Overnight Canoe Camping with My Dog - 4th of July Edition!

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hey guys want to hear happy 4th of July today's a day where you need to show your allegiance so repeat after me I pledge allegiance to the Monty of the United Maltese of America and to this Monty I give all my treats forever and ever and ever and ever never never never never never never ever [Music] [Music] [Music] hello there ladies and gentlemen happy fourth of July I'm up with Monty he's sporting his little top hat and we are gonna celebrate the fourth of July today we're gonna do a little fun in the Sun things you should be doing on the fourth of July we're gonna sip on some beers we're gonna grill some food over the fire we're gonna go fishing do some swimming have some fun fun in the Sun so we don't have too much further to go I've just got a little bit more paddling to do and then I've got a portage and we should be on the lake or hoping to stay tonight we're actually heading back to the exact spot that I was last year from the fourth of July it's just a nice spot and it's seeming like the bugs are pretty bad I thought for some reason that I had beat the bugs and I was so far from wrong I just this is the first half of a camp and since my seven night my eighth day seven nights eight days same thing well yeah it's the first half in Kampen and I thought for some reason you know we just had a really late spring this year so the bugs are still like they were the mosquitos are like the June so I mean you know it is what it is bad bugs mean good fishing so hopefully we'll have some fun catching fish anyways we're definitely gonna be oh what a TIA camera shot with that but you swam by too fast anyways Monty's warm I'm not gonna make more of this had the whole time he doesn't mind he doesn't bother him right now so you could leave it on but yeah we don't got too much further to go and we'll take care of this portage and get to that Lake but he's gonna be doing lots of swimming today that's for sure [Music] Montee with your head it is a hot one today okay you got him saying horseflies these are the easy ones these ones I don't mind these horseflies like little black tips thing at the weird eyes those don't bother me they they bug me when they're in swarms but those ones are easy to get it's the sand flies oh those ones I just despise they're all ankle biters and they're so hard to get and the mosquitoes I'm mostly worried about the mosquitoes this trip around I don't know if there's really sand flies here there might be a few but anyways this hot we're gonna be on the water a lot we're gonna do some swimming I'm having issues with these flags I thought just one strip of duct tape would work I'm sure this is folks about if you'd notice because the red I've got the dry bag that's blue mature sway got red white and blue so yeah we have to readjust fix it up put more duct tape on then take me a little bit to get that duct tape off your boat if the Sun kicks it off but just some goo gone should work anyways yeah absolutely I have to fix the flags I already had to take one off they keep bumping stakes and stuff so we get those taken carefully at the camp so we're in close to our portage here that breeze feels nice he's leading the way doing that party I fixed the flags I had to I had to carry em they just kept popping up hi Monty Monty has just been swimming on his own every time we get to the portrait end there's water he's just going up to just swim around it is hot I am dripping sweat this breeze feels so nice I think the first thing we're gonna do we get to camp needless to say is swim I'm gonna just jump right in free ballin it's a little otter Monty Phelps back there Oh feels good to be out here that porch wasn't long but man this is sweaty and as far as deep goes we're uh the gloves are off for deep worry we're using deep I'm not mosquitos are bad right now especially in the shade on the lake or where it's sunny they're not really that bad they're still out but when you get in the shade they're they're attacking so I am just coat myself and eat I'll go swimming multiple times all swim right before bed wash myself off that's that's the main reason I don't use D is because when you're already sticky and sweaty it's not fun to put on drips into your eyes and whatnot so yeah slow down for Monty here but [Music] you go boy Monty are we gonna go for the dog parks you want treat at the dog you always do Monty all right we got to the campsite I am just dripping sweat so first things first I need to swim free free of any clothing out of the wood very mucky oh man it's like bath water auntie oh you still with me Monty you want a race look don't don't scratch me don't scratch ade why don't you stop it Hey what scratch me hang on dear that's a good boy that's a good boy oh man it is just gorgeous out right now this water feels so good oh mighty hey there's probably a good chance I'm gonna swim multiple times my undies are a little sticky I might be free ballin after this month he's got a buoyant booty you can go to land Monty it's okay I'm fine unless you just like swimming with me is that what it is just like me so much if she just want to swim around with me I bet that's where it is Monty I guess now we can set up camp and whatnot I just had to do that oh I'm gonna be swimming multiple times it's okay I've brought out like three towels cuz I knew I was gonna probably swim it's like 75 out it's hot super hot [Applause] I'm coming aunty don't worry I'm coming why did you not like horseflies I don't think my tea likes the horseplay there's a lot of about he got a couple of them he chewed them up get almighty you show up chill not to mess with the Monty oh man the horse flies are rough right now they're not really getting us yet they're just kind of flying around Lantos but my Gia's going nuts they're not really biting her attacking rate if they're like flying around his face and he just doesn't like them oh he got one you just ate one keeps eating them I've swim felt so good okay first things first [Music] I got myself some PBRs perhaps blue ribbons because they're red white and blue it's not the craziest best exotic beer but you know what it's gonna do it's gonna be ice cold all right Monty we need to make this place look a little bit more patriotic a little more fourth of July like what do you say get up now all these things are chintzy hey there spinning at least what something's jumping over there [Music] this flag is not what I thought it was gonna be it's just a flag with no holes there's a little hole where there's a hole in there and then two holes are just one you just got one little hole well there it is it's two holes okay there's two little hole I guess almost tie it up like this he's a paracord oh [Applause] well we've got ourselves a rat's nest never fails if only there was a way to store your paracord slit you didn't have a rat's nest you know only there was a way that I could learn I'm not saying I'm not saying there isn't a way just there isn't a way that I'm willing to learn yet I'm a I'm a I'm a middle-aged young man stuck in his ways