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good afternoon good afternoon this is RC Blake's and I am so excited to be able to come to you this afternoon and to share what's on my heart with you today if if you're watching this I'd love for you to I don't know how how we really do it on youtube I think you copied a link or I think there may be a means of sharing it to other platforms like Facebook or what have you I'd love for you to share it because I think that the conversation we're going to have today is going to really be relevant and helpful to so many people I see you all coming in of course I can't I can't keep up with your comments so I'm not ignoring you always know that I'm really appreciative but I want to talk about this thing that they relative to developing the skill of self love and this is really dear to my heart for a a number of reasons developing the skill of self love and the reason it's dear to my heart on a personal level is because I went through a season in my life when I was very young that the world around me disapproved not only of my behavior but the world around me disapproved of me as an individual and I for a minute i internalized it and I took it personally and it was through that difficulty that I had to learn how to love myself when when I was you know in an environment that was very toxic very emotionally debilitating and an environment that really sought to rob me of any hope of a future or any sense of personal value it was as a very young person that I had to learn how to love RC Blake's jr. for myself and it's been that capacity to love myself that has emboldened me to be able to do just about everything that I've done in my life because whenever you make up your mind that you're going to do anything that brings you to the next level you're going to you're going to discover that your circle your present circle is going to do you're gonna discover people in your present circle that do not really have your best interest at heart and if you're not a person that is given to self love and you're a person that is in need of their approval or their affirmations you'll find yourself divorcing your future to maintain your history divorcing your destiny to maintain your history and so self love is important because you will never self actualize if you do not if you do not love yourself and if you've if you've been with me in queen ology at all those of you that have have come to queen ology self actualisation is the process of really maximizing and manifesting all that god is putting you to deposit into the world well the world does not want you to manifest the world around you does not want you to maximize and to fully Express everything that God has put in you and there will be more than a few occasions where you will have to be the engine of your own destiny because no one else will participate and if you don't have a sufficient self love you will always find yourself sabotaging your future for the sake of pleasing people who are really meant to be your past so this message is very important to me and I was just kind of looking and the definition that I found for self love is to regard one's own well-being and happened that's really kind of vague another self love is the love you and I have for ourselves this is mine actually that regulates what we accept from others as well as it generates the way we treat others self-love is the love I have for myself and it's the love that I possess for myself that will regulate what I accept from others and it is also what generates the way I treat others because when I when I have self-love it again regulates what I accept from you because I'm not going to allow you to treat me beneath what I've established for myself when you see people who accept ill treatment abuse and misuse and disrespect from others it is the clearest indication that there is a what a lack of self-love if you're watching this right now and and you know that you're being disrespected you know that you're being dishonored you know that you're being mishandled and mistreated and you keep showing up for it that's an indication to you that there's something that has to be adjusted in your own soul you don't have a sufficient self-love because when you have self-love it will regulate what you accept from others and it also I put it it generates the way I treat others because I treat others as I would have them treat me so I don't treat other people in a fashion that I find beneath myself a disrespectful to me I treat others as I treat myself and the Bible says that we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves so self-love is important but it's also important to to make a notation here that self-love is not it's not self-absorbed absorption sometimes I get those words they're hard for me to pronounce you're not absorbed consumed you're not consumed with yourself that's narcissism self-love is not you know just being enamored with yourself to the point that you're the subject of every every all of your conversations your your the theme of all of your thoughts no no no no self-love is where there's a healthy balance and there's a healthy respect for who you are why God made you and your value and your worth and all of this has to be internal self-love is not some bogus affirmation you feel when you know some body tells you I love you in a sexual position that's that's that's brokenness that's broken consciousness self-love is the value and the worth you experience within your own soul separate and apart from anybody else it's the love you have it's depreciation you have it's the value and the worth you generate from within before the world ever gets involved it's always generated from within which brings me to point number one for those of you that may be riding but just in well let me let me make this statement before I give you point one I said in terms of my definition self-love is the love you have for yourself that regulates what you accept from others as well as generates the way you treat others when you love yourself you will always treat others well people that treat other people poorly do not love themselves the narcissist treats other people poorly because there's a self-hatred when you really love yourself you treat other people well but those of you that struggle those of you to consider yourselves divas or what's the the male counterpart to that you know bosses or whatever dudes call themselves and you treat everybody else bad all of that bravado is really