Winter Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - Building a Lean-To

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hey guys Monty here I'm just sitting at camp by the fire cause it sure is cold outside and if you want to see how I made camp today stick around [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys I'm out here with Monty today in the woods that were to go winter camping for two nights I bet you're wondering why I got this big bag of crap with me this is all food it's gonna get down to single digits tomorrow night and I want to make sure this guy is warm this is his first time winter camping I've never brought him before so I've got him a sleeping bag he's own sleeping bag his own sleeping pad I've got him clothing I've got warm socks for him I'm gonna bundle this guy up if he gets cold at all and I this bag as you can see super huge this is not a cheap down bag this is the military surplus extreme cold bag so if he is in any way cold I'm gonna throw them in this bag and there's no possible way and stay cold warm right up right now we are trudging through a cedar swamp which is pretty unfortunate we got about a mile to go north-northeast to get to the spot I picked out a spot near a river or a stream river screen whatever and so beheld a nice water supply and we're gonna build a big shelter and cook up some delicious food they said I've got a bunch of food I plan on sharing everything with him he's gonna be eating good he's gonna be staying warm and we're gonna have some fun so let's get going we tell you every good adventure starts by hiking a holy crap I think we might be out of the swamp it out oh I thought I was never gonna end poor Monty yes out of the cedar swamp suitable spot swamp at least so first things first we gotta get right to work we've got to get a bunch of dead trees we're gonna build a big ol lean-to today I don't know how far we're gonna get as far as building the shelter goes we're gonna attempt to build a big lead to lay up some logs on it I'm gonna Benchley try to get walls going and little raised bed underneath a big old fire reflector but we've got a lot of work to do so we gotta get straight into it start cutting down some dead [ __ ] pillow food water huh maybe you want that probably no hey she's solid she's super solid pretty good all right so there's potential for Mon to be a little bit chilly while we're sitting around here or while I'm thinking around getting long season seem to be as enthusiastic about running around now so I brought about an air mattress this thing's pretty much waterproof water-resistant whatever it did bottoms hides not gonna matter I'm just gonna blow it up for him lay it down give him a nice spot so he can lay down he gets a little bit insulated from the ground a few just wants to show get my ridgepole tied up here lean-to so for tying my ridgepole here I'm going to be doing what my dad calls the Detroit News not so they're gonna start with taking a loop here and you're just gonna wrap it through just like that and then you're gonna take and make another loop right here do the same thing you're just gonna go through like that so what you're gonna do is you go through the end loop here your pull it tight hold it there and then you go through the second loop and then you're just gonna paint your nut tire off we're gonna do the same thing on the other side okay well the first time I'll have to get a little bit better at that get a little bit more efficient so now what I'm gonna do is I am going to add some more strings and make this thing a lot more secure than it is currently Monte's shirts are very high he's terrorizing sticks she's good hey this stuff a little bit back here ever saw Liam logs across so I don't know I already mentioned this but this is my first lean-to so I'm gonna take his first log here this one's a little too thick I think to leave hanging up just in case these ropes fail I don't want the whole thing to fall I mean if I do I don't want a bunch of huge solid logs laying on me so I'm just gonna use this one here the measuring device let's see here [Music] hey that's about perfect make of that length make a bunch of stack them see where at [Music] there's no way so I'm gonna leave a little gap between the tree and the first log so that tomorrow I can build up a wall right here I don't get to it today I probably won't get to it today but I'll build up a wall right here and you know the logs will lay right there so I don't want to I want to go on the outs basically want to go on the outside of this log so I can't have it there but you can see that grounds little uneven it's okay we'll figure it out just ain't gonna do too much to messed up always to go we need more trees oh yeah I'm just messing around keeping it warm a lot of work going into building these things that's for sure okay so I'm gonna take the back side of my axe here get off the ground because I'm not done with this lean-to oops let's take me a little longer you know unexpected of course so I don't want Monte in this snow and since I've got a little bit of lead you started I'm gonna have him sit under here even a little bit this is some work tell