I can't say old man I can't say middle-aged man I'm still I'm I'm still young so you know all right flags hung it's not really it's not really flying the best show you got a flagpole but hey you know what it gets thick it's there we've got some ribbons these will will help wear this or weigh this down at least there we go that works we'll do this one over here why not we got the odd guy out just to have some more colors over here can't probably even see this one but you know this one will be for just me when I'm on the lake all by myself and there's no one else around I don't know what's there I'll see you my campsite from you know across the lake all right hey we ourselves a patriotic campsite Punkie dokey let's set up our cooler our let's set up camp set up camp so you'll notice I have a new drive a bag here and the whole reason I got it it is because it's blue for this video you know because I got the red bow the white t-shirt and the blue red white and blue so that's the only reason I got this brand new expensive dry bag I'm just kidding what it is is two reasons there's two reasons I got a new bag right there one is I messed up funks dry bag we had the this is still the Mex log it's the same dry bag as I always use the orange one when I messed funks up and I've been using her I messed up mine and I've been using hers that's what it is I didn't mess hers up I messed up mine I just been using her bag and so I had to replace it while I get the other one fixed I just you know I didn't want to wait around and on top of that they did some major improvements to the bag they actually have the reason mine broke is because the straps were these metal buckles and it when you lift up it like pulls and bent but they fix that and now the back is adjustable it's way sturdier and white push here and just all around better strap so you know what and on top of that they used to make them only in the orange yellow and black now they come in blue in green so I wanted one okay head replace hers I can give a million excuses but you know what what's done is done I got another one and when I get mine fixed who knows maybe I'll give it away someday you know when I fixed those well it's it's still perfectly fine it just needs to be fixed and you know I take friends camping anyways and I lend stuff out and whatnot so it's it's going to get used it's definitely gonna get used and it's a great pack and sometimes I like you know I might even use that for my food back from now on so they don't have to pack it's so tight who knows anyways I got a new blue bag blues my color blue here like blue a little blue rain powder blue is our color we're blue we're blue da ba dee da ba won't go there dude a little bit of battle so yeah I don't think it's supposed to rain it's private it's one of those days it's like super hot and it could rain if there's some dark clouds floating around and it could just be spotty could form the mosquitoes are not as bad as I thought to be honest I thought they would be swarming me here but they're really not it's more of an open spot near swampy respond up to be really bad but it's really not that bad right now I'm surprised when I was doing that portage right there it was pretty bad just cuz I was sweating I was dripping sweat man it was it's it's warmer I'm just like now that I'd uh was now that I jump in the lake I bet I bet it's moving slow keeping my cool had to air out my undies and stuff I'm definitely gonna be jumping back in that water it is just too hot I know some some of you guys like I got a bunch of comments saying in the what do I winter camping videos it was like 30 out and I was saying it was warm and you guys are like oh when it gets below 70 it's chilly well it's 75 right now and I'm on the verge of not even able to handle it I just I Oh 75 is too hot I'm cool with my 50 50 degrees is like the perfect temperature for me for camping and being outdoors 50 degrees is so good you can just wear like a t-shirt and you can move you don't sweat you stay nice it just tempered just perfect I'm a fan of 50 degrees 50 55 I can do 60 - that's a good temperature but 50 to 60 that's that's perfect it's my ideals range 50 if it's hot and sunny 50 if it's done a mean I guess yeah 50 is hot that's hot but again then this is nice for swimming you know I wouldn't be swimming like this as enjoyably if it was colder and I guess that is the one huge upside to this temperature is jumping in that water he's just chillaxing he's got his bandana hunt Monteith he's settling down for some reason the horseflies are leaving us alone they're not as crazy I don't know if that's just because just being out of the Sun seems like when we're near that water they're way worse honestly I'm not getting there's not many bugs get me right now I mean I'm completely clean maybe that has something to do with it no sweat and whatnot they're just kind of like how that guy's to clean I want a sweaty angry person that's breathin huffing and puffing we're gonna catch some fish I'm confident there's a hundred percent chance we're sleeping with this rain fly off tonight definitely and if it rains we'll just throw it up in the mold I'll I'll hook it up and everything and that's what that's what I like to do okay I just realized I'm not multitasking what am i doing I haven't been camping in a month and I'm losing it wipe all your own he hunt I'm sorry mighty sorry I'm sorry Mikey the bugs are back why'd you do this why'd you chase me with what huh it's too warm to do that oh man now that this is all set up the rainfly I'm going to take it all off leave the stakes there and everything so that if it rains in the middle of the night I don't have to deal with putting it on you know if I've mentioned this before and I've done this before I leave everything but one side in so I can't really go anywhere you just flip it on and then if I wake up in the middle of night I started to feel rain or here rain I run up throw it over clip it on good to go oh pretty light sleeper anyway so ok so what I'm gonna do is put my crap in here get it all sorted we've got three three and a half hours of light left so I'm not sure what we're gonna do when I'm done getting set up maybe we're gonna go for another swim before we go out maybe we'll just get on the water go fishing maybe we'll throw Monty a stick who knows for did you lie yeah and if you're worried on me being noisy don't there was no cars at the place there's only one campsite on this lake so I get to be as noisy as I want swimming round two hi Marty hi Wendy hello geez don't call me about the owl how could you do that to me Marty how could you huh hi hi dude what's your reason oh it feels good it feels good to swim the bugs are almighty hi dude hey that's a good boy you sound joining the water man this water feels so nice I'll probably swim one more time but maybe not who knows every time I get a little bit warm or sweaty I jump right back in I mean it's not gonna keep doing what what do you think you want to stick you want to fetch you stick get a month you oh I gotta stay in the water or dry off when you're wet is horseflies I'll get ya so ya camps