a cover-up for an empty self-esteem because people who love themselves treat other people well the only reason we would treat other people poorly is because we're trying to compensate for an emptiness in ourselves when you know and you feel complete within yourself you're not intimidated nor do you feel the need to diminish anyone else to make yourself feel better right self-love regulates your capacity to determine real love that's the statement I wanted to make before I get into my four points as it pertains to developing the skill of self-love self-love regulates your capacity to determine real love this is why this is why I teach that a person must master individuality before person embraces coupling this is why I believe the book of Genesis shows us that male and female were created as individuals before God brought them together it's because the the ability to love oneself is the thing that regulates your capacity to determine real love many of you have not been able to determine real love because you've not had the opportunity you've not taken the opportunity should I say to really learn how to love yourself so you've been involved in things like sex and all kinds of relationships in relational games and you've not really taken the time to fully into completely love yourself and love for oneself is the thing that gives you the capacity to determine real love but real love starts with you you can't give it until you have it right okay number one self-love I believe I believe that developing the skill of self-love starts with inner definition inner self definition inner definition self love finds its foundation on identity identity is the source of emotional and social stability when you know who you are it makes you when you have a clear identity a sound and solid and valid authentic identity it it creates emotional and social stability you know when people see me sometimes they don't know that I am a preacher because I don't always behave like a preacher I don't always dress like a preacher I don't always talk like a preacher I don't always teach like a preacher I deal with things that most preachers don't deal with some some of the stuff I deal with some of the things are taboo in in the church and yet I'm able to deal with it without fear of retribution Thank You Mel god bless you thank you mail because my identity is intact so if I say something or if I believe something or if I portray something that may not appeal to the masses and the masses lash back I can handle that because my sense of identity does not come from you or them or her him doesn't come from anywhere out here it comes from within so if the world disregards me if the world betrays me if the world you know whatever it does not move me in terms of my Constitution because my definition comes from the inside see many of you that are watching me right now you're defined by everything but what's on the inside you're defined by labels you know you have to have a certain label back here to make you feel like somebody you're defined by the what is it the the emblem on the hood of your car you're defined by the address you know your zip code you're defined by the people you hang out with you're defined by all of this stuff that you really have no control over you we don't control much of what's going on out here what we really ultimately have control over is what's going on within us and self-love starts with an inner self definition when the world listen to this very carefully when the world cannot leave any imprint on your self evaluation or estimation you are then truly free Queen know who I am thank you thank you thank you thank you I love you let me read that again when the world cannot leave any imprint on your self-evaluation or estimation you are then truly free now I've had I've had church people that religious people to say I don't believe that stuff he teaching and you know he's over here doing all of this and and I don't think he's this I don't think he's they say they can say some cruel and hurtful well I'm not not really hurtful to me anymore it used to hurt but it doesn't hurt me anymore because my inner definition when the world cannot leave any imprint on your self-evaluation you are then truly free you know that you really love yourself when the world can say we reject you and you can say really I'm sorry cool hollow you know because it starts within a definition and you know from my perspective as a Christian that definition starts that in a definition starts with and ends with God everything that happens inside of me is involves to two entities that would be God and myself and so my I find my definition in God you know period in the Bible says in acts 17:28 for in him we live and move Thank You Jennifer and have our beam for in him we live and move and have our being that's that's where I find my definition because I search for I search for definition in all of the things that the world outlined I searched for it in relationships I searched for it in sex I searched for it and things materialism in other words I searched for it in machismo being you know being a macho man I searched for it an ego tripping out shining and outdoing everybody I searched for than all of that the only time I really came to a place where I could really genuinely authentically love the person that I looked at in the mirror every day was when I turned to God when my focus turned spiritual when it moved away from social when it moved away from material when it moved away from sexual when it moved away from ego and my focus turned spiritual when I turned to God it was then that God gave me the innocence of Who I am and there was a peace and a confidence that came upon me that the world couldn't understand the church couldn't understand it it's because you know you find so few people in life who really have a solid self definition most people are performing to be accepted most people are grasping for this to be defined when a person comes to a place where you understand that your definition is nothing to do with what you have who you're connected to nothing to do with any of that it's then that you have a piece and there's a there's a confidence there's a light there's a light that comes on behind your eyes that the world looks at you and they know that something is different they can't necessarily put their hand on it you know they can't there's a piece about this person there's a there's a there's a stability there's a rest there's a liberty but it starts with