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good evening good evening hope everybody is doing well I cannot read this writing small and I'm kind of far away from it how's everybody doing I pray that everybody is safe and that everybody is doing well pray that you're living with a sense of peace and rest even in a chaotic time like this if this is your first time here I'm Ric Blake's and I'm a pastor I'm an author I'm a teacher and I'm a man and I have a lot of thoughts and opinions and I like to share them I'm no therapist I know that Missy bagging this is a little bit a no therapist and no psychologist and no licensed counselor I'm just a man with some experiences and I'd like to share my thoughts on certain things and so one of the things that is dear to my heart and it's really a divine mission that God has given me and that is to speak into the lives of generations of women from a from a from a Big Brother fatherly perspective sometimes and just from the perspective of a man that that really really cares I'm married to a wonderful woman by the name of Lisa Blake's I'm a faithful husband I love my wife and she and I together spend most of our time empowering generations of women and we do that together because it's a mission that God really gave to the two of us and so you'll hear me speaking a lot to the issues surrounding women it's because God gave me that mission and it's dear to my heart and we are touching women all around the world and so tonight just for a few minutes and this is inspired by I was teaching from my new book King ology which is available now it's the male companion to queen ology I was teaching from it and at a certain point I started talking about some kind of way I got off on the subject of women choosing the way women choose men and we dealt with the reality in we dealt with the reality that a lot of times women are getting the wrong man because the reality is that they're choosing the wrong man and they're constantly you're constantly most of the people that watch me are female you're constantly searching for the wrong man and then you you know you make you make angry statements like and I know you might get mad with me saying that but I mean I just gotta tell it like it is you make angry statements like all men are dogs but at the same time you you watch everything I I teach you you watch you go over and you watch your brother like Tony Gaskins you watch everything he teaches and then you say all men are dogs well if all men are dogs why would you even be here watching me why would you why would you even be subscribed to my channel if all men are dogs why would you even go to Tony Gaskins channel if all men were dogs it's clear that you understand that all men are not dogs the reality is you keep getting dogs because you keep choosing dogs now you don't want to you don't want to face that reality and you don't want to accept that responsibility you'd rather just throw it up to well I keep flunking in terms of my relationships because all men are dogs not so all men and not dogs I'm not a dog and and I know a lot of men that I'm not dog but most of the women who keep getting dogs keeps using the same the same breed and so this was inspired from that why do you keep getting the wrong man and there are few things that I've I cannot see that name nurse moe I think it was thank you so much thank you so much if I pause and do that you all just you know you just gotta accept that people are kind to you I'm from the south when people are kind to your knee so into your life or do anything nice you supposed to stop and recognize that if I don't recognize it it's because I don't see it and so you know that's just the way that goes with me why do you keep getting the wrong man well there are few reasons that I that I've outlined here today but now let's let's define what the wrong man looks like let's define what the wrong man looks like the wrong man is is any man that does not live his life in a way that you don't have to check up on him you know you don't have to go through his phone if you going through his phone all the time you feel the need to go through his phone all the time he's the wrong man either he's the wrong man or you just so broken you ain't ready you're not really ready for a relationship Thank You Lynn the wrong man is any grown man that is not looking for a wife and I say that again the the wrong man is in a so-called grown man that's not looking for a wife he's just looking for a girlfriend you know he won't he want to do everything that husbands do he want to have sex he won't food he won't his clothes washed but he don't want my wife he don't want he doesn't he doesn't want to marry you and he just tying your life up year after year after year and you just constantly sitting you developed this soul tie with this man and you're giving him all of these wife privileges and he hadn't stepped up to the plate as a husband he's the wrong man I don't care nothing about he go to church he loved God and he got a good job he made good money and he handsome if he's not trying to be if he's not trying to be a husband and if he's not trying to make you a wife he's the wrong man and you supposed to move on from him because he's a time waster he's what you call a life waster you see that's the wrong man any man any man that you you you you can't trust any man whose character is so shaky that that you got to check up behind him thank you Laurie any man that that wants to want to go out want to go to dinner want to go to bed and have a whole lot of sex and everything but doesn't want to go to the altar wrong man wrong man but why do you keep getting this you know because you you get rid of this one and then you go and we watch you you go and you you go right around