you what I got a bunch more wood got to cut her up and stack her a lot slower going than I expected she's gonna be we're gonna get the lean-to part done today for sure I'm gonna try to get the fire reflector up and maybe one wall I just got Monty chillin licking this getting the snow out of his paws and running around again oh yeah I'm gonna get this part done for sure maybe lay some stuff on here there's a nice down tree back there with evergreen branches to throw on there cell yep I'm gonna cut this stuff up now and layer up on here and see see how close how I show you pretty close too though this part I could go a few more logs over and maybe I'll get there tomorrow but I think that's plenty wide enough for me and Monty to set up our air mattress is just like that I don't think I need to build any wider to be honest that's pretty good we'll sleep just fine like that all right so I've only got three hours suddenly left I think what I'm going to do is I am gonna scrap building the raised bed today because we have air mattresses so we should be fine sleeping on the ground it'd be nice to be up on a level surface but I can just live off the ground what I'm gonna focus on now is getting some sidewalls because the wind is blowing this way and it'll blow right through us so I want to get some sidewalls up quick and then I'd like to get a little bit of stuff piled on the top of the lean-to to protect from wind snow just just a little bit just enough so that we're not just getting dumped on in the winds I just blasting us and then I need a fire reflector and some firewood [Music] [Music] one more string up over there and then I got to work out Monty's side here he needs a little he's little protection too right now watch out for those reach poles [Music] ooh new spindle of paracord there's something just fun about starting one of these okay I got two hours till the Sun sets I'm working on everything pretty much in rotations you know I've got I got the back wall up I've got partially the side walls up I'd like to do a little bit higher on both sides I haven't put up any stuff over the lean-to so what I'm gonna do right now is I am going to build a fire reflector and I'm gonna get a fire going so that I can get a little bit of heat roasted for Monty and you know collect firewood just get that going make it a little bit warmer so you and he's sitting near him he's pretty good right now he's wrapping her blanket he's a little bit of the wind and and I'll let the fire start burning up and there's some stuff over there I'm started laying over the top of the lean-to to block from the wind and snow a little better [Music] start writing these after I get these secured here it's time to work on fire wood and get a fire going I got lots of snow all over my stuff and it's getting late I've been at this all day I left I got here right around sunrise it rise and left the car right around sunrise so it is firewood time oh yeah so I'm sort of kind of a bunch of this up and I'm gonna start splitting it alright get a nice little paper birch bark there found that on the way in about to topple over well I got some stuff accomplished I didn't get as much as I'd like to have done but you know got to work with what you got it takes it takes quite a while building this stuff I was edited all day I mean it took me I don't even know what I think I got here around noon it took me quite a while to hike through that cedar swamp it was like I started out and was looking good and then like went down a hill right away and then it was just cedar swamp for three-quarters of a mile or more I think the cedar swamp just ends and it's just as clear-cut because this is what I saw in Google Maps is this open these open trees I was like all right now looks like a nice spot and I did not think it was gonna be cedar swamp right till the end that route that River is right over there just that way I'll go look at that tomorrow it's just right there's a little hill goes back to Cedar Swamp in the nasarah but yeah fires going good Monty is eating a snack I'm gonna put his air mattress right here as I bill up the coal bed I'm gonna let him get nice and toasty what do you think about all this winter camping huh is he gonna no dude it's pretty cool this is what we got so far I'm chopping all this up it's gonna be nippy tonight tonight I am gonna want to put some stuff in between the logs and stuff for the lean-to there was a nice downed coat Monty there's a nice down pine tree had a bunch of branches look pretty green right when I came in so I'm gonna go to that grab a bunch of those branch hasn't started laying them down on top yeah see there's the down pine tree it's a big pine tree so I'm gonna grab a bunch of this stuff and I'm gonna lay this all over my shelter [Music] I tell you what though I think I think this load so we don't get a bunch of snow on us there's so much over there it's like a down big down tree it didn't look like oh my god we'll see and then when I started lifting it on the hombre there's just so much underneath the snow it's just loaded I'm definitely gonna be hitting that up tomorrow and I'm gonna cover the sides Oh make you think so wind