what in our definition you have you have to get you have to get away from all of this other stuff you know you know I believe you ought to look good you know I believe I just I have I have personally I have very extravagant tastes you can bring into store you don't show me any labels and more than more than likely I'm gonna pick up if you say but peace do you really really love more than likely is gonna be the piece that cost the most or one of the most expensive pieces have that so I don't I don't kick against that is it Nikki thank you you know you ought to look good but don't define yourself by that you ought to pray for God to give you a great circle of friends I have the greatest circle of friends now that I've ever had in my life but I wasn't something I felt like I needed I was a head I had a personal sense of self love and I was defined within myself before God brought all of these great people into my life you have to get to the place where you go inside for definition that's the beginnings of self love where you you you wake up and you realize all of this stuff I've been defining myself by you know all on Instagram social media betraying myself is this and all that most of that stuff is you know all these these Instagram images most of that stuff is fake people send on their time i D my olenin a broker why what is the point you know there's people I know on Instagram I don't mean to go off on a tangent but let me just say it is their people I know on Instagram and 99% of that stuff that they put on there is never the expression of who they really are if you don't know them you would never really conclude that that that you would never be able to locate their true self based on that stuff they have on Instagram if you all on Instagram and all you got to put on it I'm the best I'm number 1 Nikki coming for my spot coming for your spot that's fake man just chill you know give the people something of substance let the people really feel you and know who you are that's not you you're not you're not an egomaniac you're not you're not a person you're not a narcissist carried away with self-promotion you're better than that but it's because you don't have an inner definition that you feel like you have to portray all of this stuff to the world because you feel like your value comes from the world's acceptance of you and as a consequence if the world doesn't accept you you don't you don't feel any sense of self love now check your definition check yourself definition by asking yourself this question Who am I Who am I check yourself definition by asking yourself this question Who am I and more than likely you're going to come back probably and this was interesting in I forget the name of the movie man it's this the latest Christian movie that just came out of wind so it forgot the name of it already I think it's over comer they went through this drill in the movie where the man asked the other man who are you and he said well i'ma eat something like I'm I'm a I'm a father I'm a husband you know it's okay if we take that away from you who are you I'm a you know husband take that way who are you I'm a coach you know take that away from you who are you you know I'm a citizen I'm an American he said I'm a white male Oh take if we can take all that away from you who are you this is a drill all of us must go through where you stand in the mirror and you ask yourself this question over and over again see because I can tell you watch this I can tell you and this is where self-love begins where there's a solid and authentic then they think the name of the movies overcomer go and see it if you haven't where there's a solid and authentic in a definition that cannot be shaken and as I just told you my my inner definition is founded grounded in God see because I you could ask me well who are you cause okay well I'm an author well you don't have to be that could be taken away from you I'm a pastor that could be taken away from where the what if I wake up tomorrow and I can't talk I can't speak past the church can't speak I'm a father what am i children are taken away from me what if they disowned me all of these things can be taken away from you and in the movie the guy kept asking him and he's kept drilling deeper and deeper and deeper and finally the man said I'm a Christian I love God I live for God that's that that's the part of you that's the core that cannot be shaken cannot be imprinted on by the world and see that's where we that's what we're trying to get to we're trying to get to that part of you that is so authentic and so pure that it doesn't matter if all of the trappings of life are wiped away from your life overnight it's still who you are and when you find that person and you accept that person it's then that you will identify a capacity to love yourself now here's here's another is another statement we will always define ourselves by what we give our hearts to thank you sunny we will always define ourselves by what we give our hearts to so in a definition in a definition point number two skills two steps to developing the skill of self-love validation learning to validate all external data number one we said it starts with finding that in a definition number two learning to validate all external data because watch this even once you've identified and located your inner definition and you come up with who you really are and you accept that and you love you fall in love with your authentic self separate and apart from any outside influences you have to understand this the world you live in is going to always it's going to constantly give you a barrage of messages to contradict what is going on or what you know in your spirit and so it means that if you're going to really develop the skill of self love you're going to have to constantly validate all external data you can't just accept information into your ear into your soul into your spirit without validating it Bible calls it trying the spirit when you are on the journey of self love when you are on the journey of self love you must always be aware of the voices you hear is that Chaya I hope I'm saying it right forgive me if I'm not when you're on the journey of self-love you must always be aware of the voices you hear you've got to be careful will you talk to or who you allow to talk to you all of the enemies of your self-esteem are attacking you through words this is why when we talk about you know narcissistic abuse this is why the the principle of no contact is so