Montreal today [Music] [Applause] let me move oh okay over there we go oh man this is probably one of the healthiest meal that ever cooked out campaign except for one thing and that's the unhealthy portion of butter I've used they have used little over half the stick and I might need to use a little bit more on the fish right now it's cooking pretty good maybe a little bit more than half a stick I don't know well that's a chunk of meat right there I could have probably gave it monkey a little bit more but let's just not let him know you gonna pull up the bones out of Monte's that is gonna be so I'm gonna feast oh this is gonna be so good it's gonna be definitely the most gourmet fish I cook so far let's see if we can get these pins out yet oh okay okay pins are coming out it's starting to get serious un treat you wanna go for the dark are you on a tree tree to the dark light dark light Rico I can get this out is officially done here we go that right there ladies and gentlemen the spine okay has no bones no fins done swirled around that butter okay okay as what we call no waste right there is the spine the bones now you just gotta get these oh there we go you gotta see this um alright it's time to plate the meal Oh his favorite pumpkin puree mix let's ease in here oops it's all mighty is all done let it cool down now okay so let's go ahead and add this race put them off to the side there looks like it's cooked perfectly nice portion of rice then let's add in our asparagus [Music] and last but not least our chunky lime cilantro salsa walkable all over that fish I'm going to keep some on this side just in case I know you can't see the fish under that well oh yeah okay would you just look at that glory Oh bad it's gonna be so good okay it's time to eat let's do about D but yours is warm it's pretty warm it's not a 20 let's just just happy here get this out of here oh are you ready for this mud tea I don't think you're ready I don't think you're ready enough do you want that treat this is gonna be so good I think this is the best percent of me I've ever made outdoors it's gonna taste so good I'm so excited look today pan out so well Monte you ready go ahead go ahead okay let's just start things off with a nice old bite of fish Monte is all too hot for you oh all right I can help you out one second let me just you know what no we're gonna wait hello Marty let me just add in some cold water you know only go ahead go ahead whoa water down monkey buzz okay okay but where were we hurry hmm oh so good hmm a little piece of bone but it's gone now hmm tell you what I'm gonna do go ahead and add all that in there it's so good they're so zippy it's perfect for fish hmm and I'm also gonna mix in a little bit of that with my rice than my fish with the rice Oh I learned how to cook the perfect asparagus my vegetarian friend go figure eight the key to perfect crunchy delicious asparagus is cook everything else you're cooking first and then get the pan don't get it too hot but it's got to be warm nice and nice and hot medium medium heat and a little olive oil salt and pepper and you cook them up a nap and you go by feel you just pick them up and you wiggle them and once they start to like make a slight wiggle just just a nice little wiggle there done take them out of the pan off the heat if you keep them in there they get soggy overdone but when they almost make that not like a a super sad face a kind of brown when they make a frown they're perfect all that noise is just like dying off [Music] they just got really quiet out there hmm oh yeah they're slowing down I'm not no I'm not doing this yeah so what do we say to vegetarian meals at least the one I was gonna eat if I didn't catch a fish no we're meeting now we're meeting it's time to meet Marty let's go I saved my meal at least Marty I was looking for you you did this you did this was it yeah you cleaned your pants and you had a cup of food earlier you ate a whole bunch of food your piggy destroyed hmm all-in Marty overgrown is so wet dagnabbit through your Monty come here well he just gently ever so gently oh hey dude how's it going you have a good treat Joey fun dark part you want some more stick throwing before bed no probably go up to stick hey that was a good meal guys yeah Monty I know it was a good one Monty enjoyed it too I wish removable first book you know too much monkey yours are gonna let you down okay ladies and gentlemen I am satisfied Monty you're therefore laid out we're gonna chill for a minute I am going to let this fire burn down a bit here for a good oh hey before I go Bobby there let me go grab my watch check the temp before I look at it and spoil my my estimation I put on thermal layers and I feel pretty dang warm so I'm gonna say it's like 43 43 40:42 if you took my original guess 43 and switch the numbers around I would have been right it's 34 out I was wrong hello telly it's almost freezing okay ladies and gentlemen so as I was saying all right I'm going to let this fire burn down a bit here do up my dishes tidy up and we're gonna show off this light and I'm gonna appear at the stars and just listen to this noise and just relax here for a minute sometimes I just want to shut off light and just enjoy the moment and you got to do it so I'm gonna get cleaned up here turn off that dear camera and enjoy this moment and I'm probably also going to have the 10 starburst I brought along tropical starburst my all-time favorite candy the jelly bellies are pretty good last time but I do like my starburst but I'm gonna enjoy those so yeah I will check back with you guys when we return [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] embarrass me all these embarrassment plaintiff isn't like you intense max told oh no he doesn't want in sketch nope he doesn't I'm seeing all sorts of things there is so that I've never seen walking where to go but there's also this guy here [Music] dang he had a yellow-belly that's all I know look just like a salamander and it's a salamander I don't know they swam I