all set up for the most part gotta get some firewood that's about it everything seems pretty dry um it's not insanely dry there's definitely a low fire dangers low right now but it's not only super moist it's just green very green white give me that get him auntie oh good job mighty I'm gonna steal it from you I wanna get you taste very good taste like stick oh you got to do the arm dance for these horseflies it's just new dance want you doing the fly dance good why Mikey okay so I'm just gonna throw the stick for a little bit more for Monty and then I'm gonna dry off I think we're gonna do some fishing catch some fish good boy [Music] okay so Monty doesn't have any cushy I took it out because his that pad is it's a has actually got our value so it's hot it's holding in the heat and it's insulating from the bottom of the boat which has the lake water which will cool him down you know suck away a little bit of his body heat so he won't be so hot in the boat and he doesn't mind bacon that someone he's soaking wet anyways he likes getting dry Monty doesn't he likes once he gets in the water he loves it but he doesn't really like being wet afterwards he loves it while he's swimming and cool enough but then he wants to be dry ASAP and that's something he can't be very fast he's a very slow dryer slow drying Oh feel good I feel refreshed so today what we are gonna try is I'm gonna try the black twister tail I've been using this a lot lately more than the white because I read somewhere that large mouths like things that are more they have better like low-light vision I guess is what I was reading and so they like darker colored lures that are more natural-looking and I've always I've always thought that the white thing does not look like anything natural it does not look like any sort I mean it is just like an albino minnow is just it's bright and flashy and this still works these fish will bite it but I think the picky ones don't and that's where the black one looks definitely more like a minnow or a leech or just something dark and more natural-looking so we're gonna stick to the black for now see how it does we have you know I'm thinking the fishing will be decent so either way even if I use just the white which the white works always fine okay we can't have our next beer until we catch a fish that's the rule that's the name of the game or at least a bite because I'm gonna go leaderless I know there's Pike in here but I'm using my ultralight for pound test it's not an ultra light right it's a light oh I might poke myself in the lip but this rod it's then I'll try it's a light with a brand new real brand new real brand new rod getting to try this thing out for the first time like pretty excited pretty excited hope I see I've been using this right here this is a five foot ultra light and man that isn't it is so much fun to catch medium-sized fish on it is just a blast even big pan fish it's a lot of fun so I decided to get another one that's a little bit longer but I've been just lately I've just been loving the ultra light or the light line the four pound test I used to use 10 pound all my life ten pound mono and I've just kind of been having a lot of fun with the lighter line and I feel like the fish have less chance to see it I can cast my lures twice as far so it's just been a lot more fun so I was like hey now I'm gonna need a second one to do what I've always done we're gonna try to get how there's really no shake yet oh yeah I can cast this so far we're just gonna work this drop off normally you like I don't like a breeze enough fishing but this is just like a perfectly perfect breeze it's just just enough to where it's keeping the bugs off and keeping us cool down but not enough to where it's blowing us insane there we go fish already this oh dang it that was a bass that was a Fabi dang it my brewski number toasted all right so he wasn't pretty shallow right at the edge of the shade and the lily pads anyways this breeze is nice and when M if I'm just like trying to keep fish a certain spot you know the breeze isn't as enjoyable with no weight like just Monty and me we're cruising along this drop-off so it's not a big deal maybe I should fish maybe I should go the other way and fish away from this the sunlight cuz right now looking at it it's just not very fun oh yeah that's that's why just hook the tree dang it there goes a lure I'm not getting that one back I don't have any of these black ones hmm I have a lot of the black twister tails just not the black jig heads see if I can there's a chance I can reach up and get this one out I don't want to lose it [Music] stand up don't don't rock the boat but don't rock the boat Monty crap the boat but don't tip the boat over risky [Music] holy they not want to lose my Lord didn't want to have to retie my line and guess what and I'm close and success great success victory [Music] good job Monty I'm proud of you you didn't tip us see Monty can't squeak when there's no uh there's no pad you just chewing and licking where's shade up ahead we're gonna go for that yeah the fish will definitely be they'll be deeper sitting in the shade or under lily pads right now they're not gonna want to just be sitting in the shallows in the Sun that's just too hot it wants structure and fish nibbles nibbles shade over here oh oh there we go that's something nice that one was just sickened [Music] that's a nice Bobby Obama pass oh it's so fun on this rod has my first fish in this rod he's hooked pretty good it looks like got for contest so I gotta be careful I won just rebound too hard oh there we go ooh that's a nice one that's a nice bass right there that's a good bass good old Bobby okay let's let this good big ol Bobby go we're not keeping fish today we're just fishing her final hey Monty all right so we earned ourselves another PBR [Music] there we go oh oh oh oh geez oh geez ski so that guy bit when we were just um I always just letting it sink near the drop-off just fallen and he sucked it right up I thought I had a snag for a minute I was not reeling in he was adjusting the boat he been about to get so we'll try that again well like I said we're not keeping fish today we are just fishing for fun we are grilling fourth of July style or not right are we grilling I technically there's a great is that is that classify as grilling does grow and go by using it girl like I'm assuming it's just you know your girl when you're using the grill I'm not using a grill but we're calling it grilling I don't care I don't care all it is hot we're gonna float this I'm gonna cast one more time out here and they were floating on the shade you know I'm very surprised right now that we are not getting just mauled by horseflies knock on wood but they're really not bugging us Monty's not jumping out I mean we've had a couple buzzing around but they're really just leaving us be maybe you saw maybe they sell that fish all about to get in some shape all there we go this is what I'm talking about here we go maybe you saw that fish there was like no heck no that thing eat us because I don't need my sunglasses oh that helps me see a little bit I