important it's because when your soul has been damaged by such a demonic person you can't afford to hear those words because they they do what they relapse you so all of the enemies of your self esteem yourself worth yourself love are attacking you through words you must validate the source of every opinion and comb through the content of every conversation you know I've gotten so astute at this that I can have a conversation with a person and and be you know respectfully and seemingly fully engaged and at the same time while they're talking I'm I'm analyzing almost like a computer every word is coming out of them especially when I don't know you I'm analyzing every word that comes out of your mouth and there's some things that come out that I cast away and I don't even entertain you know there's a stuff up process and I say okay I can receive that but I don't allow people to just influence my my soul because if you influence my soul you then influence my emotion you then influence my mood you then influence my health so I don't III validate all data I don't allow anybody to just free pour into my soul without me thinking about what you just said and determining if I should receive this or not especially in spiritual environments like a church or you know wherever other place you go where it's a spiritual environment you have to be careful with that stuff because you have a tendency to just walk into environments like that and just be wide open and think that everybody in there loves God and has the right intentions in some of the most demonic that molecule people in the world are religious and they intentionally poison your life and so you have to begin to validate all external data because a person can say something and plant something in your spirit that will make you doubt your own worth doubt John worth now here's an example of what I mean and when I used this example this is relative to a relative of mine we were kids so this was not you know this was this was this was innocent but it was still nonetheless it was still impactful I had just learned that I was a a teen father and we're going to be a teen father at 14 baby was born at 15 and here in New Orleans there's a place called the riverfront the riverfront back then is where this is literally about 40 years ago yeah 40 years ago the riverfront back then was a place where men who did not have education could go in labor to earn a living men who did not have an education to go in labor to earn a living men who did not have an education to go to the riverfront to labor to earn a living well I was walking through the mall and a cousin of mine rolled up on his bicycle and he had heard that my oppas getting ready to be a dad at you know he's just 14 years old and he drives up he rides up on me with his bike and he he calls me you know we read real hard in my family you've got thin skin you don't wanna be in my family he rides up on me and he says what's happening river front and I think about what I just told you the river front was a place where people who did not have much education could go to labor hard labor to earn a living and he didn't have a clue he was joking and I laughed it off but it took me years to really uproot those words from my soul because when he said that the imagery that I had of myself was less than ideal and I had to fight to not allow those words to imprison me to a lower standard because when he said it all I heard was okay it's impossible for you to be anything other than just a laborer or nothing there's nothing wrong with that but I had bigger dreams there's impossible you're not even gonna be able to get an education you've made a child while you're child so it's over for you and say people come not kids not little teenagers like that but grown people come intentionally to plant seeds in your mind to make you second-guess your own value your own worth in your future and so you have to validate every external source of data you got to validate it is this making sense now in queen ology recently in chronology there was a dear lady who said to me in so many words that she was coming out of a relationship with a toxic person I think she described the person the man as a narcissist and she was at this was during the Friday night thing where we had Q&A and he can ask me anything and so I'm trying to remember exactly how it went but it the words of Approval narcissists were troubling her and she said she couldn't process some of the things he said and I asked a question I said is he a liar she said yes and so my next question to her was why are you trying to process the words of a liar and this is a very well-educated woman the room is usually filled with women that are fairly well educated I mean some of them actually psychiatrists and psychologists that come the queen ology you doctors and lawyers literally and you tell this one it was a very well-educated woman and she paused and she thought about why am i trying to process the words of a proven liar spoken over my life you have to validate all external sources listen to what the Bible says in mark 4 in 24 it says and he said unto them take heed what you hear take heat with you with what measure you mete it shall be measured to you and unto you that here shall more be given whatever you pay attention to it's going to multiply in your life it's gonna produce in your life another portion of trip scripture says death and life are in the power of the tongue when a person is talking the either speaking life into you or they're speaking death into you so you have to what validate the external data the stuff that's coming at you all day long you have to validate it 2nd Corinthians 10 4 and 5 says for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God see that's the process of taking every word that is spoken analyzing it discerning that word validating that word and if it does not line up with the God in you and if it does not serve you well you what you pull that down and you cast it away don't even receive it you don't even try to process that you just throw that away like trash it doesn't matter number three I'm taking too long number three you have to not only must you strive for inner definition hope that made sense to you not only must you validate all external data but number three you must process what I call free radicals out of your subconscious mind process free radicals out of your subconscious mind now free radicals are those things that float through your subconscious mind unaware it's