and snow proof it's gonna be epic there we go that was supposed to call the last minute snow coverage first I got a bunch of wood dawn till dusk working hard I need to get the headlamp out now okay as you can see it's getting dark feeling dark fast I did it I just did that just got that all up I still got a bunch of stuff to do I'm probably not gonna record much of this I got to cut up all this firewood here and grab any little pieces around stack it up so I can burn wood all night keep the fire going and kind of set up a little bit so I'm just gonna do all that I apologize for not recording much of it I'm gonna get it done I need to hustle because I want to relax after I get all that done so I'm just gonna get it done and I'll check back in with you when I'm ready to cook up some food and get on to the next stuff a wood pile ladies and gentlemen what do you think about all that Monty I just accomplished something yeah I think I have enough wood tonight you know I brought out some Q&R brewing company pick-axe blonde that's my favorite craft beer I'm gonna crack one open I deserve a beer right now at least I want to think I do so I only brought one pan to cook with and the shape of this fire right now is not ideal for cooking with but tell you what I don't want to do is burn my fire reflector been there done that this is chili Monty is premise pan I like it because it doesn't have moving parts it just you can see it goes underneath and you squeeze it it comes in counterpart there just snaps in like that got yourself a pan right there so we'll get her up here a little chunk of butter then we got back green beans there's no way I can cook pork chops these green beans the same time so we're gonna have ourselves ain't cutting these ain't cutting them up ain't cutting off the ends I don't care like that whatever it'll be fine I'm gonna eat it Monty's gonna eat it we're gonna enjoy it we've got a magical powder that we're going to add I wonder what it could be could it be no it's not Montreal is it vegetables really yep on vegetables because why not [Music] let's see here oops oh the whole soldier go back in now I got to add a couple tables so I brought six potatoes now these potatoes are gonna play a somewhat of an important role at night because at night time you kind of want to eat right before you go to bed that well I plan on being that being the last thing I do at night because if you eat and you go to bed on a full stomach you beat yourself up because you're burning calories at night so these potatoes are gonna eat right Freya's we're going to bed and I'm gonna give one to my g2 we each get a potato for both dinners today and tomorrow and one for breakfast which you need the potato for breakfast well but we're gonna eat it good do you think you like green beans not bad we think and he likes them oh yeah he likes our green beans I don't even know green beans are good for dogs I call it good on these green beans there's some black and green beans there might be a few crunchy ones in there but I don't care take each one slip it in there I'm probably gonna have to use a little extra butter for these guys yeah looks like it's gonna be a pair of pork chops at a time but I will add the breading to this bag here let's take over here's put these guys oh yeah they're gonna they're gonna get charred that's for sure give him his portion of green beans that's awful whole food there's Monty's get it get everybody get him aunty get it yeah get those green beans Monty yeah you ever see a dog eat a green eat green beans well winter camping I don't know that's gotta be far and few between good boy daddy wants green beans - now I'm gonna keep removing this from this heat keep them off to the side those are gonna get real charred guys grab some greenways here hmm all right I'm really sorry about my nighttime recording I know it's not ideal it's not the best I'm working on it practice makes perfect and I'm far from perfect on the nighttime recording we're cooking over fire boys boys and girls please and gentlemen they're gonna be a little bit charred on the outside because I ain't eatin undercooked pork neither is my B anybody could dogs can eat raw meat he has no idea what's coming to him [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh No she's done mmm parties done cut monkeys up I'm put in this bowl cut it up yeah see Monty just gonna get his own pork chop right now you didn't eat all his green beans he will once they're covered in pork chop juice all right now we're let Monty's cool down a little bit I'm gonna take mine and I'm gonna set it off to the side here cuz I'm gonna eat mine with my hands no shame I think there's more in these oh my gosh there's way more time for some pure bliss right now that's okay what that is is hot hmm that's so yummy I'm a happy camper right now you eat them pork chops well you should chew her Monty try chewing them come on you're gonna make me chop them up smaller huh I don't know where that came from ladybug ladybug it's too cold for you go home well I guess this could be your home fires a little better for cooking now it's a lot slower I'll tell you what cools right down when that fire