felt that oh I felt a bite and it was drop it and I had it like raised I love when you can feel by its leave you like on the line whatever it was spit it out so Knicks fish were given Monte a big old chunk of beef jerky that's the next the next reward we both get beef jerky so he's relying on me to catch another fish to get a treat hey Monte do you think that it's fair that you're relying on my terrible fishing skills to give you treats doing a treat right now do you want to treat at the dog park be the fly all right here's what we're gonna do since you're a good boy and you've done nothing but joy and greatness you're gonna get some treat and I'm gonna have to wait till I catch a fish yeah you enjoyed it [Music] [Music] it's gotta be a fish nope that's stick doesn't see it's not it's not fighting what's a snake Lisa stuck snake that's what you want to do that's exactly what you want oh no well there's no way I'm getting that one out unless it comes up I got it yeah it's not let it sink I also think what we're gonna do since we've got so much time for the sunsets we've got like two hours sell maybe a little less than two hours it's right around there right around quarter to 10:00 is when the Sun sets and it won't really get like dark dark until about 11:00 so uh we're probably gonna walk to another lake and just take some casts from shore let monty stretch his legs because he only got to do this short portage so he likes walking he likes he loves the Portage's well it's way more than me something just surfaced way out there you casted it I think I can cast that far who I was pretty close so let that sink yeah he loves the Portage's so we're go for a walk it is cast from shore there's a little pool I know of that might have some fish where I'm fishing right now I've never really caught bass you know of all the times I fish this place it's been a few I don't think I've ever caught bass where I'm fishing now maybe a salt [Music] I guess we're gonna put honesty later there's a sand fly I'll lose my land line to a pike and then get bit by a sand fly I'm just getting double whammy right now was the first sample I've seen dagnabbit yeah if I was a fishing for a fish dinner right now I would definitely I've got my little t30 tooth bounce jig yeah if I was fishing for a dinner or fish dinner I would be using my little 32 pounds white jig that I've got on my other Pole here this little guy that thing is a pan fish slicks I love pan fish for fish dinner pan fish are great and I can just they're just definitely active and I know this pan fish in here but I think I have one black head left I'm gonna save it we're just gonna use this orange and chartreuse Jay head should work just as fine I don't even think the colors would necessarily matter that much they'll still attack the white honestly since I know they'll attack the way I bet white is gonna fare better almost because they can see it in this sort of Lake I don't think of steel eater matters but you know it's hard to say I'm not a fish I don't talk to the fish I just catch the fish I catch the fish I sometimes eat the fish I sometimes release the fish ooh that was a bluegill all right you know what we're gonna we're gonna go over some blue goes just for fun it's not so bad catching about a little ultra light let's just do it just to prove that if I wanted to I catch the blue house well what's that that was a big splash near the shore let's cast out I see something surfacing a lot out here whatever splash over that sure sounded like a animal not a fish what in the heck what the heck okay so instead of proving that I can catch blue go with this I proved that I can't catch bluegill with us and if I was trying to catch blue yo this I would fail great job I Pat myself on the back for that one [Music] I'd like to catch up bass oh that was a bass ding it I was just talking about how I never catch bass down here speak of the devil that was a bass I had one on right near the edges all these wooly pads well there we go I didn't catch it so it still holds true that I've never caught one over here [Music] we're gonna do a few more casts ooh there goes Pam fish and then we're probably gonna go for a walk a little bit go for walks dog park oh I think there was a bite [Music] there's pan fish bite horseflies are so annoying they just fly around land on the back back your head they're really bite through my hair they just buzz around and get my hair and just well the sand fly keeps just getting on me I don't like the sand flies where's another one Sam flight of the evil ones oh whatever that was bit off the tail I don't know how long I wasn't recording for but the sand flies are over here [Music] catch one bluegill just to prove that this is a good way of catching up just to it first laser they're here horse flies sand flies biting flies ever you want to call them there's a sand fly right there oh I annihilated him that's the key with the sand flies is you got to give enough time to feel comfortable to where they start moving their legs like they're like alright I'm gonna get a nice bite here really piss this guy off then you attack [Music] there we go [Music] [Music] here we go got a pan fish new weekend and that's a good-sized one I'd be a good eater he's peeing all over Bungie Oh simmer down [Music] all right there I wanted to do it just to say I could oh geez all right now we're gonna troll I'm gonna throw in a big old spoon now we're gonna troll our way across the slate going for some pike over a big ol pike dang it the sandflies have found me going over the side of the lake man they were not there was none until I went over there now there's like a swarm of the sand flies the ones I don't like getting my toes just attacking ball I hate him I hate him I got this big old green and gold spoon on [Music] get away get away it boy definitely going for a walk no stinkers no my least favorite flies found me turds these ones will drive you mad they still drive me mad I'm just gonna keep my feet moving anyways we're gonna troll along this drop-off letting that spoon go way back and then things we don't we don't you know that's how it is least what we're gonna do is go for a little walk definitely no I'd rather get bit up by mosquitos than these things I do not like these ones they don't respond to bug spray or anything or evil very evil [Music] [Music] we got something [Music] it's definitely a fish it's on the surface it's got to be a bass hey the big old spoon worked I was hoping for a nice big pike button hey I'll take a bath this isn't the correct hardware for a nice big pike anyways four pound test that wouldn't end very well maybe it's still a pike staying down whatever it is what's up Ike hey little monster [Music] [Music] okey-dokey we've got ourselves a Peter and a bubby I would like some more bobbies now or big Peters we're Brett the portage so we're gonna take a walk and escape these ankle biters what I'm calm Sam fly stinkers I very much dislike them but yeah we're in take a walk and maybe we'll have Mattias when we get back get back we've got at least another hour of light left so let's take a walk take a few casts