you know in in a biological sense of free radical is a destructive cell that floats throughout the system creating problems like cancer free radicals in a spiritual and emotional sense a free radical is an emotion or thought that lives in your system sabotaging your sense of peace worth identity and happiness all of us have these emotional free radicals that float around honor we're not even aware that they're there and the you know sometimes a word can be spoken something can happen and it triggers that free radical you know like like people that let me give you an example people that struggle with free radicals or people that okay let me use my wife as a real-life example my wife is the product of sexual trauma she was sexually abused as a child that still makes me sad to be quite honest with you though she's you know overcoming and she's she's beyond it and she's using her pain to bring healing to others but there there was a certain word a term of endearment that I used with my wife one day and she said please don't call me that and I said why be and then she began to explain to me that this was the term that certain of her abusers used when they would abuse her and so it triggered something in her and see all of us on some level one level or another we have these free radicals that float around in our subconscious mind that we have to process that if we don't identify them and eliminate them they can sabotage the way we subconsciously see ourselves right now listen to what the Bible says in Hebrews 12 and 15 looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled he says when you allow a root of bitterness to live in you it's like a free radical he says it springs up at the most inopportune time and it troubles you and it defiles others all of us have to locate those free radicals that are troubling us and breaking down our sense of self-worth prohibiting us from really having an authentic and genuine and whole and complete self-love you know and in number four and then I'll let you go thank you all for chiming in I know my times always all over the place one of these days I'll be at a point where I can have a consistent time number four you have to create internal esteem it's called self esteem for reason Katt Williams said because esteem is something you have to produce for yourself esteem is like blood you have to be able to produce it from the inside or you can't live you can't live constantly off of transfusions at some point your body's gonna have to produce blood and likewise you can only go so far off of the applause of people somebody pat you on the back somebody saying oh you're great you're beautiful you're a winner you know at some point you have to be able to create internal internal esteem you have to be able to build yourself up because the world is going to more times than not work to tear you down the world gonna sell you to dark you to your to light you're white you're black you're Asian Hispanic you know your nose is too wide you need to get rid of the beard you know your hairline is too you know what's up with that you know the world's gonna always have something to say and you're you're gonna have to have internal esteem especially for women I believe because the world says if you're not like the woman on the cover of what is it Vogue magazine is it or one of those kinds of things if you're not if you're not Caucasian and a size zero you're not beautiful so if you're Caucasian and your size 20 you're not beautiful if you're black and your size 14 you're not beautiful if you're Asian and you're you know your size zero you're not beautiful because the world says this the reality is you're beautiful just like you are and so as a consequence because we have we lack that self-love we have what we have white people burning yourselves up in the in the tanning booth and got people shooting injections in your bottom to make it brown like black women and you got black women bleaching skin tryin to be like white women and getting liposuction taking a little out of your bottom to try to be like you see how confusing that is you have to find this esteem from within and you have to look in the mirror and you have to love the you you see and the beautiful thing about loving you and accepting you is that when you accept yourself the world does not have a vote Wow that's powerful in June one in twenty says but she beloved building up yourselves watch this all in your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit building up yourselves on your faith nobody should participate in your esteem but you and God when you come out of your prayer experience you ought to be so built up that it doesn't matter what the world throws at you it does not impact you because your esteem is internal it's insulated they can say what they want they can have whatever opinion they want to have they cannot move you because your esteem is insulated look how Jude and I'll finish with this look how jewel one and twenty reads in the amplified it says but you below Bill yourselves up on the foundation of your most holy faith continually progress rise like an edifice higher and higher pray in the Holy Spirit you have to be able to build yourself up in God that your esteem is manufactured internally never waiting on you know I'm gonna feel like somebody when I have a husband or when I have a woman I'm gonna feel like somebody when I make six figures or when I get the job mm-hmm I sit here in this house and I talk to myself and I build myself up before I embrace the world because I know the world is coming out bunging I build myself up and these are just four things that I've outlined that I believe are fundamental in terms of developing the skill of self-love now to to actually facilitate this for many of you will require that God will empty your life of all distractions relationships that are not ordained some of you my greatest preffer is that God will cause these people that are in your life that are not ordained for your life to just leave break your hearts so your soul can heal that's my prayer for you I know you're cutting me off now God calls the people that are not ordained to just leave walk out of their lives they're not strong enough to put them out so God kicked them out break their hearts so their souls can heal times your heart has to break for your soul to heal you don't learn how to love you until you're left with just you hmm hope you got something out of this today hope you got something out of this today brother