the corner and you come back with the same same kind of dude just in a different pair of tennis shoes why well number one you're choosing projects why do I keep getting the wrong man pastor thank you Baretta thank you so much I appreciate you thank you you choosing projects most of y'all keep ending up with the wrong man because you're choosing projects and what's a project a project is you know it's like you you know the little store they have in the malls when the malls are open with me not in a pandemic they got this little store they called build-a-bear well you can go thank you oh my goodness y'all coming in so fast Thank You Tammy Thank You Disher thank you so much I appreciate it you got this store called build-a-bear where you go and you build a little bear thinking you can put the voice on there for the child and all that and you build a little bad away I think you wanted to look over whatever something like that well a lot of y'all that's the way you do your menu you choose what you choose a project you choose a little man that you wanna you want you got to put him together you know and I'm not talking about helping because the woman is is designed to help the man but you you choose men that don't even have the fundamental components of manhood and you feel like you can bring him home and you can work on him and you feel like you can you can put things in him like respect faithfulness work ethic if he if you don't have that anymore ready he's not a man and you can't you can't take a project you can't take a meal a male project and think you gonna mold him into a man like your God you're not God if God doesn't make him a man Thank You Morgan thank you so much if God has not made him a man if his mama couldn't make him a man what makes you think you gonna be able to bring him home and do something different with him than God and his mama have done you choosing projects see a man a real man and see y'all keep doing that and I'm gonna tell you why you're doing it in a minute a real man has he has to be enough when you meet him watch this to accommodate you Monique that I said right Monique our edenia I hope I said that name I know I messed it up forgive me a real man has to be enough to accommodate you when you meet him you can't choose a man watch this you can't choose a man and then you have to make him a man or make him man enough for you after you get him home you can't go and choose a man off the block and then bring him home and think that as a woman you're going to have some supernatural power that you can make him man enough for you you got you a project Thank You iris you got a project no no you think that's the first thing that's gonna happen with that is that once the little infatuation wears off you're gonna discover you ain't got no respect for him Latrell thank you so much he got no respect for him if he doesn't if he doesn't come with all of the necessary components of manhood to the table he's the wrong man and what would many of you are doing you're constantly going and you're choosing projects now let me show you something in proverbs 31 you know I'd like to take all of my stuff as much as I can and relate it to Scripture in Proverbs 31 verses 10 through 12 it says who can find a virtuous woman who can find a virtuous woman this thing is moving so fast thank you Ariane I love you god bless you thank you okay this who can find a virtuous woman watch this for her price underline that word right there for her price is far above rubies now watch what the next verses say the heart of her husband of safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life now watch this this is what I saw when I read this so fast thank you brave bird I like that name brave bird how do watch this who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies let's stop right there number one if he's man enough thank you Nadia I guess y'all see I bared my eyes on her for her price who can find the Blessed golden gal thank you so much I think I saw you before thank you so much who can find a virtuous woman number one watch this when I read that for those of you that you know go in and create all of these projects number one first mistake you're making is that you're out you're out in the streets hunting for man when the Bible says a man that is worthy of you has the ability to find you he has the ability to identify you in other words thank you Felisa I think it is he has the ability to locate you who can find a virtuous woman he has number one the ability to locate you so he recognizes the value that you are when he sees you you don't have to sell yourself to him and the second thing watch this the Bible says her price is far above rubies a man that is worthy of you recognizes you and he has the capacity to pay the price for you he's not a man that you got to bring home and try to put together he's a man that has the fundamental capacity or the fundamental elements of manhood within him he's able to recognize you and he's able to pay your price now watch this and then after after the Bible says he finds her and after the Bible says he's able to pay the price for her which is far above rubies then the Bible goes on to say the heart of her husband he's not a man is looking to be a boyfriend he's looking to be a husband safely trust in his wife so that he will have no need of spa she would do him good and not evil all the days of her life now watch this he didn't get wife benefits until he recognized her paid the price and made her his wife that there many of you all that's bringing a little boy at home thinking you gonna turn him into a man that's gonna ultimately be able to pay the price thank you so much lovely preach father I thank you a peach I'm sorry lord have mercy thank you sweetheart are y'all