Winter Camping in a Quinzee City

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up what's the deal here how dare you guys the fun begins [Laughter] hey guys out here in the woods with my buddies Jake Alex and Kyle today we're doing some winter cabinet right now we're breaking trail they're trying to get over some obstacles it's about three feet of snow it doesn't look like it because we've had a freeze thaw cycle and it's pretty perfect for snow sure right now if I were to take these off and step to the side left or right let's think right down to my knees so we've got a few miles a couple miles to go at least of a hiking it's Kyle and Alex's first time winter camping yeah we're almost there just just keep watering that way through the woods right now we're kind of following I think there's a stream underneath us and we're just kind of following that weaving down towards a lake it is so I'm bet you're wondering why there's no Monty and I sorry about that we've been planning this trip for over a month and a half and the whole time I was planning on bringing Monty but the the forecast came and it is just too cold you're right that log anyways yeah it's just too cold it is like four degrees is the high for this this trip and there's windchill so it's like negative 20 it's cold and I can't bring Monty because I just he'd be fine we were hiking and moving around but if we're sitting still at camp he's gonna be freezing cold and be very unhappy and that it's just not it's not nice to do to him so I just left him at home I'm sorry everybody I hope you forgive me but uh anyways we've got a ways to go the goal right now is to build Quincy's with all this beautiful fluffy deep snow and hopefully we make the Quincy City we were gonna spend more time out here to be sweet to have a competition who'd like to come out here and have a full day of making a Quincy you get a couple people make a whole Quincy City cool so uh anyways I'm gonna follow these hooligans that finally got over those logs and we're gonna get moving yeah Kyle you okay there hey you okay there oh yeah yeah you betcha better watch it yeah [Music] yeah going across the lake here so we're planning on building the Quincy city here we got a nice flat spot up against the trees the wind's coming from this way that's the northwest over there we got some nice drifts snow drifts so we can pull off a bunch of snow but this is where throw the Quincy City shall be built try Quincy City all right so it's a little bit slushy here near the edge but we went over there and we mapped it out and it's pretty icy and solid right there I drew the map there's there's a river right here that comes from another lake and that's why I think the water is all here is just it's just kind of slushy so the Quincy City shall be over there so our moving spots a little bit [Music] all right I think Kyle and Alex are gonna make their Quincy right about here Jake's going a little bit off that way I want to be a little bit off this way first thing we got to do a build the quiz City [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cool thing is we've got all day to make you only one oh yeah so we can pace ourselves will that work cuz I'll do you got a brand new tire I'm thinking long term here you know I could get all this no real clothes right away huh I'm thinking long term look at the far away hard snow first and then I get closer yeah yeah you just go read it out there first [Music] everybody digging out their own quiz see how we're gonna know if it collapsed on somebody you got that fine mister flush in there too so screw your rock solid we got dig into it it's all about having good fun [Music] safety first then teamwork safety teamwork football in the house no actually fun doesn't matter don't worry guys we've only got like two three we got all that all day I think I remember [Music] [Music] yeah I'm gonna probably go for another hour just off and on I'm serious I want a big roomy Quincy I want there to be no I was going to be so much room there's no r-value of my fringy I brought out my chair if you need to rest your butt for a minute or your feet freeze it's just there in case someone needs it there's just something so satisfying about shoveling still in the same spot over and over and over it's over it's over and over and over again oh we're out of breath how long do I get to keep it huh how long do we get to keep this the quincies and I'm doing tomorrow yeah a new Quincy store back out Quincy City no one no one ever said there wouldn't be hiccups what's the hiccup we got here we're busting Chris well Ron is a frozen it got slushy and then it froze solid and it's thicker out there or a Quincy sire and right there it's thin and that's why we can break through will we find it's we're developing Quincy City still it's a process project work in progress a little bit longer I want a big roomy Quincy extra legroom so I'm gonna keep a little bit more snow this arm right here toasty