Charles thank you for thank you for hanging in here with me today it's always good to see a brother in with me god bless you let me pray for you today father God I thank you for thank you for the revelation of this word and now father as I pray for them my prayers that you will uproot every lie that has been planted in their minds that they're not enough that they're not good enough that they are worthless all of these negative and derogatory labels that the world and ungodly people that put up on their heads that they have accepted in their minds God we uproot them now in the name of Jesus Christ in God I thank you for freedom in the Spirit Holy Spirit I thank you for moving upon every person under the sound of my voice and by your power breaking down the strongholds that have been established in their minds and giving them the power to move forward onward and upward from this place and God I thank you for generating a self-love giving them the capacity to see themselves as you see them and to accept themselves as you accept them in the name of Jesus Christ we give you praise amen hey this is your first time on my channel please subscribe we'd love to have you in our family we'd love to have you in our family and if you've not gone to my website and subscribe to my email group I need you to go to RC Blake's comm and subscribe also check out live events we have some something very powerful I'm going to a lot of places at the end of this year I'm going to other people's events and I'll be speaking there but next year we're going we're planning a few things the thing that is on the books now that you can actually sign up for is that we're doing a cruise in July of 2020 with cruising the West End Caribbean it's a 7-night cruise leaving out of Galveston Texas and it's where queen ology will meet king ology now it's not people here that they think it's a couple's thing it's not necessarily a couple's thing it's just where I'm writing the book king ology and it's where we're going to have sessions where we're going to have queen ology we're going to have sessions for the men as well relative to King ology we're gonna have activities for the children which the cruise ship is the Royal Caribbean is gonna have all kinds of activities for the children childcare and all of that so it's really something for the whole family it's also for singles and you can you can come with Lisa and I in 2020 cruising the Western Caribbean is where King ology will meet queen ology Oh queen ology will meet King ology on the highest seas we're also coming to London England next year just got off the phone with Lisa and she's finalizing some things for London as well as we're gonna have a date for Toronto Canada next year so we're going international for the most part in 2020 and we'd love to have you as a part of it but you can go right now to RC Blake's comm and if you know the cruise is something you want to do you can you know do whatever you got to do to make you deposit I think the deposit is just two hundred and forty or fifty dollars something like that and you can come in join us in 2020 now I'm also on on September the 22nd in the city of New Orleans we're calling it Cyber Sunday and I'm inviting all of my social media family to meet me at the new home Family Worship Center in New Orleans for our 8:00 a.m. service and we just want to look on you and we we I would just need you to call this number 5:04 if somebody is writing please write this down so some I can copy it five zero four five six nine eight two zero five and just let them know that you're going to be present and we just won't you know have some nice little things for you and love on you as our extended family also on that day information is going to be shared relative to something else that's coming up in 2020 we are launching the new home Family Worship Center each church so many all across the country and around the world said well pastor I can't find a church that really ministers to me and you have become my pastor so we're going to accommodate our cyber family through the new home Family Worship Center a church you go through new members class like like people were physically present you'll have contact to elders and people that can pray for you you're gonna be a you're gonna be on the actual role of new home Family Worship Center and will be that church for you until God plants you in a physical place that's the number Thank You Liz Dow that number if you plan on being with us on the 22nd probably tomorrow because the office hours are done at this point but Dow that number to Marlon lime I'll be there on the 22nd 8:00 a.m. service so I'm done I've been with you an hour I love you I thank God for you you guys mean so much to me what is the name of the church new home Family Worship Center that's the church that I pastor in the city of New Orleans and in the city of Houston Texas and actually I think on YouTube you can look for new home FWC there's an actual YouTube channel for the church you can you can chime in to our Bible studies you can see our live worship experiences every Sunday morning and the eat churches is gonna be just another level I think you're gonna access it through the website come home to new home that org and of course you know membership has its benefits and so I love you I love you I love you I love you god bless you when are you at the house Church I'm I'm at the main Church in New Orleans pretty much every Sunday morning it's a rare occasion that I'm not at the main church every Sunday morning for 8:00 a.m. and then I go to East New Orleans and we really have a campus past in East New Orleans so he showed us a lot of the load and then I try to make my way to Houston Texas you know providing that my schedule allows I try to make it to all three some Sundays I make all three some Sundays I don't want to make too low you know something like that but I'm usually at the main church every Sunday morning for 8:00 a.m. and you can be a part of it all right I've been with you enough I love you I thank God for you and just know that somebody's praying for you and you're on top and you're going high your God has more in store for you god bless you titanium god bless you thank you so much god bless you
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 109,580
Rating: 4.9407091 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES, SAMUEL BLAKES
Id: 0SOiIqP67fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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