catching this I know al I'm stopping a lot but y'all catch eNOS he's able to recognize her pay the price he becomes her husband and then he gets all of the wifey benefits many of you who are searching for these projects you're giving away all of the wifey benefits before the dude is paid the price and he's not even proven to you that he recognizes the value that you are thank you to you and you giving away all of these wifey benefits to this project because you think you can build a ban you think you can build a man you think you can build a husband if he ain't husband when he finds you you can't make him one and see a man that is worthy of you as a man that comes to the table saying now you know I'm looking for a wife I'm not looking for I'm not looking for no one-night stand I'm not looking for no girlfriend I'm looking for a woman that that's gonna be my wife I need a wife I'm not looking to play no games I'm not out here trying to run these streets with no bunch of women I'm looking for somebody I can build a kingdom with I'm a king and every King needs a queen and that's what I'm looking for if he all had that mentality you keep choosing these projects because you think you can take them from their mama house you can take them off the corner you think because you put a suit on him you bring him down and you buy a suit for him that you can turn him in and number two why do you keep getting the same kind of wrong dude number one you choose projects all the time number two you choose out of your subconscious low self-esteem you're choosing men based on low self-esteem and y'all know what I would I would I teach all the time in clean ology I talk about the woman's broken consciousness and if you've not heard my teachings on Queen knowledge you you not read my books or if you've not bought my online program for Queen Islands you've broken consciousness is where a society from religion to academia intentionally breaks the woman's self-consciousness so that she cannot see herself the way the Creator design her every woman is born and are deigned about a creator to be a queen in the earth when the Bible in Genesis talks about God gave them Dominion that's a that's a a royal decree that God gave them authority and power to dominate every woman by the Creator standard is a queen some people try to kick against that but you can't kick against that every woman was created alongside the man to reign in the earth as kings and queens but society Rob's the woman of that Queen consciousness so that society which is a perverted male-dominated society may manipulate the woman because if she doesn't know who she is I can I can make her whatever I want her to be it's it's it's the it's the conscious woman that society is fearful of and so when the woman's consciousness is broken she chooses men out of her subconscious low self-esteem you will always land on what you actually believe you deserve so if you don't believe you if you don't actually believe that you deserve a king you know what will happen a king will walk into your life and you will find a way to sabotage it because you don't actually believe you deserve that a king can present himself to you and be have great interest in you and you will ignore that because you don't actually believe you deserve that and you move right all around the corner and you pick a homeboy up off of the block and you bring him home and you're gonna build you a man you're choosing out of your subconscious low self-esteem and as a consequence you're choosing beneath yourself you're choosing men that are inferior and when I say inferior that mean that you're better than them but it means that they don't match your destiny and you keep getting hurt because it's the unequal yoke the Bible talks about it's like the stallion yoked up to the donkey it's gonna hurt because they're not equivalent stride is not the same the height is not the same the strength is not the same you can't yoke those two together because they don't go together and that's why every relationship you've had has hurt so bad you keep choosing out of your subconscious low self-esteem but it does not measure up to your actual stature so you really watch this may need to do something that you haven't done for most of your adult life you may need to take a chill pill on the relationship stuff until you get your mind right look what the Bible says in Matthew 7 and 6 and this is what happens when a woman is choosing relationships out of broken consciousness or out of a subconscious low self-esteem in Matthew 7 and 6 it says give not that which is holy unto the dogs neither cast ye your pearls before swine so you got a you got to read the Bible for the principles you know there you got to read that you got to see the life principles in the Bible the Bible is a book filled with principles for living effectively and he says give not that which is holy unto the dogs neither cast ye your pearls or your best stuff your most valuable stuff before swine because they're gonna trample it under their feet and then they're gonna turn around and run over you Thank You bride Aubry I don't know if I'm saying it right but when you're choosing out of your subconscious low self-esteem you find yourself giving your best to the dogs you find yourself throwing your pearls to swine and they just stomp them into the mud they don't have no appreciation for the value why because little boys don't appreciate value only grown men do see when you meet a grown man you don't have to convince him of your value grown men recognize value I have I have I have my little my grandsons I have three and three grandsons but one of them in particularly Austin he's the he's the middle one I think Austin's about six years old something like that well I wouldn't