think it's a newt though the thing is hard to capture dang it you little stinker [Music] I caught one [Music] it's a yellow-belly [Applause] how cool is that I think I'm pretty sure it's a newt I've never found one before that's what the skate go they're just critters everywhere right now the woods are going nuts spring is alive and now Tony de oh you're gonna puff up and you get nice and strong oh yeah I'm just tapping your knee oh and I are going to scrunch what are you doing what is that what does that pose rod you win you win I'll run away Montaigne just like dude hurry stop playing with toads and solar burgers and stuff and Curtis go to bird who's okay go ahead [Music] hey there big guy oh dude I'm gonna scooch it okay no worries you're not gettin tucked in I moved in just too much oh come on wait up come on later you just lay down all right you can lay okay I guess I'm gonna move my stuff over it's three final umph does this lump of turd it's just a hole like that you see that in that manner okay you've a turd nugget I'm setting a new record for the time of the latest night I've had camping two am yeah it's a pretty late one um that I'm calling it a newt I think that's a newt I am not 100% sure it looks like a salamander with a swimming tail but anyways I saw a salamander when I was cleaning up my dishes so I ran back to get the camera and I ran back and it was gone I was like dang it was a red-bellied with a red stripe and I've seen blue-bellied and yellow-bellied before and then I was cleaning up my dishes in the water and just finishing up and I saw that thing one of them and I was oh my gosh so it's got a brown top so I ran grab the grab the camera and I was looking forward and it's just like blended and I could barely see it to just swim away and I was like digging it and then I looked I saw another one and I thought it was the same one at first and then same thing happened he's squirreled away and I finally saw that one and there was like I saw like five or six of them they're everywhere I've never my whole life I have never seen those before swimming in the water yeah I've seen the exact same looking thing on land with a normal tail that's not big and flat like that but I have never seen a water one my whole life so that really like that really hit me deep so it's just like I need to capture one of these on camera and I need to capture one in my hand and gently look at it so that's what I did I spent a good hour hour 15 looking trying to find one close enough I didn't want to put him on my muck boots because I I got two different colored socks on but my feet are pretty dry they're they're a little damp from walking around the wet ground but they were soaked before I did not want to get soaked feet again so it's like I will do this without Muck Boots my back kind of hurts from messing around doing that as a kid you know I'd frogs you know I used to catch snakes big old gardener snakes garter snakes as a gardener garter snakes bill garter snakes everything and I've never seen one of those before so that just like I just had to do it but we got one got to look at it up close that was pretty cool that's pretty sweet but yeah it's 2:00 a.m. we got a late start and we're getting a late finish so we had a delicious gourmet meal we had a gourmet meal we had some fun we got the globe camping efficiently cut our fish so I'm gonna head to bed and pass how I'm gonna try to get up early we'll see if it happens probably get sleep at once too so anyways guys I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody oh oh it's a good stick oh we've got a we've got a most scuitto in here we've got a mosquito in here monkey yeah go ahead go deep to cleverly clover me oh that's a great last day definitely mmm heard some coyotes last night then they were there doing a little howls and whatnot but it wasn't it didn't go on very long when I heard it and it was very very quiet so it'd have been really hard to hear so I and I just like I'd I would have tried recording it if it would've got louder it was just kinda very sporadic it just kind of happened the NAMM enough time to really record anything but that's a warm morning I slept with mental thermals on by that my bag was mostly open a little swamp stopped I don't know hours ago Bruce still Darko's get light out baby but it looks like it's a beautiful sunny morning so okay let's do it oh you want a stick oh I can see the brownie he's got brown eyes guys you can only see it once a year well the Sun catches his eyes just right that's right now Udyr proud aren't they enough black little beady eyes but yeah yeah you want this okay anyways it is a nice glass lake out there and I wouldn't mind taking a few casts on the way out I will give it a try I can see some logs sticking up in the middle that I don't think I could see yesterday I don't know if that's because it's like there's just a trees there what not breathe here my thing or if it's just like they floated I'll but we're gonna make some coffee and oatmeal here and get packed up and get on that water it is just a beautiful another beautiful day come on you break in here bring me that stick you stinker you know turd nugget good boy [Applause] you know the reason I wear white tees all the time he's 100% because they don't pick up stains they don't get dirty looking quick and it's not because there are 20 bucks for 10 shirts that's not the reason weight shirts of the recommended color among outdoorsmen hey black flies no you stop that you stop that Monty where's your stick where's your stick pal Louie just Nick you just sticking on throw it actually I don't know if I throw it you're gonna you're gonna step all over the rain flowers yeah well we'll take some casts out there but I don't have high hopes I won't lie since yesterday I don't know how hopes yesterday was such a perfect evening for fishing you're fighting that crazy but I could as always be doing something wrong probably a.m. I bet if you're an expert at catching trout fly fisherman or whatnot you would have