come back do some more fish in here as the Sun sets probably catch it on the lake no won't spark up a fire and get cookin I didn't collect firewood yet really so we don't need a crazy fire tonight we need something to keep the bugs away that's for sure oh my little my little friends the ankle biters are following me they're definitely following yeah we're getting bit up by mosquitos this may have not been the best idea but we were getting mauled by those guys so I should have brought bug spray I didn't bring it bad idea okay a very great mistake was just made we were heading back there was like a mucky spot and as as soon as I stepped through that a swarm of mosquitoes found us so I'm just doing the exact opposite of what I was trying to do escape some bugs I thought the mosquitoes would be as bad oh they are getting me right now they are just mulling me I have no bug spray on I completely clean and they are just relentlessly attacking so we're getting back out of the water on the other side Maji I need bug spray or we're just we're not going here but he got his walk in that's good enough we're going back well I win the genius award for the year but when the fourth of July genius award I dropped my sunglasses when I was running away from the mosquitoes so we're going back are you going back oh man I hope I didn't drop him the muck good job right where I turned around good job buddy I guess we're gonna take some casts [Music] [Music] okay see and that was all worth it get the approximate orders with snagged a stick or something try that one again Oh [Applause] you'll see sense Bobby there we go ha ha let's get free we'll just take a few more casts here and I'll head back and I got a fish I got a fish well fighting the horse flies off his face there we go as our fourth Bobby with a third miss five just won't stop like there's nothing there but woods until earnest the best bass at the best lots of bass that's all we got my team [Music] it's near impossible for me to walk away when the fishings like this just cast upper house this can't do it is that in my blood that's not it's not part of my genetic makeup to walk away from good fishing something I just cannot do I just can't do it but you give me five cast with no luck I'm hot again oh that was a pike and I didn't put on the steel eater because I'm stupid dig it dig it you have it get over here you cannot park like that mister there is nothing there you stop that right now see Monty will try to kick bass bass after bass I'm a bass master right now bass master faster they're not huge like I said having way better fishing that over there you know I would have done a fish cam for that guy but he willed his way out of my hands he flopped back and forth really hard to slippery little bugger he got free there's nothing I could do how's it go no you earned it buddy now he thinks instead of being let go and like realizing you know that sometimes you can get caught and you're free now he thinks he escaped death so in his brain he's just like I did what I had to do so he's gonna be a feisty bugger when he grows up throws up and get the big they're digging this black [Music] it's okay two more casts if we don't get you actually we're going to do two more casts even if we get a fish we're gonna head back because the sun's about to it's getting close to the horizon it's gonna set there's still a couple more spots we've got to try it the other leg our last cast alright one more for good measure one more for good measure how was it good was we right in the edge oh maybe the bug spray swear it oh no it's loose oh dang it how to fight two [Music] turts sup what's following it [Applause] here we go said to get one more just one more you know just one more quick bass well let's get a cotton some weeds I got him out you got to be careful especially this four pound test all right I don't know how many bass that was that was at least at least six six bass at least maybe seven eight I don't know although when I go edit this footage let's let this guy go mr. Bobby here Bobby number 15 probably anyways we're gonna let him go and then we're gonna head back okay the Sun is just about to pass and see it probably probably barely just as behind the trees now if you can see it back there but yeah it's buying the trees so we're gonna cast our way back to campus we're not gonna go too crazy I'd like another big fish another 18 inch plus bass I don't have a steel eater on which isn't dumb but for some reason I feel like if we catch something that's gonna be a bass not a pike it's peaceful I got some wood I grabbed in the boat along that portage there was just a nice dried maple I seasoned wood couldn't help but carry a pack [Music] Yuriko oh I felt the bite but it didn't like take he just nipped oh look at this guy it's Bobby jr. you little turd nugget what are you doing what do you what are you doing white metal or a crazy things bigger than you are we've got a nice tree what just a nice trip tweet Lugo well they sell blue they'll bite they don't little guys that was pretty good I'd be surprised that own kitchen fish here wasn't a huge bass but it's still vast I knew it I cast it right near this log or about to pass [Music] you spit it out dang it two more casts right here and then we're gonna zip over to a spot which usually got some nice bass you know since we've only got like we're only in a fish were like 15 20 more minutes most I'm not gonna stay out till it's dark out it's just gorgeous out right now and not cold at all very it's actually like perfect out right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a nice one see you later dear puppy [Music] with you [Music] enormous fish porfavor don't know Spanish word for fish so that was the maybe it's fish yeah yeah another four bit oh you poor you go you get a Bobby you get you get him here hook Anya he's feisty feisty Bobby alright okay all right let's few more cast just a few just a few more you know if you're one of those fishermen that you know keeps catching fish and the bites really good and you can just stop that takes some willpower I mean because I can't I don't happen it just don't happen think he bite making catson I can't help myself now if it was like I could see if it was just like you know I'm catching like teeny pan fish after teeny pan fish or teeny pike every teeny Pike or just teeny baths they're like super small yeah but I got this light light rod here it's fun each fish is fun maybe I should toss the ultra light that's super fun I think just bends over in half I think this one's like the perfect balance the ultra light has no like even with Pam fish like when you try to set the hook it's very soft we're not we're not gonna fish for too much longer but if I get skunked for like 10 casts in a row then we'll be done we haven't had a bite in like ten cast so it's time to pack her in Monty would appreciate it and then we can enjoy a little bit of the sudden the disappearing light back at camp our work see the movie she's some lily pads a couple times just so peaceful nineteen okay two more gasps official more seriousness two more denotes what we're gonna do that's