take Austin and give Austin you know a full carat diamond solitaire to play with because he's a little boy he doesn't you know you don't have no appreciation for that you know that's a marble to him he'll bring it out there in the grass and lose it because little boys don't understand value doesn't matter how much you sit there telling about it's worth this a mountain and make sure you don't do nothing with don't do nothing crazy with it now well you foolish for putting that in his hands because you should have recognized this is a little boy and little boys don't recognize value takes a grown man to recognize value and so when you're choosing out of your subconscious low self-esteem what you're doing is you're taking yourself which is the greatest value and you're putting yourself trusting yourself in the hands of a little or grown boy who does not have the capacity within himself to recognize the value that you are this is why he mishandles you and mistreats you every time and then you come back from that experience with a whole lot of trauma and you create a whole lot of drama in the next relationship because you put yourself in the hands of somebody that was not mature enough or developed enough to know how to handle you number three I won't be much longer you choose okay now here's a big one right here why you keep ending up with the wrong dude you choose are you choosing out of desperation for a child let's see oh Lord let me see some yeah okay we got loyal to self goddess thank you and we got Latonya thank you all so much and I appreciate you all tonight you're choosing out of desperation for a child you'd be amazed at how and you probably won't because y'all have the conversations be amazing how many women just jump into relationships cuz they want a baby well you know I mean I appreciate that I have four I have four biological children I have I don't know God knows how many spiritual kids I have but I have to say this to you you know there are a whole lot of other things that should be a priority to you that should keep you preoccupied before you get to I want to have a baby you know and if you you know if you don't have the relationship you shouldn't obsess over having a baby I mean they're children that need to be adopted if you know you just got to have a child they're children that need to be adopted now you got the in whatever it didn't not in vitro but you know where they you know do the thing and you can you know do whatever I'd rather you know some people against that but I've read I'd much rather see you do that then go out here with some bogus relationship with somebody that you don't know if they off-the-rack are not making a baby and then you got to spend the rest of your life dealing with this individual that you don't have a clue whether here it is and then you having a you got y'all got to also understand that genetics are real you know whoever sees your child gonna be in your child I'm gonna say that one more time genetics are real whoever sees your child will be in your child so if you're looking across the room at a do what you don't like the last thing you want to do is carry his spawn because you may get more than you bargained for Thank You Carol but a lot of women are choosing the wrong man out of desperation for a child they want a baby so bad you want a baby so bad and you may end up with a baby daddy who's not even capable of being a father so now you have a baby farm he won't show he won't pay child support he won't show up to father the child now you got a now you've got a seed in the world that doesn't have a father so now you got a angry seed and then you may start seeing some of the the spirit that's in the dude you you you so desperately pursued to make the baby with now you may start seeing that stuff develop in the child now you're trying to figure out what kind of son do I have here what kind of daughter do I have here all because you you are desperate for a child and and therefore you in and chose mmm chose bad and in number four you make your choice out of lust you keep making your choices out of lust and see now this is something here y'all might start chiming out on me on this one but too many of you all that that are making major relational decisions out of lust you know you really you're not thinking about this dude's spirit you're not trying to figure out if this dude knows God if he has any kind of personal relationship with God you don't know what his dudes head is you know he may be a complete imbecile you know you haven't even checked out his head you don't know where his soul is you don't know what kind of intellect he has cuz you only really had no conversation like that all y'all been doing is between the sheets and so you just you just full of lust right now you just full of lust and that lust has driven you mad you just and see what lust us to you lust makes you look over all of the danger you just ignore all of the day flags waving everywhere thank you let me see if I can read that Neffe I think I said it right thank you I think I said it right lust makes you ignore all the red flags lust makes you ignore the fact that the police have been to your apartment four times in the last two months lust makes you ignore the fact that you getting beat upside your head you just full of lust you know the devil got you so far out of the spirit you so far out of the spirit you so far out of your right mind you just driven by lust something about this dude this soul tie you've created that just got your mind completely gone you are you have been pimped and now you're just driven by this lust and I ain't talking about I'm not talking about just no women that you are we say in the in the world I'm too much you church girls to get up in these churches and you