goes away you're coming along baby he didn't get enough pork chops all my layers on now I'm about to let's see these leaves are drying out and they're lighting a little bit so I'm left to scrape that up before I go to bed because I don't want my fire reflector to burn nor do I want my shelter to burn so yeah I'm gonna scrape that a little bit for bit but fires and they get going here pork chops are about done it's all coming together so nicely do you guys think I did too much food recording like the recording around where you're eating the best part she's done let me just check right here this corner oh she's so done another thing is like like okay if I were cooking this at home and I were cooking pork chops and this is what it came out like it was just black I'd be like oh man I burned him that sucks like oh they're gonna be burnt now I'm out here I'm just like Oh perfect perfect as long as it's cooked how it works oh all right look at this guy just creeping in on my pork chops no you have got your Sheriff I'm not gonna look a little staring at my soul trick work - there there's something about muddy sleeping back warms my soul oh my god buddy how you doing he's just like uh well it's toasty in here good boy that's a good boy sticking his nose up for now but he'll tuck it away a little bit I'm getting all tucked into bed getting nippy out of my sleeping bag got my thermals on logs on the fire everything's under the shelter here so it is time to go to bed good day today have fun a lot of work and there's more to do tomorrow so we will catch you in the morning good night good morning about the morning did you sleep warm pal Monty had to adjust its the every two three hours he like want him to stand up and just turn around that's really it otherwise he stayed in a sleeping bag and just snuggled up he was his face was not sticking out was the night ray Monty know some breakfast should we get breakfast let's do this hey Monty we're gonna need some treats this morning he's a bacon he's some bacon so usually we got going on we got a Monty Oh full energy I put up a few little pieces here she definitely protected us from a little snow last night probably a little bit more I might not even build off the walls I might just grab more branches and just stuff him in like that so all these little holes and stuff but I was pretty toasty I know he was pretty toasty he was not shivering at all he did good he just wanted adjust a few times I got broccoli every two hours and the fire burned a lot of that wood so definitely need a lot more firewood but yeah first we're gonna start off with some bacon eggs and potatoes for breakfast this morning I need to get some more water we're pretty much out of water Monty keeps making me pour water he'll lick the snow and then he doesn't want to pour water because it's too cold so this particular clefable bucket is not too strong in the standing up Tavares it's important you have a little log it sits on to it you are doesn't spill out everywhere get some dirt in my coffee my pan from last night I didn't clean it I do the same thing at home it saved my dishes for the next morning drives [ __ ] nuts eat your food nuts ticks 13 pieces of bacon it's gonna be a challenge cooking in that pan like that that's okay yeah get our breakfast potatoes keep us say she ate it all day oh that fire is think our bacon is done oh yeah yep so I'm gonna get Monty his breakfast he's gonna get a few pieces of bacon here and then I'm gonna put a little bit of grease in his food just to add some flavor and for the boy he's earned it he's earned a little bit of bacon grease that all right get it Monty go ahead get him out to eat go ahead oh yeah oh yeah that's happiness right there it's a real dog eating real bacon in the real woods hmm yeah there's a lot of black in the pan from the bacon so I just kind of scraped it with less patch as best I could that I'm gonna take take this snow here just kind of wrap it up like that and you know it's clean enough definitely clean enough rags see if they're frozen or not nope nice [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it is now one with the egg let's go for a one-handed crack boom one handed one handed and their shell little metal spatula see oh I broke it a little bit oh this is not the best pan for this now there you go perfectly cooked over easy eggs over a fire uncooked yolk in there early I'm gonna probably grab more of this green stuff and build up my walls a little bit maybe dangle a little bit over that your wedge it in between my logs and so it'll it'll block a little bit from the snow and I gotta eat a bunch of firewood I don't know if I'm gonna build any raised bed or anything I mean we slept fine we were both warm I thought we were maybe gonna be a little bit chilly off the ground but those air mattresses did fine with our bags they're not made for winter camping but they work fine I mean since you know I brought him out here we might as well just utilize them so I'll be a little less work for me today and then yeah I'll probably walk around keep his body temp up so maybe do a little walking it definitely got to get a bunch of firewood so that's that's