it I'm actually gonna stick to it this time because it's for Monty it's for my daddy I don't know why it's for Monty but it is just one more for good measure this yes just look like a nice spot I can't let's pack her in for the day that was it we had a good day a patient good fourth of July efficient [Music] [Music] wanna see if I can get away with just breaking up some sticks and not processing any up oh yeah we'll be fine come here buddy come here miss y'all the Creator Monty you wet doggy you are wet you are a wet dog and you must be dried well you're very wet you're very wet doggy yes yes you are simmer down simmer down simmer down you just like it's all right don't you he still has a challenge right watch out that's a fire you'll burn right up in a fire okay I know this is the worst I'll do it I'll just be very gentle and just delight it's just you know just to loosen things up it's about that moisture out of there this one's not as bad as the other brush hey Monty I'm gonna get that bully all those leaves in your but it's a good wet but boy all right you're good go ahead Monty you're good good boy good boy do you want more come up this no more of this all I need to keep doing it the only other way to keep going is if I put behind your back Monty he doesn't seem to mind it's kind of just like asking me for more rushing which is strange normally he can't be he's super happy to be done he's gonna need a bath no matter what I do after this he's a stinky dog right now he's stinky all right you're good figured enough Monty that's good enough okay ladies and gentlemen it is time for the epic firework show what you're doing super well I couldn't even well these don't last very long Monty be amazed amazing danger Wow hottie what a firework show hey dude it was probably the lamest favorite show I've ever seen Monty what do you say we step things up a bit okay [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay one more hi buddy there's a favorite show huh look at this guy so for those of you that watched my fourth of July video from last year you'll notice that that fireworks show you just saw was the same one as I used last year it's the same way I did last year and there's two reasons for that the first reason is that you can't shoot fireworks out in the wilderness area like this and yeah shooting projectiles I did the sparklers that's about all I can do okay I can't make a racket I'm not I'm not going to make a racket like I'll have me me yelling or barking Monty's barking but I'm not gonna shoot many bombs out here know that that could be heard from lakes away and stuff so I'm not doing that and yeah you'd be shooting trash in there so that's something I'm not willing to do so that's the first reason the second reason is that what I did in that video is pretty stupid shooting those mortars off you know like two feet in front of my face and the little satellite things like that's not smart so I'm not gonna probably do that again maybe maybe what I what I'd like to do is actually shoot it on a private lake that's the only way I can actually shoot those kind of fireworks from my canoe is if I amount a private lake because I looked into the rules of shooting fireworks from your boat and it's just not legal unless you own the lake so yeah you know next year if someone's got a private link and they want me to they want to allow me to you know shoot fireworks from my canoe in it I'll do that but until then we're just gonna reuse this clip because it's pretty funny that turned out pretty good and yeah it was some dingleberry moves the mosquitos are out if I was there are just like swarming if I was not near this fire they'd be worse but they're already bad they're pretty bad I'm about to put on some more D or something because they are getting me we're gonna start cooking soon I'm hungry okay I'm putting on some more stuff bug spray okay so I just put on I have that what is it essential oil bug spray I want it to work I've been trying and so far no luck it hasn't really worked worked and I got the stuff that's for Monty it's a dog spray effort it's it's bug spray for dogs and he hates it I squirt it on my hands and he knows he just like he doesn't like the spray I'm sure he can pick that up the smells but I'm seeing I rubbed it a little bit on his ears and on his nose because that's the only place they can get him Monty is completely protected because of his thick fur other than his nose and just the thin stuff on his face right and great along his nose that's pretty much it you're gonna I just quoted my ankles I'm just really curious if this stuff works at all or if it's like a zero percent thing because these are vicious mosquitoes not much is gonna work for him except for deep deep deep works it works if you don't wanna get eaten up by mosquitoes use some DEET see there I just sprayed it right there and they are going for it they just went through it and he just landed on my pants the only reason I don't like Dee is because it makes you feel really sticky and it's like muggy hot all right now and don't really feel like coating myself yeah this stuff isn't working I just sprained it fresh sprained it on my ankles here and these mosquitoes are just go there ignoring it oh they are bad right now so I don't have to probably spray on some more deep unfortunately I don't like to well I guess I'm already sticky anyways they can go swimming again I might even put some on Monty's ears because that's where they bug him you can't really see him can you stand not barely but the mosquitoes are out they're out in full force right now and they are just going through my socks okay and it's too warm especially being I'm not even that close to the fire but it's heat it's it's too warm without the fire so being near it's just like way too warm all right up on some DEET I'm gonna finish this beer first and then I'm gonna put on some DEET so we've got a nice coal bed I'm gonna throw in some fresh wood and we're gonna get to grilling so what we are having for dinner today is a fourth of July Classic for me now I was gonna do bacon cheeseburger but the thing is is I recently ate a homemade bacon cheeseburger so I wasn't exactly craving it now don't get me wrong it would have been delicious again but there is something that I have not had in a in a pretty long time that's a classic grill meat and it's the exact same thing I had last year brats well put some brats and I've got some shredded peperoncinis and some cheddar cheese slices not American cheese cheddar cheese slices and then I got out some crappy Lay's classic potato chips so we're having brats and chips and I was I was so close - getting a watermill what was that that was a weird noise sounded maybe it was just it was a normal noise but the way I caught it after I was done speaking it sounded weird but Monty doesn't seem to care anyways yeah I was we gonna get a watermelon and I wish I would have had some potato salad I made I could have bought some but I don't I don't like the store-bought potato salad I like making it myself I just wanted a classic but where does he one brought the chips we're keeping it simple