have these relationships these are ungodly bogus relationships with these church boys who are some of the most ungodly people in the world and you develop all these soul ties and now you just driven by this lust this dude bring you and you know do all of this stuff to you Yvonne I think I said it right do all of this stuff to you all this whole freaky stuff and just just just you know just change I mean just change your settings completely and now you can't hear God you can't hear the counsel of your mother you can't have a counsel of your friends you don't have a counsel of your pasta because now you just driven by law and you keep choosing dudes out of your lust that's why you keep ignoring good dudes and you keep coming back talking about all men of dogs you keep choosing dogs you have some good men that in pursuit of you but then you tall enough see you're vain you full of flesh you full of flesh you haven't really talked to God in a while you haven't really checked in with your common sense in a little while and you keep on making these decisions for these dudes based on their sex appeal where he licked his lips I like the way he lick his lips like LL Cool J he got to cover the color of interest elbow and all this kind of foolish stuff here and you have one time told me nothing about the heart of this man and so you keep on making relational decisions based on lust and you keep on getting the fruit of that lust and then you won't feel my my email box up with all of this stuff about what you gettin but it ain't what you gettin it's not the fruit it's the root and the root comes from the seed where did you start if you start nettle s where you think you go end and look what the Bible says in first John 2:16 and 17 for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world and the world watch this here it is he says lust is of the world out of the Father he says and the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that does the will of God abides forever that the stuff you doing in the bed and all that petting or last that ain't no last you can't build no you can't building a relationship over the lust hey Dwight it's good to see you baby thank you you can't build no relationship off for lust cuz that you no sex to me you know I mean I know everybody everybody you know initially when y'all you know when you don't have everybody want what they don't have but when you sleep with somebody every night and you got access to that all the time that that gets old real fast cuz you start realizing sex ain't paying no bills or at least in yeah in most situations that a pain who bill you know sex ain't pay no bills sex ain't making no progress sex is not raising no children beautiful Empress thank you sex is not advancing of sex ain't buying no houses once you have access to that and you you didn't you didn't maybe they create a no marriage you just went to the altar and created you some wedlock will you lock down in a situation that you really wish you get out of but that lust deceived you and floated you have yourself right on down in an ultimate I do I do I do and then you get home and you sign them papers and you but you asked for now you now you come to your good mind your right mind and now you realize you got a dummy over here Patricia thank you thank you so much I got a dummy Oviatt this ball can't thank yourself out of wet yourself out of a wet paper bag he can't pay no bills he's not a critical thinker he can't help me you know think my way through nothing I got a I've got some tax issues here I can't handle conversation with him all I got over here is a big old sex machine Thank You Carol yeah and bar when you in a situation as a woman and you got problems and you need a man you need the man that can think like a king and all you got is a big old dumb sex machine they go handsome sex machine Thank You Tammy before you talk about disgusting and if you're a king and man you you got a you know dumb woman that can't be you'd run upon some stuff and you came to all she's done is popping that gum and polishing her nails and all this got all this there's a lien all over lips and everything can't wanna wear that so you're making your choice out of out of out of out of lust you keep making choices out of us you keep getting good-looking dudes you know but they ain't got they watch this they are all style and no substance and then thing y'all don't understand you just keep on living a little while keep on living that six-pack gonna turn into a keg in a little while you know that that beautiful wavy hair he got see that right there it's gonna it's gonna go to that right there well you got to just kind of move it it move it around your seat till it even out a little bit it's gonna go to that you see I've been quarantine I ain't get to the people look at all that white coming up up there it's going to that Bay all that jet-black head and it gonna stay like that somethin see I think I'm saying it right angle stay like that thank you and what you gonna be left with when when the sex gets old when the body gets older and tired and you he doesn't have the energy and nobody really has the desire for all of that what's gonna be y'alls common interests amino thank you but you keep on choosing these relationships out of luck and then what's sad now what's sadder and I'm gonna make some of y'all mad is when you old and you're still doing the same thing what you mean by older Bishop you past 35 and you haven't changed your mind something wrong with you you should be thinking on a whole different level now you should be looking for a man that has spirit and brains and resources you passed 35 years old broke man you need a man that got some spirit some brains and some money he may not be rich but he needs to have