pretty much the tasks for the day and then we're gonna cook chili tonight chili for dinner got a pound of beef I got a whole onion some garlic I got a whole thing of spices I was gonna simmer that for an hour so and then I brought I don't know if you notice in my bag I had a piece of bread a nice piece of bread so my chili and bread and I'll mix I'll give my tea some chili - you're gonna be eating good greeting good I see it's all under that snow [Music] it's not the biggest load my trees about tapped out i I was digging around the snow I could really find much more so make do with this so here she is shelters pretty much finalized I mean I could tie all this stuff down but it's fine winds not blowing crazy I mean if it were to blow real hard some of this stuff would fall off probably a little bit the pine needles I've just got a wedge some pretty light but she's pretty good pretty satisfied with how she turned out first lean-to right here first Ridge Pole - so so far she's good we are gonna leave camp behind we're gonna do a little white what walk not white the heck that come from that's a walk mixed with hike that's about as white anyways yeah we're just gonna go I'm just gonna walk up to this here River since it's not swamp down there we're just gonna hike along that check it out a little bit this way I don't have to keep throwing the stick Vermont Day we can just go on a walk both stay warm it's nice and snowy I'm curious to see how much snow accumulates I'm a sleeping pad all we're gone so peaceful monty deer tracks this is winter wonderland I here right now we're gonna hiking for a good 45 minutes and we're getting away from the river there's this like swamp Marsh coming out and it's we walked back there are ways and it's just like so many down trees and whatnot so we're just gonna turn around go back to where we started and go the opposite way up the river the duck sauce oh sorry ducks Monty we scared them [Music] we've been hiking for hour and a half to two hours it's walking along this river back and forth it's pretty cool it's pretty peaceful slow moving but we're gonna heading back got to cut up some firewood and then I gotta prepare chili and simmer that for an hour too so not a whole lot of work today but yeah really you're walking back now oh yeah potatoes oh hey little snow got in the everybody better than nothing we got a nice dead one right here I'll just chop this guy up and drag him back to camp oh it's a better tree over there it is time to collect some firewood [Music] hey Monty sorry to wake you [Music] [Music] failure well Goldar Navabi just get ready to start chilly well I'm not gonna start it yet but gonna be a minute so I've got beef oh it's not frozen nice it's because I've been keeping the bag near the fire beef this is tomato sauce with a little bit of paste put them there I didn't want to bring out a whole can of it you know I just brought just what I need these are frozen these are frozen this is black beans and kidney beans these are frozen solid so I need a French baguette which has got dirt all over it and snow and it's frozen one some water quick to make a cup of green tea a little bit chilly I just put all my layers tonight I'm gonna wear them all I don't got any more work to do mmm it's a relaxing evening last night was a hustle oh we got about 20 more minutes so the sunset starts to get dark all right yeah so I'm just gonna make some tea and then we're gonna get cooking chili I got fatty ground beef because fat satiates you longer so when I'm out here too cold I kind of want more higher fat content to stay warmer [Music] let's get back get back please oh no I was just gonna say please don't make a big mess a little wood I'll cut a cut gentler this isn't working out it's just going in like this need some garlic cloves so I was gonna cook the chili in this pot but you know now that I'm looking at it this one looks like it's gonna have a little bit more room and it'll be easier to cook in no it's not it doesn't have a lid so it won't be as good for simmering for an hour but I'm careful I think this one will work out just fine it's not gonna do this very fine we're just a big old chunks of garlic because I don't want to lose much garlic and this this isn't the best veggie cutting knife all right so I decided for now I'm gonna try cooking it in this pan until it looks like a bad idea so let's see what happens we're gonna add the beans that's not all the beans that's most see much room we go this is a this here is a mixture of cayenne chili powder cumin paprika salt pepper just a little whipped up chili mix so a decent chunk of it I think I needed more tomato sauce possibly it's okay I'm gonna add water probably gonna add a little bit of beer since I got it out here now we just got to cook her down let it simmer yeah that should be pretty good right there so I got this metal grate here and this thing works pretty good I like this thing I don't know what the hell Brandon is or anything like that but uh I like it and I'd like to get a second one but I don't know what it is so if anyone out there knows let me let me know I want another one back up one oh yeah she's serving perfectly