on this Quincy one more for good measure two more for fun three more because I can this is for fun so we got our mouths set up we're letting them settle it's about three o'clock we got an hour to go now we're just these guys have been building a fire area well I was just taking a breather working on my quincy so now we've got more snow to shovel more snow bring back a moose bring back a moose [Music] Quincy City it's almost fun thing in the world could be City so much fun Quincy see never deny the work of winter camping he's not denying it the wind swirling all over the place oh it's really cold it is cold it's cold the sun's out bright bright skies yeah so we're just gonna keep shoveling snow for a good 45 minutes build this up a little bit more and then we're gonna get a bunch of firewood and then we're gonna shovel some more snow out of our snow mounds and make entrances Jake's Jake's a coffee dude right now he's going to our slush hole anyways Jake's boiling us up some water we're all having some coffee coffee break coffee break indestructible shovel it is now lukewarm I can't turn it up anymore either all that gr do it kill got ourselves a nice dead maple right here that's pretty dead [Music] we've got another nice dead bait ball here oh yeah it's gonna be some good old-fashioned firewater aren't you are you serious yeah high-quality firewood right there the true fun begins you always want to start with the pine so that when they're done thinking around they come to help then you can work on the really dense stuff so you often just do it yourself they didn't hear any of that they'll hear later [Laughter] make sure with you when you grab those little hand saws start the maple so I'm doing now is I'm just going a bunch of branches there footlong I'm gonna break them up and break them up into nice pieces and start sticking them into my Quincy so right now I'm just gonna collect a bunch of sticks so we are working hard we are working hard we brought down this insanely large tree how you boys doing so Jake and Kyle found this dead standing red pine here and we all pretty much killed ourselves working super hard to get it down and back to camp and it's not processed up so right now everybody's collecting sticks for their Quinn Z's sunset they're poking them all around we got all day let's think about making it Quincy is you can do it at night so yeah we're just finishing up gathering our sticks and then must start once I got it enough I'm gonna start sticking them in the Quincy just like these guys are and then we're gonna start digging no sir digging them out got a nice bundle of sticks here it's you know what's up now we take all the snow that we piled up we shovel it back outside the quiz why do I have my face what am i doing right now thank you all right yeah ID let's take a look at everyone's progress I'm not gonna go too far in ermine you can barely see in there but I'm making way a little bit harder when you're doing it completely by yourself but it's fun interesting experience hey Carl how you doing in there all right let's go check out mr. Fitz progress over here Oh mr. Jake there's a there's a hottie bark right there see what Jake's doing oh yeah Jake's making go where's here's his butt yeah so anywho I am gonna get to dig in mind I'm probably gonna switch to the GoPro here because I don't want to get this lens all super fogged up that'll be a nightmare so show you an inside sneak peek of what's going on there you go oh yeah there you go all right let's crawl like that I need my shovel the snow is nice and powdery solo building these Quincy's is as I move this snow and I push it out I am I'm blocking my path so essentially can only do so much at a time a little bit more time-consuming because yeah I'll block myself off I kinda have to crawl out as is now if you wanted to make a really warm Quincy you wouldn't be digging down on this ice you would leave a little platform and you would have it kind of dip down your entrance would be at the ice level and you would come up into your quincy but I've got plenty of warm gear I'm gonna be fine I just want the room I want the room in the wind water [Music] be careful this time I don't want to poke a hole I want this to be my best Quincy so far really do probably gonna be a little bit big for one person but hey that's my choice to make already with that much I've done I'm blocking my entrance so I'm just kind of pushing it out as best I can and then once I get it pretty blocked I'm gonna push forward with my hands and crawl out it's a little bit I'm gonna be able to be all the way in here and it'll shrink it'll shrink go until tomorrow my body heat it'll shrink just a little bit get a little snugger so I want to be extra extra roomy today just to give you a little idea of how it is get out of this when you're digging that you're on so if you do too much behind me the burly squeeze it if I do both arms they'll fit Larry I mean I mean I'm gonna spark this spark this