a work ethic he needs to be responsible he needs to have some credit of his own you shouldn't have to co-sign nothing for him and then if he comes in a package that you appreciate god bless Denise thank you sweetheart thank you so much I appreciate you all now let me finish this before I get in trouble tonight you got it you choosing before you even know who you are that's not that's the fifth and final point why do you keep getting the wrong dude you choose him before you even know who you are most of y'all haven't done in his self-exploration what you did was you got out of high school you went to college and they told you that you need a man and you've been you've been developing soul ties ever since college or maybe even high school and what soul ties do is soul ties consume you so much that you never really take the time to discover who you are your purpose your reason for existing and you don't know who you are and but yet you're out here trying to pair yourself with someone else how do you know who belongs and life if you don't know who you are and and and you choosing before you know who you who you are aren't watch this or where you're going see I was talking to one of my spiritual daughters and she reminded me of it the other day I know the last part Barrett thank you so much she reminded me of it the other day and this is a powerful and true statement you choose somebody to marry entrepreneur journey I think it may say thank you so much you choose someone to marry based on your future not your present when I made a decision to marry Lisa and she accepted I was thinking about my future I wasn't thinking about my present I was thinking about my future you have to choose your mate based on how does this person fit into my preferred future now watch this how can you choose that person if you don't have a vision of what that preferred future looks like and so when you choose when you choose a man before you know who you are or where you're going it's it's it's like choosing sucks in the dark I remember in it note no joke no joke if this may sound funny to y'all but it actually happened I you know I'm always in New Orleans on Sundays when things are normal I start out in New Orleans on Sunday I do two services in New Orleans and then I catch the plane and I go and do my final service at our Houston church my wife is in Houston so I start out in New Orleans I don't have my wife I'm here by myself and so one Sunday I get up and I get dressed you know it's early in the morning when I wake up and usually it's dark like 5:00 something in the morning I wake up start getting ready I get to church I go through two services in New Orleans I get on the plane I get to Houston and my wife looks at me and she's like laughing and shaking her head so I'm like what was that about what you laughing at me she said man look at your feet I looked at my feet and I realized that I had worn two different shoes two totally different shoes what one she was a Gucci the other shoe came from what's the big famous shoe plays they have him all over the country cheaper shoes I had on two different a there was Simula but there was two different shoes I chose those shoes in the dark when you don't know where you're going you're choosing in the dark another Sunday another Sunday I'm telling I'm showing y'all amazing now I get up I get I put my I put my blue suit on boy I know I know I'm clean I know I'm clean I said I know I'm clean I know I'm clean I go through all the drugs I get to Houston my wife's looking at me she laughs at us and she said man you got on one jacket too one suit you got all the pants from another suit what are you doing in New Orleans man and I looked and I really see I don't want all day in front of all the people with the wrong jacket with the wrong panel but I got dressed in the dark when you don't know where you're going that is a depiction of what you're doing with your relationships Bible says a name is three and three oh I feel like preaching here now boy I feel like preaching now if I had an organ I had grown in for y'all some of y'all don't know about that cuz you don't go to church I'll show you if I had an organ the day Amos three and three says can two walk together except they be agreed now how do they know they agree they've got to have a conversation there has to be a meeting of the minds we don't know who can walk together until we can have a meeting of the minds and then conclude that we're on the same page internally so we can go in to say Direction externally can two walk together except they be agreed Thank You Denise you see so you're getting the wrong man because you're choosing before you know where you're going y'all still with me for just a minute I'm done actually but I want to see if I can find something I want to play for you but these things are the kinds of things that are creating havoc in the woman's life relationally trying to find the song we still haven't released the song I'm trying to get with Dave Hollister who wrote and performed a song for my queen ology movement the title of the song is she and it speaks to let's see if this is it okay I don't think I'm gonna be able to get it it speaks to the empowerment of women and I'm not gonna be able to get it I'm sorry I'll play it for y'all next time but it's a powerful song it's the theme song for my movement queen ology I'll get it and I'll play it for you next time I'm on with you but I hope you got something out of this tonight now let me pray for you father I thank you for wisdom I thank you for discretion I thank you for the guidance of the Spirit I think you for discernment and God I thank you for watch this the spirit of self forgiveness I bind the spirit of guilt and shame tonight because there's no room for it all