oh she's gonna be good she's gonna be good she's gonna be some good campfire chili and you were gonna get your fair share I don't know how dogs are with chili but we're gonna find out she's been simmering like 15 minutes so we're just gonna do a little flavor check hmm do I even need to wait I better wait I got away oh so good already oh that's good damn damn Monte dam fifteen minutes remain oh look at that though just look at that this is gonna be some stick-to-your-ribs kind of hone some hearty hearty eating out here so our chili has been simmering for one hour exactly because I know because I've been counting the minutes so the consistency is pretty damn good let's just add on my frozen right there my frozen wet bread and dry that a little bit I'm just gonna let that heat up for just a minute and we are gonna eat some chili oh it looks so good yes worse here's Monty's Bulldog food mixed with chili he is going to love this know what actually though shoot I think he deserves a little bit more chili all right Monty go ahead get your treat it's hot huh he doesn't even know to do he's like this there's a big bowl of food dad see it's hot I'm gonna have to wait this is torture - you'll get it you'll get it he wants it though he's just like me eat it what it's too hot you can't help yourself all right it's chilly time for me hmm good it's hot real hot hmm what's ahead a little bit of this right here I'm just gonna dip it in like a beast mmm pretty glad I brought the bread that that makes it yeah mmm need more bread though all right this was a sister I wasn't sure how campfire chili was gonna be there's gonna be a pain in the ass you know blah blah blah but it's delicious I will do this again in the future all right I'm going to destroy this Monte because over there destroying his and we'll check back in with you after we're done with this oh man I'm stuffed but it's okay my plan was to have eggs and chili tomorrow for breakfast so I'm gonna leave this in his pan and let it freeze tonight and reheat it in the morning this is a good dog I'll get up and move six times tonight every every time I do the fire it's it's usually it's funny cuz actually like I'll mess with the fire and go back to bed and then like 10 minutes later he'll just stand up and I know that I just open the sleeping bag lay it out he spins around lays back down and zip it back up all he wants to do is adjust so he's doing it right now he wants to come out a little bit car Monte come here karati he's in there a little deeper than normal but we'll be alright so we're gonna get going to bed catch you in the morning good morning mighty bud good morning but II do you sleep good you think I don't want to get up dad good morning it was windy and chilly last night gift that fire good one though Nuge time to get out it's my least favorite part is getting out of a sleep bag you know buddy Claire's on way I'd do it let's do it what do you think what your first winter camping experience huh all right I'm gonna collect some water from the river down there and get to cook him breakfast make some coffee she's a toast so I discovered a little drawback to eating campfire chili out of the woods that is farty there's a lot of beans in there let's just say I'm a fart roasted Matthew just sealed up my sleeping bag staying warm and getting extra warm [Music] wonder the same goes for Monty here's my super frozen chili there's left in there last night maybe I should use my great chili oh yeah my eggs bursts open the air frozen your frozen eggs their chilies I have a little bit of water to it but let's see look no no frozen solid so these are gonna have to sit out damn oh Jesus No Aereo frozen egg coming in [Music] let's just try it over easy these ones just eggs and chili all mixed together it's not gonna be the prettiest thing but hey I'm sure he's gonna taste good chili and eggs here we go tastes like chili definitely select consistency of eggs is good cold hands cool hands there we go pretty clean pretty clean well ladies and gentlemen it's about that time I had a good first experience with Monte here at his first winter camping trip first lean to build first Ridge full tie I had a good time but I ate all my food so all there's left to do now is pack up let this fire burn down a little bit put her out cold and then head back to the car if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button but I'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 436,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, bushcraft, winter bushcrafting, winter bushcraft camp, bushcrafting, lean-to, lean to, natural shelter, shelter building, building a shelter, how to build a lean-to, how to build a shelter, camping, backpacking, winter, bushcraft camp, campfire, cooking, food, dog, camping dog, campfire cooking, snow, survival, winter survival, survival camping, chili, shelter, nature, outdoors, outdoorsman, bushcrafter, adventure, winter backpacking, axe, fire making, forest, survival skills
Id: 2lcguPyXPfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 35sec (5015 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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