baby up and pile on some of them little fine sticks we got that birch bark don't know oh this this lens is fogged up I'm going to need to roast a fire [Applause] now it's camping build a fire against all the quincies are done I just finished my Quincy we got a big old pile fire one here everybody's analogies are completely frozen solid everybody's exhausted we did a lot of work today a lot of hiking a lot of snow shoveling go ahead and take a gamble everybody's Quincy all right let's take a gander at Kyle and Alex's Quincy what's up guys what's going on in here hi guys feel about building your first Quincy yeah I don't know it'll be iced over tomorrow all right let's take a look at Jakes Quincy Jake's got a nice roomy Quincy he hasn't set up his stuff yet but it's definitely got a lot of room yours about the same size as mine and then we'll head to mine here I got a little narrow entryway yeah mine's about the same size as Jake's nice roomy twinsies oh man did we do some work so now we're just relaxing so now that I'm blinding myself with my own headlamp and I can't barely see anything we're just taking a breather man we did some serious work some serious work today feels good to breathe just shown by the fire stars are out tonight build a nice coal bad thing I'm gonna set up my sleeping stuff here in a minute and we are going to get cooking some dinner all right we got ourselves a Quincy ladies and gentlemen look at this thing Quincy City that's been created so now I've got to do a little work tell you what though there is no denying the work that goes into building these Quincy's they are a lot of work especially when you make them this big this is this is unnecessarily big Quincy but hey you know what we're are here doing this for fun as much as we are needing a nice shelter so you know it comes down to that you gotta go just go you know go out it is it is sad that Monty is not here but you know I'm he would be so miserable right now I'm not gonna lie he would be so cold it would have been the most unfair thing I could have done to bring him on this side sure because is just so coal is bitter cold you know the coldest temperatures I brought Monty on I think we're like ten in the day and I was pretty cold and that's not even with much windchill in the day really and you know this is this for the date it was just windy all day and like that's just cruel I'm not gonna do that to him I'm just not gonna do that to Monty I was like you bought my air mattress as much as I can my air pad mission is in this colder temperatures it'll shrink also I got in here I got a sweatshirt and my baby set got all sorts of goodies in here oh I brought off these military like backup insanely huge insanely warm gloves I'm not even I'm not gonna use those they're pretty much anybody's hands get really cold that pretty much it's out just cotton Cal's first time out here you know I prepare him as best I could I lent him as much gear as I could give them to get him here they really wanted to come out so it really just I brought out extra stuff and so did Jake you know we've done this a couple times and this is this is some of the coldest winter camping I've done for sure so for their first time there troopers you know what we're keeping them we're gonna keep them warm we're gonna keep them very warm Jake had a sleeping bag another worthy negative 40 bags I have just mine I left out some zero Degree bags which it's it's much below zero but in this in these twinsies especially with two people they're gonna be pretty toasty so uh oh I got so much room in here so nice it's time to get back out there get by that fire maybe see if I can thaw a beer it's time to relax now and cook food let's get to cooking I'm so excited I'm so hungry so hungry oh there we go my waters hey hey I can drink water guys so for dinner tonight we are having ribeye steaks with pan-seared asparagus and potatoes to be a three-course meal it is going to be exciting [Music] yeah we're right now we're just trying to get them Fahd we might need to like start up well I think that would be I got one right here somewhere they don't work back a bag of potatoes somewhere all right asparagus is prepped you want your spicy Montreal on here Jake yeah give it to me all right pick you one this that good or bad don't know how you like your seasoning boy these are so pretty frozen we'll cook them slow yeah rib eyes top of those coals yeah there we go no let's take this thing and we're just going to rotate mistakes as well oh yeah you can see it's orange here you wanna take those gloves and Rab the grill and slowly pull it out into a safety zone yeah yeah slowly careful alright that should be good and I can mess with them oh yeah careful gentlemen slowly but surely it's harder and harder to tell which one's Jake's I think it's that one or this one I think it's that one actually I can't tell you will see what I pull them up well done one let's just cook these up here like this how's