probably caught many last night but they weren't surfacing like I said if they're surfacing I know they will bite those little spinners you sit there and you wait for them to surface sometimes and the surface and you cast right on it and start reeling and quick where's that my season 2 moose their most visited moose we're about to dip into our burst oatmeal and coffee for the year but do you or some food you hungry there guy I think it's just beautiful birds singing I mean the black flies are getting me but that's okay you know it's gonna get much worse much worse I'm just embracing the time we have now Monty I'm embracing the time whether it's just a few black flies come on till we got to embrace our moments okay like that little bird there's only ten black plaster on my face soon it will be 30 40 maybe even 50 all at once fighting attacking okay what are we what are we doing here Matthew it's what's it what's the planet oh I know swatting flies some agua agua the caffeine will be strong with you [Applause] mmm soupy extremely soupy nice spot ain't it aha I don't know if they care probably didn't pick it up at all with one just surface Oh nope looks like it's a lunar a duck yeah it's a bird of some kind dang it I had hoped for a minute definitely broke the surface and then whatever kind of bird it is just stuck its head up it's a pretty scene out there right now Oh God black buzzing my oatmeal my soupy it's all right well I'm just gonna finish up my coffee and oatmeal here I just all my stuff's pretty much packed away it's just not in my bag yeah just all spaced out and ridges get stopped in but I'm gonna get I'm gonna finish this up no word yet on that water I don't think we're gonna be able to escape these bugs on the water but we'll try we'll take a few casts on the way out [Music] the way [Music] okay good job party hype ah get away ding nabbit oh it's a beautiful one right now okay so we're just gonna work we're not gonna go crazy here fishing I'm just taking a few casts now if I catch a fish or have a bite that is always the thing that gets me know how I work as a fisherman is if I cast they cast that cast I don't get bites doing what I know what I think to catch fish I kind of just slow down everything all right whatever but if I get a bite multiple bites lots of bites then I am just stuck fishing for hours and I can't leave it's I wouldn't call it a problem because I enjoy it but hey you know what we got sunglasses for this sort of thing because I remembered to bring them well there's some old fishing line in there oh these are all bent good thing I forgot them in there oh they're super bent [Music] good it is exactly what I wanted to happen okay there we go there we go nobody likes you except more black eyes and they probably don't even like you because they want the food so essentially no one likes black flies you know what I'm actually thinking it is I think it's official guys I have caught the one and only fish in this lake I am that good of a fisherman that's that has to be what it is there's no other explanation yeah my dear I know come on T had to stand up he was so proud of me for being such a good fisherman okay we're near a trio of nice down trees all sunken all perfect if we don't get a bite here we're not gonna do much fishing I fished pretty much every tree in this entire Lake last night so let's take a cast here and see yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] okie Dokes ladies and gentlemen it doesn't seem like I'm gonna have much luck if if you know I could fish hard right now but it's a beautiful day and maybe we'll get back and take roots for a walk head out with funk spend the nice day with funk like I said last night was perfect fishing didn't have any bites on any of these trees anywhere and I was fishing pretty good I wasn't I wasn't making tons of noise I was talking little bits here and there I fish the whole shore so I'm thinking right now my stance is that they're far and few between on this Lake and there's some good-sized rainbows in here other than that I don't know we'll try again in a couple weeks after we come back from our trip we'll come back on a perfect night maybe if we get time if we get time that's always the case and we will you know see if there are surfacing if they're not surfacing in when the bugs are really bad and on a nice calm sunny night or whatever then there's just not many in here so we got to make a gourmet meal have a nice fish dinner turn yesterday right around had a beautiful evening listening to the spring sounds just a little bit more paddling to do and we'll be right back in the car so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video [Music] I mean you gotta have a few last cast last cast laughs how else you supposed to catch to your last fish on your last cast well as you keep casting until you catch a fish and say you caught a fish on your last cast how else do you do that all along this log here there was seriously 20 Turtles I've never seen so many Turtles on a log before that was crazy the most of them were popping off far away but few of them there's one in the water right there the last one just sat there let's try to get a little underwater shot of him [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 173,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, spring camping, canoe camping, canoe, bushcraft, bushcraft skills, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, catch and cook, dog, camping dog, dog training, spring, how to camp, wild camp, wilderness, wilderness area, fishing, fish, cooking, cooking fish, fire cooking, gourmet, gourmet cooking, backcountry, backcountry camping, wild, adventure, outdoors, outdoorsman, nature, sounds of nature, lizards, reptiles, frogs, spring animals, sounds of spring, canoeing, lake, trout, trout fishing, overnight
Id: wHVUtfnc8D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 40sec (8260 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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