okay now well I think it would be fine probably I don't know was took them on this great so I'm going to just put down tin foil and it'll help keep the grease I'm squirting out all over the fire so I'm gonna eat four of these and we're gonna get precious sweet and it's a tired Monty one because I'm bigger than him and one will be fine okay Wow look at that he's so smart he's sitting near the smoke I don't think he's doing on purpose is he doesn't like smoke but he's at least near the smoke we're gonna give him a dinner he doesn't need to wait for the brats to eat you know he'll have dinner then he's gonna need a treat afterwards oh look at that he's moving Monty's moving in got all this magical pumpkin powder of course Monty I would never it's kind of bad guys right now I won't lie I've at least toned down the amount I give him at home but I give him this stuff a lot he gets he gets pumpkin powder a lot so he's kind of he'll eat without it that's that's the main thing he'll still eat without it but you have this in there and Logan I mean a creature a little little falling you're on creature all right now show them all how you ask permission to eat your food Monty see he knows to ask but he knows he needs to SI t first go boy go ahead go ahead guys I'll go boy now I'm gonna be honest I had every intention of bringing out the tongs that someone sent me I just forgot so now we're gonna use flush tongs Oh burn our hands a little bit not bad not bad so far it's on the outside okay moving weenies are roasting now I wish I had the time I know what you're thinking hey there ding dong why aren't you using sticks as tongs instead of your fingertips and you know what you're right that's smart but well building calluses oh ok I'll get some stick just wish I brought the dang pawns okay my bad [Music] mmm oh no actually we compare them income on that side hey that's not so bad [Music] there you go oh yeah smells like something's burning [Music] they're getting a little charred that's okay oh geez oh geez oh geez ah - oh no okay they're getting a little blackened not the most ideal but hey you know what I'm still gonna enjoy them will you have Monte the least charred one all these did most charred one Hey yeah they're fire no no stop it these puppy dogs are does that's peace [Music] all right Monty you're blocking my light come over here dude you're gonna get one don't worry you're gonna get one don't you worry all right I'm gonna put I'm gonna use a small piece of tinfoil I ripped off here is my plate for preparing these all preparing all these not these all I guess these all works oops oh we got a little dirt on there that's okay okay and then Monty is gonna get a bun as well he's getting up he's gonna bright dagnabbit but you get a hold rotten yeah I'll cut him up for you but we got to present it first you know I'm saying Muffy I got some mangle sharp cheddar cheese slices I'm gonna put in there from the deli cuz it never hurts to add cheese on there Monty's not getting cheese he doesn't need it but I do okay that cheese okay I'm gonna take the most burnt looking ones get it on that cheese then it'll start melting okay this one's pretty boy all right Monty this is yours now I'm gonna add peperoncinis I love these are my brats oh yeah nothing crazy just a few oops taking a little bit of a mess that's okay clean it up and then last but not least on mine mustard I love mustard on brats not ketchup just mustard so if you don't like mustard you know what you do you on your fourth of July you eat your hot dogs burgers brats whatever you're gonna eat you eat it how you eat it I like my brats coated and mustard okay that is a feast Monty I'm gonna cut you're right up here let's just cut his up shut it up for me mix it around for him okay okay let's eat Monty okay got my little bag of chips here save my final PVR for this moment you've been a good boy all day do you think you deserve that you you want that you want that you with the long nose want that deliciousness okay go ahead good boy all right mm-hmm I'm the hummer earth I'm going to eat all four of these but i'ma do my best the thing is I won't waste food out here so well oh my gosh I want you to spare and change that fall down I'll throw those away but if I it comes down to it hmm I'll just lick off the mustard and give them to Monty that's worst case Monty a whole bunch of these gonna fall off mm-hmm I don't always like a beer with with my food I kind of just want water right now [Music] Monty you have plenty of food don't even burping on me don't feel guilty in the least bit not at all not at all are you begging hmm that's despicable you should be ashamed of yourself well these are hit the spot I definitely think if I want to brought out potato salad and watermelon that I run out way too much food I would sing about bringing a little s'mores to and I thought you know for brats be plenty so I didn't and I'm glad I didn't because I don't even know if I'm gonna get all four of these down we'll see anyways guys I'm gonna keep stuffing my face here seeing how far I can get once in ferret burden down listen to the bullfrogs do whatever they're doing what's that noise called are they clean they're in there burp it that's what I'm saying there's burping that bad indigestion just like me look at this little statue his hope anyways guys I'll check back in and go all done so everything but a little third of a brat I couldn't get it down I was just I don't know I normally could eat four brats but I mean any chips Omar chip but I'm full not like stuffed I was just like couldn't eat anymore but I couldn't give him the bread and stuff so I just threw that away okay and up the muster so he gives the meat Monty go ahead he'll enjoy it so he ate a brown and a half and I ate three and a half it's only two bronze behind me you already ate that go ahead no he didn't he's just like playing with it oh I didn't cut it up for him that's my bad bitey gonna chew that anyways I'm just let the fire burn down now had some fun in the Sun I'm actually kind of tired surprisingly tired the Sun takes it out of ya so yeah that and some beer and I'm tired I'm ready for better food there's sleepy a full so I'm gonna let this burn down a little bit here and then brush my teeth and we're gonna crawl a tank your raper bad cuz I'm ready to pass out so I will check back in you guys what I'm gonna tip very red what well something has happened something bad how do I even go to explain this [Music] well if you're not ready to get real on this channel yet you might want to skip forward a couple minutes goes about to get real about to get really real seriously real dangerously real so let's brush my teeth mind my own business and you know something it's completely normal it happens all the time and this just didn't go the way it plant how I planned let's just say a chance to fart and lost the game it happened oh no it wasn't even glorious or anything it was just shitty damn it [Music] oh I was just brushing my teeth and had a fart come on and this fart wasn't so farty oh man let's just say the woods are not no longer uncharted territories I got him all day