of us have sinned all of us is all of us have errored all of us have made mistakes and so now god I ask you to purge and cleanse tonight and allow your daughters to regroup to restart to renew and god I thank you for the spirit of restoration tonight in Jesus's name that they will not make the same mistakes in Jesus's name but the spirit of wisdom will rest upon them in Jesus's name I pray amen now listen I don't know if you all know it but I've been very productive while I've been in this quarantine I released my book King ology I'm finishing I'm finishing my next book on my perspectives on narcissism from a biblical point of view I may actually finish that this week I don't know if I won't release it as soon Thank You Stacy and I also but this is the part of one to tell you about I also finish you all have asked me for it and I finished it I've finished the online program for soul ties if you've got the book or you watch the videos well now there's an eight part online program for so ties and the way the online program thing works is you go to my website it's a one-time purchase it's $49 and you have access to it for the rest of your life you can move at your own pace and you know going in and out if you will some people get in they go straight through it any one lady sent me an email they say she's going back through queen ology we have the online course of course for queen ology the online course now for soul ties the online course for transcending the father womb we have the online course for women and ministry and all of these are courses that are programs that you do gain access to you have your own you know password you get in and out when you want and move at your own pace and it's you and I it's me sitting and talking directly and I've got nothing but rave reviews over it it's available now we put it up this week on the website at RC Blake's calm thank you though Weaver thank you so much now you all have asked me for it I'm producing this stuff and I need you to support it I need you to go and I need you to go and support it it's on the website now and while we're down the Lord told me to just you know basically put the price where I can make enough money to take care of the people that are part of my team and help me to do the things that I do so we we made all I think transcending the father one is 49 Queen ologies 49 soul ties is 49 and women in ministry I think it's 39 if I'm not mistaken so we've slashed everything why are you sitting down and we're quarantined you need to be working on you right and also along the lines of soul tides we just finished the study guide for soul ties Thank You Lyn and the study guide for soul ties will be coming out very soon because going through the editing process now and very soon we'll be releasing the study guide for soul tide study guide for soul ties those of you that have clean ology or father-daughter talk you know how to study guide thing works and so we're just trying to be extremely productive and I appreciate you all thank you for all of your support now I want you all to stay glued I'll put a link in the description you know we're going to we're actually building out a cyber church that is going to launch soon Thank You Rhonda and many of you have said to me well you know pastor you are I feel like you are my pastor and I and I tried to steer you in other directions try to steer you many of you to local churches but to no avail and so the Lord told me before even this this pandemic to organize a cyber church and you'll actually be a member you gonna go through new members classes and all of that kind of thing you're gonna have all kinds of groups inside of there you'll be an effete I will be a pastor you'll be an official part as for those of you that want the spiritual component you'll be an official member of new home Family Worship Center and I'll be your pastor you'll get married you won't come along as your pastor be that a marriage or one of the pastoral staff members you know you want to get baptized you come to New Orleans of Houston you pass a baptize yeah some will put a link in there for those of you that have interests because when it launches I'm going to film the courses are the new members classes this week they're gonna upload that and you get you'll get information as we get closer to launching so we have a lot going on and just trying to be extremely productive I think that's all I need to talk about thank you all so much if you need to reach out to Lisa and/or myself you can do that at Pastor RFC Blake's at gmail.com also don't forget to sign up for my mailing list at pastor RC Blake's at gmail.com just go there and it's on the front page mailing lists hit the link it's gonna take five seconds sign up for my mailing list so you know when things are happening moves that are being made you know all of that you know and so I think that's I think that's it I think that's it I think that's it I love you all I appreciate you thank you for hanging out with me and helping me to use my quarantine time productively and you may see me again tomorrow night because I got some mud stuff I want to talk about all right I love you I love you have a great one now and know that Lisa and I praying for you and thank God for all of you that's sold into into my life tonight I appreciate it I don't take it lightly thank you so much talk to you all real soon have a great one now share this on your social media pages god bless you
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 45,407
Rating: 4.9605412 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES
Id: La1TtesvV3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 39sec (2979 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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