that sound perfect once they cook down a little bit we'll be able to stir them all right we're cooking ladies and gentlemen we're gonna have a little bit of bird the spurious on the bottom but you know what I think we're gonna all get to enjoy as much asparagus as we like making some water [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first he's got me he's got some delicious me double-stack ooh oh yeah I like that we have a stick alright I will take there we go oh no we're gonna get fogging lens as bad this is heaven [Applause] a full garb I know my food monster but [Applause] this is amazing we did it guys I'm gonna finish this up here oh yeah mmm there's a little cookie but hey it tastes amazing so we just ate food ate our food up chilled by the fire for a little bit and now it's time to crawl into this bag here this is this is gonna be a joyous moment some extra layers and get all tucked away I'm afraid to bring the camera in here while I'm breathing because it's gonna get really uh my breath is gonna just sit in here and it'll it'll frost on that lens and it'll just be so hard to thaw I already had a frost up a bit I just had to stick near the fire but uh yeah we had a lot of work I am pooped I am so ready to just crawl the same bag pass out so I am going to change into my layers for sleeping and I am going to crawl into this sleeping bag and I will pass out until there is daylight so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning it's a bright one out there this is my Quincy that's why disposed of my pea yeah serious talk in a Quincy I either lean and pee into the side but since I'm sleeping on ice I am that beer can just dump that over there it's it's okay it's frozen I'm not going over there Oh a little bit I slept so good Irene I still move around it's tough but oh I don't want to crawl out but they're probably awake they can smell fire so uh I'm going to get my stuff I crawl out of this my little den here and greet the world outside [Applause] Jake lights fireworks and Thrones in your quincy oh what a morning we have to burn these logs today not leave them we got to make some breakfast here are we still going to go sledding there's the Quincy City it's reality now everyone shapes our doors just a little bit differently what a day what a day temperature was 14 degrees in my Quincy I checked it all night I was the as warm as it got in there yeah my camera rat we're just getting this player built up beautiful sunny day accent more power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] you got a baby on the way Jake decided he doesn't like us anymore and you want to leave camp so what are you guys working on that's your officers have you named your ostrich okay looks like an ostrich now you guys go for the nice ostrich name here maybe if I got it from this angle Quincy the ostrich name is Quincy very proper yep Quincy the ostrich hey it looks like a really weird ostrich well it's almost like a oh no war ostrich cows cooking is breakfast sausage potatoes that are frozen rock solid yeah venison sausage mean me that this year a little bit yeah you can open those like nine eggs in there yeah just get them warmed up because they're frozen solid I guess the only they just get a little warmed up and then yeah you can break them open and already broken yeah they probably all right you have to warm them up first just get them warm [Music] frozen eggs you just get them a little bit warm on the outside and then he's got a perfectly frozen egg yeah I don't know if it's better I think the flatter mmm that looks so good look at how frozen those eggs are oh yeah that's guaranteed there won't be a shell and anybody we're gonna split a big old log here how you think this is gonna go he's gonna break out in this master yep show is good enough look at those soupy eggs you're gonna be so good frozen eggs they look like normal eggs now that's [Music] no more no one said you have more thank you though this is your stew spoon to me we've got half boiled half cooked half frozen half raw potatoes you can really see the water come out of the potato all right so the plan right now is to clean up this sloppy disgusting mess here and we're gonna move this firewood off of the ice here burn it somewhere else later because this isn't the best for cooking [Music] [Music] it's another we're done eating breakfast and stuff we're just gonna get on our snowshoes we're gonna do a little day hike hiking around so I don't feel like dragging this camera around all day when we're hiking so I'm just gonna switch to the GoPro all right we're just getting ready boys ready to adventure so ready we're leaving camp behind going on a day hike I got a new pair of cheap aviators on last good day one is all about the hard work and the pain day two is all about the play the play and the shenanigans and staying warm plenty of shenanigans going around this group its clouds look crazy oh yeah I just know Giardia there you know grd in that