really glad I had a change of underwear let the date be known I was talking about this in my 9 night wilderness adventure how it's never happened to me out in the woods and I was fearing the day that it did and I was not expecting today to be the day damn it yeah yeah I'm not a liar I don't you know hide things so when things happen on this channel and it's a catastrophe they shall be known I'm not ashamed not mad I'm not angry I'm not sad I'm just why hi anyways I think that's enough talk about that yeah so I'm gonna pass out now Monte's yeah yeah okay maybe I'm a little ashamed maybe I'm I should shamefully go to sleep yeah okay anyways guys I will catch you in the morning good bye everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning Monty Monty oh look at him hey you sleepin Monty you sleep good buddy I [Music] lied to you yeah it's not pretty good other than nightmares I had well be pretty much pooping my pants why Monty's not impressed Chico we do it we pooped my pants - OH knew the day would come I just didn't think it was gonna be today it just came out of nowhere most of that PBR out so I'm blaming it on except I really think that bad I don't know what caused that oh man it's a beautiful peaceful boarding the bugs are buzzing the mosquitos really bad there because I'm so close to this I'm just saying they're just like I don't know at like five thirty six ish they were there's just a swarm cloud right here it was insane a lot of them but they're they're dying off a little bit now but just go spraying some D I'm right I'm gonna mess around my to you what is your little I say what does the Monti see our Monty let's get up [Music] where's your hair go oh it's back wait [Music] I'm doing treat what's your dream I bet you do all right let's get up aunty our flag stood strong oh oh yeah it's a nice beautiful morning out there nice and calm sunny mmm we might have to take a few class on the way out actually know what I think I'm gonna catch them right here why the heck not let's start our morning right right Monty do you think something so in this particular overnighter I didn't bring my stove I didn't bring my tea a sleeping bag you know I got that new drive hack there and I'm not sure if that one's actually bigger I think it's actually a little bit bigger than my other one maybe five litres I thought the other one was 110 I think this one's 115 maybe it's the same size I can not not let think about I just can't remember but there was so much room I put my water bottles in there I put my yeah well they're putting that I don't know what I put in there um I put something else in there - it was just so much room oh I'm gonna feed them actually this to Monty is pumping us up at the car because I don't want it I want to feed him a big meal and have him swim across the lake sorry Monty you're gonna survive you'll be just fine will he get the car we can have a treat though some beef jerky speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak speak those are half those are halfs is this is one count speak speak speak good good boy speak that was a real one there you go I'm gonna pack up Moses joke here in the bag and then I'm going to tear down the festivities then we're going to get on the water and get to a paddling go for dangerous Maureen maybe take a cup of cast let the Monty swim little bit okay okay all right let's do it it's a muggy one this morning I'm gonna be sweating on the way out I'm probably gonna wish I could swim on the way out after I'm all done but you know I'll just cranky easy in the car [Music] okie Dokes she's all torn now no I just got a pack up put that towel on there and we're gonna get it on the water I'm gonna put away the DSLR and we're gonna get to get wet Monty real wet Monty let's do it come on to school come on Monty I think that means I don't particularly want to swim this morning but I'm going to because I'm a good boy my do you so dramatic sometimes good boy is that good boy take a few casts well I'm ahead of them his poor little cries there we go first cast oh just a little one hey it still counts though we had a fish on [Music] maybe I can catch a fish maybe not [Music] [Music] haha we got our Bobby for the day good job Monty long as you were swimming in the water he's not huge but you know what got our daily Bobby now let's let him go good job Monty I caught that fish all because of you good job [Music] [Music] it's like a floating reed bed and bob thing and now I'm sinking almost stink water smells like poop here we go good job Monty my pants are soaked going through this tall grass and these reeds was all full more than new and I got soaked that's okay I don't care my my t-shirts a little grungy I'm a little wet and sticky and there's a horse fly buzzing in my hair fish food I I think when I picked up my boat to start the portage or my backpack the first time I did that oh man I did um not sure what it is exactly but I think I pinched something like right in my spine or something or longer cuz now like when I turn a certain way just like that shortness of breath adjusting hmm I keep getting it I've done this before many times in my life and I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about by like hah it's making me have shortness of breath every time pinches doesn't feel good he's happened right there I pinched a nerve or something that's one of those things you can't really like power through there's nothing you can do about it you just had to give it time just just happened out of nowhere has it happened in a long time but hope you're having a wonderful 4th of July I had some fun last night we cooked up some good old-fashioned grill foods caught lots of fish had some fun in the Sun did lots of summer it was a good day you know got to celebrate celebrate the fourth of July and style you know especially with that firework show man the ring of Monte to bring a fire on Monte well yeah we don't very got very far to go so we're gonna keep paddling he's got one Beaver Dam to go over and then a little more paddling we get to the car and yeah it was pretty good day other than the you know the end of the day that was an ordeal last night you know I'm talking about I need to stop bringing that up girl man pooping his pants telling the world on its strong with me anyways if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I'll catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 76,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4th, 4th of july, canoe, canoe camping, wilderness, wilderness area, cooking, campfire, campfire cooking, grill, grilling, fishing, fish, how to fish, how to camp, bushcraft, bushcrafting, paddling, canoe adventure, overnight, overnight camping, canoeing, indenendence day, wilderness camping, wild camp, catch and release, campfire food, summer, summer camping, dog, doggy, camping dog, adventure, adventurer, nature, outdoors, outdoorsman, forest, weather, summer days, hilarious, funny
Id: -kdE4vnrLQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 16sec (7456 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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