water [Music] it does feel great when you actually need snowshoes this is about you can see how much snow this would all of you marshy swamp here I mean there's three four feet of snow it is it is deep so with all these snowshoes we would be very unhappy we wouldn't be doing this I'd be sitting the camp oh you lost it you lost a shoe seems like a valley that way right well I guess a beautiful day oh man is it peaceful in these woods slight sound the woodpecker these hooligans walking around good day to be out of the woods boys a big tree we have returned to home sweet home Quincy city rancher nothing like a little candy when you're out camping that's all it is so right now we're just processing up a little bit firewood we've decided that we're gonna move our fire tonight into the woods a little bit because it's very windy on the lake here and it was bit it's bitter cold so it was just blowing smoke in our faces and everything and then the water from the ice is you know putting out our coals a little bit and we had logs laid down so we're just deciding moving up into the woods so now we're just kind of processing up all this firewood and moving it that way there's nothing better than sawing into some super dense maple pure bliss right here log right there yeah almost I'm done I think that's pretty good I'm not processing any more wood yep good job no more wood processing from this guy get sticks [Music] [Music] you care for snag a Widowmaker no man that was free right all right so we're gonna make some stew boys nothing after breakfast much of the damn campfire that's for today boys where's this meat at all right so we're having some venison stew for dinner today and what we've got is some really frozen a dozen chunks that looks like it's gonna be good oh yeah look hotel we got potatoes we got onions where's that other chunk of frozen meat right there this one oh yeah that's a lot of meat yeah and since it's so cold out I can take this to home with me and eat late if we don't hear about because it will just freeze solid I'll put it on my sled that's it's pasta I can be big enough all right we got some beef base it just looks like frozen poo buddy thirds answer salt just a little bit yeah we got some pepper we're just gonna let it work for now get this juice started shall we that sounded nice Dewey go and stew and we need to add some more water to the stew looks just like stew don't forget the pepper you put your water bottle too close to the fire it gains a boob [Laughter] get that extra pepper in there knock you knock that wall there you go wriggle a little goodness we gotta get excellence you can't see in there what's the culture to meet oh come on well guess we can add in some frozen stuff now oh yeah look at that that's gonna be good smoke she was a bad racehorse can today that's gonna be good you like horse meat Jake horse meat there goes all right so we're gonna add some stuff to the stew throw it in the pot of beauty little potatoes and throw them in there whole onions frozen onions beautiful wood you see those chunks that stick in there I think there's a whole stick in there I saw some point on the cookie grace should we add flour we'll see we'll get tequila Miriam yeah I brought it out all right frozen carrots I don't think this is enough this might not be enough food for us guys wait are we missing something else Oh Oh peppers oh that's gonna be good hey it's gonna be it's gonna be delicious in an hour - oh yeah that's some campfire stew right there in the making I think we need more pepper hey you getting up huh you scraping bro he's got he's you stirring stew that's camps do you know it might be a little more efficient you make us a spatula yeah spotty Lana where's our that would act up here minds yell de Alex here you go here's the new stir the herd the new stir spatula hey Carl you on your spot rippen how's that potato those potatoes are oh I think I just pushed her one all right I think I did it feels like I did i Nelson just yes that's just a hunk of meat and still frozen then floating around there there's no way well the potatoes are still got a ways to go you think so hey what do you see Reagan's DuBois [Applause] you see Jackie Baldwin's roaster there oh my arms not supposed to be hot father some nice fireman yeah this is good stars are up oh yeah it's another clear night you ready for a cold one boys just got me like 10 degrees colder take flowers a good idea there above use that flower put it right there in the pot I think you can take this pot home and use it for everyday use as well oh look at that big oh that's a stew all right that is a stew [Applause] than ours right I said by eight in the by 8 it was like an hour and a half of definitely alright take it off the fire so let's just take this is just delightfully hot where's that where's the bread is this enough bread guys no oh yeah go ahead a delicious and just delicious looking bread oh yeah we're just roast around the fire it cooks faster than you think yeah I'll take half of that yeah where's your glove it behind you we're gonna put it further away like that first you should try that stew you try it snow for a while but yeah it's amazing you're gonna want to show mm okay it's really really good up some stew here Jake you pull it just do it in whatever you want I only got three bowls [Applause] amazing all right this is just what you can take for starters Oh the bowls the fold the folds collapse oh yeah good here you go here you go you're here sighs they're claps and be careful Sam we got the bread yeah Jake you got your knife all right there you go sir and there will be extra so if you're hungry just grab more we did do a great number on this though leftovers if we if everyone eats they're involved and yeah we did a we almost I will eat all this the potato I'm super surprised how much two is left over after all that I think there's not much all right let's get the taste in it oh it looks so good let's try this mmm oh oh so good oh my god great success little gold it is feeling frozen so good [Applause] it's just so delicious I want to hear that [Music] oh this - nothing this is all we ate every single bite so we just heard wolves howling down at the lake and went to the best game but we couldn't hear any more it's pretty sweet though it's a lot of fun so much clearer tonight for some reason like you can see so many I'm sorry there it is I'm sorry really yeah I'm so full very full that was a lot of stew I hate to like it eat no more man I was good though so we just sat by the fire burned some logs for quite a while and it's pretty warm let it burn down and we heard that wolf howling that was pretty cool I couldn't capture on there I tried but we couldn't get it it was a good day we just did a little hiking around had a pretty late breakfast today was a mulch about shenanigans and play yesterday was all about the work so it's time for me to take off all these layers do my best not to knock anymore snow all my stuff and crawl my sleeping bag and pass out so I'm gonna do so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody Oh boys up so good last night I was so full what about the batter it's chilly one well this time you get some clothes again it looks cold out there looks colder than in here no all right clothes time Quincy's tend to shrink a little bit each day it's really fun when you're putting your stuff out or getting ready to get in your sleeping bag and you bump the roof kit smell all in your sleeping bag [Music] [Music] it's nice frozen boots [Music] yeah these muffins they're not insulated but uh my feet stay pretty warm them I always thought you need insulation but I guess a pretty warm thing who No [Applause] more such alrighty guys good morning on the final day Sun is up everybody's out of their den so it's about that time to get packed up and then get on out of here Oh maybe need a sip of water for last water [Music] [Applause] that's it okey-dokey you know packed away sad thing going home you guys got some crunchy sleeping pads huh no well everybody survived everybody had fun good thing so how was you guys first winter camping experience better than expected worse than that better than expected yes snowy gets wet it gets really wet so you hear that guys anybody out there watching that doesn't go winter camping goes better than expect if you do it right proper gear that's what it's all about we're gonna do a structural integrity test of my shelter hey old Joe give them a test yours hey pretty solid so we could have dug out higher I think probably yeah we'll see freeze they get nice and solid let's gotta get back camera over here I don't want to jump I could probably break through if I want hard boot hurt yeah just like ice all righty guys well I hope you enjoyed today's video we had a lot of fun making it it was good lot really cold temperatures we had a lot of fun too some hard work played around it was a blast so as always if you liked today's video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys yeah tractor that wolf that we heard yesterday he came running down on the path that we made and you walked across the lake over there pretty cool stuff
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 140,456
Rating: 4.8781009 out of 5
Keywords: winter camping in a quinzee city, winter camping in a quinzee, winter camping, winter, quinzee, quinzhee, how to build a quinzee, shelter making, shelter, bushcraft, bushcrafting, survival, survival skills, fire, fire making, fire skills, survival shelter, camping, backpacking, snowshoeing, cold weather, wilderness, wilderness area, wilderness camping, wild camping, wild, cooking, food, campfire cooking, knife skills, outdoors, adventure, michigan, camping in michigan, bushcraft skills, snow
Id: aJnXqbM-XmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 24sec (7344 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
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